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Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2008: 11th International Conference, SAT 2008, Guangzhou, China, May 12-15, 2008, Proceedings PDF

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Preview Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2008: 11th International Conference, SAT 2008, Guangzhou, China, May 12-15, 2008, Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4996 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen UniversityofDortmund,Germany MadhuSudan MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum Max-PlanckInstituteofComputerScience,Saarbruecken,Germany Hans Kleine Büning Xishun Zhao (Eds.) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2008 11th International Conference, SAT 2008 Guangzhou, China, May 12-15, 2008 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors HansKleineBüning UniversityofPaderborn DepartmentofComputerScience 33095Paderborn,Germany E-mail:[email protected] XishunZhao SunYat-senUniversity InstituteofLogicandCognition 510275Guangzhou,P.R.China E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008925418 CRSubjectClassification(1998):F.4.1,I.2.3,I.2.8,I.2,F.2.2,G.1.6 LNCSSublibrary:SL1–TheoreticalComputerScienceandGeneralIssues ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-540-79718-1SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-540-79718-0SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2008 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12265787 06/3180 543210 Preface Thisvolumecontainsthe paperspresentedatthe 11thInternationalConference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2008). The series of International Conferences on Theory and Applications of Sat- isfiability Testing (SAT) has evolved from a first workshop on SAT in 1996 to an annual international conference which is a platform for researchers studying various aspects of the propositional satisfiability problem and its applications. In the past, the SAT conference venue alternated between Europe and North America. For the first time, the conference venue was in Asia, more precisely at the Zhudao Guest House, near Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, P.R. China. Many hard combinatorialproblems can be encoded into SAT. Therefore im- provementsonheuristicsonthepracticalside,aswellastheoreticalinsightsinto SAT apply to a large range of real-world problems. More specifically, many im- portantpracticalverificationproblems canbe rephrasedas SAT problems.This applies to verification problems in hardware and software. Thus SAT is becom- ingone ofthe mostimportantcoretechnologiesto verifysecureanddependable systems.The topics of the conference span practicalandtheoreticalresearchon SATanditsapplicationsandincludebutarenotlimitedtoproofsystems,proof complexity,searchalgorithms,heuristics,analysisofalgorithms,hardinstances, randomized formulae, problem encodings, industrial applications, solvers, sim- plifiers, tools, case studies, and empirical results. SAT is interpreted in a rather broadsense:besides propositionalsatisfiability, it includes, for example,the do- main of quantified Boolean formulae (QBF) and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). The Program Committee selected 25 papers out of 70 submissions. Submis- sionswererigorouslyreviewedbythreeProgramCommitteemembers.Thecom- mittee decided to accept 17 regular papers with a page limit of 14 pages and 8 short papers with a page limit of 6 pages. The conference program included two invited presentations. The first, by Alasdair Urquhart, addressed the exponential separation between regular and unrestricted resolution. The second, by Kazuo Iwama, dealt with recent devel- opments on the CNF satisfiability problem:deterministic algorithms for k-SAT, inapproximabilityofMAX-3SAT andrelatedproblems,andproofcomplexityof unsatisfiable formulas. An integral part of the SAT conferences are the competitions and evalua- tions. SAT 2008 featured a SAT Race in the spirit of the SAT Competitions, a competitive QBF Evaluation and a Max-SAT Evaluation. The SAT Race was organized by Carsten Sinz (Chair), Nina Amla, Toni Jussila, Daniel Le Berre, Panagiotis Manolios, and Lintao Zhang. For the first time there were special tracksforparallelSATsolversandstructuralSAT solvers.TheQBFEvaluation VI Preface was organized by Massimo Narizzano, Luca Pulina, and Armando Tacchella. Participants of this evaluation could contribute by submitting implementations ofQBFsolversaswellassubmittinghardinstancesofQBFformulas.TheMax- SATEvaluationwasorganizedbyJosepArgelich,ChuMinLi,FelipManya`,and JordiPlanes.Theevaluationwasdividedinfourcategories:Max-SAT,Weigthed Max-SAT, Partial Max-SAT, and Weighted Partial Max-SAT. Theorganizersofthisyear’sconferencearedeeplyindebtedtothelargenum- ber of people who contributed to its preparation: the local organizers Shier Ju and Minghui Xiong in Guangzhou; Uwe Bubeck and Theo Lettmann in Pader- born; the organizers of the affiliated events as mentionend above. We thank the authors for their contributions and we thank the Program Committee and the additional reviewers for their careful and thorough work. Without their efforts, it would not have been possible for us to put together such an excellent conference program. In particular, we are grateful to Andrei Voronkov for his EasyChair system. EasyChair is a very helpful tool for the organization of paper submissions, the reviewing process, Program Committee discussions, and assembly of the proceedings. Financial and organizational support was generously provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou, P.R. China), especially the Institute of Logic and Cognition, and the University of Paderborn (Paderborn, Germany), especially the Department of Computer Science. Finally,wewouldliketothankthesponsorsfortheirgeneroussupportofthe