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Third International Conference on System Science in Health Care: Troisième Conférence Internationale sur la Science des Systèmes dans le Domaine de la Santé PDF

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Preview Third International Conference on System Science in Health Care: Troisième Conférence Internationale sur la Science des Systèmes dans le Domaine de la Santé

HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH Edited by K Davis and W van Eimeren Third International Conference on System Science in Health Care Troisieme Conference Internationale sur la Science des Systemes dans Ie Domaine de laSante Edited by W. van Eimeren, R. Engelbrecht, and Ch. D. Flagle Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo 1984 Wilhelm van Eimeren Rolf Engelbrecht Gesellschaft fUr Strahl en- und Umweltforschung mbH Miinchen MEDIS - Institut fUr Medizinische Informatik und Systemforschung Ingolstadter LandstraBe 1 8042 OberschleiBheim, FR Germany Charles D. Flagle The Johns Hopkins University 615 North Wolfe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA Third International Conference on System Science in Health Care Munich, July 16th-20th 1984 ISBN-13: 978-3-642-69941-2 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-69939-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-69939-9 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1984 Softcover reprint of the hardcover ist edition 1984 The use of general descriptive names, trade marks, etc. in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Product Liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for information about drug dosage and application thereof contained in this book. In every individual case the respective user must check its accuracy by consulting other pharmaceutical literature. 2119/3140-543210 Preface In the early stages of planning the Third International Conference in System Science in Health Care, the steering committee members, most of whom had participated in the first conference in Paris (1976) and the second in Montreal (1980), made some basic decisions about organization of subject matter. The earlier meetings had been very successful in bringing together specialists from the health professions and the traditional sciences. In addition to physicians and nurses, these were representatives of the disciplines of the behavioral sciences, system theory, economics, engineering, and the emergency fields of management science and informatics -all concerned with the development of health resources in a broad system context. The reported research and experience of the many disciplines represented had dealt with one or more of three concerns: 1) a major health problem, such as cardiovascular disease, or an important popUlation at risk, such as the elderly or children or workers; 2) some generic aspect of organization and decision making, including trial and evaluation ofinnovative health strategies; and 3) the methodology of research and analysis in system of health service. The challenge to the conference organizers lay in the eliciting and arranging of experiences in such a way that the health services could be seen as purposeful,living, evolving systems. The written proceedings of an international conference cannot hope to capture all the flavor of the exchanges that take place during a week of intensive professional and social activities. Nevertheless, after the echoes of the meetings die away, the collected papers remain as the most tangible and accessible evidence of the substance of the conference; and the proceedings have a value in their own right, as a cross section - a snapshot -of the scope of the analysis and the dynamics of development of health care systems evolving around the world. For much conscientious effort in preparing the conference and the papers for publication the Editors are indebted to Brigitte Scholz for organizing the secretariate, for text processing Ellen Reinhard, Alfred Breier, Janet Flagle, Ulrike Goldemund, Janina Hofmann and Monika Rauen, and for computer processing Gunther Klementz and Walter HuB. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all our colleagues who have been helping us as well. Wilhelm van Eimeren Rolf Engelbrecht Charles D. Flagle Table of Contents KEYNOTES Rationale for an International Conference on System Science in Health Care Flagle Ch.D., U.S.A ...... 2 Information Systems in Primary Health Care AndersonJ., United Kingdom ..... 6 Systems Modeling Rising E.J., U.S.A. ..... 11 Occupational Health: An International Overview (Summary) EI Batawi M., Switzerland(WHO) ..... 15 Maternal and Child Health Koizumi A., Japan ..... 19 Manpower Planning in Health Care: An Economists Perspective Zweifel P., Switzerland ..... 22 Resource Planning Gibbs R.J., United Kingdom ..... 30 Long Term Planning: The Alternative Futures Approach Goldschmidt P.G., U.S.A ...... 