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Preview Thermodynamic properties of the electron gas in multilayer graphene in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field

Thermodynamic properties of the electron gas in multilayer graphene in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field B. Van Duppen1, and F. M. Peeters1, ∗ † 1Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium (Dated: January 7, 2014) Thethermodynamicpropertiesoftheelectrongasinmultilayergraphenedependstronglyonthe number of layers and the type of stacking. Here we analyse how those properties change when we vary the number of layers for rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene and compare our results 4 with those from a conventional two dimensional electron gas. We show that the highly degenerate 1 zero energy Landau level which is partly filled with electrons and partly with holes has a strong 0 2 influenceon the valueof the different thermodynamicquantities. n PACSnumbers: 75.70.Ak,73.20.At,73.22.Pr a J 6 I. INTRODUCTION electrons with only nearest neighbour interlayer and in- tralayertransitions. This allowsus to presentananalyt- ] l The relativistic character of the charge carriers in ical theory which can form the basis of a more in depth al graphene has attracted a lot of interest. The unconven- analysis that does include these corrections.13,14,21–25. h tional quantum Hall effect1, Klein tunnelling2 and the We find that our results are fundamentally different - s Landau level spectrum3,4 have shownthat electrons in a from those of a 2DEG due to the different Landau level e layer of an hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms behave as spectrum and in particular because of the presence of a m two dimensional massless Dirac particles with a velocity highly degenerate zero energy Landau level. The results . 300 times smaller than the speed of light. however still show the vanishing magnetization at zero t a When several graphene layers are stacked on top of magnetic field, which is a signature of the two dimen- m each other, the character of the charge carriers changes sionality of the system. - fundamentally withthe number oflayersandthe type of In the first two sections, Sec. II and Sec. III, of the d n stacking5,6. Thelowenergybehaviouroftheelectronsin paperathandwediscussrespectivelytheelectronicprop- o multilayeredstructures can howeverbe decomposed in a erties of graphene multilayers and the way the spectrum c combinationofmultilayerswithalowernumberofrhom- discretizes into Landaulevels. Then we calculate the os- [ bohedralstackedlayers6,7. Recentexperimentalprogress cillations of the Fermi level, the magnetization and the 1 proved that it is possible to fabricate multilayer sam- magnetic susceptibility for zero temperature in Sec. IV v ples with a specific number of layers and a specific type and for finite temperature in Sec. V. In Sec VI we con- 1 of stacking8. This resulted in an increased interest in clude the analysis with a summary and some remarks 7 theelectronicpropertiesofthesemultilayers.9–12 Experi- concerning many-body interactions and additional tran- 0 mentssupportthelowenergytheoryforbothbilayer13,14 sitions. 1 andtrilayer15–17 andresults forother multilayersareex- . 