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Theory of excitations of the condensate 9 9 and non-condensate at finite temperatures 9 1 A. Griffin n a Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A7, Canada J 0 2 3 v 2 7 1 1 0 9 9 / t a Summary. — We give an overview of the current theory of collective modes in m trapped atomic gases at finite temperatures, when the dynamics of the condensate - and non-condensate must both be considered. A simple introduction is given to d the quantum field formulation of the dynamics of an interacting Bose-condensed n system, based on equations of motion for the condensate wavefunction and single- o particle Green’s functions for the non-condensate atoms. We discuss the nature c : of excitations in the mean-field collisionless region, including the Beliaev second- v order approximation for the self-energies. We also sketch the derivation of coupled i X two-fluid hydrodynamic equations using a simple kinetic equation which includes collisions between condensate and non-condensateatoms. r a PACS 03.75.Fi, 05.30.Jp, 67.40.-w. – . 1. – Introduction There are several excellent review articles on trapped Bose-condensed atomic gases written at a relatively introductory level [1, 2], with emphasis on the dynamics of the condensateatT =0. Inthe presentlectures,Iwillconcentrateonthe interplaybetween the condensate and non-condensate components. This topic requires a more sophisti- cated analysis based on the concepts and methods of many body theory. My lectures will attempt to give a very basic introduction to this kind of approach. The primary (cid:13)c Societa`ItalianadiFisica 1 2 A.GRIFFIN audience I have in mind are graduate students and postdocs coming from atomic and laserphysics,ratherthancondensedmattertheory. However,Ihopetheexpertswillalso learnsomethingfromtheselectures. Inhislectures,Fetter[3]hasgivenadetailedreview of excitations in a trapped dilute Bose gas at T =0. He shows that a convenient way of discussing these excitations is to start from the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for the macroscopic wavefunction Φ(r,t). Linearizing around the equilibrium value Φ (r), one finds of the macroscopic wavefunction are given by the well-knownBo- 0 goliubovcoupledequations. ForauniformBose-condensedgas,theexcitationfrequencies are those first discussed by Bogoliubov in 1947 [4]. AtT =0,one canassumethatallthe atomsareinthe Bosecondensatedescribedby Φ(r,t). Incontrast,inthese lectures,mymaintopicwillbe toreviewourunderstanding of what excitations are in a Bose-condensed gas at finite temperatures, when there is a large number of atoms in the non-condensate (in trapped gases, the non-condensate is often referred to as the “thermal cloud”). I will make some contact with the ideas discussed in the lectures by Burnett [5]. The first half of these lectures (Sections 2 - 7) deals with excitations whose very ex- istence depends onself-consistentmeanfields (ofvarious kinds!), ratherthan onthe col- lisions between atoms. In the standardlanguage developed in condensed matter physics in the 1960’s, this means the excitations are in the “collisionless region”. Thesecondhalfofthelectures(Sections8-12)dealswithexcitationsinthecollision- dominated hydrodynamic region. I review the two-fluid hydrodynamic equations such as given by Landau [6], generalized to include a trap. I give an explicit microscopic derivation of such two-fluid equations in a trapped Bose gas. This extends recent work ofZaremba,GriffinandNikuni(ZGN)[7]toincludethe casewhenthe condensateisnot yet in local equilibrium with the non-condensate atoms. The type of questions I want to address in these lectures include: 1. What is the difference between an elementary excitation and a collective mode? 2. Can we isolate the dynamical role of the condensate on the nature of the excita- tions? 