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Thinking in problems : how mathematicians find creative solutions / Alexander A. Roytvarf PDF

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Preview Thinking in problems : how mathematicians find creative solutions / Alexander A. Roytvarf

Alexander A. Roytvarf Thinking in Problems How Mathematicians Find Creative Solutions AlexanderA.Roytvarf RishonLeZion,Israel ISBN978-0-8176-8405-1 ISBN978-0-8176-8406-8(eBook) DOI10.1007/978-0-8176-8406-8 SpringerNewYorkHeidelbergDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2012950315 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010):97H10,97I10,97K20,97K50,97K60,97K80,97M50 #SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionor informationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthislegalreservationarebriefexcerpts inconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysisormaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeing enteredandexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthework.Duplication ofthispublicationorpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheCopyrightLawofthe Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer.PermissionsforusemaybeobtainedthroughRightsLinkattheCopyrightClearanceCenter. ViolationsareliabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,with respecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.birkhauser-science.com) Preface Thisbookiswrittenforpeoplewhothinkthatmathematicsisbeautiful,forpeople whowanttoexpandtheirmathematicalhorizonsandsharpentheirskills.Thebest waytosharpenmathematicalskillsistousetheminsolvingproblems. Unlikeotherproblembooks,thisbookcontainsfewroutineexercises,norisita collection of olympiad problems. As we claim in the title, we aimed to create an atmosphereofrealmathematicalworkforreaders.Therefore,wesoughttocollect andexploretwokindsofproblemsunitedbyacommonmethodology.Problemsof thefirstkindincludenicetheoreticalmaterialfromthefieldofmathematicsandare designed to teach readers to understand the math and to help them master the mathematical techniques by working on the problems. We kept to a common approach in teaching mathematics: “For effective learning, the learner should discover by himself as large a fraction of the material to be learned as feasible under the given circumstances. This is the principle of active learning (Arbeitsprinzip). It is a very old principle: it underlies the idea of the “Socratic method”[Polya1962–1965].Problemsofthesecondkindariseinreal-lifemathe- maticalresearch.Bynecessity,thescopeofthisbookistoonarrowforamethodical expositionofapplicationsofmathematicaltheorytoprocessesandmethodsinlife and in the work place. Such an exposition necessitates including a lengthy intro- duction to the applied aspects of the real-life problems, so the emphasis of our discussionisonthemathematicalaspectsoftheseproblems.Havingdescribedand explainedthetheoreticalbackgroundandmethodologyinmathematicalterms,we invite the reader to go on to obtain mathematical results relating to real-life outcomes. (However, when a lengthy introduction to the applied aspect is not required, such as in the problem group “A Combinatorial Algorithm in Multiexponential Analysis,” we depart from this rule and give the reader a nice opportunitytotesthimselfon solving areal-lifeprobleminwhat isessentially its original formulation.) Thus, we seek to show the reader that the same principles underlieworkinboth pure andapplied mathematics.Some problemsinthisbook poseaseriouschallengeformostreaders;thosewhoarepreparedtoworkhardand undertakethischallengewillgainthemostoutofthiswork. v vi Preface Theprerequisitesforworkingwiththisbookmostlycorrespondtothegraduate level,sothebookisaddressedprimarilytothiscategoryofreaders.Undergraduate students will be able to solve a substantial number of problems in this text, including all problems that do not require the reader to wield mathematical skills (mainlyinlinearalgebraandanalysis)thatareoutsidethescopeofwhatisusually taught at the undergraduate university level. We also hope that this book will be useful for teachers of higher education working with students of mathematics. Professionalmathematiciansmayfindinitmaterialwhichwouldbeinterestingto them (e.g., new problems and new approaches to solving some well-known problems). For the reader’s convenience, we have devised a system of stars marking the problem or problem set to indicate the required background: no stars () indicates elementary material, while one (*), two (**), or three (***) stars correspond to the recommended number of semesters of a university-level math curriculum (adetailedspecificationoftherelatedkeynotionsandtheoremsisincludedinthe section“UsingtheStarsonProblems”below). Thus, we assume that the relevant definitions will be known to the reader andthereisnoneedtoremindhimofmostofthem.However,tofacilitateworking with this book, in some cases problem statements are preceded by definitions: e.g., “Recall that a function or a map defined on a Cartesian product of vector spaces is multilinear...,” and “Recall that a real-valued function of one or many real variables is referred to as convex...,” etc. In addition, the problem groups in this book are prefaced with “zero” (“preliminary” or “introductory”) sections containing related key terms, some definitions, and a carefully selected bibliogra- phy.