Thermodynamics of condensed matter with strong pressure-energy correlations ∗ Trond S. Ingebrigtsen, Lasse Bøhling, Thomas B. Schrøder, and Jeppe C. Dyre DNRF Centre “Glass and Time”, IMFUFA, Department of Sciences, Roskilde University, Postbox 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark (Dated: February 1, 2012) WeshowthatforanyliquidorsolidwithstrongcorrelationbetweenitsNVT virialandpotential- energy equilibrium fluctuations, the temperature is a product of a function of excess entropy per particleandafunctionofdensity,T =f(s)h(ρ). Thisimpliesthat1)thesystem’sisomorphs(curves in the phase diagram of invariant structure and dynamics) are described by h(ρ)/T = Const., 2) the density-scaling exponent is a function of density only, 3) a Gru¨neisen-type equation of state 2 applies for the configurational degrees of freedom. For strongly correlating atomic systems one 1 has h(ρ)=P C ρn/3 in which the only non-zero terms are those appearing in the pair potential 0 expanded as vn(r)n= P v r−n. Molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones type systems 2 n n confirm thetheory. n a J Theclassofstronglycorrelatingliquidswasintroduced static correlation functions are isomorph invariant, 4) 1 in Refs. 1 and 2. These liquids are defined by hav- a jump between isomorphic state points takes the sys- 3 ing a correlation coefficient above 0.9 of the constant- teminstantaneouslyto equilibrium. Using reducedunits volume equilibrium fluctuations of virial W and poten- means measuring length in terms the unit ρ−1/3 where ] t tialenergyU. TheWU correlationcoefficientvarieswith ρ ≡ N/V is the particle density, and time in units of of state point, but we found from computer simulations ρ−1/3 m/kBT where m is the average particle mass. s that a system has either poor WU correlations in the Sincepisomorphs are generally approximate, isomorph . t entire phase diagram or is strongly correlating at most properties are likewise rarely rigorously obeyed. a of its condensed-phase state points [1–5]. Van der Waals Allthermodynamicquantitiesconsideredbelowareex- m and metallic liquids are generally strongly correlating, cess quantities, i.e., in excess of those of an ideal gas at d- whereas hydrogen-bonded, ionic, and covalently bonded the same density and temperature. Thus S is the excess n liquids are generally not. The solid phase is at least as entropy (S <0), CV is the excess isochoric specific heat, o correlating as the liquid phase. Theoretical arguments, p is the excess pressure (i.e., p=W/V), etc. c numerical evidence, and experiments show that strongly Briefly,the reasonthatS andC areisomorphinvari- V [ correlatingliquids aresimpler than liquids ingeneral[1– antsisthefollowing[3]. Theentropyisdeterminedbythe 3 7]. canonicalprobabilities,whichareidenticalforscaledmi- v Thesimplicityofstronglycorrelatingliquidscompared croconfigurations of two isomorphic state points. From 0 toliquidsingeneral[8]derivesfromthefactthatthefor- Einstein’s formula C = h(∆U)2i/k T2 the isomorph V B 3 merhave“isomorphs”intheirphasediagram. Twostate invariance of C follows easily by taking the logarithm V 1 pointswithdensityandtemperature(ρ ,T )and(ρ ,T ) of Eq. (1) and making use of the isomorph invariance of 3 1 1 2 2 aretermedisomorphic[3]ifallpairsofphysicallyrelevant scaled microconfigurationprobabilities. . 