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Thermoelastic effects at low temperatures and quantum limits in displacement measurements ∗ M. Cerdonio and L. Conti INFN Section of Padova and Department of Physics, University of Padova, Italy A. Heidmann and M. Pinard Laboratoire Kastler Brossel†, 4 place Jussieu, F75252 Paris, France (September29, 2000) materialswellinuseformirrorssubstratesasfusedsilica The displacement fluctuations of mirrors in optomechan- and sapphire, with km long Fabry-Perot cavities, which ical devices, induced via thermal expansion by temperature are characterized by laser beam spots of size r 1 cm 0 fluctuations due either to thermodynamic fluctuations or to ≃ 1 and comparatively low finesse 100, and with char- 0 fluctuations in the photon absorption, can be made smaller acteristic frequencies f 100FH≃z, for the mechanical 0 thanquantumfluctuations,atthelowtemperatures,highre- ≃ motion to be monitored optically. 2 flectivities and high light powers needed to readout displace- There are a number of situations, at variance with ments at the standard quantum limit. The result is relevant n the above, which are of interest for optomechanical de- for the design of quantum limited gravitational-wave detec- a vices. Insuchsituationsoneorbothofthethermoelastic J tors, both”interferometers” and”bars”, andforexperiments to studydirectly mechanical motion in thequantumregime. fluctuations effects may be of concern, when one would 0 liketoreach,inthemeasurementsofsmalldisplacement, 1 PACS : 04.80.Nn, 05.40.-a,42.50.Lc the so called Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) [5,6]. Al- 2 readyforLIGOII,BGVseemstodiscourage,infavourof v fusedsilica,theuseofsapphire,whichonthe otherhand 4 may be the material considered for cold mirrors in con- 0 I. INTRODUCTION nection with advanced configurations of interferometric 1 gravitational-wave detectors, under study as LCGT [7], 9 LIGOIII [4] and EURO [8]. 0 InarecentpaperBraginskyet al[1],henceforthBGV, TheBGVeffectswouldbeofconcernforverysensitive 0 consideredthenoiseininterferometricgravitational-wave 0 displacement sensors based on high-finesse Fabry-Perot detectorsduetothermoelasticfluctuationsofthemirrors / cavities, to be used in connection with bar detectors of c attached to the test masses of the interferometer. These gravitational waves as dual cavity transducers [9], or to q thermoelastic fluctuations have contributions from two - study the quantum effects of radiation pressure [10–12]. independent processes, both acting via the thermal ex- r In both cases the cavities are much shorter (less than g pansivity of the mirror substrate material. The first one v: is the thermodynamic fluctuations in temperature of the aomfeewterc,enthtiembeetaerm) tshpaontsinareasgmraavllietart(iornal-w1a0v−e2icnmte)r,fefir-- Xi body of the mirror substrate (these, in the approxima- nesses much larger ( > 105) and tem0p≃eratures as low tion of small thermal expansion, are independent from as T < 1 K. It mayFap∼pear from BGV results that the r thethermodynamicfluctuationsinvolume,whicharere- a therm∼oelasticeffectswouldgenerateparticularlylargeef- sponsible for the well studied thermal or brownian noise fects, inasmuch the volume involved in the fluctuation [2]). The second one is the photothermal temperature processes would be correspondingly smaller. fluctuations due to the fact that the number of photons Forthesereasons,itisofinteresttoexplorewhatwould absorbed by the mirror fluctuate. be the behaviourofboth thermoelastic effects in the low BGV results for the thermodynamic noise, obtained temperatures and small beam spot regimes, where some for half-infinite mirrors, have been extended to the case BGV assumptions break down. In particular, the heat of finite size mirrors [3], with particular reference to the diffusion length l depends on the temperature and can designofadvancedinterferometricgravitational-wavede- t become largerthan the laserbeam spotdimensionr , so tectors,suchasLIGOII[4]. Inbothcasesthecalculations 0 that the adiabatic approximation is no longer valid. areconcernedwithmirrorsatroomtemperature,madeof In Section II we give the essentials of the regime of phonons and heat propagation, which establishes at low enoughtemperatures,and we evaluate the thermoelastic noises with a simple calculation, in relation to the beam ∗visiting at Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Laboratoire Kastler spot size and to the frequencies at which the optome- Brossel chanical device is most sensitive. †Laboratoire de l’Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie et de In Sections III and IV we give an exact calculation of l’Ecole Normale Sup´erieure associ´e au Centre National de