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Third report of the Seychelles Bird Records Committee Adrian Skerrett, MichaelBetts, Ian Bullock, DavidFisher, Ron Gerlach, Rob Lucking,John Phillipsand Bob Scott Troisieme rapport du Comite d’Homologation Seychellois. Le troisieme rapport quinquennal du Comite d’Homologation Seychellois, cree en 1992, est presente ici. II comprend les donnees acceptees d’especes occasionnelles (especes enregistrees moins d’une fois par an) au 31 decembre 2003. Les changements intervenus depuis 2000 dans le statut des especes sur la liste seychelloise sont mentionnes. Deux especes, precedemment considerees comme occasionnelles, ont ete reclassees comme annuelles et une autre est maintenant consideree comme annuelle dans les lies du groupe d’Aldabra. Seize especes occasionnelles ont ete ajoutees a la liste des Seychelles depuis la publication du rapport precedent (voir Bull ABC8: 23-29, 2001). Avec ces changements, le nombre des especes enregistrees aux Seychelles est passe a 239, dont 63 especes nicheuses, 27 migrateurs annuels, septespeces eteintes et 140 occasionnels.Toute espece non annuelle estcitee, avec le nombre de mentions homologuees ainsi que File sur laquelle l’observation a ete faite et le (ou les) mois. Vingt-deux groupes de donnees indeterminees dignes d’interet sont presentes. Deux sous-especes occasionnelles sont egalement reprises. Des details supplementaires sont four- nis pourles especes enregistrees pour lapremiere fois depuis lapublication du rapportprecedent. Summary Seychelles Bird Records Committee, formed in 1992, publishes reports at intervals of five years. This report summarises all accepted records ofvagrants (species recorded less than annually) to 31 December2005. Changes in status ofspecies on the Seychelles listsince2000 are noted. Two species previously classed as vagrants have been reclassified as annual and one other is nowconsidered as annual in theAldabragroup. Sixteenvagrantspecies have been added to the Seychelles list since publication ofthe previous report. Including these changes the number of species recorded in Seychelles at 31 December2005 is 239. All species ofless than annual occur- rencearelistedgivingthenumberofacceptedrecords plus islands andmonths recorded.Twenty- two groups ofindeterminate records worthy ofnote are given. Two vagrant subspecies are also listed. Full details ofspecies recorded for the first time since publication ofthe previous report are given. Seychelles Bird Records Committee (SBRC) was Seychelles). This third report includes all records formed in 1992. The committee decided to ofvagrants (speciesofless than annualoccurrence) publish its reports in an international journal at accepted up to 31 December 2005. intervals offiveyears, with the first report in 1996 The status ofsome species has been reviewed (Skerrett & Seychelles Bird Records Committee since the second SBRC report as follows: (1) Barn 1996) and the second in 2001 (Skerrett & Swallow Hirundo rustica and Tree Pipit Anthus Seychelles Bird Records Committee 2001). The trivialis previously treated as vagrants, are now , current committee members are Michael Betts, considered annual migrants throughout Ian Bullock, David Fisher, Ron Gerlach, Rob Seychelles. SBRC continues to collect reports of Lucking, John Phillips, Bob Scott and Adrian sightings, but does not ordinarilyrequestsupport- Skerrett, with consultants Phil Chantier (swifts), ing documentation. (2) Broad-billed Roller Dick Forsman (raptors), John Marchant (waders), Eurystomus glaucurus previously classified as a , Tony Palliser (seabirds) and Robert Prys-Jones vagrant, is considered annual in the Aldabra (museums). group. It is still considered a vagrant east of the A summary of notable sightings received by Aldabra group. (3) Sixteen species have been SBRC is published everysix months in the Recent added to the Seychelles list, namely: Kermadec Reports section