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Thermochimica Acta 1995: Vol 251 Index PDF

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thermochimica acta Thermochimica Acta 251 (1995) 393 Author index Aki, H. 379 Hansen, L.D. 335 Rackimova, G.G. 357 Alyabyev, A.Ju. 351, 357 Harak, M. 247 Ragone, R. 371 Andreyeva, I.N. 63 Hiiesaar, K. 247 Ringert, R.H. 145 Anekonda, T.S. 335 Hohne, G.W.H. 307 Ryazantseva, I.N. 63 Aust, L. 271 Honle, S. 307 Schaarschmidt, B. 261 Bach, F. 161, 227 Schafer, F. 85 Johansson, P. 323 Backman, P. 323 Schendel, W. 145 Bader, A.E. 307 Schill, N. 71 Kallerhoff, M. 145 Battley, E.H. 207 Schmolz, E. 241, 293 Kamenir, Y. 53 Bauer, M. 16] Schoovaerts, R. 21 Karnebogen, M. 145 Bliithner-Hassler, C. 145 Schricker, B. 293 Kemp, R.B. 389 Breidenbach, R.W. 323, 335 Schroter, W. 219 Kettrup, A. 29 Bretschneider, H.J. 161 Schulz, O. 241 Klementyeva, G.S. 63, 351 Schunck, O. 227 Busch, C. 85 Koop, J.H.E. 45 Singer, D. 145, 161, 219, 227 Kuhn, H.-J. 227 Speer, C. 219 Colonna, G. 371 Kuusik, A. 247 Criddle, R.S. 335 Stege, D. 219 Stiuso, P. 371 Lamprecht, I. 199, 261, 293 Dauncey, M.J. 319 Szaniawska, A. 11 Larsen, R. 161 Dobrzycka, A. 11 Duboc, P. 119, 131 Larsson, C. 99 Tancho, A. 21 Dziejowski, J.E. 37 Ljunggren, L. 173, 177 Tartes, U. 247 Lopukhin, A. 53 Thumm, W. 29 Loseva, N.L. 351, 357 Thysell, H. 173 Estrina, R.I. 357 Tribunskich, V.I. 351 Marison, I.W. 79, 99 Fagher, B. 183 Matuschka, F.-R. 261 Valdemarsson, S. 191 Fidhiany, L. 283, 303 Meier-Schneiders, M. 85 van Kleeff, B.H.A. 111 Fiebich, K. 29 Menoud, L. 79 Vlassak, K. 21 Frenz, U. 271 Merckx, R. 21 von Oertzen, J.-A. | Fritzsche, D. 1 Metspalu, L. 247 von Stockar, U. 71, 79, 99, Furst, P. 155 Minet, O. 199 119, 131 Monti, M. 173, 177, 183, 191 Gebreselassie, D. 177 Wadso, I. 323 Moratzky, T. 209 Giering, K. 199 Wegener, G. 209 Goto, M. 379 Winckler, K. 255, 283, 303 Grieshaber, M.K. 45 Nittinger, J. 155 Grosshans, U. 85 Noack, R. 271 Yamamoto, M. 379 Grubb, A. 173 Gustafsson, L. 69, 99 Ogorodnikova, T.I. 63 Zange, J. 45 Zoller, G. 145 Handke, A. 199 Petrov, V.Ye. 63, 351 Zotin, A.I. 363 thermochimica ay) ‘GO ies Bs) acta ELSEVIER Thermochimica Acta 251 (1995) 395-402 Subject index Adrenergic receptor measurements of energy metabolism in intact Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in hornet (Vespa crabro) and honeybee (Apis hyperthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte mellifera) colonies 293 metabolic activity and the relation between Aquatic animal aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in A portable unit for direct calorimetry of lymphocytes 191 small aquatic animals 255 Thermogenic effect of two f-adrenoceptor A portable, battery-powered unit for oxime- blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, try on small aquatic animals 303 on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- Aquatic ecology ric study 183 Size spectra of heat production of mi- Aerobic croplankton of Sevastopol Bay 53 Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on the ATP calorimetric monitoring of fermentations 85 Metabolic uncoupling in Saccharomyces Albumin cerevisiae 99 Thermodynamic aspects of the molecular Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- recognition of drugs by human serum albu- crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat min 379 liver tissue 161 Alga Thermogenic effect of two f-adrenoceptor A differential photomicrocalorimetric blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, method for investigating the rate of energy on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- storage in plants 351 ric study 183 Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells under different salt conditions 357 Allometry Bacteria Size effects on metabolic rate in cell, tissue, Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- and body calorimetry 227 ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 Anaerobic Baseline evaluation Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on the On-line detection of baseline variations calorimetric monitoring of fermentations 85 through torque measurements in isothermal Animal wastewater reaction calorimeters 79 Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- Benign tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Influence of malignancy and _ cyctostatic ters in soil 37 treatment on microcalorimetric behaviour of Anoxia urological tissue samples and cell cultures Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish 145 water polychaete | Bioenergetics Hypoxia and anoxia in insects: microcalori- A method for continuous direct calorimetric metric studies on two species (Locusta migra- measurements of energy metabolism in intact toria and Manduca sexta) showing different hornet (Vespa crabro) and honeybee (Apis degrees of anoxia tolerance 209 mellifera) colonies 293 Apis Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish A method for continuous direct calorimetric water polychaete | 396 Subject Index Comparative investigations on the effect of on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- environmental salt stress on energy meta- brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 bolism of