la boththermoelasticeffectsinthewholeregionofinterest, RechercheScientifique 1 thatisforanyvalueoftheratiol /r . Theresults,under thickness z , and on the other hand much smaller than t 0 c theassumptionsoflowtemperatureregimeofSectionII, the beam spot radius r , 0 would directly apply to actual mirrors for the quoted optomechanical devices. We also relate in a general way zc <lt <r0. (3) thephotothermalnoisetothedisplacementnoiseinduced This is the basic BGV approximation, which gives that on the mirror by the quantum fluctuations of radiation thevolumeinvolvedinthefluctuatingthermalexpansion pressure in the cavity. effectisthefractionofmirrorsubstrateV l r2andthus In Section V we discuss limitations and relevance of ≃ t 0 one has z l in Eq. (1). our approach in the design of the SQL optomechanical ≃ t This argument reproduces the essential features of displacement devices. BGV spectral density S [f] of photothermal displace- z ment noise, as one may write around the frequency f, II. HEAT PROPAGATION AT LOW ∆z2 α 2 S TEMPERATURES abs S [f] , (4) z ≃ f ≃ ρCr2 f2 (cid:18) 0(cid:19) Let us assume the optomechanical device to work in where S =h¯ω W is the spectral power noise of the abs 0 abs somefrequencyrangecenteredaroundafrequencyf and absorbed light, with W = h¯ω n the average absorbed abs 0 let us discuss the photothermal effect. We revisit the light power. In fact we see that Eq. (4) is the same calculation of BGV in the following way, so to use it to finalBGVrelation(Eq.8 of[1]), apartfromaterm with see the regime which sets up at low temperatures. the Poisson ratio of the mirror material and numerical The multilayers coating of the mirror absorbs a small factors. fraction of the light power and this induces an inhomo- Thecondition(3)maybreakdownforsmallbeamspot geneous increase of the temperature of the bulk. The radius r or for low temperature T,as the thermal diffu- 0 absorbedpoweris a Poissondistributed randomvariable sion length gets longer, either in the mirror substrate or (the statistics of the absorbed photon will be discussed in the mirror coating or in both. inmoredetailsinsectionIV),andthesefluctuationslead For mirrors substrates of crystalline materials, as to thermal fluctuations in the bulk of the mirror. They specifically sapphire, for a frequency f 1 kHz, the are consequently responsible for fluctuations of the posi- ≃ thermal length l in the substrate at low temperature ts tion of the reflecting face of the mirror, via the thermal gets of the order of 10 cm, to be compared with a room expansion of the mirror material. temperature value l (300 K) 10−2 cm (see Table I). ts The r.m.s. displacement noise of the mirror end face ≃ Then at low temperature we rather have ∆z = zα∆T is found by evaluating the r.m.s. fluctua- tion in temperature ∆T, in a volume V of the mirror of l >r , (5) ts 0 thicknessz,linearthermalexpansioncoefficientα(T)and ∼ specific thermal capacity C(T), as the absorbed photon at all frequencies below some 1 kHz, both for mirrors flux n fluctuates, of gravitational-wave interferometers (for which r0 ≃ 1.5 cm), and for optomechanical sensors (for which r 0 ∆z =zα¯hω0∆n, (1) 310−2cm). Thisvalueforlts staysconstantinthewho≤le ρCV region T 10 K, as crystalline materials follow Debye T3 laws fo≤r α(T), C(T) and κ(T), and thus their ratios where ¯hω is the energy per photon, ∆n = n/f is the are all independent of T. 0 r.m.s. poissonian fluctuation of the number of photons High reflection coatings are typically 40 layers one p absorbed over the time 1/f (n is the average absorbed quarter wavelength thick of alternating amorphous ma- photon flux), and ρ is the density of the mirror material terials as TiO and SiO , with a total thickness z 2 2 c (axis z is taken normal to the plane face of the mirror). 10−3 cm for Nd-Yag laser light. For such a coatin≃g, At room temperature and for large beam spots, BGV the breakdown temperature for Eq. (3) is different for conditions apply: the phonon mean free path and relax- mirrors of large-scale interferometers and for mirrors of ation times are very small respectively in comparison to high-finesse cavities, because of the difference in r . For 0 the mirror coating thickness (where the photons create LIGOII mirrors for instance, taking SiO as the refer- 2 the phonons in the absorption process), and in compari- ence material for the coating, the thermal length l in tc son with the characteristic time 1/f. The thermal diffu- the coating is of the order of r only at very low tem- 0 sion length at frequency f is given by perature, T < 1 K. Amorphous silica films would have l > 10−2 cm for T < 10 K, so that for high-finesse tc κ cavities we have l > r in the whole low temperature l = , (2) tc 0 t ρCf region. ∼ r Despite this difference, there are two features of rel- where κ is the thermal conductivity. For a frequency f evance, which affect similarly the thermal behaviour of around100Hz,lt isononehandlargerthanthecoating thecoating-substratecompositeinbothtypesofmirrors. 