of Bull. ABC whilst accepted Petrel Pterodroma neglecta, Matsudairas Storm- records are listed in Birdwatchmagazine (thequar- petrel Oceanodroma matsudairae, Squacco Heron terly journal of the Nature Protection Trust of Ardeola ralloides, Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus, 170-BullABCVol13No2(2006) ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. PallidHarrier Circusmacrourus, SakerFalconFalco Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinuspacificus ckerrug, Little Crake Porzanaparva, Stone-curlew One ‘out-of-range’ record (south and west ofthe Burhinus oedicnemus, Madagascar Pratincole Amirantes): Aldabra; February. Glareola ocularis, Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gre- Flesh-footed ShearwaterPuffinus carneipes garius, Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus, Four records: between Fregate and Recifs, near White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa, Grey-headed Farquhar, between Astove and Desroches, near KingfisherHalcyonleucocephala, BimaculatedLark Desroches; May, October, December. Melanocorypha bimaculata, Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka and Chiffchaff Phylloscopus Wilson’s Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus collybita. (4) The number of species recorded in Four records: near Bird, near Farquhar, near Seychelles inthesecondreportwasgivenas 224, if Desnoeufs, near St Francois; April, October, Abbott’s Sunbird Nectarinia sovimanga abbotti November. ( ) was regarded as a species, something that was in White-faced Storm-petrel Pelagodroma marina doubt at the time. Subsequent examination of DNA Three records: south-east of Boudeuse, west- mitochondrial does not support this northwest ofDesroches, north ofRemire; May. (Warren etal. 2003). Therefore, treatingAbbott’s Sunbird as onlyarace ofSouimangaSunbird, and Swinhoes Storm-petrel Oceanodroma monorhis addingnewrecords, the numberofspecies record- Three records: Praslin, between Aldabra and ed in Seychelles as of31 December 2003 is 239. Assomption (2); October, December. This comprises 63 breeding species, 27 annual Matsudaira’s Storm-petrel Oceanodroma migrants, seven extinct species and 140 vagrants. matsudairae The following list details accepted records for One record: two at sea between Providence and all 140 vagrants, plus Broad-billed Roller records Alphonse, 20-21 August 2000. east of the Aldabra group and two vagrant sub- species.Twenty-two groups ofnoteworthyrecords Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis where the species involved was undetermined are Two records: between Mahe and South-east also listed. Records of breeding species outside Island, Platte; December. their normal range are listed for the first time Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus (ninerecords). Foreachspecies, numberofaccept- Five records: Bird (2), Aride (2), Mahe; all ed records, island or atoll (in chronological order months. ofaccepted records) and month(s) ofoccurrence are given. Details are given for records ofthe 16 Great Cormorant Phalacrocoraxcarbo new species recorded since the second report of One record: offCousin; January. SBRC. Long-tailed Cormorant Phalacrocoraxafricanus Southern Giant PetrelMacronectesgiganteus Two records: Aldabra, Hodoul Island/Mahe; One record: Recifs, Mahe; July-October. January-November. Pintado Petrel Daption capense Great (Eurasian) Bittern Botaurusstellaris One record: between Cosmoledo and Four records: Aride, Praslin, Mahe, Cousine; Assomption; September. October-November. Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus One record: one intermediate phase, Cousin, 29 Two records: Fregate, Aride; October, January. August 2003, and one, presumably same individ- & Squacco HeronArdeola ralloides ual, 29 June 2004 (Eikenaar Skerrett 2006). Two records: one at the Inter-Island Quay, Mahe, Jouanin’s Petrel Bulweriafallax 21 September2002; oneattheairstrip andedgeof Ten records: near Aldabra (4), near Farquhar (2), hotel area, Bird, 10-13 October 2002 (Tiatousse near Alphonse, near Desnoeufs, near Bird (2); etal 2005). February-April, July, October-December. ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. BullABCVol13No2(2006)-171 Madagascar Pond HeronArdeola idae MallardAnasplatyrhynchos Two out-of-range’ records (all islands excluding One record: Silhouette; December-January. Aldabra): Aride, North; August, November. Northern PintailAnasacuta Indian Pond HeronArdeolagrayii Seven records: Mahe (2), Cousin, Aride, Praslin Four records: Bird, Mahe, Fregate, Denis; (2), Silhouette; November-February. September-February. Northern ShovelerAnas clypeata Ardeola sp. Eight records: Assomption, Mahe (3), Fregate, Seven indeterminate records: Cousin, Bird (2), Bird, Praslin, Aride; October-March. Mahe (2), Fregate, Denis; March, Ferruginous DuckAythya nyroca October-January. Three records: Mahe; April, May, December. Little Egret Egrettagarzetta OspreyPandion haliaetus Nineteen records: Mahe (14), Fregate, La Digue, Two records: Praslin, Denis; July-February. Silhouette (3); October-June. European(Western) Honey Buzzard Pernis Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia apivorus Two records: Mahe, Platte; March-October. Three records: Felicite, Praslin, D’Arros; Great EgretEgretta alba September-October, March-May. Nine records: Mahe (3), Aldabra (3), Praslin, Black Kite Milvus migrans D’Arros, Desroches; February, May, July- Two records: Silhouette, Cousin; December. December. Yellow-billed Kite Milvus migrans aegyptius Purple HeronArdeapurpurea [ ] Thirty-two records: Curieuse, Bird (4), Mahe Six records: Aldabra (6); October-February, August. (11), Praslin (2), La Digue (4), Aride (2), Fregate (2), Silhouette (3), Platte, Alphonse (2); Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus April-May, July-February. One record: immature male, Platte, & January-March 2002 (Skerrett Roest 2003). White Stork Ciconia ciconia Five records: Mahe (2), Bird, Denis, D’Arros; Montagu’s/Pallid Harrier C.pygargusImacrourus December-February, April. One indeterminate record: Aldabra; March. Glossy Ibis Plegadisfalcinellus Western Marsh Harrier Circusaeruginosus Three records: up to 12 at the airstrip, Denis Two records: Fregate, Mahe; January-February. Island, 22 February2003; up to sixat LaPasse, La Booted Eagle Hieraaetuspennatus Digue, mid-January to 27 March 2003; one at One record: Mahe; November. Beau Vallon, Mahe, 3-6 December 2003 & (Hoareau Skerrett 2005). Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Three records: Praslin, Bird, Mahe; April-May, Sacred Ibis Threskiornisaethiopicus October-December. One record: Aldabra; February. Lesser Kestrel/Common Kestrel Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber E naumanni/tinnunculus Three ‘out-of-range’ records (excluding Aldabra): One indeterminate record: Praslin; November. Mahe, Farquhar, Fregate; January-May, October, December. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus White-facedWhistling Duck Dendrocygna Four records: Bird, Aride (3); November- December. viduata Four records: Aldabra (3), Assomption; April, Amur Falcon Falco amurensis June, September. Twenty-two records: Desroches (2), Cousine, Ruddy Shelduck Tadornaferruginea Fregate (3), Mahe, Aride (2), Alphonse (6), Platte, One record: Mahe; December. La Digue, Praslin, Bird (3), Silhouette;July-March. 172-BullABCVol13No2(2006) ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Eleonoras Falcon Falco eleonorae Twenty-four records: Cousin, Aldabra (9), Aride Six records: Aldabra, Mahe (4), Aride; (5), Fregate (3), Assomption, Silhouette (2), October-August. Platte, Alphonse, Bird; October-February. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Four records: Mahe, Praslin, Bird, Alphonse; SootyFalconFalco concolor Five records: Aldabra, Fregate, Aride (3); September-May. November-December. Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus Eleonoras/SootyFalconF. eleonorae!concolor One record: one at the tern colony and adjacent One indeterminate record: Aldabra; April. beach, Bird Island, 24 October 2004-9 February 2005. Eurasian FlobbyFalco subbuteo Seventeen records: Cousine, Mahe (3), Cousin Collared Pratincole Glareolapratincola (2), Aride (4), Fregate, Denis, Silhouette (2), Four records: Praslin (2), Fregate, Mahe; January; October-November. Alphonse (2), Bird; October-January. Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum Saker Falcon Falco cherrug One record: immature, Aride, 24-23 December Nine records: Mahe (4), Praslin (2), La Digue, 2000. Alphonse (2); March-April, September-December. Collared/Oriental Pratincole Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus One record: Cousin; November. G. pratincola!maldivarum Three indeterminate records: Praslin (2), Bird; Common Quail Coturnixcoturnix October. Three records: Mahe, Aride, Bird; May, Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni November, December. Four records: Bird, Fregate, Alphonse, Mahe; Corncrake Crexcrex April, October-December. Three records: Bird, Aride, Fregate; January, October, November. Black-winged/Oriental Pratincole G. nordmannilmaldivarum Little Crake Porzanaparva One indeterminate record: Bird; October. One record: one at Cousin, 23—27 December Pratincole sp. Glareola sp. 2004. Thirteen indeterminate records: Bird (4), Praslin Spotted Crake Porzanaporzana (4), Fregate, Mahe (2), Alphonse, Denis; One record: Mahe; December-February. September—November. Striped CrakeAenigmatolimnas marginalis Madagascar Pratincole Glareola ocularis One record: Aldabra; December. Three records: adult at GrandTerre, Aldabra, 6—7 White-breastedWaterhenAmaurornis November 2001; immature at the Inter-Island Quay, Mahe, 21-25 October 2002; immature at phoenicurus Lemuria Golf Course, Praslin, 25-27 October One record: Mahe; December. 2002. Allens Gallinule Porphyrio alleni Six records: Aldabra (2), Mahe, La Digue, Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius December-March. Nine records: Mahe (4), Cousin, Bird (2), Fregate, Desroches, Praslin; July, September-November Aride; January-April, Gallinule sp. One indeterminate record, possibly Lesser Caspian Plover Charadriusasiaticus Moorhen Gallinula angulata or American Purple Fifteen records: Bird (5), Fregate (2), Praslin (4), Gallinule Porphyrula martinica: Aldabra; July. Farquhar, Silhouette, Mahe (2); March—April, June, August-December. ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. BullABCVol13No2(2006)-173 Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus Snipe sp. Gallinago sp. Four records: Praslin (2), Fregate, Alphonse; Eight indeterminate records: Mahe, Bird (3), January, October-November. Praslin, Fregate (2), Aride; September-January, March. Caspian/Oriental Plover C. asiaticuslveredus Three indeterminate records: Bird (2), Mahe; Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica baueri September-October. One subspecies record (L. /. lapponica is an annu- al migrant): Fregate, March-October. Sociable Lapwing Vanellusgregarius One record: first-winter at the airstrip, Alphonse, Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa about 12 November 2001-about March 2002 Six records: Bird (3), Alphonse (2), Aride; (Skerrett 2003). October-December. Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Little CurlewNumenius minutus Two records: Mahe; March-April. Two records: Bird, Mahe; October-April. Great/Red Knot C. tenuirostris!canutus Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus Two indeterminate records: Mahe; January-July. One record: one at Providence, Mahe, 17 December 2000 (Skerrett 2003). Temminck’s Stint Calidris temminckii Five records: Bird, Mahe (3), Praslin; Common Redshank Tringa totanus September-October, December. Three records: Mahe (3); November-March. Long-toed Stint Calidrissubminuta Marsh Sandpiper Tringastagnatilis One record: Mahe; November. Nine records: Mahe (8), Cerf; January-February, May, October-November. Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos Three records: Bird, Praslin, Mahe; August, Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus October. Seven records: Silhouette, Praslin (2), Mahe (3), Fregate; October-January. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidrisacuminata Three records: Mahe; July, September-February. Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Two records: Mahe, Bird; all months. Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicolafalcinellus Four records: Praslin (3), Mahe; October. Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Two records: Denis, Mahe; November. Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngitessubruficollis Five records: Bird (2), Platte, Praslin, Mahe; Arctic Skua Stercorariusparasiticus March, November-January. Three records: Fregate, Bird, Aride; December-February. RuffPhilomachuspugnax Twenty-five records: Bird (3), Mahe (12), Cousin Pomarine/Arctic Skua S.pomarinustparasiticus (2), Fregate (4), Praslin, Alphonse, Aride, Two indeterminate records: Aride, north-east of Cousine; August-February. Bird; January, November. Common Snipe Gallinagogallinago South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki Eleven records: Aride, Fregate (5), Mahe (3), Four records: Aride (4); July. Praslin, La Digue; October-February. Black-headed Gull Lams ridibundus Great Snipe Gallinago media Fourteen records: Mahe (9), Praslin (5); Two records: Praslin, Fregate; October-December. December-February. Pintail Snipe Gallinago stenura Black-/Grey-/Brown-headed Gull Three records: Aldabra, Mahe (2); March-April, L. ridibundus!cirrocephalustbrunnicephalus November. Five indeterminate records: Fregate, Desroches, Aldabra, Mahe (2); October, December-February. 174-BullABCVol13No2(2006) ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larusfuscus Madagascar Turtle Dove Streptopeliapicturata Three records: Aride, Mahe, Aldabra; picturata October—November. One ‘out-of-range’ record (islands with no breed- ingpopulation): Platte; March-July. Heuglin’s Gull Larus heuglini Two records: Mahe, Bird; February, December. Jacobin Cuckoo Clamatorjacobinus Five records: Bird, Fregate (2), Praslin, Aride; Lesser Black-backed/Heuglin’s Gull March, November-January. L.fuscuslheuglini Two indeterminate records: Mahe, Bird; January, Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamatorglandarius February. One record: Bird; October. Caspian Tern Sterna caspia Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus One out-of-range’ record (outside Aldabra Twenty-one records: Mahe (9), Aride (3), group): betweenAride and Bird; November. Cousine,Aldabra, Bird (2), Silhouette (2), Fregate Greater Crested Tern Sterna hergii velox (2), Denis; September-January, April. One vagrant subspecies record (S. b. thalassinus Asian Lesser Cuckoo Cuculuspoliocephalus breeds): Bird; September-October. Eleven records: Mahe (4), Fregate (2), Cousine, Sandwich Tern Sternasandvicensis Aride (2), Praslin,Alphonse; November-February, April. Four records: Cousin, Mahe (3); March, October, December. Asian/Madagascar Lesser Cuckoo Black-naped Tern Sternasumatrana C. poliocephalus/rochii Two indeterminate records: Aldabra, Mahe; Four ‘out-of-range’ records (east of the October-November. Amirantes): Bird, Aride (2), Cousin; June, October, December-January. Cuckoo sp. Cuculussp. Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii Twenty-eight indeterminate records: Aldabra (2), One ‘out-of-range’ record (westoftheAmirantes): Mahe (8), Bird (2), Cousin (3), La Digue (2), Fregate (6), Silhouette, Felicite, Denis; Cosmoledo; June. September-January, April-June. White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa Eurasian Scops Owl Otusscops Two records: adult at Aldabra, 12 December 1976; adult at Providence, Mahe, 20 November Six records: Fregate, Aride (2), Mahe, Bird, Conception; October-December. 