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Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons PDF

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CRM Series in Mathematical Physics This page intentionally left blank David Se´ne´chal Andre´-Marie Tremblay Claude Bourbonnais Editors Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons With 99 Illustrations DavidSe´ne´chal Andre´-MarieTremblay ClaudeBourbonnais De´partementdePhysique Universite´ deSherbrooke 2500boulevarddel’Universite´ Sherbrooke,Que´becJ1K2R1 Canada Contact:[email protected] EditorialBoard JoelS.Feldman DuongH.Phong DepartmentofMathematics DepartmentofMathematics UniversityofBritishColumbia ColumbiaUniversity Vancouver,BritishColumbiaV6T1Z2 NewYork,NY10027-0029 Canada USA [email protected] [email protected] YvanSaint-Aubin LucVinet De´partementdeMathe´matiques De´partementdeMathe´matiques etdeStatistique etdeStatistique Universite´ deMontre´al CRM,Universite´ deMontre´al C.P.6128,SuccursaleCentre-ville C.P.6128,SuccursaleCentre-ville Montre´al,Que´becH3C3J7 Montre´al,Que´becH3C3J7 Canada Canada [email protected] [email protected] PACS:71.27 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Theoreticalmethodsforstronglycorrelatedelectrons/editors,DavidSe´ne´chal, Andre´-MarieTremblay,ClaudeBourbonnais. p.cm.—(TheCRMseriesinmathematicalphysics) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-387-00895-0(alk.paper) 1.Electronconfiguration. 2.Condensedmatter. 3.Mathematicalphysics. I.Se´ne´chal, David. II.Tremblay,Andre´-Marie. III.Bourbonnais,Claude. IV.Series. QC176.8.E4T448 2003 530.4′11—dc21 2003045457 ISBN0-387-00895-0 Printedonacid-freepaper. 2004Springer-VerlagNewYork,Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the writtenpermissionofthepublisher(Springer-VerlagNewYork,Inc.,175FifthAvenue,NewYork, NY10010,USA),exceptforbriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysis.Use inconnection withany formof informationstorageand retrieval,electronic adaptation,computer software,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdevelopedisforbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if theyarenotidentifiedassuch,isnottobetakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornot theyaresubjecttoproprietaryrights. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPIN10922040 Typesetting:PagescreatedbytheauthorusingaSpringerTEXmacropackage. www.springer-ny.com Springer-Verlag NewYork Berlin Heidelberg AmemberofBertelsmannSpringerScience+BusinessMediaGmbH Series Preface The Centre de recherches mathe´matiques (CRM) was created in 1968 by the Universite´ de Montre´al to promote research in the mathematical sciences. It is nowanationalinstitutethathostsseveralgroupsandholdsspecialthemeyears, summerschools,workshops,andapostdoctoralprogram.Thefocusofitsscien- tific activities ranges from pure to applied mathematics and includes statistics, theoretical computer science, mathematical methods in biology and life sci- ences, and mathematical and theoretical physics. The CRM also promotes col- laboration betweenmathematicians andindustry. Itis subsidizedby theNatural Sciencesand EngineeringResearchCouncilof Canada,theFonds FCARofthe ProvincedeQue´bec,andtheCanadianInstituteforAdvancedResearchandhas private endowments. Current activities, fellowships, and annual reports can be found on the CRM Web page at www.CRM.UMontreal.CA. The CRM Series in Mathematical Physics includes monographs, lecture notes, andproceedings basedon researchpursued andevents heldat theCentre de recherches mathe´matiques. Yvan Saint-Aubin Montreal, Quebec, Canada This page intentionally left blank Preface The workshop M´ethodes th´eoriques pour les fermions fortement corr´el´es/ Theoreticalmethodsforstronglycorrelatedelectrons washeldfromWednes- day May 26 to Sunday May 30, 1999, at the Centre de recherches math´e- matiques, Universit´e de Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, Canada. Despitenumerousconferencesandworkshopsonstronglycorrelatedelec- trons, one rarely finds workshops dedicated only to purely theoretical as- pectsoftheproblem.Accordingtothespeakers,thisworkshopwasafirst.It brought together experts on various approaches, focused around a unique problem, namely, the solution of models of the Hubbard type (problems wherebothlocalizedanddelocalizedaspectsarepresent)inlowdimension. Relativelylongpedagogicalintroductions(oneandahalfhours)duringthe morning, allowed everyone to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as well as to understand open problems for each of the im- portant methods. Short presentations in the afternoon provided a broad overviewofcurrentproblems.Oneandahalfhoursadaywerereservedfor posters. Since these were exhibited during the whole workshop in a com- mon area they also provided stimuli for informal discussions during coffee breaks and early in the morning. The workshop was open to theorists as well as to advanced students and postdocs. These proceedings do not do full justice to this workshop, but they do strive to give the same mix of pedagogical review and outlook on current problems that was at the heart of this meeting. By avoiding exhaustive lists of short summaries to concentrate on only a few in-depth articles, we do hope that these proceedings will have lasting value for the student and the researcher alike. A list of talks and of participants follows this preface. They are provided both as a memento and as a reference for those who wish to contact an outstanding researcher on a topic not covered by these proceedings. The fact that a given talk or topic does not appear in these proceedings is uncorrelated with the quality of the presentation. Look for correlations only in electronic properties! Thecontentsoftheseproceedingscan,roughlyspeaking,bedividedinto three parts that cover an impressive range of methods. Part I, Numerical Methods, deals with two of the most widely