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Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons Carl L. Yaws Second Edition AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA First edition 2008 Second edition 2014 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@ elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is availabe from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-323-28659-6 For information on all William Andrew publications visit our web site at store.elsevier.com Printed and bound in United States of America 14 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors Sy-Chyi Lin, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Depart- Preeti S. Yadav, Senior Process Engineer, Foster Wheeler USA Cor- ment, Lamar University, P.O. Box 10053, Beaumont, TX 77710, poration, 585 N. Dairy Ashford Road, Houston, TX 77079, USA USA Brandon Yaws, Undergraduate Student, Chemical Engineering De- Geoffrey L. Price, Professor and Chairman, Chemical Engineering partment, Texas Tech University, 3112 126th St., Lubbock, TX Department, The University of Tulsa, 800 S. Tucker Drive, Tulsa, 79423, USA OK 74104 Nathan K. Yaws, Senior Facility Engineer, Chevron, P.O. Box 1365, Marco A. Satyro, Senior Engineering Fellow, Virtual Materials Nederland, TX 77627 USA Group, Inc., #222, 1829 Ranchlands Boulevard Calgary, Alberta, Carl L. Yaws, Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Lamar Canada, T3G 2A7 University, P.O. Box 10053, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA Acknowledgments The author wishes to acknowledge special appreciation to his wife (Annette) and family (Kent, Chelsea, Brandon, Lindsay, Rebecca, Chloe, Trey, and Sarah). Carl L. Yaws, Montgomery, Texas Disclaimer This handbook presents a variety of property data. It is incumbent ness of using any of the data in any subsequent calculation, design, upon the user to execute judgment in the use of the data. The author or decision process. The author accepts no responsibility for dam- does not provide any guarantee, expressed or implied, with regard ages, if any, suffered by any reader or user of this handbook as a to the general or specific applicability of the data, the range of er- result of decisions made or actions taken on information contained rors that may be associated with any of the data, or the appropriate- herein. vi How to use this book Coverage for more than 10,000 hydrocarbons and chemi- ● Critical compressibility factor – helpful in corre- cals. This book provides vital and easily accessible data to sponding state correlations the practising engineer and scientist in the field. The data ● Critical density – useful in corresponding state correla- contained here provides important information that is help- tions ful in design, research, development, and manufacturing ● Critical pressure – helpful in corresponding state cor- operations. relations for thermodynamic and transport properties Included are: critical properties, acentric factor, isother- ● Critical temperature – useful in corresponding state mal compressibility, density, dipole moment, enthalpy of correlations for thermodynamic and transport properties vaporization, enthalpy of fusion, radius of gyration, surface ● Critical volume – helpful in corresponding state cor- tension, thermal expansion, and other thermophysical prop- relations erties. Gases, liquids and solids. ● Density of liquid – useful in design of storage vessels From C1 to C100 organics and Ac to Zr inorganics, and shipping containers, useful in many engineering ap- the data in this handbook is a perfect quick reference for plications involving liquids, helpful in relief valve sizing field, lab or classroom usage. By collecting a massive – but for safety relevant – amount of information in one source, the hand- ● Density of solid – helpful in design of storage vessels book enables engineers to spend more time developing new and shipping containers designs and processes, and less time collecting vital proper- ● Dipole moment – helpful in corresponding state cor- ties data. relations for polar compounds The property data are helpful in many engineering and ● Enthalpy of fusion – useful in energy balance calculations scientific applications: ● Enthalpy of vaporization – useful in design of vaporiz- ers and condensers, engineering applications involving ● Acentric factor – useful in corresponding state correla- saturated liquids and vapors, safety engineering such as tions for thermodynamic and transport properties ascertaining vaporization quantities from vessel rupture ● Boiling point – helpful in ascertaining temperatures ● Molecular formula – indicates size of molecule, de- required for vaporization in process operations, deter- termines groups for group contribution methods to esti- mines separation by distillation, characterize general mate thermodynamic properties volatility characteristics ● Name – identification of compound, helpful in locating ● CAS No – Chemical Abstracts Registry Number, useful safety regulations in specifying compound, helpful in finding MSDS data ● Radius of gyration – useful in molecular thermody- and locating manufacturers on web namics ● Coefficient of isothermal compressibility of liquid – ● Surface tension – useful in heat and mass transfer useful in safety analysis including relief valve design correlations ● Coefficient of thermal expansion of liquid – useful in ● van der Waals area and volume – helpful in molecular safety analysis including relief valve design thermodynamics vii Preface This book is the product of a life’s work in analysis and I hope that the readers find the information useful and presentation of property data helpful in the application of treat the book as a “hands on” manual, something to get chemical engineering and scientific principles. It is not dirty and use in the field, in the lab, or in the office. It is not meant to be a theoretical treatise, but an aid to the practic- meant to sit on a shelf and gather dust, but to be a helpful ing engineer and scientist. The data contained in the book tool for the engineer and scientist. provides important information that is helpful in design, I want to thank everyone who made the book possible, research, development, and manufacturing