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THINNER LEANER STRONGER THE SIMPLE SCIENCE OF BUILDING THE ULTIMATE FEMALE BODY Michael Matthews WATERBURY PUBLISHERS www.waterburypublishers.com Copyright © 2012 Waterbury Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this book and don’t participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with, or ask them to buy their own copies. This was hard work for the author and he appreciates it. This book is a general educational health-related information product and is intended for healthy adults, age 18 and over. This book is solely for information and educational purposes and is not medical advice. Please consult a medical or health professional before you begin any exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program or if you have questions about your health. There may be risks associated with participating in activities or using products mentioned in this book for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not use such products or participate in such activities if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical health condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord knowingly and voluntarily, assuming all risks associated with such activities. Specific results mentioned in this book should be considered extraordinary and there are no “typical” results. As individuals differ, then results will differ. Cover Designed by: Damon Freeman Typesetting by Kiersten Lief Published by: Waterbury Publishers, Inc. www.waterburypublishers.com Visit the author’s website: www.buildhealthymuscle.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hi, I’m Mike and I’ve been training for nearly a decade now. I believe that every person can achieve the body of his or her dreams, and I work hard to give everyone that chance by providing workable, proven advice grounded in science, not a desire to sell phony magazines, workout products, or supplements. Through my work, I’ve helped thousands of people achieve their health and fitness goals, and I share everything I know in my books. So if you’re looking to get in shape and look great, then I think I can help you. I hope you enjoy my books and I’d love to hear from you at my site, www.buildhealthymuscle.com. Sincerely, Mike ALSO BY MICHAEL MATTHEWS The Shredded Chef: 115 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy If you want to know how to forever escape the dreadful experience of “diet- ing” and learn how to cook nutritious, delicious meals that make building muscle and burning fat easy and enjoyable, then you need to read this book. Click here to learn more about this book! Cardio Sucks! The Simple Science of Burning Fat Fast and Getting in Shape If you’re short on time and sick of the same old boring cardio routine and want to kick your fat loss into high gear by working out less and...heaven forbid...actually have some fun...then you want to read this new book. Click here to learn more about this book! Muscle Myths: 50 Health & Fitness Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making If you’ve ever felt lost in the sea of contradictory training and diet advice out there and you just want to know once and for all what works and what doesn’t—what’s scientifically true and what’s false—when it comes to build- ing muscle and getting ripped, then you need to read this book. Click here to learn more about this book! Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body If you want to be muscular, lean, and strong as quickly as possible, without steroids, good genetics, or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym, and money on supplements...then you want to read this book. Click here to learn more about this book! CONTENTS THE PROMISE What if I could show you how to dramatically transform your body faster than you ever thought possible? INTRODUCTION: WHY THINNER LEANER STRONGER IS DIFFERENT Here’s what the kings of the multi-billion dollar fitness industry don’t want you to know. 1. THE HIDDEN BARRIER TO ACHIEVING YOUR FITNESS AND HEALTH GOALS 9 The biggest obstacle to achieving your health and fitness goals is NOT what you think... 2. WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT HEALTH, NUTRITION, AND FITNESS PART ONE: SCIENCE OF THE BODY 13 Learn what most people will never know about the basic building blocks of the body. 3. WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT HEALTH, NUTRITION, AND FITNESS PART TWO: NUTRITION 19 Learn what most people will never know about what effects different foods actually have on the body. 4. WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT HEALTH, NUTRITION, AND FITNESS PART THREE: HEALTH 25 Learn what most people will never know about what it takes to maintain good overall health. 5. THE 8 BIGGEST MUSCLE BUILDING MYTHS & MISTAKES 29 Here’s why most people you see in the gym are stuck in a rut of mak- ing little or no gains. 6. THE REAL SCIENCE OF MUSCLE GROWTH 37 Building lean, strong muscles is much easier than you’ve been led to believe. 7. THE 5 BIGGEST FAT LOSS MYTHS & MISTAKES 41 Getting toned is impossible if you’ve fallen into these traps. 8. THE REAL SCIENCE OF HEALTHY FAT LOSS 47 All effective fat loss methods rely on these three simple rules. 9. THE INNER AND OUTER GAMES OF HEALTH AND FITNESS 51 There’s more to getting into amazing shape than working out. 10. HOW TO SET FITNESS GOALS THAT WILL MOTIVATE YOU 53 The secret to long-term dedication and a steel will that simply won’t let you quit. 11. THE CODE OF A GOOD TRAINING PARTNER 57 Working out alone sucks, but working out with a bad partner sucks even more. 12. IF YOU CAN’T MEASURE IT, YOU DON’T KNOW IT 59 The only way to never hit a plateau again. 13. INTENSITY AND FOCUS—YOUR TWO SECRET WEAPONS 65 How to not just make every workout count, but how to make them stellar. 14. THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF PROPER NUTRITION 67 The whole story of what your body needs nutritionally to build muscle, lose fat, and be healthy. 15. EAT THIS, NOT THAT—THINNER LEANER STRONGER VERSION 73 Which types of foods fuel your progress and which cause it to flounder? Find out. 16. HOW TO PLAN YOUR MEALS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR GAINS 81 If you don’t structure your meals properly, you’re going to make dieting much harder than it needs to be. 17. YOUR THINNER LEANER STRONGER DIET PLAN 85 Learn how to build diet plans that will allow you to get as lean and toned as you want. 18. THE THINNER LEANER STRONGER TRAINING FORMULA 99 By following this formula, you will unlock your body’s maximum potentials for building lean, sexy muscle. 19. MEET YOUR MAKERS: THREE EXERCISES THAT BUILD GREAT BODIES 109 Nothing is more effective in building a thin, lean, and strong body than these three exercises. 20. YOUR THINNER LEANER STRONGER WORKOUT PLAN 125 Become your own personal trainer and build a workout program that will produce stellar muscle growth and fat loss. 21. THE NO-BS GUIDE TO SUPPLEMENTS 137 Learn what’s worth your money and what’s not (you might be surprised!). 22. THE THINNER LEANER STRONGER SUPPLEMENT ROUTINE 143 Squeeze even more out of this program by taking supplements the right way (most people completely mess this up). 23. FROM HERE, YOUR BODY WILL CHANGE 147 You are about to start a journey of self transformation. Where will it take you? Q&A 149 Answers to common questions from readers and clients about training, nutrition, and lifestyle. BONUS REPORT—THE YEAR ONE CHALLENGE: THINNER, LEANER, AND STRONGER THAN EVER IN 12 MONTHS 153 In this free 70-page bonus report, I’m going to share with you the brands of supplements and equipment I’ve come to love, and give you a detailed 12-month training plan that will ensure you get the most out my program. WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR? 155 You’re awesome for reading my book, and I have a small favor to ask... OTHER BOOKS BY MICHAEL MATTHEWS 157 More practical health and fitness advice to help you get into the best shape of your life.

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