Theory for the electronic structure of incommensurate twisted bilayer graphene D. Ghader1,2,∗ D. Szcze¸´sniak1,† and A. Khater1,2 1Qatar Energy and Environment Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, PO Box 5825, Doha, Qatar and 2Institute of Molecules and Materials UMR 6283 CNRS, University du Maine, 72000 Le Mans, France (Dated: January 27, 2015) The experimental control over the twist angle in twisted bilayer graphene has not been reported and its realistic structure is most likely incommensurate. In this paper, we develop a tight-binding virtual crystal approximation theory to study the electronic properties in incommensurate twisted bilayer graphene. The theory yields the electronic band structure and the local density of states 5 for any incommensurate twist angle θ between the graphene sheets. Angle dependent Van Hove 1 singularities are observed in the numerically calculated local density of states. In accord with 0 observationsinscanningtunnelingmicroscopyandspectroscopy,ourtheoreticalcalculationindicates 2 thattherotationanglebetweengraphenesheetsdoesnotresultinasignificantreductionintheFermi n velocityincomparisonwithmonolayergraphene. Thedevelopedtheoryisquitegeneralandcanbe a applied to investigate the electronic properties in any incommensurate multilayer heterostructures. J 6 2 PACS: 73.22.Pr, 73.20.-r, 61.44.Fw ture in realistic incommensurate tBLG is still missing Keywords: graphene, interfaces electronic states, in- andhighlyindispensable. First-principlescalculationsin ] l commensurate solids tBLG,forexample,arerestrictedtocommensuratetBLG al The electronic structures of graphene bilayer systems [20], [22]. Moreover, current tight-binding theories are h restricted to the commensurate structures [5–7], [12–18], depend considerably on their stacking structure [1–4]. - [20–22] or, at their best, to incommensurate situations s The AB (Bernal) and AA stacking configurations, for e example, exhibit very different electronic properties de- near commensuration [19]. m spite the subtle distinction between their stacking or- In this Letter, we develop a non-trivial tight-binding . ders. More recently, the introduction of twisted bilayer virtualcrystalapproximation(TB-VCA)theorytostudy t a graphene (tBLG), consisting of two sheets of graphene theelectronicstructureinincommensuratetBLG,repre- m rotatedrelativetoeachotherbyanangleθ, hasdramat- senting the first systematic study of the electronic prop- - ically expanded the allotropes of the graphene bilayer erties in this disordered system. The VCA theoretical d and thin films. In particular, the tBLG demonstrated approach is used in particular to determine the effective n strong twist-dependent electronic spectra and properties mediumforadisorderedtBLGsystem,derivedinadirect o c [5–11], rendering the twist angle as a unique degree of mannerfromthequasi-infinitesetofstructuralconfigura- [ freedom to modify the electronic properties of graphene tionsforcarbonatomsatthebilayerinterface,foragiven multilayers. incommensurate twist angle. The theory hence yields 1 the TB-VCA Hamiltonian matrix which turns out to be v Twisted bilayer graphene is usually grown on the 4 (000¯1) face of silicon-carbide (SiC) and its structure is quasi-Hermitianasaconsequenceoftheincommensurate 3 theoretically classified as commensurate or incommen- twist angle θ. The hermiticity of the TB-VCA Hamilto- 3 nian operator is successfully retrieved bytransposing the surate, sensitively depending on the rotation angle [6]. 6 inner product, and eventually the Hilbert space associ- Commensurate tBLG is periodic and can be viewed as a 0 ated with the incommensurate tBLG system. The the- honeycomb superlattice with more than four atoms per . 