1 pected soon. 0 One of the most peculiar properties of a two dimen- 4 sional electron gas (2DEG) is that upon the application 1 II. ELECTRONS IN GRAPHENE of a perpendicular magnetic field, the energy spectrum : MULTILAYERS v iscompletely quantizedandthatseveralthermodynamic i X quantities like the Fermi level, magnetization and mag- netic susceptibility have an oscillatory behaviour as a Asdiscussedbefore7,thevalenceandconductionband r a function of the magnetic field.18,19 This oscillatory be- in multilayergraphene toucheachother in two inequiva- haviour has proven to be significantly different from the lentpointsinreciprocalspace,thesocalledDiracpoints. deHaas-vanAlpheneffectinthreedimensionalsystems, Therefore, the low energy behaviour of the charge carri- indicating that it is a pure two dimensional effect.20 ers in graphene multilayers reside in the energy valleys In this paper, we combine the two dimensionality nearthesetwopoints. Becauseofthehighenergybarrier of graphene with the relativistic character of the elec- between both valleys, we consider them to be uncoupled trons to compare the thermodynamic quantities with sotheirpresencecanbesolelyincorporatedinthedegen- those of a conventional 2DEG. We investigate rhombo- eracy of the electron states. hedral stacked multilayered systems using the two band Near the Dirac point, the energy spectrum can be de- approximation7 and present analytical formulae for dif- composed in non-interacting pseudospin doublets with ferent thermodynamic quantities as a function of the chirality N. These pseudospin doublets have a similar number of layers for zero and non zero temperature. lowenergyspectrumasthatofarhombohedrallystacked We consider a two dimensional gas of non interacting multilayerwithN layers. ItsHamiltoniancanbeapprox- 2 imated by HaLN=1 HbLN=2 vN 0 πˆN Hˆ = F , (1) N γ1N−1 (cid:20) πˆ† N 0 (cid:21) where26 v 106 m/sistheF(cid:0)erm(cid:1)ivelocityinmonolayer F ≈ graphene, πˆ = pˆ ipˆ with p~ = (p ,p ) the in-plane x y x y momentum and6 γ− 0.4eV is the interlayer hopping 1 ≈ parameter. Note that we have omitted the minus sign HcLN=3 HdL2DEG in front of γ due to electron-hole symmetry. The corre- 1 sponding dispersion relation is vN ε= F pN. (2) ±γN 1 Theenergy,E,ishereexpressedinunitsoftheinterlayer hopping parameter, i.e. ε=E/γ . 1 The two-band approximation neglects the skew hop- pingparameters6 γ 0.29eVandγ 0.12eVthatgive FIG.1: (Colouronline)SchematicrepresentationoftheDOS 3 4 ≈ ≈ risetotrigonalwarpingandtoaviolationofelectron-hole as a function of the energy of (a) monolayer, (b) bilayer and symmetry27 which becomes only visible for large energy, (c) trilayer graphene. (d) Results for a normal 2DEG. The LLs are shown as gaussian peaks. The different colours in- i.e. E > 1eV. Also the γ 0.02eV and γ 0.02 2 5 ≈ ≈ dicate with which LL the states from the zero field DOS are eV parametersare neglected because they correspondto associated. next-to-nearest-neighbourinterlayertransitions. Theva- lidity ofthe two-bandapproximationis therefore limited to energies γ <E <γ . However,we can take Eq. (1) 2 1 | | also as a model Hamiltonian which allows us to obtain many results analytically. Hˆ (B)=γ αNBN/2 0 aˆN , (4) The density of states (DOS) of the two dimensional N 1 aˆ N 0 (cid:20) † (cid:21) electron gas in multilayer graphene depends strongly on the power law of the dispersion relation. This is a big with α= √2e~vF 0.1/√T, wher(cid:0)eT(cid:1)stands for “Tesla”, difference withrespectto thatofthe normal2DEG.The γ1 ≈ the unit of magnetic field strength and the commutator DOS per unit area A is given by aˆ,aˆ =1ensuringapropernormalizationofthe ladder † operators. D(ε) = 2 2 γ1 ε N2−1. (3) (cid:2) The(cid:3) eigenvalues and eigenstates of this Hamiltonian A 2πN (~vF)2 | | are found by solving the eigenvalue equation Hˆ Ψ = N m E Ψ with the two-spinor This expressionincorporatesthe extravalley degeneracy m m astheadditionalfactor2. InFig. 