2004. Brown Fish Owl Ketupazeylonensis Bridled Tern Sternaanaethetus One record: Mahe; November. Possibly ship- One ‘out-of-range’ record (westoftheAmirantes): assisted and/or deliberately released. Aldabra;June. Eurasian Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Little Tern Sternaalbifrons Two records: Bird, Denis; November-December. One record: Mahe; April. Nightjar sp. Caprimulgussp. Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida One indeterminate record: Bird; November. Four records: Praslin, Mahe (2), La Digue; October, March-April. White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur Four records: Aldabra, Mahe, Bird, Fregate; April, Six records: Aldabra (2), Bird (2), Aride (2); October-November. November-December. Common SwiftApusapus European/Oriental Turtle Dove Fourteen records: Aldabra (3), Bird (3), SO.nteuritnudreIotreiremnitanlaitse record: Fregate; October. Assomption (2), Fregate (3), St Francois; September-May. ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. BullABCVol13No2(2006)-175 Pacific SwiftApuspacificus Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella Ten records: Bird (5), Fregate (3), North, St brachydactyla Francois; May, October-January. Two records: Fregate; February, November- December. Little SwiftApusaffinis Three records: Mahe, Aride, Aldabra; Mascarene Martin Phedina borbonica November-January. Six records: Aldabra (3), Desnoeufs, Bird, Assomption; May, October-November. Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala One record: adult, Denis Island, 30 December Common Sand Martin Riparia riparia 2003-16 February2004. Fifteen records: Aldabra (3), Mahe (3), Fregate (4), Bird (2), Aride (2), Platte; October-March, Alcedo sp. May-June. One indeterminate record, probably Common KingfisherA. atthis: Fregate; December-January. Common House Martin Delichon urbicum Blue-cheeked Bee-eaterMeropspersicus Six records: Aldabra (2), Farquhar, Bird (3); March, June, October. Thirty-two records: Aldabra (2), Bird (8), Mahe (2), Fregate (2), Cousin, Desnoeufs, Marie Louise, YellowWagtailMotacillaflava Platte, Denis (2), Alphonse, Aride, Conception, Twenty-one records: Aldabra (7), Mahe (3), Bird Cousin, Curieuse, Desroches, North, Praslin (2), (4), Fregate, Alphonse (2), Platte (2), Silhouette, Remire, Silhouette, South-east Island; Cousine; October-May. November—May. CitrineWagtail Motacilla citreola Blue-cheeked/Madagascar Bee-eater One record: Fregate; April. M. persicus!superciliosus GreyWagtailMotacilla cinerea Two indeterminate records: Cosmoledo, Mahe; Six records: Bird, Marie-Louise, Fregate, October-November. Silhouette, Mahe (2); March, October- European Bee-eaterMeropsapiaster November. Two records: Cosmoledo, Aldabra; November- WhiteWagtailMotacilla alba December. Twenty-one records: Aldabra (2), Mahe (6), Bird European Roller Coraciasgarrulus (4), Fregate (3), Aride (3), Silhouette (2), Platte; Thirty records: Aride (2), Aldabra (3), Praslin (6), November-March. Mahe (9), African Banks, Bird (3), Fregate, Denis, Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinus Silhouette (2); October-March. Fourteen records: Mahe, Fregate (7), Bird (2), Broad-billed Roller Eurystomusglaucurus Praslin (3), Alphonse; October-March. Nine records outside Aldabra group: Providence, Common RedstartPhoenicurusphoenicurus Bird (4), Fregate (2), Alphonse, Platte; October-March. Seven records: Cousin, Aride (3), Bird, Platte, Denis; October-February. Hoopoe Upupa epops Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Three records:Aldabra (one U. e. africanaandone Two records: Bird; November. U. e. epopslsenegalensis) and Curieuse (one U. e. africana). NorthernWheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Bimaculated LarkMelanocorypha bimaculata Forty-one records: Aldabra (28), Bird (8), Mahe, One record: one at the tern colony, Bird Island, Fregate, Aride, Platte, Denis; October-March. 