amphipods estimated by *'P NMR Candida spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 On-line heat flow measurement in laboratory Biomass fermenters 111 Metabolic uncoupling in Saccharomyces Carbon dioxide cerevisiae 99 Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on the Site-fitness and growth-rate selection of Eu- calorimetric monitoring of fermentations 85 calyptus for biomass production 335 Carvedilol Blood Thermogenic effect of two f-adrenoceptor Microcalorimetric determination of blood blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, heat output in human neonates 219 on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- ric study 183 Cell culture Calorimetry Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse fibro- A method for continuous direct calorimetric blasts. The influence of oxygen availability measurements of energy metabolism in intact on growth, heat production and intermediary hornet (Vespa crabro) and honeybee (Apis metabolism 155 mellifera) colonies 293 Chlorella A portable unit for direct calorimetry of A differential photomicrocalorimetric small aquatic animals 255 method for investigating the rate of energy Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in hy- storage in plants 351 perthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells metabolic activity and the relation between under different salt conditions 357 aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum lymphocytes 191 Specific oxygen consumption in two life Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas- water polychaete | ciatum 283 Calculating locomotor activity and energy Cichlid utilisation factors from indirect calorimetric Specific oxygen consumption in two life measurements 271 stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas- Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- ciatum 283 tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Corophium ters in soil 37 Energy strategy of Corophium volutator (Pal- Calorimetric investigations on thermoregula- las, 1766) (Amphipoda) population from the tion and growth of wax moth larvae Galleria Gulf of Gdansk 11 mellonella 241 Crabtree effect Degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse fibro- sp. strain KR3 investigated by flow calorime- blasts. The influence of oxygen availability try 29 on growth, heat production and intermediary Direct and indirect calorimetric investiga- metabolism 155 tions on some snakes 261 Cytostatic treatment Energetic study of human lymphocytes and Influence of malignancy and _ cyctostatic the metabolic response to antigenic stimula- treatment on microcalorimetric behaviour of tion 177 urological tissue samples and cell cultures Measurement of oxygen consumption and 145 heat production in plasma from uremic pa- tients on chronic dialysis treatment 173 Development Site-fitness and growth-rate selection of Eu- Specific oxygen consumption in two life calyptus for biomass production 335 stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas- Size effects on metabolic rate in cell, tissue, ciatum 283 and body calorimetry 227 Direct calorimeter Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) A portable unit for direct calorimetry of and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts small aquatic animals 255 Subject Index 397 Direct and indirect calorimetric investiga- Entropy tions on some snakes 261 Thermodynamic aspects of the molecular Drug recognition of drugs by human serum albu- Thermodynamic aspects of the molecular min 379 recognition of drugs by human serum albu- Eucalyptus min 379 Site-fitness and growth-rate selection of Eu- DSC calyptus for biomass production 335 Determination of the specific heat capacity of healthy and tumorous human tissue 199 Fermentation Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on the calorimetric monitoring of fermentations 85 Ecdysis Finite element method Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts thermopile for heat measurements 307 on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- Fish brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 A portable unit for direct calorimetry of Ecological stress small aquatic animals 255 Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells A portable, battery-powered unit for oxime- under different salt conditions 357 try on small aquatic animals 303 EMF Specific oxygen consumption in two life Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas- thermopile for heat measurements 307 ciatum 283 Energetic balance Flow calorimetry Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells Degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas under different salt conditions 357 sp. strain KR3 investigated by flow calorime- Energetic coefficient try 29 Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Galleria mellonella ters in soil 37 Calorimetric investigations on thermoregula- Energy balance tion and growth of wax moth larvae Galleria Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces mellonella 241 cerevisiae during transitions. Part 2. Energy Gammarus balance and thermodynamic efficiency 131 Comparative investigations on the effect of Energy expenditure environmental salt