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Thinking about Ordinary Differential Equations PDF

258 Pages·1997·7.783 MB·English
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Ordinary differential equations—the building blocks ofmathematical model- ing—are also key elements ofdisciplines as diverse as engineering and eco- nomics. Although mastery of these equations is essential, adhering to any onemethodofsolvingthemisnot: Thisbookstressesalternativeexamplesand analysesbymeansofwhichthestudentcanbuildanunderstandingofanumber ofapproachestofindingsolutionsandunderstandingtheirbehavior. The text includes briefexpositions ofstandard topics, including first-order equations,homogeneousandnonhomogeneous second-orderlinearequations, power series expansions aboutregularand regular singularpoints, linearsys- temstheory, and stabilityconceptsforboththephaseplaneandhigher-dimen- sional systems. A variety ofexercises and examples is included, and readers areencouragedtotryalternativeapproachestofindsolutionsthatintegrateand build upon ideas introduced in earlierchapters. This book offers not only an appliedperspectiveforthe studentlearningto solvedifferential equations, but alsothechallengetoapplytheseanalyticaltoolsinthecontextofsingularper- turbations, which arises in many areas ofapplication. An important resource for the advanced undergraduate, this book would be equally useful for the beginning graduate studentinvestigating furtherapproaches to these essential equations. Thinking About Ordinary Differential Equations Cambridge Texts inAppliedMathematics MANAGING EDITOR ProfessorD.G.Crighton,DepartmentofAppliedMathematicsandTheoreticalPhysics, UniversityofCambridge,UK. EDITORIAL BOARD ProfessorMJ.Ablowitz,PrograminAppliedMathematics, UniversityofColorado,Boulder,USA. ProfessorJ.-L.Lions,CollegedeFrance,France. ProfessorA.Majda,DepartmentofMathematics,NewYorkUniversity,USA. Dr. J.Ockendon,CentreforIndustrialandAppliedMathematics,UniversityofOxford,UK. ProfessorEB.Saff,DepartmentofMathematics,UniversityofSouthFlorida,USA. MaximumandMinimumPrinciples MJ.Sewell Solitons P.G.DrazinandRS.Johnson TheKinematicsofMixing J.M. Ottino IntroductiontoNumericalLinearAlgebraandOptimisation PhillippeG. Ciarlet IntegralEquations DavidPorterandDavidS.G.Stirling PerturbationMethods EJ.Hinch TheThermomechanicsofPlasticityandFracture GerardA.Maugin BoundaryIntegralandSingularityMethodsforLinearizedViscousFlow C.Pozrikidis NonlinearSystems RG.Drazin Stability,InstabilityandChaos PaulGlendinning AppliedAnalysisoftheNavier—StokesEquations C.R.DoeringandJD.Gibbon ViscousFlow H. OckendonandJR. Ockendon Similarity,Self-similarityandIntermediateAsymptotics G.I.Barenblatt AFirstCourseintheNumericalAnalysisofDifferentialEquations A.[series ComplexVariables: IntroductionandApplications MarkJ.AblowitzandAthanssiosS.Fokas ThinkingAboutOrdinaryDifferentialEquations RobertE. O’Mallqv,Jr. ThinkingAbout Ordinary Difl’erential Equations ROBERT E. O’MALLEY, JR. UniversityofWashington 3‘3 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ThePittBuilding,TrumpingtonStreet,CambridgeC82 1RP,UnitedKingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS TheEdinburghBuilding,CambridgeCB22RU,UnitedKingdom 40West20thStreet,NewYork,NY 10011—4211,USA 10StamfordRoad,Oakleigh,Melbourne3166,Australia ©CambridgeUniversityPress 1997 Thisbookisincopyright. Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished1997 TypesetinTimesRoman LibraryofCongressCaraloging-in-PublicationData O’Malley,RobertE, Thinkingaboutordinarydifferentialequations/ RobertE.O’Malley,Jr. p. cm.—(Cambridgetextsinappliedmathematics) Includesbibliographicalreference(p.243)andindex. ISBN0-521-55314—8(hardback). -ISBN0-521-55742-9(pbk.) 1. Differentialequations. 1.Title. H.Series. QA372.057 1997 515’.352—dc20 96-14825 CIP Acataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefrom theBritishLibrary ISBN 0-521-55314-8hardback ISBN 0-521-55742-9paperback Transferredtodigitalprinting2004 To Candy, Patrick, Hmothy, andDaniel ... GreatO’Malleys, blissfullyunenlightenedconcerning difierentialequations Contents Preface pageix First-orderequations 1 1.1 Introductoryremarks 1 1.2 Separableequations 13 1.3 Exactequations 16 1.4 Linearequations 20 1.5 Equations ofhomogeneoustype 24 1.6 Special second-orderequations 25 1.7 Epilog 28 1.8 Exercises 28 Linearsecond-orderequations 42 2.1 Homogeneousequations 42 2.2 NonhomogeneousEquations 53 2.3 Applications 61 2.4 Exercises 65 Powerseriessolutionsandspecialfunctions 80 3.1 Taylorseries 80 3.2 Regularsingularpoints andthemethodofFrobenius 88 3.3 Besselfunctions 99 3.4 LegendrepolynomialsandSturm-Liouvilleproblems 106 3.5 Earthquakeprotection 111 3.6 Exercises 113 Systemsoflineardifferentialequations 133 Thefundamentalmatrix 133 Vii viii Contents 4.2 Thematrixexponential 153 4.3 Exercises 161 Stabilityconcepts 176 5.1 Two—dimensionallinearsystems 176 5.2 Usingthephaseplanefornonlinearproblems l84 5.3 Stabilityforhigher—dimensional systems 190 5.4 Liapunovfunctions 196 5.5 Exercises 198 Singularperturbationmethods 208 6.1 Regularandsingularperturbations 208 6.2 Linearinitial valueproblems 212 6.3 Nonlinearinitial valueproblems 217 6.4 Two-pointproblems 223 6.5 Acombustionmodelexhibitingmetastability 233 6.6 Exercises 239 Referenceson singularperturbations GeneralReferences 243 Index 244 Preface This small book is intended for use by students in the applied sciences and engi- neering who already have some elementary knowledge of ordinary differential equations. It aims to emphasize the variety of analytical approaches available and to teach simple techniques to use in their own technical work and in under- standing the behavior of solutions to many standard problems. The exercises at the end of each chapter, in particular, are intended to be the primary learning tool, so fairly detailed solutions are provided for many of them. The important job of interpreting solutions in their underlying physical context is left to the reader. Good calculus skills are called for. Some familiarity with numerical and/or symbolic computing and with matrix analysis would also be helpful, but is not necessary. We will not hesitate to introduce needed theory, without proof, in order to advance the reader's understanding. The fundamental perspective is that there is no best way to solve a given ordinary differential equation. Indeed, most equations that scientists encounter are solved numerically, and the traditional analytical techniques presented here remain important because they provide the basis for successful computing schemes. Readers are definitely urged to use available software to learn about the solutions of the differential equations they either need to solve or have otherwise become fascinated by. The examples and exercises included have been collected over many years for various classes given by the author. Many were taken from others' textbooks and papers (only a few are original), so it is no longer possible to properly ac- knowledge the original sources. This explicit debt to earlier writers is, certainly, substantial. Likewise, little reference is made to more advanced monographs, as would be appropriate for students seeking a less-utilitarian acquintanceship with differential equations. We hope readers will find the problems considered interesting and challeng- ing. Moreover, we hope they will learn enough about how to solve differential IX

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