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Thermodynamics of the Bosonic Randomized Riemann Gas J. G. Due˜nas1,a) and N. F. Svaiter1,b) Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22290-180, Brazil 4 The partition function of a bosonic Riemann gas is given by the Riemann zeta func- 1 0 tion. We assume that the hamiltonian of this gas at a given temperature β−1 has a 2 c random variable ω with a given probability distribution over an ensemble of hamilto- e D nians. We study the average free energy density and average mean energy density of 2 this arithmetic gas in the complex β-plane. Assuming that the ensemble is made by 2 an enumerable infinite set of copies, there is a critical temperature where the average ] h p free energy density diverges due to the pole of the Riemann zeta function. Consid- - h ering an ensemble of non-enumerable set of copies, the average free energy density is t a m non-singular for all temperatures, but acquires complex values in the critical region. [ Next, we study the mean energy density of the system which depends strongly on 3 v the distribution of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Using a regu- 0 9 larization procedure we prove that the this quantity is continuous and bounded for 1 8 finite temperatures. . 1 0 4 PACS numbers: 02.10.De, 05.30.Jp, 05.40.-a, 11.10-z 1 : v i X r a a)Electronic mail: [email protected] b)Electronic mail: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION Arithmetic quantum theory has been developed to establish connections between number theory and quantum field theory1–7. A bosonic Riemann gas is a second quantized mechanical system at temperature β−1, with partition function given by the Riemann zeta function8,9. As was discussed by Weiss and collaborators, the hamiltonian for the Riemann gas can in principle be produced in a Bose-Einstein condensate10. The purpose of this article is to study the consequences of introduce randomness in the bosonic Riemann gas. We study the thermodynamic variables of this arithmetic gas in the complex β-plane. In equilibrium statistical mechanics, macroscopic systems can develop phase transitions when external parameters change. To give a mathematical description of these phenomena it is usual to define the free energy, F (β), where N is the number of particles of the N system. For finite systems, the free energy and the partition function are analytic in the entire complex β-plane. In the thermodynamic limit, at points where analyticity is not preserved, one says that a phase transition occurs. The singularities in the free energy density corresponds to the zeros of the partition function in the complex β-plane. In two papers, Lee and Yang11,12 studied the zeros of the partition function of the Ising model in the complex magnetic field. They obtained the following theorem: in the Ising model in a complex magnetic field h, the complex zeros of the partition function are located on the unit circle in the complex activity plane. Discussing the zeros in the complex temper- ature plane, Fisher studied a Ising model on a square two-dimensional lattice and showed that there is an accumulation of these complex zeros close to the critical point13. Systems with disorder and randomness also have been considered14,15. A very simple example of a disordered system which exhibits a phase transition is the random energy model. The zeros of the partition function in the complex temperature plane in this model has been studied numerically and also analytically16. In disordered systems, Matsuda, Nishimori and Hukushima studied the distribution of zeros of the partition function in Ising spin glasses on the complex field plane17. More recently Takahashi and collaborators studied the zeros of the partition function in the mean-field spin-glass models18–20. We discuss the thermodynamics of an arithmetic gas introducing randomness in the system. Although a probabilistic approach in number theory is not new in the literature21,22, as far as we know the approach presented here is discussed for the first time. We assume 2 that the hamiltonian of the bosonic gas contains a random variable with some probability distribution. The thermodynamic quantities must be calculated averaging over an ensemble of realizations of the random quantity. Since the random variable is a parameter in an extensive quantity, we have to perform ensemble average of some extensive quantity of interest, in our case the free energy23,24. Assuming that the ensemble is made by a enumerable infinite set of copies, characterized by the parameter ωk defined in the interval {ω : ω1 ≤ ωk < ∞}k∈N, the first copy the ensemble with parameter ω provides a logarithmic singular contribution to the free energy 1 density due to the pole of the Riemann zeta function. This