Think Like a Grandmaster Alexander Kotov Transtoted by Bernard Catferty Algebraic Classics Series Series Editor: Dr. John Nunn GM. B. T. Batsford Ltd, London ime pial asthe USSR. fogs mana @ PT Dando 197 Rapier 1980, 1589.1 988.1, 1585, 698, 1995, 1008 Friis Libary Coopuingae retain Dass A caogue ecu fa book Alb uss serie Nu grt of it Book ay Le epvuctyby ay mate Dene toe permision “ype by John Shas aud ets Fd, went Coat Beats Ue Cacti Fen and Deg tor BT Baer! (U1 “The Chrys king, Leann e859 pba: Sih ew Yak, NIETO ABATSFORD CLESS HOOK Contents Spmbols Preface {trodcion: An Lou Faperiment 4 Analysis of Variations Do sow Know how Analyse? “istorieal Digresion “The Troe of Analysis ‘Raed and Unforood Variations Dilforent Typos of axe ‘Bare Trunk A Coppice” “Tails of Varntons* Selestion of Candidate Moves "What is a Candidate Move? “Creeping Moves! Grose Bhiaders ‘Dizvines due Success Corsidened Reflexes ‘The Blind Spot “Tercugh the Hyer of a Pueer~ Bloripufeld's Rule Mote Pacteal Advice “To analyse of Noco Anatyse? Psioas for Aualyas oc Judgement ‘Teast your Oppencat Na? ‘Timecrouble Browse 2 Peaitionnl Judgement ‘Open Lines and Diagonals "Modera Eicas on Opea Lincs awn Stracture and Wea Squares "Weak Squares sed Pasas Pawn Lalande ‘Weak Colca Complexes “The Poston of Pieces ‘Boor Pai of a be of Pies Spoce andthe Conse Berne ‘An Expurenot Continued Iinitate Botanic or Nader? ‘What Conerete and What ia General? General Questions and Preparation ‘The Opening (Goneral Pomme and Conerte Analysis 3 Pleasing Single Pin Prankxsese Pushed Be Penile ‘The Ceaue ‘Closed Cente pen Ceare ‘Mobile Ceare Fixed Contre ‘Tension athe Cease xecisns 4 7he Rudlog 5 A Player's Knowtedre Opesing Stay It Poel to Soy dhe Middlegame? Adjoursed Gacoss ‘Advice on Various Quions Chews and Lite ‘The Fase af Success ‘Kaow Your Opponent Know Taye Soluons tothe Breecics les of Nees Symbols + Oe Baiant move Bid move 7 Blunder * Mae (0) Diagrn folows Preface ‘An immente number ot hooks have been wri on chet. Some chest ‘riers sonata sana games, oh fers compile and bring op 10 date orks on opening varatons, bul ‘nbange at it ay seetn,n0 one has had tho ie of dneibing theme ‘ds by which the leading players of ‘ur tise bate reached the peak of thelr playing eueagih Yet study of these methods wuld greatly tli tate the process of mattring thei tsaces of Ue game, Ta is book the autor devriber how Rotwnaik, Tal, Seusloy, Be- tronia, Keres, Bronstein and many cther leading grandmusters studied chess theory, aad tinea themacives teunderated te mysteries of chess suategy sad tactics. They thea Selves have revealed some of their methods in atielce and gate anno totions, while K have become ac ‘qutinted with others from personal ‘comersetions With my Glo grand “The reader will oko find a 80- count of my own personal expeti- fee my achievements inte eld ‘of cheye are Exe revel of immense fraed wav i studying theory und ater nyse hat Cas experience wil prove ta be of interest to the ude Cac is 0 complex game, yot amilioos of eothosinne are fasci- rain by Some of them zeach the playing steagth ofa tt or socon feaiegery ployer, while odors axe ‘ollie to be kaoora all ur fe 5 "a beginoer'. Yet surly even a ‘weuk pluyer would Bike to win a ches ile and be kuown a aster, ‘oe even grandmaster, IP someone could only shew them how to reach this gonk, then many of these enthu- sista would be prepared t9 set off ‘long the fong sad irksome roa of twceoameat play wit all us exciting ‘nd neve racing experiences. How ten dace cae become randeasator? a i the ase thar 3 song players abilities arc putoly ‘aural and st hard work eaanot change anyéing? Narucally thote nut fo ann inane ahiily, ul ia other axboees of human sadosy- ‘ur the main foto in mmienss, an ‘tinting efor to maser the skills of hess stistegy and tara. "That great shes chinkse Brpanuel Lasker tect that ia the apace of 100 hoers he could praduce'afrst- categoey player from 4 yousg maa ‘of erags ability. Could ane go