3. At T = 0, with a pure condensate, excitations in a gas must be oscillations of the condensate. In contrast, above T , the excitations are not related to a BEC condensate. What happens to an excitation as we go from T = 0 to T > T . BEC How does the excitation get rid of its “condensate” dressing? 4. Whatisthe essentialphysicsbehindthedifferentmean-fieldtheoriesofexcitations whichhavebeendiscussedinthe recentliterature: Gross-Pitaevskii,Hartree-Fock- Popov, Hartree-Fock-Bogoluibov? 5. WhatisthephysicsbehindthedreadedBeliaevsecond-orderapproximation? This is the first approximation which includes damping of the elementary excitations even at T =0 [8]. THEORYOFEXCITATIONSATFINITETEMPERATURES 3 6. WhyaretheexcitationsandcollectivemodesinaBose-condensedsystemuniquely interesting,comparedtoallothermanybodysystems? Thekeyreasonis,ofcourse, that the condensate couples and hybridizes single-particle excitations with density fluctuations. AboveT , these two excitationbranchesare uncoupled. Once this BEC is understood, one sees why more detailed and systematic experimental studies of excitations in trapped atomic gases at finite temperature are of great importance. To give a careful discussion of all these questions would need 10 lectures. In these 3 lectures, I will give a speeded-up version. I will often use a uniform weakly interacting Bose gas to illustrate the structure of the theory. While I will only sketch the math, I will still try to give a flavour of what is involved. The approach I will use to discuss these questionsis basedonthe field-theoreticformulationofaBose-condensedsystemof particles. AsIreviewelsewhereinthisvolume[9],thispowerfulformalismwasintroduced byBeliaev[10]in1957andextensivelydevelopedintheGoldenPeriod: 1958-1965. Iwill introducethisformalisminaveryschematicmanner-butevenexperimentalistswillfind itusefultoknowsomeofthe“language”usedinthisapproach. Thereareothermethods to deal with collective modes in Bose gases but they are not as useful at isolating the dynamical role of the condensate, or dealing with finite temperatures. While I will always have trapped atomic Bose gases in mind, much of the general theory [11, 12] is valid for any Bose-condensed fluid (gas or liquid). Thus I will often make references to superfluid 4He, pointing out similarities with Bose gases. 2. – Elementary excitations and density fluctuations in normal systems We work with quantum field operators : ψˆ(r) =destroys an atom at r (1) ψˆ+(r) =creates an atom at r. These operators satisfy the usual Bose commutation relations, such as [ψˆ(r),ψˆ+(r′)] = δ(r r′). Of course, if we have several hyperfine atomic states, then we have different − field operators ψˆ (r), where a is the hyperfine state label (the analogue of a spin label). a Allobservablescanbewrittenintermsofthesequantumfieldoperators. Twoimportant examples are the local density operator: (2) nˆ(r)=ψˆ+(r)ψˆ(r) and the Hamiltonian 2 1 (3) Hˆ = drψˆ+(r) −∇ +U (r) µ ψˆ(r)+ g drψˆ+(r)ψˆ+(r)ψˆ(r)ψˆ(r). ext 2m − 2 Z (cid:20) (cid:21) Z In these lectures, the two-particle interaction will always be approximated by a s-wave scatteringlength,appropriatetoadiluteBosegasatverylowtemperatures[5,13]. Thus v(r r′)=gδ(r r′), with g = 4πa (we set ¯h=1 throughout this article). − − m 4 A.GRIFFIN Whatwewanttocalculatearevariouskindsofcorrelationfunctionsinvolvingdifferent local operators: ′ ′ ′ ′ nˆ(r,t)nˆ(r,t) χ (rt,rt) nn h i∼ ′ = χ (1,1) density response function nn ≡ ˆj (r,t)ˆj (r′t′) χ (rt,r′t′) h α β i∼ jαjβ ′ (4) = χ (1,1) current response function. jαjβ ≡ In these tutorial lectures, I will not bother to distinguish between the various kinds of correlationfunctions(time-ordered,retarded,etc)oreventhedifferencebetweencorrela- tion functions and responsefunctions. These arediscussedinall the standardtextbooks on many body theory [12, 14] but are only important when one is doing systematic cal- culations. A convenient summary of the formalism is given in a recent review article on homogeneous weakly interacting Bose gases [15]. The density response function (5) χ (1,1′)= ψˆ+(1)ψˆ(1)ψˆ+(1′)ψˆ(1′) nn h i involvesfourquantumfieldoperatorsandisanexampleofatwo-particleGreen’sfunction ′ ′ G (1,1). One can measure χ (1,1) by coupling a weak external field to the local 2 nn density in the system ′ (6) H (t)= drV (r,t)nˆ(r) d1V (1)nˆ(1). ex ex ≡ Z Z Linear response theory gives δn(1) nˆ(r) nˆ(r) t eq ≡ h i −h i ′ ′ ′ (7) = d1χ (1,1)V (1)+... nn ex Z forthedensityresponse(seeChapters5and9ofRef.