stress on energy meta- Calculating locomotor activity and energy bolism of amphipods estimated by *7'P NMR utilisation factors from indirect calorimetric spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 measurements 271 Gas perfusion microcalorimeter Energy storage A gas perfusion microcalorimeter for studies A differential photomicrocalorimetric of plant tissue 323 method for investigating the rate of energy Glucose pulse storage in plants 35] On-line heat flow measurement in laboratory Energy strategy fermenters 111 Energy strategy of Corophium volutator (Pal- Glycolysis las, 1766) (Amphipoda) population from the Metabolic uncoupling in Saccharomyces Gulf of Gdansk 11 cerevisiae 99 Enthalpy Gulf of Gdansk Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces Energy strategy of Corophium volutator (Pal- cerevisiae during transitions. Part 2. Energy las, 1766) (Amphipoda) population from the balance and thermodynamic efficiency 131 Gulf of Gdansk 11 Enthalpy convergence temperatures: proteins and model compounds 371 Thermodynamic aspects of the molecular Heat of growth recognition of drugs by human serum albu- On-line heat flow measurement in laboratory min 379 fermenters 111 398 Subject Index Heat production Ischemia Size spectra of heat production of micro- Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- plankton of Sevastopol Bay 53 crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat Heavy metal liver tissue 161 Relation between substrate-induced respira- Isothermal reaction calorimeter tion and heat loss from soil samples treated On-line detection of baseline variations with various contaminants 21 through torque measurements in isothermal Hediste reaction calorimeters 79 Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish water polychaete | Larval development Homeorhesis Calorimetric investigations on thermoregula- Stability and reliability of ontogenesis 363 tion and growth of wax moth larvae Galleria Human serum albumin mellonella 241 Thermodynamic aspects of the molecular L-cell Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse fibro- recognition of drugs by human serum albu- blasts. The influence of oxygen availability min 379 on growth, heat production and intermediary Hydration metabolism 155 Enthalpy convergence temperatures: proteins and model compounds 371 Ledum Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) Hyperthyroidism and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- hyperthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 metabolic activity and the relation between Lipid aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Energy strategy of Corophium volutator (Pal- lymphocytes 191 las, 1766) (Amphipoda) population from the Hypoxia Gulf of Gdansk 11 Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish Liver water polychaete | Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- Hypoxia and anoxia in insects: microcalori- crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat metric studies on two species (Locusta migra- liver tissue 161 toria and Manduca sexta) showing different Locomotion degrees of anoxia tolerance 209 Calculating locomotor activity and energy utilisation factors from indirect calorimetric measurements 271 Locusta Illumination Hypoxia and anoxia in insects: microcalori- Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- metric studies on two species (Locusta migra- ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 toria and Manduca sexta) showing different Indirect calorimetry degrees of anoxia tolerance 209 A portable, battery-powered unit for oxime- Lymphocyte try on small aquatic animals 303 Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in Calculating locomotor activity and energy hyperthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte utilisation factors from indirect calorimetric metabolic activity and the relation between measurements 271 aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Direct and indirect calorimetric investiga- lymphocytes 191 tions on some snakes 261 Energetic study of human lymphocytes and Size effects on metabolic rate in cell, tissue, the metabolic response to antigenic stimula- and body calorimetry 227 tion 177 Specific oxygen consumption in two life stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas - Malignant ciatum 283 Influence of malignancy and _ cyctostatic Instrument treatment on microcalorimetric behaviour of Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited urological tissue samples and cell cultures thermopile for heat measurements 307 145 Subject Index 399 Manduca Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells Hypoxia and anoxia in insects: microcalori- under different salt conditions 357 metric studies on two species (Locusta migra- Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse toria and Manduca sexta) showing different fibroblasts. The influence of oxygen availabil- degrees of anoxia tolerance 209 ity on growth, heat production and interme- Marenzelleria diary metabolism 155 Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish Comparative investigations on the effect of water polychaete | environmental salt stress on _ energy Mass balance metabolism