operations. It is including all of the contributors, all of the people at the intended for quick use in both day-to-day operations and publishers, and my family. long range projects. Carl L. Yaws About the Author Carl L. Yaws, PhD, is Professor (retired) of chemical Instruments. He is the author of 36 books and has published engineering at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas. He more than 1000 technical papers in process engineering, has industrial experience in process engineering, research, property data, and pollution prevention. He is a leading development, and design at Exxon, Ethyl, and Texas authority on hydrocarbons and chemicals. viii Chapter 1 Critical Properties and Acentric Factor – Organic Compounds Carl L. Yaws TABULATION RESULTS Inspection of the tabulation for critical properties and acentric factor yields: The tabulation is arranged by carbon number (C, C2, C3, ……) to provide ease of use in quickly locating the data by using the chemi- Tc = 282.34 K cal formula. The compound name and CAS No (Chemical Abstracts Pc = 50.41 bar Registry Number) are next provided. Values for molecular weight, Vc = 131.0 ml/mol boiling point, critical temperature, pressure, volume, density, and rhoc = 0.2142 g/ml compressibility factor are given in the adjacent columns. The code Zc = 0.281 for each property is also given. The last column provides the acentric omega = 0.086 factor. In preparing the tabulation, a literature search was conducted to identify data source publications (1–93). Both experimental values for the property under consideration and parameter values for estimation of the property are included in the source publica- tions. The publications were screened and copies of appropriate data were made. These data were then keyed into the computer to provide a database of values for compounds for which experimen- tal data are available. The database also served as a basis to check the accuracy of the estimation methods. Upon completion of data collection, estimation of values for the remaining compounds was performed. The estimates are primarily based on literature methods and pro- prietary procedures developed by the author. If initial analysis using the estimates is favorable, follow-up experimental determination is recommended. A comparison of estimated and data values for critical tem- perature are shown in Figure 1 for a representative chemical fam- ily (alkanes). The graph shows favorable agreement of equation and data. EXAMPLE In an engineering analysis, the critical properties and acentric factor are needed for ethylene (C2H4). Determine the critical properties and acentric factor for ethylene. FIGURE 1 Critical Temperature of Alkanes Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-28659-6.00001-X Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved 1 Table 1 Critical Properties and Acentric Factor – Organic Compounds mol wt boiling point critical temp critical pres critical volume critical den crit comp fac acent factor NO ID FORMULA NAME CAS No g/mol TB, K code TC, K code PC, bar code VC, ml/mol code rhoC, g/ml code ZC code omegacode 1 14 CBrClF2 bromochlorodifluoromethane 353-59-3 165.365 270.60 1 426.15 1 42.54 1 246.00 1 0.6722 1 0.295 1 0.187 1 2 16 CBrCl2F bromodichlorofluoromethane 353-58-2 181.819 325.90 1 512.90 3 45.37 3 266.00 3 0.6835 3 0.283 2 0.196 2 3 17 CBrCl3 bromotrichloromethane 75-62-7 198.273 376.65 1 606.00 3 49.19 3 284.00 3 0.6981 3 0.277 2 0.209 2 4 19 CBrF3 bromotrifluoromethane 75-63-8 148.911 215.30 1 340.15 1 39.70 1 200.00 1 0.7446 1 0.281 1 0.170 1 5 25 CBr2F2 dibromodifluoromethane 75-61-6 209.816 297.60 1 478.00 3 43.63 3 249.00 3 0.8426 3 0.273 2 0.217 2 6 31 CBr4 carbon tetrabromide 558-13-4 331.627 462.70 1 706.76 3 42.27 3 326.55 3 1.0156 3 0.235 2 0.524 2 7 37 CClF3 chlorotrifluoromethane 75-72-9 104.459 191.65 1 301.80 1 38.70 1 180.18 1 0.5797 1 0.278 1 0.172 1 8 48 CClN cyanogen chloride 506-77-4 61.471 286.00 1,2 449.00 3 59.90 3 163.00 2 0.3771 2 0.262 2 0.320 2 9 52 CCl2F2 dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.913 243.40 1 384.95 1 41.25 1 217.00 1 0.5572 1 0.280 1 0.180 1 10 57 CCl2O phosgene 75-44-5 98.915 280.71 1,2 455.00 1 56.74 1 190.22 1 0.5200 1 0.285 1 0.201 1 11 60 CCl3F trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.367 296.86 1 471.20 1 44.08 1 248.00 1 0.5539 1 0.279 1 0.189 1 12 66 CCl4 carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 153.821 349.80 1 556.35 1 45.60 1 276.00 1 0.5573 1 0.272 1 0.193 1 13 90 CF2O carbonyl fluoride 353-50-4 66.007 190.00 1,2 297.00 3 57.60 3 141.00 2 0.4681 2 0.329 2 0.283 2 14 104 CF4 carbon tetrafluoride 75-73-0 88.005 145.10 1 227.50 1 37.40 1 140.00 1 0.6286 1 0.277 1 0.179 1 15 136 CHBrF2 bromodifluoromethane 1511-62-2 130.920 257.67 1,2 411.98 1 61.84 1 167.00 1 0.7840 1 0.302 2 0.152 2 16 142 CHBr3 bromoform 75-25-2 252.731 422.00 1 656.39 3 50.79 3 278.45 3 0.9076 3 0.259 2 0.319 2 17 143 CHClF2 chlorodifluoromethane 75-45-6 86.468 232.37 1 369.30 1 49.71 1 166.00 1 0.5209 1 0.269 1 0.219 1 18 147 CHCl2F dichlorofluoromethane 75-43-4 102.922 282.00 1 451.58 1 51.84 1 196.00 1 0.5251 1 0.271 1 0.205 1 19 151 CHCl3 chloroform 67-66-3 119.376 334.30 1 536.40 1 54.72 1 239.00 1 0.4995 1 0.293 1 0.222 1 20 161 CHF3 fluoroform 75-46-7 70.014 191.13 1 299.01 1 48.16 1 132.00 1 0.5304 1 0.256 1 0.264 1 21 167 CHI3 iodoform 75-47-8 393.732 483.15 1 718.24 3 40.06 3 309.55 3 1.2720 3 0.208 2 0.491 2 22 172 CHN hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 27.026 299.00 1 456.65 1 53.90 1 139.00 1 0.1944 1 0.197 1 0.410 1 23 190 CH2BrCl bromochloromethane 74-97-5 129.383 341.20 1,2 557.00 3 68.58 3 204.00 3 0.6342 3 0.302 2 0.150 2 24 194 CH2Br2 dibromomethane 74-95-3 173.835 370.00 1 615.89 3 72.28 3 202.49 2 0.8585 2 0.286 2 0.162 2 25 195 CH2ClF chlorofluoromethane 593-70-4 68.478 264.00 1 411.48 3 80.04 3 124.13 3 0.5517 3 0.290 2 0.155 2 26 197 CH2ClNO carbamic chloride 463-72-9 79.486 334.65 1,2 517.00 3 61.26 3 201.00 2 0.3955 2 0.286 2 0.243 2 27 199 CH2Cl2 dichloromethane 75-09-2 84.932 313.00 1 510.00 1 63.55 1 174.18 2 0.4876 2 0.261 2 0.199 1 28 210 CH2F2 difluoromethane 75-10-5 52.024 221.50 1 351.26 1 57.84 1 123.00 1 0.4230 1 0.244 1 0.277 1 29 214 CH2I2 diiodomethane 75-11-6 267.836 454.15 1 697.50 3 57.63 3 244.39 