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Theorizing Feminism This page intentionally left blank Theoriz el Trends in Humani ies and Soc SECOND EDITION edited by Anne C. Herrmann University of Michigan Abigail J. Stewart i University of Michigan A Member of rhc Perseus Bocrks Group AfZ rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this pubtication may be reprcjduced or transmitted in my fom or by any means, electrcinic t>rm echanical including photocopy recording, or any infornation storage and retrieval system, without pcrdssion in writi-rrg from the yublislier, Copyright O 2001 by Weshriew Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group Publisiied in 2001 in tfic United Statas af America by Westview Z3rcss, 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877, and in the Ui~itedK ingdam by Westview Prcss, 12 Hid's Copse Road, Curnnor Hill, Oxford flX2 9JJ Visit us on the VVarfd BJjde Wba t www.westvievvpress.com Library of Congress Catafoging-in-Publication Data Theorizh~gfe minism r parallel trends ~ItIhe humanities and social sdences / edited by Anne C. Hermam and Abigail J, Stewart.-2nd cd, p. m. Includes bibliographicat references. lSBN 0-8133-6788-3 1. Feminist theclry. I. Hermans Anr~e. If. Stealart, AbigaiIJ. HQ1190 .T473 2000 305.42'01-dc21 01)-043572 The payer used ~ItIh is pubticatior~m eets the requirements of the Americm National Standard far Z3emancncea f Papcr for Z3rinted Libmry Materials 239-48-1984, Cont ents Credits Readirzg Fentinist Theories: Collabvraiing Across Disciplines ANNE C. HERRMANN AND ABIGAIL J, STEWART Defining Feminism and Feminist Theory 1 What Is Feminism? ROSALIND OEliMAA 5 2 The Combahee River Calleceve Statement COWIBAHEE RIVER COLLECTIVE 3 From a tong Line af Vendidas: Chicanas and Feminism CWEWR~MEQ RAGA 4 Anti-Anti-Idcnt-ivP olitics: Feminism, Democracy, and the Complexities of Citizenship SUSAN BICKFORD Mutug l Influence: Htrmanities and Social Science 5 Gender and the Mealling of Diffewnce: Postmodernism and Psyckdagy RACWEL T. WARE-MUSTIN AND JEANNE MAREGEK 6 Romance in the Age of Electronics: Harlequin Entel-prises LESLIE W. RABINE Part Two: Sex, S~sxualiWa* nd Gender W1 From Sex to Sexuality 7 The Medical Constmction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants SUZANNE 3. KESSLER 8 The Politics of Androgyny in Japan: Sexuality and Subversion in the Theater and Beyond JENNIFER ROBERT50N Constvucting Gender 9 Notes Toward a Feminist Peace Politics SARA RUDDICK 10 Making It Perfectly Queer LtSA DUGGAN 11 Sex Equality: On Difference and Dominance CATHARINE A. MACKINNON 12 Deconstmcting Equality-Versus-Difference:o r, The Uses of Postsbcturalist meory for Feminism JOAM W, SCOTT 254 Part Three: Gender, Race, and Class 271 Race and Gender 13 On Being the Object of Property PATRtCIA 3. WILLIAMS 14 Gender, litace, Raza AMY KAMtNSKV 15 Feminism and DiEEerence: The Perils of TRiriting as a Woman on TNmen in Algeria MARNlA LAZREG Cur?t ents 16 Violence in the Other Country: China as Crisis, Spectacle, and Woman REV CHOW Work, Class, and Gender 17 From High Heels to Swathed Bodies: Gcndered Meanings Under Production in Mexico" Export-Processing Industry LESLIE SALZINGER 365 18 P-legemonic Relations and Gender Resistance: The New Veiling as Accommodating f rotest in Cairo ARLENE ELOWE MAGLEOD 387 Part Four: Questioning Ferninisms 41 3 Women, Citizenship, and Activism 19 Fetal Images: The Power of Visual Culture in the Poli~csof Reproduckion ROSALIND POLLAGK PETCHESKY 20 Dissident Citizenship: Democratic Theory, Political Courage, and Activist Women HOLLOWAY SPARKS 21 Automating Gender: Postmodern Feminism in the Age of the InteUigent Machine JUDITH HALBEWSTAM 22 African and Wstem Feminisms: World-Bavelinging the Tendencies and Possibilities CHRtSTIME SVLVESTER This page intentionally left blank Credits Chapter: 1 Rosalind Delmar, "I-Yhat Is Feminism?" reprinted from J. Mitchelil and A. Ctakley, eeds., W2at Is Femz'nl'sn??( pp. 8-33). New York: Panthean, 1986. Chapter 2 ""The Cornbahec River Collective Statement," reprinted from Bahara Smith, ed., Home Girls: A Bluck Femz'taist Anthology (pp. 272-282)' Copyright@ 1983 by Rutgcrs University 13ress. Uscd with permission of the author and Kitchen Table: Wo~neno f Color Press, P.0, Box 9.0% Latham, NV 12110. Chapter 3 Cherrk Maraga, "From a Long Line of Vendidas: Chicanas and Femi- nism,'%xcerpts reprinted by permrissio~f~ro m Lovl~rg~ YtIh e War &ars (pp. 90-144). O 1986, South End Press, Boston, Chapter 4 Susan Bickford, ""Anti-Anti-Identity Politics: Feminism, Democracy, and the Complwitics of- Citizenship," from Hyyntin, vol. 12,110.4 (Fall 1997): 111-131. Copyrigkm by Indiana Ux~iversityP ress, Chapter 5 Rashet, 7: Hare-Mustin and Jeanne Marecek, "Gender and the Meaning of Difference: Poslmrodernism and Psychology" rcprh~tcdfr o111 Iilachcl 7: Hare-Mus~n and Jeanne Marecek, eds,, Makiztg n Dqjerence: hycl-~ologayr zd the Constrtlcfio~czt f Geurder (pp. 22-64.), Mew Elaven CT: Yale University Press. Copyrigkm 1990 by Vale Ur~ixrer- si ty Press, Chapter 6 Leslie W. Rabine, "Romance in the Age of Electronics: Harlequin Enhr- prises," originalfy prrblished in Fc~nrinistS tzkdies, vol. 11, no, 1 (Spring 1985): 39-60, reprinted by permission of the publisher, Feminist Sbdies, Inc. Chapter 7 Suzanne f, Messler, "The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Man- agernent of Intersexed Infants," "printed from Skrts 16, no, 1 (1990): 3-26, by perxnis- sion of The Uni versitfi of Clhiragcl Press and the au&or. Copyrighm 19 98 by The Uni- versity of Chicago Press. Chapter 8 Jemikr Robert~on"~Th e Politics of Andronny in f apan: Sexuality and Subversion in the Theater and Beyond," h mA merican Ef!tnologist, vol. 19, no. 3 (Au- gust 1992): 419442, reproduced by permission of the American Anthropological As- sociation. Not for lurther reproductior~. Chapter 9 Sara R~~ddlc"kM, otes Toward a Ferninist Peace Politics," reprinted from Miriam Cook and Angcla Wooliiacott eds., Ceurdering VVar 7izlk (pp. 109-127). Prince- ton: Princeto11U niversiq Press. Copyright@1 93b y f3rincetor1I lniversiq f3ress. Chapter 10 kisa Duggan, "Making It Perfectly Qtteer,'"ro~m Socialist. Reviczv 92 fJan- uaq-March 1992), ptzblishcd by Duke Universiq Press. Reprinted by perrrrission of the editor.

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