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Preview Theory of interacting dislocations on cylinders

Theory of interacting dislocations on cylinders Ariel Amir,1 Jayson Paulose,2 and David R. Nelson1 1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 2Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Westudythemechanicsandstatisticalphysicsofdislocationsinteractingoncylinders,motivated by the elongation of rod-shaped bacterial cell walls and cylindrical assemblies of colloidal particles subject to external stresses. The interaction energy and forces between dislocations are solved analytically, and analyzed asymptotically. The results of continuum elastic theory agree well with numerical simulations on finite lattices even for relatively small systems. Isolated dislocations on 3 a cylinder act like grain boundaries. With colloidal crystals in mind, we show that saddle points 1 are created by a Peach-Koehler force on the dislocations in the circumferential direction, causing 0 dislocation pairs to unbind. The thermal nucleation rate of dislocation unbinding is calculated, for 2 anarbitrarymobilitytensorandexternalstress,includingthecaseofatwist-inducedPeach-Koehler n forcealongthecylinderaxis. Surprisinglyrichphenomenaarisefordislocationsoncylinders,despite a their vanishing Gaussian curvature. J 7 PACSnumbers: 61.72.Lk,05.10.Gg,61.72.Yx64.60.Qb87.10.-e 1 ] INTRODUCTION t f o s Defectsincrystalssuchasdislocationshavebeenstud- . t ied extensively for more than seven decades [1–3], and a m their importance in condensed matter physics and ma- terial science is widely recognized [4]. Systems of dislo- - d cations in both two and three dimensions can be real- n ized experimentally. Mechanical properties of bulk met- o als are strongly affected by the dynamics of dislocation c lines within them [4], and two-stage melting of a two- [ dimensionalcrystalcanbedrivenbydislocations[5]. In- FIG. 1. Lattice configuration corresponding to a single dis- 1 teresting applications involve a two dimensional particle location with Burgers vector in the positive x direction for v array with a periodic boundary conditions in one direc- a square (left) and triangular (right) lattice of masses and 6 harmonic springs relaxed to their equilibrium configuration. 2 tion: a cylindrical crystal. One such example involves The Burgers vector is defined as the deficit (red arrow) of a 2 interacting colloids on the surface of a liquid film coat- clockwise loop that would be closed in the absence of a dis- 4 ing a solid cylinder, where repulsive forces give rise to location; hence(cid:126)b = bxˆ in both cases, where b is the lattice . 1 the self-organized emergence of a two dimensional crys- constant. The ‘T’ symbol encodes both the position and ori- 0 tallinesolid. Defectsincolloidalassembliesontherelated entation of the dislocation; the leg of the inverted ‘T’ points 3 curvedsurfacesofcapillarybridgeswererecentlystudied in the direction of added material. 1 experimentally and theoretically [6]. Here, the Gaussian : v curvature can be positive or negative; the zero Gaussian i curvature of a cylinder is a special case [7]. The growth X square lattice, the dislocation can be thought of as the of the cell walls of rod-shaped bacteria provides a bio- r termination of a semi-infinite row of lattice points added a physical example. Their geometry can be approximately to the upper half of an otherwise perfect lattice. For the described by a cylinder, and in a recent study [8, 9] we triangular lattice, the dislocation represents the termi- have argued that one may regard cell wall elongation as nation of two semi-infinite rows of particles, inclined at mediated by dislocation climb [4]. As a final motivation 30 to the vertical. Generally, the dislocation can be ◦ we note that the hydrodynamic interactions of vortices ± characterized by a topological invariant called the Burg- on cylinders is mathematically similar to those of dislo- ers vector, defined by the Burgers circuit [4],(cid:126)b=(cid:72) ∂udl ∂l cations, albeit simpler since in this case the bare inter- (see Fig. 1). It is immediately apparent that such de- actions on a flat surface are isotropic [10]. Vortices on fects distort the crystalline lattice in their vicinity. For superfluid Helium films were studied in a cylindrical ge- both the triangular and square lattice, it is possible to ometry,inordertomodelsuperfluidsinporousmaterials associated a particular set of neighbors to each lattice [11]. A type II superconducting, hollow wire could have site by assigning near neighbor bonds. This allows us similar interacting vortices on its cylindrical surface. to define the dislocations using the number of neighbors: Fig. (1) illustrates the simplest dislocation in two- in the square lattice, the dislocation core has three sites dimensional square and triangular lattices. For the with five nearest neighbors. In the triangular