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Preview Thermodynamic properties of the ferrimagnetic spin chains in the presence of a magnetic field

Thermodynamic properties of the ferrimagnetic spin chains in the presence of the magnetic field J. Abouie1, S. A. Ghasemi1,2 and A. Langari1,3 1Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan 45195-1159, Iran 2Institut fu¨r Physik, Universit¨at Basel, Basel, Switzerland 3Physics Department , Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 11365-9161, Iran (Dated: February 6, 2008) 6 0 We have implemented three approaches to describe the thermodynamic properties of ferrimag- 0 netic(S =5/2,s=2) spinchains. Theapplication of cumulantexpansion hasbeen generalized to 2 theferrimagneticchaininthepresenceofanexternalmagneticfield. Usingcumulants,wehaveob- n tainedthefielddependenteffectiveHamiltonianintermsoftheclassicalvariablesuptothesecond a orderofquantumcorrections. Thermodynamicfunctions,theinternalenergy,thespecificheatand J the magnetic susceptibility are obtained from the effective Hamiltonian. We have also examined 2 the modified spin wave theory to derive the same physical properties. Finally, we have studied 2 our model using quantum Monte Carlo simulation to obtain accurate results. The comparison of the above results and also the high temperature series expansion shows that cumulant expansion ] givesgood resultsformoderateandhightemperatureregions whilethemodifiedspin wavetheory l e is good for low temperatures. Moreover, the convergence regions of the cumulant expansion and - the modified spin wave theory overlap each other which propose these two as aset of complement r t methods to get thethermodynamic properties of spin models. s . t PACSnumbers: 75.40.-s,75.10.Hk,75.10.Jm a m - I. INTRODUCTION technique11,furtherhavebeenappliedtostudythemod- d erntopicssuchasthephasetransition10,12 andthequan- n tized magnetization plateau. o It will become evident that there are numerous highly c The discovery of both ferromagnetic gapless and anti- [ interesting experimental systems which are effectively ferromagneticgappedexcitationshaveledto the investi- one-dimensional (1D) models. The 1D models are more 1 gationofthethermodynamicproperties. Ithasbeenpre- interestingfromthetheoreticalpointofview. Thequan- v dictedthatthespecificheatathightemperaturesshould tum effects which are highlighted in the 1D spin models 4 behave like an antiferromagnet6 which exhibit a Schot- 9 represent novel physical behavior. In this class, quan- tky peak at the intermediate temperatures. The modi- 4 tum ferrimagnets are mixed spin systems with antifer- fiedspinwavetheory(MSWT) andQMCcanbe usedto 1 romagnetic interactions. Mostly, they are composed of 0 the two type of spins, S = s. Two families of ferrimag- see this behavior however,QMC is not able to reachlow 6 6 temperatures sufficiently, to completely demonstrate the netic chains are described by ACu(pba)(H O) nH O 0 2 3 · 2 ferromagnetic behavior6. and ACu(pbaOH)(H O) .nH O, where pba = 1,3 / 2 3 2 − t propylenebis(Oxamato), pbaOH =2 hydroxo 1,3 Most of the mentioned techniques such as QMC and ma propylenebis(Oxamato)andA=Ni,−Fe,Coand−Mn1,−3. DMRGhavebeenusedforferrimagnetswithsmallspins. Ferrimagnets, which occur rather frequently in nature, The Hilbert space of large spins are growing exponen- - d are somehow between the antiferromagnets and the fer- tially and makes the computations more difficult. In n romagnets. Despite the fact that the homogeneous inte- recent years there are considerable