1theDOSforzeroand non zero magnetic field is shown for multilayers with N φ Ψ = m . (5) up to 3 and compared with those of the normal 2DEG. m ψ m (cid:18) (cid:19) The components of this two-spinor correspond to the III. LANDAU LEVEL QUANTIZATION atomic orbitals of the two free standing sublattices at the top and bottom layer. These two sublattices are the Similar to the 2DEG, the electronic states of multi- only two that do not lie directly below or above another layer graphene discretize upon the application of a per- sublattice in a rhombohedral multilayer. For monolayer pendicular magnetic field leading to a quantized DOS graphene, they are the two inequivalent sublattices that into Landau levels (LLs)28–32. The magnetic field is in- are responsible for the pseudospin properties of the elec- corporated in the Hamiltonian of Eq. (1) by the Peierls trons. Usingthistwo-spinor,oneobtainsthesetofequa- substitution p~ p~ + eA~. Using the Landau gauge tions → A~ = B(0,x,0) for convenience, this changes the oper- ε φ =αNBN/2aˆNψ m m m alatdodreπˆr otopeπˆra=torpˆxsi−miilpˆayr−toiethBexˆcwasheicohfbaehhaavrmesonnoicwoascsila- (cid:26)εmψm =αNBN/2 aˆ† Nφm , (6) lator. Defining the lowering operator aˆ = √lB2~πˆ and the with the dimensionless energy εm(cid:0)=(cid:1)Em/γ1. The energy raising operator aˆ† = √lB2~πˆ†, with the magnetic length is found by solving the equation ~ laBs =qeB,theHamiltonianfromEq. (1)canbewritten α2Nε2mBNψm = aˆ† NaˆNψm. (7) (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 Therefore, the second component of the spinor is an (a) N = 1 (b) N = 2 2 oeeripggeeyrnaissttoagrtiveaeson3f3itnhteernmumsobferthoepeeirgaetmnovr!amlˆue=smaˆ†oaˆfathnedntuhmebener- Energy E/101 nnnnn ===== 31012 nnnnn ===== 32101 -011 Energy E/1 ελ (B)=λαNBN/2 for m N, (8) -1 n = 2 n = 2 m,N s(m N)! ≥ n = 3 n = 3 -2 − 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) where λ = 1 for electrons and λ = 1 for holes. The − 3 n = 4 1.0 eigenstates corresponding to these eigenenergies are (c) N = 3 n = 3 (d) 2DEG 2 n = 2 n = 3 Ψλm,ky = √12(cid:18)|mλ−|mN,k,ykiyi(cid:19) for m≥N, (9) -Energy E/0111 nnn === 101 nn == 12 0.5 Energy E/1 wnuhmerbeer|mop,keryaitocorrmˆresapnodnadrsetgoivtehneineipgeonsiftuinocntiroenpsreosefntthae- --32 nn == 23 n = 0 0.0 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 tion as Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) ~rm,ky =Ame−ξ2/2Hm(ξ)eikyy, (10) FIG.2: (Colouronline)MagneticfielddependenceoftheLLs h | i in rhombohedral (a) monolayer, (b) bilayer and (c) trilayer with Am =1/ √π2mm!lB its normalization,~r =(x,y), graphene. (d) The LL spectrum for a 2DEG in GaAs with ξ = lBky +x/lB and Hm(ξ) the Hermite polynomial of m∗ = 0.0665m0 where m0 is the free electron mass. The order m N. pIn addition to this series of Landau levels colour of the curve indicate the type of the charge carriers (LL), the∈re is a zero energy Landau level (ZELL) that is makinguptheLLs. Bluecorrespondswithelectrons(positive N times as degenerate as the rest of the LLs. This level energy),redwith holes(negativeenergy)andgreenindicates theZELL at zero energy. has the eigenstates 0 Ψ0m,ky = m,ky for 0≤m<N, (11) IV. ZERO TEMPERATURE (cid:18)| i(cid:19) which corresponds to eigenfunctions of Eq. (10) located A. Fermi energy on only one of the two sublattices. Note that when we consider the other Dirac point, the other sublattice is DuetotheLLquantization,theFermilevelofthesys- occupied with these zero energy states34,35. The ZELL tem will oscillate as the magnetic field pushes the LLs is half filled with electrons and half with holes3,4 and apart in a similar fashion as in the case of a normal thereforeitgivesrisetotheunconventionalquantumHall 2DEG18,19. The discretized DOS per unit surface area effect which has been observed in graphene multilayer is given by structures7,28,29,36,37. Due to its high degeneracy it has alsoattractedalotofattentionrecentlyintheframework 