1 unit cell and larger lattice vectors. On the contrary, oretical TB-VCA model yields the electronic structure 0 and the local electronic density of states (LDOS) forany the incommensurate tBLG is non-periodic and charac- 5 incommensurate twist angle θ. terized by structural disorder that changes with the in- 1 : commensurate twist angle. Commensuration in tBLG Our TB-VCA theoryunderlines thepseudo-Hermitian v occurs theoretically at a discrete infinite set of twist an- representation of quantum mechanics [23–26]. Pseudo- Xi gles [6], with a vanishing probability that a randomly Hermitianquantummechanicsisarecentandunconven- selected twist angle is commensurate. Experimentally tional approach to quantum mechanics based on the use r a fabricated tBLG are therefore most likely incommensu- ofnon-HermitianHamiltonians,whosehermiticitycanbe rate,especiallysincethechemicalsynthesisoftBLGwith retrieved by transposing the inner product defining the a controlled rotation angle has not been reported [10]. systemHilbertspace. Thepseudo-Hermitianrepresenta- tionofquantummechanicsandthetechniquesdeveloped Despite the intensive theoretical effort [5–7], [12–22], in the course of its investigation have found applications a systematic theory to investigate the electronic struc- in a variety of subjects [25], including condensed matter physics, scattering theory, relativistic quantum mechan- ics, and quantum cosmology. ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] The TB-VCA theoretical method developed in this †Electronicaddress: [email protected] work for incommensurate graphene tBLG bilayer struc- 2 tures is quite general, and can be generalized in a value can be determined by solving the secular equation straightforwardmannertostudytheelectronicstructure det(cid:2)H −Eλ(k)S(cid:3)=0. (3) andoptoelectronicpropertiesforanymultipleincommen- surate twisted graphene heterostructure. The label λ denotes the energy bands. H and S TheLetterisorganizedasfollows. Wepresentfirstthe denote respectively the Hamiltonian and the overlap mathematicalformalismdevelopedfortheTB-VCAthe- matrices with matrix entities S = (cid:104)Ψ |Ψ (cid:105) = αβ k;α k;β ory. The numerical applications are then presented and (cid:68) (cid:69) (cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:82) d3rΨ∗ (r)Ψ (r) and H = Ψ |Hˆ|Ψ = discussed, and the last part is dedicated to conclusions k;α k;β αβ k;α k;β and perspectives. (cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:82) d3rΨ∗ (r)HˆΨ (r); α,β ∈ {A ,B ,A ,B }. We k;α k;β 1 1 2 2 The Tight-Binding (TB) representation is presented note that the definition of the matrices H and S follow next for the particular tBLG problem. Consider the directlythedefinitionoftheinnerproductintheHilbert tBLGascomposedoftwographenelayers,denotedlayer space. 1 and 2, where layer 2 is rotated by an angle θ with It is convenient to write each of the H and S in terms respect to layer 1. See Fig.1 for the schematic represen- of 4 block matrices as follows tation. Monolayer graphene is known to be composed (cid:20) (cid:21) H (2×2) H (2×2) of two sublattices named A and B. We hence refer to H = 11 12 , (4) H (2×2) H (2×2) the sublattices in tBLG as A and B sublattices, with 21 22 i i i = 1 and 2 for layers 1 and 2 respectively. Atoms in where A and B sublattices are respectively labeled A (n) and i i i (cid:20) (cid:21) Bi(n) with n =0,1,2,.... In the absence of the periodic H (2×2)= HAmAn HAmBn , (5) structure in incommensurate tBLG, our TB-VCA model mn HBmAn HBmBn considers referential coupled sites in each layer, denoted and similarly for the overlap matrix S. by {A (0),B (0)} and {A (0),B (0)}, in layers 1 and 2 1 1 2 2 The restriction to the single p - orbital per site yields respectively. z ppπ in-plane and ppσ interlayer bonds in the incommen- In the VCA treatment of the disordered tBLG, the ef- surate tBLG system. In our calculations, we include up fective medium is determined as a direct system average tothethirdnearestneighborsin-planehoppingandover- andthereciprocal-spacetechniquescanhencebeapplied lapintegrals, andtheexplicitformforthein-planeblock for the VCA periodic effective medium. Considering a matrices H , H , S and S can be found in refer- single p -orbital per site, the total electronic wave func- 11 22 11 22 z ence [27]. We further neglect the interlayer overlap in- tion may hence be written as tegrals, justified by the large perpendicular distance d ⊥ between the two graphene layers (cid:0)d ≈3.35˚A(cid:1). Conse- Ψ (r) = C Ψ (r)+C Ψ (r) ⊥ k A1 k;A1 B1 k;B1 quently S12 = S21 = 0. Note in this case that S11 and + CA2Ψk;A2(r)+CB2Ψk;B2(r), (1) S22 areinvariantunderthetwistangle. Wearehenceleft √ with the