3 1.0960 3 0.243 2 0.360 2 30 228 CH2O formaldehyde 50-00-0 30.026 245.05 1 415.24 2 71.57 2 98.34 3 0.3053 3 0.204 2 --- --- 31 229 CH2O2 formic acid 64-18-6 46.026 373.90 1 588.00 1 42.60 1 170.47 3 0.2700 3 0.149 3 --- --- 32 245 CH3Br methyl bromide 74-83-9 94.939 276.60 1 467.00 1 78.48 1 156.00 1 0.6086 1 0.315 2 0.192 1 33 252 CH3Cl methyl chloride 74-87-3 50.487 247.00 1 416.25 1 66.80 1 143.00 1 0.3531 1 0.276 1 0.153 1 34 257 CH3ClO2S methanesulfonyl chloride 124-63-0 114.552 434.65 1,2 676.00 3 52.30 3 260.00 2 0.4406 2 0.242 2 0.300 2 35 269 CH3Cl3Si methyl trichlorosilane 75-79-6 149.477 339.50 1 517.00 1 35.30 1 340.00 1 0.4396 1 0.279 1 0.263 1 36 274 CH3F methyl fluoride 593-53-3 34.033 195.00 1 317.42 1 58.75 1 113.00 1 0.3012 1 0.252 1 0.198 1 37 289 CH3I methyl iodide 74-88-4 141.939 315.70 1 522.43 3 68.89 3 179.06 3 0.7927 3 0.284 2 0.174 2 38 299 CH3NO formamide 75-12-7 45.041 493.00 1 554.10 3 108.64 3 118.33 3 0.3806 3 0.279 2 --- --- 39 303 CH3NO2 nitromethane 75-52-5 61.041 374.10 1 588.00 1 58.70 1 173.30 1 0.3522 1 0.208 1 0.348 1 40 319 CH4 methane 74-82-8 16.043 111.67 1 190.56 1 45.99 1 98.60 1 0.1627 1 0.286 1 0.012 1 41 325 CH4Cl2Si methyl dichlorosilane 75-54-7 115.033 314.00 1 483.00 3 39.50 3 289.00 2 0.3980 2 0.284 2 0.250 2 42 332 CH4N2O N-hydroxymethanimidamide 624-82-8 60.056 368.21 3 705.00 3 73.64 3 218.00 3 0.2755 3 0.274 2 --- --- 43 338 CH4N2S ammonium thiocyanate 1762-95-4 76.123 536.00 1,2 854.00 3 76.86 3 248.00 3 0.3069 3 0.268 2 --- --- 44 345 CH4O methyl alcohol 67-56-1 32.042 337.80 1 512.64 1 80.97 1 118.00 1 0.2715 1 0.224 1 0.564 1 45 348 CH4O3S methanesulfonic acid 75-75-2 96.107 616.15 1,2 903.59 3 70.89 3 220.00 3 0.4368 3 0.208 2 0.510 2 46 352 CH4S methyl mercaptan 74-93-1 48.109 279.10 1 469.95 1 72.30 1 145.00 1 0.3318 1 0.268 1 0.158 1 47 358 CH5ClSi methyl chlorosilane 993-00-0 80.588 281.85 3 442.00 3 41.70 3 246.00 2 0.3276 2 0.279 2 0.225 2 48 362 CH5N methylamine 74-89-5 31.058 266.80 1 430.05 1 74.60 1 112.49 2 0.2761 2 0.235 2 0.281 1 49 399 CH6Si methyl silane 992-94-9 46.144 216.25 3 352.50 1 48.40 1 205.00 2 0.2251 2 0.339 2 0.139 2 50 416 CI4 carbon tetraiodide 507-25-5 519.629 602.35 3 866.17 3 31.59 3 404.78 3 1.2837 3 0.178 2 0.595 2 51 441 CN4O8 tetranitromethane 509-14-8 196.034 399.20 1 540.00 3 23.65 3 439.00 3 0.4465 3 0.231 2 0.574 2 52 450 CO carbon monoxide 630-08-0 28.010 81.64 1 132.92 1 34.99 1 93.10 1 0.3009 1 0.295 1 0.066 1 53 451 COS carbonyl sulfide 463-58-1 60.076 222.99 1 378.80 1 63.49 1 135.10 1 0.4447 1 0.272 1 0.097 1 54 453 CO2 carbon dioxide 124-38-9 44.010 194.69 1 304.19 1 73.82 1 94.00 1 0.4682 1 0.274 1 0.228 1 55 461 CS2 carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.143 319.20 1 552.00 1 79.00 1 160.00 1 0.4759 1 0.275 1 0.111 1 56 486 C2BrF3 bromotrifluoroethylene 598-73-2 160.922 272.00 1 432.00 3 43.65 3 239.00 3 0.6733 3 0.290 2 0.179 2 57 499 C2Br2F4 1,2-dibromotetrafluoroethane 124-73-2 259.824 320.00 1 487.80 1 33.93 1 341.00 1 0.7619 1 0.285 1 0.243 1 58 512 C2ClF3 chlorotrifluoroethylene 79-38-9 116.470 244.80 1 379.15 1 40.53 1 212.00 1 0.5494 1 0.273 1 0.244 1 59 518 C2ClF5 chloropentafluoroethane 76-15-3 154.467 235.50 1 353.15 1 31.57 1 252.00 1 0.6130 1 0.271 1 0.251 1 60 534 C2Cl2F2 1,1-dichloro-2,2-difluoroethene 79-35-6 132.924 292.00 1 440.65 3 42.00 3 233.79 3 0.5686 3 0.268 2 0.234 2 61 535 C2Cl2F2 1,2-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethene 598-88-9 132.924 294.50 1 444.18 3 44.34 3 223.23 3 0.5955 3 0.268 2 0.234 2 62 536 C2Cl2F2 dichlorodifluoroethylene 27156-03-2 132.924 292.18 2 440.91 3 44.02 3 223.23 3 0.5955 3 0.268 2 0.234 2 63 543 C2Cl2F4 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 170.921 276.74 1 418.85 1 32.60 1 294.00 1 0.5814 1 0.275 1 0.252 1 64 544 C2Cl2F4 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 374-07-2 170.921 276.00 1 418.55 1 33.00 1 294.00 1 0.5814 1 0.279 1 0.253 1 65 545 C2Cl2F4 dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1320-37-2 170.921 275.12 3 410.78 3 28.17 3 309.97 3 0.5514 3 0.256 2 0.268 2 66 553 C2Cl3F3 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.375 321.00 1 487.25 1 34.10 1 325.00 1 0.5765 1 0.274 1 0.252 1 67 554 C2Cl3F3 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane 354-58-5 187.375 318.80 1 469.73 3 30.68 3 318.86 2 0.5876 2 0.251 2 0.281 2 68 560 C2Cl4 tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 165.832 394.20 1 620.00 1 48.01 1 276.26 3 0.6003 3 0.257 2 0.214 1 69 561 C2Cl4F2 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane 76-12-0 203.829 366.00 1 533.65 3 32.76 3 332.42 2 0.6132 2 0.245 2 0.293 2 70 562 C2Cl4F2 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-2,2-difluoroethane 76-11-9 203.829 364.65 1 531.74 3 32.73 3 331.48 2 0.6149 2 0.245 2 0.293 2 71 566 C2Cl4O trichloroacetyl chloride 76-02-8 181.831 391.15 1,2 590.00 3 41.00 3 332.00 2 0.5477 2 0.277 2 0.350 2 72 570 C2Cl5F pentachlorofluoroethane 354-56-3 220.283 411.05 1 594.54 3 34.84 3 341.13 2 0.6457 2 0.240 2 0.305 2 73 571 C2Cl6 hexachloroethane 67-72-1 236.737 458.00 1 695.00 3 33.04 3 412.00 3 0.5746 3 0.236 2 0.361 2 74 606 C2F4 tetrafluoroethylene 116-14-3 100.016 196.85 1 306.45 1 39.44 1 172.00 1 0.5815 1 0.266 1 0.227 1 75 625 C2F6 hexafluoroethane 76-16-4 138.013 195.00 1 292.80 1 29.80 1 224.00 1 0.6161 1 0.274 1 0.249 1 76 670 C2HBrClF3 halothane 151-67-7 197.382 323.35 1,2 496.00 3 38.67 3 296.00 3 0.6668 3 0.278 2 0.208 2 77 690 C2HClF2 2-chloro-1,1-difluoroethylene 359-10-4 98.479 254.55 1,2 400.55 1 44.58 1 197.00 1 0.4999 1 0.264 1 0.212 1 78 693 C2HClF4 1-chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 354-25-6 136.476 261.41 1 400.00 1 37.60 1 252.00 1 0.5416 1 0.285 1 0.274 1 79 694 C2HClF4 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane 2837-89-0 136.476 261.19 1 395.65 1 36.60 1 243.81 1 0.5598 1 0.271 1 0.288 1 80 695 C2HClF4 chlorotetrafluoroethane 63938-10-3 136.476 259.07 3 393.66 3 33.96 3 257.21 3 0.5306 3 0.267 2 0.237 2 2 Table 1 Critical Properties and Acentric Factor – Organic Compounds mol wt boiling point critical temp critical pres critical volume critical den crit comp fac acent factor NO ID FORMULA NAME CAS No g/mol TB, K code TC, K code PC, bar code VC, ml/mol code rhoC, g/ml code ZC code omega code 