lattice, 2 the Voronoi construction shows that the dislocation is NAM characterized by a five-fold site (a site with five nearest neighbors) bonded to a seven-fold site. NAG The structure of the manuscript is as follows. We first describetwoscenarios,onemotivatedbycellwallgrowth Peptide ofrod-shapedbacteriaandtheotherbycolloidalcrystals Glycan on cylinders, and show that they require understanding strand the dynamics of interacting dislocations on a rectangu- lar and triangular lattice, respectively. In contrast to the predominantly climb dislocation dynamics relevant to elongating bacteria [9], the dynamics appropriate to colloidal assemblies on cylinders is predominantly glide, i.e., the motion is parallel as opposed to perpendicular to the Burgers vector [4]. We analyze the form of the interactions between dislocations with arbitrary Burgers vector and compare the results to numerical simulations FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of insertions of new glycan showing that, surprisingly, good agreement with contin- strands into the peptidoglycan mesh of a bacterial cell wall. uumelastictheoryisalreadyachievedforrelativelysmall The new material is inserted in the vicinity of the blue ar- row, which points azimuthally around the cylinder and sits systems. We then proceed to exploit a useful connec- nearthecoreofthedislocation. Theaxisofthecylinderruns tion between isolated dislocations on a cylinder and the horizontally, which is also the direction of the Burgers vec- physics of grain boundaries. Finally, we discuss related tor of this dislocation. Although the the region around the ‘nucleation’ problems: Upon the addition of a force in new insertions is distorted, the connectivity of the structure the circumferential direction driving defects of opposite is preserved locally due to the simultaneous insertions of two sign apart, there will be a finite unbinding rate at non- extraglycanstrandsintothestructure,respectingthelattice zero temperature. We calculate this rate using Langer’s geometry. The rectangular (dashed-line) box shows the bio- logically relevant unit cell, which is however not the minimal generalizationofKramers’theory[12,13],andfindinter- unit cell of the underlying lattice [8]. esting geometrical effects associated with the cylindrical geometry. We also discuss the effect of a twisting stress applied to the ends of a cylinder coated with colloids; in zig-zag glycan strand is composed of alternating sugar this case the strain is relaxed by dislocation pairs sepa- units called NAM (N-acetylmuramic acid) and NAG (N- rating predominantly along the cylinder axis. The Airy acetylglucosamine). For the unit cell shown in Fig. 2, stress function for a dislocation on a cylinder is calcu- inserting two glycan strands is equivalent to the addi- lated in Appendix A. In Appendix B, we discuss some tion of a single additional unit cell. The coarse-grained subtle aspects of the quantization of stresses and strains latticeobtainedinthiswayisrectangular, andthedislo- on a cylinder, due to periodic boundary conditions. cation can be mediated by edge dislocations climbing in this lattice in the circumferential direction. The relevant Burgers vectors point in the direction of the cylinders Bacterial cell wall growth axis of symmetry [8, 9]. Here, we shall simplify the analysis by neglecting the Bacterial cell walls are made of a partly ordered mesh anisotropy associated with the two-dimensional rectan- ofpeptidoglycan[14],whichcanbeonlyasinglemolecule gularlattice,whichwouldrequireanon-isotropicelastic- layer thick in gram-negative bacteria. While there are ity theory with four elastic coefficients to describe elas- still many open questions regarding architecture and tic deformations of the structure [17]. Rather, we shall growth, this meshwork is known to consist of circumfer- approximate the systems’s free energy by the standard ential glycan strands cross-linked by peptides, as shown isotropic form [18]: schematically in Fig. 2. We note that rod-shaped bacte- ria with very large aspect ratios can be created by sup- (cid:90) pressing the septation process associated with cell divi- λ F = [ u2((cid:126)x)+µu2 ((cid:126)x)]d2x , (1) sion [15]. To insert new material into the structure, de- elastic 2 ii ij k fects in the mesh have to be created. Inserting a single glycan strand between two existing ones would not pre- where u ((cid:126)x)= 1[∂ u ((cid:126)x)+∂ u ((cid:126)x)] is the 2d strain ten- ij 2 i j j i servethetopologyofthenetwork. However,insertingtwo sor. λ and µ are the two-dimensional Lam coefficients. glycan strands between two existing ones does preserve Fig. 3showsanumberofdislocationsinasquarelattice. the topology. This observation has led to the “three-for- Dislocation climb, mediated by glycan strand extension one” hypothesis, see for example Ref [16], or, alterna- machinery, canbeaffectedbyinteractionsbetweenthese tively,themoresymmetricprocessshowninFig. 