determination of the interlayer block matrices where Ψk;α(r) = [1/ N](cid:80)rαeik.rαΦα(r − rα), α = H12 and H21. A ,B ,A ,B , is the TB-VCA Bloch wave function for Through a numerical based statistical approach, we 1 1 2 2 the α sublattice. Bold letters are used to denote vector then analyzed the disordered interface morphology and quantities. N is the number of unit cells in the crys- the interlayer interactions in incommensurate tBLG. tal, C is the α-sublattice contribution to the total wave In particular, we have carefully investigated the inter- α function,Φ denotesthe2p atomicorbital,r isthepo- layer interactions between each of the referential sites α z α sition of an α type atom with respect to a chosen origin, {A (0),B (0)} from one layer interacting with sites i i and k is the wave vector. {A (n),B (n)} in the other layer (j (cid:54)=i). j j WedenotebyV thevectorspacespannedbythebasis Our study demonstrates the existence of a quasi- {Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ }. The standard inner prod- infinite set of configurations for carbon atoms at the uctk(cid:104);A.|.1(cid:105)dekfi;Bn1edokn;AV2 isgki;Bve2nby(cid:104)χ|φ(cid:105)=(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:82) χ∗(r)φ(r)dr tBLG bilayer interface, and hence a quasi-continuum set foranyχandφinV. ThevectorspaceV endowedbythe of interlayer bonds. This quasi-continuum set of inter- innerproduct(cid:104).|.(cid:105)definesaHilbertspaceH. Thismaybe layer bonds requires a theoretical approach which yields used to describe the incommensurate tBLG via the TB- the interlayer hopping integral as a function of the bond VCAHamiltonianoperatorHˆ satisfyingtheSchr¨odinger lengths. In our work, we choose the environment depen- equation dent tight-binding model, developed initially by Tang et al. [28], and optimized by Landgraf et al. [18], for the HˆΨ (r)=E(k)Ψ (r), (2) case of the tBLG. k k The key idea in our TB-VCA approach is hence to de- where E(k) denotes the energy eigenvalue. It is impor- termine an ensemble average for the interlayer hopping tant to note that the Hilbert space used to describe the integrals, and another average over the quasi-infinite en- incommensuratetBLGisnotuniqueandmaybechanged semble of structural configurations. In this context, it by transposing the corresponding inner product. is very useful to explore the possible statistical identi- Asinastandardtight-bindingmodel,theenergyeigen- ties over the structural disorder of the incommensurate 3 NotethatthematrixH¯ (H¯ )entitiescorrespond A ( 1 ) A ( 2 ) respectivelytotheinterlAa1yAe2rinteAr2aAc1tionsbetweentheref- 2 1 erential sites A (0) [A (0)] with the A [A ] sublattices. 1 2 2 1 q This is also generically the case for the other identities A ( 2 ) of Eq.6 and Eq.7. A ( 1 ) 1 2 The TB-VCA Hamiltonian matrix may hence be writ- ten from Eq. 4, Eq. 6, and Eq. 7, in a reduced form A ( 3 ) as D 1 / D 2 A ( 6 ) 2 1 (cid:20) H¯ H¯ Q(cid:21) H¯ = H¯ 11Q AH¯1A2 , (8) A ( 0 ) / A ( 0 ) A ( 3 ) A2A1 22 A ( 6 ) 1 2 1 with 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 1 A ( 4 ) Q= , (9) A ( 5 ) 1 1 2 1 A ( 4 ) In what follows the TB virtual crystal approximation A ( 5 ) 2 1 (TB-VCA) theory will be given. In order to proceed and determine the required TB-VCA ensemble averages, and consequently the matrix entities H¯ and H¯ , it is A1A2 A2A1 FIG. 1: The figure shows the numerically determined region essential at this stage to simulate the ensembles of in- D1 in layer 1 (region D2 in layer 2) which serve to simulate terlayer bonds and structural configurations. In Fig.1, the quasi-infinite ensembles of the structural configurations we present the numerically determined regions D (in 1 and interlayer bonds, at the incommensurate interface of the layer 1) and D (in layers 2) which serve this purpose. bilayertBLGsystem,fordifferenttwistanglesθ. Thisisdone 2 Forexample, byvaryingthepositionofatomA (0)such with respect to the referential sites A (0) (A (0)) for the A 2 1 2 that its projection spans region D , we formally simu- sublattice. Similar figures may be schematically prepared for 1 late the ensemble of interlayer bonds between the refer- theotherthreeconfigurationsfortheinteractionsofAandB