81 701 C2HCl2F3 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 812-04-4 152.930 309.44 2 462.04 3 37.42 3 268.44 2 0.5697 2 0.261 2 0.252 2 82 702 C2HCl2F3 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 354-23-4 152.930 301.00 1 461.60 1 38.14 1 263.08 2 0.5813 2 0.261 2 0.252 2 83 703 C2HCl2F3 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane 306-83-2 152.930 300.97 1 456.94 1 36.76 1 278.00 1 0.5501 1 0.269 1 0.282 1 84 706 C2HCl3 trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131.387 360.20 1 571.00 1 47.74 1 267.06 3 0.4920 3 0.269 2 0.217 1 85 707 C2HCl3F2 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-difluoroethane 354-12-1 169.384 347.59 3 513.20 3 38.49 3 284.01 2 0.5964 2 0.256 2 0.266 2 86 708 C2HCl3F2 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 354-15-4 169.384 347.59 3 513.20 3 38.49 3 284.01 2 0.5964 2 0.256 2 0.266 2 87 709 C2HCl3F2 1,2,2-trichloro-1,1-difluoroethane 354-21-2 169.384 345.00 1 509.55 3 38.22 3 283.94 2 0.5965 2 0.256 2 0.266 2 88 711 C2HCl3O dichloroacetyl chloride 79-36-7 147.387 380.70 1 579.00 3 44.01 3 288.00 2 0.5118 2 0.263 2 0.394 2 89 712 C2HCl3O trichloroacetaldehyde 75-87-6 147.387 371.00 1 565.00 3 42.94 3 288.00 2 0.5118 2 0.263 2 0.394 2 90 716 C2HCl3O2 trichloroacetic acid 76-03-9 163.386 469.20 1 688.00 3 47.78 3 309.00 2 0.5288 2 0.258 2 0.423 2 91 718 C2HCl4F 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-2-fluoroethane 354-11-0 185.838 388.89 2 568.81 3 39.22 3 302.62 2 0.6141 2 0.251 2 0.279 2 92 719 C2HCl4F 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1-fluoroethane 354-14-3 185.838 389.70 1 569.94 3 39.30 3 302.62 2 0.6141 2 0.251 2 0.279 2 93 722 C2HCl5 pentachloroethane 76-01-7 202.292 435.20 1 665.00 3 36.84 3 369.00 3 0.5482 3 0.246 2 0.314 2 94 725 C2HF3 trifluoroethene 359-11-5 82.025 222.00 1 345.24 2 53.63 2 149.36 3 0.5492 3 0.279 2 0.275 2 95 727 C2HF3O2 trifluoroacetic acid 76-05-1 114.024 344.95 1,2 491.25 1 32.58 1 204.00 1 0.5589 1 0.163 1 0.524 1 96 729 C2HF5 pentafluoroethane 354-33-6 120.022 225.06 1 339.17 1 36.20 1 211.30 1 0.5680 1 0.271 1 0.305 1 97 730 C2HF5O trifluoromethyl difluoromethyl ether 3822-68-2 136.022 238.60 1 395.88 3 49.47 3 173.60 3 0.7835 2 0.261 2 0.357 2 98 740 C2HI iodoacetylene 14545-08-5 151.934 305.15 3 505.95 3 64.59 3 182.70 3 0.8316 3 0.281 2 0.193 2 99 749 C2H2 acetylene 74-86-2 26.038 189.35 1 308.30 1 61.38 1 112.00 1 0.2325 1 0.268 1 0.191 1 100 762 C2H2Br2 1,1-dibromoethene 593-92-0 185.846 365.20 1 633.02 3 58.01 3 255.47 3 0.7275 3 0.282 2 0.205 2 101 763 C2H2Br2 cis-1,2-dibromoethene 590-11-4 185.846 387.50 1 633.02 3 60.21 3 246.15 3 0.7550 3 0.282 2 0.205 2 102 764 C2H2Br2 trans-1,2-dibromoethene 590-12-5 185.846 393.91 2 633.02 3 59.71 3 248.22 3 0.7487 3 0.282 2 0.205 2 103 765 C2H2Br2 1,2-dibromoethylene; (cis+trans) 540-49-8 185.846 385.00 1 633.02 3 57.86 3 256.14 3 0.7256 3 0.282 2 0.205 2 104 773 C2H2Br4 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane 79-27-6 345.654 516.70 1 719.60 3 33.94 3 406.99 3 0.8493 3 0.231 2 0.557 2 105 774 C2H2Br4 1,1,1,2-tetrabromoethane 630-16-0 345.654 505.11 3 719.60 3 34.00 3 406.26 3 0.8508 3 0.231 2 0.557 2 106 786 C2H2ClF3 1-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 421-04-5 118.486 287.78 2 437.01 3 46.68 3 212.40 2 0.5578 2 0.273 2 0.219 2 107 787 C2H2ClF3 1-chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 431-07-2 118.486 287.78 2 437.01 3 46.68 3 212.40 2 0.5578 2 0.273 2 0.219 2 108 788 C2H2ClF3 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane 75-88-7 118.486 280.10 1 426.18 3 45.53 3 212.40 2 0.5578 2 0.273 2 0.219 2 109 798 C2H2Cl2 1,1-dichloroethylene 75-35-4 96.943 304.20 1 529.95 2 55.04 2 224.41 3 0.4320 3 0.280 2 0.249 2 110 799 C2H2Cl2 cis-1,2-dichloroethylene 156-59-2 96.943 333.50 1 544.00 1 59.12 1 214.44 3 0.4521 3 0.280 2 0.249 2 111 800 C2H2Cl2 trans-1,2-dichloroethylene 156-60-5 96.943 321.00 1 516.50 1 55.10 1 216.18 3 0.4484 3 0.277 2 0.223 1 112 801 C2H2Cl2 1,2-dichloroethylene, cis and trans 540-59-0 96.943 328.83 3 529.95 2 58.62 2 210.70 3 0.4601 3 0.280 2 0.249 2 113 802 C2H2Cl2 dichloroethylene 25323-30-2 96.943 328.83 3 529.95 2 54.89 2 225.01 3 0.4308 3 0.280 2 0.249 2 114 803 C2H2Cl2F2 1,1-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 1842-05-3 134.940 291.11 3 439.07 3 40.24 3 242.54 2 0.5564 2 0.267 2 0.236 2 115 804 C2H2Cl2F2 1,1-dichloro-2,2-difluoroethane 471-43-2 134.940 291.11 3 439.07 3 40.24 3 242.54 2 0.5564 2 0.267 2 0.236 2 116 805 C2H2Cl2F2 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane 1649-08-7 134.940 319.50 1 479.10 3 43.91 3 242.54 2 0.5564 2 0.267 2 0.236 2 117 806 C2H2Cl2F2 1,2-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 431-06-1 134.940 319.95 1,2 487.57 3 41.20 3 269.50 2 0.5007 2 0.274 2 0.295 2 118 807 C2H2Cl2F2 dichlorodifluoroethane 25915-78-0 134.940 291.11 3 439.07 3 40.24 3 242.54 3 0.5564 3 0.267 2 0.236 2 119 809 C2H2Cl2O chloroacetyl chloride 79-04-9 112.942 379.00 1 581.00 3 54.18 3 245.00 2 0.4610 2 0.275 2 0.326 2 120 810 C2H2Cl2O dichloroacetaldehyde 79-02-7 112.942 363.70 1 555.00 3 51.75 3 245.00 2 0.4610 2 0.275 2 0.326 2 121 811 C2H2Cl2O2 dichloroacetic acid 79-43-6 128.942 467.20 1 686.00 3 57.98 3 265.00 2 0.4866 2 0.269 2 0.359 2 122 814 C2H2Cl3F 1,1,1-trichloro-2-fluoroethane 2366-36-1 151.394 366.70 2 543.03 3 48.25 3 245.13 2 0.6176 2 0.262 2 0.251 2 123 815 C2H2Cl3F 1,1,2-trichloro-1-fluoroethane 811-95-0 151.394 361.00 1 534.99 3 44.55 3 261.56 2 0.5788 2 0.262 2 0.251 2 124 816 C2H2Cl3F 1,1,2-trichloro-2-fluoroethane 359-28-4 151.394 375.60 1 555.57 3 48.02 3 251.97 2 0.6009 2 0.262 2 0.251 2 125 819 C2H2Cl4 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 167.848 411.20 1 577.04 3 38.35 3 321.05 3 0.5228 3 0.257 2 0.260 2 126 820 C2H2Cl4 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 167.848 419.30 1 577.04 3 39.92 3 308.47 3 0.5441 3 0.257 2 0.260 2 127 827 C2H2F2 1,1-difluoroethylene 75-38-7 64.035 190.00 1 302.74 1 44.33 1 156.25 1 0.4098 1 0.275 1 0.136 1 128 828 C2H2F2 cis-1,2-difluoroethene 1630-77-9 64.035 186.55 2 296.90 2 49.20 2 143.17 3 0.4473 3 0.285 2 0.138 2 129 829 C2H2F2 trans-1,2-difluoroethene 1630-78-0 64.035 186.55 2 296.90 2 49.20 2 143.17 3 0.4473 3 0.285 2 0.138 2 130 835 C2H2F4 