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THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Peter Dayan and L.F. Abbott Preface PART I - ANALYZING AND MODELING NEURAL RESPONSES Chapter 1 - Neural Encoding I: Firing Rates and Spike Statistics Introduction Properties of Neurons Recording Neuronal Responses From Stimulus to Response Spike Trains and Firing Rates Measuring Firing Rates Tuning Curves Spike-Count Variability What Makes a Neuron Fire? Describing the Stimulus The Spike-Triggered Average White-Noise Stimuli Multiple-Spike-Triggered Averages and Spike-Triggered Correlations Spike Train Statistics The Homogeneous Poisson Process The Spike-Train Autocorrelation Function The Inhomogeneous Poisson Process The Poisson Spike Generator Comparison with Data The Neural Code Independent-Spike, Independent Neuron and Correlation Codes Temporal Codes Chapter Summary Appendices A) The Power Spectrum of White Noise B) Moments of the Poisson Distribution D) Inhomogeneous Poisson Statistics Annotated Bibliography Chapter 2 - Neural Encoding II: Reverse Correlation and Receptive Fields Introduction Estimating Firing Rates The Most Effective Stimulus Static Nonlinearities Introduction to the Early Visual System file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (1 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE The Retinotopic Map Visual Stimuli The Nyquist Frequency Reverse Correlation Methods - Simple Cells Spatial Receptive Fields Temporal Receptive Fields Response of a Simple Cell to a Counterphase Grating Space-Time Receptive Fields Nonseparable Receptive Fields Static Nonlinearities - Simple Cells Static Nonlinearities - Complex Cells Receptive Fields in the Retina and LGN Constructing V1 Receptive Fields Chapter Summary Appendices A) The Optimal Kernel B) The Most Effective Stimulus C) Bussgang's Theorem Annotated Bibliography Chapter 3 - Neural Decoding Encoding and Decoding Discrimination ROC Curves ROC Analysis of Motion Discrimination The Likelihood Ratio Test Population Decoding Encoding and Decoding Direction Optimal Decoding Methods Fisher Information Optimal Discrimination Spike Train Decoding Chapter Summary Appendices A) The Neymann-Pearson Lemma B) The Cramér-Rao Bound C) The Optimal Spike-Decoding Filter Annotated Bibliography Chapter 4 - Information Theory Entropy and Mutual Information Entropy Mutual Information file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (2 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Entropy and Mutual Information for Continuous Variables Information and Entropy Maximization Entropy Maximization for a Single Neuron Populations of Neurons Application to Retinal Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields The Whitening Filter Filtering Input Noise Temporal Processing in the LGN Cortical Coding Entropy and Information for Spike Trains Chapter Summary Appendix Positivity of the Kulback-Leibler Divergence Annotated Bibliography PART II - MODELING NEURONS AND NETWORKS Chapter 5 - Model Neurons I: Neuroelectronics Levels of Neuron Modeling Electrical Properties of Neurons Intracellular Resistance Membrane Capacitance and Resistance Equilibrium and Reversal Potentials The Membrane Current Single-Compartment Models Integrate-and-Fire Models Spike-Rate Adaptation and Refractoriness Voltage-Dependent Conductances Persistent Conductances Transient Conductances Hyperpolarization-Activated Conductances The Hodgkin-Huxley Model Modeling Channels Synaptic Conductances The Postsynaptic Conductance Release Probability and Short-Term Plasticity Synapses on Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Regular and Irregular Firing Modes Chapter Summary Appendices A) Integrating the Membrane Potential B) Integrating the Gating Variables Annotated Bibliography Chapter 6 - Model Neurons II: Conductances and Morphology file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (3 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Levels of Neuron Modeling Conductance-Based Models The Connor-Stevens Model Postinhibitory Rebound and Bursting The Cable Equation Linear Cable Theory An Infinite Cable An Isolated Branching Node The Rall Model The Morphoelectrotonic Transform Multi-Compartment Models Action Potential Propagation Along an Unmyelinated Axon Propagation Along a Myelinated Axon Chapter Summary Appendices A) Gating Functions for Conductance-Based Models Connor-Stevens Model Transient Ca2+ Conductances Ca2+-dependent K+ Condutances B) Integrating Multi-Compartment Models Annotated Bibliography Chapter 7 - Network Models Introduction Firing-Rate Models Feedforward and Recurrent Networks Continuously Labelled Networks Feedforward Networks Neural Coordinate Transformations Recurrent Networks Linear Recurrent Networks Selective Amplification Input Integration Continuous Linear Recurrent Networks Nonlinear Recurrent Networks Nonlinear Amplification A Recurrent Model of Simple Cells in Primary Visual Cortex A Recurrent Model of Complex Cells in Primary Visual Cortex