attempts which has o gerspinchainsshowtheHaldanegapintheirlowenergy been focusing on the properties of new magnetic materi- c spectrum and the half-integer ones are gapless4, 1D fer- als,suchas magnetic moleculeswith largeeffective spins : v rimagnets behave differently. The lowest energy band of (S,s), or intermetallic compounds containing magnetic i the 1D ferrimagnets is gapless which shows a ferromag- layers or chains. Using MSWT13 and high temperature X neticbehaviorwhilethereisafinitegaptothenextband seriesexpansion(HTSE)14,onecandescribethelowtem- r a above it which has the antiferromagnetic properties5,6,7. peratureandhightemperaturepropertiesofthissystems, It is the acoustical and optical nature of excitations respectively. Moreover,theHTSEisnotenoughaccurate which is the result of two different type of spins in each even by taking into account higher terms (11th and 7th unit cell. This behavior has been observed in the low termforspecificheatandsusceptibility,respectively). In and high temperature regime of quantum ferrimagnets6. addition the validity regime of HTSE is too far from the There are many approaches to study the properties of lowtemperatureregimeofMSWTtocoverthefullrange the ferrimagnetic chains; The dual features of ferrimag- of temperature. The mid temperature behavior of ferri- neticexcitationscanbeilluminatedbyusingthedensity- magnets with large values of S and s, has not received matrix renormalization group (DMRG)5,8 and quantum sufficient attention. In this respect, we used the MSWT MonteCarlo(QMC)methods7,9. Numericaldiagonaliza- todescribethe thermodynamicbehavioroftheferrimag- tion,combinedwithLanczosalgorithm10 andthescaling netic large spin chains. We have also implemented the 2 QMC simulation15 as an accurate result for compari- (S >s), alternatively. son . At moderate temperatures, i.e Js < T < JSs (J is the exchange coupling) the results of MSWT do not coincide with QMC ones. Therefore, to describe N,N 2 2 thephysicalpropertiesatmidtemperatureswehaveem- Hˆ = J S s 2i−1,2j 2i−1 2j ployed the cumulant expansion (CE)16,17. Recently, this Xi,j · methodhasbeenusedtostudythefinitetemperaturebe- N N havior of large spin ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic 2 H S 2 H s . (2.2) systems18,19,20,21. − 2i−1· 2i−1− 2i· 2i Xi Xi In this article we have generalized the application of CE to obtain the magnetization and magnetic suscepti- bility of ferrimagnets. Moreover, the QMC simulation where Hi’s are the external magnetic field at each sites. for (S = 5/2,s = 2) ferrimagnetic chain has been done Expressing the spin operator on each site in the coor- to see the accurate behavior. We have observed good dinate system with the z axis along the coherent state agreement between the QMC and CE results in the in- vector nzi =ni termediate and high temperature region. The outline of thispaperisasfollows: InSec.IIwehaveemployedthree theoreticalapproaches,suchasCE,QMCsimulationand = (0)+ (1)+ (2) H H H H MSWT. The effective Hamiltonianandmagnetizationin + (0)+ (1)+ (2), (2.3) the presence ofthe magnetic field are obtainedusing the Hh Hh Hh CE up to the secondorderof (βJ˜). In Sec.III the results s and discussions have been demonstrated. We have com- where (0) is the pure classical contribution, (1) and pared our approaches with the high temperature series (2) arHe the quantum corrections in the abseHnce of a H expansion (HTSE). It has been observed that CE and magnetic field (see Refs. [20,21]). The field-dependent MSWT are two complement methods to get a good de- terms (i) will be expressed in the following forms, scription of large spin ferrimagnetic chains for the whole Hh range of temperatures. N N 2 2 (0) = ω h n h n , Hh − 2i−1· 2i−1− 2i· 2i Xi Xi II. THEORETICAL APPROACHES N,N βω 2 2 (1) = J˜ (h n ) Hh 2s 2i−1,2j 2i−1· 2j A. Cumulant Expansion Xi,j (cid:2) (h n )(n n )+(h n ) 2i−1 2i−1 2i−1 2j 2j 2i−1 − · · · Thermodynamicfunctionsofanyquantumspinsystem β withaHamiltonianHˆ canbe obtainedbydifferentiation − (h2j ·n2j)(n2i−1·n2j) − 4s ω(1− of the quantum partition function ( ) or its logarithm (cid:3) Xi (cid:2) with respect to the appropriate paraZmeters. Using the (h2i−1 n2i−1)2)+1 (h2i n2i)2 , (2.4) · − · basis of spin coherent states n 22, the trace of an (cid:3) i |{ }i operator is reduced to the integral over a set of classi- cal vectors. So the partition function is reduced to that where ω = S. In the above expressions J˜ = Js2 and s of an effective classical spin system with the Hamilton h = Hs are the exchange interaction and the reduced function 18,19,20,21. The effective Hamiltonian can magnetic field, respectively. Again, (0) is the classical be expandHed in terms of cumulants16,17 of the powHers of contributionandtheremaininghigheHrhordersarerespon- Hˆ as follows, sibleforquantumcorrections. Thefield-dependentterms of order h3, Jh2 and hJ2 in (2) can be calculated with Hh β2 β3 the help of cumulants corresponding to the mixed field- β = β Hˆ c HˆHˆ c+ HˆHˆHˆ c+ H h i − 2!h i 3!h i ··· exchange terms. These terms are too lengthy and have = β( (0)+ (1)+ (2)+ ). (2.1) beenpresentedintheappendix. Quasiclassicalexpansion H H H ··· up to second order of (O(1/s2)) for the internal energy and the specific heat were investigated for different S, where β = 1 and O c represents the cumulant of op- T h i s in Refs.[20,21]. We will now calculate the CE of the erator O16,17. The function evidently depends on the magnetizationand the susceptibility. In order to get the H temperature, thus the calculationofthe physicalquanti- physical concept we have considered the nearest neigh- ties should be done with care. bor interaction and that the applied fields on each site LetusconsidertheHamiltonian(Hˆ)ofaferrimagnetic are in the same direction, i.e h = hn. Thus, the field- i chain which is composed of two kinds of spins S and s dependent terms of the effective Hamiltonian is reduced 3 to the following forms: where ξ = βJ˜ and B = coth(ωξ) 1 is the Langevin − ωξ function. N2 WehaveplottedinFig.(3)theactualmagneticsuscep- Hh(0) = −hn· (n2i+ωn2i−1), tibility (χa) of the (S = 5/2,s = 2) ferrimagnetic chain Xi=1 versustemperature. Itis relatedtothe susceptibilityde- βhωJ˜ N fined in Eq.(2.7) by the following relation, (1) = 2n n n n (n n +n n ) Hh 2s · i− · i i−1· i i· i+1 ∂m Xi=1(cid:8) (cid:9) χ = lim a =s2χ, (2.10) a N H→0 ∂H βh2 2 − 4s ω(1−(n·n2i−1)2)+1−(n·n2i)2 , where ma = sm is the actual magnetization. The pre- Xi=1(cid:8) (cid:9) sentedCE resultcontainsthe quantumcorrectionsupto β2h3 β2ωh2J˜ β2ωhJ˜2 the second order of (βJ˜). We will discuss on the quality (2) = − Ψ + Ψ Ψ s Hh 12s2 1 4s2 2− 4s2 3 of our results in comparison with the other ones in the β2ω2J˜2h β2ωhJ˜2 next section. Ψ Ψ . (2.5) − 4s2 4− 24s3 5 where Ψ is expressed in terms of the classical vectors n B. Quantum Monte Carlo simulation i and n (see appendix). The partition function is repre- i sented by the effective Hamiltonian defined in the previ- We have implemented the quantum Monte Carlo ous equations, (QMC)simulationfor the ferrimagnetic(S =5/2,s=2) chain of length N = 64. The fairly large attainable = 2ωs+1 N2 2s+1 N2 ΠN dn e−βH(0) length size gives us the thermodynamic properties as a Z 4π 4π Z i=1 i × very good approximate of the infinite size chain. In do- (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) β2 ing so, we have considered the Hamiltonian of Eq.