temperature, where the average free energy density diverges is the Hagedorn temperature25 of the random system. On the otherhand, considering anensemble ofnon-enumerableset ofcopies, thesingularbehavior of the average free energy density disappears. Meanwhile, due to the behavior of the Riemann zeta function in the critical region, the average free energy density acquires complex values. Finally, we show that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function, which are the Fisher zeros of the system, contribute to the average energy density of the system. For other approaches discussing the physics of Riemann zeros see 26–29. Also, in the literature we can find other recent results connecting number theory and quantum field theory 30–34. Note that it is possible to obtain the Riemann zeta function as the partition function of a prime membrane35. Let T be the adelic infinite dimensional torus defined as the adelic product of circles of lengths 1 , 1 ,..., 1 ,..., where p ranges through the sequence of prime ln2 ln3 lnp numbers. The normalized eigenfrequencies of T are given by ν = m ln p, with m = p m,p 0,1,2,...,. The spectral partition function of the T is Z (s) = (1−p)−1, which is exactly p p the factor that appears in the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function. The organization of the paper is as follows. In section II we discuss bosonic and fermionic arithmetic gases and discuss also the singularity structure for the average free energy density of the bosonic Riemann random gas on the complex β-plane. In section III the average energy density for the ensemble of Riemann random gas is presented. In section IV we use superzeta functions in order to define the average energy density of the Riemann random gas. In section V the regularized average energy density is presented. Conclusions are given in section VI. In this paper we use k = c = ~ = 1. B 3 II. THE PARTITION FUNCTION OF THE RIEMANN GAS AND THE AVERAGE FREE ENERGY DENSITY OF THE SYSTEM Let us assume a non-interacting bosonic field theory defined in a volume V with hamil- tonian given by ∞ H = ω ln(p )b†b , (1) B k k k X k=1 where b†k and bk are respectively the creation and annihilation operators and {pk}k∈N is the sequence of prime numbers. Since the energy of each mode is ν = ωln p the partition k k function of this system is exactly the Riemann zeta function, i.e, Z = ζ(βω). B Let us consider now the same situation for a system composed by fermions. The hamil- tonian of a free fermionic arithmetic gas is ∞ H = ω ln(p )c†c , (2) F k k k X k=1 where c† and c are respectively the creation and annihilation operators of quanta associated k k to the fermionic field and {pk}k∈N is again the sequence of prime numbers. To proceed, let us introduce the M¨obius function µ(n) defined by 36, 1, if n=1,  µ(n) =  (−1)r, if n is the product of r (≥ 1) distinct primes,    0 otherwise, i.e., if the square of at least one prime divides n.     Using the M¨obius function it is possible to show that the partition function of the fermionic system is given by ζ(βω)/ζ(2βω)3,6. As discussed in the literature, from the partition function associated to the hamiltonians H and H we get B F Z (βω)Z (2βω) = Z (βω). (3) F B B The noninteracting mixture of a bosonic and a fermionic gas with respective temperatures β−1 and (2β)−1 is equivalent to another bosonic gas with temperature β−1. Disorder can now be introduced simply assuming that the parameter ω that appears in the hamiltonian for the arithmetic gas given by Eq. (1) is a random variable. We take {ωk}k∈N a set of uncorrelated random variables with some probability distribution P(ωk) 4 over an ensemble of hamiltonians. To proceed we have to performensemble averages of some extensive quantity of interest. Let us define the average free energy of the Riemann gas as 1 hF(β)i = − hlnζ(βω)i, (4) β where h(...)i denotes the averaging over an ensemble of realizations of random variable with a given discrete probability distribution function. The average free energy density, for the case where the ensemble consists of an enumerable infinite set of copies of the system is ∞ 1 hf(β)i = − P(ω )lnζ(ω β), (5) k k βV Xk=1 where V is the volume of the system and P(ω ) is a given one-dimensional discrete distribu- k tion function defined in the interval {ω : ω1 ≤ ωk < ∞}k∈N. Note that for low temperatures all of the copies of the ensemble contribute to the average free energy density of the system. Nevertheless, due to the pole of the Riemann zeta function there is a critical temperature where the first copy of the ensemble gives a singular contribution to the average free energy density of the system. This is the Hagedorn temperature of the random arithmetic gas. Inthenext section, we first showthat considering anensemble madebya