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Preview Theory of nonlinear polaritonics: $\chi^{(2)}$ scattering on a $\beta$-SiC surface

Theory of nonlinear polaritonics: χ(2) scattering on a β-SiC surface Christopher R. Gubbin and Simone De Liberato School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, 7 Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom 1 0 Abstract 2 n a In this article we provide a practical prescription to harness the rigorous microscopic, quantum- J 4 leveldescriptions oflight-matter systemsprovided byHopfielddiagonalisation forquantum descrip- 2 tion of nonlinear scattering. A general frame to describe the practically important second-order ] l l optical nonlinearities which underpin sumand differencefrequency generation isdeveloped forarbi- a h trarilyinhomogeneousdielectricenvironments. Specificattentionisthenfocussedonplanarsystems - s e withopticalnonlinearity mediatedby apolardielectric β-SiChalfspace. Inthissystemwecalculate m . the rate of second harmonic generation and the result compared to recent experimental measure- t a m ments. Furthermore the rate of difference frequency generation of subdiffraction surface phonon - d polaritons on the β-SiC halfspace by two plane waves is calculated. The developed theory is easily n o integrated with commercial finite element solvers, opening the way for calculation of second-order c [ nonlinear scattering coefficients in complex geometries which lack analytical linear solutions. 1 v 9 2 7 6 0 . 1 0 7 1 : v i X r a 1 I. INTRODUCTION At the quantum level light-matter interactions are conveniently described in a micro- scopic Hopfield picture, taking matter degrees of freedom as bosonic fields coupled to the photons. The system Hamiltonian is then diagonalised utilising coupled light-matter quasi- particles, termed polaritons [1]. This prescription can be followed for quantization of fields in homogeneous, linear dielectrics in the absence of [2] and including [3] losses. Hopfield approaches are particularly advantageous as frames to describe nonlinear processes, which can be understood as scattering cross-sections for the polaritons [4–12]. Exploitingrecentadvancesinphotonics,demonstratedarchetypicallybytheplasmonsextant at metal-dielectric interfaces formed by hybridisation of photons with coherent oscillations of the electron gas, energy can be confined in deep subdiffraction volumes. This allows for downscaling of photonic devices to the nanoscale [13, 14] and enables measurable nonlinear scattering at diminished pump threshold. Plasmonic nonlinear devices oftenexploit intrinsic metal nonlinearities, arising from free carriers or band to band transitions and first demon- strated for harmonic generation mediated by Kretschmann-coupled surface plasmons of a sub-wavelength silver film [15]. Metal-mediated plasmon generation by four-wave mixing [16] and frequency difference generation [17] have also been demonstrated, however the cen- trosymmetry of plasmonic metals precludes second order nonlinear effects in the bulk and limits studies to symmetry-breaking interfaces [18]. Instead, theoretical studies in nonlinear plasmonics focus toward third-order nonlinear processes such as self-phase modulation [19] or other Kerr nonlinearities [20]. Interfaces between polar and non-polar dielectrics also permit deep subdiffraction localisa- tion by hybridising photons with coherent oscillations of the polar crystal atomic lattice, in surface phonon polaritons. Supported in the Reststrahlen region, between transverse and longitudinal optic phonon frequencies which ordinarily occupy the midinfrared spectral re- gion, these modes absent themselves from the Ohmic losses