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Thermodynamic formalism for some systems 6 1 with countable Markov structures 0 2 n a Michael Jakobson J 2 January 25, 2016 2 ] S D To thememoryofDmitryViktorovichAnosov . h t Abstract a m Westudyergodicpropertiesofcertainpiecewisesmoothtwo-dimensional [ systemsbyconstructingcountableMarkovpartitions. Usingthermodynamic 1 formalismweproveexponentialdecayofcorreleations. Thatextendsthere- v 3 sultsof[8],[9]. OurapproachismotivatedbytheoriginalmethodofAnosov 1 andSinaifrom[5]. 0 6 0 1 Motivation: Folklore Theorem in dimension 1 . 1 0 6 Awell-knownFolkloreTheoreminone-dimensionaldynamicscanbeformulated 1 : as follows. v i X FolkloreTheorem. LetI =[0,1]betheunitinterval,andsuppose{I ,I ,...} 1 2 r is a countable collection of disjoint open subintervals of I such that I has the a i i full Lebesgue measure in I. Suppose there are constants K >1 andSK >0 and 0 1 mappings f :I →I satisfyingthefollowingconditions. i i 1. f extends to a C2 diffeomorphism from the closure of I onto [0,1], and i i inf |Df (z)|>K forall i. z∈Ii i 0 |D2f (z)| 2. sup i |I |<K for alli. z∈Ii |Dfi(z)| i 1 1 Then, the mappingF(z) defined by F(z)= f (z) for z∈I, has a uniqueinvariant i i ergodicprobabilitymeasure m equivalentto LebesguemeasureonI. For the proof of the Folklore theorem , the ergodic properties of m and the historyofthequestionseeforexample[3]and [15]. In [8] , [9] the Folklore Theorem was generalized to two-dimensional maps F which piecewise coincide with certain hyperbolic diffeomorphisms f . As in the i one-dimensional situation there is an essential difference between a finite and an infinitenumberof f . Inthecaseofaninfinitenumberof f ,theirderivativesgrow i i withiand relationsbetween first and secondderivativesbecomecrucial. Models with infinitely many f appear when we study non-hyperbolic systems, i suchasquadratic-likemapsindimension1,andHenon-likemapsindimension2. 2 Model under consideration. Geometric and hy- perbolicity conditions 1. As in [8] , [9] we consider the following 2-d model. Let Q be the unit square. Let x = {E ,E ,...,} be a countable collection of closed curvi- 1 2 linear rectangles in Q. Assume that each E lies inside a domain of def- i inition of a C2 diffeomorphism f which maps E onto its image S ⊂ Q. i i i We assume each E connects the top and the bottom of Q. Thus each E is i i bounded from above and from below by two subintervals of the line seg- ments{(x,y):y=1, 0≤x≤1}and{(x,y):y=0, 0≤x≤1}. Hyperbol- icityconditionsthatweformulatebelowimplythattheleftandrightbound- aries of E are graphs of smooth functions x(i)(y) with dx(i) ≤a where a i dy (cid:12) (cid:12) isareal numbersatisfying0<a <1. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) The images f (E)=S are narrow strips connecting the left and right sides i i i ofQ and thattheyare boundedon theleftand right bythetwo subintervals ofthelinesegments{(x,y):x=0, 0≤y≤1}and{(x,y):x=1, 0≤y≤1} andaboveandbelowbythegraphsofsmoothfunctionsYi(X),| dY(i) |≤a . dX Weare sayingthatE′sarefullheight inQ whiletheS′sare fullwidthinQ. i i 2. For z ∈ Q, let ℓ be the horizontal line through z. We define d (E) = z z i diam(ℓ E ), d =max d (E ), d =min d (E). We assume z i i,max z∈Q z i i,min z∈Q z i thefolloTwing 2 Geometricconditions. G1. Fori6= j holdsint E ∩int E =0/ int S ∩int S =0/ . i j i j G2. mes(Q\∪ intE )=0 wheremes standsforLebesguemeasure. i i G3. −(cid:229) d logd <¥ . i i,max i,min 3. In the standard coordinate system for a map F :(x,y)→(F (x,y),F (x,y)) 1 2 weuse DF(x,y) to denotethedifferential of F at somepoint (x,y) and F , jx F , F , F ,etc., forpartial derivativesofF , j =1,2. jy jxx jxy j LetJ (z)=|F (z)F (z)−F (z)F (z)| betheabsolutevalueoftheJaco- F 1x 2y 1y 2x biandeterminantofF at z. Hyperbolicityconditions. Thereexistconstants0<a <1and K >1 suchthat foreach i themap 0 F(z)= f (z)forz∈E i i satisfies H1. |F (z)|+a |F (z)|+a 2|F (z)|≤a |F (z)| 2x 2y 1y 1x H2. |F (z)|−a |F (z)|≥K . 