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Think Like A Woman Always Be A Man PDF

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Copyright © 2012 Midnite Love and Love Den Media Publishing Smashwords Edition All rights are reserved. No parts of this E-Book may be copied, transmitted, used or sold without the written permission of the Author Midnite Love or Love Den Media Publishing The only exceptions to this clause are E-Book Samples which are provided at various online retailers and from the Author and Love Den Media Publishing. Brief quotes may be used in reviews Disclaimer: This book is for the exchange of information NOT for the diagnoses or treatment of any kind. This must be left to a licensed professional; Always see a qualified medical practitioner before making changes in your health and fitness practices. Advice given in this book or in conjunction with The Love Den Diaries (ANY VOLUME) is not to replace the advice given by a licensed professional nor be taken as a counseling or clinical relationship but only as suggestions. As the reader of this series or user of The Love Den Diaries website you bear full responsibility for your decisions and actions. External websites linked from The Love Den Diaries series of books and The Love Den Diaries website are for information, educational, entertainment and reference purposes only. We do not endorse any product, person service or treatment. As a user of The Love Den Diaries website or reader of The Love Den Diaries series you bear full responsibility for your decisions regarding these products, people, services and treatments. The Love Den Diaries (Mini Series) Volume 2 Think Like A Woman Always Be A Man What every woman wishes men knew about dating, sex, and relationships **** Introduction Wanna know what she is really thinking when it comes to matters of the heart? If you are like most men when it comes to women, they are a complete mystery. This volume of The Love Den Mini Series will help to decode what’s going on in her head when she’s being super quite or silently giving you the side eye. Keep in mind that all secrets won’t apply to every situation or to every woman however in many cases the rules or the game never changes. Find out how she really feels about you looking at other women, back breaking sex, and those toe nails that you refuse to clip. Bear in mind that this is not a man bashing book, but rather a guide to helping you better understand the lady in your life. If while reading though the secrets you start to weigh in your relationship and come to the realization that not only is she doing some of the same annoying things to you, or she’s not worthy of the behavioral changes needed to keep the relationship a float. It’s time to either work on the larger issues at hand or keep moving. If she’s not worth putting fourth an effort to improve the relationship you need to ask yourself why are you still with her? This book was written for the men who have women in their lives who truly love and appreciate them. It’s not about power plays or one upping each other. Each person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. If you have a good woman at home and you know it, do her and yourself a favor and keep reading. Unlock the secrets. **** Chapter 1 - What she wishes you knew about dating She wishes that you were sincere Please don’t use her to date one of her friends or to get to another woman. If are really not feeling her don’t string her along or pretend that you want her when all you really want is advice on getting the woman you truly desire. Playing with someone’s emotions is never a laughing matter. If she not good enough to be your lady don’t waste her time and yours by playing games. The sofa, a beer, and watching you play video games while she cooks is not a date Ok let’s get this straight, unless you two have been dating for a while and/or have established a serious relationship the couch is off limits. Yes, that means you will have to break out of your usual couch potato routine and try something new. The art of REAL DATING has been tossed aside like a bad habit. Women want to be asked out on a real date. First off the sofa at either one of you guys place is too intimate of a setting. For the first few dates you guys should be meeting in a public place. The “snuggle up” and watch movies scenario should fall in further down the road. Also remember that even if you two have been an item for quite some time she still likes to go out every now and then. Serving up hot wings and beer while you yell at the tv screen should not be on your list of date ideas for a Saturday night. She wishes that you would take the lead on choosing a place to go Fellas please start taking charge in this area (at least in the beginning). There is nothing worse than when a woman meets a great guy and he asks her out, only to pick her up and say, “So what do you want to do?” You should already have an idea of some fun things you can do together even if it requires planning in advance. Nothing impresses a woman more than a man with a plan! If you leave this up to her she will not feel like that she was even special enough for you to even put forth the effort. She wishes you would dress up sometimes She doesn’t mind when you dress down but it’s really annoying when she’s dressed to the nines for a special occasion and you refuse to even get a shave or a haircut. If the event calls for a dress shirt and tie please don’t show up in sneakers. Depending on the day’s festivities a simple pair of Khaki’s and a button down shirt will suffice. There is no excuse for looking like a slouch all the time. A date doesn’t have to be expensive Unless you have been sleeping under a rock for the past 10 years you full well know and may be experiencing the result of a fallen economy. In some cases some of you may even be unemployed. There are tons of places that you can have a nice date without spending