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thief river falls city council agenda tuesday - january 16, 2018 PDF

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Preview thief river falls city council agenda tuesday - january 16, 2018

THIEF RIVER FALLS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TUESDAY - JANUARY 16, 2018 COUNCU, CHAM-SERS CITY HALL - 405 3RD STREET EAST 5:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. PUBLIC FORUM - Individuals may address the City Co1mcil about any item not included on the reg14f(Jr agenda. A maxinUlm of5 minutes is aiioned for tlte public forum. Speak£rs are requested to come to tlle microphone, stute their name and address for the record, and limit their remarb Lo five minutes. Tiu City Council will not take official action on items di.fcussed af this time, with tlte exception ofr eferr{J/ to .ftaffo r a conurlittee, board or co111111issitmfor ajut11re reporl. S. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/PUBLIC INFORMATION ANNOUNCEMENTS • Lifesaving awards • Downtown Development Presentation (page 3-68) 6. APPROVE AGENDA - Council members may mid items to tile agenda/or cliscussionpurposes or staff direction. Tlte Council will not 11ormaUy take ofjicial aclion on items added to the agenda. 7. CONSENT AGENDA - These itetnf are considered routine i111iature 11nd are approved with one motion witfiout discussion/debate. The Mayor will ask ~f any Council member wishes to remove an item and place it on the regular agenda for discussion and consideration. ifn o items are to be removed, the Mayor will then ask for a motio11 to approve the Consent Agenc/a. 7.01 Approval of January 2, 2018 Council Proceedings (page 69-75) 7.02 City of Thief River Falls Bills and Disbursements 7.03 Approval of progression raise for Christopher Klie, Apprentice Lineworker (page 76-77) 7.04 Approval of2018 mileage and meal reimbursement schedule (page 78-79) 7 .05 Approval to write off Falls Liquor Store NSF checks (page 80-81) 7.06 Approval to write offlUlcollectible utility accounts (page 82-86) 7.07 Approval of waiver petition with NMPA (page 87) 7.08 AE2S Task Order 5 & 6 (page 88-105) 7.09 AE2S Task Order 7 (page 106-112) 7. 10 Renewal of TRFA HA Concession Agreement (page 113-116) 7 .11 Approval of summer ice in the Ralph Engelstad Arena (page 117-118) 7 .12 Approval of appointments to Boards and Commissions (page 119) 7.13 Approval of Kmart Property Deed Transfer (page 120) l 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.0 l Resolution approving the issuance of Electric Revenue Bonds Series 2018A (page 121-133) 8.02 Approval of Electric Department Building Award (page 134-141) 8.03 2018 Street & Utilities Improvements Feasibility Report (page 142-152) 8.04 Approval of CIMCO Mechanical, Energy and DFS audit proposal (page l 53-182) 8.05 Building Inspector job description posting (page 183-186) 8.06 First Reading of Ordinance amendment - Outdoor Sidewalk Commerce Zone (page 187-193) 8.07 Swnrnary of Performance Evaluation of Liquor Store Manager 9. COUNCIL BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS REPORTS - Not all boards or commissions will have met prior to the Council meeting. Tlle.'le reports are i11te11ded to keep the other council members i11formed of actio11s or propm;ed actions taken by these board'I and commissiolls. 011/y those with somethi11g to report would be o" the agenda. 10. UPCOMING MEETINGS 10.01 City Council Meeting- February 61h at 5:30 p.m. 10.02 Utilities Committee Meeting- February l21h at 7:00 a.m. 10.03 Public Safety/Liquor Committee Meeting- February 12th at 4:30 p.m. t 0.04 Administration Committee Meeting- February 13th at 4:30 p.m. 10.05 Public Works Committee Meeting-February 14th at 4:30 p.m. 10.06 City Council Meeting- February 20Lh at 5:30 p.m. 11. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS • Investment Summary dated 12/31/ 1 7 (page 194) 12. ADJOURNMENT City of Thief River Falls complies with the ADA Individuals with disabilities requiring special aids should contact the City Administrdtor, 405 Third Street East, Thief River Falls, MN 56701, 218-681-2943, 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 2 2 n ~ ll TMIEF RIVER FALLS NEW VISION FOR DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY MASTERPLAM - OCTOBER 2017 8 1 J .Jj J ~ljj Jjj h~ ... w E-'4v•X;1·"~".'.".T'.~.·. '"EC' 'I~""""S' ,_?-,, _ .I_ ~' _.'.,"O. ".'.;.~J Ut t"'<l.,t:,ctC,•"n> :L.''r-r~'i.o.,:".>ae. lnf 1 o1hl'r o•t.. ; .J.la t>;\Ci.:,u;J .'(nC·O'~ .·<•J~r1~R. n.d/.\ J~ C~ .,~f\ 1<o.~irnrtnyhdew~scto~it~al? D I, ,. ,.,.TRF. n •'•A HI~> V~. L!'tIiMELE ""'II;!RS'F~ o. CD...O. , E',L .. LS\ E,, IG\1G.E, ..., ON,(oF \ 'G~ tnt1.r~t. .1 r,. S,•1 1)1:,111:1111hI: s ..1 111u1g Rr-).c:;u:t. NEW VISION FOR DOWNTOWN - COMMUNITY MASTEAPLAM Thief River f:alls, MN l=inal Report October 2017 DESIGM AHO REPORT 0EVELOPMEMT Virajita Singh Assistant Vice Provost, Office for Equity & Diversity Senior Research l=ellow, Center for Sustainable Building Research Joe Polacek Moster of Urban and Regional Planning Candidate. Humphrey School of Public Affairs ' Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Sustainable Building Research PLANMIMG TEAM !=aye Auchenpaugh Member, Thief River !=alls Downtown Development Association Linda Kingery Executive Director, Northwest Minnesota Sustainable Development Partnership Ashley Nerhus Executive Director, Thief River !=alls Chamber of Commerce Ryan Walseth Choir. Thief River l=olls Downtown Development Association IMAGE SOURCES UNLESS OTMERWISE NOTED, BY: Virajita Singh, Joe Polacek, Amy l-lolvorson 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ CONTENTS Partners & Project Team 5 Acknowledgements 7 ~xecutive Summary 9 Section One: Project Introduction ll Section Two: Precedents Research 17 Section Three: Community Engagement 27 Section !=our: Design Principles and Recommendations 37 1. Connect with Nature 43 2. Design with Scale 45 3. ~xpress Culture 47 4. Foster Innovation 49 5. Create l;:xperiences 51 6. Maintain & Troubleshoot 53 7. Create Winning Teams 55 Section Five: Summary of Recommendations & Priorities 57 References 62 Resources 65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 3 (.11 6 PARTNERS The Thief River ~alls Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit ri:JTHIEF membership organization for businesses and organizations in the Thief River Falls community. !':!RIVER We bel:eve that Thief River f=alls is northwest Min~esota's top destination to work, live. ploy and shop arid we advocate ~F·-ALLS that in all that we do. We support our members by promot .~... ·n~~.r --·s .a,.~ rc -..,.r COM·M-tRCE ing o business climate that enhances economic vitality ond improves the quality of life for all citizens. The Downtown Development Association (ODA) is o commit tee of the Thief River ~alls Chamber of Commerce, working to preserve and rejuvenate downtown Thief R:ver !="alts as o vibrant and flour;shing destination. Through o renewed focus. we will continue to be an econom ically viable regional ::enter of Northwest Minnescta. The Northwest Region in Minnesota is not defined by county Northwest Regional Sustainable boundaries. but for reference. it generally serves Kittson. Roseau. Lake of the Woods. Marshall. Dennington, Red lake. Development Partnership Clearwater, Beltrami, Polk. Norman. Mahnomen. Cloy. and Wilkin counties. CN!VtiRSITY Of' MlN"IES<H;\ EXTENSION The NW Regional Partnership organizes its wo·k around four focus areas: '\lo:•_ral Resources. Cleon ~nergy, ::ood and Agriculture ond Resilient Ccrr.munities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 5 --..) PARTNERS The