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane 811-97-2 102.032 246.60 1 374.18 1 40.56 1 198.80 1 0.5132 1 0.259 1 0.327 1 131 836 C2H2F4 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 359-35-3 102.032 250.00 1 391.80 1 43.31 1 204.71 3 0.4984 3 0.272 2 0.301 2 132 837 C2H2F4O tetrafluorodimethyl ether 1691-17-4 118.031 277.85 1 420.25 2 41.87 2 222.67 3 0.5301 2 0.267 2 0.338 2 133 847 C2H2I2 cis-1,2-diiodoethene 590-26-1 279.847 454.19 3 695.63 3 48.76 3 283.80 3 0.9861 3 0.239 2 0.374 2 134 848 C2H2I2 trans-1,2-diiodoethylene 590-27-2 279.847 454.19 3 695.63 3 45.21 3 306.09 3 0.9143 3 0.239 2 0.374 2 135 849 C2H2I4 1,1,1,2-tetraiodoethane --- 533.656 665.86 3 953.47 3 26.90 3 514.28 3 1.0377 3 0.175 2 0.606 2 136 850 C2H2I4 1,1,2,2-tetraiodoethane --- 533.656 665.86 3 953.47 3 26.90 3 514.28 3 1.0377 3 0.175 2 0.606 2 137 870 C2H2O ketene 463-51-4 42.037 223.65 1 370.00 3 58.47 3 144.00 3 0.2919 3 0.274 2 0.112 2 138 871 C2H2O2 glyoxal 107-22-2 58.037 323.60 1 495.00 3 67.33 3 164.00 3 0.3539 3 0.268 2 0.255 2 139 873 C2H2O4 oxalic acid 144-62-7 90.035 638.25 1,2 804.00 3 101.31 3 170.13 3 0.5292 3 0.258 2 0.475 2 140 878 C2H3Br vinyl bromide 593-60-2 106.950 289.00 1 521.18 2 69.66 2 193.21 2 0.5535 2 0.311 2 0.239 2 141 890 C2H3Br3 1,1,1-tribromoethane 2311-14-0 266.758 458.72 2 671.85 3 43.90 3 324.05 3 0.8232 3 0.255 2 0.358 2 142 891 C2H3Br3 1,1,2-tribromoethane 78-74-0 266.758 462.10 1 671.85 3 43.90 3 324.05 3 0.8232 3 0.255 2 0.358 2 143 894 C2H3Cl vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.498 259.35 1 472.35 3 61.96 3 185.45 2 0.3370 2 0.293 2 0.191 2 144 895 C2H3ClF2 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane 75-68-3 100.495 263.20 1 410.29 1 40.41 1 225.00 1 0.4466 1 0.267 1 0.231 1 145 896 C2H3ClF2 1-chloro-1,2-difluoroethane 338-64-7 100.495 308.20 1 468.68 3 48.08 3 226.18 2 0.4443 2 0.279 2 0.199 2 146 897 C2H3ClF2 2-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane 338-65-8 100.495 308.25 1 468.75 3 48.09 3 226.18 2 0.4443 2 0.279 2 0.199 2 147 898 C2H3ClF2 chlorodifluoroethane 25497-29-4 100.495 287.40 3 439.35 3 45.07 3 226.18 2 0.4443 2 0.279 2 0.199 2 148 903 C2H3ClO acetyl chloride 75-36-5 78.498 325.00 1 508.00 3 61.81 3 196.00 2 0.4005 2 0.287 2 0.240 2 149 904 C2H3ClO chloroacetaldehyde 107-20-0 78.498 358.20 1 555.00 3 65.84 3 201.00 2 0.3905 2 0.287 2 0.240 2 150 906 C2H3ClO2 chloroacetic acid 79-11-8 94.497 462.20 1 686.00 3 72.56 3 221.00 2 0.4276 2 0.281 2 0.283 2 151 907 C2H3ClO2 methyl chloroformate 79-22-1 94.497 343.70 1 525.00 3 55.53 3 221.00 2 0.4276 2 0.281 2 0.283 2 152 911 C2H3Cl2F 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane 1717-00-6 116.949 305.00 1 478.85 1 43.40 1 253.00 1 0.4623 1 0.276 1 0.221 1 153 912 C2H3Cl2F 1,1-dichloro-2-fluoroethane 430-53-5 116.949 324.51 2 489.04 3 49.67 3 223.83 2 0.5225 2 0.273 2 0.217 2 154 913 C2H3Cl2F 1,2-dichloro-1-fluoroethane 430-57-9 116.949 349.00 1 523.58 3 56.55 3 210.48 2 0.5556 2 0.273 2 0.217 2 155 917 C2H3Cl3 1,1,1-trichloroethane 71-55-6 133.403 347.20 1 545.00 1 43.00 1 310.15 3 0.4301 3 0.294 2 0.218 1 156 918 C2H3Cl3 1,1,2-trichloroethane 79-00-5 133.403 386.80 1 551.31 3 43.37 3 283.12 3 0.4712 3 0.268 2 0.198 2 157 922 C2H3Cl3Si trichlorovinylsilane 75-94-5 161.488 366.00 1 543.15 3 30.60 3 408.00 2 0.3958 2 0.276 2 0.282 2 158 926 C2H3F vinyl fluoride 75-02-5 46.044 201.00 1 327.80 1 52.40 1 144.00 1 0.3198 1 0.277 1 0.143 1 159 933 C2H3F3 1,1,1-trifluoroethane 420-46-2 84.041 225.91 1 345.88 1 37.64 1 195.00 1 0.4310 1 0.255 1 0.261 1 160 934 C2H3F3 1,1,2-trifluoroethane 430-66-0 84.041 278.00 1 345.17 2 40.97 2 195.00 3 0.4310 3 0.278 2 0.278 2 3 Table 1 Critical Properties and Acentric Factor – Organic Compounds mol wt boiling point critical temp critical pres critical volume critical den crit comp fac acent factor NO ID FORMULA NAME CAS No g/mol TB, K code TC, K code PC, bar code VC, ml/mol code rhoC, g/ml code ZC code omega code 161 936 C2H3F3O methyl trifluoromethyl ether 421-14-7 100.041 249.57 1 377.92 1 36.35 1 153.95 3 0.6498 1 0.178 1 0.289 1 162 944 C2H3I vinyl iodide 593-66-8 153.950 329.20 1 539.54 3 56.95 3 220.38 3 0.6986 3 0.280 2 0.196 2 163 947 C2H3I3 1,1,1-triiodoethane 594-21-8 407.759 493.81 2 731.03 3 29.97 3 413.88 3 0.9852 3 0.204 2 0.504 2 164 948 C2H3I3 1,1,2-triiodoethane --- 407.759 493.81 2 731.03 3 29.97 3 413.88 3 0.9852 3 0.204 2 0.504 2 165 954 C2H3N acetonitrile 75-05-8 41.053 354.80 1 545.00 1 48.70 1 146.61 3 0.2800 3 0.158 2 0.338 1 166 955 C2H3N methyl isocyanide 593-75-9 41.053 354.80 2 503.62 2 75.60 2 155.33 3 0.2643 3 0.280 2 0.210 2 167 956 C2H3NO methyl isocyanate 624-83-9 57.052 312.25 1 505.00 3 60.75 3 190.00 2 0.3003 2 0.275 2 0.273 2 168 957 C2H3NO hydroxyacetonitrile 107-16-4 57.052 359.68 3 664.00 3 77.83 3 195.00 3 0.2926 3 0.275 2 0.273 2 169 958 C2H3NO2 nitroethene 3638-64-0 73.052 371.70 1 612.17 3 71.62 3 191.52 3 0.3814 3 0.269 2 0.325 2 170 988 C2H4 ethylene 74-85-1 28.054 169.38 1 282.34 1 50.41 1 131.00 1 0.2142 1 0.281 1 0.086 1 171 1000 C2H4Br2 1,1-dibromoethane 557-91-5 187.862 381.20 1 635.81 3 52.96 3 280.40 2 0.6700 2 0.281 2 0.213 2 172 1001 C2H4Br2 1,2-dibromoethane 106-93-4 187.862 404.00 1 650.15 1 54.77 1 261.30 1 0.7190 1 0.265 1 0.207 1 173 1003 C2H4ClF 1-chloro-1-fluoroethane 1615-75-4 82.505 289.30 1 444.91 3 62.76 3 168.21 3 0.4905 3 0.285 2 0.176 2 174 1004 C2H4ClF 1-chloro-2-fluoroethane 762-50-5 82.505 326.30 1 497.08 3 70.12 3 168.21 3 0.4905 3 0.285 2 0.176 2 175 1005 C2H4ClF chlorofluoroethane 110587-14-9 82.505 306.58 2 469.27 3 66.19 3 168.21 3 0.4905 3 0.285 2 0.176 2 176 1016 C2H4Cl2 1,1-dichloroethane 75-34-3 98.959 330.50 1 523.00 1 50.70 1 240.00 1 0.4123 1 0.280 1 0.234 1 177 1017 C2H4Cl2 1,2-dichloroethane 107-06-2 98.959 356.70 1 561.60 1 53.70 1 220.00 1 0.4498 1 0.253 1 0.287 1 178 1019 C2H4Cl2O bis(chloromethyl) ether 542-88-1 114.958 377.20 1 579.00 3 51.14 3 258.00 2 0.4456 2 0.274 2 0.330 2 179 1040 C2H4F2 1,1-difluoroethane 75-37-6 66.051 248.15 1 386.44 1 45.20 1 179.00 1 0.3690 1 0.252 1 0.275 1 180 1041 C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane 624-72-6 66.051 283.65 1 392.76 2 54.57 2 170.33 3 0.3878 3 0.285 2 0.292 2 181 1052 C2H4I2 1,1-diiodoethane 594-02-5 281.863 496.53 2 755.01 3 46.20 3 324.31 3 0.8691 3 0.239 2 0.377 2 182 1053 