[12]andChapter2ofRef.[14]). For a uniform system with V (r,t)=V ei(q·r−ωt), we have ex q,ω ′ ′ χ (1,1) =χ (1 1) nn nn − ′ ′ =χ (r r,t t). nn − − Fourier transforming (r r′) q and (t t′) ω, the linear response equation in (7) − → − → reduces to (8) δn(q,ω)=χ (q,ω)V . nn q,ω THEORYOFEXCITATIONSATFINITETEMPERATURES 5 If χ (q,ω) 1 has a pole atω =E , (for further details, see Section 3) then when nn ∼ ω−Eq q ω and q of the external potential satisfy ω = E , δn(q,ω) as given by (8) can be very q large even though V is small. We note that q,ω 1 (9) χ (q,ω) χ (q,t) e−iEqt nn nn ∼ ω E → ∼ q − and thus clearlythe pole at ω =E is the signature ofan oscillating density fluctuation. q The basic correlation function in the field-theoretic approachis given by (10) ψˆ(1)ψˆ+(1′) G (1,1′). 1 h i∼ This single-particle Green’s function G involves two quantum field operators. It de- 1 scribescreatinganatomat1′ =r′,t′,letitpropagatethroughthesystemto1=r,tand ′ then destroying the atom. All other higher-order correlation functions such as G (1,1) 2 can be constructed out of combinations of G (1,1′). For example, the lowest order con- 1 tributions to the density response function in (5) are χ (1,1′)= ψˆ+(1)ψˆ(1)ψˆ+(1′)ψˆ(1′) nn h i ψˆ+(1)ψˆ(1) ψˆ+(1′)ψˆ(1′) n(1) n(1′) ≃h ih i→h ih i + ψˆ+(1)ψˆ(1′) ψˆ+(1′)ψ(1) G (1,1′)G (1′,1) 1 1 h ih i→ (11) + ψˆ+(1)ψˆ+(1′) ψˆ(1)ψˆ(1′) +... h ih i As we discuss in Section 4, the terms in the last line of (11) vanish in a normal Bose system but are finite for T < T . The poles of G correspond to what are called BEC 1 elementary excitations (or quasiparticles). In a uniform system, we have 1 ′ G (1,1) G (q,ω) 1 → 1 ∼ ω Esp q − q2 (12) G1(q,t)∼e−iEqspt; in a free gas, we have Eqsp = 2m ≡ǫq. One can show [12] that these single-particle excitations determine the thermodynamic properties of interacting systems. However, it is very difficult to directly measure the spectrumofG (1,1′)sinceoneneedsanexternalfieldwhichcouplestoψˆ(1),ie,anatom 1 reservoir. Later we will see that what makes a Bose-condensedsystem unique is that we ′ can easily access G (1,1) as a result of the effects of the Bose condensate. 1 Finally we introduce the key idea of a single-particle self-energy through Dyson’s equation: (13) G =G +G ΣG , 1 0 0 1 6 A.GRIFFIN where G is the interacting single-particle Green’s function, G is the non-interacting 1 0 single-particle Green’s function and all effects of the two-particle interactions are con- tained in the self-energyfunction Σ. In a uniformsystem, we canFourier transformthis Dyson equation to give (14) G (q,ω)=G (q,ω)+G (q,ω)Σ(q,ω)G (q,ω), 0 0 0 1 where G (q,ω)= 1 . This is easily solved to give 0 ω−ǫq 1 (15) G (q,ω)= . 1 ω [ǫ +Σ(q,ω)] q − Thus we see that G may have a single-particle pole at the quasiparticle energy 1 (16) Esp =ǫ +Σ(q,Esp). q q q In general, Σ(q,ω) = Σ +iΣ , where Σ describes the damping of the single-particle R I I excitations. Field-theoretic calculations [11, 12] involve a systemmatic (diagrammatic) procedure to calculate Σ(q,ω) and from this to obtain G (q,ω). We note that the self-energy Σ is 1 by definition highly non-perturbative. As an illustration, let us consider the self-energy to first order in g. This Hartree-Fock approximation is shown in Fig.1. In our s-wave approximation, the total self-energy is simply (17) Σ =gn+gn=2gn, HF and therefore (15) gives 1 (18) G(q,ω)= . ω [ǫ +2gn] q − Hence the normal HF excitation energy has the dispersion relation q2 (19) EHF = +2gn. q 2m 3. – Density