(2.2) (1−βHh(0)+ 2 [Hh(0)]2+...)× for N = 64 and without the magnetic field. We uti- (cid:2) lized the QMC algorithm based on the Suzuki-Trotter β2 1 β (1)+ [ (1)]2 β (1)+β2 (1) (1) decomposition23 oftheCheckerboard-Type24. Inthisre- − Hh 2 Hh − H Hh H (cid:0) spect, we begin by breaking the Hamiltonian into four +β2[ (1)]2 β( (2)+ (2))+O(1/s3) . (2.6) pieces, Hˆ = Hˆ0 +Hˆ + Hˆ0 +Hˆ , where Hˆ contains the 2 H − H Hh 2 a 2 b 0 (cid:1)(cid:3) interactions in z direction. Hˆ and Hˆ represent the in- a b The reduced magnetic susceptibility is obtained by two teraction in the transverse direction alternatively. The times differentiating from the logarithm of the partition partitionfunctionisexpressedbytheSuzuki-Trotterfor- function with respect to h, i.e, mula as the following, ∂m = Tre−βHˆ = lim , χ= lim . (2.7) Z m→∞Zm H→0 ∂h m where H is the magnetic field and m is the scaled mag- Zm : = Tr(cid:18)e−β2Hmˆ0e−βmHˆae−β2Hmˆ0e−βmHˆb(cid:19) ,(2.11) netization per site and given by where m is Trotter number. Performing the trace oper- 1 ∂ln ation, we have a two-dimensional classical Hamiltonian m= Z . (2.8) N ∂(βh) rather than the one-dimensional quantum Hamiltonian. ThisclassicalHamiltonianhas2mN spins. Wehavecon- In the limit of H 0, all of the terms containing h3 or sidered the plaquette flip for the evolution of the Monte → higher orders of h will vanish in the partition function. Carlosimulation. Thereasonisrelatedtothehugenum- So, we will keep the expansion up to the second order of ber of single spin flips which are not permitted because h in the partition function Eq.(2.6). By the integration their Boltzman weight is zero. For instance, in the case on the coherent states, we find the scaled magnetization of a plaquette of four spins which contains two S = 5 2 in terms of the coupling and the magnetic field. The and two s = 2, there exists 900 different configurations. reduced magnetic susceptibility is as follow: There are only 110 configurations with nonzero Boltz- man weights. All of these nonzero cases can be obtained 2βω B β(1+ω2) 1+B2 by a plaquette flip15. The quantities like internal en- χ = + 3 (cid:18)1 B2(cid:19) 6 (cid:18)1 B2(cid:19) ergy, heat capacity, and magnetic susceptibility depend − − on the Trotter number (m). In the limit of m , β(ω+1) 2β(1+ω) B −→ ∞ + these quantities tend to their correct values. Therefore, 6s − 3s (cid:18)1 B(cid:19) − It should be taken the biggest possible value of m, espe- β2J˜ω B cially at low temperatures. However, when temperature 1 B , (2.9) − 3s2 (cid:18) − − ωξ(cid:19) decreases the convergence relative to m becomes small. 4 Inotherwords,usingthebigvalueformmakestwokinds P (n−,n+) = 1 for all k’s13. The substitutions n−,n+ k othfepsryosbtleemms(.spFinirsctolny,figmβurabteicoonm)ecshasnmgaelsl hsoartdhlye (setvaotelveosf Pn−k =α†kαk andn+k =βk†βk inthespin-waveHamiltonian gives the zero field free energy, slowly). Secondly, when m is large the global flips to e e change the total magnetization are hard to be accepted F = E + (n−ω−+n+ω+) at low temperatures. Consequently, many Monte Carlo g k k k k Xk steps are needed to equilibrate the system at a large m e e + T P (n−,n+)lnP (n−,n+). (2.14) and the low temperature. Therefore, for the mentioned k k reasonswehaveperformedthecalculationsforeachtem- Xk nX−,n+ peraturewithdifferentvaluesofmandutilizingtheleast- To keep the number of bosons finite, one should apply square extrapolationmethod (Eq.