C2H4I2 1,2-diiodoethane 624-73-7 281.863 473.20 1 722.11 3 42.59 3 336.44 3 0.8378 3 0.239 2 0.377 2 183 1059 C2H4N2 aminoacetonitrile 540-61-4 56.068 346.82 3 638.00 3 63.76 3 229.00 3 0.2448 3 0.275 2 0.269 2 184 1073 C2H4N2O6 ethylene glycol dinitrate 628-96-6 152.064 547.63 3 654.00 3 36.69 3 362.00 3 0.4201 3 0.244 2 0.503 2 185 1078 C2H4N4 cyanoguanidine 461-58-5 84.082 417.50 3 834.00 3 56.02 3 329.00 3 0.2556 3 0.266 2 0.356 2 186 1094 C2H4O acetaldehyde 75-07-0 44.053 293.90 1 466.00 1 68.69 1 154.00 1 0.2861 1 0.273 2 0.132 2 187 1095 C2H4O ethylene oxide 75-21-8 44.053 285.00 1 469.15 1 71.90 1 140.30 1 0.3140 1 0.259 1 0.197 1 188 1098 C2H4OS thioacetic-acid 507-09-5 76.119 370.15 1 577.34 3 57.37 3 219.50 3 0.3468 3 0.262 2 0.387 2 189 1099 C2H4O2 acetic acid 64-19-7 60.053 391.20 1 591.95 1 57.86 1 179.70 1 0.3342 1 0.211 1 0.467 1 190 1100 C2H4O2 methyl formate 107-31-3 60.053 309.00 1 487.20 1 59.98 1 172.00 1 0.3491 1 0.255 1 0.254 1 191 1102 C2H4O2S thioglycolic acid 68-11-1 92.119 493.15 1 733.00 3 65.58 3 239.00 3 0.3854 3 0.257 2 0.487 2 192 1103 C2H4O3 glycolic acid 79-14-1 76.052 349.19 3 616.00 3 75.62 3 177.70 3 0.4280 3 0.262 2 0.387 2 193 1104 C2H4O3 peroxyacetic acid 79-21-0 76.052 349.19 3 552.00 3 60.82 3 198.00 3 0.3841 3 0.262 2 0.387 2 194 1111 C2H4S ethylene sulfide 420-12-2 60.120 328.70 1 547.00 3 79.28 3 155.30 3 0.3871 3 0.271 2 0.173 2 195 1123 C2H5Br bromoethane 74-96-4 108.966 311.50 1 503.80 1 62.30 1 215.00 1 0.5068 1 0.320 1 0.255 1 196 1128 C2H5Cl ethyl chloride 75-00-3 64.514 289.00 1 460.35 1 52.70 1 200.00 1 0.3226 1 0.275 1 0.190 1 197 1131 C2H5ClO 2-chloroethanol 107-07-3 80.514 402.00 1 585.00 3 65.64 3 212.00 2 0.3798 2 0.286 2 0.246 2 198 1132 C2H5ClO chloromethyl methyl ether 107-30-2 80.514 329.20 1 521.00 3 57.91 3 214.00 2 0.3762 2 0.286 2 0.246 2 199 1134 C2H5ClO2S ethanesulfonyl chloride 594-44-5 128.579 448.49 3 682.00 3 47.40 3 204.00 2 0.6303 2 0.171 2 0.369 2 200 1152 C2H5Cl3Si trichloroethylsilane 115-21-9 163.504 371.75 1 559.95 1 33.30 1 414.00 2 0.3949 2 0.296 2 0.269 1 201 1154 C2H5F ethyl fluoride 353-36-6 48.060 236.00 1 375.31 1 50.28 1 155.11 3 0.3098 3 0.250 2 0.220 1 202 1166 C2H5I ethyl iodide 75-03-6 155.966 345.50 1 562.20 3 53.94 3 241.88 3 0.6448 3 0.279 2 0.200 2 203 1173 C2H5N ethyleneimine 151-56-4 43.069 328.50 1 537.00 3 72.19 3 173.00 3 0.2490 3 0.280 2 0.218 2 204 1175 C2H5NO acetaldoxime 107-29-9 59.068 388.20 1 568.00 3 60.80 3 213.00 3 0.2773 3 0.274 2 0.280 2 205 1176 C2H5NO acetamide 60-35-5 59.068 494.40 1 761.00 3 91.40 3 189.83 3 0.3112 3 0.274 2 0.280 2 206 1177 C2H5NO N-methylformamide 123-39-7 59.068 472.66 1 601.90 3 72.33 3 189.73 3 0.3113 3 0.274 2 0.280 2 207 1178 C2H5NO2 nitroethane 79-24-3 75.068 387.60 1 617.52 3 57.72 3 239.11 3 0.3139 3 0.269 2 0.331 2 208 1205 C2H6 ethane 74-84-0 30.070 184.57 1 305.32 1 48.72 1 145.50 1 0.2067 1 0.279 1 0.100 1 209 1206 C2H6AlCl dimethylaluminum chloride 1184-58-3 92.504 399.15 3 619.00 3 36.20 3 320.00 2 0.2891 2 0.225 2 0.183 2 210 1240 C2H6Cl2Si dichlorodimethylsilane 75-78-5 129.060 342.52 1 520.35 1 34.90 1 358.00 1 0.3605 1 0.289 1 0.268 1 211 1290 C2H6O ethyl alcohol 64-17-5 46.069 351.50 1 513.92 1 61.48 1 167.00 1 0.2759 1 0.240 1 0.645 1 212 1291 C2H6O dimethyl ether 115-10-6 46.069 249.00 1 400.10 1 53.70 1 170.00 1 0.2710 1 0.274 1 0.200 1 213 1292 C2H6OS dimethyl sulfoxide 67-68-5 78.135 464.00 1 729.00 3 69.87 3 227.00 3 0.3442 3 0.262 2 0.401 2 214 1293 C2H6OS 2-mercaptoethanol 60-24-2 78.135 430.20 1 629.00 3 62.49 3 219.00 3 0.3568 3 0.262 2 0.401 2 215 1297 C2H6O2 ethylene glycol 107-21-1 62.068 470.50 1 720.00 1 82.00 1 170.63 2 0.3638 2 0.234 2 0.507 1 216 1307 C2H6O4S dimethyl sulfate 77-78-1 126.133 470.00 1 716.00 3 50.67 3 293.00 3 0.4305 3 0.249 2 0.344 2 217 1308 C2H6O4S ethyl sulfate 540-82-9 126.133 457.39 3 857.00 3 60.65 3 293.00 3 0.4305 3 0.249 2 0.344 2 218 1316 C2H6S ethyl mercaptan 75-08-1 62.136 309.00 1 499.15 1 54.90 1 207.00 1 0.3002 1 0.274 1 0.188 1 219 1317 C2H6S dimethyl sulfide 75-18-3 62.136 311.00 1 503.04 1 55.30 1 201.00 1 0.3091 1 0.266 1 0.194 1 220 1318 C2H6S2 1,2-ethanedithiol 540-63-6 94.202 419.20 1 656.56 3 60.65 3 233.57 3 0.4033 3 0.259 2 0.272 2 221 1319 C2H6S2 dimethyl disulfide 624-92-0 94.202 382.90 1 615.00 1 52.82 1 251.18 2 0.3750 2 0.259 2 0.272 2 222 1338 C2H7ClSi chlorodimethylsilane 1066-35-9 94.615 308.65 3 472.00 3 36.20 3 299.00 2 0.3164 2 0.276 2 0.253 2 223 1342 C2H7N ethylamine 75-04-7 45.085 291.00 1 456.15 1 56.20 1 169.09 2 0.2666 2 0.251 2 0.285 1 224 1343 C2H7N dimethylamine 124-40-3 45.085 281.00 1 437.20 1 57.12 1 177.56 2 0.2539 2 0.279 2 0.227 2 225 1344 C2H7NO monoethanolamine 141-43-5 61.084 444.15 1 678.20 1 68.55 1 225.00 3 0.2715 3 0.274 2 0.287 2 226 1345 C2H7NO 1-aminoethanol 75-39-8 61.084 371.06 3 678.09 3 68.54 3 225.00 3 0.2715 3 0.274 2 0.287 2 227 1385 C2H8N2 ethylenediamine 107-15-3 60.100 391.00 1 593.00 3 51.15 3 264.00 3 0.2276 3 0.274 2 0.283 2 228 1396 C2H8Si dimethyl silane 1111-74-6 60.171 243.67 2 384.14 3 31.69 3 289.03 3 0.2082 3 0.287 3 0.104 2 229 1428 C2I2 diiodoacetylene 624-74-8 277.831 390.58 3 606.27 3 44.39 3 272.40 3 1.0200 3 0.240 2 0.372 2 230 1429 C2I4 tetraiodoethene 513-92-8 531.640 561.45 3 806.58 3 27.16 3 431.92 3 1.2309 3 0.175 2 0.604 2 231 1439 C2N2 cyanogen 460-19-5 52.036 252.00 1 400.15 1 59.80 1 195.00 3 0.2669 3 0.351 2 0.279 1 232 1491 C3ClF7 1-chloro-1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane 422-86-6 204.472 271.78 3 400.69 3 19.85 3 411.52 3 0.4969 3 0.245 2 0.293 2 233 1492 C3ClF7 2-chloro-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane 76-18-6 204.472 271.00 1 399.59 3 19.80 3 411.52 3 0.4969 3 0.245 2 0.293 2 234 1500 C3Cl2F6 1,2-dichlorohexafluoropropane 661-97-2 220.929 309.25 1 450.89 3 24.75 3 363.85 2 0.6072 2 0.240 2 0.305 2 235 1501 C3Cl2F6 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane 662-01-1 220.929 309.96 2 451.90 3 24.81 3 363.85 3 0.6072 3 0.240 2 0.305 2 236 1508 C3Cl3F5 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 4259-43-2 237.383 346.96 3 501.44 3 24.55 3 399.74 3 0.5938 3 0.235 2 0.316 2 237 1509 C3Cl3F5 1,2,2-trichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 1599-41-3 237.383 346.96 3 501.44 3 24.73 3 396.81 3 0.5982 3 0.235 2 0.316 2 238 1510 