1x 1y 0 H3. |F (z)|+a |F (z)|+a 2|F (z)|≤a |F (z)| 1y 2y 2x 1x H4. |F (z)|−a |F (z)|≥J (z)K . 1x 2x F 0 Fora real number0<a <1, wedefine thecones Kau ={(v ,v ):|v |≤a |v |} 1 2 2 1 Kas ={(v ,v ):|v |≤a |v |} 1 2 1 2 and the corresponding cone fields Kau (z),Kas (z) in the tangent spaces at pointsz∈R2. The following proposition proved in [9] relates conditions H1-H4 above with the usual definition of hyperbolicity in terms of cone conditions. It shows that conditions H1 and H2 imply that the Kau cone is mapped into 3 itselfby DF and expandedby afactor nosmallerthanK whileH3 and H4 0 imply that the Kas cone is mapped into itself by DF−1 and expanded by a factornosmallerthanK . 0 Unlessotherwisestated,weusethemaxnormonR2,|(v ,v )|=max(|v |,|v |). 1 2 1 2 Proposition2.1 UnderconditionsH1-H4 above, wehave DF(Kau )⊆Kau (1) v∈Kau ⇒|DFv|≥K |v| (2) 0 DF−1(Kas )⊆Kas (3) v∈Kas ⇒|DF−1v|≥K |v| (4) 0 Remark2.2 Thefirstversionofhyperbolicityconditionsappearedin[14]. It was developed in particular in [4] and [7] . Here we use hyperbolicity conditionsfrom [9]. In [8] we used hyperolicity conditionsfrom [4] which implied the invariance of cones and uniform expansion with respect to the sumnorm|v|=|v |+|v |. 1 2 4. Themap F(z)= f (z)forz∈int E i i isdefinedalmosteverywhereonQ. LetQ˜ = intE ,and,defineQ˜ ,n>0, 0 i i n inductively by Q˜ =Q˜ F−1Q˜ . Let Q˜ =S Q˜ be the set of points n 0 n−1 n≥0 n whose forward orbits alwTays stay in int E .TThen, Q˜ has full Lebesgue i i measureinQ, andF mapsQ˜ intoitselSf. ThehyperbolicityconditionsH1–H4implytheestimateson thederivatives of the boundary curves of E and S which we described earlier. They also i i imply that any intersection f E E is full width in E . Further, E = i i j j ij T 4 E f−1E is a full height subrectangle of E and S = f f E is a full i i j i ij j i ij wiTdthsubstripinQ. Givenafinitestringi ...i , wedefineinductively 0 n−1 E =E f−1E . i0...in−1 i0 i0 i1i2...in−1 \ Then,each setE is afullheightsubrectangleofE . i0...in−1 i0 Analogously,forastringi ...i wedefine −m −1 S = f (S E ) i−m...i−1 i−1 i−m...i−2 i−1 \ andgetthatS isafullwidthstripinQ. ItiseasytoseethatS = i−m...i−1 i−m...i−1 f ◦f ◦...◦f (E )andthat f−1(S )isafull-widthsubstrip i−1 i−2 i−m i−m...i−1 i0 i−m...i−1 ofE . i 0 Wealsodefine curvilinearrectangles R by i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 R =S E i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 i−m...i−1 i0...in−1 \ Ifthere are no negativeindices then respectiverectangleis full heightin Q. Forinfinitestrings,wehavethefollowingProposition. Proposition2.3 Any C1 map F satisfying the above geometric conditions G1–G3andhyperbolicityconditionsH1–H4hasa ”topologicalattractor” L = S i−k...i−1 [ \ ...i−n...i−1k≥1 The infinite intersections ¥ S defineC1 curves y(x), |dy/dx|≤a k=1 i−k...i−1 whicharetheunstablemaTnifoldsforthepointsoftheattractor. Theinfinite intersections ¥ E define C1 curves x(y), |dx/dy| ≤ a which are k=1 i0...ik−1 thestablemanTifoldsforthepointsoftheattractor. Theinfiniteintersections ¥ ¥ R i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 \ \ m=1n=1 definepointsoftheattractor. 5 Proposition 2.3 is a well known fact in hyperbolic theory. For example it follows from Theorem 1 in [4]. See also [10]. The union of the stable manifolds has full measure in Q. The trajectories of all points in this set convergeto L . Thatis thereason to call L atopologicalattractor. 