UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 12-2014 TThheerrmmooddyynnaammiicc MMooddeelliinngg ooff UUrraanniiuumm aanndd OOxxyyggeenn CCoonnttaaiinniinngg TTeerrnnaarryy SSyysstteemmss wwiitthh GGaaddoolliinniiuumm,, LLaanntthhaannuumm,, aanndd TThhoorriiuumm Jacob Wesley McMurray University of Tennessee - Knoxville, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Ceramic Materials Commons, Nuclear Engineering Commons, and the Thermodynamics Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn McMurray, Jacob Wesley, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Uranium and Oxygen Containing Ternary Systems with Gadolinium, Lanthanum, and Thorium. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2014. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/3152 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Jacob Wesley McMurray entitled "Thermodynamic Modeling of Uranium and Oxygen Containing Ternary Systems with Gadolinium, Lanthanum, and Thorium." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Energy Science and Engineering. Theodore M. Besmann, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Claudia J. Rawn, Brian D. Wirth, James R. Morris Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Thermodynamic Modeling of Uranium and Oxygen Containing Ternary Systems with Gadolinium, Lanthanum, and Thorium A Dissertation Presented for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Jacob Wesley McMurray December 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Jacob W. McMurray All rights reserved ii Dedicated to my wife Perla McMurray my children Audrey and Samuel McMurray and my parents. Ron and Teddi McMurray iii A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” – John Donne The words of John Donne, the epigraph for Ernest Hemingway’s 1940 novel For Whom the Bell Tolls and likely the inspiration for the title, still stirs my spirit and embodies my philosophy on life; we all need one another, we are all in this thing together. To believe that any one person can create anything of value in a vacuum is hubris of the gods. I am therefore, profoundly grateful to Dr. Lee Riedinger, Dr. Mike Simpson, Dr. Jim Roberto, and the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education for this remarkable opportunity to contribute to science and potentially impact energy issues. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Theodore M. Besmann, my mentor, for his instruction, patience and confidence in the skills I developed under his tutelage. A special thanks to Stewart Voit for fabricating samples, sharing laboratory expertise, and at – length discussions on the science behind our experimental measurements and Dr. Dongwon Shin for impromptu thermodynamic modeling lectures. I am grateful to Dr. Jaime Morris, Dr. George Pharr, Dr. Brian Wirth, and Dr. Claudia Rawn for their contribution to my education and agreeing to take part as members of my dissertation committee. The cooperation of my classmates, to whom I owe much gratitude for many hours of study, was instrumental in my success as a student. Finally, I must acknowledge my family for their advice, moral, emotional, and financial support. iv Research supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Fuel Cycle Technology Program. v A BSTRACT The CALPHAD method is used to assess the thermodynamic properties and phase relations in the U-M-O system where M = Gd, La, and Th. A compound energy formalism (CEF) model for fluorite UO [urania] is extended to represent the complex 2±x U M O [urania solid solution] phases. The lattice stabilities for fictive GdO 1-y y 2±x 2 [gadolinia] and LaO [lanthana] fluorite structure compounds are calculated from density 2 functional theory (DFT) for use in the CEF for U M O [urania solid solution phase] 1-y y 2±x while U6+ [uranium 6 plus cation] is introduced into the cation sublattice of the CEF for U M O [urania solid solution phase] to better reproduce phase relations in U-Ln-O 1-y y 2±x systems at high fixed trivalent Ln [lanthanide] compositions. Tentative Gibbs functions and CEF representations for the fluorite derivative rhombohedral phases were developed and the two-sublattice liquid model (TSLM) was used to describe the melt. Equilibrium oxygen pressures over U Th O [urania thoria solid solution] were 1-y y 2±x obtained from thermogravimetric measurements and used together with those reported in the literature, phase relations, and other experimentally determined thermodynamic values to fit adjustable parameters of the CEF and TSLM along with the standard state enthalpy and entropy of the Gibbs functions representing the stoichiometric compounds. The models can be extended to include other actinides and fission products to develop higher order multi-component system assessments to support further experimental efforts and the development of multi-physics fuel performance simulation codes. vi T C ABLE OF ONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Nuclear power 4 1.2 Fuel and fission product chemistry 5 1.3 Computational thermodynamics coupled fuel 9 performance simulations 1.4 Goals of research 14 Chapter 2 Thermodynamic modeling of complex 15 crystalline phases and ionic liquids 2.1 CALPHAD methodology 16 2.2 Computational thermodynamics codes 18 2.3 Sublattice models 18 2.4 Excess functions 22 2.5 Summary 22 Chapter 3 Crystal chemistry of urania and urania solid 24 solutions 3.1 The UO crystal 24 2 3.2 Oxygen defect clustering in UO 26 2 3.3 Dissolution of La and Gd in UO 28 2±x 3.3.1 Lattice stabilities from DFT 32 3.3.2 Lattice parameter 33 3.3.3 Ionic radii 37 3.3.4 Oxidation state of uranium in fluorite solid 39 solutions 3.4 Oxygen order-disorder transition 46 vii Chapter 4 Thermodynamic data for the U-M-O systems 51 4.1 Thermodynamic data 52 4.2 Gadolinium 52 4.3 Lanthanum 56 4.4 Thorium 59 Chapter 5 Experimental 70 5.1 Sample preparation 70 5.2 Measurements 71 5.3 Approach to error analysis 85 5.4 Experimental results 89 Chapter 6 Modelling and assessments 92 6.1 The gas phase 94 6.2 Pure elements and stoichiometric phases 94 6.3 The UO phase 95 2±x 6.4 The U-O liquid phase 98 6.5 The rhombohedral UGd O 101 6 12 6.6 The rhombohedral ULa O phase 101 6 12-x 6.7 The rhombohedral U La O phase 102 2 6 15 6.8 The rhombohedral (U,La) O phase 103 8 16 6.9 Th-U solution phases 103 6.10 The ThUO phase 104 5 6.11 The (U Th ) O solution phase 104 1-y y 4 9 6.12 The U-M-O liquid phases 105 6.13 Fluorite-structure U M O phases 107 1-y y 2±x 6.14 Parameter optimization 112 6.14.1 The U–Gd–O system 112 viii