SAT 2008 conference: Hexin Technology (Guangzhou), Intel Design Technolo- gies and Solutions (Haifa), K.C. Wong Education Foundation (Hong Kong), Light Engineering (Guangzhou), Microsoft Research (Mountain View), NEC Labs America (Princeton), and Potevio (Beijing). May 2008 Hans Kleine Bu¨ning Xishun Zhao Organization Conference Chairs Hans Kleine Bu¨ning Xishun Zhao Local Chairs Shier Ju Minghui Xiong Lin Xu Uwe Bubeck Theo Lettmann Technical Program Committee Fahiem Bacchus Henry Kautz Roberto Sebastiani Armin Biere Oliver Kullmann Bart Selman Nadia Creignou Daniel Le Berre Laurent Simon Adnan Darwiche Chu-Min Li Ewald Speckenmeyer Leonardo de Moura Ines Lynce Ofer Strichman Decheng Ding Panagiotis Manolios Stefan Szeider John Franco Joao Marques-Silva Allen Van Gelder Ian Gent David Mitchell Hans van Maaren Enrico Giunchiglia Stefan Porschen Toby Walsh Aarti Gupta Steve Prestwich Jian Zhang Ziyad Hanna Karem Sakallah Lintao Zhang Holger Hoos Uwe Sch¨oning External Reviewers A. Anbulagan Jed Davis Frank Hutter Ralph Becket Gilles Dequen Xiangxue Jia Roderick Bloem Laure Devendeville George Katsirelos Sebastian Brand Jianfeng Du Mark Liffiton Roberto Bruttomesso Anders Franz´en Sheng Liu Uwe Bubeck Oded Fuhrmann Feifei Ma Benjamin Chambers Alberto Griggio Michael Maher Baiqiang Chen Christine Hang Vasco Manquinho Sylvain Darras Warwick Harvey Paolo Marin Herv´e Daud´e Miki Hermann Hannes Moser VIII Organization Moritz Mu¨ller Vadim Ryvchin Stefano Tonetta Massimo Narizzano Marko Samer Aaron Turon Peter Nightingale Tatjana Schmidt Michele Vescovi Luca Pulina Ilka Schnoor Wanxia Wei Olivier Roussel Martina Seidl Lin Xu Bert Randerath Ohad Shacham Christian Bessi`ere Igor Razgon Yuping Shen Emanuele Di Rosa Dave Tompkins Sponsoring Institutions National Natural Science Foundation of China Sun Yat-Sen University of Guangzhou Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-Sen University University of Paderborn Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn Hexin Technology (Guangzhou) Intel Design Technologies and Solutions (Haifa) K. C. Wong Education Foundation (Hongkong) Light Engineering (Guangzhou) Microsoft Research (Mountain View) NEC Labs America (Princeton) Potevio (Beijing) Table of Contents Modelling Max-CSP as PartialMax-SAT ........................... 1 Josep Argelich, Alba Cabiscol, Inˆes Lynce, and Felip Manya` A Preprocessorfor Max-SAT Solvers ............................... 15 Josep Argelich, Chu Min Li, and Felip Manya` A Generalized Framework for Conflict Analysis ...................... 21 G. Audemard, L. Bordeaux, Y. Hamadi, S. Jabbour, and L. Sais Adaptive Restart Strategies for Conflict Driven SAT Solvers........... 28 Armin Biere New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas........................................................ 34 Nadia Creignou, Herv´e Daud´e, Uwe Egly, and Rapha¨el Rossignol Designing an Efficient Hardware Implication Accelerator for SAT Solving ......................................................... 48 John D. Davis, Zhangxi Tan, Fang Yu, and Lintao Zhang Attacking Bivium Using SAT Solvers ............................... 63 Tobias Eibach, Enrico Pilz, and Gunnar V¨olkel SAT Modulo the Theory of Linear Arithmetic: Exact, Inexact and Commercial Solvers .............................................. 77 Germain Faure, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, and Enric Rodr´ıguez-Carbonell Random Instances of W[2]-Complete Problems: Thresholds, Complexity, and Algorithms....................................... 91 Yong Gao Complexity and Algorithms for Well-Structured k-SAT Instances ...... 105 Konstantinos Georgiou and Periklis A. Papakonstantinou A Decision-Making Procedure for Resolution-Based SAT-Solvers ....... 119 Eugene Goldberg Online Estimation of SAT Solving Runtime ......................... 133 Shai Haim and Toby Walsh A Max-SAT Inference-Based Pre-processing for Max-Clique ........... 139 Federico Heras and Javier Larrosa X Table of Contents SAT, UNSAT and Coloring (Invited Talk)........................... 153 Kazuo Iwama Computation of Renameable Horn Backdoors........................ 154 Stephan Kottler, Michael Kaufmann, and Carsten Sinz A New Bound for an NP-Hard Subclass of 3-SAT Using Backdoors..... 161 Stephan Kottler, Michael Kaufmann, and Carsten Sinz Improvements to Hybrid Incremental SAT Algorithms ................ 168 Florian Letombe and Joao Marques-Silva Searching for Autarkies to Trim Unsatisfiable Clause Sets ............. 182 Mark Liffiton and Karem Sakallah Nenofex: Expanding NNF for QBF Solving.......................... 196 Florian Lonsing and Armin Biere SAT(ID): Satisfiability of PropositionalLogic Extended with Inductive Definitions ...................................................... 211 Maarten Mari¨en, Johan Wittocx, Marc Denecker, and Maurice Bruynooghe Towards More Effective Unsatisfiability-Based Maximum Satisfiability Algorithms ..................................................... 225 Joao Marques-Silva and Vasco Manquinho A CNF Class Generalizing Exact Linear Formulas.................... 231 Stefan Porschen and Ewald Speckenmeyer How Many Conflicts Does It Need to Be Unsatisfiable? ............... 246 Dominik Scheder and Philipp Zumstein Speeding-Up Non-clausal Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability with Clause Learning............................................. 257 Zbigniew Stachniak and Anton Belov Local Restarts................................................... 271 Vadim Ryvchin and Ofer Strichman Regular and General Resolution: An Improved Separation (Invited Talk) ................................................... 277 Alasdair Urquhart Finding Guaranteed MUSes Fast................................... 291 Hans van Maaren and Siert Wieringa Author Index.................................................. 305

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