of amphipods estimated by *!P Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces NMR spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 cerevisiae during transitions. Part 1. Mass Hypoxia and anoxia in insects: microcalori- balances 119 metric studies on two species (Locusta migra- Metabolic rate toria and Manduca sexta) showing different Direct and indirect calorimetric investiga- degrees of anoxia tolerance 209 tions on some snakes 261 Influence of malignancy and cyctostatic treat- Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- ment on microcalorimetric behaviour of uro- crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat logical tissue samples and cell cultures 145 liver tissue 161 Microcalorimetric determination of blood Size effects on metabolic rate in cell, tissue, heat output in human neonates 219 and body calorimetry 227 Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- Metabolism crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in liver tissue 161 hyperthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte Microplankton metabolic activity and the relation between Size spectra of heat production of micro- aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in plankton of Sevastopol Bay 53 lymphocytes 191 Model Calorimetric investigations on thermoregula- Enthalpy convergence temperatures: proteins tion and growth of wax moth larvae Galleria and model compounds 371 mellonella 241 Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited Comparative investigations on the effect of thermopile for heat measurements 307 environmental salt stress on _ energy Site-fitness and growth-rate selection of Eu- metabolism of amphipods estimated by *'P calyptus for biomass production 335 NMR spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 Muscle Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited cerevisiae during transitions. Part 1. Mass thermopile for heat measurements 307 balances 119 Energetic study of human lymphocytes and Naphthalene the metabolic response to antigenic stimula- Degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas tion 177 sp. strain KR3 investigated by flow calorime- Site-fitness and growth-rate selection of Eu- try 29 calyptus for biomass production 335 Neonate Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) Microcalorimetric determination of blood and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts heat output in human neonates 219 on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- Nereis brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish Methanobacterium water polychaete | Thermodynamic analysis of Methanobac- NMR terium thermoautotrophicum 71 Comparative investigations on the effect of Microbial calorimetry environmental salt stress on energy meta- On-line heat flow measurement in laboratory bolism of amphipods estimated by *'P NMR fermenters 111 spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 Microcalorimetry A gas perfusion microcalorimeter for studies Ontogenesis of plant tissue 323 Stability and reliability of ontogenesis 363 400 Subject Index Oximetry Postprandial thermogenesis A portable, battery-powered unit for oxime- Calculating locomotor activity and energy try on small aquatic animals 303 utilisation factors from indirect calorimetric Specific oxygen consumption in two life measurements 271 stages of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofas- Potato ciatum 283 A gas perfusion microcalorimeter for studies Oxygen availability of plant tissue 323 Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse fibro- Propranolol blasts. The influence of oxygen availability Thermogenic effect of two f-adrenoceptor on growth, heat production and intermediary blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, metabolism 155 on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- Oxygen consumption ric study 183 Measurement of oxygen consumption and Protein heat production in plasma from uremic pa- Enthalpy convergence temperatures: proteins tients on chronic dialysis treatment 173 and model compounds 371 Pseudomonas Degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas PAH sp. strain KR3 investigated by flow calorime- Degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas try 29 sp. strain KR3 investigated by flow calorime- Puck Bay try 29 Energy strategy of Corophium volutator (Pal- Pesticide las, 1766) (Amphipoda) population from the Relation between substrate-induced respira- Gulf of Gdansk 11 tion and heat loss from soil samples treated Pupa with various contaminants 21 Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) pH and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on the on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- calorimetric monitoring of fermentations 85 brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 Photomicrocalorimetry A differential photomicrocalorimetric method for investigating the rate of energy Reliability storage in plants 351 Stability and reliability of ontogenesis 363 Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- Reperfusion ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 Prediction of recovery after ischemia. A mi- Phototransformation