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Preview Thermoinelasticity: Symposium East Kilbride, June 25–28, 1968

International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Thermoinelasticity Symposium East Kilbride June 25-28, 1968 Edited by Bruno A. Boley Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. Springer-Verlag Wien· New York 1970 With 133 Figures lSBN-13: 978-3-7091-8246-8 e-lSBN-13: 978-3-7091-8244-4 DOl: 10.1007/.978-3-7091-8244-4 All rights reserved No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer·Veriag © 1970 by Springer·VerlagjWien Soft cover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1970 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 75·94050 Title No. 9252 Preface The proposal for a Symposium on high temperature effects in solids originated in 1964, at which time a pilot committee, headed by Professor F. K. G. ODQVIST, was formed. Upon the recommendation of this com mittee, a site for the Symposium and a Scientific Organizing Committee were chosen, and some guidelines delineating the field to be covered were established. The Symposium was held at the National Engineering Laboratory in East Kilbride (Glasgow), Scotland, from June 25 to 28, 1968. The Scientific Organizing Committee was composed of the following mem bers: Professor B. A. BOLEY, Chairman (U. S. A.) Professor F. BUCKENS (Belgium) Professor F. K. G. ODQVIST (Sweden) Professor W. OLSZAK (Poland) Professor H. PARKUS (Austria) Dr. D. G. SOPWITH (U. K.) The Local Organizing Committee was subsequently formed; it was direct ed by Dr. SOPWTTH with Mr. R. BRODIE as Secretary, and Mr. C. E. PHILLIPS and Dr. J. GLEN as additional members. It deserves ample praise for excellent arrangements and hospitality. In the discussions concerned with the goals of the Symposium, it was decided that its principal aim should be the presentation of a comprehen sive view of the behavior of solids and structures at high temperature under any type of inelastic regime. It soon became apparent that this was a very wide field, since it would embrace questions ranging from those of basic thermodynamic to those of engineering analysis and design. Accordingly, an effort was made to have as many aspects of the field as possible represented in the program; this fulfilled the secondary aim of the Symposium, namely that of bringing together persons with different points of view, and of providing them with a forum for open discussion. The lively discussions which followed all papers testify to the fact that this aim was indeed accomplished. VI Preface Of course, it was not possible to treat all topics, and regretfully even some very important ones had to be omitted. For example, no paper discussing high-temperature behavIor from the point of view of a lattice type theory was included, no paper on the mechanical behavior of melt ing or solidifying bodies was presented, and many specialized applica tions (e.g. in the nuclear or aerospace field) were not treated. Neverthe less, a great deal of ground was covered, the principal topics discussed being the following: fatigue; fracture; the formulation of constitutive relations; thermomechanical coupling; stress analysis; experimental determination of material behavior. The papers themselves as well as the discussions indicated clearly that all of these topics must be consid ered at the present time as open, and that research is being vigorously pursued in all of them. The present Symposium thus represents an instan taneous picture of the field, and helped bring into focus the activities and interests of a variety of investigators. Twenty papers were scheduled for presentation, and are included in this volume. Of these, two were not read at the Symposium since their authors were unable to be present. The attendance of the Symposium comprised 72 persons, including 24 authors and co-authors. The program and the delegates represented 15 countries, namely: Austria (1), Belgium (1), Canada (2), Denmark (1), France (8), Germany (1), United Kingdom (34), Iran (1), Italy (3), Japan (2), Netherlands (1), Poland (2), Sweden (3), U.S.A. (12), U.S.S.R. (no delegates; 3 papers in the Proceedings). A summary of the program of the Symposium, and a list of partici pants are included in this volume. Ithaca, New York, U.S.A., September 1969 