fu ther thon Wat? Lasker never bad ‘occasion to prove te vaiity of bia claim; the quedon autaraly aries 10 Preface ould ne by din of arfib way dard woe pow ep com ‘Castor on end 2 pandas My own experience tls ne Dat sch wy snd atk ead 0 Dero vse | wuld vend ths foader that upto 1958 Thad mover ‘managed to reach maser landara emo of the pune ta pe: fod (920-37 led suddenly “great leap Berman gine the aver ee TD snd only one yo ter that of grandma. If Ie thc one cat Becomes giant. tGavter by coe s oom endeavors fone merely as ork hard a How exactyn go about is com. {sed in 8 Yok Oh fo pot re wert noting: 4) Mey dese ome ebook clear abd Sebpa) as posse lo: Jedime w emplyy new mares for Some steps ows se cone This wey not done ln an ates try for an unnccestarity sientic spprouch, but merely tp help the ‘momerisotion of important points "2 The bork makes use toe cee exteat of tho games and advice of ‘hose Soviet prandmastecs whe be Jag «> what now called he oder gescration. The eessan fae this te that all wy chess career 5 have rubbed shoulders with Borvinaik, Keres and Smysiow. The younger ‘gmdate the oer a, ee busy wid tow cortent toueeament bates and write lees about theit eught processes a he bear, sce- _mally restricting Wemselves 1 giv tng onnoree varatons 3} "The book contains gamed by he aother ~ again easily under ‘andable us, io aiming to describe he secrets ofthe chess mind, Ihave rally po ig owe ep nt Powe hen, ‘So, dene reader, fon into ha de, €9 sora the heights of grande sister chess? Introductior An Unusual Experiment ‘We shall cow uy to describe the omplex pecan dink which takes place faa prandansier’s sind ring play. To explain his teught process ts clearly as powsbie It th ry Hile experiment hat ws suggested to mc by the mathod of sudying mechanics in high school Fast of all one sowies Stalies~ tbe ect of foecas om hogy est— and mien Drynarnlcs. in wich the same phenemens atc studiod in ‘motion. So, oo, we shall frst con- sider how tein about moves fom the sale potae of view and thea leer the bouk (am he dynam et ar then imagioe the wom where a toprolagh Louoaaoscat is bing plays. Let ua go on €9 the stage and ask one of tie players, for ample Pelagaewsiy 0 give op it feat 0. Let us aot atk Smystor to tellus sight avay without any furthcr copaideration che course of is heogita as be suis «pos Hoa ia which he, Whilst move ‘Tena be certain that bis Cet me section would be sount how many Davros there ao, As ale rane ‘mecter can tk in ww glance, with out couating, how meny pieces here sre However he may at ence also count the places. We sow assume ‘ha Polugaavsley has ot sazeficed anything and so mera is evel ‘The ara stge fa Smut’ think ing wil be wa clarity the following pe ist roo which opening bas tis position arisen. $f not many moves fave been tate, be we able fscerain thls from ehe pawn con fMguradoo aod me position of the pieces. Tr we are well into dhe ‘aiddlegame then cre asco werk on the remonats oft pro strut, fm Ue open a and ingens Dutpunt Coe ako "Thon tne follows the qustion: have Teves bad tie postion before, foc bas itever ccured in gums by (ther grandmmsters? This is aa i portant point in cariving eatery, Sy Fonceaa cal to mind aml p> aon Cem cadorgamcs thea itis ‘ater to veach m arsement of how things stad, and te bitupon he cor rect plan or inalyse vations. Su 2 se of arcumulated knowlodge i an ercolleat wey of saving chinking time aa well euavoidiag sors or the ‘erg pa "Thi pried of though, which we call the olarioation period, is very 22. Introduction impotent. Here the asin cols is played by the knowledge, expec nce and enuidionof the gremtmaa (er, Nanay the memory p39 ‘part a being to hring to mind he _moves play n games of long age. ‘One eon find emuankable amples pf tie techalquc ip the games of ‘Aseehine and Botwinoik, who ete thereby helped to provoce sat works of ‘Armed with these peellinary soundings, the graadmasier thea a tempt to users the position. He aot fonly hie 19 