Winner-Take-All Input Selection Gain Modulation Sustained Activity Maximum Likelihood and Network Recoding Network Stability file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (4 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Associative Memory Excitatory-Inhibitory Networks Homogeneous Excitatory and Inhibitory Populations Phase-Plane Methods and Stability Analysis The Olfactory Bulb Oscillatory Amplification Stochastic Networks Chapter Summary Appendix Lyapunov Function for the Boltzman Machine Annotated Bibliography PART III - PLASTICITY AND LEARNING Chapter 8 - Plasticity and Learning Introduction Stability and Competition Synaptic Plasticity Rules The Basic Hebb Rule The Covariance Rule The BCM Rule Synaptic Normalization Subtractive Normalization Multiplicative Normalization and the Oja Rule Timing-Based Rules Unsupervised Learning Single Postsynaptic Neuron Principal Component Projection Hebbian Development and Ocular Dominance Hebbian Development of Orientation Selectivity Temproal Hebbian Rules and Trace Learning Multiple Postsynaptic Neurons Fixed Linear Recurrent Connections Competitive Hebbian Learning Feature-Based Models Anti-Hebbian Modification Timing-Based Plasticity and Prediction Supervised Learning Supervised Hebbian Learning Classification and the Perceptron Function Approximation Supervised Error-Correcting Rules The Perceptron Learning Rule The Delta Rule Contrastive Hebbian Learning file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (5 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Chapter Summary Appendix Convergence of the Perceptron Learning Rule Annotated Bibliography Chapter 9 - Classical Conditioning and Reinforcement Learning Introduction Classical Conditioning Predicting Reward - The Rescola-Wagner Rule Predicting Reward Timing - Temporal-Difference Learning Dopamine and Prediction of Reward Static Action Choice The Indirect Actor The Direct Actor Sequential Action Choice The Maze Task Policy Evaluation Policy Improvement Generalizations of Actor-Critic Learning Learning the Water Maze Chapter Summary Appendix - Markov Decision Problems The Bellman Equation Policy Iteration Annotated Bibliography Chapter 10 - Representational Learning Introduction Density Estimation Factor Analysis Principal Components Analysis Clustering Sparse Coding Independent Components Analysis Multi-Resolution and Wavelet Models The Helmholtz Machine Chapter Summary Annotated Bibliography Appendix - Mathematical Methods Introduction Linear Algebra Differential Equations Probability Theory Fourier Transforms file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (6 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] THEORETICAL NEUROSCIENCE Electrical Circuits d The Function Lagrange Multipliers Annotated Bibliography file:///E|/Media_folder/Books/books.pdox.net/Physics/Theoretical_Neuroscience/TOC.htm (7 of 7) [15-02-2002 0:32:12] Preface Theoretical analysis and computational modeling are important tools for characterizingwhatnervoussystemsdo,determininghowtheyfunction, and understanding why they operate in particular ways. Neuroscience encompasses approaches ranging from molecular and cellular studies to humanpsychophysicsandpsychology. Theoreticalneuroscienceencour- agescross-talkamongthesesub-disciplinesbyconstructingcompactrep- resentationsofwhathasbeenlearned,buildingbridgesbetweendifferent levelsofdescription,andidentifyingunifyingconceptsandprinciples. In thisbook,wepresentthebasicmethodsusedforthesepurposesanddis- cuss examples in which theoretical approaches have yielded insight into nervoussystemfunction. Thequestionswhat, how, andwhyareaddressedbydescriptive, mecha- nistic,andinterpretivemodels,eachofwhichwediscussinthefollowing chapters. Descriptive models summarize large amounts of experimental descriptivemodels data compactly yet accurately, thereby characterizing what neurons and neural circuits do. These models may be based loosely on biophysical, anatomical,andphysiologicalfindings,buttheirprimarypurposeistode- scribephenomenanottoexplainthem. Mechanisticmodels,ontheother mechanisticmodels hand, address the question of how nervous systems operate on the ba- sisofknownanatomy,physiology,andcircuitry. Suchmodelsoftenform a bridge between descriptive models couched at different levels. Inter- pretivemodelsusecomputationalandinformation-theoreticprinciplesto interpretivemodels explorethebehavioralandcognitivesignificanceofvariousaspectsofner- voussystemfunction,addressingthequestionofwhynervoussystemop- erateastheydo. Itisoftendifficultoidentifytheappropriatelevelofmodelingforapartic- ularproblem. Afrequentmistakeistoassumethatamoredetailedmodel is necessarily superior. Because models act as bridges between levels of understanding, they must be detailed enough to make contact with the lowerlevelyetsimpleenoughtoyieldclearresultsatthehigherlevel. Draft: December17,2000 TheoreticalNeuroscience 2 OrganizationandApproach This book is organized into three parts on the basis of general themes. Part I (chapters 