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Thermodynamics of the (2+1)-dimensional Black Hole with non linear Electrodynamics and without Cosmological Constant from the Generalized Uncertainly Principle PDF

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Preview Thermodynamics of the (2+1)-dimensional Black Hole with non linear Electrodynamics and without Cosmological Constant from the Generalized Uncertainly Principle

(2+1) Thermodynami s of the -dimensional Bla k Hole with non linear Ele trodynami s and without Cosmlogi al Constant from the Generalized Un ertainty Prin iple Alexis Larrañaga Universidad Na ional de Colombia. Observatorio Astronómi o Na ional (OAN) and ∗ Universidad Distrital Fran is o José de Caldas. Fa ultad de Ingeniería. Proye to Curri ular de Ingeniería Ele tróni a (2+1) Inthispaper,westudythethermodynami alpropertiesofthe dimensionalbla kholewith a non-linear ele trodynami s andwithout osmologi al onstantusingtheGeneralized Un ertainty Prin iple (GUP). This approa h shows that there is a maximum temperature for the bla k hole dependingonlyontheele tri hargeand orrespondingtotheminimumradiusoftheeventhorizon, oftheorderof thePlan ks ale. Finally,we showthattheheat apa ityfor this bla khole hasthe 9 expe tedbehavior. 0 0 2 Keywords: Bla k Holes Thermodynami s, Generalized Un ertanty Prin iple. PACS: 04.70.Dy; 04.20.-q; 11.10.Lm n a (2+1) J In dimernsionalgravity,the hargedbla khole(stati BTZsolution)hasanele tri (cid:28)eldthatisproportional 3 totheinverseof , hen eitspotentialislogarithmi . Ifthesour eoftheEinsteinequationsisthestress-energytensor 2 ofnon-linearele trodynami s,whi hsatis(cid:28)re2stheweakenergy onditions,one an(cid:28)nd asolutionwithaCoulomb-like ele tri (cid:28)eld(proportionaltotheinverseof ). ThiskindofsolutionwasreportedbyCataldoet. al. [1℄,anddes ribes ] harged-AdS spa e when onsidering a negative osmologi al onstant. c q The thermodynami al properties of bla k holes are asso iated with the presen e of the event horizon. As shown - re ently [2℄, the threedimensional bla k hole with nonlinear ele trodynami s satis(cid:28)es a di(cid:27)erential (cid:28)rst law with the r g usual form [ dM =TdS+ΦdQ, 2 (1) v T κ 0 where is the Hawking temperature that an be expressed in terms of the surfa e gravity at the horizon by 8 1 κ 4 T = . 2π (2) . 2 1 However,inre entyearstheun ertaintyrelationthatin ludesgravitye(cid:27)e ts,knownastheGeneralizedUn ertaintly 8 0 Prin iple (GUP), has shown interesting results in the ontext of bla k hole elva=po1ra.6t1io×n [130℄,−3e3xctmending the relation p : between temperalture and mass to s ales of the order of the Plan k lenght, . This treatment v p i has shown that misp =the1.s2m2a×ll1es0t19lGenegVth s ale in the theory and it is related to the existen e of an extreme mass X (the Plan k mass , whi h be omes the bla k hole remnant), that orresponds to the maximum possible temperature. r a In this paper we investigate the thermodynami s of the three-dimensional bla k hole with a nonlinear ele tri (cid:28)eld reported in [1℄, to show how the GUP an be used to al ulate the Hawking temperature asso iated with the bla k T (M) hole. The equationgivesthe usual relationforsmallmassesbut gets deformedwhen the massbe omes larger. We also show how there is a maximum temperature for the bla k hole that orrespondsto a horizon with size in the Plan ks ale. Finallywe al ulatetheheat apa ityforthisbla khole,toshowthatithastherightphysi albehavior. I. THE 3-DIMENSIONAL BLACK HOLE WITH NON-LINEAR ELECTRODYNAMICS (2+1) The metri reported by Cataldo et. al. [1℄ is a solution of the dimensional Einstein's (cid:28)eld equations with a Λ<0 negative osmologi al onstant , G +Λg =8πGT . µν µν µν (3) ∗ Ele troni address: ealarranagaunal.edu. o 2 ToobtainaCoulomb-likIeele tri (cid:28)eld, Cataldoet. al. usedanonFlin=ear1Fele Ftoµdνynami s. Inthe non-lineartheory, the 4 µν ele tromagneti a tion does not depend only on the invariant , but it an be a generalization of it, for example I ∝(cid:2) d3x |g|(F Fµν)p, µν (4) p p where is somFe3/ 4onstant exponent. If the energy-momentum tensor is restri ted to be tra eless, the a tion be omes a fun tion of , and the stati ir ularly symmetri solution obtained has the line element dr2 2 2 2 2 ds =−f(r)dt + +r dϕ , f(r) (5) where 4GQ2 2 f(r)=−M −Λr + . 3r (6) The ele tri (cid:28)eld for this solution is Q E(r)= , r2 (7) Q M whi h isthe standardCoulomb(cid:28)eld forapoint harge. The metri depends on twoparameters and , that are identi(cid:28)ed astheele tri hargeandthemass,respe tively. The horizonsofthis solutionarede(cid:28)enedbythe ondition f(r)=0 (8) or 4GQ2 2 −M −Λr + =0. 