sublattices in the two layers of the tBLG system. ential site A1(0) and sublattice A2 for the ensemble of the structural configurations of the incommensurate in- terface. Withthissimulation,andusingtheenvironment tBLG system. For example, our numerical analysis for dependent tight binding model approach, atom A1(0) is the interlayer interactions demonstrates identical ensem- found to interact with atoms {A2(n),n=0,...,6} of the bles of interlayer bonds and configurations, whether we A2 sublattices. chosethereferentialsitesA1(0)orB1(0)onlayer1toin- The matrix entity H¯ may hence be determined in teract with sites {A (n),B (n)} in layer 2 or vice-versa. A1A2 2 2 the TB-VCA approach as Thisanalysisovertheamorphous-likestructuraldisorder oftheincommensuratetBLGsystem,yieldsthefollowing important identities 6 H¯ = (cid:88)t¯[A (0)A (n)] A1A2 1 2 H¯A1A2 =H¯A1B2 =H¯B1A2 =H¯B1B2, (6) n=0(cid:2) (cid:3) × exp i(r −r .k , (10) and A2(n) A2(0) H¯ =H¯ =H¯ =H¯ . (7) with A2A1 A2B1 B2A1 B2B1 (cid:82)(cid:82) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) t ||r −r || Γ R −||r −r || dxdy t¯[A (0)A (0)]= D1 Aj(n) Ai(0) max Aj(n) Ai(0) (11) i j (cid:82)(cid:82) (cid:0) (cid:1) Γ R −||r −r || dxdy D1 max Aj(n) Ai(0) In Eq.11, |||| designates the norm of a given vector, The R is the maximum interlayer separation be- max r is the position of atom α with respect to an ar- yond which the interlayer interaction in neglected, t is α bitrary origin, Γ denotes the Heaviside step function. the distance-dependent interlayer hopping integral de- 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) 8 8 8 4 4 4 ) V tB L G (eF 0 0 M L G 0 -E - 4 - 4 - 4 E - 8 (cid:1) = 7 o - 8 (cid:1) = 5 o - 8 (cid:1) = 2 o G K M G G K M G G K M G 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIG.2: ThenumericallycalculatedTB-VCAelectronicstructuresforthetBLGsystemwithincommensuratetwistanglesfrom left to right: θ=7◦ (A), 5◦ (B) and 2◦ (C), plotted along the high symmetry axes {ΓK ,K M ,M Γ} in the first BZ of layer 1 1 1 1 1. SaddlepointsareobservedintheseelectronicstructuresowingtotheoverlapbetweentheDiraccones. Thecirclesrepresent the electronic band structure of a single graphene monolayer. The Fermi velocity near K for the tBLG system is observed to 1 be identical to that of mass-less Dirac fermions in monolayer graphene. termined by the environment dependent tight binding The quasi-Hermitian and Hermitian representations of model. t¯[A (0)A (n)] is the average interlayer hopping theTB-VCAHamiltonianoperatorHˆ areformallyequiv- 1 2 integral between atoms A (0) and A (n). alent[25],[26],andyieldthesameresults. Theelectronic 1 2 Due to symmetry (see Fig.1), the averaged hopping structure for the incommensurate tBLG may hence be integrals t¯[A (0)A (n)] for n = 1,...,6 are all identical. determined in a formal manner by solving the secular 1 2 This yields hence equation 3. The TB-VCA numerical applications are presented H¯A1A2 = t¯[A1(0)A2(0)]+2t¯[A1(0)A2(1)] next for different tBLG systems. The numerical values 3 of the onsite energy, the in-plane hopping integrals, and (cid:88) (cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) × cos r −r .k . (12) theoverlapintegralsareadaptedfromreference[27]. The A2(n) A1(0) n=1 numerically calculated averaged interlayer hopping inte- grals are presented in Table 1. The numerical value of The same approach yields the matrix entity H¯A2A1 as Rmax used in this calculation is Rmax ≈3.8˚A. follows H¯A2A1 = t¯[A2(0)A1(0)]+2t¯[A2(0)A1(1)] TABLEI: Theensembleaveragedinterlayerhoppingintegrals 3 calculated numerically. (cid:88) (cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) × cos r −r .k . (13) A1(n) A2(0) t¯[A (0)A (0)] (eV) t¯[A (0)A (1)] (eV) 1 2 1 2 n=1 θ=7◦ 0.2907 0.1348 Note that t¯[A1(0)A2(0)] is invariant with twist angle, θ=5◦ 0.2907 0.1343 whereas t¯[A1(0)A2(n)] varies as an ensemble average θ=2◦ 0.2907 0.1340 with the twist angle. Also due to the bilayer inversion θ=1◦ 0.2907 0.1339 symmetry, t¯[A (0)A (m)] = t¯[A (0)A (m)] for m = 0, 1 2 2 1 and m = 1, 2,.., 6. By this, we complete the derivation of the Hamilto- Our numerical calculations demonstrate the existence nian matrix H¯, which turns out to be a quasi-hermitian of two overlapped Dirac cones centered at the Dirac matrix [25], [26]. The hermiticity of the Hamiltonian points K and K in the Brillouin zones of layers 1 and 1 2 operator Hˆ describing the incommensurate tBLG in the 2 respectively. In Figs.2, we plot the electronic struc- TB-VCA approach may be retrieved by transposing the ture of incommensurate tBLG (solid red curves) along inner product defined on the function vector space V. the high symmetry axes {ΓK ,K M ,M Γ} in the first 1 1 1 1 This is done by introducing a new inner product (cid:104).