Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics manuscript no. (LATEX: cjaa.tex; printed on February 2, 2008; 1:54) Thermal Bremsstrahlung Radiation in a Two-Temperature Plasma 4 0 Bin LUO1,2⋆ and Shuang Nan Zhang1,2 0 2 1 Physics Department and Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University, Beijing n a 100084,China J 8 2 Institute ofHighEnergyPhysics,Chinese Academyofsciences,Beijing 100039,China 2 v 2 Received 2003 month day;accepted 2003 month day 8 1 2 1 Abstract Inthenormalone-temperatureplasmathemotionofionsisusu- 2 0 allyneglectedwhencalculatingtheBremsstrahlungradiationoftheplasma. / h Here we calculate the Bremsstrahlung radiation of a two-temperature p - plasma by taking into account of the motion of ions. Our results show that o r the totalradiationpowerisalwayslowerifthe motionofionsis considered. t s a We also apply the two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation mechanism : v for an analytical Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow (ADAF) model; we i X find the two-temperature correction to the total Bremsstrahlung radiation r a for ADAF is negligible. Key words: plasmas — radiation mechanisms: thermal 1 INTRODUCTION Inaplasma,electronsareconstantlyacceleratedduringtheircollisionswithions,leading to Bremsstrahlungradiation.Usually,whencalculating the radiationpowerofa plasma, the motion of ions is neglected, because the ion’s mass is much higher than the electron mass. However the motion of ions may not be neglected if the ion temperature is much higher than that of electrons, such as in the ADAF model, in which the temperature of ions ∼ 1011k may be much higher than that of electrons (108 ∼ 109k) (Narayan & Yi, 1995).Undersuchcondition,the velocitiesofionsarecomparabletoorevenhigherthan thatofelectrons.Thereforethemotionofionsmustbetakenintoaccountforcalculating the thermal Bremsstrahlung radiation of a two-temperature plasma. ⋆ E-mail: [email protected] 2 B. LUO & S. Nan ZHANG Our calculations show that the radiation power is reduced significantly if the ion temperature is much higher than the electron temperature. However when applying the two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation to the ADAF model, we find the total Bremsstrahlung radiation emissivity is not significantly different from the one- temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation, because most of the Bremsstrahlung radiation is produced at large radii where the ion’s temperature is not significantly different from the electron temperature. 2 THERMAL BREMSSTRAHLUNG RADIATION We begin by considering an individual scattering event between an electron and an ion in which an electronwith a velocity v and an impact parameterb is scatteredby an ion; we assume the electron’s motionis non-relativistic.Then the radiationpoweremitted at a specific frequency by this electron is given by (Padmanabhan, 2000,p. 295) 8Z2e6 W1(ω)= 3πc3m2v2b2. (1) e Integratingoverbwiththelimitb =Ze2/m v2 andb =v/ω (YOU,1998,p.282), min e max we get bmax 32πN Z2e6 m v3 P1(ν)=2πP1(ω)=4π2NzvZ W1(ω)bdb= 3c3mZ2v ln2πZee2ν, (2) bmin e whereN isthenumberdensityofions.Integratingitoverallelectronsandassumingthe Z electrons follow the non-relativistic Maxwellian velocity distribution, we get the specific emissivity, 128π2Z2e6 m ∞ m v2 m v3 j1(ν)= 3c3m2 NZNe(2πkeT)3/2Z exp(− 2keT )vln2πZee2νdv, (3) e 0 where N is the number density of electrons. e 3 TWO-TEMPERATURE BREMSSTRAHLUNG RADIATION Assuming that the temperature of ions andelectrons areT andT respectively,we still Z e begin by considering an individual scattering event. The radiation power of an electron in the rest-frame of an ion is similar to Eq. (1), 8Z2e6 W2(ω)= 3πc3m2v2b2, (4) e except that v is the relative velocity between the ion and the electron v =(v2+v2 −2v v cosθ)1/2. e Z e Z Integrating over b, we get ∞ bmax P2(ν)=2πP2(ω)=4π2Z dvZZ W2(ω)N(vZ)vbdb. (5) 0 bmin Thermal Bremsstrahlung Radiation in a Two-Temperature Plasma 3 Assuming that the ions and electrons all follow the non-relativistic Maxwellian velocity distribution, and integrating P2(ω) over all the electrons, we get the specific emissivity, 256π3Z2e6 m m ∞ m v2 j2(ν)= 3c3m2 NZNe(2πkeT )3/2(2πkZT )3/2Z exp(−2keTe)ve2dve e e Z 0 e ∞ m v2 π m v3 1 exp(− Z Z)v2dv ln e sinθdθ. (6) Z 2kT Z ZZ 2πZe2νv 0 Z 0 Becauseweareonlyconsideringthenon-relativisticregime,theradiationpowerobserved in the rest-frame of an ion is the same as that in the laboratory frame. 4 RESULTS We make numerical calculations of the two-temperature plasma radiation; all ions are assumed to be protons. The results are shown in Figs. 1–3. We can see that in all cases the two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation emissivity is lower than the one-temperature case, and the difference is greater for higher electron and/or ion temperatures. −31 −31.6 −31.2 T=100T −31.8 T=100T Z e Z e −31.4 νlog j()−31.6 TZ=1000Te νlog j() −32 TZ=1000Te −32.2 T=1833T −31.8 TZ=1833Te Z v=v e v=v Z e −32 otwneo−−tteemmppeerraattuurree jj12((νν)) Te=108K Z e −32.4 otwneo−−tteemmppeerraattuurree jj12((νν)) Te=109K −32.