a fortune. If your funds are limited the first thing you will want to do is BE HONEST. A golddigger will make a mad dash for the nearest exit, in which case she wasn’t worth your time from the jump. A real woman (pending the fact that you aren’t just a lazy bum) will stick around if she’s into you. Try going for romantic strolls in the park, how about a picnic? Brunch and breakfast is less expensive than going out for a fancy dinner. If you have been up front about your situation a woman won’t mind if you whip out a coupon. There is difference between a frugal man and a cheap man. Also keep in mind that some libraries offer free passes to local museums. Discounted matinées often run at least 4 days out of a week and are a far better choice than the expensive features on the weekends. This is a great way to see the latest movies without breaking the bank. She hates that you will expect something in return Never give a person more than you can stand to see them walk away with. These are words to live by. Just because you went to dinner and bought a few drinks does not mean that she is obligated to go home with you. If you feel like you are wasting time and money on date after date, try rethinking the places you go and the amount you spend on someone you have just met. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have a great time, but just as tip stated above this one, it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Stop trying to impress every woman that you meet with cash. If it’s your first time meeting one another try asking her out for coffee or drink. That way you won’t feel like you have spent a week’s pay on someone who didn’t work out. She wants to be treated like a lady Well at least most women do. Unless you are dealing with someone with very low self-esteem she will want to be treated like a lady. For the ladies that are reading this; keep in mind that you must first carry yourself like a lady to be treated like one. Opening doors and pulling out her chair for her are nice gestures. A LADY will thank you and appreciate the kindness. If she doesn’t bat an eyelash or treats you like a puppy that should be following her around and doing nice things for her KEEP IT MOVING. There are plenty of women out there looking for a good man and are worthy of the respect. As well as giving it in return. Drunk proposals, I love you, and let’s get serious don’t count Ok so you drunk dialed her and poured out your heart. The problem is she either doesn’t believe you or she wants you to repeat it when you are sober and in a sound state of mind. That’s right it didn’t count. Did you really think it would? I have a friend whose guy would always ask for her hand in marriage every time he got drunk. By the time he sobered up and she would ask him about it he would look like a deer in headlights. The same goes for “I want you to be my girl” and “I love you”, well actually we’ll take I love you anytime BUT to be taken serious these things must not be slurred over the phone after a night out with the fellas, especially if reason for her to doubt your words. She wants you to call, not text On my radio show that my partner and I host called: Chattin with Candace and Midnite one of our most downloaded shows is “Do you have a text message boo?” The art of holding an actual phone conversation fell by the way side along with dating and chivalry. Texting is fine for instances when you can’t talk or in an emergency. Even little notes throughout the day are a great way to let her know you are thinking about her is fine. However if you are catching carpal tunnel from typing a damn novel it’s time to pick up the phone. She wishes that you wouldn’t go AWOL You guys have been dating for a few weeks or months, everything seems fine until for whatever reason you get cold feet. This usually warrants a disappearing act with the same lame old excuses about being busy or how you keep forgetting your phone. How would you feel if you were really digging a lady and “thought” that things were going well then all of a sudden she went ghost with no explanation what so ever? This is where most women start calling like a mad woman to try and catch up with you, which gives most men the perfect excuse to call her “the crazy ex” (that YOU turned her into I might add). I must also add that many men do this to get her to chase him. If it’s over at least be a man and give her the courtesy of actually saying so. The excuse of “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings” has played out. Which do you think hurts worse, telling her the truth or cutting her off completely? And to the players that are reading this, yes she knows that by not coming clean it’s a way of keeping the door open in case you want to try and sneak back in. Aggressive sexual talk and sexual texting STOP SENDING PICTURES OF YOUR PENIS! I can’t scream this one loud enough. I can’t tell you the droves of women who complain about this one. She meets a cool guy, you guys exchange numbers chat on the phone. The next thing she knows; BAM! A penis is staring her in the face. This is a very lame and childish attempt at trying to turn her on with pictures of your dong. Unless you guys have been dating for while or are in a relationship and engage in this type of foreplay, explicit sexual conversation about what you want to do to her is off limits. Use her name and not a slang term This one is self-explanatory. Unless you are in a relationship or are buddies save the pet names. Keep the “hey baby”, “babe”, “shorty”, “ma” and anything other than her real name to yourself.

Wanna know what she is really thinking when it comes to matters of the heart? If you are like most men when it comes to women, they are a complete mystery. This volume of The Love Den Mini Series will help to decode what’s going on in her head when she’s being super quite or silently giving you
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