save the basic problem. ff whe anda Beer he also has 0 discern the nature of the postion ‘down eo ex males dete He wil now the presence and wurmpsraive alae of various open ines, all the ‘hile bearing in ride coacicte teas tht ie bere ben: occupy ths open file ar dingo, close that one. (this File neue the action of the enemy cooks. He wl el work fut which important ouipests he Ehould occupy with is Knight, {roa which outposts be shoot dive ‘oat the enemy cavalry, I wile ‘come clear 19 bim hich of bis Pawan and thore of th appien a freak, where thee ae tong passed pawor. Jaa exe subconscious than Ponscious way he will caablish ‘whet her is co-operation and bar- sony Boron his pieces, ans ike ‘vise forthe opponent He il my 10 Dimsclf mentely thsi wht eve ta pet righ hero where Traut ce pup. wi ot enue Smt tach rouble to exabhch whlch side 200 tuoi te conte, and what he ia flnence onthe cont of this or that pisee. Theo he wil asess the vale ‘teach side's pawn chains, and ind fut where pawn alvances ie poss! Fie Aer ae he ll epderetand ‘more clearly wha haste beter po- sition, ho has the initiative, who fun tack, who will be Forced 40 ‘defend, He will decide sivere White ‘mor atak if Black merely defen, tor ieteed tries wo counter atu on the flank. Or wll Black uy foc 2 blow in De centre —m gronduance ras fll wel that the best anemer fia flank stack ina counter blow Th de esate Fall, ifthe position is even, Saayslow will decide that he most tmanocarre quietly so aye proweke ‘eaknesses in the enemy camp. "This then fs the way tht grand master the tournament roe pees out asessing a poston. We cane ‘ot fava that be will dea withthe lements of dhe postion i this re ‘las ender, Mach of what we Dave ‘ategerted bo will probably ems ‘unis iouition, but ia one way 30 ther the various problems will be ‘onside nad solve "How much time dowy this process abe? Nataly ths depends on che _blity ofthe grammar and on the pect Eeouren of each particalar oven. There i also the element of fhespacament. ft is wll known that ‘with some players soher analysis lays the ain part, wile wit th fs, lnaltion develuped by analy Callproctie predowtaiss. Assasiog postions vers important and aot ‘tine iy devel 19, ily when be has ome heeagh this preparatory work will Smystow stato daw up aplen, Tae dtcesion Gf a player's thoughts is governed Prnciplly by the Fentures ofa given position, but ne small part belongs fo the charter nf he player. Polo fan would most Hhely give Gost ‘hoaght 1 bow to dafead bis weak negate, whores Tal would probably ‘art 2 took forthe nee to Fre pare sacle So in one very or another oer randori decide the geoeral Plan of campaign, where tt direct Kix plecon what © atack, and ta cave of nacessaty bow 29 Uefond, ‘Along with his geoeral plan, he wil Ihave a more concrete plan, which decides what bis next few moves ‘wil be: occupy this squere exchange hat pr, ee He wal also see his epponeat's plo is ad how he (Up to thie stage a griatster's ‘hough have hn hued on gener ‘das and seaiege principles. New, Bt ang as, he wil tt looking for The st move, He wil eich wat _moves are posable, and how they Bt im with hic plan. Thon he wil Begin spalysng many variations. For exch Df dhe moves io will examine be will forese8 the oppeme's eat, {hea his best answer and x0 of. Only Iuroticion 1 tes fishy this imurenge tsk, bow purely anlyical. wil Smysiov move a pice and siop his clock. ‘Thinking over, move mode! "Oe ecpenfncnt hae enabled us to examine the soqusnce of a geand- rast’s thoughts whee bei eoos- jag te boat aoe ina gen potion. ‘We have alto lowed from i that a real chess pliyer rout hve the fo Towing goalies: 1) Fe mast he wll up io madsen ‘opeing theo 9) His moe no and Koo in hit mentary de principles Bein tpic fal miedlegeme.pesions ferme both rom hi own games, and Een those of othe players. The more a player knows snl reraembert, the naira ima fia a preco- Gent, Le. a position that has 0°. ‘cued before and which ainda co his owe