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Theory of Multivariate Statistics Martin Bilodeau David Brenner Springer A la m´emoire de mon p`ere, Arthur, a` ma m`ere, Annette, et `a Kahina. M. Bilodeau To Rebecca and Deena. D. Brenner This page intentionally left blank Preface Our object in writing this book is to present the main results of the mod- ern theory of multivariate statistics to an audience of advanced students who would appreciate a concise and mathematically rigorous treatment of that material. It is intended for use as a textbook by students taking a first graduate course in the subject, as well as for the general reference of interestedresearchworkerswhowillfind,inareadableform,developments from recently published work on certain broad topics not otherwise easily accessible,as,forinstance,robustinference(usingadjustedlikelihoodratio tests)andtheuseofthebootstrapinamultivariatesetting.Thereferences contains over 150 entries post-1982. The main development of the text is supplemented by over 135 problems, most of which are original with the authors. A minimum background expected of the reader would include at least two courses in mathematical statistics, and certainly some exposure to the calculusofseveralvariablestogetherwiththedescriptivegeometryoflinear algebra.Ourbookis,nevertheless,inmostrespectsentirelyself-contained, althoughadefiniteneedforgenuinefluencyingeneralmathematicsshould not be underestimated. The pace is brisk and demanding, requiring an in- tense level of active participation in every discussion. The emphasis is on rigorousproofandderivation.Theinterestedreaderwouldprofitgreatly,of course,frompreviousexposuretoawidevarietyofstatisticallymotivating material as well, and a solid background in statistics at the undergraduate level would obviously contribute enormously to a general sense of famil- iarity and provide some extra degree of comfort in dealing with the kinds of challenges and difficulties to be faced in the relatively advanced work viii Preface of the sort with which our book deals. In this connection, a specific intro- duction offering comprehensive overviews of the fundamental multivariate structures and techniques would be well advised. The textbook A First Course in Multivariate Statistics by Flury (1997), published by Springer- Verlag, provides such background insight and general description without getting much involved in the “nasty” details of analysis and construction. This would constitute an excellent supplementary source. Our book is in most ways thoroughly orthodox, but in several ways novel and unique. In Chapter 1 we offer a brief account of the prerequisite linear algebra asitwillbeappliedinthesubsequentdevelopment.Someofthetreatment is peculiar to the usages of multivariate statistics and to this extent may seem unfamiliar. Chapter 2 presents in review, the requisite concepts, structures, and devices from probability theory that will be used in the sequel. The ap- proachtakeninthefollowingchaptersrestsheavilyontheassumptionthat this basic material is well understood, particularly that which deals with equality-in-distribution and the Cram´er-Wold theorem, to be used with unprecedented vigor in the derivation of the main distributional results in Chapters 4 through 8. In this way, our approach to multivariate theory is much more structural and directly algebraic than is perhaps traditional, tiedinthisfashionmuchmoreimmediatelytothewayinwhichthevarious distributions arise either in nature or may be generated in simulation. We hopethatreaderswillfindtheapproachrefreshing,andperhapsevenabit liberating, particularly those saturated in a lifetime of matrix derivatives and jacobians. As a textbook, the first eight chapters should provide a more than ade- quate amount of material for coverage in one semester (13 weeks). These eight chapters, proceeding from a thorough discussion of the normal dis- tribution and multivariate sampling in general, deal in random matrices, Wishart’s distribution, and Hotelling’s T2, to culminate in the standard theory of estimation and the testing of means and variances. Theremainingsixchapterstreatofmorespecializedtopicsthanitmight perhaps be wise to attempt in a simple introduction, but would easily be accessible to those already versed in the basics. With such an audience in mind, we have included detailed chapters on multivariate regression, prin- cipal components, and canonical correlations, each of which should be of interesttoanyonepursuingfurtherstudy.Thelastthreechapters,dealing, inturn,withasymptoticexpansion,robustness,andthebootstrap,discuss conceptsthatareofcurrentinterestforactiveresearchandtakethereader (gently) into territory not altogether perfectly charted. This should serve to draw one (gracefully) into the literature. Theauthorswouldliketoexpresstheirmostheartfeltthankstoeveryone who has helped with feedback, criticism, comment, and discussion in the preparation of this manuscript. The first author would like especially to convey his deepest respect and gratitude to his teachers, Muni Srivastava Preface ix oftheUniversityofTorontoandTakeakiKariyaofHitotsubashiUniversity, whogavetheirunstintingsupportandencouragementduringandafterhis graduate studies. The second author is very grateful for many discussions with Philip McDunnough of the University of Toronto. We are indebted to Nariaki Sugiura for his kind help concerning the application of Sug- iura’s Lemma and to Rudy Beran for insightful comments, which helped to improve the presentation. Eric Marchand pointed out some errors in the literature about the asymptotic moments in Section 8.4.1. We would like to thank the graduate students at McGill University and Universit´e de Montr´eal, Gulhan Alpargu, Diego Clonda, Isabelle Marchand, Philippe St-Jean, Gueye N’deye Rokhaya, Thomas Tolnai and Hassan Younes, who helpedimprovethepresentationbytheircarefulreadingandproblemsolv- ing. Special thanks go to Pierre Duchesne who, as part of his Master Memoir, wrote and tested the S-Plus function for the calculation of the robust S estimate in Appendix C. M. Bilodeau D. Brenner

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