1-4) is devoted to the coding of information by action potentialsandtherepresentionofinformationbypopulationsofneurons withselectiveresponses. Modelingofneuronsandneuralcircuitsonthe basis of cellular and synaptic biophysics is presented in part II (chapters 5-7). The role of plasticity in development and learning is discussed in Part III (chapters 8-10). With the exception of chapters 5 and 6, which jointlycoverneuronalmodeling,thechaptersarelargelyindependentand canbeselectedandorderedinavarietyofwaysforaone-ortwo-semester courseateithertheundergraduateorgraduatelevel. Although we provide some background material, readers without previ- ousexposuretoneuroscienceshouldrefertoaneurosciencetextbooksuch as Kandel, Schwartz & Jessell (2000); Nicholls, Martin & Wallace (1992); Bear,Connors&Paradiso(1996);Shepherd(1997);Zigmond,Bloom,Lan- dis&Squire(1998);Purvesetal(2000). Theoreticalneuroscienceisbasedonthebeliefthatmethodsofmathemat- ics,physics,andcomputersciencecanelucidatenervoussystemfunction. Unfortunately,mathematicscansometimesseemmoreofanobstaclethan an aid to understanding. We have not hesitated to employ the level of analysisneededtobepreciseandrigorous. Attimes,thismaystretchthe tolerance of some of our readers. We encourage such readers to consult themathematicalappendix,whichprovidesabriefreviewofmostofthe mathematicalmethodsusedinthetext,butalsotopersevereandattempt tounderstandtheimplicationsandconsequencesofadifficultderivation evenifitsstepsareunclear. Theoretical neuroscience, like any skill, can only be mastered with prac- tice. Wehaveprovidedexercisesforthispurposeonthewebsiteforthis book and urge the reader to do them. In addition, it will be highly in- structive for the reader to construct the models discussed in the text and exploretheirpropertiesbeyondwhatwehavebeenabletodointheavail- ablespace. Referencing In order to maintain the flow of the text, we have kept citations within the chapters to a minimum. Each chapter ends with an annotated bib- liography containing suggestions for further reading (which are denoted byaboldfont),informationaboutworkcitedwithinthechapter,andref- erences to related studies. We concentrate on introducing the basic tools ofcomputationalneuroscienceanddiscussingapplicationsthatwethink besthelpthereadertounderstandandappreciatethem. Thismeansthat anumberofsystemswherecomputationalapproacheshavebeenapplied PeterDayanandL.F.Abbott Draft: December17,2000 3 with significant success are not discussed. References given in the anno- tated bibliographies lead the reader toward such applications. In most of the areas we cover, many people have provided critical insights. The books and review articles in the further reading category provide more comprehensive references to work that we apologetically have failed to cite. Acknowledgments We are extremely grateful to a large number of students at Brandeis, the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit and MIT, and colleagues at many institutions, who have painstakingly read, commented on, and criticized, numerous versions of all the chapters. We particularly thank Bard Ermentrout, Mark Kvale, Mark Goldman, John Hertz, Zhaoping Li, Eve Marder, and Read Montague for providing extensive discussion and advice on the whole book. A number of people read significant portions of the text and provided valuable comments, criticism, and in- sight: Bill Bialek, Pat Churchland, Nathanial Daw, Dawei Dong, Peter Fo¨ldia´k, Fabrizio Gabbiani, Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoff Goodhill, David Heeger,GeoffHinton,KenMiller,TonyMovshon,PhilNelson,SachaNel- son, Bruno Olshausen, Mark Plumbley, Alex Pouget, Fred Rieke, John Rinzel, Emilio Salinas, Sebastian Seung, Mike Shadlen, Satinder Singh, Rich Sutton, Nick Swindale, Carl Van Vreeswijk, Chris Williams, David Willshaw,CharlieWilson,AngelaYu,andRichZemel. Wehavereceived significant additional assistance and advice from: Greg DeAngelis, Matt Beal, Sue Becker, Tony Bell, Paul Bressloff, Emery Brown, Matteo Caran- dini, FrancesChance, YangDan, KenjiDoya, EdErwin, JohnFitzpatrick, David Foster, Marcus Frean, Ralph Freeman, Enrique Garibay, Frederico Girosi,CharlieGross,MikeJordan,ShamKakade,SzabolcsKa´li,Christof Koch,SimonLaughin,JohnLisman,ShawnLockery,GuyMayraz,Quaid Morris,RandyO’Reilly,MaxRiesenhuber,SamRoweis,SimonOsindero, TomasoPoggio,ClayReid,DarioRingach,HoracioRotstein,LanaRuther- ford,KenSagino,ManeeshSahani,AlexeiSamsonovich,IdanSegev,Terry Sejnowski, Haim Sompolinksy, Fiona Stevens, David Tank, Alessandro Treves, Gina Turrigiano, David Van Essen, Martin Wainwright, Xiao-Jing Wang,MaxWelling,MattWilson,DannyYoung,andKetchenZhang. We apologisetoanyonewemayhaveinadvertentlyomittedfromtheselists. Karen Abbott provided valuable help with the figures. From MIT Press, wethankMichaelRutterforhispatienceandconsistentcommitment,and SaraMeirowitzandLarryCohenforpickingupwhereMichaelleftoff. Draft: December17,2000 TheoreticalNeuroscience

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