inherent in plasmonic systems and render achievable quality factors an order of magnitude larger. Moreover, interplay between extreme energy localisation in user-defined deep sub-wavelength resonators [21, 22] and bulk second-order nonlinearity in polar crystals make phonon polaritons an excellent testbed for midinfrared nonlinear optics [23, 24]. These inhomogeneous photonic systems require polaritonic descriptions which also account 2 for real-space variation in the dielectric environment, a necessity recently demonstrated in description of the healing length in polaritonic condensates [25]. Following initial efforts [26, 27], a full polaritonic description was recently developed for non-magnetic, arbitrarily inhomogeneous, linearly polarisable media [28], opening the path for quantum descriptions of nonlinear processes in sub-wavelength devices. In this Paper we embark on development of a quantum, microscopic description of second-order nonlinear scattering in inhomoge- neous phonon-polariton systems. In Sec. II, after having sketched the main points of the theory of Hopfield diagonalisation in linear inhomogeneous media previously reported [28], we specialise our discussion to the β-SiC/vacuum interface which has been the subject of contemporary study [23], deriving its relevant polaritonic modes. In Sec. III we develop the theory of polaritonic χ(2) scattering, exploiting data regarding plane-wave scattering from recent second harmonic generation experiments [23] to both validate our theory and deter- mining the phenomenological couplings that parameterise it. Exploiting those coefficients, that are in good agreement with data from ab initio simulations present in the literature [29], we will then be able to investigate nonlinear processes involving subdiffraction phonon polariton modes. II. LINEAR REGIME A. General theory Followingapriortreatment[28], wedescribeanon-magnetic, inhomogeneouslight-matter system, characterised by a single dipolar resonance with Hamiltonian Dˆ2 µ Hˆ2 Pˆ2 ρω2 Xˆ2 κ Hˆ = dr + 0 + + LO Xˆ Dˆ , (1) 0 2ǫ 2 2ρ 2 − ǫ · " 0 0 # Z where Dˆ (Hˆ) is the electric displacement (magnetic) field operator and Xˆ (Pˆ) is the material displacement (momentum) field operator. The system is fully parameterised by spatially dependant density ρ, longitudinal frequency ω , and macroscopic dipole moment κ. In the L spirit of the Hopfield prescription, the Hamiltonian in Eq. 1 can be diagonalised in terms of linear superpositions of light and matter conjugate operators through the polariton operator Kˆ = dr α Dˆ +β Hˆ +γ Pˆ +η Xˆ , (2) n n n n n · · · · Z h i 3 where the Greek symbols are the space-dependent Hopfield coefficients [28] and n indexes the different positive-frequency normalmodes. Such operatorsobeythe Heisenberg equation Kˆ ,Hˆ = ~ω Kˆ , (3) n 0 n n h i which are equivalent to Maxwell equations over the Hopfield coefficients in an inhomoge- neous dielectric. Together with the requirement that the polaritonic operators obey bosonic commutation relations Kˆ ,Kˆ† = δ , (4) m n m,n h i this allows us to solve the system and to recover the properly normalised light and matter fields as linear superpositions of polaritonic modes weighted by the wavefunctions α n Eˆ = ~ ω α¯ Kˆ +α Kˆ† , (5) n n n n n Xn h i κω Xˆ = ~ n α¯ Kˆ +α Kˆ† , ρ(ω2 ω2) n n n n Xn T − n h i where the transverse resonance of the matter is κ2 ω2 = ω2 . (6) T L − ρǫ 0 B. Application to surface phonon polaritons The theory sketched above can be naturally applied to the case of an halfspace filled with a polar dielectric, sketched in Figure 1a, identifying ωL and ωT with longitudinal and transverse optical phonon frequencies ωLO and ωTO. Developing Eq. 3 this would