non-enumerable set of copies, the singular behavior of the average free energy density disappears. We are also interested in studying the average energy density of the system, which is related to the logarithmic derivative of the zeta function ζ′(s). As we will see, the divergent contributions ζ that appear in the average energy density of the system can be circumvented using an analytic regularization procedure. III. THE SINGULAR STRUCTURE FOR THE AVERAGE FREE ENERGY DENSITY AND THE AVERAGE ENERGY DENSITY FOR THE SYSTEM In this section we will show that the thermodynamic quantities associated with the Rie- mann random gas are defined in terms of some number theoretical formulas. With this aim, our next task is to calculate relevant thermodynamic physical quantities as the average energy density hεi and the average entropy density hsi. These thermodynamic quantities are given respectively by ∞ 1 ∂ hεi = − P(ω )lnζ(ω β) (6) k k V ∂β Xk=1 5 and ∞ 1 ∂ hsi = 1−β P(ω )lnζ(ω β). (7) k k V (cid:18) ∂β(cid:19) Xk=1 The properties of the model depend strongly on the analytic structure of the Riemann zeta function. In the following, instead of considering an ensemble made by a enumerable infinite set of copies, we extend these definitions for a non-enumerable set of copies. This approach is analogous to the one that makes the classical Gibbs ensemble in phase space a continuous fluid37. Therefore the average over an ensemble of realizations can be represented by an integral with ω defined in the continuum i.e. {ω : ω ∈ R+}. The average free energy density and average energy density can be written as 1 ∞ hf(β,λ)i = − dωP(ω,λ)lnζ(ωβ) (8) βV Z 0 and 1 ∞ ∂ hε(β,λ)i = − dωP(ω,λ) lnζ(ωβ), (9) V Z ∂β 0 where λ is a parameter with length dimension that we have to introduce to give the correct dimension in the expressions. For simplicity let us assume that the probability density distribution is given by P(ω,λ) = λe−λω. At this point, a comment may be useful. It is important to stress that the choice of the P(ω) does not affect the conclusions of the paper. By changing the variable s = ωβ we can write the average free energy density as λ ∞ hf(β,λ)i = − dse−βλslnζ(s). (10) β2V Z 0 Althoughthereisasingularityintheintegrandats = 1, itiseasytoshowthattheintegral is bounded. On the neighborhood of s = 1 we can substitute the function logζ(s) ≈ log 1 = s−1 −log(s − 1). This is an integrable singularity, therefore the average free energy density is non-singular and continuous for all temperatures. Note that overcomes the Hagedorn temperature implies to go into the critical region of the Riemann zeta function, i.e, the region 0 < s < 1, that may lead to complex values of the average free energy density. We would like to point out that there is an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians38. The main problem to go into the critical region is the existence of a branch point of ln(z) at the origin. This fact generates an ambiguity in the free energy density. It is clear that this problem disappear if we deal 6 with the logarithmic derivative of the zeta function ζ′(s). The picture that emerges from ζ this discussion is that the mean energy is a well behaved function of the temperature. As we discussed above, the logarithmic derivative of the zeta function ζ′(s), which is ζ fundamental in the study of the density of non-trivial zeros of the zeta function, must be used in the definition of the average energy density. Let us discuss briefly the symmetries of this set of numbers. Using the function ξ(s), the functional equation for ζ(s) given by Eq. (11) takes theformξ(s) = ξ(1−s). Therefore, if ρ is a zero ofξ(s), thenso is 1−ρ. Since ¯ ξ(ρ) = ξ(ρ¯) we have that ρ¯ and 1−ρ¯ are also zeros. The zeros are symmetrically arranged about the real axis and also about the critical line. Let us write the complex zeros of the zeta function, which are the Fisher zeros of the system, as ρ = 1 +iγ, γ ∈ C. The Riemann 2 hypothesis is the statement that all γ are real. We assume the Riemann hypothesis. If the zeros ρ = 1 +iγ, with γ > 0 are arranged in a sequence ρ = 1 +iγ so that γ > γ . 