fluctuation spectrum in the mean-field approximation ThesimplestapproximationforthedensityresponsefunctionintroducedinSection2 is [11, 12] (20) χ (1,1′) χ0 (1,1′)=G (1,1′)G (1′,1). nn ⇒ nn 1 1 THEORYOFEXCITATIONSATFINITETEMPERATURES 7 In a uniform Bose system, the Fourier transform of this gives N0(ω ) N0(ω ) (21) χ0 (q,ω) dk dω dω 1 − 2 A(k,ω )A(k q,ω ). nn ∼ 1 2 ω ω ω 1 − 2 Z Z Z (cid:2) 1− 2− (cid:3) HereN0(ω)=(eβω 1)−1 istheBosedistributionfunctionandA(k,ω) single-particle − ≡ spectral density 2ImG (k,ω+i0+). If we use A (k,ω) 2πδ(ω EHF) as givenin ∼ 1 HF ∼ − k (18), we find (21) reduces to N0(EHF) N0(EHF) (22) χ0 (q,ω) dk k − k−q . nn ∼ (EHF EHF) ω Z k − k−q − We note that χ0 has a continuum of poles given by ω = (EHF EHF). It is easy nn k − k−q to understand the physics which gives rise to this “ideal-gas” spectrum. The Fourier transform of the local density operator in (2) is given by (for a uniform system) (23) nˆq = aˆ+kaˆk−q k X Clearly nˆ creates a “particle-hole” density fluctuation with the following features: q change in energy:Ek Ek−q =ω − (24) change in momentum:k (k q)=q. − − The spectrum(22)describes abroadincoherentsuperpositionofparticle-holestates[14] and is not a true collective mode, such as we discuss next. The mean field approximation (MFA) for the density response is also called other names: SCF (self-consistent field), RPA (randon phase approximation), but all involve thesamephysics. TheMFAwasintroducedbyBohmandPinesintheperiod1951-1953, workwhichhadapivotaleffectinourunderstandingcollectiveeffectsinallmany-particle systems. We recall the linear response expression in (7), where χ is the full density nn response function for interacting Bose gas. If we introduce the self-consistent Hartree mean-field: ′ ′ ′ (25) δV (1)= d1v(1 1)δn(1)=gδn(1), Hartree − Z then we can approximate the linear response equation in (7) by (26) δn(1)= d1′χ0 (1,1′)[V (1′)+δV (1′)]. nn ex Hartree Z Thesystemisassumedtorespondasiftheatomspropagateindependently(asdescribed by χ0) but are moving in an effective field V (1′). In a uniform system, the Fourier eff 8 A.GRIFFIN transform of (26) is (27) δn(q,ω)=χ0 (q,ω)[V +gδn(q,ω)], nn qω which gives the well-known MFA expression for χ [12, 14]: nn χ0 (q,ω) (28) χ (q,ω)= nn . nn 1 gχ0 (q,ω) − nn This result for χ (q,ω) may have new poles given by zeros of the denominator, nn (29) 1 gχ0 (q,ω)=0. − nn Assuming thatitisdistinguisablefromthe incoherentidealgasdensity fluctuationspec- trum given by (22), this pole at ω = Ecoll is called a zero sound mode (a plasmon in q charged systems). This language was first introduced in 1957 by Landau in Fermi sys- tems [14] but the concept is generally applicable in any interacting many body system. Physically, it is clear that zero sound is a “collisionless” density oscillation arising from dynamic self-consistent mean fields. We make a few comments about such “zero sound” collective modes: 1. Ecoll andEsp (thepolesofG (q,ω))arebothstatesofaninteractingmany-particle q q 1 system. However the collective mode disappears if there are no interactions, while the single-particle excitations still exist in a non-interacting gas. 2. Because of the low density, dynamic mean fields in normal systems are too weak to allow the existence of a well-defined (weakly-damped) zero sound mode in the Bose gases of current interest (for T > T ). If gχ0 (q,ω) 1, we can then BEC nn ≪ approximate χ (q,ω) χ0 (q,ω). The situation is quite different for T <T , nn ≃ nn BEC when a coherent mean-field due to the condensate is present. 3. Onealsoexpectsacollectivepoletoappearinχ (q,ω)inthecollision-dominated nn hydrodynamic region. However this sound wave pole is induced by rapid collisions producing local equilibrium, as we discuss in Sections 8 - 12. Ordinary sound is notdescribedbythe MFAdiscussedabove,ie,itisnotthe resultofdynamic mean fields. 