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Theoretical Overview of Lorentz and CPT Violation Don Colladay 3 NewCollegeofFlorida,Sarasota,FL 0 0 Abstract. Inthistalk,IdiscusssomerecenttheoreticalprogressconcerningtheLorentz-andCPT- 2 violatingextensionofthe standardmodel.Theresultssummarizedincludethe developmentofan n explicitconnectionbetweennoncommutativefieldtheoryandthestandardmodelextension,place- a mentofnewboundsinthephotonsector,calculationofone-looprenormalizationbetafunctionsin J QED,andananalysisoffieldredefinitions. 5 2 1 OVERVIEW v 3 2 For over ten years now there has been active interest in the possibility that more fun- 2 damental theories may induce small violations of Lorentz and CPT invariance into the 1 standard model at levels accessible to high precision experiments [1]. The original mo- 0 3 tivationfor theideaarose from stringtheory [2]in which higherorderfield interactions 0 due to the non-local nature of strings may modify the Lorentz properties of the vac- / h uum.The general mechanism developedto modelthis effect at thelevelof thestandard p model is spontaneous symmetry breaking in which tensor fields attain a nonvanishing - p expectation value in the vacuum at low energies. In fact, the idea of a generic sponta- e neous symmetry breaking mechanism can be applied to generic fundamental theories h : thatreduceto thestandard modelat lowenergies. v i A Standard Model Extension (SME) that includes all possible terms arising from a X generic spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism of this type has been constructed r a [3]. These terms may violate Lorentz and/or CPT invariance. The framework is that of conventional quantum field theory in which standard techniques can be implemented to calculate the effects of Lorentz and CPT violation on physical processes. Sensitive experimentaltestsofLorentzandCPTsymmetryincludeacceleratorexperiments[4,5], low-energyatomicexperiments[6, 7, 8], andastrophysicaltests[9, 10]. There is a deep connection between Lorentz invariance and CPT symmetry from the well-known CPT theorem as well as the more recent result by Greenberg that CPT violation in fact requires a violation of Lorentz invariance [11]. In this reference, Greenbergalsoconsidersagenericfieldtheoryinwhichonetriestointroduceaseparate massfortheparticleandantiparticlestates.Heshowsthatthereisnecessarilyaviolation of locality as well as a violationof coordinate Lorentz invariance in such theories. This impliesthatdifferentobserverswouldnotbeabletomakeconsistentcalculationsinsuch a theory. Therefore, bounds of CPT symmetry can be interpreted as bounds on Lorentz invariance.Notethat Lorentzviolationdoes not necessarily implyCPT violationas can beseen from explicitterms ofthistypeintheSME. To begin, I will discuss the construction of the SME as well as some motivation for its development. Following this introduction, I will give a summary of four theoretical papers that have significantly developed the framework involved. Other papers in this proceedings include an analysis of a supersymmetric generalization [12] and Lorentz violationinducedtimevariationofphysicalconstants[13]. INTRODUCTION TO LORENTZ AND CPT VIOLATION Asmentionedintheprevioussection,thereisgoodtheoreticalmotivationforthepossi- bilitythatLorentzandCPTinvariancemaybeanapproximationatlow-energyscales.In additiontothetheoreticalmotivation,manyexperimentsthatinvolvehighprecisiontests of relativity require a common framework within which to compare bounds on various types of physical measurements. Having an explicit theory in terms of the fundamental fields ofthe standard modelallowsdifferent experimentsto compare boundson param- eters and get a quantitativehandleon effects that they are sensitiveto. For example, the photonspectropolarimetrymeasurementsplaceaboundonLorentzviolationinthepho- ton sector that is sixteen orders of magnitude more stringent than