(2.12) to find the limit the following constraint, of m ) →∞ nσ A1 A2 :Sz sz : =(S+s)N (S+s) k =0, (2.15) A(m)=A∞+ m2 + m4 +··· . (2.12) h − i − Xk σX=± ωek For moderate and low temperature regime (T < 3J) where ω = ((S s)2 + 4Sssin2k)1/2 and the normal k we have considered three different values for the Trot- orderingis taken−with respect to α and β. By minimiza- ter number, m=15,20,30. At higher temperatures, the tionofthefreeenergy(2.14)withrespecttoP (n−,n+)’s k convergencehappensforthelowermvalues. Toequlibri- under the condition (2.15) we can obtain the free energy ate the systemwe havespent105 Monte Carlosteps and and the magnetic susceptibility at thermal equilibrium 106 steps for measurement. Accuracy of the measured as follows quantities depends on the temperature, for higher tem- peratureswegothigheraccuracy. However,theerrorbar F =E +µ(S+s)N T ln(1+nσ),(2.16) g − k is less than the symbol sizes in our plots. Xk σX=± The internal energy, specific heat and magnetic sus- 1 e χ= nσ(1+nσ), (2.17) ceptibility of the ferrimagnetic (S = 5/2,s = 2) chain 3T k k have been plotted in Figs. (1), (2) and (3) respectively. Xk σX=± e e We will discuss our results in the next section when we compare it with the other ones. wheren± =[e(Jωk±−µ(S+s)/ωk)/T 1]−1,andµistheLa- k − grange multiplier to consider the constraint (2.15). This set of eequations has no closed analytic solution. In the C. Modified Spin Wave Theory case of (S =5/2,s=2) we have numerically solved Eqs. (2.15) and (2.16) in the thermodynamic limit, and visu- alized them in Figs. (1), (2) and (3). In previous equa- In the modified spin wave theory, usually it is consid- tions we have chosen k = 1. ω− and ω+ are the ferro- ered a single-component bosonic representation of each B k k magnetic and antiferromagnetic excitation gaps, respec- spin variable at the cost of the rotational symmetry. To tively. They have different values in the linear modified simplify in the incoming calculations, we consider the spin wave theory (LMSW) and perturbational interact- following form of the Hamiltonian for the ferrimagnetic ingmodifiedspinwavetheory(PIMSW).InthePIMSW, chain: the O(S0) terms have been considered. Because the an- N tiferromagnetic excitation gap is significantly improved Hˆ =J (S s +s S ). (2.13) by the inclusionof the O(S0) correlation,the locationof i i−1 i i · · Xi=1 the Schottky peak can be also reproduced very well by the perturbational interacting modified spin waves. UsingtheHolestain-PrimakoffandtheBogoliubovtrans- formation, the Hamiltonian (2.13) is diagonalized = 2NJSs+E1+E0+ 1+ 0+O(S−1), whereEi gHives III. RESULTS AND DISSCUTIONS t−he O(Si) quantum coHrrectHions to the ground state en- ergyand isexpressedintermsofα† andβ† andgives Hi k k WehaveobtainedtheeffectiveHamiltonianoftheferri- the quantum corrections to the dispersion relation. (see magnetic chains in the presence of an external magnetic Ref.[13]). α† and β† are the creation operators of the field to second order of cumulant expansion, Eq.(2.5). k k ferromagneticandantiferromagneticspinwaveswithmo- The zeroth order term shows the classical contribution mentum k, respectively. which simply represents the coupling energy of the clas- At finite temperatures, we assume that n± sical spins with the external magnetic field. Quantum n−,n+n±Pk(n−,n+), for the spin wave disktribu≡- correctionshaveanon-Heisenbergformandthey areim- tPion functions, where P (n−,n+) is the probeability portant in the intermediate temperatures. k of n− ferromagnetic and n+ antiferromagnetic spin In Fig.