7 microconfigurationsofthestatepointsthattriviallyscale Since S and C are invariant along the same curves V 10 into one another (i.e., ρ11/3r(i1) =ρ12/3r(i2) for all particles in the phase diagram, CV is a function of S: CV = 1 i), have proportional configurationalBoltzmann factors: φ(S). Thus T(∂S/∂T)V = φ(S) or at constant volume: dS/φ(S) = dT/T. Integrating this leads to an expres- : v sion of the form ψ(S) = ln(T) + k(V), which implies i X e−U(r(11),...,r(N1))/kBT1 =C12e−U(r(12),...,r(N2))/kBT2. (1) T = exp[ψ(S)]exp[−k(V)]. The generic version of this involves only intensive quantities (s≡S/N): r a Only inverse-power law liquids [9] have exact isomorphs (here C = 1), but as shown in Appendix A of Ref. 12 T = f(s)h(ρ). (2) 3 a system is strongly correlating if and only if it has isomorphs to a good approximation. For inverse power law interactions (∝ r−n) the entropy The invariance of the canonical probabilities of scaled is well-known to be a function of ργ/T where γ = n/3: microconfigurations along an isomorph has several im- S = K(ργ/T). Applying the inverse of the function K, plications, for instance [1–3]: 1) The excess entropy and shows that these perfectly correlating systems obey Eq. the isochoric specific heat are isomorph invariants, 2) (2) with h(ρ)=ργ. thereduced-unitdynamicsisisomorphinvariantforboth The thermodynamic separationidentity Eq. (2) is the Newtonian and stochastic dynamics, 3) all reduced-unit main result of this paper. We proceed to discuss some consequences and numerical tests. 1. Density scaling Since entropy is an isomorph invariant, it follows from ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] Eq. (2) that the variable characterizing an isomorph 2 may be chosen as h(ρ)/T. In particular, the reduced U = F(S)h(ρ)+k(ρ) leads to Eq. (6), in which γ(ρ) is relaxationtime τ˜, which is also isomorph invariant, may given by Eq. (5). be written for some function G 4. The isomorphs of atomic systems We consider now predictions for systems of “atomic” particles interacting via pair potentials of the form [15] h(ρ) τ˜=G . (3) (where r is the distance between two particles) (cid:18) T (cid:19) This is the form of “density scaling” proposed by Alba- Simionesco et al. in 2004 from different arguments [10]; v(r) = v r−n. (7) n at the same time Dreyfus et al., as well as Casalini and Xn Roland,favoredthemorespecificformτ˜=G(ργ/T)[10]. Isochrones for many supercooled liquids and polymers For simplicity of notation the case of identical particles follow to a good approximation the latter “power-law is considered, but the arguments generalize trivially to density scaling” relation [11]. For large density changes, multicomponent systems. Consider the thermal average however, it was recently shown that the density-scaling hr−ni. Switching to reduced units defined by r˜≡ ρ1/3r, exponentgenerallyvariesinbothsimulationsandexper- we have hr−ni= hr˜−niρn/3. Since structure is isomorph iment [12]; these cases conform to the more general Eq. invariant in reduced units, hr˜−ni is an isomorph invari- (3). ant. Consequently,itisafunctionofanyotherisomorph 2. An expression for the density-scaling exponent invariant, for instance the entropy: hr˜−ni = Gn(S). Thegeneral,state-pointdependentdensity-scalingexpo- Noting that the average potential energy is a sum of nent γ is defined [2, 3] by Eq. (7) over all particle pairs, we conclude that (where H (S)∝v G (S)) n n n ∂lnT ∂lnT γ ≡ = . (4) (cid:18)∂lnρ(cid:19)S (cid:18)∂lnρ(cid:19)τ˜ U = Hn(S)ρn/3. (8) Xn The physical interpretation of Eq. (4) is the following. If density is increased by 1%, temperature should be Taking the derivative of this equation with respect to increased by γ% for the system to have the same en- temperature at constant volume leads to tropy and reduced relaxationtime. Equation (2) implies dlnT = dlnf(s)+dlnh(ρ); thus along an isomorph – wheresandτ˜arebothconstant–onehasdlnT =dlnh. ∂U ∂S Via Eq. (4) this implies = H′(S) ρn/3. (9) (cid:18)∂T(cid:19) n (cid:18)∂T(cid:19) V Xn V dlnh γ = . (5) The left hand side is T (∂S/∂T) , so Eq. (9) implies V dlnρ In particular, γ depends only on density: γ =γ(ρ) [3]. 