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Preview Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mechanics (Schaum's Outline)

SCHAUM’S OUTLINE SERIES THEORY AND PROBLEMS OF THEORETICAL MECHANICS MURRAY R. SPIEGEL ‘SI (metric) edition INCLUDING 720 SOLVED PROBLEMS Ww / - scHaunrs OUTLINE OF iL ) \ THEORY AND PROBLEMS of THEORETICAL MECHANICS SI (METRIC) EDITION with an introduction to Lagrange’s quat.ons and Hami.tonian Theory * bake by MURRAY R. SPIEGEL, Ph.D. Prafesesr of Mashomates omseler Polychaeta Adapted for SI Units by Y, PROYKOVA, PhD. McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY. [Neg York» Si Lous Sap Branciea « Avchuand Bop Fe atonal Hamming tishon oman Madrid -‘Mexige "Montreal " Nes Delhi » Fanci ~ Paris Sanur - $0 Peado ™ Singapore ~ Shiney ° Tokyo» Toronto Iatnstona Elio 1982 Excuse gs by MeGran Hil Book Gu, Sngapuce {oe hota and reps Ts tn conse apt feito ts publi ray te repre ca, toned arena steno ‘Shute ant tr atts rt, ekerome, mean: pot eroding. or ortere, eds he pra wane: peso ofthe 456789 KP ORT ah Library Catalog Spuget tor Ha sum out ery ant poder Patten Date fincas, ene 1 Tile eeeshowa, Yih Sees a gee Yo. Ian aostirsera When ordering Us tite a ISBN 0790955 Preface Bl FB 11 the 17th century, Sie Teage Newton formclated his 90W famous laws of mechanics ‘These semarkebly simple laws served ¢0 describe and predict the motions of ehservatle objerts In the universe, Inclucing Mhege of “Fe planeta of obe Solr Sst Early Im the 20th century it was discovered that various theoreticsl conelisions de- ved fin Now's faws were not in accord we certain enelusinns detaced feom theories of ele?comasnatism and stomie phenomena whier were equally well feunded exper mentally ‘These diserepuncies led so Einstein's rilatiriatic meekanire ‘which Tevelutionized. Cae eons uate of spare ane time, and to quantum morkanien, Bor objects which move with speeds sch Tess than that of light nd which have divgensiins large enruared with thove af lots ‘and molecules Newrorisn mechani, alsa called clessical me7hauirs, ix reverthelss ute aliafaccory. For this reason ibaa maintained its fundamental importance in eekece and It 8 the punpose of this book to present an account of Newtonian mechanics and its Appliations. The book .s designed for use eituer ag a supplemen: to all current stazdard texthocks or as a textbook for a formal course in mechanics. It shoud ale prove uvetal to students lasing courses i physics, engineering, wathamatics, estronomy” celestial me- cunies, aerodynamice and in general any felt which needs in its Formulstion che basie principles of mecnnies, Fach chapier begine with 4 clour statement of pertinent definitions, peinciples and by thooroma together with asteative and other descriptive material. This ix fllowe agra was of solved and supplementary prubletws. "The so'vod prublems serve to illus:r sand anoplify the theory, bring into aherp fects thoae fine pois vtbvul which te stent ccontinsily feels himself on inaafe ground, and provide the repetition of basic >vincplen so vital tg ffetive letrning. Numerous proots of theorems and derivations uf brie F- Fults aee insluded in the selvad problema, The large number of supplementary problems ‘with anewers serve ua a complete review of the material of each chapier, “Topics cavered include the dynamien sud alaties of a pacticle, systems of particles and rigie bodies. Veetor methods, which lend themselves so read'ly to esncise notation and to eeometric and phsieal interpretations, are introduced eatly and used throughout th book, ‘An account af vectors is provided in the first chapter and ray either be studied at the bo- ‘sinning ot referred to as the need arises. Added features ar® the chayters un Lurrange’s fenations and Hamiltonian theory which provide other equivalent formulations of Newionion meehenios and which are of grest practical and theoretical value Consiersbly more mmulerial haa boen included here than can be edvered in: most courses ‘This hes heen done to make the book more flexible, to provide ® more useful boos of re‘erence and to slimulite further interest Sa the tepica. wish to cake this opportunity to thank the staff of the Schaum Publishing Company for thelr splendid cooperation, 7 MR, Shueori. igo Rensselaer Polytechnic Tastitute February, 1967 empter 1 yiq7le CONTENTS VECTORS, VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION hari Mtkomtieal mole Space, ine and ler. Sealur and vst eon algeen, Tvs of tector systea. Unit vector Rectangular eat vee ‘arm Componente ofa vecoe. Dol oracles product Couns or vector produce Tite pont Deets of rn Hae in ey A near Tine ners, Independent