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THINKING LIKE AN ENGINEER AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH This page intentionally left blank THINKING LIKE AN ENGINEER AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH Elizabeth A. Stephan Clemson University David R. Bowman Clemson University William J. Park Clemson University Benjamin L. Sill Clemson University Matthew W. Ohland Purdue University VicePresidentandEditorialDirector,ECS:MarciaJ.Horton InteriorDesigner:LCIDesign SeniorEditor:HollyStark CoverDesigner:KennyBeck EditorialAssistant:KeriRand CoverIllustration/Photo(s):RedGuitar/EvgenyGuityaev/ VicePresident,Production:VinceO’Brien Shutterstock;X-rayofGuitar/Gustoimages/SciencePhotoLibrary MarketingManager:TimGalligan Manager,VisualResearch:BethBrenzel MarketingAssistant:MackPatterson ImagePermissionCoordinator:DebbieLatronica SeniorManagingEditor:ScottDisanno Manager,CoverVisualResearch&Permissions:KarenSanatar ProductionProjectManager:ClareRomeo Composition:MPSLimited,AMacmillanCompany SeniorOperationsSpecialist:AlanFischer OverseasProjectManagement:AnoopChaturvedi OperationsSpecialist:LisaMcDowell Printer/Binder:CourierWestford ArtDirector:KennyBeck Typeface:10/12TimesTenRoman Copyright©2011byPearsonHigherEducation,Inc.,UpperSaddleRiver,NJ07458.Allrightsreserved. ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.ThispublicationisprotectedbyCopyrightandpermis- sionsshouldbeobtainedfromthepublisherpriortoanyprohibitedreproduction,storageinaretrieval system,ortransmissioninanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording, orlikewise.Toobtainpermission(s)tousematerialsfromthiswork,pleasesubmitawrittenrequestto PearsonHigherEducation,PermissionsDepartment,OneLakeStreet,UpperSaddleRiver,NJ07458. Manyofthedesignationsbymanufacturersandsellertodistinguishtheirproductsareclaimedas trademarks.Wherethosedesignationsappearinthisbook,andthepublisherwasawareofa trademarkclaim,thedesignationshavebeenprintedininitialcapsorallcaps. Theauthorandpublisherofthisbookhaveusedtheirbesteffortsinpreparingthisbook.Theseefforts includethedevelopment,research,andtestingoftheoriesandprogramstodeterminetheireffective- ness.Theauthorandpublishermakenowarrantyofanykind,expressedorimplied,withregardto theseprogramsorthedocumentationcontainedinthisbook.Theauthorandpublishershallnotbe liableinanyeventforincidentalorconsequentialdamageswith,orarisingoutof,thefurnishing, performance,oruseoftheseprograms. PearsonEducationLtd.,London PearsonEducationSingapore,Pte.Ltd. PearsonEducationCanada,Inc. PearsonEducation—Japan PearsonEducationAustraliaPTY,Limited PearsonEducationNorthAsia,Ltd.,HongKong PearsonEducacióndeMexico,S.A.deC.V. PearsonEducationMalaysia,Pte.Ltd. PearsonEducation,Inc.,UpperSaddleRiver,NewJersey ContacttheLibraryofCongressforCIPdata. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-13:978-0-13-606442-8 ISBN-10:0-13-606442-6 CONTENTS PREFACE ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xvii PART 1 PART 2 ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS 1 PROBLEM PARADIGMS 97 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 1 ESTIMATION 101 EVERYDAY ENGINEERING 5 5.1 GENERALHINTSFORESTIMATION 104 1.1 CHOOSINGACAREER 5 5.2 SIGNIFICANTFIGURES 105 1.2 CHOOSINGENGINEERINGASACAREER 6 5.3 REASONABLENESS 109 1.3 CHOOSINGASPECIFICENGINEERINGFIELD 8 5.4 NOTATION 113 1.4 GATHERINGINFORMATION 16 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 116 1.5 PURSUINGSTUDENTOPPORTUNITIES 18 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 2 SOLVEM 119 ETHICS 28 6.1 DEFININGSOLVEM 119 2.1 ETHICALDECISION-MAKING 29 6.2 REPRESENTINGFINALRESULTS 125 2.2 ENGINEERINGCREED 34 6.3 AVOIDINGCOMMONMISTAKES 125 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 