2. Each dislocations. 3 > FIG.4. Modelofadislocationpaironacylinder. Thisstruc- FIG. 3. Schematic of dislocations (i.e. glycan strand ends) ture can systematically elongate if new particles (green) are onthecylindricalportionofabacterialcellwallofradiusR . 0 addedbytwocounter-rotatingdislocationsmovingviaclimb. A subset of these defects rotate circumferentially when pro- Foroneofthedislocations,theclimbdirectionisindicatedby pelled by the addition of material from inside the bacterium, a blue arrow. For the other, the Burgers circuit around the mediated by strand elongation machinery on the dislocation dislocation is shown (yellow) as well as the resulting Burgers cores (not shown). Constant velocity climb motion of such vector (cid:126)b. Alternatively, the dislocation pair could separate dislocations leads to exponential elongation of the cylinder by glide (motion parallel to(cid:126)b) , with motion predominately length L(t); see Refs. [8, 9]. along the cylinder, with negligible elongation. In both cases, however,atriangularlatticewithslightlytiltedBraggrowsis created in the center, relative to the purely azimuthal Bragg Colloidal crystals rows made of silver particles on the two sides. Although the model was constructed with magnetic beads interacting via Recent experimental advances allow the creation of dipole-dipoleinteractions,weexpectsimilarconfigurationsfor dislocations in colloidal assemblies with fascinating in- micron-sized colloids assembled on a cylindrical substrate. terfacial geometries, allowing study of the interplay of geometry, including Gaussian curvature, with defects in viruses and bacterial flagella [24–26] to systems where thelatticestructure[6,19]. Inthiscasethelatticeofcol- subunitsarrangeviamagneticinteractions[27–29]. Each loidalparticlesistypicallytriangular,withlatticevectors phyllotacticarrangementcanbecharacterizedbytwoin- thatinteractonlyweaklywiththedirectionsofprincipal tegers (M,N), such that Mbeˆ +Nbeˆ = Wyˆ, with eˆ curvature. Upon approximating the pair interaction be- 1 2 1 and eˆ the two lattice vectors of the triangular lattice, tween colloids as harmonic with spring constant k for 2 s forming a 60 angle between them, and yˆ points in the small displacements about the equilibrium positions, the ◦ azimuthaldirectionaroundthecylinderofcircumference latticecanbedescribedelasticallywithisotropiceffective Lam coefficients λ=µ=√3k /4 [20]. Fig. (1) shows an W =2πR. Suchtessellationswhererecentlyfounduseful s also in the context of the Thompson problem on a cylin- exampleofasingledislocationinatriangularlattice. As der, i.e., how colloids pack in the bulk of a cylinder [30]. we shall show here, even in the absence of Gaussian cur- In various scenarios the energetically preferred tessella- vature,theperiodicboundaryconditionsassociatedwith tion can depend on certain external conditions [31, 32], a cylindrical geometry give rise to novel phenomena, not and it is interesting to understand the dynamics of the foundinaninfiniteplane(tobereferredtoas“flatspace” process through which this change comes about. It is in the following). In flat space, rotational invariance al- plausiblethattheboundaryregionbetweentwocompet- lowsanarbitraryorientationofthecrystallographicaxis. ingphyllotactictessellationswillconsistofoneorseveral On a cylinder, however, square and triangular lattices dislocations, see for example Fig 4; as we shall show in can have an energetically preferred orientation relative section , a dislocation on a cylinder is equivalent to a to the long axis of the cylinder [21]. With bacterial cell grain boundary. As an example, Ref [26] suggests that walls, for example, it may be easier to bend the glycan suchachangeinthephyllotacticarrangementofthetail- strands than the alternating amino acid cross-bridges, sheathofthebacteriophageT4isdrivenby6dislocations which would lead to a preferred orientation on a cylin- symmetricallyarrangedonthecircumferenceofthecylin- der. Inthispaper, weshallfocusprimarilyontriangular der. These observations provide additional motivation lattices with Bragg rows that run either azimuthally or for understanding the interactions between dislocations along the cylinder axis. on a cylinder, which is a necessary step to quantify the “dynamical phyllotaxis” problem sketched above. Phyllotaxis Invariousbiologicalaswellasnon-livingsystems,sub- INTERACTING DISLOCATIONS units are arranged in an ordered lattice, wrapped on a cylinder, a particular case of a phenomenon known Consider an edge dislocation on the surface of a cylin- as phyllotaxis (meaning “leaf arrangement” in ancient der, with radius R and infinite length. We denote the Greek). These range from plants [22, 23], rod-shaped coordinate along the symmetry axis by x, and the other 4 by y, so that y is periodic with a period of W 2πR. is different from a three-dimensional isotropic solid [18]. ≡ For simplicity, and