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 log ν(Hz) log ν(Hz) Fig.1 The specific emissivity of the Fig.2 The specific emissivity of the one-temperature and two-temperature one-temperature and two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation. T = 108k. Bremsstrahlung radiation. T = 109k. e e If T = 1833T , corresponding to the If T = 1833T , the radiation power Z e Z e sameaveragevelocitiesofions andelec- of the two-temperatureBremsstrahlung trons, the radiation power of the two- radiation is about 68% of the one- temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation. is about 75% of the one-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation. We then calculate the total luminosity following an analytical ADAF model (Mahadevan, 1997), assuming spherical accretion and with all the self-similar equations as showed in Mahadevan (1997). The electron temperature T is around 109k, and is e 4 B. LUO & S. Nan ZHANG assumed to be constant for r <103, where r is the dimensionless radius of the accretion disk, defined in R=rR =r2GM. The ion temperature given by Mahadevan (1997) Schw c2 is approximated to T =9.99×1011r−1 k (7) i The temperature profile is shown in Fig. 4. We simply assume an optically thin accretion disk model and integrate the specific emissivity over all radii to get the total luminosity. The ratio between the luminosity of two-temperature and one-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation L2/L1 is about 0.964 for Te =109k and 0.950 for Te =108k, respectively. The small difference between the two cases is due to the small difference between the ion temperature and the electron temperature in most of the accretion flow volume; only at small radii could T /T exceed 1000 where the two types of Z e Bremsstrahlung radiation become significantly different. We therefore conclude that in theADAFmodelthecorrectionduetothetwo-temperatureBremsstrahlungisnegligible. 1.1 1012 1 0.9 1011 0.8 j/j2100..67 Te=108K T (k)i1010 0.5 0.4 Te=109K 109 0.3 0.2 0.1100 101 T1/0T2 103 104 108 101 r 102 103 z e Fig.3 Theratiobetweenthetwotypes Fig.4 Theiontemperatureprofile.The ofradiationemissivity(j2/j1)asafunc- horizontal axis denotes the dimension- tion of the ratio between the ion tem- less radius r (R = rR = r2GM) Schw c2 perature to the electron temperature of the accretion disk, ranging from 3 to (TZ/Te).IfTZ/Te islessthan100,j2/j1 1000. is very close to unity. When T /T is Z e more than 1000, the difference between j2 and j1 becomes significant. 5 DISCUSSION Inaplasmawithahighelectrontemperature,thebremsstrahlungfromelectron-positron (e+e−), electron-electron (ee), positron-positron (e+e+) collisions may become impor- tant (Svensson, 1982). In our non-relativistic case, e+e− pair creation and annihilation can be neglected, then we only need to consider the ee bremsstrahlung, in addition to Thermal Bremsstrahlung Radiation in a Two-Temperature Plasma 5 the e-proton bremsstrahlung we have calculated above. For T <109k, we calculate the e cooling rates of electron-ionbremsstrahlung (q ) and ee bremsstrahlung(q ) according ei ee to Svensson (1982) and Narayan & Yi (1995), and get that q /q <0.3. Therefore the ee ei electron-ion bremsstrahlung dominates the radiation power and the ee bremsstrahlung can also be neglected in non-relativistic cases. In summary, our results show that the two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation power is significantly lower than the one-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation if the iontemperatureismorethan1000T .Althoughthe temperaturedifferenceintheADAF e model could exceed this critical value, the luminosity correctiondue to this effect is still negligible due to the rapid decrease of the ion temperature at large radii. However if in some more extreme astrophysical environment the ion temperature is significantly higher than the electron temperature, the two-temperature Bremsstrahlung radiation calculated in this work should be taken into account. Acknowledgements Wethanktheanonymousrefereesforvaluablesuggestionsandcomments whichhaveimprovedthemanuscriptsignificantly.ThisstudyissupportedinpartbytheSpecial FundsforMajorStateBasicResearchProjects(10233010) andbytheNationalNaturalScience Foundation of China. References Junhan YOU,1998, Radiation Mechanisms in Astrophysics, 2nd ed., Beijing: Science Press Mahadevan R.,1997, ApJ,447, 585 Narayan R., Yi, I., 1995, ApJ, 452, 710 Svensson R., 1982, ApJ, 258, 335 Padmanabhan T., 2000, Theoretical Astrophysics, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress This manuscript was prepared with theChJAA LATEX macro v1.0.