|.(cid:105) BZoflayer1. Thefiguresfromlefttorightcorrespondto η on V, determined by a metric operator ηˆ defined by thetwistanglesθ =7◦,5◦and2◦. Theopencirclesinthe ηˆΨ = (1+δ)Ψ and ηˆΨ = (cid:0)1+δ−1(cid:1)Ψ figurescorrespondtotheelectronicstructureofgraphene k;α1 k;α1 k;α2 k;α2 with δ = H¯ /H¯ and α = A or B. This yields a monolayer. The figures show that the Fermi velocity be- Hermitian HAa2mA1iltonAi1aAn2matrix H¯(cid:48) given as low the Van Hove singularities (VHS), is found in our theorytobeidenticaltothatofmass-lessDiracfermions H¯(cid:48) =(cid:20)(cid:0)H¯ (1++δH)¯H¯11 (cid:1)Q (cid:0)H¯A(11A+2 +1/Hδ¯)AH¯2A1(cid:1)Q(cid:21). irnecmenotnosclaaynenringgratpuhnenneel.inTghmisircersouslctoipsyinanacdcosprdeacntrcoescwoipthy A1A2 A2A1 22 (14) studies on incommensurate tBLG [8], [11]. 5 along the high symmetry axes {ΓK ,K M ,M Γ} are 1 1 1 1 5 presented in Figs.3 for the twist angles θ = 5◦, 2◦ and M L G 1◦. In accordance with experimental results, the saddle tB L G (cid:1) = 7 o 4 tB L G (cid:1) = 5 o points and consequently the VHSs are observed to shift to lower energies when the twist angle is reduced. tB L G (cid:1) = 2 o .) 3 In conclusion we present the first systematic study of a.u the electronic properties in incommensurate twisted bi- ( S 2 layer graphene. In particular, we have developed and O applied the TB-VCA theory to determine the electronic D L band structure and local density of states in tBLG for 1 any incommensurate twist angle θ. The theory estab- lishes for the disordered incommensurate tBLG system 0 anaveragedperiodicVCAeffectivemedium,deduceddi- - 1 0 1 rectly from the quasi-continuum set of interlayer bounds and the quasi-infinite set of structural configurations E - E ( e V ) F characterizing the disordered system. The theory yields the quasi-Hermitian and Hermitian equivalent represen- FIG. 3: The curves represent the numerically calculated tations for the TB-VCA Hamiltonian operator describ- LDOS in the TB-VCA model, in the neighborhood of the ing the incommensurate tBLG. The numerical calcula- Dirac point K1 for the incommensurate twist angles θ = 7◦, tion determines consequently the electronic band struc- 5◦ and 2◦, where the wider is the separation between the ture and the angle dependent VHS in the LDOS for any LDOS peaks the bigger is the twist angle. The tBLG LDOS incommensuratetwistangle. TheFermivelocityisfound presentVanHovesingularitiesduetotheoverlapbetweenthe to be identical to that of mass-less Dirac fermions in Dirac cones at K and K . The low lying, almost flat, curve 1 2 monolayer graphene. corresponds to the LDOS of single graphene monolayer. The current TB-VCA theory is quite general and can be applied to study the electronic structure in incom- TheelectronicstructuresinFigs.2furtherdemonstrate mensurate twisted multilayer graphene and layered het- the existence of saddle points, induced from the band- erostructures. Concerning perspectives, the authors are overlapbetweenthetwoDiraccones. Thesesaddlepoints currently developing a dynamic variant of the non-local generate the VHS peaks in the local density of states coherent potential approximation which fully describes (LDOS) which have been observed experimentally [2], the decay of electronic excitations in the tBLG system, [7–9], [11]. The numerically calculated TB-VCA LDOS adopting the current TB-VCA as a basic reference. [1] Y. Zhang, T. T. Tang, C. Girit, Z. Hao, M. C. Martin, et al., Nanotechnology 25, 335201 (2014). A. Zettl, M. F. Crommie, Y. R. Shen, and F. Wang, [11] L. J. Yin, J. B. Qiao, R. Xu, R. F. Dou, J. C. Nie, and Nature 459, 820 (2009). L. 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