2 k 2 k k+1 k The Riemann zeta function ζ(s) satisfies the functional equation π−2sΓ s ζ(s) = π−(1−2s)Γ 1−s ζ(1−s), (11) (cid:18)2(cid:19) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) for s ∈ C\{0,1}. Let us define the entire function ξ(s) as 1 s ξ(s) = s(s−1)π−2sΓ ζ(s). (12) 2 (cid:18)2(cid:19) This function ξ(s) has an infinitely many zeros. If they are denoted by ρ, Hadamard product for ξ(s) is of the form s ξ(s) = eb0+b1s 1− esρ, (13) (cid:18) ρ(cid:19) Yρ where b and b are given constants. Combining both equations we get 0 1 1 s s s(s−1)π−2sΓ ζ(s) = eb0+b1s 1− eρs. (14) 2 (cid:18)2(cid:19) (cid:18) ρ(cid:19) Yρ Taking the logarithmic derivative of both sides of the above equation we get ζ′ 1 1 1 ∞ 1 ∞ 1 (s)= C − + + + − , (15) 1 ζ s−1 (s−ρ) ρ (s+2n) 2n Xρ Xρ Xn=1 Xn=1 where C = −1− ζ′(0) is an absolute constant, and ρ is the set of the nontrivial zeros of the 1 ζ(0) Riemann zeta function39. Substituting the Eq. (15) in Eq. (9) we can write the average energy density as hε(β,λ)i = ε (λ)+ε (β,λ)+ε (β,λ)+ε (λ)+ε (β,λ)+ε (λ), (16) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 where each of these terms are given by C ∞ 1 ε (λ) = − dωωP(ω,λ), (17) 1 V Z 0 1 ∞ 1 ε (β,λ) = dωωP(ω,λ) , (18) 2 V Z βω−1 0 1 ∞ 1 ε (β,λ) = − dωωP(ω,λ) , (19) 3 V Z βω −ρ 0 Xρ 1 ∞ 1 ε (λ) = − dωωP(ω,λ) , (20) 4 V Z ρ 0 Xρ 1 ∞ ∞ 1 ε (β,λ) = − dωωP(ω,λ) (21) 5 V Z (βω +2n) 0 Xn=1 and finally 1 ∞ ∞ 1 ε (λ) = dωωP(ω,λ) . (22) 6 2V Z n 0 Xn=1 Usually, the information of the thermodynamics of the system is contained in derivatives of the mean free energy density. With the exception of the contribution coming from the pole of the zeta function, the above expressions for the mean free energy density are divergent series. We can use a standard regularization procedure to give meaning to these divergent terms 40. Here, we choose to use ananalytic regularization procedure introduced in quantum field theory in 41 and used extensively since then. IV. THE SUPERZETA FUNCTION AND THE AVERAGE ENERGY DENSITY FOR THE ARITHMETIC RANDOM GAS In this section we will discuss each of the terms that contributes to the average energy density given by Eq. (16). The contribution of the first term given by Eq. (17) to the average energy density can be written as C 1 ε (λ) = − . (23) 1 λV The second term that contributes to the average energy density ε (β) can be written as 2 1 λ ε (β,λ) = − e−βλEi(λ/β), (24) 2 βV β2V 8 where Ei(x) is the exponential-integral function42,43 defined by ∞ e−t Ei(x) = − dt x < 0, (25) Z t −x and −ε e−t ∞ e−t Ei(x) = −lim dt + dt x > 0. (26) ε→0Z t Z t −x −ε For the third term that contributes to the average energy density ε (β,λ) we have 3 λ ∞ 1 ε (β,λ) = − dωωe−λω . (27) 3 V Z βω −ρ 0 Xρ As we will see, the contributions given by ε (β,λ) and ε (λ) can be written in terms of 3 4 superzeta functions. A straightforward calculation give us for ε (λ) 4 1 1 ε (λ) = − . (28) 4 λV ρ Xρ Let us discuss the construction of the so-called superzeta or secondary zeta function built over the Riemann zeros, i.e., the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function44. As was discussed by Voros, in view of the central symmetry of the Riemann zeros ρ ↔ 1−ρ, leads us to generalized zeta functions of several kinds. Each one of these superzeta functions reflects our choice of set of numbers to built zeta functions over the Riemann zeros. The first family that we call G (s,t) is defined by 1 1 G (s,t) = Re(s) > 1, (29) 1 (1 +t−ρ)s Xρ 2 valid for t ∈ Ω = {t ∈ C|(1 + t − ρ) 6∈ R (∀ρ)}. This is the simplest generalized zeta- 1 2 − function over the Riemann zeros. The sum runs over all zeros symmetrically and t is just a shift parameter. In view of the fact that ∞ ∞ 1 1 1 1 = + = , (30) ρ 1 +iτ 1 −iτ 1 +τ2 Xρ Xk=1 2 k 2 k Xk=1 4 k the second generalized superzeta function is defined as ∞ 1 G (σ,t) = (τ2 +t2)−σ Re(σ) > , (31) 2 k 2 Xk=1 valid for t ∈ Ω = {t ∈ C|t ± iτ 6∈ ±iR (∀k)}. The central symmetry τ ↔ −τ , is 2 k − k k preserved in the family of superzeta functions G (σ,t). Using the above definitions, the 2 9 contributions to the average energy density given by ε (β,λ) and ε (λ) can be written 3 4 respectively as λ ∞ ε (β,λ) = − dωωe−λωG (1,βω−1/2) (32) 3 1 V Z 0 and 1 ε (λ) = − G (1,1/2). (33) 4 2 λV Since we are interested in the region Re(σ) > 1 we are in the region of convergence of the 2 series in Eq. (31). Therefore, assuming the Riemann hypothesis we can write ε (λ) as 4 ∞ 1 1 ε (λ) = − . (34) 4 λV 1 +γ2 Xn=1 4 n After this discussion of the terms that involve superzeta functions, let us proceed with the contribution to the average energy density given by terms that involve the Hurwitz zeta function and the Riemann zeta function. The Hurwitz zeta function ζ(z,q) is the analytic extension of the series ∞ 1 ζ(z,q) = q 6= 0,−1,−2,..., Re(z) > 1, (35) (q +n)z Xn=0 which is a meromorphic function in the whole complex plane with a single pole at z = 1. We can write ε (β,λ) in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function as 5 1 λ ∞ ε (β,λ) = lim − dωωe−λωζ(z,βω/2) . (36) 5 z→1(cid:18)βV 2V Z (cid:19) 0 Finally, let us discuss the last term given by ε (λ). Using the zeta function ζ(s) defined by 6 ∞ 1 ζ(s) = Re(s) > 1, (37) ns Xn=1 and otherwise by its analytic extension, we can write ε (β,λ) as 6 1 ε (λ) = lim ζ(s). (38) 6 s→1 2λV In the next section we will discuss the structure of the singularities for ε (β,λ), ε (β,λ) 3 5 and ε (λ) to the average energy density. 6 10

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