2 Accordingto table I, α z is at leastone orderof magni- c c Fused silica 300 K 10 K 1 K tudesmallerthanα l atlowtemperature(z 10−5m α (K−1) 5.5 10−7 −2.6 10−7 −2.6 10−10 and l 0.1 m). Wsetscan then neglect the excp≃ansion of ts κ (W/m.K) 1.4 0.1 2 10−2 the coa≃ting over its thickness z and we find that the c C (J/Kg.K) 6.7 102 3 3 10−3 effect is dominated by the substrate properties, λ (m) 8 10−10 8 10−8 9 10−6 α/κ (m/W) 3.9 10−7 2.6 10−6 1.3 10−8 S [f] αs 2 Sabs. (7) lt (m) 310−5 1.2 10−4 1.7 10−3 z ≃(cid:18)ρsCslt2s(cid:19) f2 Thisistherelevantresultofourdiscussionofthermalbe- haviour of the coating-substrate composite at low tem- Sapphire 300 K 10 K 1 K perature, in that now the temperature fluctuations in- α (K−1) 5 10−6 5.8 10−10 5.8 10−13 volve comparatively large substrate volumes, instead of κ (W/m.K) 40 4.3 103 4.3 the comparatively small coating volume, where the ac- C (J/Kg.K) 7.9 102 8.9 10−2 8.9 10−5 tual absorption of photons occurs. Notice that, would λ (m) 5 10−9 2.2 10−3 not this be the case, one would have of course very large α/κ (m/W) 1.2 10−7 1.4 10−13 effects just concentratedinthe volume, the externalsur- lt (m) 1.1 10−4 0.11 faceofwhichisthatwheredisplacementsaregoingtobe measured at SQL sensitivities. When we substitute in Eq. (7) the expression (2) for TABLEI. Thermalpropertiesoffusedsilica(top)andsap- the thermal length, we see a dramatic change of regime, phire(bottom)atdifferenttemperatures. Thethermalexpan- sion coefficient α, thermal conductivity κ, thermal capacity α 2 C andphononmeanfreepathλarederivedfrom [1]atroom s S [f] S , (8) z abs temperature,andfrom[13–15]atlowtemperatures. Thether- ≃(cid:18)κs(cid:19) mal length lt at 1 kHz is obtained from Eq. (2). where now the (substrate) thermal conductivity κ ap- s pears,insteadofthethermalcapacity,andthefrequency In both cases we have that, at all low temperatures, the dependence has disappeared. In fact the system behaves thermal length ltc stays longer than the coating thick- as in the low frequency region of a low pass filter, while, ness, ltc > zc, and that the mean free path λs of the under BGV conditions, it was rather in the high fre- phonons in the substrate is itself long, atleast a fraction quency region. of cm [13]. In a coating of a SiO2 film even the phonon We develop in the following sections a rigorous cal- mean free path λc will be largerthan 10−3 cm, andthus culation of the effects in the low temperature regime, λc >zc, for T <1 K [16]. which gives in clear details the features grossly antici- Let us then∼consider how the thermal regime changes patedaboveandwhichcanbedirectlyappliedtomirrors at sufficiently low temperatures (T 10 K). The heat of interest for optomechanical devices, when the above ≤ delivered by the absorbed photons in the volume r02zc thermal behaviour of the coating-substrate system is re- of the coating crosses to the substrate in a time smaller alized. than1/f,asl >z . Fromthesubstrate,asλ >r ,the tc c s 0 thermalphononstherebycreatedwillreenterthe∼coating, heatingitupinevenshortertimeoverdistancesλ . This III. THERMODYNAMIC NOISE s happens because the acoustic mismatchbetweencoating and substrate is small [17], when densities and sound In this section we determine the thermodynamic noise velocities are quite close. The substrate thus acts as a without any assumption on the ratio l /r between the t 0 thermal short for the coating in the plane of the mirror thermal diffusion length in the substrate and the beam endface: thecoatingandthesubstratewillbepractically spot size. Our analysis is an extension of the procedure isothermaloverdistancesoftheorderofthephononmean developedbyLiuandThorne[3],butitisvalidevenwhen free path λ in the substrate. Then the coating will con- s the adiabatic approximation is not satisfied. According tributetothethermoelasticfluctuationswithitsthermal to Eq. (2), the condition l < r can actually be written t 0 expansion coefficient αc, but following the thermal fluc- as a condition over the frequency, f > κ/ρCr2. Our 0 tuations of spectral density S of the substrate. On the T treatmentisthusalsovalidforanangularfrequencyω = other hand, at the frequency f, the volume of substrate 2πf smaller than the adiabatic limit ω defined as c involved in the fluctuating heating will be of the order V l3 , where the thermal length is that in the sub- κ stra≃te.tsSo,including both the coating andthe substrate, ωc = ρCr2. (9) 0 wewritenowforthedisplacementspectraldensityS [f]: z As shown in the previous section we neglect any ef- S [f] (α z )2+(α l )2 S [f]. (6) fectsofthecoating,takingonlyintoaccountthethermal z c c s ts T ≃ (cid:16) (cid:17) 3 propertiesofthesubstrateofthemirror. Wealsoneglect To calculate the rate of energy dissipation W , it diss any finite-size effects since we have shown that the vol- is necessary to solve a system of two coupled equations, ume of substrate involved in the fluctuating heating is thefirstoneforthe displacementu(r,t)ateverypointr usually smaller than the size of the mirror, even at low inside the substrate, and the second one for the tem- temperature. We thus approximate the mirror as a half perature perturbation δT (r,t). As the time required space, the coated plane face corresponding to the plane for sound to travel across the mirror is usually smaller z =0 in cylindrical coordinates. thantheoscillationperiod2π/ω,wecanuseaquasistatic The analysis is based on a general formulation of the approximation and deduce the displacement u from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, used by Levin [18] to equation of static stress balance [19], compute the usual thermal noise (brownian motion) of ( .u)+(1 2σ) 2u= 2α(1+σ) δT, (14) the mirrors in a gravitational-wave interferometer. We ∇ ∇ − ∇ − ∇ knowthatinaninterferometerorinahighfinesseFabry- where σ is the Poisson ratio of the substrate (α is the Perotcavity,thelightissensitivetothe normaldisplace- linear thermal expansion coefficient). The temperature mentu (z =0,r,t)ofthecoatedplanefaceofthemirror, z perturbation δT evolves according to the thermal con- spatially averaged over the beam profile. This averaged ductivity equation [19], displacement u is defined as ∂(δT) αET ∂( .u) e−r2/r02 a2∆(δT)= − ∇ , (15) u(t)=b d2r u (z =0,r,t) . (10) ∂t − ρC(1 2σ) ∂t z πr2 − Z 0 where a2 = κ/ρC and E is the Young modulus of the To compbute the spectral density S [ω] of the displace- substrate (ρ is the density, C is the specific thermal ca- u mentuatagivenangularfrequencyω,wedeterminethe pacity). mechanicalresponseofthe mirrorto a sinusoidallyoscil- The solutions of Eqs. (14) and (15) must also fulfill b latingbpressure. More precisely, we examine the effect of boundary conditions. If we approximate the mirror as a pressure P (r,t) applied at every point r of the coated a half space, the temperature perturbation δT and the face of the mirror with the same spatial profile as the stresstensorσ mustsatisfythefollowingboundarycon- ij optical beam, ditions on the coated plane face of the mirror, P (r,t)= F0 e−r2/r02cos(ωt), (11) σzz(z =0,r,t) =P(r,t), (16a) πr02 σzx(z =0,r,t) =σzy(z =0,r,t)=0, (16b) where F0 is a constant force amplitude. We can com- ∂(δT)(z =0,r,t) =0. (16c) pute the energy W dissipated by the mirror in re- ∂z diss sponse to this force, averaged over a period 2π/ω of the The stress tensor σ is defined in presence of changes of ij pressureoscillations.Thefluctuation-dissipationtheorem temperature as (see Eq. (6.2) of [19]) then states that the spectral density of the displacement noise is given by E σ = αδTδ + ij ij −(1 2σ) 8kBT Wdiss − S [ω]= , (12) u ω2 F2 E σ 0 + u + δ u , (17) ij ij kk (1+σ) (1 2σ) " # wherekB isthe Bboltzman’sconstant. This approachhas − Xk been used by Levin to compute the brownian noise [18]. where the strain tensor u is equal to 1 ∂ui + ∂uj . We are interested here in the thermodynamic noise so ij 2 ∂xj ∂xi that W correspondsto the energydissipated by ther- Wesolveperturbativelythissystemofe(cid:16)quationsat(cid:17)the diss moelastic heat flow. first order in α. We first solve the static stress-balance The rate of thermoelastic dissipation is given by the equation at the zeroth order in α, neglecting the tem- followingexpression(firsttermofEq. (35.1)ofRef.[19]): perature term in the right part of Eq. (14) and in the expression (17) of the stress tensor. The solution u(0) of dS κ this equation is well known (paragraph 8 of [19]). We W = T = d3r ( δT)2 , (13) diss dt T ∇ then solve the thermal conductivity equation (15) using (cid:28) (cid:29) (cid:28)Z (cid:29) asasourcetermthesolutionu(0) andweobtainthetem- where the integral is on the entire volume of the mir- perature perturbation δT(1) in the first order in α. The ror and the brackets ... stand for an average over the calculationofu(0),δT(1) andfinallyW isdoneinAp- h i diss oscillation period 2π/ω. δT is the temperature pertur- pendix A. Using the results of this appendix, we show bation around the unperturbed value T, induced by the that S [ω] is equal to u oscillating pressure. W is then related to the time diss derivative dS/dt of the mirror’s entropy, which depends k T2 on the temperature gradient δT. b Su[ω]=32α2(1+σ)2 BρC I, (18) ∇ b 4 where the integral