without loss of generality, let us de- Foradislocationwith(cid:126)b= byˆonehastotakex yand ± → fine the axes’ origin at the dislocation core. In Ref. [9], y x on the right hand side of the above equations. →− some of the components of the stress tensor produced On a cylinder, a dislocation at (x ,y ) = (0,0) must by edge dislocation with Burgers vector (cid:126)b = bxˆ were be duplicated at intervals of W in 0the0y direction, to ± evaluated. Here,weshallcalculateallcomponentsofthe respect the boundary conditions. Therefore the stresses stress produced by dislocations with a Burgers vector(cid:126)b atapoint(x,y)generatedbyaadislocationwith(cid:126)b=bxˆ either in the bxˆ or byˆ direction. For a lattice of any at the origin are given by: ± ± symmetryororientationwithrespecttothecylinderaxis wecouldalwaysdecomposethedislocation’sBurgersvec- tor into two orthogonal components in these directions. (cid:88)∞ Ab[y+kW][3x2+(y+kW)2] Within linear elasticity (and assuming isotropic elastic σx = − , (5) xx [x2+(y+kW)2]2 constants) one could thus use the results presented be- k= −∞ low to find the stress field induced by a dislocation with a Burgers vector of arbitrary orientation. In flat space, one may consider a single dislocation in (cid:88)∞ Ab(y+kW)[x2 (y+kW)2] an otherwise perfect crystal, in which case the energy σyxy = [x2+(y+−kW)2]2 , (6) of the system diverges logarithmically with the system k= −∞ size. However, the energy of a single dislocation on a and long cylinder of length L, in general diverges as the area WL, as the subsequent discussion of long-range strains will make clear. An important special case is a Burgers vector in the xˆ direction, when the divergence is only σx = (cid:88)∞ Abx[x2−(y+kW)2]. (7) logarithmic in W and independent of L. In the case of xy [x2+(y+kW)2]2 k= multiple dislocations on a cylinder, the energy can be −∞ decomposed into the divergent terms mentioned above, Thesuperscriptonthestressesremindsusthattheseare as well as the interaction energies. In the following, we the stresses created by a dislocation with(cid:126)b=bxˆ. Similar focusonthesepairwiseinteractions,fortwogenericBurg- sumsrepresentthestressproducedbyanedgedislocation ersvectors. ForconfigurationswherethesumofBurgers with(cid:126)b= byˆ. vectors vanish (such as cylinders with periodic bound- ± The force on another dislocation at (x,y) due to this ary conditions along the cylinder axis) the divergences stress will then be given by the Peach-Koehler force [4, discussed above will cancel. 33, 34]: As noted in Ref. [9], the Laplacian on a cylinder is equivalent to that in an infinite two-dimensional flat space together with the periodicity requirement. We ex- F =b σ (cid:15) , (8) ploit this idea by first considering the stresses without i k jk ijz the periodicity requirement. Up to a sign depending on the direction of the Burgers vector(cid:126)b = bxˆ, the results where (cid:15)ijz is the Levi-Civita tensor. Explicitly, we have ± for(cid:126)b=bxˆ: for the infinite flat space are given by [4]: σflat = Aby(3x2+y2)/r4, (2) F =bσ , (9) xx − x xy σflat =Aby(x2 y2)/r4, (3) yy − F = bσ . (10) y xx − and while for(cid:126)b=byˆ: σflat =Abx(x2 y2)/r4, (4) xy − withr2 =x2+y2andA Y ,whereY =4µ(µ+λ)/(2µ+ λ) is the two-dimension≡al4Yπoung’s modulus. Note that Fx =bσyy, (11) the functional form of the spatial dependence, being de- termined by geometry, is the same as for plane stresses around dislocations in three-dimensional solids. How- ever,therelationshipbetweenAandtheelasticconstants Fy = bσxy. (12) − 5 Summing the series substitution x y, y x, which leads immediately → → − to: The sums of Eqs. (5) through (7) can be evaluated σy =σx , (19) using the Sommerfeld-Watson transformation [36]. To xx xy demonstrate this for the first sum, consider the function σy =σx . (20) xy yy g(z) = cot(πz), which has only simple poles of residue unity which lie on the x axis at integer values. The sum of Eq. (2) can then be written as the complex contour Application of the Somerfeld-Watson transformation to integral: the remaining component of the stress tensor leads to: (cid:73) Ab g(z)f(z)dz, (13) σy = π[ 2coth[π(x iy)/W] 2coth[π(x+iy)/W] C yy −2W − − − +π x (cid:0)csch[π(x iy)/W]2+csch[π(x+iy)/W]2(cid:1)]. with: W − (21) (y/W +z)[3(x/W)2+(y/W +z)2] f(z)= Ab . (14) − W[(x/W)2+(y/W +z)2]2 Asymptotic forms Since f(z) 1/z at large distances from the origin, we ∼ It is natural to consider various limits for the stresses. candeformthecontoursothatitcapturesonlythepoles For distances small compared to the cylinder’s radius, it of f(z) (note that the integral on the circle at infinity canbecheckedthatthepreviousexpressionsallreduceto vanisheseventhoughthedecayisonly 1/z, duetothe ∼ the flat space results, as must be the case. However, for cot(πz) term). Upon rewriting the function f(z) as: large separations along the x direction (i.e., the cylinder axis), the behavior is different. For a