BRUNO A. BOLEY Summary of Program IUTAM Symposium on Thermoinelasticity East Kilbride, June 25-28, 1968 Tuesday, June 25, 1968 Tour of National Engineering Laboratories Informal Cocktail Party Wednesday, June 26, 1968 Welcoming address by Mr. F. D. PENNY, Director of NEL First Technical Session Dr. D. G. SOPWITH, Chairman W. OLSZAK and P. PERZYNA: "Thermal effects in viscoplasticity". H. PARKUS and J. L. ZEMAN: "Some stochastic problems of thermo visco-elasticity" . E. T. ONAT: "On the determination of the number and nature of state variables from phenomenological experiments". Second Technical Session Prof. J. F. BESSELING, Chairman F. K. G. ODQVIST and N. G. OHLSON: "Thermalfatigue and thermal shock investigations" . A. 1. SMITH, D. MURRAY and R. H. KING: "An applied mechanics ap proach to strain concentration effects at elevated temperature". G. 1. BARENBLATT, V. M. ENTOV and R. L. SALGANIK: "The effect of small vibrations on the deformations and fracture of viscoelastic mate rials". [Read by Dr. J. R. DIXON of NEL.] R. MAZET: "Sur la normalit8 de la fonction de fluage lors d'essais de traction d'un dural it 200°C". VIII Summary of Program Thursday, J'une 27,1968 Third Technical Session Prof. F. K. G. ODQVIST, Chairman R. A. SCHAPERY: "On the application of a thermodynamic constitutive equation to various non-linear materials". E. H. LEE: "Viscoelastic stress analysis with thermo-mechanical coup ling" . M. J. CROCHET and P. M. NAGHDI: "On a class of material with fading nlemory" . Fourth Technical Session Prof. H. PARKUS, Chairman J. D. ACHENBACH and G. HERRMANN: "Propagation of second-order thermomechanical disturbances in viscoelastic solids". JAN A. H. HULT: "Cyclic thermal loading in viscoelastic pressure vessels" . W. JOHNSON and R. SLATER: "The dynamic blanking, forging and indenting of hot metals". A. M. FREUDENTHAL: "Creep acceleration in some metals under rapidly increasing temperature". Evening: Banquet at Forest Hills Hotel, Aberfoyle, Perthshire. Friday, June 28, 1968 Fifth Technical Session Prof. B. A. BOLEY, Chairman A. PHILLIPS: "Yield surfaces of pure aluminum at elevated tempera tures". T. R. TAUCHERT: "Heat generation in viscoelastic solids with emphasis on experimental results". P. THillION and R. CHASSET: "Influence de la temperature sur les reac tions viscoelastiques de vulcanisats de caoutchouc susceptibles de cri stalliser au cours d'essais de traction monoaxiale". S. TAillA and R. OHTANI: "Some problems on creep fracture under com bined stress system". List of Participants ACHENBACH, Prof. J. D., Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60201, U. S. A. AUSANGEE, R., Electricite de France, Departement de Mecanique et Tech nologie Nucieaire, Les Renardieres, Route de Sens, 77 Ecuelles, pres Moret-sur-Loing, France. BARROWMAN, E. M., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, C. 1, Scotland. BESSELING, Prof. J. F .. Technische Hogeschool Delft, Mekelweg 2, Delft, Netherlands. BEVERIDGE, Mrs. A. A., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kil bride, Seotland. BLACKBURN, Dr. W. S., International Research and Development Com pany Limited, Fossway, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 6, England. BLAND, Prof. D. R., Department of Mathematics, The Univer::lity of Manchester, Manchester 13, ];jngland. ROISSERIE, .J. M., Electricite de France, S. K R. Nu. T. H., 6 Quai Watier, 78 Chatou, Paris, France. BOLEY, Prof. B. A., Department of Theorctical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850, U. S. A. BOLLANI, Dr. G., Laboratorio Ricerche e Controlli Auto-Avia, :F. I. A. T., C. Agnelli, 200, Torino, Italy. BRADLEY, D. M., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. BU'I'LER, S., BristolCollege of Science and Technology, Ashley Down, Bristol 7, England. BYCHAWSKI, Dr. Z., Krowoderska 39, m. 11, Krakow, Poland. CARTER, G. A., Engineering Department, Cambridge University, TI'Um pington Street, nambridge, England. CORBEL, J'., Electricite de France, S.K R. Nu. T. H., 6 Quai Watier, 78 Chatou, Paris, France. CRAIK, 1. C., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. CROCHET, Dr. M. J., Institut de Mecanique et MatMmatiques Appli quees, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Heverlee, Belgium. II IUTAlII-Symp. 1968 x List of Participants DEN