C3Cl3F5 1,2,3-trichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 76-17-5 237.383 346.80 1 501.21 3 24.90 3 393.95 3 0.6026 3 0.235 2 0.316 2 239 1517 C3Cl4F4 1,2,2,3-tetrachloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 677-68-9 253.837 387.92 2 556.56 3 26.02 3 410.07 3 0.6190 3 0.231 2 0.326 2 240 1518 C3Cl4F4 1,1,1,3-tetrachloro-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 2268-46-4 253.837 387.00 1 555.26 3 25.85 3 411.81 3 0.6164 3 0.231 2 0.326 2 4 Table 1 Critical Properties and Acentric Factor – Organic Compounds mol wt boiling point critical temp critical pres critical volume critical den crit comp fac acent factor NO ID FORMULA NAME CAS No g/mol TB, K code TC, K code PC, bar code VC, ml/mol code rhoC, g/ml code ZC codeomegacode 241 1521C3Cl5F3 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropane 2354-06-5 270.285 429.40 1 612.41 3 26.54 3 433.56 3 0.6234 3 0.226 2 0.336 2 242 1524C3Cl6F2 hexachloro-2,2-difluoropropane 3182-26-1 286.745 469.90 1 666.88 3 26.86 3 456.99 3 0.6275 3 0.221 2 0.346 2 243 1525C3Cl6F2 hexachlorodifluoropropane 661-96-1 286.745 472.14 2 670.04 3 28.23 3 436.93 3 0.6563 3 0.221 2 0.346 2 244 1530C3Cl7F 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptachloro-3-fluoropropane 422-78-6 303.191 500.57 3 707.49 3 26.33 3 484.52 3 0.6258 3 0.217 2 0.355 2 245 1544C3F6 hexafluoropropylene 116-15-4 150.024 245.15 1 399.32 3 27.85 3 305.67 3 0.4908 3 0.256 2 0.299 2 246 1547C3F6O hexafluoroacetone 684-16-2 166.023 245.88 1,2 357.14 1 28.37 1 329.00 1 0.5046 1 0.314 1 0.364 1 247 1551C3F6O trifluoromethyl trifluorovinyl ether 1187-93-5 166.023 247.15 1,2 363.00 3 31.10 3 289.00 2 0.5745 2 0.298 2 0.350 2 248 1564C3F8 octafluoropropane 76-19-7 188.021 234.15 1 345.05 1 26.80 1 299.00 1 0.6288 1 0.279 1 0.327 1 249 1593C3HClF6 1-chloro-1,1,2,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane 422-55-9 186.484 289.89 3 429.11 3 22.37 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 250 1594C3HClF6 2-chloro-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane 431-87-8 186.484 287.30 1 425.46 3 22.18 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 251 1595C3HClF6 1-chloro-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane 359-58-0 186.484 290.30 1 429.69 3 22.40 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 252 1596C3HClF6 chlorohexafluoropropane 134308-72-8 186.484 289.89 3 429.11 3 22.37 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 253 1597C3HClF6 2-chloro-1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane 51346-64-6 186.484 289.89 3 429.11 3 22.37 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 254 1598C3HClF6 3-chloro-1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoropropane 422-57-1 186.484 289.89 3 429.11 3 22.37 3 399.87 3 0.4664 3 0.251 2 0.280 2 255 1602C3HCl2F3 1,2-dichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene 431-27-6 164.941 326.85 1 484.67 3 35.03 3 296.27 3 0.5567 3 0.258 2 0.263 2 256 1603C3HCl2F5 3,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane 422-56-0 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.34 3 355.17 3 0.5714 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 257 1604C3HCl2F5 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane 507-55-1 202.938 325.20 1 476.26 3 27.60 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 258 1605C3HCl2F5 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 13474-88-9 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 259 1606C3HCl2F5 1,2-dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 431-86-7 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 260 1607C3HCl2F5 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 136013-79-1 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 261 1608C3HCl2F5 1,1-dichloro-1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 111512-56-2 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 262 1609C3HCl2F5 dichloropentafluoropropane 127564-92-5 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 263 1610C3HCl2F5 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane 128903-21-9 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 264 1611C3HCl2F5 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane 422-48-0 202.938 325.10 1 476.12 3 27.60 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 265 1612C3HCl2F5 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 422-44-6 202.938 324.55 2 475.35 3 27.55 3 352.44 3 0.5758 3 0.246 2 0.292 2 266 1616C3HCl3F4 trichlorotetrafluoropropane 134237-38-0 219.388 367.84 3 533.76 3 26.79 3 398.72 3 0.5502 3 0.241 2 0.304 2 267 1617C3HCl3F4 1,3,3-trichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane 422-54-8 219.388 367.84 3 533.76 3 26.79 3 398.72 3 0.5502 3 0.241 2 0.304 2 268 1618C3HCl3F4 1,1,3-trichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropane 422-53-7 219.388 367.84 3 533.76 3 26.79 3 398.72 3 0.5502 3 0.241 2 0.304 2 269 1619C3HCl3F4 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 422-51-5 219.388 367.84 3 533.76 3 26.79 3 398.72 3 0.5502 3 0.241 2 0.304 2 270 1622C3HCl4F3 tetrachlorotrifluoropropane 134237-37-9 235.841 399.95 2 576.39 3 28.25 3 400.16 3 0.5894 3 0.236 2 0.315 2 271 1623C3HCl4F3 1,1,3,3-tetrachloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropane 422-52-6 235.841 400.20 1 576.75 3 28.26 3 400.16 3 0.5894 3 0.236 2 0.315 2 272 1624C3HCl4F3 1,1,1,3-tetrachloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropane 422-50-4 235.841 399.95 2 576.39 3 28.25 3 400.16 3 0.5894 3 0.236 2 0.315 2 273 1627C3HCl5F2 pentachlorodifluoropropane 134237-36-8 252.294 441.00 2 631.64 3 28.77 3 421.81 3 0.5981 3 0.231 2 0.325 2 274 1628C3HCl5F2 1,1,1,3,3-pentachloro-2,2-difluoropropane 422-49-1 252.294 444.70 1 636.86 3 29.01 3 421.81 3 0.5981 3 0.231 2 0.325 2 275 1631C3HCl6F 1,1,1,2,2,3-hexachloro-3-fluoropropane 422-26-4 268.747 483.20 1 688.51 3 30.48 3 425.16 3 0.6321 3 0.226 2 0.336 2 276 1638C3HF7 heptafluoropropane 431-89-0 170.030 256.81 1 374.83 1 28.45 1 274.00 1 0.6205 1 0.250 2 0.367 2 277 1639C3HF7 1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane 2252-84-8 170.030 256.90 1 380.29 3 26.46 3 298.88 3 0.5689 3 0.250 2 0.367 2 278 1640C3HF7O trifluoromethyl 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl ether 2356-61-8 