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Preview Thermally Induced Nonlinear Optical Absorption in Metamaterial Perfect Absorbers

Thermally Induced Nonlinear Optical Absorption in Metamaterial Perfect Absorbers Sriram Guddala,1 Raghwendra Kumar,1 and S. Anantha Ramakrishna1 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 208016, India. (Dated: 5 January 2015) Ametamaterialperfectabsorberconsistingofatri-layer(Al/ZnS/Al)metal-dielectric-metalsystemwithtop aluminiumnano-disksisfabricatedbylaser-interferencelithographyandlift-offprocessing. Themetamaterial absorber had peak resonant absorbance at 1090 nm and showed nonlinear absorption for 600ps laser pulses at 1064 nm wavelength. A nonlinear saturation of reflectance was measured to be dependent on the average 5 laser power incident and not the peak laser intensity. The nonlinear behaviour is shown to arise from the 1 heating due to the absorbed radiation and photo-thermal changes in the dielectric properties of aluminium. 0 The metamaterial absorber is seen to be damage resistant at large laser intensities of 25 MW/cm2. 2 n PACS numbers: Valid PACS appear here a J 2 Metamaterials (MTMs), with sub-wavelength unit cells of metal-dielectric composite structures called ] “meta-atoms”, show unique electro-magnetic resonances s c excited by the incident radiation. The resonant interac- i tioncausestheMTMtohavehighlydispersive“effective” t p medium properties. The dispersive material parameters o and perfect impedance (Z=pµ(ω)/ε(ω)) matching can . s give rise to unusual optical phenomena such as negative c refractiveindex,sub-wavelengthimagingandperfectab- i s sorption, etc., which are not found in the natural ma- y terials.1 Metamaterial perfect optical absorbers (MPA)2 h with narrow and broad band resonances over various p bandsinthe electromagneticspectrumhaveshowngreat [ potential for a wide range of applications such as sen- 1 sors,3 imaging devices,4 and solar cells,5 etc. v Though the linear optical properties of MTMs have 1 5 been widely studied for applications, the nonlinear op- 3 tical properties have attracted attention only more re- FIG. 1. (a) Schematic unit cell of the tri-layer (Al/ZnS/Al) 0 cently.6 The large local field enhancements within the MPA with structural parameters. (b) SEM top view of hole 0 MTM structures due to resonant interactions can give pattern photoresist on ZnS/Al films with period p= 880±5 . nm and hole diameter of 560±5 nm. (c) AFM image of the 1 rise to enhanced nonlinear response. Especially, there top pattern Aldisksafter lift-off; (d)AFM image line profile 0 hasbeengreatinterestinparametricamplification,7 har- showstheAldiskdiameter560±5nmandthickness30±3nm. 5 monic generation,8,9 andopticalswitching10 in splitring 1 resonators, fishnet structures and more complex chiral : v MTMs.6 Incorporating nonlinear Kerr dielectric media sorbancewith increasingaveragelaserpower incidenton Xi for switchable MTMs have also been investigated.11,12 the structure, indicating a purely thermal origin for the The intense absorption of radiation in MPAs mediated nonlinearities. These studies can have significant impor- r a by electromagneticorplasmonicresonancescangiverise tance in the application of highly absorbing sensitizing to strong photo-thermal effects. So, these effects need layers for integrated photonic devices, thermal sensing, to be well understood to optimize the devices based on photo-detecting and optical imaging. We further show MTM or plasmonic structures. thatMPAscanbebuiltrobustlytowithstandlargelaser In this letter, we report on thermally driven nonlin- pulse interactions of several tens of MW/cm2 without ear absorption of MPAs, where the resistive heating in any sign of damage. the structure modifies the spectralresponseofthe MPA. The design of the MPAs is based on resonant struc- Wepresentresultsonnonlinearreflectance/absorbanceof