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Thermodynamics of an Evaporating Schwarzschild Black Hole in Noncommutative Space Kourosh Nozari and Behnaz Fazlpour 7 Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Science, 0 University of Mazandaran, 0 2 P. O. Box 47416-1467, Babolsar, IRAN n e-mail: [email protected] a J 4 1 2 v 9 Abstract 0 1 5 We investigate the effects of space noncommutativity and the generalized un- 0 certainty principle on the thermodynamics of a radiating Schwarzschild black hole. 6 0 We show that evaporation process is in such a way that black hole reaches to a / h maximum temperature before its final stage of evolution and then cools down to a t - p nonsingular remnant with zero temperature and entropy. We compare our results e with more reliable results of string theory. This comparison Shows that GUP and h : space noncommutativity are similar concepts at least from the view point of black v i hole thermodynamics. X r PACS: 02.40.Gh, 04.70.-s, 04.70.Dy a KeyWords: NoncommutativeGeometry,GeneralizedUncertaintyPrinciple,Black Hole Thermodynamics 1 1 Introduction After thirty years of intensive research in the field of radiating black holes[1], various aspects of the problem still remain under debate. For example the last stage of black hole evaporation is not obvious in some respects. The string/black hole correspondence principle [2] suggests that in this extreme regime stringy effects cannot be neglected. In spite of the promising results that string theory has had in quantizing gravity, the actual calculations of the Hawking radiation are currently obtained by means of quantum field theory in curved space [3]. In fact the black hole evaporation occurs in a semiclassical regime, namely when thedensity ofgravitonsis lower thanthat ofthematter field quanta. Nevertheless, the divergent behavior of the black hole temperature in the final stage of the evaporation remains rather obscure. In addition to string theory itself, which provides an elegant framework for incorporation of quantum gravity effects in black hole physics by direct state counting, several alter- native approaches to incorporate quantum gravity effects in the calculation of black hole thermodynamics have been proposed. These approaches can be classified as follows: Generalized Uncertainty Principle(GUP) • Existence of a nonzero minimal length scale (which leads to finite resolution of spacetime structure) can be addressed in GUP(see[4] and references therein). From a heuristic argument, one can use GUP to find modification of Bekenstein-Hawking formalism of black hole thermodynamics[5,6,7,8]. The main consequences of this approach are summarized as follows: Black hole evaporation ends up with a phase consisting a remnant with zero entropy and there exists a finite temperature that black hole can reach in its final stage of evaporation. This picture differs drastically with Bekenstein-Hawking prescription which accepts the total evaporation of Black holes. Modified Dispersion Relations(MDRs) • MDRs induced modification of black hole thermodynamics have their origin on loop quantum gravity considerations(MDRs are signature of Lorentz invariance violation at high energy sector of the field theory). Attempts to modify Bekenstein-Hawking formalismbasedonMDRsshowmoreorlessthesamebehaviors asGUPframework, butnowwefindsevereconstraintsonthefunctionalformofMDRswhenwecompare our results with string theory more reliable results[9,10]. 2 Noncommutative Geometry • Noncommutativity eliminates point-like structures in favor of smeared objects in flat spacetime. Based on this idea, several attempts have been performed to find modificationofBekenstein-Hawking formalismofblackholethermodynamics within noncommutative geometry[11,12]. The consequences of these attempts are as fol- lows: The end-point of black hole evaporation is a zero temperature extremal remnant with no curvature singularity. In this paper we are going to proceed one more step in the line of third alternative i.e. Noncommutative Geometry. Our strategy differs with existing literatures in two main respects: we don’t consider smeared picture of objects in noncommutative spacetime(as has been considered in [11,12]), instead we deal with coordinate noncommutativity which results modification of Schwarzschild radius. Also we consider possible generalization of uncertainty principle within a string theory point of view. We calculate entropy-area rela- tion and compare our results with more reliable results of string theory(calculated based on direct state-counting). This comparison shows that GUP and space noncommutativity are essentially similar concepts. In which follows we suppose c = h¯ = G = 1. 