the Gamma ray burst andpulsardata[10]. Thiswillbediscussedlaterinthetalk. ThemechanismusedtogeneratetheSMEisspontaneoussymmetrybreakingapplied to fields with tensor indices. This mechanism is analogous to the Higgs mechanism in which a scalar field gains a vacuum expectation value and generates masses for the m standard model particles. In the case of a tensor field (B (x) for example) containing Lorentzindices,anonzeroexpectationvaluewillselectoutaspecificdirectioninspace- timebreakingLorentzinvariancespontaneously.Potentialsfortensorfieldsareabsentin conventionalrenormalizable field theories but can occur in low-energy field expansions of more fundamental theories such as string field theory [2]. Couplings between these tensor fields and standard model particles (such as Bm yg 5g m y ) induce violations of Lorentz invariancein the low-energy effectivetheory due to the spontaneous symmetry breaking(forexamplehBm i=6 0). The SME [3] consists of all such terms arising from couplings between standard modelfieldsandbackgroundtensorfields.Ingeneral,therearetermsintheSMEthatare nonrenormalizable and terms that violate gauge symmetries. To simplify, it is useful to restrict this very general theory of Lorentz and CPT violationto satisfy SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) gauge invariance and power counting renormalizability. Restricting further to spacetimeindependentexpectationvalues generates theminimalSME that is useful for quantifyingleadingordercorrections toexperiments. Asanexample,theQEDsectoroftheminimalSMEisgivenhere.TheQEDextension is obtained by restricting the minimal SME to the electron and photon sectors. The electronterms are1 Le = 21iy G n ↔Dn y −y My , (1) 1 AdditionalcorrectiontermsconsistentwithU(1)symmetryoftheelectromagneticsector,butnotwith SU(2) symmetryof the full electroweaksector are often also included.With this relaxedcondition,the termsen +ifn g 5+21glmn s lm maybeaddedintothedefinitionofG n . whereG and M denote G n =g n +cmn g m +dmn g5g m , (2) M =m+am g m +bm g5g m +12Hmn s mn . (3) Theparametersa,b,c,d,andH arefixedbackgroundexpectationvaluesoftensorfields thatbreak conventionalparticleLorentzsymmetry.Thephotontermsare 1 1 1 Lg =− Fmn Fmn − (kF)klmn Fkl Fmn + (kAF)k e klmn Al Fmn , (4) 4 4 2 wherek , k arethefixed backgroundtensorfields. F AF Next, I will discuss several new theoretical results that have emerged over the past twoyears thatare associatedwiththegeneral SME. CONNECTION TO NONCOMMUTATIVE FIELD THEORY There has been much interest recently in the possibilitythat thecoordinates used to pa- rameterizethestandard model fields may not commute.Such a situationcan arise natu- rallyinthelowenergylimitofcertainstringtheories[14].Inthiscase,thenonvanishing commutatorscan takethespecial form [xm ,xn ]=iq mn (5) where theparameters q violateLorentz invarianceas they are fixed background param- eters.Ithasbeenshown[15]thatanyrealistictheoryofnoncommutativegeometrymust be physically equivalent to a subset of the SME. The proof relies on the existence of a correspondence between the fields on noncommutative coordinates and conventional fields on commutative coordinates called the Seiberg-Witten map [16]. The result fol- lows by using this map to identify the appropriate Lorentz-violating extension parame- ters that are present in the resulting theory. More recently, the map has been applied to the entire standard model [17]. The authors find terms that are consistent with a subset of the SME as expected. As an explicit example, a noncommutative version of QED developedin[15]is discussedhere. One way of implementing the noncommutative structure of the underlying coordi- nates is to promote an established theory to a noncommutative one using the Moyal ⋆ productrepresentation (f ⋆g)(x)=exp(12iq mn ¶ xm ¶ yn )f(x)g(y)|x=y , (6) formultiplicationofthefields.NoncommutativeQEDcanthenbeconstructedusingthis multiplicationas ↔ L = iyˆ ⋆g m Dˆm yˆ −myˆ ⋆yˆ − 1 Fˆmn ⋆Fˆmn . (7) 2 4q2 These noncommutative fields (yˆ,Aˆ) satisfy unconventional gauge transformations and do not correspond to the conventional electrons and photons as described in the frame- workof conventionalquantumfield theory.ApplicationoftheSeiberg-Witten map[16] (tolowestorderinq ) Aˆm =Am −1q ab Aa (¶ b Am +Fbm ) , (8) 2 yˆ =y −1q ab Aa ¶ b y , (9) 2 must be used to identify the relevant corrections to the standard electrodynamic fields (y ,A) in a form that can be directly compared to experimental results. The resulting effectiveQED theory becomes(to first orderinq ) L = L0−8iqq ab Fab yg m D↔m y +14iqq ab Fam yg m D↔b y +1mqq ab Fab yy +(F3···) . (10) 4 Thecorrection termscorrespond tononrenormalizabletermsintheSME2. It ispossible to examine experiments that occur in constant background electromagnetic fields using mn mn mn mn F → f +F where f isconstant.Withthissubstitution,aspecificsubsetofthe termsintheminimalSME arerecovered. Theseare ↔ L =L0+2icmn yg m Dn y −14(kF)abgd Fab Fgd , (11) with cmn =−12qfml q ln ; (kF)abgd =−qfal q lg h bd +··· . (12) AtomicexperimentsinconstantBfieldscan thenbeusedtoboundthenoncommutative parametersat thelevel |q ij|<(10TeV)−2 . (13) Effects of noncommutative geometry on photon propagation in constant background fieldshavealsobeen considered [19]. ONE LOOP RENORMALIZABILITY OF QED SECTOR The next result concerns the explicit analysis of the one-loop renormalizability of the QEDsectoroftheminimalSME[20]. Resultsincludedin thisreference include: • Generalized Furry theorem is established showing that the three and four point photonvertices generateafinitecontributiontoone-loopGreen’s functions. • Multiplicative renormalization holds at one loop provided the Lorentz-violating constantsareproperlyrenormalized. • Thebetafunctionshavebeencalculatedandtherenormalizationgroupwasusedto examinetherunningoftheviolationparameters. 2 Thepossibilityofrenormalizabletermsemergingfromloopcorrectionshasbeenexplored[18]. Themodifiedverticesandpropagatorscanbeextractedfromthelagrangianforextended QED given in equations (1) and (4). For example, the electron-photon vertex will contributeafactorof−iqG m =−iq(g m +e m )wheree m isasmallperturbativecorrection thatdependson theLorentzand CPT violatingterms. The running of the coupling constants were calculated using renormalization group techniques.They arefoundto depend onvariousanomalouspowersoftheparameter q2 m Q(m )=1− 0 ln , (14) 6p 2 m 0 thatcontrolstheusualrunningoftheQEDchargeaccordingtoq=Q−1q .Intheabove 0 expressions, m is therenormalized massscale while m isa reference scaleat which the 0 boundaryconditionsontheparametersareapplied.Asanexample,theaparametersrun accordingto am =am −m (1−Q9/4)em , (15) 0 0 0 whilethec parameters runas cmn =cmn −1(1−Q−3)(cmn +cnm −(k ) mna ) . (16) 0 3 0 0 F 0 a If the parameters are assumed to be unified at the Planck scale, a naive running to low energies indicates that the parameters can differ by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude at the low-energy scale. This result emphasizes the necessity of independently measuring all oftheparameters thatcontrol Lorentzviolationas theymay beverydifferent insize. NEW BOUNDS ON PARAMETERS IN THE PHOTON SECTOR Various cosmological experiments have already placed stringent bounds on the CPT violatingphotonterms[9].Inaddition,therearetheoreticalreasonstosuggestthatthese termsareexactlyzero [3,21]. However,thereis nosuch theoreticalbiasconcerning the CPT even photon terms and they have recently been analyzed in [10]. In this reference, anexplicitanalogyisconstructedbetweenphotonpropagationinaclassicalanisotropic mediumandphotonpropagationinaLorentz-violatingbackgroundfield.Theformalism providesacleanwayofextractingboundsonalloftheCPT-evenparametersusingboth astrophysicalandlab based photonpropagationexperiments. Therelevanttermk modifiestheMaxwellequationsaccording