33 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES An Epidemiological Model for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) WolfH.K., Gregor R.D., MacKenzie R.B., Rautaharju P.M., Canada ..... 40 Estimation of Cardiovascular Diseases Morbidity Using Mortality Data Verdecchia A., Capocaccia R., Mariotti S., Italy ..... 44 Influence of Risk Factors and of Risk Factor Trends on Coronary Heart Disease Incidence in North and South European Cohorts Mariotti S., Capocaccia R., Farchi G., Menotti A., Verdecchia A., Italy ..... 48 A Classification of Primary Hypertension for Use in Rehabilitation Administration and Research Thurmayr R., Stieber J., Habel W., PotthoffP., Klementz G., F.R.Germany ..... 52 VIII A Comparative Study of Determining Risk Factors Bekessy A., Csukas M., Kramli A., Soltesz J., Hungary ..... 56 Prevalence of Hypertension in an Industrial City of Catalonia, Spain Pardell H., GasullaJ.M., Armario P., Hernandez R., VillalhiJ.R., Coho E., Spain .. 59 The Social Epidemiology of Alcohol Related Hypertension Martinez R.M., Spain, McQueen D. V., UK, Celentano D.O., U.S.A ...... 61 MEDICAL DECISION MAKING IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Towards Improved Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease MichaelisJ., F.R.Germany ..... 68 Resumption of Employment Following Myocardial Infarction Stewart M., Gregor F., Canada ..... 72 Collaborative Study on Tolerance of Antihypertensive Drugs Cooperative Group ETMA, (Peris-Arso A.), Spain ..... 78 Rational Strategy for Computer based Improved Detection and Care of Hypertension and other Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Primary Health Care Westerman R.F., Hasman A., SchoutenJ.A., KwakmanJ.V.i., Guyt H.J.M., Netherlands ..... 80 MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Evaluation de l'h6pital de jour en hypertension arterielle. Resultat d'une etude contr6llee Chatellier G., Devries C., Degoulet P., Ducrocq M.-B., Plouin P.-F., Menard J., France ..... 86 Illness-specific Costs of Medical Care and the Problem of Multimorbidity: The Case of Hypertension JohnJ., PotthoffP., Schwefel D., F.R.Germany ..... 90 The Frequency of Blood Pressure Measurements in the Community During an Intensified Hypertension Programme Piha T., Nissinen A., Tuomilehto.l., Puska P., Finland ..... 94 HEALTH POLICY ANALYSIS FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Policy Analysis in Hypertension Management: A Synopsis Heidenherger K., F.R.Germany ..... 100 Cost-effectiveness of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in the Netherlands: Measurements of Effects Ament A., van Arkel W.G., Heemels G.G.M., Netherlands ..... 104 IX RISK FACTORS IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE Drinking Patterns among U rban Women McQueen D.V., United Kingdom, Celentano D., U.S.A ....... 108 Life Styles and Drinking Behavior among Urban Women Celentano D., U.S.A, McQueen D.V., United Kingdom ..... 112 Youth and Drugs in Egypt: An Epidemiological Study SoueifM.I., Darweesh Z.A., Egypt ..... 116 Rehabilitation of Skid-Row Alcoholics without Restricting the Availability of Alcohol Kiihlhorn E., Sweden ..... 120 PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Developpement et validation d'un instrument d'evaluation des besoins desjeunes et de leur famille en sante mentale Toupin J., Mercier H., Tilquin C., Canada ..... 124 OfTre de soins et consommation psychiatrique SabatiniJ., Paris C., HochmannJ., France ..... 129 A Multi-Period Re~ource Planning Model for a Rehabilitation System SheffetA.M., KakumanuP.V., U.S.A ...... 133 System Approaches to Mental Health: San Diego County, California, U.S.A. Harari H., Bach P.B., U.S.A ...... 137 A Computer Simulation of a Mental Health Service System HoernerJ.V.Jr., U.S.A ...... 141 a: The Components of Knowledge-Based Strategy to Decrease the Frequency of Suicidal Behaviours Tanney B.L., Ramsay RF., Canada. .... 146 A Community Approach to the Treatment of the Chronically Mentally III GJickenM.D., MannJ.B., U.S.A ...... 150 Evaluation of Mental Health Services in Italy on the Basis of Case Register Studies Marinoni A., Torre E., Italy ..... 154 RISK FACTORS IN MENTAL HEALTH Evaluation of Risk Factors for Neurological Disease and Mental Retardation in a Prospective Cohort-Study von Wendt L., Rantakallio P., Finland ..... 160 x Interpretation du rapport du patient schizophrene a l'institution psychiatrique Ansermet F., Foster D., Sorrentino M. G., Switzerland ..... 164 Physical Health and Mental Well-Being of Unemployed -Results of a Longitudinal Survey in the Federal Republic of Germany Brinkmann C., F.R.Germany ..... 168 The Role of Life Events in Psychosocial Risk Constellations -Analyzed by Event-History Approaches Dittmann K.H., Matschinger H., F.R.Germany ..... 172 CULTURAL ASPECTS IN CARE OF THE ELDERLY Professional Decision Making in Health and Social Care Systems for the Elderly: A Cross Cultural Comparison Dussuyer I., RiondetJ., France ..... 