2 Black Hole Thermodynamics in GUP Framework The canonical commutation relations in a commutative spacetime manifold are given as follows [x ,x ] = 0, [x ,p ] = iδ , [p ,p ] = 0. (1) i j i j ij i j From a string theory point of view, existence of a minimal length scale can be addressed in the following generalized uncertainty principle 1 δxδp 1+β(δp)2 +γ , (2) ≥ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) where β is string theory parameter related to minimal length. Since we are dealing with absolutely minimum position uncertainty we set γ = β p 2 and therefore the correspond- h i ing canonical commutation relation becomes [x,p] = i(1+βp2). (3) 3 The canonical commutation relations in commutative spacetime with GUP become [x ,x ] = 0, [x ,p ] = iδ (1+βp2), [p ,p ] = 0. (4) i j i j ij i j Now consider the geometry of Schwarzschild spacetime with the following metric dr2 ds2 = f(r)dt2 r2 dθ2 +sin2θdφ2 , (5) − f(r) − (cid:16) (cid:17) where f(r) = 1 2M. There is a horizon at r = 2M with the following area − r s 2π π A = r2 dφ sinθdθ = 4πr2 = 16πM2. (6) s s Z0 Z0 Bekenstein-Hawking formalism of black hole thermodynamics gives the following relations for temperature and entropy of black hole 1 T = (7) H 8πM and S = 4πM2 (8) respectively. Within GUP framework, these equations should be modified to incorporate quantum gravity effects. We use Bekenstein’s argument type considerations to find GUP induced modification of black hole thermodynamics. For simplicity, consider the following GUP 1 δxδp 1+β(δp)2 . (9) ≥ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) A simple calculation gives, δx β δp 1 1 . (10) ≃ β ±s − (δx)2 h i Here to achieve correct limiting result we should consider the minus sign in round bracket. In original Bekenstein approach, from a heuristic argument based on Heisenberg uncer- tainty relation, one deduces the following equation for Hawking temperature of black hole, δp T . (11) H ≈ 2π Therefore, in the framework of generalized uncertainty principle, modified black hole temperature is as follows δx β TGUP 1 1 . (12) H ≈ 2πβ −s − (δx)2 h i 4 Within black hole near horizon geometry, since δx r where r = 2M, one can write s s ∼ this equation in such a way that can be comparable with equation (7): M β TGUP 1 1 . (13) H ≈ πβ −s − 4M2 h i which leads to the following relation 1 β β2 TGUP 1+ + , (14) H ≈ 8πM 16M2 128M4 h i up to second order in β. Obviously, when quantum gravitational effects are negligible, that is when β 0, this relation gives (7) as a manifestation of correspondence principle. → Now consider a quantum particle that starts out in the vicinity of an event horizon and then ultimately absorbed by black hole. For a black hole absorbing such a particle with energy E and size R, the minimal increase in the horizon area can be expressed as (∆A) 4(ln2)ER, (15) min ≥ then one can write (∆A) 8(ln2)δpδx, (16) min ≥ where E cδp (with c = 1) and R 2δx. Using equation (10) for δp, we find ∼ ∼ 2(ln2)A 4πβ (∆A) 1 1 (17) min ≃ βπ −s − A h i where we have defined A = 4π(δx)2. Now we should determine δx. Since our goal is to compute microcanonical entropy of a large black hole, near-horizon geometry considera- tions suggests the use of inverse surface gravity or simply the Schwarzschild radius for δx. Therefore, δx r and defining 4πr2 = A and (∆S) = b = constant, then it is easy to ∼ s s min show that, dS (∆S) bβπ min . (18) dA ≃ (∆A)min ≃ 2(ln2)A 1 1 4πβ − − A h q i Note that b can be considered as one bit of information since entropy is an extensive quantity. Considering calibration