presat position. Naural, itis oct e question of mechanical memansing, bet of kaowing meth ‘ods and possibly separate moves ad ‘combinations emp a seee Sine tor other and apprepiately axesied fn subsequent antes and analysis. ‘ie val el these Frat two quaties ih good ean ‘bees eran’ 3} A grandmaster mut be ab 10 sca a position sccurately and cce- realy '4} Notes important isthe ability to hicupen height plan, wich est ee he demands of i given post '3) A grandmaner mostbe ablewe caleulateacouralely and quickly sl 14 Introduction he viguicantvaintons that night Sie in the subsequent couse of By “These thon athe nos potast quate bic players should de Selo within teases, ial by practice, analysis and persomal ef. Fine We shall ao exantine all ene ‘qualities and akow row they can be suid by dint of hard work. To fe ‘tte their eviment we shal deal ‘with them in diferent eder 1 Analysis of Variations Do you Know how to Analyse? Receatly I wae ited to tae coving aremony oF lear usnasment 2 hich bei candidate asters ane fisccategoey players were plying. T sed my ationee what ty would Tike me ttl to them about, and 1 ‘was indie wit requess. Some Players asked mle en demonstra Sn inaeesdng comoltion, while ‘thers wanted ta kaw bow to play the Slaltlan Degence comedy fer Back, “But do you know bow to analyee variations?” asked my Listeners, and without giving them time 2 e+ ply went on, vl shuw you bw 1 ualyee variations and ifm wm, them stop me, Let ue mos tat fone poi ia your game you hve choice between two moves, EU or {Dg Whisk asst yon play? You elle down comfocably in your ‘ead start your analysis by Tenly saying to Yourself the posable snes. “All tight T could play BS? 45d be would probably play 7, ‘rhe oould tke my spam, which ‘Bow undefended, What ten? De I [ike tbe look of the positiem hoc? ‘You g0 one move Farther ia your analysis and then you putt 9 ong face the rok mows ne Fone ap pests ta you, Thea Jom look atthe right nue, “What if go igs? He can deve Rapny by 16, Tg0 Des, the expire it with his bisbop, Te capture and be attacks my queen ‘with his rook, That doese"( look ‘ery mies sDihe keighe move ls no goad Ls Took af the eke move ‘guia. the plays AV? Team reply #3, but what if he captures xy 3 pawn. What can Tp the? Noy be Took mave fs no goes, Tmt sek he knight move spain Ss OS, Bed, axel; Wet, la No yoeod Sp Irmsir move Ue Kaige Tey tte con nove again. Ha, a2" Sis pri you glace at te clock. “My goodness! Alceady 30 minmtcs ‘gore on thinking wher to move thy rook or the Kaleb" 13¢ goes ou (ike chs youl realy be in time ‘eubla. Aod thea suddenly you re sary the bappy idea why mave ook oc knight“ Wht about BT ‘And without may moore ado, without fn analysis ot ll you move the bishop, aot Fike chal, with hardly any considerations al” My sorde ees inkemupted by applause. The iene laughed, $9 porate was my plomse of ici at ‘Sivan ible, 16 Do you Know how ro Analsse? ‘When Levene Unt Fas wit ing a ook to tall a that T knew stout amalsi, based on shat I hd Iareed fom other grandmastere fd wa hd discovewed roy, ‘was rewarded ot gt Py appliance. ‘Thus [came to rewire that players ‘oven in Bigh rides need soch pide toe, Then suid oxlagly, "Zotvin- tk ix working hard a€ aying to ike 2 eens play chess as Well a hursan being, 50 It me tach bboman beings to analyse with Oe sonmacy ofa machine’ ‘Tar example have described of incorrect, unsystemati ting is ‘guile comenn even with players of ‘lsh and igh gradings. They soneenty abandon Dr analysis make a move which they bavea't ‘ceominad property aa Let os com ‘lee one ac eas, "White's attack on the kingslde lool very threatening, ant naturally the masta who wae White tied ‘ind. onncrete way to sles te e+ msg king arto get some decisive ad- ‘vantage. Tis not very dificult 3 (a comerse fine mut avoive 2 630- ifce, “Thave to tustfoa? the maser todd mel ba which ple? There ars rovers posibiler: 26 2xh6, 26 raa6 ot 26 Sgt followed by 27 ‘Bans Which hen? Let os analyse 26 age Axed 