22-27 November 2003 (Phillips & Phillips PiedWheatear Oenanthepleschanka 2003). One record: first-winter male west of the hotel, Bird, 16-20 November 2000. 176-BullABCVol13No2(2006) ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. : IsabellineWheatear Oenanthe isabellina Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus Three records: Praslin, Alphonse, Bird; Four records: Bird, Fregate (3); October-April. October-January. Seychelles FodyFoudiasechellarum Common Rock ThrushMonticolasaxatilis One ‘out-of-range’ record (islands without breed- Three records: Farquhar, Fregate, Bird; October. ing populations): Bird; October. SedgeWarblerAcrocephalusschoenobaenus Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus One record: Cousin; November. One record: Aride; October. IcterineWarbler Hippolais icterina Ortolan BuntingEmberiza hortulana One record: Aride; November. One record: Aride; November. WillowWarblerPhylloscopus trochilus References Three records: Fregate, La Digue, Aldabra; & Eikenaar, G. Skerrett, A. 2006. First record of February-March, November. KermadecPetrelPterodroma neglectaforSeychelles. ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybita Bull.ABC13:88-90. & One record: one at Alphonse, 27 January 2001 Hoareau, C. Skerrett, A. 2005. Glossy Ibis Plegadis ABC (Skerrett 2003). falcinellus:thefirstrecords forSeychelles. Bull 12: 44, 46. WillowWarbler/ChiffchaffP trochilus!collybita Phillips, J. & Phillips, V. 2005. First record of Two indeterminate records: Aldabra, Astove; Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata for April. Seychelles. BullABC12: 40-41. WoodWarbler Phylloscopussibilatrix Skerrett, A. 2003. Three new species for Seychelles: Two records: Aldabra, Cousin; November- Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius, Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus and Chiffchaff December. Phylloscopuscollybita. Bull. ABC10: 47-49. & Phylloscopus sp. Skerrett, A. Roest, L. 2003. Pallid Harrier Circus One indeterminate record: Bird; December. macrourus:thefirstrecordforSeychelles. Bull.ABC 10: 126-127. Blackcap Sylviaatricapilla Skerrett, A. & Seychelles Bird Records Committee. One record: Curieuse; November. 1996. The first report of the Seychelles Bird CommonWhitethroat Sylvia communis Records Committee. Bull. ABC3: 45-50. & Two records: Aldabra, Bird; March, October. Skerrett, A. Seychelles Bird Records Committee. 2001. The second report of the Seychelles Bird Spotted FlycatcherMuscicapastriata Records Committee. Bull. ABC8: 23-29. Twenty-seven records: Aldabra (20), Cousin, Bird Tiatousse, R.,Adams, R. & Skerrett,A. 2005. Squacco (3), Aride (2), D’Arros; March, October- Heron Ardeola ralloides: the first two records for December. Seychelles. Bull. ABC12: 45-46. Warren, B. H., Bermingham, E., Bowie, R. C. K., Prys- Lesser GreyShrike Lanius minor & Jones, R. P. Thebaud, C. 2003. Molecular phylo- Two records: Aldabra, Bird; March, November. geography reveals island colonization history and Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio diversification of western Indian Ocean sunbirds & Sixrecords: Cosmoledo,Aldabra (4), Bird; March, CNectarinia Nectariniidae). Mol. Phyl. Evol. 29: 67-85. November. Woodchat Shrike Laniussenator Seychelles Bird Records Committee, PO Box 336, One record: Aride; April. RVoicatdo,ria,KeMelaeh,e,StSaefyfcsh.elleSs,T5or5HAaLz,eleyUKB.rooIkn,teKreneetl:e European Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus www.stokecollac.uk/sbrc/. Eight records: Aldabra (4), Bird (3), Aride; Received22January2006 March-April, September-November. Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea Three records: Bird, Aldabra (2); July-February. ThirdreportoftheSeychellesBirdRecords Committee:Skerrettetal. BullABCVol13No2(2006)-177

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