5. An F−invariant Borel probablility measure m on Q is called a Sinai− Ruelle−Bowen measure (or SRB-measure) for F if m is ergodic and there is a set A ⊂ Q of positive Lebesgue measure such that for x ∈ A and any continuousreal-valuedfunctionf :Q→R, wehave lim 1n(cid:229)−1f (Fkx)= f dm . (5) n→¥ n Z k=0 Existence of an SRB measure is a much stronger result, than 2.3. It allows to describe statistical properties of trajectories in a set of positive phase volume. It requires someadditionalassumptions. 3 Distortion conditions As we have a countable number of domains the derivatives of f grow. We for- i mulate certain assumptions on the second derivatives. We use the distance func- tion d((x,y),(x ,y ))=max(|x−x |,|y−y |) associated with the norm |v|= 1 1 1 1 max(|v |,|v |) onvectorsv=(v ,v ). 1 2 1 2 As above, for a point z ∈ Q, let l denote the horizontal line through z, and z if E ⊆Q, let d (E) denote the diameter of the horizontal section l E. We call z z d (E) thez−widthofE. T z In given coordinate systems we write f (x,y) = (f (x,y), f (x,y)). We use i i1 i2 f , f , f , f , etc. forpartial derivativesof f , j=1,2. ijx ijy ijxx ijxy ij Wedefine |D2f (z)|= max | f (z)|. i ijkl j=1,2,(k,l)=(x,x),(x,y),(y,y) Nextweformulatedistortionconditionswhichareusedtocontrolthefluctua- tion of the derivatives of iterates of F along unstable manifolds, and to construct Sinai localmeasures. SupposethereisaconstantC >0suchthatthefollowingdistortionconditions 0 hold 6 |D2f (z)| D1. sup i d (E )<C . z∈Ei,i≥1 | fi1x(z)| z i 0 Ourconditionsimplythefollowingtheoremprovedin[8], [9]. Theorem 3.1 Let F be a piecewise smooth mappingas above satisfyingthe geo- metricconditions G1–G3, the hyperbolicityconditionsH1–H4 and the distortion conditionD1. Then,F hasanSRBmeasurem supportedonL whosebasinhasfullLebesgue measureinQ. Dynamicalsystem(F,m ) satisfiesthefollowingproperties. 1. (F,m )is measure-theoreticallyisomorphictoa Bernoullishift. 2. F hasfiniteentropywith respecttothemeasure m , andtheentropyformula holds hm (F)= log|DuF|dm (6) Z whereDuF(z)isthenormofthederivativeofF intheunstabledirectionat z. 3. 1 hm (F)= lim log|DFn(z)| (7) n→¥ n where thelatter limitexists for Lebesguealmost allz and is independentof suchz. 4 Additional hyperbolicityand distortion conditions and statement of the main theorem When applying thermodynamic formalism to hyperbolic attractors one considers the function f (z) = −log(DuF(z)). Thermodynamic formalism is based on the fact that the pullback of f (z) into a symbolic space determined by some Markov partitionis alocallyHo¨lderfunction. WeproveHo¨lderpropertyoff (z)assuminganextrahyperbolicitycondition,and adistortionconditionD2 strongerthan D1. Hyperbolicity conditionH5. 7 H5. 1 +a 2 <1. K2 0 DistortionconditionD2. |D2f (z)| D2. sup i <C . z∈Ei,i≥1 | fi1x(z)| 0 Remark4.1 Condition D2 is too strong to be useful for quadratic-like systems. In dimension 1 it reads as | Fixx | < c instead of | Fixx | < c. However instead of Fix Fi2x D2 one can assume additional hyperbolicity conditions, which can be vaguely formulated as ”contraction of f grows faster than expansion” . That approach i willbediscussedina forthcomingpaper. AssumingadditionallyH5 and D2 we provethat Ho¨lderfunctionshaveexponen- tialdecay ofcorrelations. Let Hg be the space of functions on Q satisfying Ho¨lder property with exponent g |f (x)−f (y)|≤c|x−y|g Thenthefollowingtheoremholds. Theorem 4.2 Let F be a piecewise smooth mappingas above satisfyingthe geo- metricconditions G1–G3, the hyperbolicityconditionsH1–H5 and the distortion condition D2. Then (F,m ) has exponential decay of correlations for f ,y ∈Hg . Namelythereexist h (g )<1 andC=C(f ,y )suchthat | f (y ◦Fn)dm − f dm y dm |<Ch n (8) R R R 5 Ho¨lder properties of log(DuF(z)) 