(1), we haveshownthe internalenergy per unit waves appearing in the k-momentum state and satisfies cell ofspins (2U) versustemperature. The big difference N 5 -2 2 secodorderofCE CE(classical) PIMSW -4 1.6 LMSW HTSE QMC -6 1.2 N N U/ -8 C/ 2 2 0.8 -10 secondorderofCE CE(classical) 0.4 -12 PIMSW LMSW QMC -14 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 T/J T/J FIG. 1: Temperature dependence of the internal energy per FIG. 2: The specific heat per cell of the ferrimagnetic (S = cell of the ferrimagnetic (S = 5/2,s = 2) chain. The solid 5/2,s = 2) chain. Cumulant expansion up to second or- line: Cumulant expansion up to the second order, Dashed der (solid line), classical part of the cumulant expansion line: Classical partofthecumulantexpansion,DashDotline: (dashed line), perturbational interacting-modified-spin-wave- Perturbational interacting-modified-spin-wave-theory (PIM- theory (PIMSWT- dash-dot line), linear-modified-spin-wave- SWT), Doted line: Linear-modified-spin-wave-theory (LM- theory(LMSWT-dotedline),hightemperatureseriesexpan- SWT) and circle: Quantum Monte Carlo simulation with sion(dash-dot-dotline)andquantumMonteCarlosimulation N =64 spins. (open circle) with N =64 spins. between the zeroth order (classical contribution shown slightly from the QMC ones . However, the accuracy by dashed line) and the second order cumulant expan- of the different schemes can be best visualized in the sion(quantumcorrectionsshownbysolidline)showsthe physicalquantitieslikethespecificheatandthemagnetic importance of the corrections in the intermediate and susceptibility which is shown in Figs.(2, 3). highertemperatures. Thediscrepancyishigh,eveninthe present case of fairly large spins (S = 5/2,s = 2) which In Fig. (2), we have plotted the specific heat per unit seems to behave classically. The reason is related to the cell of spins (2C) for a (S = 5/2,s = 2) ferrimagnetic N dualfeaturesofferrimagnets,i.ethelowtemperaturebe- chain. The results of CE have been shown as the pure havior is like ferromagnetsand in the high temperatures classical contribution and also the whole contribution to they show antiferromagnetic behavior. There is a spec- the second order. The big difference between them ver- tral gap in the subspace S = N(S s)+1, where the ifies the significant corrections of the second order CE. optical magnons play an itmotport2ant r−ole. In the case of We have also plotted the result of QMC simulation, for (S =5/2,s=2), the spectral gap of optical magnons at comparison. We observe very good agreement between k =0 is; ∆ =1.36847J (Ref.[25]). This means that the the CE and the QMC results. According to the results 0 model does not behave pure classically. So, to describe presentedinFigs.(1,2),theQMCsimulationresultscon- the finite temperature behaviorofthe system, we should firm that the CE is a very good analytical approach to consider the quantum corrections to the classical part. describethethermodynamicpropertiesofaferrimagnetic At low temperature the second order of CE has a large system with large spins at moderate and high tempera- deviation in comparison with the other results. Because tures. in the low temperature region classical fluctuations are WehavealsoshowninFig.