I is given by Ω = 1 is a cut-off frequency. For Ω > 1 the curve has a slope equal to 2, whereas for Ω < 1 the curve has a a2 k⊥2e−k⊥2r02/2 smaller slope of t−he orderof 1/2. In this low frequency I = (2π)3 dkxdkydkzk2(a4k4+ω2), (19) range, the noise is smaller −than the one which would Z be obtained using the adiabatic approximation (dashed with k2 =k2+k2 and k2 =k2 +k2. curve in figure 1). ⊥ x y ⊥ z WecanexpressS [ω]asafunctionofanintegralJ[Ω] u which depends only on a dimensionless variable Ω equal to ω/ω , where ω = a2/r2 corresponds to the adiabatic IV. PHOTOTHERMAL NOISE c c 0 b limit (see Eq. 9). We get We now briefly examine the case of the photothermal 8 k T2r S [ω]= α2(1+σ)2 B 0J[Ω], (20) noise which exhibits somewhat a similar frequency be- u √2π ρCa2 haviour as the thermodynamic noise. We use the same method as BGV [1] to calculate the spectral density where J[Ω] is derived from the integral I by the trans- b S [ω] due to this noise but we do not make any adia- formation of variables u≡k⊥r0 and v ≡kzr0, bautic approximation so that the calculation is valid also 2 ∞ ∞ u3e−u2/2 fobr frequencies smaller than the adiabatic limit ωc. We J[Ω]= du dv . then obtain: rπ Z0 Z−∞ (u2+v2) (u2+v2)2+Ω2 2 ¯hω W S [ω]= α2(1+σ)2 0 absK[Ω], (24) (cid:16) (2(cid:17)1) u π2 (ρCa2)2 Whenω ω (i.e. Ω 1),wecanneglectu2+v2with where thbe integral K[Ω] is equal to c ≫ ≫ respecttoΩinthedenominatoroftheintegral. J[Ω]can then be calculated analytically and we obtain 1 ∞ ∞ u2e−u2/2 2 K[Ω]= du dv . J[Ω 1]=1/Ω2. (22) (cid:12)(cid:12)π Z0 Z−∞ (u2+v2)(u2+v2+iΩ)(cid:12)(cid:12) ≫ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(25) Using this result and the definition of Ω, we finally show (cid:12) (cid:12) that S [ω] is equal to When ω ω the adiabatic approximation is valid and u ≫ c the result of BGV should be recovered. Indeed, when Sub[ω ≫ωc]= √82πα2(1+σ)2 kBρCT2ωa22r3. (23) Ωcalc≫ula1t,ewaencaalyntinceaglllyecKt u[Ω2]+wvh2ichwittuhrnrsesopuetcttotobeΩeqaunadl 0 to 1/Ω2. Using the definition of Ω, we finally show that Thisfobrmulaisidenticaltotheexpression(18)ofRef.[3] S [ω] is equal to u and to the expression (12) of BGV [1]. 2 ¯hω W S [ω ω ]= α2(1+σ)2 0 abs . (26) b u ≫ c π2 (ρCr2ω)2 0 This forbmula is identical to Eq. (8) of BGV [1]. For low values of Ω, K[Ω] can be calculated numeri- cally. The result is shown in figure 2. As in the case of the thermodynamic effect (figure 1), Ω = 1 is a cut-off frequency: for Ω > 1 the function has a slope equal to 2, whereas for Ω < 1 the function has a much smaller − slope and is almost constant. This result is in perfect agreement with the simple derivation made in section II. The spectral density (24) can actually be written as FIG. 1. Frequency dependence of the thermodynamic S [ω]= 2 (1+σ)2 α 2S K[Ω], (27) noise. The frequency ω is normalized to the adiabatic limit u π2 κ abs ωc. The dashed curve corresponds to the adiabatic approxi- (cid:16) (cid:17) mation. which is similar to Eq. (8) at low frequency where b K[Ω] 1,apartfromatermwiththePoissonratio. The ≃ For small values of Ω, the integral J[Ω] can be com- frequency dependence of the photothermal noise then puted numerically. The result is shown in figure 1 where corresponds to a low-pass filter, with a cut-off frequency we have plotted J[Ω] as a function of Ω in logarithmic equal to the adiabatic limit ω . At low frequency, that c scale,forΩbetween10−5and105. Thisfigureshowsthat is when the thermal diffusion length l in the substrate t 5 Ontheotherhand,theabsorbedphotonsalwayscorre- spondstoapoissonianstatistics,evenifitisnotthecase for the intracavity photons. The spectral power noise S of the absorbed light is given by abs S =h¯ω W =A¯hω W , (30) abs 0 abs 0 cav where A is the absorption coefficient of the mirror (the averagefluxofabsorbedphotonsisn=AN).Thiseffect cannotbe understood within the frameworkof a corpus- cular model in which the photon absorption is described as a poissonian process: due to the super-poissonian statistics of the intracavity photons, one would find a super-poissonian statistics for the absorbed photons. FIG.2. Frequency dependence of the photothermal noise. One has to take into account the interferences between Thefrequencyω isnormalizedtotheadiabaticlimit ωc. The the intracavity field and the vacuum fluctuations asso- dashed curvecorresponds to theadiabatic approximation. ciated with the mirror losses. This can be done by us- ing a simple model where the absorption is described as becomes larger than the beam spot radius r , one has a a small transmission of the mirror and where the ab- 0 dramatic change of regime and the photothermal noise sorbedphotonsareidentifiedtothe photonstransmitted is much smaller than the one which would be obtained by the