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Therapy To Go: Gourmet Fast Food Handouts for Working With Adult Clients PDF

267 Pages·2008·1.49 MB·English
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Therapy To Go bythesameauthor Therapy To Go GourmetFastFoodHandoutsforWorkingwithChild,AdolescentandFamilyClients ISBN9781843106432 of relatedinterest The Art of Helping Others BeingAround,BeingThere,BeingWise HeatherSmithandMarkSmith ISBN9781843106388 R U Listenin’? HelpingDefiantMentoRecognizetheirTruePotential TerryBianchini ISBN9781843106166 The Bullies UnderstandingBulliesandBullying DennisLines ISBN9781843105787 The Expressive Arts Activity Book AResourceforProfessionals SuzanneDarleyandWendeHeath IllustratedbyMarkDarley ForewordbyGeneD.CohenMDPhD. ISBN9781843108610 Art Therapy and Anger EditedbyMarianLiebmann ISBN9781843104254 Therapy To Go Gourmet Fast Food Handouts for Working with Adult Clients Clare Rosoman Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia Firstpublishedin2008 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Copyright©ClareRosoman2008 Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform(includingphotocopyingor storingitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetherornottransientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruseof this publication)withoutthewrittenpermissionof thecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththeprovisionsof the Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsof alicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgency Ltd,SaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TSUK.Applicationsforthecopyrightowner’swritten permissiontoreproduceanypartof thispublicationshouldbeaddressedtothepublisher. Warning:Thedoingof anunauthorisedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresultinbothacivilclaimfor damagesandcriminalprosecution. Allpagesmarked(cid:2)maybephotocopiedforpersonalusewiththisprogram,butmaynotbereproducedforany otherpurposeswithoutthepermissionof thepublisher. Libraryof CongressCataloginginPublicationData Rosoman,Clare. Therapytogo:gourmetfastfoodhandoutsforworkingwithadultclients/ClareRosoman. p.cm. ISBN978-1-84310-642-5(pb:alk.paper) 1. Psychotherapy--Problems,exercises,etc.2. Patienteducation. I.Title. RC480.5.R66752008 616.8'4910654--dc22 2008014822 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843106425 ISBNpdf eBook9781843108357 PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby Printwise,Haverhill Menu APPETISERS 7 How to use this book 7 Why worksheets? 8 Clinical issues 9 About the author 9 Acknowledgements 10 Starters SECTION 1 – GETTING STARTED 13 1.1 Rapport building 13 1.2 Boundaries 19 1.3 Expectations for change 24 1.4 Motivation for change 29 1.5 Unfolding the story 37 SECTION 2 – THERAPY BASICS 48 2.1 Exploring and expressing emotions 48 2.2 Monitoring 58 2.3 Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 67 2.4 Emotional regulation 76 2.5 Goal-setting 82 2.6 Problem-solving 93 Main Course SECTION 3 – ANXIETY ISSUES 99 3.1 Psycho-education 99 3.2 Increasing awareness 110 3.3 Anxiety reduction strategies 114 3.4 Cognitive behavioural strategies for anxiety 124 SECTION 4 – DEPRESSIVE ISSUES 128 4.1 Psycho-education 128 4.2 Behavioural strategies for depression 133 4.3 Cognitive strategies for depression 141 SECTION 5 – ANGER ISSUES 145 5.1 Psycho-education 145 5.2 Motivation for managing anger 151 5.3 Anger management strategies 156 SECTION 6 – COMMUNICATION SKILLS 163 6.1 Communication skills 163 6.2 Assertiveness 175 6.3 Conflict resolution 187 6.4 Social skills 196 Dessert SECTION 7 – SELF-ESTEEM 207 7.1 Psycho-education 207 7.2 Self-awareness 215 7.3 Increasing self-esteem 220 SECTION 8 – RESILIENCE 228 8.1 Staying positive 228 8.2 Managing stress 234 8.3 Decision-making and time management 242 8.4 Having direction 249 8.5 Preventing relapse 253 APPETISERS How to use this book This book is designed to be a quick and easy ‘fast food’ resource for all kinds of therapists working on a professional level with adult clients. Whether you trained as a counsellor, psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist or psychotherapist, there are activities in this book that can help all therapists to work towards their thera- peutic goals with their clients. This book provides fast ‘take-away’ activities that coverawidevarietyofpresentingproblems.Eachactivityispresentedinworksheet format and can be photocopied for therapists’ use with their clients. The worksheets intend to complement or expand upon the treatment plan that has already been determined by the client and the therapist. This book is not designedtobeatreatmentmanualandthesheetsarenotdesignedtobeusedinany particular sequence. Rather, it aims to be a stimulus for ideas and creativity in therapy. It is intended that the therapist will pick and choose amongst the worksheets,selectingthoseactivitiesthatwillhelpthemtobestmeetthetherapeu- tic goals. It is assumed that the professionals using this book have a sound grounding in counsellinganddiagnosticskills.Thebookaimstoofferawealthofideasforactiv- ities and techniques to use with clients, so reducing the preparation time for sessions.Fortherapistsofalllevelsofexperience,itofferssuggestionsfordifferent, creativeapproachestodifficultclientissuesandcanhelpavoidtheneedtodevelop therapy resources, which can be time-consuming. To receive the most from this resource, it is helpful to peruse the worksheets to becomefamiliarwiththem,thentoselecttheactivityorarangeofactivitiesthatare likelytosuittheclient’spresentingconcerns.Thismeansthatthetherapistcantake 7 THERAPYTOGO aflexibleapproachtoeachsessionbyhavingavarietyof exercisesavailabletouse, and can therefore allow the client to determine the direction of discussion. At the start of each section there is an explanation of each activity, including a description of how the sheet could be used in therapy; however, this serves as a guide for the therapist only. Why worksheets? Worksheetsareavaluabletherapeutictoolbecausetheyarevisual,directandstruc- tured. They vary the process of therapy and can provide a framework for the content of a therapy session. This book aims to compile a large amount of commonly needed therapy tools in order to save the therapist time and to provide immediate, ‘fast food therapy tools’ to be used with their clients. For the client, worksheets are easy to read and are visually appealing. They are non-threateningbecausetheycontainlimitedamountsofinformationandtheycan beworkedthroughtotheclient’sself-determinedlevelof comfort.Theyprovidea sense of safety because the client can see the activity or questions before they commence an activity and can feel in control of how deeply they expose them- selves. Worksheetscanguidethecontentandprocessoftherapybyopeningupdiscus- sion and exploring deeper issues that the client may feel happier writing down or thinkingaboutfirst.Thesheetsinthisbookaimtoprovideavarietyofideastohelp therapists to guide their client’s discovery. One of the values of worksheets is that they can be taken home by the client. Thismeansthattheinformationcontainedontheworksheetscanbedigestedover timeandtakenoutofthetherapyroomtobereadandre-read,stuckuponthewall as a visual prompt, or can be shown to friends and family members. This may encourage the generalisation and inter-contextualisation of therapeutic progress. Thisis,afterall,whattherapyisallabout:applyingthetherapeuticstrategiestolife outside of the therapy room. 8

This convenient collection of handouts provides a wide range of ready-made activities for all kinds of therapists working on a professional level with adult clients. The activities within this book are suitable for any therapist, whether trained as a counsellor, psychologist, social worker, family t
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