(Obviously,theseshortintroductionsarenoreplacementforregularuniver- sitycourses.) The reader is always warned if comprehending a problem requires knowledge thatgoesbeyondwhatisdelineatedbythestars:e.g.,“Therefore,hereisanexercise for readers familiar with multivariate integration,” or “This and the next two problems are addressed toward readers familiar with normed vector spaces,” or “This problem is addressed to readers familiar with ordinary linear differential equations,” etc.; see details in the section “Understanding the Advanced Skill Requirements” below. Those problems that require the reader to have a stronger mathematical background have been emphasized in this book by using a smaller font size. Paragraphs explaining the theoretical background on which these problemsarebasedhavealsobeenincluded. Thisbookalsocontainsanumberofproblemsthatcouldbesuccessfullysolved withthehelpofsometooloutsideofthestatedcurriculumlevel.Wheneverthisis the case, the reader is warned: “If you need reference to additional definitions or tools related to this problem then look at corresponding Hint.” We introduce the tool within the “Hint,” “Explanation,” or “Completing Solution” sections (see below),whilealsodiscussingthetoolandtheproblem,asrequired.Werecommend thatifreadersdonotencounteranyunfamiliarconceptsortermswhilereadingthe problem’s formulation, they should attempt to solve it. Once they encounter difficulty in solving, they should try to overcome it, and only then, if necessary, Preface vii wemayofferthemappropriatemeanstoovercomethisdifficulty(inthiscase,our seeds will fall into already cultivated soil). Therefore, the structure of the text follows a well-known educational method that works well for students of any background: “For efficient learning, an exploratory phase should precede the phase of verification and concept formalization and, eventually, the material learned should be merged in, and contribute to, the integral mental attitude of the learner”[Polya1962–1965]. Thecompleteproblemsetconsistsof(1)problemsthatstandontheirownand (2)problemscombinedingroupswithacommonsubject.Ingeneral,eachproblem groupincludesmaterialmoreorlesstraditionallyrelatedtothefieldofmathemat- ics,whichisindicatedinitstitle,butreaderswillalsonoticeanumberof“nontra- ditional” inclusions, mainly related to applications – either in other fields of mathematics or in real-life problems (in these cases, the area is indicated). Some ofthegroupsareunitedbythesereal-lifeapplications. In accordance with the aim of the book, the problems are not restricted to the traditional educational categories: analysis, algebra, etc. On the contrary, the suggested solutions are obtained by combining ideas from different branches of mathematics(asisdoneinrealmathematicalwork).Thus,solvingalltheproblems inanyoftheproblemgroupswillprovideabundantpracticeinfundamentaltopics, suchascontinuity,intermediatevalue,andimplicitfunctiontheorems,power-series expansions (analysis), polynomials, symmetry and skew-symmetry, determinants, eigenvalues, Jordan canonical form (algebra), all of which are indispensable for manyreal-lifeproblems. Groupsofrelatedproblemsareorganizedinsuchawaythattheproblemsbuild on each other, providing students with a ladder to master increasingly difficult problems. It is worth emphasizing that this organization also corresponds to the sequencewhichoftenoccursinrealmathematicalwork:readersareinvitedfirstto understand the simplest theoretical concepts, and then to examine applications of theseconcepts,whichallowsthemtoobserveadditionalpropertiesandtoreturnto the theoretical analysis of the generalized concepts. (In some cases, we even consideritnecessarythatthereaderfirstfindsacumbersomesolutionbyrelatively simpletools,whichisfarfromthenicestpossibleone.Wearefollowingthequite obvious idea that (1) the ability to deftly handle such means is useful for the researcher and should be developed, and, more importantly, (2) in this way the reader will be able to see the limits of the method’s applicability and further appreciate the more advanced subtle tools to do the same thing more efficiently. Basedonourteachingexperience,webelievethatthis“inductive”approachisthe mostproductiveforgainingmathematicalskill.Togainasmuchaspossiblefrom thisapproach,werecommendthatreaderstrytosolvetheproblemsineachgroupin thesameorderastheyappearinthebook. Thepresentationwithineachproblemgroupisdividedintosubsections,someof which include introductory, summarizing, or historical materials. To stimulate activeperceptionofthematerial,inmanycasestheproblemsarestatedasquestions (e.g., “Why?”, “Which exactly?”, etc.) or assignments (such as “Complete the details,” etc.) that do not interrupt the presentation; hence, within any subsection, viii Preface notonebutanumberofcloselyrelatedproblemscanbeproposedforsolving.For readers’convenience,inthe“Problems”section,thefirstwordoftheeachquestion orassignment(includingthefrequentlyusedword“Prove”)istypesetinadifferent font(LucidaCalligraphy),andkeywordsinthematerialexpositionare typesetin bold.Inmanycases,wegivepreferencetoassignments,as“Give...”,“Extend...”, “Develop...”, “Find...”,“Evaluate...”, “Describe...”, butnot“Prove” because it is more consistent with actual mathematical practice. We would also like to emphasizethatforamathematician,theword“Why?”maybethemostimportant