1. AlthoughMarkovpartitionsarepartitionsoftheattractor,weneedtocheck Ho¨lderpropertyonactualtwo-dimensionalcurvilinearrectanglesR . i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 Wecall respectivepartitionMarkovas well. InourmodelMarkovpartition consistsofinitialfull heightrectanglesE . i We consider rectangles R with m≥0,n≥1. We use notation i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 8 m=0 if there are no negativecoordinates, which means R = i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 R is a full height rectangle. The assumption n≥1, means that vari- i0,...,in−1 ations are measured between points which belong to the same full height rectangle. BydefinitionthefunctionlogDuF islocallyHo¨lderifform≥0,n≥1the variationoflogDuF on R satisfies i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 var(logDuF)|R <Cq min(m,n) (9) i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 0 forsomeC>0, q <1. 0 Proposition5.1 logDuF isa locallyHo¨lderfunction. We proveProposition 5.1 with some q andC determined by hyperbolicity 0 anddistortionconditions. (a) The sets R are bounded from above and below by some i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 arcsoftwounstablecurvesG u ,whichareimagesofsomepieces i−m...i−1 of the top and bottom of Q˜, and from left and right by some arcs of twostablecurvesG s ,whicharepreimagesofsomepiecestheleft i0...in−1 and rightboundariesofQ˜ . LetZ ,Z ∈R betwopointsontheattractor. Weconnect 1 2 i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 Z ,Z by two pieces of their unstable manifolds to two points Z ,Z 1 2 3 4 which belongtothesamestablemanifold. Let g =g (Z ,Z )⊂Wu(Z ), g =g (Z ,Z )⊂Wu(Z ), g =g (Z ,Z )⊂ 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 3 4 Ws(Z ) berespectivecurvesall locatedinsideR . 3 i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 Weestimate |logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )|≤|logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )|+ 1 2 1 3 |logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )|+|logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )| 3 4 4 2 (b) First we estimate |logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )|. We connect Z and 1 3 1 Z by a chain of small rectangles R ⊂ R covering g . 3 i−m...i−1,i0...in−1 1 Then |logDuF(Z )−logDuF(Z )| is majorated by the sum of sim- 1 3 ilardifferences forpointsz ,z ∈Wu(Z )⊂R. 1 2 1 BecauseofconeconditionswecanchooserectanglesR=D x×D ysat- isfying|D y|<a |D x|. Let R beoneofsuch rectangles. Hyperbolicityconditionsimplythefollowingproperties,see[9]. 9 i. Any unit vector in Kau at a point z ∈ E , in particular a tangent i vectortoWu(z),has coordinates(1,a ) with|a |<a . z z ii. |DuF(z)|=|F (z)+a F (z)| (10) 1x z 1y iii. |F | 1y <a (11) |F | 1x iv. |F | 2x <a (12) |F | 1x v. |F | 1 2y < +a 2 (13) |F | K2 1x 0 Assuming without loss of generality F >0 for all x∈E we get that 1x i variationoflog|DuF |betweentwopointsz ,z ∈Wu(Z )⊂Requals 1 2 1 F F 1y 1y log F (z ) 1+a (z ) −log F (z ) 1+a (z ) (14) 1x 1 z1F 1 1x 2 z2F 2 (cid:2) (cid:0) 1x (cid:1)(cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:0) 1x (cid:1)(cid:3) Wesplititintotwo expressionsand estimateseparately logF (z )−logF (z ) (15) 1x 1 1x 2 and F F 1y 1y log 1+a (z ) −log 1+a (z ) (16) z 1 z 2 1F 2F (cid:0) 1x (cid:1) (cid:0) 1x (cid:1) Werewrite16 as F F a 1y(z )−a 1y(z ) log 1+ z1F1x 1 z2F1x 2 (17) F (cid:0) 1+az2F11yx(z2) (cid:1) Asdenominatorofthefractionin17isuniformlyboundedawayfrom 0,westimatethenumeratorandrewriteitasasumoftwoexpressions |F (z )F (z )−F (z )F (z )| 1y 1 1x 2 1y 2 1x 1 |a | (18) z 1 F (z )F (z ) 1x 1 1x 2 and |a −a || F1y(z2) | (19) z1 z2 F1x(z2) 10

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