27 dag’ feg6 28 Hao6 gus 29 006+ 7. The ex- change down, the d-pawa wel, Black's bishop is strong. No, at's i, What 126 Sxh6? Lets have look, 26.gxh 27 Wis £505 28, BxeS Wg? 29 Wes (29 Hegs Wags) 29,88 and bore White has noc Ing concent. "Posshly 26 ied ie sttonger? ‘Where will she black queen go £5 Is had because of 27 Eno pxbo 28 Wits exf5 29 Bugt+ €x7 30 Benge dg7 31 bd. Two paves tn, White stand clearly bet Noe ce 26. sove him, since ther 2 anst gun 28 Bagée or 28 ‘rxeot and he black Hag canna be defended "$0.26 Dig is good? But what it 26.MhA? Then 27 OabS+ 18 Ne. White cannot allow that; the ‘gecens are exchanged an all bis Dicoes are en prise, Su pd doesn't ‘work, Lels touk at de cther ca "ures om 6 and 96 again” "And once sapie Mis Ooughts welt un te vr ualications of thoce two muses, and yet again the revoking postions did nt appeal © (Ge maser, Oper more he oturned © ‘osider 26 Bd and once aga be ‘a not Bed a wie here. How mamay ‘mer fe jumped feos one variation te the other, how fen he thought ‘boat thi and that aternpl 13, ‘nly be cao tell. Bat now timc. Trouble eamne eroeping up and the snste decided 10 “pay asafe ose ‘which it a demand any real oats: 26 3, Als, this was l= tat the worst move he eld have played. Black replies with the dec ive 26,208 wn afar 27 Wit iS 28 BOL bd White was forced to co- Sigo, Nove om pasring that Wits wis wring Ln reject 26 Og Aftor 26,.8h4 97 Rabe 05 28 Wad Sant 29 Fue SAM 30 Bose Seth 31 Bet Gacg? 32 Bhd a6 33 Bast Bed 34 SxoY Qnel 38 BabT White would win, Can you remember ciey when {his happened to you in toursament games? No doube you eal Solos fdiseoss how to Tear to think wbout pombe moven sith the pretest ‘iene. Historical Digreeslon Practice bas shown that only a players ve masieted the tectnique ‘of alysis even Righly ested play- fers ane lahng i Oe sespoct Tinchy ercles, whace oe bears many ape sayings, there a.enmmon ink tha no ype of exaeose ea, ‘hange » player's playing stengih Wits like t@ quote the words of Qap Bender Translators note: (ae ef the main chives inthe wellknown satrieal novels By TH find Potroy, The Pentre Chair ane Do you Know how toAnayee? 17 “Tre Golden Call One ofthe jokes of iho bask was shee Bender, whe could not play chess, goveTectres land digplaye om the game!) ho ‘bs famooe chess lectre said, "The onde plays well and the broneus plays badly, and oo lectures will ‘honge thin tate of alli!” Hes bree, he experience of many PIE ff widoly efferent playing Heenst shows hat the oppoite te. ‘We hal be menting aga the need for regular sele-ananusation, forthe need to sommarise the les ona of the tournaments We have played in. Tie by means of such elleieian that we can bee lar ify the faule of our chess inking "Ta give the eater a better idea of whngtY mean Tall elf you about the woe Tid myself in this He, work which gaveazuch beter res than Yexpected, athe period 1935.34 | hart man aged to aie fret pre in a number of fist category tourer. Thad played with euccer in two Mien championships, but ail te saute 1 ‘was tent eth my play When 1 id a eitint sere of games F same. to the eonchision tht there ‘were serious defects in ey play. 1 tan looking, #8 [write is, at Oe many exerize bos that fled in thoes Gays with ates to may games Believe me, they ate full of harsh storia woenments, No aplenetc Bencialne ever pave nach angry a Sscottocnts ta my moves as 10d ¢ (nce wrote inthe press: "Mest wf all 18 Do you Know how to Anatyee? ivhecame clear to me drat my male frohle was net superficial Know!