4 ∞ oefffefrcatsc1t4io,3n8a,3l9q.uantum Hallstudies andother many body ρN(ε)= 2πlB2 "Nδ(ε)+λ= 1n=1δ ε−ελn,N #, (13) X± X (cid:0) (cid:1) Since we are interested in the thermodynamic proper- where the LL energy ελ is given by Eq. (12). The tiesoftheelectrongasingraphenemultilayerstructures, n,N discretized DOS is schematically shown in Fig. 1 for we renumber the LLs by n = m N +1, so the energy − mono- to trilayer structures and compared to the usual spectrum changes into 2DEG.Inthisfigure,thepartoftheDOSthatwillforma specificLLarecolouredaccordingtothecolouringofthe (n 1+N)! ελ (B)=λαNBN/2 − for n 0, (12) LL peak. Note that the degeneracy of all but the ZELL n,N s (n 1)! ≥ is 2/πl2, twice that of the 2DEG due to the additional − B valley degeneracy. The DOS given in Eq. (13) covers where the degeneracy of the n = 0 LL is multiplied by both the electrons (λ=+1) and the holes (λ= 1). In a factor N to account for the states corresponding to − the following we will consider only electrons. m < N. The magnetic field dependence of the LLs is To calculate the Fermi level, ε , we assume the elec- shown in Fig. 2 for various multilayer structures and F tron density n to be independent of the strength of the compared with the spectrum of the 2DEG. 0 applied magnetic field. The zero field Fermi level for a Note that in contrast to the 2DEG, the LLs of a given concentration n can be obtained using Eq. (3) graphenemultilayerarenotpositionedatequidistanten- 0 ergylevels. However,theelectronconcentrationatwhich ~v N the LLs are filled does scale linearly with the LL index εF,0 = F (πn0)N/2. (14) γ n for large n. They are therefore placed at equidistant (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) levelsoftheelectronconcentrationforlargevaluesofthe For a normal2DEG,the Fermi energyis proportionalto LL index n. the electron concentration. This is however not the case 4 any more for multilayer graphene, where the number of 1.0 layers determines the power of the relation. Using the (a) N = 1 (b) N = 2 10.8 discretizedDOSfromEq. (13)oneobtainsarelationbe- E/ y 0.6 tweentheelectronconcentrationn0andtheFermienergy nerg0.4 ε : E F 0.2 4B ∞ 0.0 n0 = gnθ(εF εn,N(B)), (15) 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 φ0 n=0 − Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) X 1.0 (c) N = 3 (d) 2DEG where φ = h/e is the quantum of flux, θ(...) is the 0.8 0 1 HeavisidestepfunctionandthedegeneracyofeachLL is E/0.6 incorporated in the factor gn which is defined as ergy 0.4 n E0.2 N/2 if n=0 0.0 g = , (16) n 1 if n>0 0 20 40 60 0 40 80 120 (cid:26) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) where the factor of N/2 is due to the aforementioned FIG. 3: (Colour online) Oscillatory behaviour of the Fermi half occupancy of the ZELL with electrons. Solving Eq. energy as a function of the magnetic field. The green curve (15) for the Fermi level at a constant electron density are the case of Gaussian LLs with width Γ = 0.05γ1. The results in a Fermi level that oscillates as a function of blue dashed line is for Γ=0 and the red thin curves are the the magnetic field asshownin Fig. 3 by the blue dashed LLspectrumfor(a)mono-,(b)bi-,(c)trilayergraphene. (d) curves. The Fermi level for a 2DEG in GaAs. The results are for an electron density such that the zero field Fermi level is at Due to scatteringorimperfections, the LLs arebroad- ened. This can be incorporated by replacing the Dirac EF,0=0.5γ1. deltafunctionsδ(...)byafinitewidthGaussianfunction given by 2 1 ε ε 2 0.8 n,N G (ε)= exp 2 − , (17) n rπΓn "− (cid:18) τn (cid:19) # 1 /F0.6 where Γ is the width of the nth LL and τ = Γ /γ E n n n 1 y its reduced value. Although the width may be different