mirror. One thus has a high-finesse cavity with within the adiabaticapproximation(dashedcurvein fig- twoinput-outputportsanditiswellknownthatthepho- ure 2). ton statistics of the light either reflected or transmitted Anotherimportantpointfortherealizationofoptome- by such a cavity are always poissonian, for coherent or chanicalsensorsworkingatthe quantumlevelis to com- vacuum incoming beams [21]. pare the photothermal noise to the displacements in- Eqs. (29) and (30) clearly show that both the radia- duced by the quantum fluctuations of radiation pressure tion pressure effect and the photothermal noise are pro- of light. Quantum effects can be made larger than the portional to the intracavity light power Wcav; however usual thermal noise by decreasing the temperature and the displacements induced by radiationpressure havean by increasing the light power. This would not be conve- extradependenceonthecavityfinesse . Thephotother- F nient for photothermal noise since the effect is propor- mal noise can thus become negligible as compared to tional to the light power. BGV results show that for quantum effects for a high-finesse cavity. sapphire at room temperature the photothermal noise is Toperformaquantitativecomparisonbetweenthetwo of the same order as the standard quantum limit in an effects, we calculate the susceptibility χeff defined by interferometer. In a high-finesse cavity, hopefully, these Eq. (28). We determine here the mechanical response twoeffectsarerelatedtoquitedifferentphotonstatistics. associated with the internal degrees of freedom of the As a matter of fact, the displacement u induced by the mirror, which are of interest for displacement sensors. radiationpressureoftheintracavityfieldisrelatedtothe We thus ignore the radiation pressure effects associated intracavity photon flux N, with the global motion of suspended mirrors, which are b the dominant contribution to SQL at low frequency in u[ω]=χ [ω]P [ω]=2h¯kχ [ω]N[ω], (28) gravitational-waveinterferometers. We calculate the av- eff rad eff erage displacement u induced by the radiation pressure where 2¯hk is the momentum exchange during a photon P , assuming the mirror is a half space (z 0). The reflebction(kisthewavevectoroflight),andχeff isanef- norarmd al displacementbuz(z =0,r,t) of the coa≥ted face of fective susceptibility describing the mechanical response the mirrorcan be deduced from the results of paragraph of the mirror to the radiation pressure Prad [12]. The 8 of [19], noise spectrum S [ω] induced by radiation pressure is thus proportionaluto the spectralpowernoiseScav ofthe u (z =0,r,t)= 2h¯kN(t) 1 σ2 d2r′e−r′2/r02. (31) intracavity light, which for a resonant cavity is [12]: z Eπ2r2 − r r′ b 0 Z | − | (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 /π Using the definition (10) of u, we obtain S [ω]= F ¯hω W , (29) cav 1+(ω/ωcav)2 0 cav u(t)= 2h¯kN(t) 1 σ2 bd2rd2r′e−(r2+r′2)/r02. (32) nwehsesreeaωncdavWis th=e ch¯aωviNty ibsatnhdewaidvtehra,gFe iinstrtahceavciatvyitlyighfit- Eπ3r04 (cid:0) − (cid:1)Z |r−r′| power. At lcoawv frequ0ency (ω < ωcav) the intracavity Tofbhveairniatebglersaluca=nreasirl′yabnedcval=culra+tedr′.byWuesifinngalalyngewetset photon flux corresponds to a su∼per-poissonian statistics, − thenoisepowerbeinglargerthanthepoissonianspectral 1 σ2 χ [ω]= − , (33) density by a factor 2 /π [20]. eff √2πEr F 0 6 andthe noisespectrumS [ω]inducedbyradiationpres- (second table). The results show that ω is increased u c sure fluctuations is equal to when the temperature decreases (3 orders of magnitude for fused silica and 6 orders of magnitude for sapphire b 2 2 1 σ2 when the temperature is reduced from 300 K to 1 K). Su[ω]= √(cid:0)2π−Ecr0(cid:1)! Scav[ω], (34) aIfdwiaebactoincsaipdperroaxitmypaitcioanl firsenqeuveenrcvyalωid/2foπrosafp1p0h0irHeazt, ltohwe temperature, whereas it is valid for fused silica only for where c is tbhe speed of light. large beam spot size. For all the displacement sensors consideredin this pa- perthecharacteristicangularfrequencyωissmallerthan the cavitybandwidth ωcav. The noise spectrum Su[ω] is r0=10−2 m Fused silica Sapphire consequently independent of ω and equal to 300 K 1 K 300 K 1 K 2 b ωc/2π (Hz) 1.5 10−3 4.8 2 10−2 1.9 104 S [ω ω ]= 2 1−σ2 2F¯hω W . (35) Ω2J[Ω] 1 0.74 0.98 1.3 10−4 u ≪ cav √(cid:0)2πEcr0(cid:1)! π 0 cav S (m2/Hz) 2.7 10−42 3.4 10−45 1.5 10−39 2.6 10−49 u S (adiabatic) 2.7 10−42 4.6 10−45 1.5 10−39 2 10−45 Thisbexpression shows that the radiation pressure effect u depends on the mechanical characteristics of the sub- b strate (E and σ) whereas the photothermal noise (Eq. rb0=10−4 m Fused silica Sapphire 27)dependsonthethermodynamiccharacteristicsofthe 300 K 1 K 300 K 1 K substrateviatheratioα/κ. Atlowtemperature,K[Ω]is