of the path, Free siding snd S00nd Chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION, WORK, ENERGY AND MOMENTUM Inertial frames of rferen. Abgaiee mation, Work Power. Kinetic nergy onereatve fore Bodh, Yotntal energy or posntin. Canscrvsion oF Vivien ofa particle Busbilty af equllbsiims chur MOTION IN A UNIFORM FIELD. FALLING BODIES AND PROSBCTILRS: Fein. Talting th apse, Conined motion, Breton, Sates i (hpter THE SIMPLE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR AND ‘THE SIMPLE PENDULUM ‘The sip harinnieexiatr. Arpitads, period and froquney of se Inerwonie nition, Esergy of aimla harmonic slater The daped hake Tonic lin Ovranend,cotenly damped a wadding ne Aimomianad Bermoeie exliton vanes CENTRAL FORCES AND PLANETARY MOTION the econo of ition. Potential energy of perieios eental fads Cote fervaton of epeepy. Dstarmnaton ote ete from th ented fires Deter: Iminesion of thr ania! force from the eri Coie setinns lige, bactola thi typerole. Soibe definitions tm eatronamy. Keplor'® wt of laetary eign, Newt's yiveral law of gravitas. “Altraction of apne ead (hier aaj Mtn nha Seen are Bt ue \ A chapter 6 MOVING COORDINATE SYSTEMS ut peste Valosig'iea coving eaten "Acaleraten in’ mowing ot chapter 7 SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES 165 7 erate and etna asin. Haig Wig wel ase Woe.” Deprts Ef treo Contr af ase. Consoraf gravity Mngt of 8 ae of Starevier noretm. Kinetic eneey at a aoe of particles, Work Bs toot nsngss Cansereation af sre Motion receive the center ef man TimpueeCansteants, Helsam and nomaonane eomstsi Virtua Se Furments, Sater ot najstem st patticnn, Urine et wrt] work Baur SIONS 181 CClisiors of parties. Cortinuous syiems of paren. ‘The wbrabe sisi Boundarpralue peclenn Fours perien OW tnd even forcing, Com seccee of Foner a cuper 9 PLANE MOLION OF RIGID BODIES zt Rigid holes, Trswlatons ard rtatons. Baie thera Imantareos sheet ttaton, Legres rf feacre Goteel maton ot tsi te Chesles Eso these Sparat mements af neta Coun Kine onerey. ard Engular momertinm mobat a Bred sein Motion aa wig hogy beat 8 Rue pe tnd bei eorode, Slatin of a vid hog. Pincge of viral oe chater 10 SPACE MOTION OF RIGID RODTES: 28s Ger tna of lt hd one Deen of fora aon srg Cm Seen allt yelp tal Wp wi cs pt EesP Arzu moment Kanes het Prk of ne owes Stltie hea ut lane Pulls snatrtionPulndt Meroe. Soe Teal Sine yas edhe Hta oe rt The Baer ‘eka tna ery oe ot Rr ann etn ibaa on cree CONTENTS Chapter LE LAGRANGE'S EQUATIONS Bo Tcagegem Lact eativigTimmrlled mera Terenp omar loa fo tam-lenonieapeteme.asvanges eualins with pu sie fonees chester 12 HAMILTONIAN THEORY an Hemnoninn melseds, The Ravillocion. Haschin's salatione She Bar amitae dacs eqatinn. Cee where Hamitosian 2 indepennt of re Pha itagra's. Acton and ange varabie, APPENDIX 4 TINFTS AND DIMENSIONS 30 APPENIIX # ASTRONOMICAL DATA a2 APPESDIX © | SOLUTIONS OF SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL, EQUATIONS .... att APPENIIX D INDEX OF SPECIAL SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS 156 INDEX 581 Chapter 1 ___" VECTORS, VELOCITY / and ACCELERATION KINEMATICS, DYNAMICS AND STATICS Mechanics is branch of physies concerned with motion or shance in bhysieal objects, Tk ia sometimes Curther subivided nan 1. Kinematioe, which ia concerned with the geometry of the motion, 2, Dynamics, which is concerned with the physical causes of the marion, S. Statics, which is concerned with conditions vier whieh wu moron ie apparent AXIOMATIC FOUNDATIONS OF MECHANICS ‘Av asiomatie developmen: of mechsnies, st for unt selenee, should wont the Following besic Ingredients: 1. Undefieed terms or concepts, This is eleatly novessary_ since ultimately any definition must ke dased on something wick remains undef 2. Unproved assertions. These are fundammuntal sla-ements, usually i ctathemasiesl form, which it is hoped will leud to valid deveripLions of phesvmens under sily dn general these atacemenrs, calle’ ariens of vostulates, are bused un experimen observations or abstracted from them, In auch ease chuy are oft called feu 8, Defined terms or concents. ‘Those definitions are given hy using the undefined ‘terms or concepts. 