Center for Urban and Regionol Affairs (CURA) connects the resources of the University of Minnesota with the inter Center for Urban and ests ond needs of urban communities ond the region for the benefit of oil. Regional Affairs (CURA) CURA purs•..:es 'ts urban and regional mission by facilitat or ing and supporting connections between state and local UNtVER~ITY f\·1tNNEso·1A governments, neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations. Driven to Oi,cov•H and relevant resources at the University, including focully and students from appropriate co mouses, colleges. centers or deportments. The Northwest Minnesota l=oundotion invests resou;ces. facilitates collaborotlon, and promotes philonthrooy to make ~J..,e region a better place to live and work. ~ Northwest We hove adopted o concept called Quality of Place. which ,~ Minnesota ~ E<?~11~~l2.9. we use to focus our resources on meeting the needs of our rurol region. Quality of Place is something all communities will need to be successful in the future. found in four asset areas: Natural Assets -outdoor recreation, clean 01r and water, lakes and forests: Structural assets - housing. health core, education: Social assets - leadership. effective orgoni· zotions. community character; Economic assets -jobs, family incomes. business opportunities. COLLEGE OF Working to tronsform the built environment in ways that DESIGN provide for the ecologicol. economic. ond social needs of the present without compromising those of the future. Energy and Climate Change: The Woter Cycle; Sustainable ,..~·:· Materials for a healthy built environment; Value and ben efits of regenerative designs: l'.;quitoble designs to provide .......... • ... I sustainability for all; Creating Regenerative and Resilient Ctrnlt:r fot Su:i:IHrnahl«: Su1ld11ua Ht:s~arch Communities. 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 00 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We express sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the project and to the design process for their participation and contributions to the vision of Thief River Falls. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ryon Walseth Jarrod Kalsnes Trevor Swanson Ryan Bakken Jim Dagg CITY OF THIEF RIVER FALLS AND PENNINGTON COUNTY Brion 1-!olmer, Mayor Don Sollom, Councilmember Word 2 Rodney Otterness, City Administrator Missy Sletten, Porks and Recreation Rachel Prudhomme, Councilmember Ward 5 Dale Narlock, Electric Superintendent Christine Anderson, Economic Development Steve Norverud, Council member At Lorge Mork Borseth, Community Services Director Kevin i::::rickson, Deputy Auditor-Treasurer COMMUNITY MEMBERS 1-leidi Brenden John Clark LeRoy Stumpf Kelsey Broleng Kendall Deehan Wade Benson Rolf Bredeson Steven Dahlen Andrea Volk Kim Deehan Ivette Garrett Gary Webber Michael Gebauer Charlie Bedard Leroy Aasland Andrea Zipprich Poul Burnett Barb Housey Rhoda Wengeler Lucy Aosland Curtis 1-luot Brion Meekma David Hill Scott Ingram Dave Bergman Amy Beckius-Johnson Chase Geer Cathy l=ynboh 1-leidi l=ehlhober Glen Kajewski Loura Stengrim Corna Yon 1-Joltum Brian Germon Jean Marquis Stacy Olson Don Sollom Dove Strong Desirae Iverson Donna 1-!elmich Logan Kalinowski RESEARCH INPUT Doug Louer Caryl Bugge Jamie Bakken Rick Trontvet Lindo Kingery Richard Graves Amy Halvorson Rolf Jacobson Mark Schmitke Ashley Nerhus Matthew Goldstein Dan Hondeen !=aye Auchenpaugh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 \0 10

the resources of the University of Minnesota with the inter- will need to be successful in the future. found in four asset . to develop o master pion with community engogemenl .. was only in piece for two days. it helped to present o future .. r.ny 1ht Jl:ll:'r- 0: 1h.o p,lf vote preserves place
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