(2)theresultsoftheMSWT not strong enough to suppress the quantum ones. How- for the specific heat. We have examined the LMSW ever,thelowtemperatureregionhasbeenexcludedfrom and the PIMSW for our system. As it is observed the convergence domain by construction when CE is ex- from Fig. (2), both of LMSW and PIMSW can re- pressed as a series in the order of βJs < 1. Obviously, produce the high temperature behavior of heat capac- theclassicaltermisdominantatveryhightemperatures. ity close to the QMC simulation results. Furthermore, To have an impression on the accuracy of our results, they can show the Schottky peak at mid temperatures. we have plotted the results of the QMC simulation for Although the PIMSW can reproduce the location of comparison. The secondorder CE of the internal energy the Schottky peak fairly well, it can not estimate the in Fig.(1) fits very well on the QMC results for T > 2J. peak value well for large spins in comparison with the This is actually the validity regime of our CE approach, CE. The reason of this discrepancy in the MSWT is T > Js. We have also plotted in Fig.(1) the results of as follows. Let us come back to the spin wave theory two different modified spin wave theory which deviate and draw your attention to the bosonic Hamiltonian; 6 = 2NJSs+E +E + + +O(S−1) where 1 0 1 0 H − H H = J [ω−(k)α†α +ω+(k)β†β secondorderofCE Hi i k k i k k 1.4 CE(classical) Xk PLIMMSSWW +γi(k)(αkβk+α†kβk†)], (3.1) 1.2 HQTMSCE 1 and γ (k)’s have been introduced in Ref.[13]. The last i two terms in are the normal-ordered quassiparticle 0.8 i χ H interactions. In MSWT, whether LMSW or PIMSW we 0.6 have eliminated these interactions, i.e we choose 0.4 2√Sscosk γ1(k)=0 tanh2θk = . 0.2 −→ S+s 0 However, in the low and moderate temperatures, the 0 2 4 6 8 10 T/J magnon-magnon interactions play an important role. Therefore it is surmised that if we consider at least the first order of the quasiparticle interaction (i.e γ (k) = 0 FIG. 3: Magnetic susceptibility per spin of the ferrimag- 1 6 netic (S = 5/2,s = 2) chain versus temperature. The andγ (k)=0),wecanproducetheSchottkypeakvalue 0 solid line: Cumulant expansion up to second order, Dashed moreprecisely. AlthoughtheagreementbetweenMSWT line: Classical partofthecumulantexpansion,DashDotline: (withoutthequassiparticleinteraction)andtheotherre- Perturbational interacting-modified-spin-wave-theory (PIM- sultsisnotperfect,itisaremarkablesuccessforthespin SWT), Doted line: Linear-modified-spin-wave-theory (LM- wave theory in the one-dimensional large spin ferrimag- SWT), DashDotDot: High temperature series expansion and net that all relevant features are quantitatively rather circle: Quantum Monte Carlo simulation with N =64 spins. well reproduced over a very large temperature range. Finally,wehaveplottedinFig.(3)themagneticsuscep- tibilitypertotalnumberofspins(χ)ofthe(S =5/2,s= N 2) ferrimagnetic chain versus temperature. The result of (O(βJ)11)and(O(β)7),respectivly14. TheHTSEresults the second order CE is shown by the solid line. The CE for the specific heat shown in Fig.(2) converges to the result shows qualitatively the features of the ferrimag- QMC results at T > 4J. However, the deviation from neticchains,i.ethequasiclassicalχshowsthedivergence the QMC result is more pronounced for the magnetic for T 0 like a ferromagnet and a Curie law (1) de- −→ T susceptibility shown in Fig.