36 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 129 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 3 GRAPHING GUIDELINES 132 DESIGN AND TEAMWORK 43 7.1 GRAPHINGTERMINOLOGY 132 3.1 THEDESIGNPROCESS 43 7.2 PROPERPLOTS 133 3.2 BRAINSTORMINGINTHEDESIGNPROCESS 45 7.3 GRAPHINTERPRETATION 140 3.3 EXPERIMENTALDESIGN:PERIODANALYSIS 46 7.4 MEANINGOFTHELINESHAPES 143 3.4 PROJECTTIMELINE 48 7.5 GRAPHICALSOLUTIONS 149 3.5 CRITERIAANDEVALUATION 50 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 153 3.6 WORKINGINTEAMS 55 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 58 CHAPTER 8 INTERPOLATION 165 CHAPTER 4 8.1 SINGLEINTERPOLATION 166 ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION 63 8.2 COMPLEXINTERPOLATION 169 4.1 BASICPRESENTATIONSKILLS 64 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 172 4.2 SAMPLEPRESENTATIONS 66 4.3 BASICTECHNICALWRITINGSKILLS 69 CHAPTER 9 4.4 COMMONTECHNICALCOMMUNICATIONFORMATS 72 STATISTICS 176 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 79 9.1 HISTOGRAMS 177 9.2 STATISTICALBEHAVIOR 180 ENGINEERINGESSENTIALS REVIEW 89 9.3 DISTRIBUTIONS 183 v vi CONTENTS 9.4 CUMULATIVEDISTRIBUTIONFUNCTIONS 190 PART 4 9.5 STATISTICALPROCESSCONTROL(SPC) 192 SCRUPULOUS IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 200 SPREADSHEETS 333 PROBLEMPARADIGMSREVIEW 206 CHAPTER 13 EXCEL WORKBOOKS 341 PART 3 13.1 CELLREFERENCES 341 13.2 FUNCTIONSINEXCEL 344 UBIQUITOUS UNITS 223 13.3 LOGICANDCONDITIONALS 349 13.4 LOOKUPANDDATAVALIDATION 355 13.5 CONDITIONALFORMATTING 358 CHAPTER 10 13.6 SORTINGANDFILTERS 361 FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 367 AND BASE UNITS 235 10.1 THEMETRICSYSTEM 236 CHAPTER 14 10.2 OTHERUNITSYSTEMS 239 EXCEL GRAPHS 376 10.3 CONVERSIONPROCEDUREFORUNITS 239 10.4 CONVERSIONSINVOLVINGMULTIPLESTEPS 242 14.1 AVAILABLEGRAPHTYPES 377 10.5 CONVERSIONSINVOLVING“NEW”UNITS 247 14.2 STATISTICSINEXCEL 379 10.6 DERIVEDDIMENSIONSANDUNITS 248 14.3 AUTOMATEDCALCULATIONS 383 10.7 EQUATIONLAWS 250 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 389 10.8 CONVERSIONINVOLVINGEQUATIONS 253 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 256 CHAPTER 15 MODELS AND SYSTEMS 396 CHAPTER 11 15.1 LINEARFUNCTIONS 397 UNIVERSAL UNITS 261 15.2 LINEARRELATIONSHIPS 400 11.1 FORCE 261 15.3 POWERFUNCTIONS 414 11.2 WEIGHT 263 15.4 EXPONENTIALFUNCTIONS 417 11.3 DENSITY 264 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 423 11.4 AMOUNT 269 11.5 TEMPERATURE 272 CHAPTER 16 11.6 PRESSURE 275 MATHEMATICAL MODELS 429 11.7 GASPRESSURE 280 11.8 ENERGY 282 16.1 SELECTINGATRENDLINETYPE 429 11.9 POWER 286 16.2 INTERPRETINGLOGARITHMICGRAPHS 438 11.10 EFFICIENCY 287 16.3 CONVERTINGSCALESTOLOGINEXCEL 445 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 293 16.4 DEALINGWITHLIMITATIONSOFEXCEL 445 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 452 CHAPTER 12 SCRUPULOUSSPREADSHEETSREVIEW 459 DIMENSIONLESS NUMBERS 302 12.1 COMMONDIMENSIONLESSNUMBERS 302 12.2 DIMENSIONALANALYSIS 304 12.3 RAYLEIGH’SMETHOD 308 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 316 UBIQUITOUSUNITSREVIEW 320 vii CONTENTS PART 5 19.3 LOGICANDRELATIONALOPERATORSINMATLAB 544 PUNCTILIOUS 19.4 CONDITIONALSTATEMENTSINMATLAB 545 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 549 PROGRAMMING 483 CHAPTER 20 CHAPTER 17 LOOPING STRUCTURES 554 ALGORITHMS, PROGRAMS, 20.1 forLOOPS 554 AND FUNCTIONS 489 20.2 whileLOOPS 560 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 563 17.1 SCOPE 489 17.2 WRITTENALGORITHMS 491 PUNCTILIOUSPROGRAMMINGREVIEW 566 17.3 GRAPHICALALGORITHMS 493 17.4 PROGRAMSINMATLAB 498 17.5 DEBUGGINGMATLABCODE 510 COMPREHENSIONCHECKANSWERS 577 17.6 FUNCTIONSINMATLAB 511 INDEX 588 