g r for each level, for convenience we will present numerical e 0.4 n results for Γ = Γ, independent of the LL index. The e n electron concentration is mi er 0.2 F n = 4B ∞ gn erf √2εF −εn,N , (18) 0 φ 2 τ 0 n=0 (cid:18) n (cid:19) 0.0 X 0 1 2 3 4 whereerf(...)istheerrorfunction. TheFermienergyas Filling factor afunctionofthemagneticfieldobtainedusingtheabove is shown in Fig. 3 as solid green curves. FIG. 4: (Colour online) The Fermi level as a function of the filling factor ν for N = 1 (solid blue), N = 2 (dashed red), The Fermi levelconvergesto zero energy at increasing N =3 (dotted green) and N =4 (dash-dotted yellow) using magnetic field because then all electrons are pushed in thesame parameters as Fig. 3 with broadened LLs. the ZELL. The transition to the nth LL occurs at the magnetic field B given by n Using the expression of Eq. (19), we define the filling φ n B = 0 0 , (19) factor ν as a function of the magnetic field as n 4 n+ N 2 φ n N wherenisapositiveinteger(cid:0). Thisi(cid:1)sadistinctivefeature ν(B)= 0 0 . (20) 4B − 2 that differs from the behaviour of the 2DEG for which B =φ n /2n and n> 0. Note that since this quantity When the ZELL is completely filled and the other lev- n 0 0 depends on the number of layers, N, the measurement els are empty, this filling factor is exactly zero. It can ofthemagneticfieldatwhichthemagnetizationchanges howeveralsobesmallerthanzero,thentheZELLisonly rapidlycanbe usedto determine the numberoflayersof partly filled. Its lowest value, N/2, is obtained for an − the rhombohedral sample. infinite magnetic field. The filling factor can be decom- 5 posed into ν =p+ξ with φ n N φ n N φ n N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 p= and ξ = , 4B − 2 4B − 2 − 4B − 2 (cid:22) (cid:23) (cid:22) (cid:23) 1 (21) E/ where x correspondstothelargestintegersmallerthan 0.3 ⌊ ⌋ y x, the highest fully occupied LL is p and ξ measures g r the partial occupation of the next LL and is a positive e n number smaller than one. Therefore, the Fermi level for e 0.2 non broadend LLs at T =0 is given by al n r e 0.1 εF (B)=εp(B)+1,N. (22) nt I This corresponds to an oscillating function that jumps 0.0 between the different branchesof the spectrum shownin 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 3. Since the interleveltransitionsoccurfordifferent Filling factor multilayers at different magnetic fields as given by Eq. (19), the investigation of the electronic properties as a FIG. 5: (Colour online) Internal energy per electron for function of the filling factor allows for a better compari- graphenemultilayerswithN =1(solid blue),N =2(dashed son of different multilayers as shown in Fig. 4. red), N =3 (dotted green) and N =4 (dash-dotted yellow). The unconventional integer quantum Hall effect in The electron concentration is such that the zero field Fermi multilayer graphene was shown earlier to give rise to level is EF,0=0.5γ1. The width of the LL is Γ=0. plateaux in the Hall conductivities with value7 4e2 N σ = +n . (23) which also depends on the number of layers, N, of the xy ± h 2 system. (cid:18) (cid:19) The magnetization is found by differentiating the free Thisagreeswiththevaluesofthemagneticfieldatwhich energywithrespecttothemagneticfieldM = ∂F/∂B. a new Landau level is started to be filled in Eq. (19). − Because at T = 0 the free energy equals the internal energy, the magnetization per electron becomes B. Magnetization and susceptibility 1 m = [ε u ], (26) N p+1,N N B − At T =0, the internal energy is generated by the first poccupiedLLsandapartialcontributionfromLLp+1. where m = M/N γ is the magnetization per electron N 0 1 The internal energy per electron is therefore given by of N-multilayer graphene and u is the previously cal- N culated internal energy per electron. p 4B u = ε +ξε , (24) InFig. 