questionword.Also,weusetheabbreviation“QED”(QuodEratDemonstrandum) to denote the end of a proof, and typeset it in Arial Black. Mathematical and other symbols that we use in the book are traditional and widely used; perhaps the only exception (for the English-speaking reader) is that we prefer to denote the identity matrix (and the identity operator) by “E”, and the symbol “I” is reserved for a square root of (cid:1)E (where the dimension of the vector space is equal to 2). Any other nonstandard, or local, designations are defined in the same placewhereused. We have enclosed an explanation of solutions for all the problems to give the readeranopportunitytocomparetheirsolutionswithsomeoneelse’s.Thesolutions to most of the problems are discussed in stages: first a hint, then a more in-depth explanation, and, finally, everything else that needs to be done to complete the solution. First of all, the reader should try to deal with the problem on his own.Ifhefeelsthathedidnotsucceed,heshouldlookintothe“Hint”andthentry to complete the solution of the problem. If that is not enough, the “Explanation” should be used, etc. The sections “Hint,” “Explanation,” and “Completing Solu- tion” are numbered similarly to the “Problems” sections: e.g., subsections H1.1 (Hints),E1.1(Explanations),andS1.1(CompletingSolutions)correspondtoP1.1 (Problems), and so on. We sought to engage the reader in the process of problem solvingasanactiveparticipant,sothatquestionssuchas“Why?”andofferstofill in the necessary details are presented in these sections in the same way as in “Problems”(readerscanseetheanswerstothesequestionsprovidedinthe“Expla- nation”or“CompletingSolution”sections). Althoughthetastesofreadersandtheirstylesofthinkingmaybedifferent,we believethatitisimportantthatreaderslearntoseethesubjectfromverydifferent angles.Manygreatdiscoverieshavebeenmadebypeoplewhohavesuchanability! Therefore,foreachproblemthatmaybesolvedbyvariousmethods,wesoughtto consider all the approaches that were known to us. In addition, in the “Hint,” “Explanation,”and“CompletingSolution”sections,wediscussrelatedelementary subjectsandothermaterials,suchastieswithmoreadvancedtheories,examplesof applications, references, etc. The additional materials make these sections an extremely important part of this book. Therefore, in order to get the most benefit fromthisbook,thereaderisadvisedtolookthroughthesesections,evenifhefound asolutiontotheproblembyhimselforhasencounteredtheproblempreviously. As should be clear from the above, we assume that the reader will be actively working on problems from the book “with pencil and paper.” In this regard, we would like to make clear that the “Completing Solution” section of the book Preface ix does not contain the presentations of solutions “from ‘A’ to ‘Z’” (which are not neededifareaderthoughtthroughtheproblem,hasalreadyread“Hint”–“Expla- nation,” and therefore wants only the remaining instructions, so that his mind has developed a complete solution). Mainly, this section contains details such as proofs of the lemmas that were formulated and used without proof in “Hint” – “Explanation” sections, and further discussion (sometimes including related problem formulations). The solution may be qualified as complete, only if (1) all gaps in the proof are filled and (2) the reader has a clear view of the place of the solvedproblemwithinwidermathematicalcontextandwouldbereadytoworkon similarorrelatedproblemsinthefuture(becausetheproblemisrarelyagoalinand ofitself). Therearemanydifferencesbetweenthepresentbookandseveralwidelyknown collectionsofnonstandardproblems.Forexample,ourworkdiffersfromaremark- able collection [Steinhaus 1958] in that it explores more advanced topics at the collegeundergraduateandgraduatelevel. The main difference from another brilliant collection of problems for college exitexams[Arnold1991,1989Russian]Isthatthisbookincludesasmallernumber of topics and larger number of problems per topic, allowing detailed and gradual topic development. A few problems from Arnold collection were included in the correspondingproblemgroupsinourbookwheretheyfitlogicallyintotheproblem sequence. Finally, the present book differs from the famous Polya et al. [1964] by the relatively small number of topics that are explored deeply and in its orientation toward readers with a relatively limited experience in mathematics – namely, undergraduate and graduate students. Unlike Polya, we focus on stimulating the readertocombineideasfromdifferentbranchesofmathematicstosolveproblems. We have achieved our goal if the reader becomes more adept in solving real mathematicalproblemsandwewillbequitesatisfiedifthereaderdevelopsataste forthiskindofwork. Someoftheproblems(especiallythoserelatedtoappliedtopics)andsolutionsin thisbookwehavesuggestedourselves.Wherethisisnotthecase,wehavetriedto give credit to the authors of the problems and solutions. Absence of a reference meansthatwedonotknowtheprimarysourceandalsothatthefact(ormethod)in questionhasbecomeapartof“mathematicalfolklore.” RishonLeZion,Israel AlexanderA.Roytvarf

Section I. Problems.- 1. Jacobi Identities and Related Combinatorial Formulas.- 2. A Property of Recurrent Sequences.- 3. A Combinatorial Algorithm in Multiexponential Analysis.- 4. A Frequently Encountered Determinant.- 5. A Dynamical System with a Strange Attractor.- 6. Polar and Singular Value De
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