ωc/2π (Hz) 15 4.8 104 2 102 1.9 108 of the order of1 and the ratio α/κ is constantand equal to 1.4 10−13 m/W for sapphire (see Table I). E is equal Ω2J[Ω] 0.51 3.5 10−5 6.4 10−2 1.4 10−10 to 4 1011 J/m3 and σ is equal to 0.25 so that the ratio S (m2/Hz) 1.4 10−36 1.6 10−43 1 10−34 2.8 10−49 u between the photothermal and radiation pressure noises S (adiabatic) 2.7 10−36 4.6 10−39 1.6 10−33 2 10−39 u is of the order of b TABLEII. Results for fused silica and sapphire at differ- Ar2 b Spt/Srad 2.5 1014 0. (36) ent temperatures, for a frequency ω/2π = 100 Hz and for a u u ≃ beam spot size r0 =1 cm (top) and 10−2 cm (bottom). The F rd thermodynamic noise S (3 lines) is reduced as compared sFiozre ar01opfpm10−a4bbsmor,pbtainodn raatceav(iAty=fin1e0s−se6),Faobfe1a0m5,spthoet ltioneitss)vbayluaefoabcttoarinΩed2Jw[iΩtuh]i(n2nthdeliandeisa)b.aticapproximation(4th photothermal noise is more than 4 orders of magnitude b smallerthanthe radiationpressureeffectsofinternalde- We first focus on the thermodynamic noise whose val- grees of freedom of the mirror. The photothermal noise ues calculatedfromEq. (20)areshowninthe thirdlines is thus negligible as compared to quantum effects in op- of tables II. The noise is smaller than the one which tomechanical sensors. would be obtained within the adiabatic approximation Note thatthis is notthe case ingravitational-wavein- terferometerswherer 10−2mand 100. Thepho- (last lines in tables II). The reduction factor, equal to 0 ≃ F ≃ 1/Ω2J[Ω], can be as large as 104 for sapphire at low tothermalnoiseisthen2ordersofmagnitudelargerthan temperature with r = 1 cm, and as large as 1010 for thequantumnoiseofinternalmotion.However,theinter- 0 r =10−2 cm (second lines in tables II). ferometerisnotexpectedtobesensitivetothisquantum 0 We immediately see the impact for gravitational-wave noise since for suspended mirrors it is overwhelmed by interferometers (r = 1 cm): for sapphire at low tem- the quantum noise associated with external pendulum 0 perature, the thermodynamic noise is more than 4 or- motion. der of magnitude smaller than for fused silica, so that the choice of the material at low temperature would be just the opposite than, as in BGV, at room tempera- V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ture. Furthermore, the thermodynamic noise at 100 Hz would be equal to 2.6 10−49 m2/Hz for sapphire at low Wehaveshownthatboththermoelasticandphotother- temperature, well below the noise at room temperature malnoises havea frequency dependence whichlooks like (2.7 10−42 m2/Hz for fused silica). It is also well be- a low-pass filter: below a cut-off frequency ω , these c lowthe SQLlimitdue tothe externalpendulummotion, noises are much smaller than the noise which would equalto 3.610−41 m2/Hz for amirrormassof30kg [1]. be obtained according to the 1/ω2 dependence at high- Similarly for optomechanical systems with smaller frequency. beam spot size (r < 10−2 cm), the thermodynamic 0 First lines in tables II give the values of the cut-off noisecanbemadeas∼smallas2.810−49 m2/Hz byusing frequency ω /2π for fused silica and sapphire, and for c sapphire at low temperature, to be compared to a noise a beam spot size r0 of 1 cm (first table) and 10−2 cm larger than 10−36 m2/Hz at room temperature both for 7 sapphire and fused silica. It is worth noticing that this fies the details of the thermal link of the mirror to the verylow value is partly due to the reductionfactor asso- main heat sink. Similar care should be taken if the ther- ciated with the non adiabaticity which is of the order of mal length at the lowest frequency of interest is of the 1010. This noise can be compared to the SQL limit due orderofthe mirrorsize. Possiblyinboth casesthe effect to the internal motion of the mirror, which is equal to would be smaller than predicted in this paper, because ¯h χ 10−42 m2/Hz [22]. At low temperature, the the characteristic times for thermal equilibrium in the eff | | ≃ thermodynamic noise is thus smaller than the SQL limit mirror volume would get even shorter. In any case, as so that optomechanical sensors as in Refs. [9,10] would to quote just one instance, phonon mean free paths and be able to get to the SQL limit. thermal conductivities (and thus thermal lengths), have Let us note that the thermodynamic noise for sap- strong dependencies at low temperatures on the level of phire at 1 K is mostly independent of the beam spot impurities, so that each experimental configuration may size r : similar values are obtained for large spot sizes be a case per se. 0 (2.6 10−49 m2/Hz for r = 1 cm) and small ones In conclusion our results may be possibly of interest 0 (2.8 10−49 m2/Hz for r = 10−2 cm). This result is in two respects. First because they let