4. – Green’s function formulation of excitations in a Bose-condensed system AlltheformalismwehavebeendiscussingforT >T canbeextendedinanatural BEC waytoBose-condensedsystems[10,11,12]makinguseofthefundamentaldecomposition which separates out the condensate and non-condensate parts of the quantum fields: (30) ψˆ(r)= ψˆ(r) +ψ˜(r). h i THEORYOFEXCITATIONSATFINITETEMPERATURES 9 Heretheaverageisoverarestrictedensemble[16,17]consistentwith ψˆ =0. Themost h i6 profound way of doing this is to add a symmetry-breaking field (31) Hˆ (t)= dr[η(r,t)ψˆ+(r)+H.C.] sb Z and work with Hˆ =Hˆ +Hˆ , taking the limit η 0 at the end. This gives the tot system sb → system a “hunting license” [16] to have finite value of ψˆ and one finds h i (32) ψˆ =0 for T >T ; ψˆ =0 for T <T . sb BEC sb BEC h i h i 6 Akeypointisthatif ψˆ =0,thenadirectconsequenceistheexistenceof“anomalous” sb h i 6 or “off-diagonal” propagators[10] ψ˜(1)ψ˜(1′) =0 sb h i 6 (33) ψ˜+(1)ψ˜+(1′) =0. sb h i 6 These describe new condensate-induced correlations between non-condensate atoms at ′ different space-time points 1 and 1. In a sense, these anomalous correlation functions are as important as the macroscopic wavefunction Φ(1). We also note that m˜(1) ≡ ψ˜(1)ψ˜(1) is the “pair” function that Burnett [5] discusses in detail, using a different sb h i formalism. ¿Fromnowon,weleavethesymmetry-breakinglabelontheaveragesimplicit. In addition, if ψˆ = 0, we find that correlation functions involving three non- h i 6 condensate field operators can be finite (34) ψ˜(1)ψ˜(2)ψ˜(3) =0. h i6 In particular, n˜(1)ψ˜(1′) = 0. This describes the condensate-induced coupling of non- h i 6 condensate density fluctuations n˜ = ψ˜+ψ˜ and the single-particle field fluctuations (see Section 7). Clearly one has to work with a 2 2 matrix single-particle propagator G when 1 × ψˆ =0, namely h i6 ψˆ(1)ψˆ+(1′) ψˆ(1)ψˆ(1′) Gαβ = hψˆ+(1)ψˆ+(1′i) hψˆ+(1)ψˆ(1i′) ! h i h i Φ(1)Φ∗(1′)+G˜ Φ(1)Φ(1′)+G˜ (35) = 11 12 , Φ∗(1)Φ∗(1′)+G˜ Φ∗(1)Φ(1′)+G˜ (cid:18) 21 22 (cid:19) where we haveintroduceda 2 2 matrix Green’s function for the non-condensateatoms × G˜ G˜ (36) G˜ 11 12 . αβ ≡ G˜ G˜ (cid:18) 21 22 (cid:19) 10 A.GRIFFIN Beliaev [10] effectively showed (in modern matrix notation) (37) G˜ =G δ +G Σ G˜ , αβ 0 αβ 0 αδ δβ where we use the standard conventionthat repeated indices (δ =1,2)are summed over. This is the famous Dyson-Beliaev equation, involving a 2 x 2 matrix self-energy Σ . αδ Clearly all components G˜ will share the same single-particle excitation spectrum. In αβ a uniform system, we have (38) G˜ (q,ω)=G (q,ω)δ +G (q,ω)Σ (q,ω)G˜ (q,ω), αβ 0 αβ 0 αδ δβ which is a set of linear algebraic equations which are easy to solve for G˜ ( G˜ ) and 11 22 ∼ G˜ ( G˜ ). 12 21 ∼ We will now use this Beliaev formalism to discuss various simple approximations for the self-energies Σ . The interaction energy in (3), namely αβ 1 (39) V = g drψˆ+(r)ψˆ+(r)ψˆ(r)ψˆ(r), int 2 Z splitsintovariousdistinctcontributionswhenweuse(30)toseparateoutthecondensate parts (see Fig. 2). At T =0, we can ignore the V and V contributions because so few 3 4 atomsareinnon-condensate. Thisisthe famousBogoliubovapproximation[4],anditis equivalenttothe linearizedGPtheory. InBeliaevlanguage,the Bogoliubovself-energies are shown in Fig. 3. For a uniform gas, these give [10, 12] ω+ǫ +n g G˜ (p,ω)= p c 11 ω2 ǫ2+2ǫ n g − p p c n g (40) G˜ (p,ω)= (cid:2)− c (cid:3) . 12 ω2 ǫ2+2ǫ n g − p p c (cid:2) (cid:3) TheseBogoliubovsingle-particleGreen’sfunctionscontainthesamephysicsasdiscussed in Fetter’s lectures [3]. They clearly have poles at the frequencies ω = E , where p ± (41) E =(ǫ2+2ǫ n g)1/2. p p p c At low p, the single-particle excitation is phonon-like E = c p, with the Bogoliubov p Bog phonon velocity n g (42) c2 = c . Bog m It turns out that this simple T = 0 Bogoliubov theory already exhibits most of the structure which will always arise in Bose-condensed systems. This is why it plays the role of the “H-Atom” in discussions of Bose-condensed fluids [11].

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