turesthatcanbesimultaneouslydrivenbyboththeelec- 600pspulses at 1064nmfroma resonantMPAconsisting tric and magnetic fields of radiation. This can result in ofatri-layerstructureofaluminium(Al)disksonZnS/Al resonant absorption of radiation at perfect or optimized thin films. The constituent materials(Al, in our case)of impedance matching of the effective medium with free the composite MTM change their material parameters space. One simple design of a MPA13,14(Fig. 1(a)) con- with increasein temperature, whichleads to a change in sists ofa conducting groundplane separatedby a dielec- the MTM properties. We find evidence of increasing ab- tric spacer layer from the top structured metallic motif. 2 12 2) 1.2 10 (a) J/cm20 (b) 180KK nce (c) 180KK % Reflection 468 1e2x cd=e1g064 nm (ed Fluence 1105 53KK orm. Reflecta 01..80 53KK ct N e 5 2 efl 0.6 R 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wavelength (nm) Input Fluence (mJ/cm2) Avg. power (mW) FIG. 2. (a) White light reflection spectrum of the MPA measured at 12o angle of incidence. (b) Reflected fluence verses the incident pulse fluence for each PRR (600ps, 1064 pulses). (c) Normalized reflectance plotted with respect to incident average laser power. Proper choice of the motifs and spacer layer thickness broadening of the resonances. The measured reflection canresultinsimultaneousresonancesfortheelectricand spectrum[A(ω)=1−R(ω)−T(ω)]oftheMPAisshown the magnetic excitations at a common frequency. Vari- in Fig. 2(a). ousfabricationtechniques,especially,expensiveandtime Thermal effects in MPA structure are studied at a consuminge-beamlithography15,16andfocusedionbeam small angle of incidence (200) with laser pulses of 600ps millingtechniques17,18 havebeeninwideusetofabricate pulsewidth and1064nmfroma Q-switchedpulsedlaser motifs of MPAs with sub-micron structural features op- (WedgeHF,BrightSolutions)withpulserepetitionrates erate at NIR and visible frequencies. We have used laser (PRR) between 3 to 10 kHz. Due to literally no trans- interference lithographyfollowed by lift-off processing to mission of the structure for 1064 nm, the experimental fabricatemetallicstructureswithsub-microndimensions measurements are performed in the reflection configu- (<300nm) over few mm2 areas. ration by focusing the incident laser beam with 10 cm The fabrication process of MPA involves three princi- focal length plano-convex lens and the reflected beam is pal steps: first, an Al film (100 nm) and a thin ZnS film collectedonto a photo-diode. The experimentalobserva- (65nm)aresequentiallydepositedbythermalvapourde- tions of the reflected pulse fluence as a function of the position on a clean glass substrate. Second, a thin posi- incident pulse fluence (monitored by a reference photo- tive photoresist (PR) (ma-P 1205, Micro-resist Technol- diode) is plotted in Fig. 2(b). A nonlinear saturation in ogy) film is spin coated at 3000 rpm. The PR layer was the reflected fluence is observed for various PRRs (3kHz subsequently exposed to a two-beam laser interference to 10kHz). The nonlinear saturation of the reflected flu- pattern19 followed by 90o rotation of the sample about ence depends on the PRR, with lesser saturation noted its surface normal to obtain a 2D square lattice of holes forsmallerPRRatthesamepulseenergy. Thenonlinear after exposure and development as shown in Fig.1(b). reflectance, normalized to the linear reflectance at small Finally, a negative replica of the PR pattern is obtained pulseenergies,isalsoplottedwithrespecttotheincident by physical vapour deposition of thin Al film followed averagepowerforeachPRRinFig. 