lead to the solve Maxwell equations with the inhomogeneous dielectric function ǫ(ω,z > 0) = ǫ (ω) = 1, 1 ω2 ω2 ǫ(ω,z < 0) = ǫ (ω) = ǫ LO − , (7) 2 ∞ω2 ω2 TO − where we labelled the mediums 1 and 2 and include off-resonance effects through the phe- nomenological high frequency dielectric constant ǫ . These effects could be formally in- ∞ cluded by considering an additional matter resonance with longitudinal frequency far above the Reststrahlen band. In this geometry the eigenproblem in Eq. 3 has been solved [28], 4 giving rise to seven classes of solutions. Two (TMv and TEv) describe photons incident upon the surface coming from the vacuum and their respective reflected and transmitted waves, with either Transverse Magnetic or Transverse Electric polarizations. Four (TMl, TEl, TMu, TEu) describe excitations incident upon the surface from the dielectric side and their respective reflected and transmitted waves, indexed by both the polarization and by the polaritonic branch, either lower or upper, they belong to. An example of each group is shown in Figure 1a. The last one (S) is instead a surface bound evanescent solution de- scribing the branch of surface phonon polaritons. The mode index n will thus consist of the solution class and the relevant wavevector: in-plane for the evanescent solutions and both in- and out-of-plane in the medium of origin for the propagative ones. The solution of Eq. 3 leads to the Helmholtz equation, linking for each solution the in-plane wavevector k and k the, generally complex, out-of-plane components k in each halfspace i by i,z ǫ (ω)k2 = k2 +k2 , (8) i 0 k i,z where k = ω is the vacuum wavelength. As an example in the case of propagative, TM 0 c polarised radiation incident from z > 0 (TMv) with in- and out-of-plane wavevectors k and k k , the solution of Eq. 3 is 1,z αTMv r ,z > 0 = NTMv p e−ik1,zz +p rTMeik1,zz eikk·rk, 1,k k k 1− 1+ 12 αTMv(cid:0)r ,z < 0(cid:1) = NTMvt(cid:2)TMp e−ik2,zzeikk·rk, (cid:3) (9) 2,k k k 12 2− (cid:0) (cid:1) TMv where N is a normalization constant to be determined by the modal orthonormality k TM TM condition in Eq. 4, t (r ) are the Fresnel transmission (reflection) coefficients for a 12 12 TM polarised beam propagating from medium 1 to medium 2 and the unit vectors for TM polarisation are given by k e k e p = k z ∓ i,z k, (10) i± k √ǫ 0 i where the subscript i indicates the medium of propagation and the index the direction. ± Here (e ,e ,e ) form a right-handed orthonormal basis and e is the in-plane unit vector x y z k parallel to k . The TE polarised solutions can be found by simply replacing the p with the k i± plane unit vectors perpendicular to k and the Fresnel coefficients with their TE polarised k analogues. For real incident wavevectors the normalisation constant can be calculated as 1 TMv N = , (11) k ~ǫ ωV r 0 5 where V is the volume of quantization. The evanescent, surface bound modes (S) shown in Figure 2 with in-plane wavevector k and dispersion obeying k ω ǫ (ω) 2 k = , (12) k csǫ2(ω)+1 have instead the form αS r ,z > 0 = NS p eik1,zzeikk·rk, (13) 1,k k k 1+ k k (cid:0) (cid:1) ǫ (ω)k αS r ,z < 0 = NS 2 1,zp e−ik2,zzeikk·rk, 2,kk k kk k 2− p 2,z (cid:0) (cid:1) with the normalisation k ǫ (ω) S 0 2 N = kk kkv~ǫ ωA ǫ2(ω)−1 +ν(ω) 1−ǫ2(ω) u 0 2|k1,z| 2|k2,z| u t h i k ǫ (ω) 0 2 = , (14) kks~ǫ0ωVeff (ω) where A is the quantization area and ν is the ratio of the group and phase velocities in the dielectric halfspace [28]. Wecan therefore write thequantized field in the dielectric halfspace in the simple form αS r ,z < 0 = eiκ2,zzeikk·rk e kk e , (15) 2,kk k ~ǫ0ωVeff (ω) (cid:18) k − κ2,z z(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) with κ = ik real and V can be intperpreted as a dispersive effective mode volume for 2,z 2,z eff the evanescent mode [30]. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Nonlinear Quantum Theory 1. General Theory The quadratic treatment implicit in Eq. 1 amounts to the lowest order term in the Taylor th expansion of the full Hamiltonian. The most general N order neglected term in the case of a local interaction will consist of the product of light or matter operators 3 N H(N) = dr Φj1···jN Oˆjl, (16) NL t1···tN tl Z t1X···tN j1·X··jN=1 Yl=1 6 where the spatial coordinates are indexed by js and the ts index the different light and matter operators, in our case Oˆ Dˆ,Hˆ,Xˆ,Pˆ . Using the expression of the field operators t ∈ in Eq. 5 and their equivalents for thhe conjugateifields, we can rewrite Eq. 16 in the form of th a N order polaritonic scattering term N H(N) = Ξn1···nN K , (17) NL nl n1X···nN Yl=1 where the scattering tensor Ξ can be foundby carrying out integrals over the relevant spatial variables of the usual nonlinear tensor Φ. In the following we will aim to describe χ(2) (N = 3) effects in inhomogeneous β-SiC. As the interaction is mediated by electric field coupling to charges position, there are only three nonzero field combinations in Eq. 16: the purely mechanical nonlinearity XˆXˆXˆ, the electrical one XˆXˆEˆ, and the Raman scattering XˆEˆEˆ. Due to the crystal lattice symmetry, in each case the nonlinear tensor is characterised by the single parameter coupling three orthogonal field components [31], leaving us with three independent coupling coefficients to be fixed. Inserting Eq. 5 inside of Eq. 16 and introducing the second order susceptibility χ(2)(ω ,ω ,ω ) = G [D(ω )+D(ω )+D(ω )] (18) 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 +G [D(ω )D(ω )+D(ω )D(ω )+D(ω )D(ω )] 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 +G D(ω )D(ω )D(ω ), 3 1 2 3 with ω2 TO D(ω) = , (19) ω2 ω2 TO − the interaction Hamiltonian can be put in the usual nonlinear optics form H(2) = dr ǫ χ(2)(ω ,ω ,ω )Eˆjn1Eˆjn2Eˆjn3, (20) NL 0 n1 n2 n3 n1 n2 n3 Z n,jn X where from Eq. 5 Eˆj = ~ω α¯jKˆ +αjKˆ† , (21) n n n n n n h i is the Cartesian component j of the electric field in the polariton mode n, and the sum is over all the triplets of polariton modes with different Cartesian coordinates. Introducing the Born effective charge per primitive cell Z [32], primitive cell reduced mass M, and primitive 7 cell volume v, we can relate the three macroscopic dimensionless coupling parameters in Eq. 18 to the microscopic parameters usually derived in lattice dynamics simulations as α Z TO G = , (22) 1 2v Mω2 (cid:18) TO(cid:19) µ(2) Z 2 G = , (23) 2 2v Mω2 (cid:18) TO(cid:19) φ(3) Z 3 G = , (24) 3 2v Mω2 (cid:18) TO(cid:19) where α is the Raman polarisability per primitive cell, µ(2) is the second order dipole TO moment per primitive cell, and φ(3) the third order lattice potential [31, 33]. Notice that we have ignored the contribution due to the high-frequency static second order susceptibility (2) χ , that would be negligible in the resonant regime studied. ∞ 2. Second Harmonic Generation at a β-SiC/vacuum interface We will now apply the theory developed to the case experimentally investigated by Paar- mann et al [23]: second harmonic generation at a β-SiC/vacuum interface. We have thus to calculate the scattering tensor Ξ by performing the integral inEq. 20 using the TM polarised plane-wave eigenmodes Eq. 9or their TEpolarised analoguesinto thenonlinear Hamiltonian and perform the space integral. As explained in Sec. II B, each modal index n stands for the solution class and the relevant two- or three-dimensional wavevector in the medium of origin. For simplicity we consider