crocalorimetric and biochemical study of rat Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- liver tissue 161 ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 Respiration Phytohaemagglutinin Relation between substrate-induced respira- Energetic study of human lymphocytes and tion and heat loss from soil samples treated the metabolic response to antigenic stimula- with various contaminants 21 tion 177 Respirometry Pigment Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- water polychaete | ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- Plasma tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Measurement of oxygen consumption and ters in soil 37 heat production in plasma from uremic pa- tients on chronic dialysis treatment 173 Polychaete Bioenergetics of a highly adaptable brackish Saccharomyces water polychaete | Metabolic uncoupling in Saccharomyces Portable equipment cerevisiae 99 A portable, battery-powered unit for oxime- On-line heat flow measurement in laboratory try on small aquatic animals 303 fermenters 111 Subject Index 401 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thermodynamic efficiency Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during transitions. Part 1. Mass cerevisiae during transitions. Part 2. Energy balances 119 balance and thermodynamic efficiency 131 Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces Thermodynamics cerevisiae during transitions. Part 2. Energy Stability and reliability of ontogenesis 363 balance and thermodynamic efficiency 131 Thermodynamic analysis of Methanobac- Saccharopolyspora terium thermoautotrophicum 71 On-line detection of baseline variations Thermogenesis through torque measurements in isothermal Cellular thermogenesis in L-929 mouse fibro- reaction calorimeters 79 blasts. The influence of oxygen availability Salt on growth, heat production and intermediary Aspects of the energetic balance of plant cells metabolism 155 under different salt conditions 357 Thermogenic effect of two /-adrenoceptor Salt pollution blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, Comparative investigations on the effect of on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- environmental salt stress on energy meta- ric study 183 bolism of amphipods estimated by *'P NMR Thermopile spectroscopy and microcalorimetry 45 Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited Serratia thermopile for heat measurements 307 Pigment-dependent light influence on the en- Thermoregulation ergetics of Serratia marcescens 63 Calorimetric investigations on thermoregula- Size effect tion and growth of wax moth larvae Galleria Size effects on metabolic rate in cell, tissue, mellonella 241 and body calorimetry 227 Thyroid hormone Size spectra Beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy in Size spectra of heat production of micro- hyperthyroidism: effects on lymphocyte plankton of Sevastopol Bay 53 metabolic activity and the relation between Skeletal muscle aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Thermogenic effect of two f-adrenoceptor lymphocytes 191 blocking drugs, propranolol and carvedilol, Transition on skeletal muscle in rats. A microcalorimet- Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces ric study 183 cerevisiae during transitions. Part 1. Mass Snake balances 119 Direct and indirect calorimetric investiga- Energetic investigation of Saccharomyces tions on some snakes 261 cerevisiae during transitions. Part 2. Energy Soil balance and thermodynamic efficiency 131 Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- Tumour tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Determination of the specific heat capacity of ters in soil 37 healthy and tumorous human tissue 199 Relation between substrate-induced respira- Influence of malignancy and _ cyctostatic tion and heat loss from soil samples treated with various contaminants 21 treatment on microcalorimetric behaviour of Specific heat capacity urological tissue samples and cell cultures 145 Determination oft he specific heat capacity of healthy and tumorous human tissue 199 Stability Stability and reliability of ontogenesis 363 Uncoupling Metabolic uncoupling in Saccharomyces Tenebrio cerevisiae 99 Studies on insect growth regulating (IGR) Uremia and toxic effects of Ledum palustre extracts Measurement of oxygen consumption and on Tenebrio molitor pupae (Coleoptera, Tene- heat production in plasma from uremic pa- brionidae) using calorimetric recordings 247 tients on chronic dialysis treatment 173 402 Subject Index Urogenital tract hornet (Vespa crabro) and honeybee (Apis Influence of malignancy and _ cyctostatic mellifera) colonies 293 treatment on microcalorimetric behaviour of urological tissue samples and cell cultures Wastewater 145 Calorimetric and respirometric characteris- tics of the decomposition of animal wastewa- Vacuum deposition ters in soil 37 Physical properties of a vacuum-deposited thermopile for heat measurements 307 Zymomonas Vespa Impact of carbon dioxide evolution on A method for continuous direct calorimetric the calorimetric monitoring of fermentations measurements of energy metabolism in intact 85

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