2(c). Thisshowsthat by PR lift-off by immersing in acetone for few minutes. the reflectance begins reducing with increase in average An atomic force microscope (AFM, Park XE 70) image incident power for all the PRR. The rate of reduction is of the MTM in Fig. 1(c) shows the top Al disks (30 nm larger for large PRR. Thus, a nonlinear increase in the thickness)withaperiodof880±5nm. Uniformityofthe absorbance of the MPA that appears to be principally diskdiameters(560±5nm)andheights(30±3nm)canbe determined by the averagelaser power incident is noted. notedfromtheAFMimagelineprofileinFig. 1(d). Itin- Tounderstandtheabovenonlinearabsorbance,wefirst dicatesthatourfabricationtechniquehasgoodpotential needto analysethe linear absorbancemechanismsinthe for fabricating MPAs over large areas with uniformity. system. Numerical simulations of the MPA structure The reflection spectrum of the MPA, normalized to were performed for the fabricated structural parameters the reflection (≈ 100%) from a thick and smooth Al usingthecommercialfiniteelementpackage,COMSOLr film, was measured with collimated white light beam Multiphysics20. In the simulations, the temperature de- (1mm×3mm) at an angle of incidence of 12o with re- pendent dielectric permittivity values for Al films were spect to the surface normal. The bottom 100 nm thick considered from Hutnner et.al.21 The refractive index Alfilm,whichis muchmorethantheskindepth(∼5nm of ZnS22 is considered as n = 2.75 and non-dispersive at 1090 nm), literally makes the transmission zero. The within the bandwidth considered. A normally incident optimized impedance matching of the tri-layer system plane wave (θ = 00, Fig. 1(a)) on the MPA was consid- shows a large drop in the reflected intensity at 1090 nm ered. Perfectelectric and magnetic conductor (PEC and within a broadband presumably due to inhomogeneous PMC) boundary conditions are applied along the X and 3 e c 480 an1.0 (a) (b) (c) ctance, Absorb000...468 RAT Transmittance Temp (K) 334469250000 180KK Reflectance00..24 TTT334050008 Refle0.2 330 53KK TTe44x67c07 0.0 300 0.0 540 720 900 1080 1260 1440 1620 1800 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1000 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 Wavelength (nm) Avg. Power (mW) Wavelength (nm) FIG.3. (a)SimulatedspectralresponseoftheMPA.(b)CalculatedtemperaturesfromEq.1forthesameincidentaveragepowers at different PRRs. c) Simulated spectral response of MPA at theelevated temperatures (Tlow). YdirectionsrespectivelyfortheincidentTEandTMpo- larizations. Thesimulatedreflectancespectrumobtained from the S-parameters of the finite element simulations, shows an absorbance band at 1090 nm along with an- other resonance band centred at 960 nm. This explains the absorption maximum (∼ 98%) noted in the samples at 1090 nm. The two theoretical separate resonances are not visible in the measurements, while an asymme- try canstillbe discernedindicating the presenceofmore than one resonance within the broad absorption band. The experimental observations indicate a large level of inhomogeneous broadening, presumably due to the fab- ricational inaccuracies and limitations. To understand the nature of the resonances,we calcu- late the electromagnetic fields excited in the MPA. The normalized electric field excited at the top Al metallic disk(Fig. 4(a))indicatestheexcitationofthethirdorder cavity-likemodesupportedbyanantennawithanoptical length of mλ/2 = nAl.(2r) for (m = 3).14 The magnetic FIG. 4. (a)Electric field distribution in the top Al disk and resonance at 1090 nm and its normalized magnetic field (b)magnetic field distribution in thespacer ZnS layer for the confinement(Fig. 4(b))inthemiddledielectricZnSlayer 3rd order magnetic resonance at 1090 nm. The displacement results from the anti-parallel currents excited in the top current density in the top and bottom Al layers are shown and bottom metallic layers (white arrows in Fig. 4(b)). by the white arrows. (c) Electric field distribution at the The simultaneous excitationofthe electric andthe mag- top MPA surface for propagating plasmon mode at 960 nm. netic resonances at 1090 nm results in the absorbance (d)Simulated heat dissipation in the top Al disk and ground band shown in Fig.2(a). Moreover, a propagating sur- Alfilms for the3rd order resonance at 1090 nm. face plasmon polariton mode supported by the periodic disk array and the ground plane at 960 nm is suggested by the field distribution simulations shown in Fig.3(a). ground plane corresponding to the 3rd order mode. The The broad band in the experimental reflection spectrum elevated temperatures can modify the optical constants (Fig.2(a)) arises from the overlap of these resonances at of the heated metallic components, thereby change the 1090nm and 960 nm due to inhomogeneous broadening. spectralresponseoftheMPA.Arigorousestimateofthe The first order dipole resonance of the MPA would be transientelevatedtemperaturesforgivenlaserintensities present at 4.5 µm (not shown here). The higher order and PRRs is required to obtain the material parameters th resonance corresponding to 5 order can be noticed at at the incident laser powers. 675 nm in the simulated spectrum. We note that the peak temperature (T ) in the high The large absorption of radiation results in resis- structure will depend on the pulse energy focused into tive/ohmic heating and elevated temperatures of the the MPA while the lowest temperature (T ), that the low MPA. The intense localized resistive heating in Al com- structure will relax to, will depend on the PRR. Each ponents ofthe structure is showninFig.4(d)by simulat- pulse will encounter the material parameters at T as low ing the total heat dissipation in the PA. Fig. 4(d) shows the laser pulse width is much smaller than the thermal thattherearelocalizedhotregionssymmetricallylocated relaxation rates and the inter-pulse period. For an in- on both the disk and regions close to the disk on the cident pulse energy Q, we have Q = C(T −T ), high low 4 therreversesaturableabsorptionorsaturableabsorption TABLEI.nandkofAlatλ=1064nmanddifferenttemper- dependingonwhetherthelaserisblueorred-shiftedwith atures.21 respect to the MTM resonance. Temp(K) n(±0.005) k(±0.005) Insummary,we havedemonstratedthermally induced 300 1.589 10.334 resonance mediated nonlinear optical absorbance in a 360 1.726 10.533 MPA.Theintenseandlocalizedabsorptionoflaserradia- 420 1.837 10.807 tionresultinresistiveheatingoftheMPA.Thethermally 450 1.893 10.923 modified dielectric permittivity of Al is responsible for a 480 1.960 11.055 dynamical tuning of the MPA resonance. Moreover, our fabricationtechniqueusinglaser-interferencelithography shows great potential for the manufacture of sub-micron where C is the heat capacity of the MTM in the focused sized MTM unit cells for operation at visible and NIR area given by C = mAlCAl +mZnSCZnS, where m and frequencies. Our pulsed laser measurementsof nonlinear C stand for the mass and specific heat of the material absorption in MPA also demonstrates the ruggedness of components. T , is given by T =T exp(−τ /τ ), the structures, which are able to withstand peak pulse low low high p r where τ =(ρ C )R2/k is the relaxation time24 and intensities exceeding 25MW/cm2 without any damage. r Al Al Al τ istheinter-pulseperiod. Hereρisthedensity,Cisthe ThisworkwassupportedbyDRDO,Indiaundergrant p specific heat, k is the thermal conductivity and R is the no. DECS/15/15124/D(R&D)/CARS−1. SG thanks radius of the beam (40µm) at the MTM. We take ρ = the IIT Kanpur for a fellowship. RK thanks the Council 2.50g/cm3,3.70g/cm3,C = 0.9J/gm−K,0.47J/gm−K for Scientific and Industrial Research, India, for a fel- andk =2.05W/cm−K,0.27W/cm−Kforaluminium21 lowship. Authors acknowledge Prof. Goutam Deo, IIT andZnS22 respectively. ThecontributionofZnSlayerto Kanpur for the NIR spectrometric measurements. heat flow is neglected due to the much smaller thermal 1S.A.RamakrishnaandT.M.Grzegorczyk,PhysicsandApplica- conductivity. 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