dislocation with (y/W +z)[3(x/W)2+(y/W +z)2] (cid:126)b=bxˆ, we find that for x W =2πR: f(z)= (Ab/W) , | |(cid:29) − (z+(y+ix)/W)2(z+(y ix)/W)2 − (15) we see that it has two poles of order 2. Summing the σxxx ≈−4π2Abe−2π|x|/W(|x|/W2)sin(2πy/W), (22) residues gives: σx 4π2Abe 2πx/W(x/W2)sin(2πy/W), (23) yy ≈ − | | | | (cid:73) σx = g(z)f(z)dz = xx C σx 4π2Abe 2πx/W(x/W2)cos(2πy/W), (24) iAbπ2x(cid:0)csc2(π(y ix)/W) csc2(π(y+ix)/W)(cid:1) xy ≈ − | | | | 2W2 − − while for a dislocation with(cid:126)b=byˆ, we have: πAb (cot(π(y+ix)/W)+cot(π(y ix)/W)). (16) − 2W − σy 4π2Abe 2πx/W(x/W2)cos(2πy/W), (25) In a similar fashion one obtains the other components of xx ≈ − | | | | the stress produced by a dislocation with(cid:126)b=bxˆ: σy 2πA(b/W) Sgn(x) yy ≈ · 4π2Abe 2πx/W(x/W2)cos(2πy/W), (26) σyxy = − − | | | | iAbπ2x(cid:0)csc2(π(y ix)/W) csc2(π(y+ix)/W)(cid:1) − 2W2 − − σxyy ≈4π2Abe−2π|x|/W(|x|/W2)sin(2πy/W), (27) πAb (cot(π(y+ix)/W)+cot(π(y ix)/W)), (17) − 2W − whereSgn(x)=x/x.Thus,allcomponentsofthestress | | tensor decay exponentially, except for the circumferen- tial stress induced by a dislocation with (cid:126)b = byˆ, which σx = Abπ2x(cid:0)csc2(π(y ix)/W)+csc2(π(y+ix)/W)(cid:1). approaches to a constant value exponentially fast. This xy − 2W2 − constantreflectsthehalf-lineofextramaterialthatisin- (18) serted throughout the long axis of the cylinder, leading To find the components of the stress tensor due to a to a long-ranged stress field, as evident in the first term dislocationwith(cid:126)b=bˆy,weusethepreviouslymentioned of Eq. (26). 6 Energy considerations Ab2 W Inthissectionweconvertourresultsforthestressesto E (x,y)= log[ sinh(π(x iy)/W)]+ xˆ, xˆ − 2 πb − the elastic interaction energies for two dislocations on a Ab2 cylinder,obtainedbyintegratingthePeach-Koehlerforce + iπ(x/W)csc(πy/W)sinh(πx/W)csch(π(x iy)/W) 2 − of Eq. (8). As discussed above, a generic Burgers vector +C.C. (30) can be decomposed into xˆ and yˆ components, and thus we consider three distinct scenarios: We have suppressed, for simplicity, the large distance (a) Both dislocations have Burgers vectors in the xˆ core energy contribution displayed in Eq. (28). The no- ± directions. tation E denotes that this is the interaction energy xˆ, xˆ (b) One dislocation with(cid:126)b = bxˆ with another with of two ant−iparallel dislocations with Burgers vectors in ± (cid:126)b= byˆ. the xˆ directions. For x R, we find that: ± ± (cid:29) (c) Both dislocations have Burgers vectors in the yˆ ± directions. W x In flat space, the interaction energy of two edge dislo- Exˆ, xˆ Ab2log[ ] 2Ab2| |e−2π|x|/W cos(2πy/W). − ≈ 2πb − W cations with vectors(cid:126)b and(cid:126)b , and with a relative sepa- (31) 1 2 ration of (cid:126)r =(x,y), r b, is given by [5]: Fig. 5 shows the equal energy contours of this inter- (cid:29) action energy. Close to the origin, a cut parallel to the xˆ-axis would give a graph with two minima, correspond- (cid:32) (cid:33) r (b(cid:126) (cid:126)r)(b(cid:126) (cid:126)r) ingtothetwodislocationswithseparationvectorata45 E(x,y)= A (b(cid:126) b(cid:126))log[ ] 1· 2· +2E , − 1· 2 b − r2 c degrees angle to the xˆ-axis – the double minima are ex- pected,sinceclosetotheoriginwearenotsensitivetothe (28) finite radius of the cylinder, and this is indeed the stable where b is the lattice spacing, and the effect of higher configurationoftwodislocationsinflatspace,whenclimb order terms in the gradient expansion of Eq. (1) is given processes (motion perpendicular to the Burgers vector) by the core energy term 2E [37]. Note that unless the c are prohibited [38]. The double minima structure at a Burgers vectors are equal and opposite, the total energy fixed offset y = W/10 is shown in Fig. 6. However, at of the system will also include terms that diverge with larger vertical separations the minima become shallower the system size, as previously discussed. andshallower,untilataseparationofW/4alongthecir- The derivatives of the interaction energy with respect cumference, there is only a single maximum at x = 0. to the coordinates yield the forces: for example, differ- For fixed y, the minima obey ∂Exˆ,−xˆ(x,y) σx = 0. entiating Eq. (28) with respect to x or y and using Eqs. ∂x ∝ xy Upon equating Eq. (18) to zero, we find (aside from the (9)and(10)givesEqs. (4)and(2). Uptoaconstant,we solution x=0): can obtain this interaction energy by integration of the Peach-Koehler force. tan(πy/W)= tanh(πx/W), (32) ± Upon generalizing to the case of the cylinder, where we have already found an explicit formula for the forces, which indeed has a solution at nonzero x provided y < we can use it to derive the expression for the interac- W/4. tion energy for case (a) above. Integrating the force in Takingthey 0limitofEq. (30)(whichisill-defined → the x direction, F = bσx , with respect to x leads to for y =0) leads to: x − xy E(x,y)=Y(y)+C(x,y) with: E (x,y 0)= xˆ, xˆ − → (cid:18) (cid:19) 2R πx Ab2 Ab2 log[ sinh(πx/W)] coth(πx/W) . C(x,y)= log[sinh(π(x iy)/W)]+ b − W 2 − (33) Ab2 + iπ(x/W)csc(πy/W)sinh(πx/W)csch(π(x iy)/W) 2 − This formula is equivalent to Eq. (2.1b) in Ref. [38], +C.C., (29) describingtheinteractionenergyoftwoantiparallelgrain boundariesintheinfiniteplane. Theconnectionbetween withW =2πR. ThederivativeofC(x,y)withrespect these two systems will be elucidated in section . to y can be shown to be equal to F = bσx , implying In a similar fashion we can find the interaction energy y xx that Y(y) = const. The constant can be found be de- forcase(b)above,ofanedgedislocationwith(cid:126)b=bxˆwith mandingthattheexpressionreducestothatofflatspace another with(cid:126)b = byˆ. The forces on the latter are given for W x,y, see Eq. (28). Our final result for antipar- by F =σx , F = σx . By integrating the stresses we (cid:29) x yy y − xy allel Burgers vectors along the cylinder axis is thus: find: 7 1 1 5 0.9 0.9 0.4 4 0.8 0.8 0.3 3 0.7 0.7 0.2 2 0.6 0.6 0.1 R 1 R 2π0.5 2π0.5 0 / 0 / y0.4 y0.4 −0.1 −1 0.3 0.3 −0.2 −2 0.2 0.2 −0.3 −3 0.1 0.1 −0.4 −4 0 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 x/2πR x/2πR FIG. 5. Equipotential contours for a dislocation on a cylin- FIG. 7. Equipotential contours for a dislocation at (x,y) on der at position (x,y) with(cid:126)b=−bxˆ, interacting with another a cylinder with(cid:126)b = byˆ, interacting with another dislocation dislocation at the origin with(cid:126)b=bxˆ. Energy is measured in at the origin with (cid:126)b = bxˆ. Energy is measured in units of units of Ab2. Note the much lower energies than in Fig. 8 Ab2. Note that the large distance core energy contribution, where the Burgers vector are rotated by 90◦. analogous to that appearing in Eq. (28), is undefined with- out additional dislocations on the cylinder, since the sum of the Burgers vectors should vanish. Nevertheless, this expres- 0 y/W =0.1 sion is useful for charge-neutral dislocation configurations on y/W =0.15 a cylinder, whose interactions can be decomposed into pair- −0.2 y/W =0.2 wise interactions involving E , E and E ; see Eqs. y/W =0.25 xˆ,−xˆ yˆ,−yˆ xˆ,yˆ −0.4 y/W =0.3 (31),(36) and (34). −0.6 2 Eb A −0.8 For y = 0, we find that E = 0. For x,y W, Eq. xˆ,yˆ (cid:28) (34) reduces to the flat expression: −1 −1.2 Ab2xy Ab2 −1.−42 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Exˆ,yˆ≈ x2+y2 = x + y. (35) x y x 2πR FIG. 6. Slice along the energy contours of Fig. 5 showing interactionenergyasafunctionofx,forseveralratiosofy/W. Since c+ 1 2 for any value of c, there is clearly | c| ≥ Notethedoubleminima,whichbecomeasinglemaximumfor no divergence of the energy as the two dislocations come y≥W/4. together, with a minimum energy of Ab2 obtained for − 2 x = y. The finiteness of the energy as the dislocations − as(x,y) (0,0)reflectsthevanishingofthelogarithmic → divergenceinEq. (28)whenb(cid:126) andb(cid:126) areperpendicular. 1 2 Ab2π x sin[2πy/W] As mentioned before, a dislocation configuration where E (x,y)= W . (34) the sum of Burgers vectors does not vanish leads to ad- xˆ,yˆ −cos[2πy/W] cosh[2πx/W] − ditional terms in the expression of the total energy di- verging with the system size. The above equations only The equal energy contours of this interaction energy are reflect the pairwise interaction terms. shown in Fig. 7. For x R the expression reduces to: (cid:29) Finally, in case (c), the force on an edge dislocation x with(cid:126)b= byˆinducedbyanotherdislocationwith(cid:126)b=byˆ Exˆ,yˆ≈2πAb2Wsin[2πy/W]e−2π|x|/W. is given b−y Fx = −σyyy, Fy = σxyy. Upon integration we 8 Stresses and energetics for Burgers vectors at arbitrary inclination angle A Burgers vector (cid:126)b that makes an angle θ with the x axis, can always be decomposed into Cartesian com- 1 ponents parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder axis. 0.9 4 Sinceweassumelinear elasticity,therelevantstressfields follow from the superposition of the solutions obtained 0.8 2 previously: 0.7 0 0.6 σθ =σx cosθ+σy sinθ, (39) R ij ij ij 2π0.5 −2 y/0.4 where σixj and σiyj appear in Eqs. (16–21). −4 We now determine the interaction energy of this dis- 0.3 location with another dislocation, whose Burgers vector 0.2 −6 forms an angle α with the x axis (on a triangular lat- 0.1 −8 tice, if the Burgers vectors have their minimum allowed 0 lengths, the difference of the two angles θ and α will be −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 x/2πR a multiple of π/3). The force on this dislocation is then: FIG. 8. Equipotential contours for a dislocation at (x,y) on F =b[σx cosθcosα+σy sinθcosα acylinderwith(cid:126)b=−byˆ,interactingwithanotherdislocation x xy xy attheoriginwith(cid:126)b=byˆ. EnergyismeasuredinunitsofAb2. +σyxycosθsinα+σyyysinθsinα]. (40) Note that for x (cid:29) R = W/2π the energy contours become parallel to the y axis; so that the forces are primarily in the x direction. This trend, and the associated linear potential, can be seen from Eqs. (11), (12),(26) and (27). F =b[ σx cosθcosα σy sinθcosα y − xx − xx σx cosθsinα+σy sinθsinα]. (41) − xy xy find Upon integration we find that: Ab2 W E (x,y)= log[ sinh[π(x iy)/W]] yˆ,−yˆ 2 eπb − Eθ,α =Ex,xcosθcosα+Ey,xsin(θ+α)+Ey,ysinθsinα. Ab2 (42) iπ(x/W)csc[πy/W]sinh[πx/W]csch[π(x iy)/W]+ − 2 − For the phyllotaxis problem discussed in section , the energy landscape associated with dislocation pairs with C.C., (36) antiparallelBurgersvectorsisofparticularinterest;these cannucleatelocallyandthenunbind,thusmodifyingthe where e is the base of the natural logarithm. The equal geometry of the lattice. Fig. 9 shows an example of the energycontoursareshowninFig. 