factor of Bekenstein as ln2, the minimum increase of entropy(i.e. b), should be ln2. Now we should perform integration. There are two possible choices for lower limit of integration, A = 0 and A = A . Existence of a minimal p observable length leads to existence of a minimum event horizon area, A = 4π(δx )2. p min 5 So it is physically reasonable to set A as lower limit of integration. Based on these p arguments, we can write A βπ S dA. (19) ≃ ZAp 2A 1 1 4πβ − − A h q i An integration gives ∞ A πβ A 4 n S ln + c + , (20) ≃ 4 − 4 4 n A C nX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) where is a constant. This is an interesting result which shows the logarithmic leading C order correction plus a power series expansion in terms of inverse of area. Up to third order in 1, we find A A πβ A πβ 2 4 πβ 3 4 2 πβ 4 4 3 S ln + + 3 + , (21) ≃ 4 − 4 4 4 A 4 A − 4 A C (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) where = Ap + πβ ln Ap πβ 2 4 πβ 3 4 2 +3 πβ 4 4 3. (22) C − 4 4 4 − 4 A − 4 A 4 A p p p (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) It is obvious that when A = A , S 0 and therefore black hole remnant should have p → zero entropy. A result which is physically acceptable since small classical fluctuations are not allowed at remnant scales because of existence of minimal observable length. 3 Black Hole Thermodynamics in Noncommutative Geometry A noncommutative space can be realized by the coordinate operators satisfying [xˆ ,xˆ ] = iθ , i,j = 1,2,3, (23) i j ij where xˆ’s are the coordinate operators and θ is the noncommutativity parameter with ij dimension of (length)2. Canonical commutation relations in noncommutative spaces read [xˆ ,xˆ ] = iθ , [xˆ ,pˆ ] = iδ , [pˆ,pˆ ] = 0, (24) i j ij i j ij i j Now, we note that there is a new coordinate system 1 x = xˆ + θ pˆ , p = pˆ (25) i i ij j i i 2 6 with these new variables, x ’s satisfy the usual(commutative) commutation relations i [x ,x ] = 0, [x ,p ] = iδ , [p ,p ] = 0. (26) i j i j ij i j Note that noncommutativity is an intrinsic characteristic of underlying manifold. For a noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole, we have[13,14] 2M f(r) = 1 , (27) − √rˆrˆ (cid:16) (cid:17) where rˆsatisfies (25). The horizon of the noncommutative Schwarzschild metric as usual satisfies the condition gˆ = 0 which leads to 00 2M 1 = 0. (28) − √rˆrˆ If in this relation we change the variables xˆ to x , and then using(25), the horizon of the i i noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole satisfies the following condition 2M 1 = 0. (29) − (x θijpj)(x θikpk) i − 2 i − 2 q This leads us to the following relation 2M x θ p θ θ p p 1 1+ i ij j ij ik j k + (θ3)+... = 0, (30) − r 2r2 − 8r2 ! O where θ = 1ǫ θ . Using the identity ǫ ǫ = δ δ δ δ , one can rewrite (30) as ij 2 ijk k ijr iks jk rs − js rk follows 2M M 1 1 L~.~θ p2θ2 (p~.~θ)2 + (θ3)+... = 0, (31) − r − 2r3 − 8 − O (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21) where L = ǫ x p , p2 = ~p.p~ and θ2 = ~θ.~θ . If we set θ = θ and assuming that k ijk i j 3 remaining components of θ all vanish (which can be done by a rotation or a re-definition of the coordinates), then L~.~θ = L θ and p~.~θ = p θ. In this situation equation (31) can be z z written as M 1 r3 2Mr2 L θ p2 p2 θ2 + (θ3)+... = 0. (32) − − 2 z − 8 − z O (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) Since p2 = p2 +p2+p2, one can write (p2 p2)θ2 = (p2 +p2)θ2 and therefore (32) can be x y z − z x y written as follows ML θ M r3 2Mr2 z + p2 +p2 θ2 + (θ3)+... = 0. (33) − − 2 16 x y O (cid:16) (cid:17) 7 Since Schwarzschild black hole is non-rotating, we set L~ = 0 and therefore L = 0( this z means that space noncommutativity has no effect on the Schwarzschild geometry up to first order of space noncommutativity parameter). So we find M r3 2Mr2 + p2 +p2 θ2 + (θ3)+... = 0. (34) − 16 x y O (cid:16) (cid:17) With the following definitions M a 2M = r , η p2 +p2 θ2, (35) ≡ − − s ≡ 16 x y (cid:16) (cid:17) and considering only terms up to second order of θ, the radius of event horizon for non- commutative Schwarzschild black hole becomes a 2a3 27η +√108a3η +729η2 1/3 a2 2a3 27η+√108a3η +729η2 −1/3 rˆ − + − − + − − . s ≡ 3 54 ! 