3r (9) Λ = 0 However, if we onsider a zero osmologi al onstant, , the resulting bla k hole has interesting properties. The line element be omes 4GQ2 dr2 2 2 2 2 ds =− −M + dt + +r dϕ , (cid:18) 3r (cid:19) −M + 4G3Qr2 (10) (cid:16) (cid:17) that shows how this spa etime is asymptoti ally (cid:29)at. Note that this harged bla k hole has just one horizon, lo ated at 4GQ2 r = . H 3M (11) The Hawking temperature for this bla k hole is given by the usual de(cid:28)nition (2), where the surfa e gravity an be al ulated as κ=χ(xµ)a, (12) a χ χ with , the magnitude of the four-a eleration and , the red-shift fa tor. In order to al ulate , we will onsider Ka sµtati observer, for whomVµthe red-shift fa tor is just the proportionality fa tor between the timelike Killing ve tor and the four-velo ity , i.e. Kµ =χVµ. (13) 3 The metri (5) has the Killing ve tor Kµ =(1,0,0) (14) while the four-velo ity is al ulated as dxµ dt Vµ = = ,0,0 . dτ dτ (15) (cid:18) (cid:19) This gives 1 Vµ = f−1(r),0,0 = ,0,0 ,  −M + 4GQ2  (16) (cid:0) (cid:1) 3r q  and therefore, the red-shift fa tor is 4GQ2 χ(r)= −M + . 3r (17) r On the other hand, the four-a elerationis given by dVµ aµ = , dτ (18) that has omponents a0 =aϕ = 0 (19) 2GQ2 ar = − . 3 r2 (20) and therefore, the magnitude of the four-a eleration is −2GQ2 a= g aµaν = 3 r2 . µν −M + 4GQ2 (21) p 3r q Then, the surfa e gravity at the event horizon is given by the absolute value 2GQ2 κ= − 3 r2 (22) (cid:12) (cid:12)r=rH (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2GQ2 3M2 κ= = 3r2 8GQ2 (23) H and the Hawking temperature is, GQ2 3M2 T = = . 3πr2 16πGQ2 (24) H 4 II. HAWKING RADIATION AND THE GENERALIZED UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE Nowwewill onsidertheGUP andtheHawkingradiationderivedfromit. WewillshowhowtheGUP willprodu e a deformation in the temperature-mass relation when onsidered lose to the Plan k lenght. As stated by Adler and c=1 Santiago [4℄ the GUP is given, in units with , by the relation ∆x∆p&~+G~(∆p)2. (25) G ~ l p where is the gravitational onstant and is the Plan k onstant. Sin e the Plan k lenght an be written as ~2 l2 =G~= , p m2 (26) p m p where is the mass of Plan k, the GUP an be written as 2 2 ∆x∆p&1+l (∆p) , p (27) or 2 (∆p) ∆x∆p&1+ , m2 (28) p ~ = 1 in units with . To apply this un ertainty prin iple to the bla k hole evaporation pro ess onsist in identifying ∆x r ∆p 2π H the with the event horizon radius and the momentum with the Hawking temperature up to a fa tor [5℄. Therefore, we an write the GUP as a quadrati equation for the temperature, 4π2T2 r 2πT =1+ H m2 (29) p 2Q2 m2 T2− T + p =0. 3πM 4π2 (30) From whi h it follows that the temperature-mass relation is Q2 9M2m2 T (M)= 1+ 1− p , 3πM  s 4Q4  (31)   wherewehave hosentheplus signoftherootin orderto obtainthebla khole temperature(24)in thelimitofsmall M . Note that the argument in the square root de(cid:28)nes a maximum mass for the bla k hole, 2Q2 Mmax = . 3m (32) p This mass gives, using equation (24), the maximum temperature permited to the bla k hole, Q2 Tmax = . 12π (33) Equation (11) implies that the bla k hole with the maximum temperature has an event horizon with a minimum radius 5 2 rmin = =2l . H m p (34) p r H Therefore,we on ludethat annotbesmallerthantwi ethePlan klenght. Ontheotherhand,theheat apa ity Λ=0 for the bla k hole an be al ulated using equation (31), ∂M C = Q ∂T (35) (cid:18) (cid:19)Q −1 −1 3πM 1 9M2m2 9M2m2 9M2m2 = − 1+ 1− p + p 1− p . Q2 M  s 4Q4  4Q4 4Q4 !  (36)     ∂T < 0 T M Sin e the heat apa ity of this bla k hole is always negative, ∂M , the behavior of is the expe ted, as in reases, the temperature de rea es. III. CONCLUSION (2+1) We have studied the thermodynami s of the dimensional bla k hole with non-linear ele trodynami s and without osmologi al onstantusingtheGeneralizedUn ertaintyPrin iple. Thisgivesamaximummassforthebla k Q hole, that orresponds to a maximum Hawking temperature depending only on the ele tri harge . The solution with themaximumtemperatureisobtainedwhen thebla k holehasasizeofthe orderofthePlan k s ale(minimum horizon). Equation (31) gives the temperature-mass relation, and asMismshaxown, it gives the standard Hawking temperature (24) for small masses, but gets deformed for masses lose to . Finally, the heat apa ity of this bla k hole is negative, giving the right physi al behavior. (2+1) This analysis on(cid:28)rmsthat Plan k lenghtseems to be the smallest lenghtin nature, even in dimensions. In (2+1) a forth oming paper, onsequen es of the GUP in the dimensional bla k hole with non-lineal el trodynami s and non-zero osmologi al onstant will be dis ussed. [1℄ M. Cataldo, N. Cruz, S. del Campo and A. Gar ia. Phys. Lett. B 484, 154 (2000) [2℄ A. Larranaga and L. A. Gar ia. arXiv: 0811.3368 [gr-q ℄ [3℄ I. Arraut,D. Bati and M. Nowakowski. arXiv: 0810.5156 [gr-q ℄ [4℄ R. J. Adler and D.I. Santiago. Mod. Phys. Lett. A14, (1999) 1371 [5℄ Y. S. Myung, Y. W. Kim,Y. J. Park. Phys.Lett. B645 (2007) 393-397

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