8. Theanalyticformof energyequipotentialcontoursforθ =π/6andα=7π/6. Eq. (36)issimilar(butnotidentical!) tothatforE , xˆ, xˆ − see Eq. (30). As before, we can check that for x,y R (cid:28) this reduces to Eq. (28) (this correspondence requires Structure of the energy landscape the extra factor 2/e in the logarithm). For x R we (cid:29) now find, in contrast to Eq. (31), a linear potential, Inthissectionwedescribeinmoredetailthestructure of the interaction energy landscape for two dislocations 2πAb2 interacting on the surface of a cylinder at zero tempera- E (x,y) x. (37) yˆ,−yˆ ≈ W | | ture. Inthelimity 0,similarlytothecaseofE (x,0), xˆ, xˆ we find that: → − Burgers vectors are in the ±x directions In the case of dislocations with antiparallel Burgers (cid:18) (cid:19) W πx vectors in the xˆ directions, the interaction energy is Eyˆ, yˆ(x,0)=Ab2 log[ sinh(πx/W)]+ coth(πx/W) . ± − eπb W given by Eq. (30). From the energy contours (see Fig. (38) 5), we can see that the configuration where the two dis- ‘ locations are located at the same x coordinate but on 9 Burgers vectors are in the ±y directions Upon repeating the same analysis for two dislocations with Burgers vectors in the y directions, we find that, ± again,theonlyextremumpointisattheanti-podalpoint 1 (0,W/2), which Fig. 8 shows to be a saddle point. 0.9 8 0.8 6 NUMERICAL TEST ON A TRIANGULAR 0.7 LATTICE 4 0.6 R /2π0.5 2 AsdiscussedintheIntroduction,insoftmatterphysics y 0.4 0 a triangular lattice of colloidal particles wrapped around 0.3 a cylinder may be realizable. If one of the principal axes 0.2 −2 of the lattice is oriented along the circumferential direc- 0.1 −4 tion,theminimalBurgersvectorofadislo(cid:16)cationcant(cid:17)ake 0 on the following values: (cid:126)b= byˆ,(cid:126)b= b √3xˆ 1yˆ . −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 ± ± 2 ± 2 x/2πR To test our continuum limit predictions numerically, consider the stresses associated with an isolated disloca- FIG.9. Equipotentialcontoursforadislocationonacylinder tion at the origin with Burgers vector(cid:126)b = b(√3xˆ 1yˆ) with a Burgers vector (cid:126)b = b(√3xˆ+ 1yˆ), forming an angle (i.e. θ = π/6)inatriangularlatticeofmasses2and−h2ar- 2 2 of π/6 with respect to the xˆ-axis, interacting with another monicspr−ingswhicharerelaxedtotheirminimumenergy dislocation with an opposite Burgers vector. The interaction configurationbyaconjugategradientmethod. Toinsure energy is given by Eq. (42). Note the two skewed saddle a charge-neutral configuration, an additional dislocation points. Energy is measured in units of Ab2. withantiparallelBurgersvectorwascreatedatthenega- tivexˆendofthecylinder. Thestrainsandstressesatany opposite sides of the cylinder, the anti-podal point, is point can be calculated from the shift in position of the a maximum of the energy. If the two dislocations have surrounding points relative to the perfect lattice. In Fig. the same sign, there is a stable minimum riding on top (10), we display σxx and σyy for positive x at a constant of an infinite energy due to the lack of overall charge y = W/4 for cylinders of various sizes. We obtain good neutrality. To see this, one can expand the force on a agreementwithourcontinuumresultsevenforrelatively dislocation offset slightly from the origin by an amount small system sizes, which can be realized in colloidal ex- (x,y), exerted by another dislocation at the anti-podal periments. This calculation illustrates the applicability point. This gives, for antiparallel Burgers vectors, to of our results for Burgers vectors rotated away from the lowest non-vanishing order: x-axis, which lead to long range strain fields along the cylinder axis. We note from Fig. (10) that the asymptotic value of F (x,y)=Kx, σ at large positive x in the simulations is zero rather x yy Fy(x,y)=Ky, (43) thanσy−yπ/6(x→∞)=−πA/W predictedfromEq. (39). This is due to the contribution of the additional disloca- with K = Aπ2b2 >0, so the minimum is unstable. For tion positioned at the negative xˆ end of the cylinder: W2 parallel Burgers vectors, the signs are reversed. from Eqs. (23), (22),(24) we see that while it has an ex- We conclude that two dislocations with antiparallel ponentially small effect on the other components of the