the case illustrated in Figure 1a where the harmonic pump photons are azimuthally coplanar (all the k are aligned). Remembering that the nonlinear k third order tensor in zincblende crystals is characterised by a single value, coupling three orthogonally polarised fields [29], we can calculate the scattering coefficient of two TEv har- monic pumps (TE polarised incident from z > 0, indexed by 1 and 2) generating a TMu second harmonic (TM polarised upper polariton mode, indexed by 3) ~3ω ω ω Ξn1,n2,n3 = n1 n2 n3χ(2)(ω ,ω ,ω ) (25) sǫ0ǫ2(ωn3)V3 n1 n2 n3 Tn1,n2,n3δ kn1 +kn2 kn3 × k k − k 1(cid:16) (cid:17) P πδ(∆kn1,n2,n3) , × i∆kn1,n2,n3 − z z (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) 8 a) Magnetic Field z Electric Field TEv TMu ε(ω) 1 z=0 x ε (ω) 2 b) ) U. A. ( al n g Si c ni o m r a H d n o c e S 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 Harmonic Wavenumber (1/cm) c) 1.0 Reststrahlen Band 7 0.5 -0 1 / ) ω ω,2 0 ω, ( 2) χ( -0.5 -1.0 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 Harmonic Wavenumber (1/cm) FIG. 1. a) Sketch of the geometry considered for the generation of a second harmonic TM signal (red)bytwoTEharmonicpumps(blue). b)Experimentaldata(redcircles)presentedbyPaarmann et al [23] and theoretical fit (solid blue line) for intensity of a TM polarised second harmonic by TE polarised harmonic pumps. c) Second harmonic χ(2)(ω,ω,2ω) for β-SiC. The real component is indicated by the solid blue line and the imaginary by the dashed red line. The Reststrahlen region is shaded in grey. 9 where P indicates the principal value and the choice of a TMu second harmonic is fixed by the requirements of having a single rays escaping toward z > 0 and a resonance frequency larger than ωLO. The mismatch in the out-of-plane wavevectors in Eq. 25 is given by ∆kn1,n2,n3 = k kn1,kn1 +k kn2,kn2 +kn3, (26) z 2,z k 1,z 2,z k 1,z 2,z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) and the Fresnel tensor has the form kn3 Tn1,n2,n3 = 2 k en1 e en1 e (27) kn3 k · x k · y 0 (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) L kn1,kn1 L kn2,kn2 , × yy k 1,z yy k 1,z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) with 2k L k ,k = 1,z , (28) yy k 1,z k +k k ,k 1,z 2,z k 1,z (cid:0) (cid:1) and the non-indexed out-of-plane wavevectors and th(cid:0)e freque(cid:1)ncies are calculated through the Helmholtz equation in Eq. 8. Utilising Fermi’s golden rule and summing over final states with different out-of-plane wavevectors we can now calculate the scattering rate in the TM upper polariton mode of frequency ω ~N N ω ω A W = 1 2 n1 n2 dω ωρ(ω, kn1 +kn2 ) (29) 16π4ǫ V2 | k k | 0 Z χ(2)(ω ,ω ,ω) Tn1,n2,n3 2 n1 n2 δ(ω +ω ω), ×(cid:12) i∆kzn1,n2,n3 ǫ2(ωn3)(cid:12) n1 n2 − (cid:12) (cid:12) where Nj is the photon nu(cid:12)(cid:12)mber in the pumpp beam j(cid:12)(cid:12)and k 2 +k2 ∂k2,z 2,z k 1 ρ ω,k = = , (30) k ∂ω q k v (ω) 2,z g (cid:0) (cid:1) with v (ω) the group velocity. Note that in Eq. 29 the term proportional to δ(∆kn1,n2,n3) g z disappears because for the second harmonic generation we wish to consider ∆kn1,n2,n3 = 0 z cannot be satisfied together with the conservation of energy enforced by δ(ω +ω ω). n1 n2 − Specialising Eq.29tothecaseofsecond harmonicgenerationwithharmonicpumpfrequency ω , and defining the energy density for each pump F = ~ω N /V, we finally obtain the 0 j 0 j emission rate per unit of surface W F F ω χ(2)(ω ,ω ,2ω ) Tn1,n2,n3 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 = ρ(2ω ) . (31) A 8π4~ǫ0 0 (cid:12) i∆kzn1,n2,n3 ǫ2(2ω0)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) p (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 10

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