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Thinking Machines: A Layman's Introduction to Logic, Boolean Algebra, and Computers PDF

164 Pages·1961·10.907 MB·English
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(SIGNED SIGNET SCIENCE LIBRARY P2065/601 THINKING MACHINES IRVING ADLER ILLUSTRATED BY RUTH ADLER Vast Intricate Machines Click y faultlessly through their electronic paces, echoing the tempo ofahighlytechnical age. These manufactured "brains" maintain inven- tories, calculate payrolls, keep track of plane reservations, guide missiles, play games, com- pose music, translate. Thousands ofpeople are influenced by their work, but only a handful of people understand how they work. The technical literature is almost unintelligible to thelayman. In this fascinating book, Irving Adler explains the theory of computers in terms that can be easily understood by anyone who has had ele- mentary algebra. He be—gins with the simplest mathematical concepts everyday arithmetic, the binary scale of numerals, the brief essen- tials of logic, showing how these concepts are used in the building of mechanical calculators. From this, he takes the reader into the algebra of classes, propositions, and switching circuits. Finally he illustrates how Boolean algebra is used to design circuits that can calculate and perform deductive reasoning. Here is a book that unveils a modern mys- tery, that explains how the art of mathematics engendered great mathematical brains which can think faster than man, calculate more ac- curately, and follow a process of logic without any of the fallibility of human thought. Other SIGNET SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOKS Relativity for the Layman by James A. Coleman An account ofthe history, theory and proofs ofrelativity, the basis of all atomic science. (#P2049— 600) The Wellsprings of Life by Isaac Asimov Thechemistryofthelivingcell, anditsrelationto evolution, heredity, growth and development. (#P2066— 60$) The Sun and Its Family by Irving Adler Apopularbook on astronomywhich traces scientific discoveries about the solar system from earliest times tothepresent. (#P2037— 60(J) Seeing the Earth from Space by Irving Adler A timely, up-to-date report on Russian and American satellites and what we are learning from them r- about our earth. (#P2050— 600) Irving Adler THINKING MACHINES A Layman's Introduction to Logic, Boolean Algebra and Computers With diagrams by Ruth Adler SiIKlG•GANM-tXE.T A Signet Science Library Book BOOK8 ) Publishedby the newAmerican library © 1961 byIrving andRuthAdler All rights reserved. This book, orparts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. Forinformation address The John DayCompany,Inc., 62 West 45th Street, New York 36, New York. Published as a SIGNET SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOK By Arrangement with The John Day Company, Inc. First Printing, February, 1962 SIGNETTRADEMARK REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. ANDFOREIGN COUNTRIES REGISTEREDTRADEMARK MARCA REGISTRADA HECHOEN CHICAGO, U.S.A. SIGNET SCIENCE LIBRARY BOOKS are published by The New American Library of World Literature, Inc. 501 Madison Avenue, New York 22, New York PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Contents I. Hardware Brains 9 II. Tools with Self-Control 14 III. Getting an Idiot to Think 19 IV. Numbers and Numerals 28 V. Algebra of Numbers 37 VI. CalculatingMachines 43 VII. Words, Sentences, andLogic 56 VIII. Algebra of Classes 64 IX. Algebra of Propositions 96 X. Switching Circuits 116 XI. Electronic Computers 124 XII. Thinking Machines and the Brain 150 Bibliography 155 Index 157 THINKING MACHINES

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