186.030 284.19 3 421.14 3 30.00 3 286.24 3 0.6499 2 0.245 2 0.400 2 279 1641C3HF7O trifluoromethyl 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl ether 2356-62-9 186.030 284.19 3 421.14 3 30.00 3 286.24 3 0.6499 2 0.245 2 0.400 2 280 1654C3H2ClF5 3-chloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane 422-02-6 168.494 281.12 3 419.62 3 23.04 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 281 1655C3H2ClF5 chloropentafluoropropane 134237-41-5 168.494 281.12 3 419.62 3 23.04 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 282 1656C3H2ClF5 1-chloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 28103-66-4 168.494 281.12 3 419.62 3 23.04 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 283 1657C3H2ClF5 1-chloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane 679-99-2 168.494 281.12 3 419.62 3 23.04 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 284 1658C3H2ClF5 1-chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 677-55-4 168.494 301.50 1 448.36 3 24.62 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 285 1659C3H2ClF5 2-chloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane 134251-06-2 168.494 281.12 3 419.62 3 23.04 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 286 1660C3H2ClF5 3-chloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane 422-02-6 168.494 301.30 1 448.07 3 24.61 3 388.28 3 0.4340 3 0.256 2 0.266 2 287 1667C3H2Cl2F41,1-dichloro-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 64712-27-2 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 288 1668C3H2Cl2F41,1-dichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropane 70192-63-1 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 289 1669C3H2Cl2F41,1-dichloro-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 4071-01-6 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 290 1670C3H2Cl2F41,2-dichloro-1,1,2,3-tetrafluoropropane 149329-26-0 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 291 1671C3H2Cl2F41,2-dichloro-1,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 425-94-5 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 292 1672C3H2Cl2F41,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane 422-00-5 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 293 1673C3H2Cl2F41,3-dichloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 76140-39-1 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 294 1674C3H2Cl2F41,3-dichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropane 70341-81-0 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 295 1675C3H2Cl2F42,2-dichloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 17705-30-5 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 296 1676C3H2Cl2F42,2-dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropane 149329-24-8 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 297 1677C3H2Cl2F42,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropane 149329-25-9 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 298 1678C3H2Cl2F42,3-dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropane 146916-90-7 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 299 1679C3H2Cl2F4dichlorotetrafluoropropane 127564-83-4 184.947 297.51 3 440.10 3 24.33 3 377.95 3 0.4893 3 0.251 2 0.279 2 300 1684C3H2Cl3F31,1,1-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane 7125-84-0 201.401 342.31 3 500.63 3 26.47 3 387.13 3 0.5202 3 0.246 2 0.291 2 301 1685C3H2Cl3F31,1,1-trichloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropane 131211-71-7 201.401 342.31 3 500.63 3 26.47 3 387.13 3 0.5202 3 0.246 2 0.291 2 302 1686C3H2Cl3F31,1,3-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropane 421-99-8 201.401 342.31 3 500.63 3 26.47 3 387.13 3 0.5202 3 0.246 2 0.291 2 303 1687C3H2Cl3F3trichlorotrifluoropropane 134237-40-4 201.401 342.31 3 500.63 3 26.47 3 387.13 3 0.5202 3 0.246 2 0.291 2 304 1688C3H2Cl3F31,1,3-trichloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropane 131221-36-8 201.401 342.31 3 500.63 3 26.47 3 387.13 3 0.5202 3 0.246 2 0.291 2 305 1692C3H2Cl4 1,2,3,3-tetrachloro-1-propene 20589-85-9 179.859 414.53 3 634.58 2 41.05 2 325.02 3 0.5534 3 0.253 2 0.280 2 306 1693C3H2Cl4 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropene 10436-39-2 179.859 414.53 3 634.58 2 41.46 2 321.75 3 0.5590 3 0.253 2 0.280 2 307 1694C3H2Cl4F2tetrachlorodifluoropropane 134237-39-1 217.851 385.72 2 559.21 3 28.02 3 400.16 3 0.5444 3 0.241 2 0.303 2 308 1695C3H2Cl4F21,1,3,3-tetrachloro-2,2-difluoropropane 1112-14-7 217.851 385.72 2 559.21 3 28.02 3 400.16 3 0.5444 3 0.241 2 0.303 2 309 1696C3H2Cl4F21,1,1,3-tetrachloro-2,2-difluoropropane 677-54-3 217.851 385.72 2 559.21 3 28.02 3 400.16 3 0.5444 3 0.241 2 0.303 2 310 1701C3H2Cl5F pentachlorofluoropropane 134190-48-0 234.304 427.93 3 616.09 3 29.51 3 410.11 3 0.5713 3 0.236 2 0.314 2 311 1706C3H2F4 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene 754-12-1 114.041 244.85 1 377.19 3 40.56 3 207.35 3 0.5500 3 0.268 2 0.314 2 312 1707C3H2F4 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene 1645-83-6 114.041 257.15 1 394.53 3 42.42 3 207.35 3 0.5500 3 0.268 2 0.314 2 313 1709C3H2F6 1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoropropane 677-56-5 152.040 271.71 1 412.57 3 27.88 3 314.72 3 0.4831 3 0.256 2 0.351 2 314 1710C3H2F6 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane 431-63-0 152.040 279.32 1 412.38 1 34.20 1 314.72 3 0.4831 1 0.314 1 0.369 1 315 1711C3H2F6 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane 690-39-1 152.040 271.66 1 398.07 1 32.00 1 314.72 3 0.4831 1 0.304 1 0.321 1 316 1712C3H2F6 1,1,2,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane 680-00-2 152.040 272.85 2 412.57 3 27.88 3 314.72 3 0.4831 3 0.256 2 0.351 2 317 1713C3H2F6 hexafluoropropane --- 152.040 272.85 2 412.57 3 27.88 3 314.72 3 0.4831 3 0.256 2 0.351 2 318 1716C3H2F6O 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl difluoromethyl ether 57041-67-5 168.039 296.50 1 441.38 3 34.55 3 266.33 3 0.6309 2 0.251 2 0.385 2 319 1724C3H2N2 malononitrile 109-77-3 66.063 493.20 1 715.00 3 65.16 3 248.00 3 0.2664 3 0.272 2 0.303 2 320 1749C3H3Cl propargyl chloride 624-65-7 74.509 331.00 1 541.00 3 61.45 3 211.00 3 0.3531 3 0.288 2 0.229 2 5

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