(3). cayathightemperatures. MeanwhileinFig. (3)wehave plotted the result of the QMC simulation. Our simula- It is worthto mention the two differences between the tion result shows very well the antiferromagnetic feature CE and HTSE results. Firstly, the convergence region of the ferrimagnetic system. But it can not produce the of CE is larger than the HTSE one, ie, the CE is valid ferromagneticbehavioratlowtemperatures. The reason for T > Js whereas the validity of the HTSE is for is as follow. The antiferromagnetic trait of the model T > S(S+1)J. Secondly, the HTSE fails to produce does not depend on the size of system, i.e all antiferro- the Spchottky peak of the specific heat While the CE can magnetic features can be reproduced in a rather short generate it as well as the QMC simulation. system size, while the ferromagneticones completely de- Our results state that the combined methods of the pend on the number of spins. This means that the fer- cumulant expansion for T > Js and the modified spin romagneticfeaturesemergeonlyslowlywiththegrowing wave theory for T < Js, give a good approximation for ofsystemsize. IntheQMCapproachwehaveconsidered the whole finite temperature behavior of quantum fer- 32 cells (64 spins) for simulation. The computation time rimagnets. The reason is related to the overlap of the grows exponentially by going to larger sizes. Specially, convergence regions of the mentioned method. it happens in the calculation of magnetic susceptibility to reach the equilibrium condition. However, our main interest in this study is the results for intermediate and large temperature regions where reasonable values exist. We have also shown in Figs. (2) and (3) the re- sults of HTSE for the specific heat and the suscepti- Acknowledgments bility of (S = 5/2,s = 2) ferrimagnetic chain, respec- tively. The HTSE is an expansion in powers of βJ. Recently, Fukushima and his collaborators have imple- A. L. would like to acknowledge the hospitality of the mentedasuitablePad´eapproximationtoobtainthether- Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Chemische Physik fester Stoffe modynamic functions of the mixed spin chains. They in Dresden where the final preparation of this work has have found the specific heat and the susceptibility up to been done. 7 APPENDIX A N Ψ = (n n ) (n n )2+(n n )2 4 i i−1 i i i+1 · · · (2) Xi=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) The expressions of the second term ( ) of the field Hh N dependent effective Hamiltonian are obtained as follows, 2 + 2(n n )(n n )(n n ) 2i 2i 2i−1 2i 2i+1 · · · N Xi=1(cid:8) 2 Ψ1 = {ωn·n2i−1(1−(n·n2i−1)2) + (n·n2i−1)(n2i−1·n2i)(n2i·n2i+1) Xi=1 + (n n )(n n )(n n ) 2i+1 2i+1 2i 2i−1 2i +n·n2i(1−(n·n2i)2)}, − (n··n2i−1+n·n2·i+1+n·n2i·)× N (n n +n n ) Ψ = 1 2(n n )2+(n n )(n n )(n n) 2i−1· 2i 2i· 2i+1 2 − · i · i i· i+1 i+1· (n n )(n n +n n ) Xi=1(cid:8) − 2i−1· 2i+1 · 2i−1 · 2i+1 n n (n n )(n n )+(n n ) N (cid:9) i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 2 − (n· n )2−+(n· n )·2 , · × Ψ5 = (1 n2i−1 n2i)(2n n2i+2n n2i−1 i i+1 − · · · (cid:0)N · · (cid:1)(cid:9) Xi=1(cid:2) Ψ3 = (n ni) (ni−1 ni)2+(ni ni+1)2 + (1−3n2i−1·n2i)(n·n2i−1+n·n2i)) Xi=1 · (cid:8) · · (cid:9) + (1−n2i−1·n2i−2)(2n·n2i−2+2n·n2i−1 N + (1 3n n )(n n +n n )) 2 − 2i−1· 2i−2 · 2i−1 · 2i−2 + 2(n n )(n n )(n n ) (cid:3) 2i−1 2i−1 2i 2i−1 2i−2 · · · Xi=1(cid:8) + (n n )(n n )(n n ) 2i 2i 2i−1 2i−1 2i−2 · · · + (n n )(n n )(n n ) 2i−2 2i−2 2i−1 2i−1 2i · · · (n n +n n +n n ) 2i−2 2i−1 2i − · · · × + (n n )(n n )(n n ) 2i−2 2i−2 2i−1 2i−1 2i · · · (n n +n n +n n ) 2i−2 2i−1 2i − · · · × (n n +n n ) 2i−1 2i 2i−2 2i−1 · · (n n )(n n +n n ) 2i 2i−2 2i 2i−2 − · · · (cid:9) 1 S.Blundell,MagnetisminCondensedMatter(OxfordUni- 12 S.YamamotoandT.Sakai,J.Phys.: Cond.Matt.11,5175 versity Press, 2001); O. 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