see promising 0 due to the fact that, in contrast with fused silica, the the use of low temperatures both for gravitational-wave adiabatic approximation is not valid for sapphire what- interferometers and for optomechanical devices. Second ever the beam spot size is, as long as it is smaller than a because they may be of help to study, in actual experi- fewcentimeters. Thenonadiabaticconditionω <ω can mentalconfigurationsforSQL conditions,the roleofthe c actually be written as r < κ/ρCω (see Eq.9). In this thermoelastic effects in respect to choices of substrate 0 non adiabatic regime, we have shown that J[Ω] evolves materials,workingtemperatures, cavityfinesses, mirrors p as 1/√Ω which is proportionalto √ω and then to 1/r . losses, beam spot sizes and laser powers. c 0 Thethermodynamicnoiseisproportionaltor J[Ω](Eq. 0 20) and is then independent of r . 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Similar results can be obtained for the photothermal noise. We have shown that as long as the adiabatic con- dition is not satisfied, the noise mostly depends on the After the completion of this work, we learned that re- ratio α/κ (Eqs. 8 or 27). In particular it does not de- sults for the photothermal effect similar to those of sec- pend on the frequency ω nor on the beam spot size r0. tion IV were obtained with a different method [23], that For sapphire at low temperature and for an average ab- the problem of section III has been addressed heuristi- sorbed power Wabs 1 W of Nd-Yag laser light, the cally with conclusions in part similar [24], and that a photothermal noise is≃then of the order of 10−45 m2/Hz calculation of thermoelastic effects due to photon ab- bothforinterferometersandoptomechanicalsensors,well sorption in the bulk of cryogenic crystallin cavities [15] below the SQL limits of both the external and internal was also having similar features. We are very gratefulto motions. VladimirBraginskyandSergeyVyatchaninfortheir pri- Let us finally note that the results obtained above ap- vatecommunicationandtoSheilaRowanandtoStephan ply in detail to an actual mirror system when the condi- Schiller for drawing attention to their unpublished re- tionsdescribedinsectionIIarefulfilled. Inparticularthe sults. M. Pinard is grateful to INFN Legnaro National interplay of the various characteristic lengths (phonon Laboratories for hospitality during a short visit within meanfreepathandthermallengths atthe frequenciesof the E.U. programme ”TMR - Access to LSF” (Contract interest, both in the substrate and in the coating, beam ERBFMGECT980110). spot, coating thickness and mirror size) must in the end allow,insometemperaturerange,thatthethermalprop- erties of the substrate dominate. APPENDIX A This may be noteasy to achieve andthus our analysis may correspond to a somewhat idealized situation. At In this appendix, we calculate the spectral density the lowest temperatures T 0.5 K, the phonon mean S [ω] (Eq. 18) of the spatially averaged displacement free path in the coating get≤s of the order of its thick- uuinduced by the thermodynamic noise. We approxi- ness (as for an amorphoussilica coating,see for example mate the mirror as an infinite half space (z 0). At the [16]), while the time constants for phonon local equilib- zebroth order in the thermal expansion coeffi≥cient α, the b rium continue to stay smaller than 2π/ω both for the solution u(0) of the quasistatic stress balance equation coating and the substrate. At first sight, it may appear (14) is given by a Green’s tensor (Eqs. (8.13) and (8.18) thatthe equalizationofcoatingversussubstratetemper- of [19]). The pressure P(r,t) applied on the coated sur- atures will be even more facilitated. However at some faceofthemirrorhasonlyacomponentalongthenormal intermediate temperature below 10 K the phonon mean axisz,andweobtainthefollowingexpressionforthedis- free path in substrates like sapphire may get so long to placement expansion Θ(0) = .u(0), exceed the dimensions of the mirror. In this case a more ∇ ad hoc model has to be considered, in which one speci- 2(1+σ)(1 2σ) Θ(0)(r,t) = − F cos(ωt) 0 − E × 8 dkxdkye−41k⊥2r02−k⊥z+i(kxx+kyy), (37) S [ω]=32α2(1+σ)2 kBT2I. (45) × (2π)2 u ρC Z with k⊥ = kx2+ky2. b To calculqate the dissipated energy Wdiss it is useful to analytically extend the pressure-induced expansion Θ(0) for negative values of z in such a way that it is an even function of z. Its spatial Fourier transform Θ(0)[k,t] is then equal to [1] V.B. Braginsky, M.L. Gorodetsky and S.P. Vyatchanin, Θ(0)[k,t]=−4(1+σ)E(1−2σ)F0cos(ωt)kk⊥2e−41k⊥2r02, [2] SPeheysf.orLeitnt.stAan2ce64P,.R1.(1S9a9u9l)son, Phys. Rev. D 42, 2437 (1990) (38) [3] Y.T.LiuandK.S.Thorne,Phys. Rev. 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