- frge of the opeainge or poor end ame technique, but my lilted (ndarstanding of the cilddlegame. (My worm font yas am inablley © snalyse variations 1 woul apcod Zar (oa much me examining com paratively simple pesto, which ‘rea romalted in ime wou. More ‘ver, Tofen made serious bhandars ioally, after the yoee 1 would al- ‘ways find aut Wat opponent bod ‘eat euch more al tbe boned than T tind ehecame clear to me tat Tho tot of hard work todo on master- Ing te (ecbaigue af analysis” “This os how F expressed it in ppablic, havin my exsrcise books 1 Dot much more strongly. “t bad ‘rrked ut the following Variations Brion, and was daly punisbed by my appacent Such vague maly- sien the mai ckawoack in my ply fn Lmnat ake every effet 00 Hout fhatwas what] orate in my fates to my game with A. Yeltsov. “A lack of deste seally 2 go itn eoncrere variations thoeoogRly, 2 Vague wandering aboot, those ae ‘ny charncterite mintates #9 ary play imine 1936 Mascon champinee Ship. waa another gloomy sum ving. Tvs particulacy Racowraymt my gume with Paaoy (Black) which ‘flee a sharp opening reaches! the following poston. ‘White's tack bathe queensiae, sot scemed co me, way dewelnping fn a systematic and logical way. T Judged tht the ‘ugly founaion of he Black pices srs pv o hs 3 lows posional difteules. ln the game thre now came 22 05 Dgst for which tc audenly became 28 lows that Black ba very dangerous reals. The main point, however, ‘was that his Kingside pleoes which Thad thooght gave the Ipreasion ff awowardaces and lack of 22-9 eration were working together very ‘well, whetcaa my “nicely placed” pieces were unable nary Ris asty Urea, “There now fotlowed 28 M731 13 24 Diet 25 hint aad 26 Bid 3.27 Hea? We and Black has 3 ‘winning game. The Gnigh was just ‘Punishment for my ill-founded epti- ‘im: 28 $7 of 29 Me] Bad] 30 Hedi e331 3 205 32 dn ‘Wre} and Black eaily won theend- ing, ‘After the game we analysed sev- eral variations. Panow told me tht fitter 22.0095! he though White had no good defence. 1623 Hel then 23.1324 Stl OA bt Ges 25 xo xg? with che tere threats 0f76. Was, 26. WaT and 26.) 2A lieeS'25 Bh3 ek 26 xt Wes 27 g4 07 28 tgs Wels 29 3 Whos 30 Op Bets 31 dad Hise 22 shy? Bes wins heguies, sibiiges which were hidden ia he oviton remained a mystery for re tothe end ofthe game. Thad ot ‘eramined a vingle one of Wie tacti- ‘al operations given ebove. Here is ‘hat wrote in ay summary of the tournameat about my aiscoucop- tioae inthis gama Tat not able Find a single one of the vaialont find ooeahinaios ile Faso he ‘board, T dids't even suspect that there wae a comibivalion coming at move 24, and T as very ranged ‘then Pano shared ita woe, To plan? Ta pasting Tul the following. sammanany of the thinkig time | took in the games of he 1935 Moscow championship: "om the 17 gemca, [wor in serious tme-couble ia 7 gummrs, in simple time-couble (S tminotes ford 10smever in § games, fet in time trouble in § gumee Gin 3 of which the game did not est long ‘enough forthe time control 19 mat- (er), In time trouble ployed badly, most ofthe Une gving on wining op vatitigns and gaoeea! efectos ‘Well theo, that’s prety eles, Suck Bo you Knowhow to Analyse? 19 severe selbciticiom presupposes tthe next step wil be ert root aut the fas, aut Tetarted ta work Having czamined the games of other players, pavticuaily saastet, ‘and sad the oocasional coniments ‘04 this poin that appeared in game ‘anmctatons, I became evsn mote ‘avineed thas the ability co analyae Clearly a euffient uum of va ations 10 00 10 clarity the position ‘was che bare condition for taccest. Howaver, [alo eame tote concto- son that in hee analysis some play fre make vasious asetakes, Scine texamine s few Kinet th a enone able depth, othees analyse a Large umber of variations too or Uae sngves deep. Toe correct sohtion ie te find the golion mean, eepacally ft one i playing against a une Tin leat ac ha U0 a ths abilky to vicaateoneaci ia the labyrint of pontible vikatlons is ot only natal gif, but also che result of seious and prolongs ef or, ued ening. ‘How should one go sbout tis tnaining! Wheto wis thre a dscrip- toa of how co tenn an dizeipine ‘nes hough There were uo books fox the subject and it i not seem possible te get help from anyeac la, 20 I bad to fend far myaell. ‘hore a method which seemed to me the most rational, and forronaely i ‘was the right one, Ever since that flame T have considered the 08 fate mesh to get good ecu