3. Configurational Gru¨neisen equation of state T = Hn′(S)ρn/3. (10) The Gru¨neisen equation of state expresses that pressure Xn equals a density-dependent number times energy plus a This is consistent with the thermodynamic separation term that is a function of density only [13]. This equa- ′ identity Eq. (2) only if all the functions H (S) are tion of state is used routinely for describing, in particu- n proportional to some function, i.e., if one can write lar,solids under highpressure. We proceedto showthat ′ H (S)=C φ(S). We identify φ(S) as the function f(s) stronglycorrelatingsystemsobeytheconfigurationalver- n n of Eq. (2), which means that sion of the Gru¨neisen equation of state, which as sug- gested by Casalini et al. [14] has the density-scaling ex- ponent as the proportionality constant [3, 4] h(ρ) = C ρn/3. (11) n Xn W = γ(ρ)U +Φ(ρ). (6) Thusforstronglycorrelatingatomicliquids,the thermo- To prove this, note first that (∂U/∂S) =T =f(S)h(ρ) dynamicfunctionh(ρ)hasananalyticalstructure,which ρ by integration implies U = F(S)h(ρ) + k(ρ) where isinheritedfromv(r) inthe sensethatthe onlynon-zero ′ F (S) = f(S) (S is the extensive entropy). Since W = terms of h(ρ) are those corresponding to the non-zero (∂U/∂lnρ) (which follows from the standard identity terms of v(r). Note that not all systems with potentials S TdS =dU+pdV),wegetW =F(S)dh/dlnρ+dk/dlnρ. ofthe formEq. (7) are strongly correlatingand that the SubstitutingintothelatterexpressionF(S)isolatedfrom derivation applies only if this is the case. 3 7.0 ρ = 1.20 (T = 0.43 −> T = 0.80) 99.9% in its entire phase diagram. At low densities N ρ = 1.60 (T = 1.70 −> T = 9.15) (ρ ≪ 1) the repulsive LJ fluid behaves as an r−6 fluid, > / ρρ == 24..0000 ((TT == 48.04.00 −−>> TT == 2452.50)) whereas it for ρ ≫ 1 is effectively an r−12 fluid. Thus 12 6.0 ρ = 10.0 (T = 3257 −> T = 17005) the density-scaling exponent γ(ρ) varies from 2 to 4 as -12σ rijij5.0 Increasin LinearK roegbr-eAssniodne rfsietn Binary dperenvsiiotyusilnycsrteuadseiesd, astmrouncghlylacorgrreerlavtairnigatsiyosntetmhasn. that of εij g te Lennard-Jones <j m Σ< 4i4.0 peratur Since h(ρ)is only definedwithin anoverallmultiplica- 4 e tive constant, one can write for the repulsive LJ fluid -ρ h(ρ) = αρ4 + (1 − α)ρ2. This leads via Eq. (5) to 3-.014.0 -13.0 -12.0 -11.0 -10.0 -9.0 γ0 =2+2α, implying that - ρ-2 < 4Σ ε σ 6 r -6 > / N i<j ij ij ij FIG. 1: The thermal average of r−12 versus that of −r−6 in reduced units for a large range of state points of the Kob- Andersen binary Lennard-Jones liquid simulated with 1000 particles (ε = σ = 1). These quantities correspond AA AA to H12(S) and H6(S) in Eq. (8). The theory predicts that ′ ′ H12(S) ∝ H6(S), implying that all data points should fall onto a common line according to H12(S)=αH6(S)+β. h(ρ) = (γ /2−1)ρ4+(2−γ /2)ρ2. (13) 0 0 As an illustration we present results from simulations oftheKob-AndersenbinaryLennard-Jones(KABLJ)liq- uid [16], which is strongly correlating at its condensed- phase state points [1–3]. The applicationof the aboveto ′ ′ LJsystemspredictsthatH (S)∝H (S),whereH (S) 12 6 12 is the reduced coordinate averageof the r−12 term of U, Our simulations identified from the expression γ = 0 etc. Integrating this leads to H12(S)=αH6(S)+β, im- h∆W∆Ui/h(∆U)2i [3] the exponent γ = 3.56 at the 0 plying that if the repulsive term in U is plotted against state point (ρ,T)=(1,1). Equation (13) with γ =3.56 0 the attractive term in reduced units, all points should was tested in two different ways. First, we compared at fall onto a common line. Figure 1 presents data where each state point along an isomorph the exponent γ(ρ) density was changed by a factor of eight and tempera- predicted from Eqs. (5) and (13) with that calculated ture a factor of 40,000. The data collapse is good but from the fluctuations via γ = h∆W∆Ui/h(∆U)2i (right not exact, which reminds us that the relations derived panel of Fig. 2). The left panel presents a second test are approximate. of Eq. (13) by showing results from simulating five tem- The theory implies a simple mathematical description peratures at ρ = 1, plotting for each temperature in- of the isomorphs in the (ρ,T) phase diagram. From the stantaneousvaluesofthe potentialenergyversusthe po- factthatthepotentialenergycontainsonlyr−12 andr−6 tential energy of the same microconfigurations scaled to terms, it follows that h(ρ) = Aρ4−Bρ2. Consequently, three other densities (ρ = 0.5,1.6,2.0). The theory be- LJ isomorphs are given by hindtheobservedstraightlinesisthefollowing. Consider two isomorphic state points (ρ ,T ) and (ρ,T) and sup- 0 0 Aρ4−Bρ2 pose each temperature is changed a little, keeping both = Const. (12) densities constant. If the two new state points are also T isomorphic, the entropy change is the same for both: The invariance of the Boltzmann statistical weights of dU0/T0 = dU/T. This implies dU/dU0 = T/T0, i.e., scaledmicroconfigurationsimpliesthatanisomorphcan- (∂U/∂U0)ρ0,ρ = T/T0. Since h(ρ)/T is constant along notcrosstheliquid-solidcoexistencecurve. Inparticular, an isomorph, this implies (∂U/∂U ) = h(ρ)/h(ρ ). 0 ρ0,ρ 0 thecoexistencecurveisitselfpredictedtobeanisomorph Integrating this at constant ρ and ρ leads to U = 0 [3], which was recently confirmed by simulations of gen- [h(ρ)/h(ρ )]U + φ(ρ ,ρ). In our case ρ = 1 and 0 0 0 0 eralized LJ liquids [4, 17]. Consequently the coexistence h(ρ ) = 1. Thus plotting U versus U is predicted to 0 0 line is given by Eq. (12). This validates a recent conjec- result in straight lines with slope h(ρ) (yellow asterices ture of Khrapak and Morfill [18]. in the left panel of Fig. 2). The scaled state points are 5. Predictions for the repulsive Lennear-Jones fluid isomorphic to the original ρ = 1 state points, with tem- As a final illustration we consider the “repulsive”single- peraturesgivenbyT =T h(ρ). Viathe“directisomorph 0 componentLJfluiddefinedbythepairpotential(r−12+ check”[3]thisimpliesthatthescaledmicroconfigurations r−6)/2, a system with WU correlation coefficient above form elongated ovals with slope h(ρ). 4 Insummary,we haveshownthat forstronglycorrelat- ing liquids or solids, temperature separates into a func- 50 4 tion of entropy times a function of density. For these systems the energy scale is consequently determined by 40 densityalone. Itisanopenquestionwhether,conversely, Slope = 13.4 3.5 the thermodynamic separation identity Eq. (2) implies ρ = 2.00 Prediction 30 that the system in question is strongly correlating. Simulation ρ)U( Repulsive Lennard-Jones 3γ 20 ρ = 1.60 Slope = 5.68 2.5 10 ρ = 1.00 ρ = 0.50 0 2 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 0.1 ρ 1 10 U(1.00) FIG. 2: “Multiple direct isomorph check” applied to simula- tions of N = 1000 particles of the repulsive LJ fluid defined by the pair potential (r−12 +r−6)/2. 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