4. Proved assertions. These ate often called theorems and at proved from the Aefinitions and exiome, An example of the “axiomatin way of thinking” is provided by uclideen geometry in ‘which point and line are undesined omen. MATHEMATICAL MODELS. ‘A mathematical descr ption of physical phenomena is often eimplied by replacing ctunl physical cbjocts ay suitable muthematloat model For oxarpie in describing the rretntion of fhe wrth abut) the aun wo on fur macy praliesl purpowee trast the earth ‘and aun a points. SPACE, TIME AND MATTER From everyday experience, we all have some Idea us wo Uhe musuning of each of the following terms or concepts. However, we would coriuialy find it difficult wo formulate completely satistuctory defstions, We take them us undefined co... 1 1. Spare, This 14 closely related 19 the concepts of join! peaition, dbyetion and fieplacement, -Mecsuroment in soace involves the concepts of Tonal nr distance ‘with which we asenme familiarity, “Unite of longer ar feet meters, miles, ate Ze this bock we assume that space is Kuctdes, Le, the spzce uf Buclid's geometry 2. Teme, Thie concept is derives ftom uur experience of Having one vont takings ieee after, before wr vimaltanouns with unacher event Maaeurepatit af Lie fe achieved, for eximple, by use of eloe’2. Units of time are seconds, hours, years, ee Aatiey. Physical abyects are composed of “emall bits of mattes" such as atoms ‘and molecules From thip we arrive at the caveept of a saaterial object salle @ artis whieh esn be eonsiderel ss evepying a pont in space and perhaps movinyr as time joes by. A measure of tse “oanuolity of matter” sesociated with a partide J caled ite ams, Unis of tiass saw grams, Kilorrams, ete. Coless othersise stated we shall issue Uhst the russ of a particle dcea nel change with time. Length, mass and time are efter eailed dénevstons Crom sehich othe physfest quantities ar cousleuicted, For adiscusnion of units and dimensions see Append’ x A, Page 89, st PALARS AND VECTORS ‘Yarvions quamities o° physies, auch as lergte, mass snd time, require for their speefiea ‘im a single real number apa for’ units of reesaurement hick are decided spon in advance), Such nusntities are cited salons and the real number ie ealled the magaitude fof thesananity, A ecalve is represented anletically by a Teter such aa f, m, et. Other quantities of physien, auch ns Gaplacement, roquize for thelr wpecifeation a rection a& wel. az mugmitude, Suck quantities are celled vectors. \ vestor je repee- sonted snulyticsily by a ool fased otter such cs Ain Fig. 2-1. Guomesrically it ie sepresented ay an ariow PQ wher P is call the ina paint ani Q is ealled the torsiinat paint, "The magnitude or length of the vector ie then denoted by [Nor A. VECTOR ALGEBRA "The operations of udstion, subtraction and mualtistestion forilior in dhe algebra of veal numbers sre ‘with suitable definition capable of extenaion to an algebra of voxtors ‘The following defntions are fandimex 5. Two vectors A unl B are eye! if they Dave the sume mssmitude and direction reqardless of their initial points. ‘Thus A— Bn Pig. 1-2 above. 2, A vector having dieection opposite to that of vector A but with the same length is Genotel by ~A aa in Fig, 13 above, 2. The suns or resultant of vectors A and B of Fig, 1-4(a) below is a vector € formed Dy pltsing she inital point of B on the terns point of A ane joining the wnitial point of A to the zerminal point of B (seo Fig. 1-4(2) bebw. We write C= A+B. ‘This definition is enuivalent tn the parallelogram law for vector addition as indicated in Fig. Tete) below. ena. 3} YRSTONS, VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION a Pig ot ‘Extencions to cums of more than bn veciors ave Jimmediate. For example Fig. tf belie shows how to obtain the sum cr resulant E af the vectors A,B,C and D, 4. The diflersuce of vectors A and B, rerresented 9y A~B, is that vector C which when added to B g.wes A, Equivalently, AB may he efned a8 A+(-B). Tf A=B, then AB is defaed un fhe well or 22e0 vervor represonted by U. Tis has magnitude of airy but ite direction is nut deine 5. Tho preduct of a vector A by @ scalar p i a vector pA or Ap with magnitude [pj times the magnitude of A and direction (he same us or opposite to that of A Sevorling as p is Doitive or negative, 12 9! pA~-O, the null vector LAWS OF VECTOR ALGEBRA 1; A, Band Cate veetors, and pani ¢ are sears, then LAVR= BVA Commutative Law for Aion 2 AS(BEC) = (A+B) Associative Law for Addition AeA) — (am — ata) Assneiative Law for Multiplication 4 WHOA = PAS aa Distributive Lave 5, AB) = 9A + PB Diskributive Lave [Note that in chese tvs only multiplicstion of a vector by one oF more «1 dened, On pages 4 and 5 we devine proavte of vectors UNIT YECTORS Veetnrs having unit length wre called emit vectare, TE A te « vector with length A> 0, then A/a in a unit vector having {se same cirection ax A end A= Aa RECTANGULAR UNIT VECTORS ‘The rectunyulur unit veeLors i,j and Ke are mutually perpendicular unit vectors having directions of the positive 2, » and axes respoctively of « rectangular coordinate system

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