6we showthe magnetizationfordifferentmul- N n,N p+1,N φ0n0 " # tilayersuptoN =3andcompareitwiththe2DEG.The n=1 X sawtoothbehaviourissimilartothatofa2DEGalthough whereuN =U/N0γ1,theinternalenergyofN-multilayer it increases with magnetic field and becomes completely grapheneperelectron,foratotalnumberofN0electrons, positive at large magnetic field before exponentially de- and εn,N is the single particle electron energy from Eq. creasing to zero for B > B0. The tendency for positive (12). InFig. 5weshowthe internalenergycalculatedas magnetizationis the consequence of the ZELL that does a function of the filling factor for various multilayers. not contribute to the magnetization and is therefore im- With increasing magnetic field, or decreasing filling portant for large magnetic fields. For small fields, the factor, the occupation of the ZELL increases. Since the magnetizationoscillatesaroundzerobutkeepsdecreasing total number of electrons is kept constant, the internal in magnitude. This is reminiscentof the nonequidistant energy per electron decreases at high magnetic fields be- energyspacingoftheLLs. Furthermore,onlythe bilayer causethe electronsin the ZELLdo notcontributeto the case has a linear sawtooth magnetization because for a internalenergy. Therefore,whenthefieldBislargerthan single LL the field dependence is m BN/2. When N B0, so ν < 0, uN remains constant at zero energy. This all the electrons occupy the zero energy∼LL, the magne- is another distinct feature from the normal2DEG where tization is equal to zero since the internal energy does at high magnetic field the lowest LL still contributes to not change with the magnetic field anymore. The latter the internal energy which increases with magnetic field. is distinctive from the 2DEG where the magnetization At zero field, the internal energy per electron uN,0 will retains a finite constant value for large fields as shown be in Fig. 6(d). In Fig 7, the magnetization is shown as a ε function of the filling factor for various multilayers. F,0 u = , (25) N,0 (N/2+1) Differentiating once more, the susceptibility per elec- 6 V/T)5 (a) N = 1 (b) N = 2 (c) N = 3 (d) 2DEG 1.0 V/T) e4 e m 0.5 m n (3 n ( o o ati2 0.0 ati z z eti1 -0.5 eti n n g g Ma0 -1.0 Ma 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 40 80 120 Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) FIG.6: (Colouronline)Magnetizationperelectronasafunctionofthemagneticfieldfor(a)monolayer,(b)bilayer,(c)trilayer graphene, and (d) 2DEG in GaAs. The dashed blue curvescorrespond to Γ=0 while for thegreen solid curveΓ=0.05γ1. oscillationsoftheFermienergyaredampedascompared to the zero temperature result. This is shown in Fig. 9(a). ) 6 At finite temperature, one needs to consider the free T V/ 5 energytofindthethermodynamicquantitiesasthemag- e netization and the magnetic susceptibility. The free en- m 4 ( ergy per unit area is19 n 3 o zati 2 fN =n0εF − φ4Bβ ∞ gnln 1+eβ(εF−εn,N) , (29) eti 1 0 nX=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) n ag 0 where fN =F/γ1 and the Fermi energy, εF, is found by M solvingEq. (28)foraconstantelectrondensityn0. Using -1 the free energy, the magnetizationis readily obtainedby calculating its derivative with respect to the magnetic 0 1 2 3 4 field Filling factor 4 ∞ FIG. 7: (Colour online) Magnetization per electron for mul- mN,T = gn ln 1+eβ(εF−εn,N) tilayers with N =1 (solid blue), N =2 (dashed red), N =3 βφ0 (dotted green) and N =4 (dash-dottedyellow) as a function nX=0 h (cid:16) (cid:17) N 1 ofthefillingfactorν. Theelectronconcentrationissuchthat βεn,N 1+eβ(εn,N−εF) − , (30) thezerofieldFermilevelisatEF,0=0.5γ1. Thewidthofthe − 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) LL is Γ=0. tron χ =∂m /∂B is obtained N N 4 1 N 2 ) χ = [2ε u ], (27) T N B2 2 p+1,N − N V/ e where u is the internal energy per electron. The sus- m 3 N ceptibility is shown in Fig. 8 as a function of the filling y ( factor. Bilayer graphene has a constant step-like suscep- bilit 2 tibility similar to a 2DEG. ti p e c s 1 V. FINITE TEMPERATURE u S 0 At finite temperature, the particle density for a spec- trum of non-broadened LLs is given by 0 1 2 3 4 Filling factor 4B ∞ 1 n0 = φ gn 1+eβ(εn,N−εF) − , (28) FIG.8: (Colouronline)Susceptibilityofgraphenemultilayers 0 nX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) with N =1 (solid blue), N =2 (dashed red), N =3 (dotted whereβ =γ /k T measurestheinversetemperatureand green) and N = 4 (dash-dotted yellow) as a function of the 1 B g accountsforthedegeneracyofeachLLasbefore. The filling factor ν. n 7 and the susceptibility becomes χN,T = 4 ∞ gn 1+eβ(εn,N−εF) −1 1 Nβεn,N 1+eβ(εF−εn,N) −1 ∂εF N εn,N N2εn,N , (31) φ − 2 ∂B − 2 B − 4 B 0 nX=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) where the derivative of the Fermi energy is obtained by tion differentiating the expression for the electron concentra- ∂εF 4 ∞n=0gn 1+eβ(εn,N−εF) −1 1− N2βεn,N 1+eβ(εF−εn,N) −1 = . (32) ∂B − P (cid:0) βB ∞n=0(cid:1)gnc(cid:16)osh−2 εn,N2−εF(cid:0)β (cid:1) (cid:17) h i P InFigs. 9(c,d)weshowthemagnetizationandsuscep- With a finite temperature analysis, we have shown that tibility at T 40K for mono-, bi-, tri- and tetralayered withincreasingtemperature,theoscillationsaredamped, ≈ structures. As compared to the zero temperature case, but that this effect is less pronounced in samples with a the oscillations are damped, but the larger the number higher number of layers. of layers,the weaker the damping is. The results obtained in this paper will be affected by electron - electron interactions24, the inclusion of addi- VI. CONCLUSION AND REMARKS tional inter- and intralayer transitions25, the occurrence ofstackingboundaries40 orother corrections. Therefore, In this paper, we have calculated the thermodynamic the paper at hand provides a basis and reference point quantities of the non interacting electron gas in multi- for these studies. layer rhombohedral graphene structures in a perpendic- Acknowledgments ular magnetic field at zero and non zero temperature. Due to the discretization of the DOS, the Fermi level, magnetization and susceptibility oscillate as a function The authors would like to thank C. De Beule for en- of the magnetic field. In contrast to a 2DEG, multilayer lightening discussions. This work was supported by the graphenehasahighlydegenerateZELLwhichcausesthe European Science Foundation (ESF) under the EURO- magnetizationandthesusceptibilitytotendtowardszero CORES Program Euro-GRAPHENE within the project forfieldsaboveacriticalmagneticfield. Thevalueofthis CONGRAN, the FlemishScience Foundation(FWO-Vl) critical magnetic field can in principle be used to deter- by anaspirantresearchgrantto B.VanDuppen andthe mine the number of layers of a rhombohedral sample. Methusalem Programme of the Flemish Government. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] (2007). † Electronic address: [email protected] 6 B. Partoens and F. M. Peeters, Phys. Rev. B 74, 075404 1 V. P. Gusynin and S. G. Sharapov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2006). 146801 (2005). 7 H. Min and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 77, 155416 2 M. I. Katsnelson, K. S. Novoselov, and A. K. Geim, Nat. (2008). Phys. 2, 620 (2006). 8 C.-J. Shih, A. Vijayaraghavan, R. Krishnan, R. 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