9 54 ! (36) Two other roots of (34) are not real. In the case of commutative space, η = 0, and therefore we recover usual Schwarzschild radius, r = 2M. Since a η, we can expand s ≫ equation (36) to find the following relation for Schwarzschild radius in noncommutative space η 27η2 rˆ = a . (37) s − − a2 − 2 a5 Since a = r we have considered only the real parts of our equations. One can write s − η = Mα, where 1 α = p2 +p2 θ2, (38) 16 x y (cid:16) (cid:17) and therefor η = rs α. In this manner, we can write equation (37) as follows 2 α 27α2 rˆ = r + . (39) s s − 2r 8 r3 s s After calculation of Schwarzschild radius of black hole in noncommutative space, we have all prerequisites to calculate thermodynamics of black hole in noncommutative spacetime. First we consider black hole temperature. The Hawking temperature of Schwarzschild black hole in noncommutative space can be given by the following relation M Tˆ = , (40) H 2πrˆ rˆ s s where substitution of rˆ leads to the following generalized statement s Tˆ = M r α + 27α2 −2 (41) H 2π s − 2r 8 r3 (cid:16) s s (cid:17) 8 which leads to the following relation 1 α 3α2 Tˆ 1+ . (42) H ≈ 8πM 4M2 − 8M4 h i Figure 1 shows the plot of black hole temperature versus its horizon radius in three candidate models. As this figure shows, within GUP and Noncommutative geometry, black hole before its terminal stage of evaporation reaches to a maximum temperature and then cools down to a zero temperature remnant. Now we calculate entropy of black hole in a noncommutative spacetime. In the standard Bekenstein argument, the relation between energy and position uncertainty of a given particle is given by(see [10] and references therein) 1 E . (43) ≥ δx Within a noncommutative framework, we suppose δx = rˆ . Therefore, we find the follow- s ing generalization 1 E , (44) ≥ rˆ s which substitution of rˆ from (39) leads to s 1 E . (45) ≥ r α + 27α2 s − 2rs 8 rs3! Since r = 2M, this relation implicitly shows the modification of standard dispersion s relations which has strong support on loop quantum gravity[9]. In this manner, the increase of event horizon area is given by 1 ∆Aˆ 4(ln2) . (46) ≥ 1 α + 27α2 − 2rs2 8 rs4! which leads to the following relation dS ∆S min) ln2 ( . (47) dAˆ ≈ ∆Aˆ min) ≃ 4(ln2) 1 ( 1−2αrs2+287αrs42! Therefore we can write dS 1 α 27α2 1 + . (48) dAˆ ≃ 4" − 2r2 8 r4# s s 9 Now we should calculate dAˆ. Since Aˆ = 4πrˆ rˆ , (49) s s we find dAˆ = 1+γ 4πα 2 +γ 4πα 3 +γ 4πα 4 dA, (50) 1 A 2 A 3 A " # (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) where γ ’s are some constant γ = 7, γ = 27, γ = 3(3)6 and A = 4πr2. We can i 1 − 2 4 3 − 2 s integrate (48) to find (cid:16) (cid:17) A πα A πα 4 πα 4 2 S ln +κ ( )2 +κ ( )3 + ≃ 4 − 2 4 1 2 A 2 2 A (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) πα 4 3 πα 4 4 πα 4 5 κ ( )4 +κ ( )5 +κ ( )6 , (51) 3 2 A 4 2 A 5 2 A (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 where κ ’s are some constant κ = 29, κ = 41, κ = 1305, κ = 63 3 , κ = i 1 2 2 − 3 4 4 − × 2 5 310 . Generally, this relation(cid:16)can be written as (cid:16) (cid:17) 40 (cid:17) ∞ A πα A 4 n S ln + c + (52) ≃ 4 − 2 4 n A C nX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) Where ∞ Ap + πα ln Ap c 4 n. (53) C ≃ − 4 2 4 − n A nX=1 (cid:16) p(cid:17) This is an interesting result which shows the modified entropy of black hole within non- commutative geometry. In the case of commutative spaces α = 0 and this equation yields the standard Bekenstein entropy, A S . (54) ≃ 4 Equation (52) is very similar to (20). As a result we see that GUP and Noncommutative geometry give the same area dependence to the modified entropy of black hole. This feature may inherently reflect the fact that GUP and spacetime noncommutativity are not different in essence. Figure 2 shows the entropy-area relation for an evaporating black hole in bekenstein-Hawking and the noncommutative geometry view points. Within noncommutative geometry approach black hole in its final stage of evaporation reaches to a zero entropy remnant. 10

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