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 516 EXCELFUNCTIONS 598 MATLABFUNCTIONS 599 CHAPTER 18 GREEKLETTERS 600 INPUT/OUTPUT IN MATLAB 519 NOMENCLATUREANDUNITABBREVIATIONS 601 MISCELLANEOUSEQUATIONS 602 18.1 INPUT 519 EQUATIONSANDGEOMETRICFORMULAS 603 18.2 OUTPUT 521 SIUNITSANDPHYSICALCONSTANTS 604 18.3 PLOTTING 523 18.4 STATISTICS 527 IN-CLASSACTIVITIES 532 CHAPTER 19 LOGIC & CONDITIONALS 540 19.1 TRUTHTABLES 540 19.2 BINARYNUMBERS 542 This page intentionally left blank PREFACE A touruniversity,allstudentswhowishtomajorinengineeringbeginintheGen- eral Engineering Program, and after completing a core set of classes, they can declare a specific engineering major. Within this core set of classes, students are requiredtotakemath,physics,chemistryandatwo-semesterengineeringsequence. Over the past 10 years, our courses have evolved to address not only the changing qualitiesofourstudents,butalsothechangingneedsofourcustomers.Thematerial taught in our courses is the foundation upon which the upper level courses depend fortheskillsnecessarytomastermoreadvancedmaterial.Itwasforthesefreshman coursesthatthistextwascreated. We didn’t set out to write a textbook: we simply set out to find a better way to TellmeandI teachourstudents.Ourphilosophywastohelpstudentsmovefromamodeoflearn- forget.Teachme ing, where everything was neatly presented as lecture and handouts where the andImayremem- instructor was looking for the “right” answer, to a mode of learning driven by self- ber.Involveme guidedinquiry.Wewantedstudentstoadvancebeyond“plug-and-chug”andmemo- andIlearn. rization of problem-solving methods—to ask themselves if their approaches and BenjaminFranklin answers make sense in the physical world. We couldn’t settle on any textbooks we likedwithoutpatchingmaterialstogether—onechapterfromthistext,fourchapters from this one—so we wrote our own notes. Through them, we tried to convey that engineering isn’t always about having the answer—sometimes it’s about asking the right questions, and we want students to learn how to ask those sorts of questions. Real-worldproblemsrarelycomewithalloftheinformationrequiredfortheirsolu- tions. Problems presented to engineers typically can’t be solved by looking at how someone else solved the exact same problem. Part of the fun of engineering is that everyproblempresentsauniquechallengeandrequiresauniquesolution.Engineer- ingisalsoaboutarrivingatananswerandbeingabletojustifythe“why”behindyour choice,andequallyimportant,the“whynot”oftheotherchoices. We realized quickly, however, that some students are not able to learn without Educationiswhat sufficientscaffolding.Structureandflexibilitymustbemanagedcarefully.Toomuch surviveswhenwhat structure results in rigidity and unnecessary uniformity of solutions. On the other hasbeenlearnthas hand,toomuchflexibilityprovidesinsufficientguidance,andstudentsflounderdown beenforgotten. manyblindalleys,thusmakingitmoredifficulttoacquirenewknowledge.Theten- B.F.Skinner sion between these two must be managed constantly. We are a large public institu- tion,andourstudentbodyisverydiverse.Ourhopeistoprovideeachstudentwith the amount of scaffolding they need to be successful. Some students will require morebackgroundworkthanothers.Somestudentswillneedtoworkfiveproblems, Thelargertheisland ofknowledge,the andothersmayneedtowork50.Wetalkagreatdealtoourstudentsabouthoweach longertheshoreline learner is unique. Some students need to listen to a lecture; some need to read the ofwonder. textoverthreetimes,andothersjustneedtotryaskillandmakemistakestodiscover RalphW.Sockman what they still don’t understand. We have tried to provide enough variety for each typeoflearnerthroughoutthetext. ix

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