HARTOG, Prof. J., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, U. S. A. DIXON, Dr. J. R, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland. ESTRUCH, Dr. B., Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, 'Vilton Works, PO Box 54, Middlesbrough, Tees-side, England. FERGUSON, F. R, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland. FREUDENTHAL, Prof. A. M., Department of Civil Engineering and Engi neering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 10027, U.S.A. GLENN, Dr. J., Central Research Department, Colvilles Limited, Meadow Road, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland. GRAHAM, Prof. G. A. C., Department of Mathematics, Simon-Fraser University, Burnaby 2, British Columbia, Canada. GUELIN, P., Attache de Recherches, Laboratoire de Meeanique des Flui des, 44 Avenue F'elix Viallet, 38 Grenoble, France. HENDERSON, .1., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Seot land. HERRMANN, Prof. G., Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60201, U. S. A. HICKS, E., United Kingdom Atomie Energy Authority, Reaetor Fuel Element Laboratories, Springfields, Salwick, Preston, Lanes, England. HOPKINS, Prof. H., Department of Mathematics, The University of Manehester, Manchester 1, F~ngland. HULT, Prof. .J . A. H., Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, Goteborg, Sweden. JOHNSON, Prof. W., Institute of Seience and Technology, The University of Manchester, Manehester 1, England. KENNEDY, P. A., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. KING, Dr. R H., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland. LECKIE, Prof. F. A., Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, England. LEE, Prof. E. H., Division of Engineering Mechanics, Stanford Univer sity, Stanford, Calif. 94305, U, S. A. LEMAITRE, Dr. J., Offiee National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospa tiales (0. N. E. R A.), 29 Avenue de la Division Leclerc, 92 Cbatil Ion (Seine), France. LIBOVE, Dr. C., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210, U. S. A. LOUDEN, J. S., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. List of PartieipantH Xl MACKENZIE, Dr. A. C., Department of Mechanicall~ngineering, Univer sity of Glasgow, Glasgow W. 2, Scotland. MCPAKE, P. ,T., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland. MARCONI, Dr. M., Centro Consultivo, i-ltudi e Ricerche, Via dei Ponte fici, Roma, Italy. MAZET, Prof. R., Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospa tiales (0. N. E. R. A.), 29 Avenue de Ia Division Leclerc, 92 Chatil Ion (Seine), France. lVIEIKLE, G. G., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. l\lIHzAD, Dr. S. H., Ministry of Water and Power, Teheran, Iran. MURRAY, D., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Rcot land. NAGHDI, Prof. P. M., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Univer sity of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720, U. S. A. ODQVIST, Prof. ]'. K. G., The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70, Sweden. OHLSON, Prof. N. G., The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70, Sweden. OHTANI, Prof. R., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Uni versity, Kyoto, ,Tapan. OLSZAK, Prof. W., Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. SWiC2tokrzyska 21, Warszawa, Poland. ONAT, Prof. K T., Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520, U. S. A. OWEN, D. G., Engineering Department, Cambridge University, Cam bridge, England. P ARKUS, Prof. H., Institut fiir Mechanik, Technische Hochschule Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Austria. PERZYNA, Dr. P., Polish Academy of Sciences, ui. Swi!;ltokrzyska 21, vVarszawa, Poland. PHILLIPS, Prof. A., Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520, U. S. A. PHILLIPS, C. K, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scot land. Quozzo, Dr. G., Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Universita degli Studi, Citta Universitaria, Roma, Italy. RIEDER, Prof. G., Technische Hochschule, 51 Aachen, Federal Repub lic of Germany. ROBSON, K., National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland. ROGUET, R., Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, B. P. 5-10, 75 - Paris XVe, France.

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