to F ¶ a Fma =−(kF)mabg ¶ a Fbg , ¶ m F˜mn =0 (17) Note that the homogeneous equations are unmodified as these only depend on the definition of Fmn = ¶ m An −¶ n Am . To construct the analogy with anisotropic media, fields~D and H~ aredefined according to ~D 1+k k ~E = DE DB , (18) (cid:18) H~ (cid:19) (cid:18) k HE 1+k HB (cid:19)(cid:18) ~B (cid:19) where the various k quantities are 2×2 constant matrices depending on the k param- F eters. Using this definition,the modified Maxwell equations takethe conventionalform of ~(cid:209) ×H~ −¶ ~D=0 , ~(cid:209) ·~D=0 0 ~(cid:209) ×~E+¶ ~B=0 , ~(cid:209) ·~B=0 . 0 The form of these equations implies that standard techniques can be used to solve the equationsofmotion. The violation terms can be divided into ones that cause birefringence and ones that do not. Birefringence measurements can be performed with high sensitivity using as- trophysicalmeasurements,whiletheothertermscanbeboundedusingvariousresonant cavityexperiments.Iwillfocushereontwotypesofastrophysicaltestsanalyzedin[10]. The first involves gamma ray bursts and pulsars while the second involves spectropo- larimetrymeasurements.Refer to[10]fordetailsconcerning thecavity experiments. Gamma ray bursts and pulsars produce narrow pulses of radiation that propagate large distances. Birefringence implies a velocity difference between the eigenmodes of propagation yielding a spreading of the pulse width in time of D t ≈ D vL, where L is the distance to the source. Using fifteen different sources, a conservative bound of |k |<3×10−16 has been placed onCPT-even parameters thatcausebirefringence. F Much more accurate bounds have been placed on the same parameters using spec- tropolarimetry data. It is difficult to determine the polarization of most astrophysical sources accurately, so a techniqueofsearching for a specific wavelengthdependence in thepolarizationrotationwasimplemented.AdetailedanalysisofthemodifiedMaxwell equationsshowsthatthepolarizationshiftduetobirefringenceisproportionaltothein- verseofthewavelength.Combiningthisfact withtheextremelyprecisetimeresolution ofphaseshifttimescalesyieldsaboundof|k |<2×10−32 onthesameparametersthat F are bounded using pulse broadening analysis. This points out the necessity of having a specific theory to calculate explicit bounds on Lorentz symmetry. Spectropolarimetry bounds are far more stringent and they require a detailed knowledge of the form of the modified Maxwell equations as is given in the SME. A simple phenomenological cor- rectionto thedispersionrelationisnotsufficient foracomparableanalysis. FIELD REDEFINITIONS AND LORENTZ VIOLATION As the final development discussed in this talk, I will present work done regarding the physical nature of various terms present in the SME [22]. Some terms that are includedinthelagrangian(1)canbeeliminatedusingsuitableredefinitionsofthespinor components.Othertermscanbemovedtodifferentsectorsofthetheory.Ingeneral,one can define a set of equivalence classes for lagrangians in the SME by relating elements that are connected by redefinitions of the field components. It is not necessary for the redefinitions to be covariant, so the equivalence class of Lagrangians associated to the standardonecontainsmanyterms thatapparently violateLorentzorCPT invariance. Toillustratethegeneralprocedure,westartwiththeconventionallagrangianforQED L[y ]= iyg m D↔m y −myy , (19) 2 andapply aredefinitionofthespinorfield oftheform y (x)=[1+ f(x,¶ )]c (x) , (20) generatinganewlagrangianL[c ]thatmayapparentlyviolateLorentzinvariance.Asan example,let f = 1vm g m wherevm arerealconstants.Tolowestorderinv,thelagrangian 2 expressedintermsof c is ↔ L[c ]=L0+2ivm c Dm c +mvm cg m c . (21) Ifonenaivelyassumesthestandard actionofSL(2,C) onthespinorsof c ′(x′)=S(L )c (x)=e4iw mn s mn c (x) (22) thenL isnotcovariant.However,itisin fact covariantunderthemodifiedactionof S˜(L )=e−12vm g m S(L )e12vm g m , (23) which is related to the standard action by a similarity transformation. This logic can be applied in reverse to conclude that any lagrangian of the form (21) does not in fact violateLorentzinvariancebecausethefieldscan beappropriatelyredefined3. Other redefinitions can involve derivatives and are more complicated. For example, letting f =Cmn xm ¶ n yieldsatransformedlagrangian of(lowestorder inC) ↔ L[c ]=L0+Cmn xm ¶ n L0+2iCmn cg m ¶ n c . (24) m The second term in this expression is a total derivative up to the term Cm L0, a term that simply scales the lagrangian. The third term in the expression is the form of the c corrections to G in equation (1). This transformation is equivalent to a change of coordinatesaccordingto y (x)=(1+Cmn xm ¶ n )c (x)≈c (x+C·x)=c (x′) , (25) wherethenewcoordinateshaveametricofgmn =h mn +Cmn +Cnm .Theantisymmetric piecedoesnotalterthemetricandcorrespondstoaconventionalLorentztransformation. Thealterationintheformofthelagrangianinthiscaseiscompensatedbytheappropri- ate element of SL(2,C) for the transformation. The symmetricpiece is more interesting 3 Notethataninteractiontermbetweenafermionwithafreelagrangianofthisformandanotherparticle withconventionaltransformationpropertiesmaynotbeinvariantundertheredefinitioninwhichcasethe parametervm wouldbephysical. as it skews the coordinate system. This can be compensated for using the vierbein for- malism of general relativity, but a redefinition of the metric in the photon sector will also be required. Therefore these terms may be eliminated from the electron sector, but they will reappear as corrections in the photon sector. One can understand this result physically as the necessity of using the propagation properties of some particular field to define the coordinate system basis. Once this system is chosen, it is then necessary to measure the propagation properties of other particles with respect to it. Any incom- patibility in the interactions will lead to a potentially observable violation of Lorentz invarianceintheoveralltheory. Terms that can be altered by redefinitions can be reexpressed as appropriate linear combinations such that the terms that are invariant under the field redefintions will correspond to the physically observable parameters. This can be used to significantly simplify models containing Lorentz and CPT violation by reducing the number of parameters that must be included in the calculations. A more complete analysis is performedin [22]. SUMMARY Inthistalk,anoverviewofrecenttheoreticalprogresspertainingtothetheoryofLorentz andCPT violationhas been presented. An explicit connection has been made between a subset of the SME and physically realistictheoriesinvolvingnoncommutativefieldtheory.Infact,anytheorythatviolates Lorentz or CPT invariance must reduce to a subset of the general SME provided that correctionstoconventionalstandardmodelfieldsareconsideredanddifferentobservers can make consistent calculations regarding physical processes. The extension therefore providesaveryrobustframeworkwithinwhichviolationsofLorentzandCPTsymmetry can beanalyzed. One loop renormalizability in the minimal QED extension has been explicitly estab- lished. The beta functions indicate a variety of runnings for the various Lorentz- and CPT-violating coupling constants. As a result of the renormalization group analysis, it ispossiblethat parameters thatare unifiedat thePlanck scalecan differby afeworders ofmagnitudeat thelow-energy scale. Some apparent violations in the SME can be removed by appropriate field redefini- tions. In addition, some parameters can be moved to different sectors using other types of redefinitions. The terms that cannot be altered by redefinitions therefore provide the physicallymeasurablequantities,inaccordancewiththeexplicitcalculationsperformed forexperimentalobservables. REFERENCES 1. 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