Burgersvectorsonoppositesidesofthecylindercanmin- stress tensor, it creates a constant circumferential stress imizetheirenergybyannihilating,whiletwodislocations σyy,thusshiftingthevaluesforthecircumferentialstress of the same sign will remain at the anti-podal point to by a constant. At x W, the stress created by the dis- (cid:29) minimize the repulsive elastic interaction energy. locationattheoriginisalsoapproximatelyconstant,and since the two dislocations are antiparallel their contribu- tionsareequalbutofoppositesign–whichexplainswhy Burgers vectors are in the xˆ and yˆdirections σyy =σy−yπ/6+σy5yπ/6 0 at large positive x. → Thereissomeevidenceforhelicalmotionoftracerpar- Inthiscasetheanti-podalpointisfoundtobeasaddle ticles on the cell walls of elongating bacteria such as Es- point,ascanbeseennearthecenterofFig. 7. Asbefore, cherichia coli [39], suggesting that the lattice shown in we suppress an infinite energy due to the lack of charge Fig. 3maybeslightlyskewed. Hence,itisofsomeinter- neutrality. esttofindtheasymptoticformasx ofthestressfor →∞ 10 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 Ab − Ab 0.0 / / x 1.0 y σx − σy W 8 W 0.5 8 1.5 16 − 16 − 24 24 32 1.0 32 −2.0 40 − 40 Theory Theory 2.5 1.5 − 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 − 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 x/W x/W FIG.10. Stresscomponentsσ (left)andσ (right)asafunctionofxataconstantoffsetaroundthecylindery=W/4,fora √ xx yy dislocation with(cid:126)b=b( 3xˆ− 1yˆ) at the origin. To account for a charge-neutral dislocation configuration, another dislocation 2 2 with an antiparallel Burgers vector is placed along the negative xˆ end of the cylinder, far enough from the origin to create a constant σ stress [see Eq. (26)] and a negligible contribution to the other components of the stress tensor. The symbols yy are for simulations of cylinders with W increasing from 8b to 40b where b is the equilibrium lattice constant of the simulation lattice. In all cases, the length of the cylinder is 8.66W and the dislocation is situated at the center of the cylinder along the longaxistominimizeedgeeffects. ThesolidlineisthetheoreticalpredictionfromEq. (39)withθ=−π/6,wherefortheright figure one has to add the constant σ stress mentioned above. Except for one or two points closest to the dislocation, where yy discreteeffectsbecomeimportant,thesimulationsagreewiththeresultsofcontinuumelasticityevenforrelativelysmallsystem sizes(W (cid:38)16b).Fornegativevaluesofx,theconvergencetothecontinuumlimitresultsisslower,andtherearecorrectionsto the stresses which scale as ∼b/W. These will be discussed in more detail in future work. adislocationwithaBurgersvectorinadirectionforming Supposethatthelatticeorientationonthecylinderal- a small angle θ with the xˆ axis. We use Eqs. (26) and lows two dislocations of opposite Burgers vectors, bxˆ, ± (39) to find: initially very close together. Let us now glide one of the dislocations away from the other, until they reach a cer- σ θ 2πAb/W Sg(x) tain separation ∆ along the xˆ, which coincides with the yy ≈ · · axis of cylindrical symmetry. Every time the dislocation +4π2Abe 2πx/W x/W2[sin(2πy/W) θcos(2πy/W)]. − | | | | − glides by one lattice spacing, we connect an initially cir- (44) cumferential row with an adjacent one to make a spiral. Thus,atanyfixedseparation,thefinitepartofthecylin- Thus, for slightly tilted Burgers vectors there is a derbetweenthetwodislocationsisconvertedtoahelical lengthscalel alongxˆatwhichtheconstantcontribution ∗ structure, which can be thought of as a local rotation of to the stress dominates over the exponentially decaying the crystalline lattice (see Fig. 4). Since a shift of b is one, which is readily found by equating the two terms: associated with each rotation, the pitch of the helix is θ = b/W. Therefore, we can view the circumferential [2πe 2πl∗/Wl /W]sin(2πy/W)=θ. (45) row passing through each of the dislocations as a grain − ∗ boundary, and the whole structure as a polycrystalline Provided y is not too small, with W = 2πR, we find material with three regions, the middle one tilted by θ. that to leading order: Glideseparationandtheequivalentgrainboundarycon- figuration are also illustrated in Fig. 11, as well as in the Supplementary Video S1, showing numerical results l Rlog(θ). (46) for a system of masses and springs, where the minimal ∗ ∼ energy configuration of the system at each instance in time is obtained by a conjugate gradient minimization ANALOGY WITH GRAIN BOUNDARIES procedure. By this analogy, the interaction energy E(x,y) of two We now describe a correspondence between disloca- dislocations on the cylinder separated by a displacement tions on a cylinder and grain boundaries, which allows (x,y), corresponds to the energy (per section of length checks of some of our calculations [40]. W) of two infinite, straight, grain boundaries a distance

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