178 Nouveaux developpements dans l'organisation de la geriatrie en Belgique Baeyens J.-P., Belgium ..... 180 Study of Old Age Health Problems in a Rural Area of Delhi Aggarwal O.P., Kannan A.T., Indrayan A., Gupta P., Grover V., India ..... 184 Does the Family Care? -The Role of the Family in Elderly Care in Sweden Johansson L., Thorslund M., Sweden ..... 188 POLICY ANALYSIS AND PLANNING OF (LONG TERM) CARE FOR THE ELDERLY La systematisation des procedures d'admission des personnes agees dans les etablissements et les programmes de soins et services intermediaires et a domicile Tilquin C., Vanderstraeten G., Fournier J., St-Onge E., Toupin J., Lambert P., Canada ..... 194 Strategies for Assessing and Monitoring Appropriate Long Term Care for Elderly People Boldy D.P., Rhys-Hearn C., Australia ..... 199 Alternative Structures to Institutions for the Provision of Social and Medical Care: A Study on the Economic and Social Opportunity of Keeping Old People at Home Gadreau M., Lemery B., France ..... 203 Planning Services for the Elderly with a Data Bank on Services Requirement Beland F., Canada ..... 206 Health Planning for the Elderly: Computer-Assisted Planning Davis K., U.S.A ...... 209 XI The Sundsvall Project -A Swedish Action Research Program for Improved Utilization of Resources in Elderly Care Thorslund M., Johansson L., Sweden ..... 212 MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS OF THE ELDERLY Confusion in the Older Adult: A Needs-Based Assessment Tool Murphy M., Perry J.A., Starr M.D., Canada ..... 216 Patterns of Psychiatric Hospitalization of the Elderly Psychotic: A Canadian Experience Pablo R Y., Kadlec K., Arboleda-Florez J., Canada ..... 220 Sheltered Housing for the Elderly Chronically Mentally TIl Christman Mandernach, R, MannJ.B., U.S.A. ..... 226 ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPAIRED ELDERLY Assessment of the Cognitively Impaired Homebound Elderly: A Tool for Health Care Providers for Strategic Care Planning LeNavenec C., Canada ..... 230 La dependance, nouveau type d'information pour la gestion des etablissements de long sejour Pors A. , France ..... 234 Assessment of the Dependency Level of Chronic Elderly Patients. Development and Use of a New Tool in Nursing Homes of the Canton ofVaud, Switzerland MartinJ., GrolimundJ.-P., Lehmann Ph., Switzerland ..... 237 Le systeme de mesure de l'autonomie fonctionnelle: Description d'un instrument d'evaluation des handicaps Hebert R., Carrier R., Bilodeau A., Canada ..... 241 Le systeme de mesure de l'autonomie fonctionnelle: Etude de Validation Hebert R, Bilodeau A., Carrier R., Canada ..... 245 PREVENTIVE APPROACHES ·TO CARE OF THE ELDERLY Experiments in Preventive Care of the Elderly and their Evaluation Holstein B.E., Denmark (WHO) ..... 250 Approaches to Screening and Case-Finding in Elderly Populations Taylor R.,BarberJ.H., United Kingdom ..... 254 Problems in Measuring the Functioning of the Elderly: Historical Review of Functional Assessments (1940-1978) Hermanova H., Denmark WHO ..... 258 XII Planification et gestion rationnelles en tant qu'approches preventives dans un systeme de soins et services pour les personnes !gees: une etude de cas Tilquin c., Vanderstraeten G., Blain G., FournierJ., Canada ..... 265 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Type A Behavior as a Moderator of Job Stress and Outcome Relationship Jamal M., Canada ..... 272 The Importance of Medical Risks and Working Conditions as Determinants of Rheumatic Diseases Karmaus W., F.R.Germany ..... 276 Subjective Description and "Objective" Classification ofJ obs in Relation to Blood Pressure Level and Blood Pressure Variations Knox S., Theorell T., SvenssonJ., Waller D., Sweden ..... 280 Role de l'environnement social et du milieu de travail sur l'hypertension arterielle et son traitement -etu,de de 7683 sujets LangT., Degoulet P., Fouriaud C., Jacquinet-Salord M.C., Aime F., Laprugne J., Main J., Oeconomos J., Phalente J., Prades A., France ..... 286 Une Methodologie pour l'appreciation des risques d'accident dans les ateliers etlou sur les chant iers Zighed A., Dussauchoy A., France. . . .. 290 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Epidemiological Uses of an Occupational Health Information System Gunderson E.K., U.S.A ..... 294 The Use of Epidemiological Models in Planning Preventive Programmes in Occupational Health Phillips M.R., Australia ..... 298 T!che complexe simulee et vigilance Amphoux M., Sauvignon M., Ignazi G., France ..... 302 Reinsertion sociale des handicapes physiques: Resultat d'etudes systemiques Coblentz A., Ignazi G., Prudent J., Amphoux M., France. . . .. 306 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK FACTORS An Analytical Treatment of Potential Hazard and Risk Assessment for Environmental Chemicals Gottinger H.W., F.R.Germany ..... 312 Air Pollution in Bavaria -A Pilot Study with a Random Sample of Physicians in Ambulatory Care Kellhammer U., F.R.Germany ..... 314

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