used nu- merical methods in strongly correlated electrons. Both of these methods have found applications in areas spanning condensed-matter, high-energy, and sometimes nuclear or statistical physics. The first one, Density Matrix viii Preface Renormalization Group is, by now, one of the leading numerical meth- ods for one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional problems. The paper by Karen Halberg covers the different areas where the method is applied and also gives the reader a general overview on the subject. Much activity has focused on extensions of the method to dynamical quantities, finite temperatures, disorder, phonons, etc. They are all discussed. The exten- sive list of references will be extremely valuable to the reader. The second method, Quantum Monte Carlo, is introduced in a pedagogical chapter by Shiwei Zhang. Most of the aspects of this methodology are covered, including primarily auxiliary-field (or determinantal) methods, but also configuration-space methods and Constrained Path Monte Carlo. There is a focus on the latter method that allows one to free oneself from the infa- mous sign problem. In this chapter, Shiwei has developed a formalism that unifies the different methods and allows for a systematic understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and common features. Problemsinonedimension,orweaklycoupledchains,havelendedthem- selvestothedevelopmentofavarietyofanalyticalmethods.Theseanalyti- calmethodshavealloweddetailedunderstandingofthefascinatingphysics that arises in the presence of interactions, such as spin-charge separation. And these methods continue to produce new results, some of which find extensions to higher dimension. Part II, Lagrangian, Functional Integral, Renormalization Group, Con- formal and Bosonization Methods, contains three reviews that cover the most widely used methods. The chapter by C. Bourbonnais, B. Guay, and R. Wortis reviews the renormalization group method and scaling concepts for interacting fermions. Peculiarities of the two-loop calculation are clar- ified for the first time. Dimensional crossover, multiple fixed points, and Kohn–Luttinger mechanisms in different channels are subjects of current interestthatarealsodiscussed.ThechapterbyD.S´en´echalcontainsaped- agogical review of bosonization methods and conformal invariance. These methods are applied, as an example, to the solution of the Tomonaga– Luttinger model, which embodies the physics of spin-charge separation. Non-Abelian bosonization as well as a variety of applications, such as edge states in the quantum Hall effect, are also discussed. The last chapter of PartIIwaswrittenbyT.GiamarchiandE.Orignac.Usingone-dimensional spinless fermions as a pedagogical example, the authors explain various methods, in particular the replica method and the Gaussian Variational Method, to treat the elastic disordered theory that describes a large class of disordered fermionic systems. Extensions to higher dimension of prob- lemssuchasWignercrystal,ChargeDensityWaves,andBoseglassarealso presented. These fall into the general class of disordered quantum solids. The authors also investigate in detail the interesting example of a disor- dered Mott insulator and argue that intermediate disorder can lead to a novelphase,theMottglass,intermediatebetweenaMottandanAnderson insulator. Preface ix Part III, Functional Derivatives, Mean-Field, Self-Consistent Methods, Slave-Bosons,andExtensions,beginswithareviewbyE.BickersofBaym- Kadanoff, or Φ-derivable, approximations. Functional integrals results are also used to establish the connection between conventional mean-field the- ory and higher-order Baym-Kadanoff approximations. The Φ derivabil- ity criterion for thermodynamic consistency is discussed and contrasted with parquet, or crossing-symmetric, approximations. Instabilities of the electronic normal state and numerical techniques for the solution of self- consistent field approximations are reviewed, with particular emphasis on renormalization group methods for frequency and momentum space. This leads to the next chapter by J. Kroha and P. Wo¨lfle. They review a new systematicmany-bodymethodcapableofdescribingbothFermiliquidand non-Fermiliquidbehaviorofquantumimpuritymodelsatlowtemperatures on the same footing. The method covers the crossover to the high temper- ature local moment regime as well. In more technical terms, this chapter dealswiththemethodofauxiliaryparticlesintroducedtoeffecttheprojec- tion in Hilbert space while keeping most of the desirable features of renor- malizedperturbationtheory.Afterapedagogicalintroduction,approxima- tionsarederivedfromageneratingLuttinger-Wardfunctional,Φ,interms of renormalized perturbation theory in the hybridization V. The conserv- ing T-matrix approximation (CTMA), discussed in the previous chapter, is used here again, but for the auxiliary particles. The results are com- paredwiththenon-crossingapproximation(NCA)andwithdataobtained by the numerical renormalization group and the Bethe ansatz. Generaliza- tionsarediscussedaswell.ThelastchapterbyS.Allen,A.-M.S.Tremblay, and Y. Vilk presents a formal derivation of a non-diagrammatic approach thatwasdevelopedafewyearsago.Thederivationmakestheanalogiesand differences with Φ-derivable approximations clearer. The two-particle self- consistentapproachpresentedinthischapterhasproducedresultsthatare more accurate, both quantitatively and qualitatively, than other methods when compared with Quantum Monte Carlo calculations, in particular for the so-called pseudogap problem. But its extensions to different problems are not as obvious as with Φ-derivable approximations. This is one of the manyareaspresentedinthisbookwherethereaderwillfindchallengesfor the future. Inconclusion,wethanktheCentrederecherchesmath´ematiquesandits skillful and courteous staff that made this event run smoothly and allowed the organizers to participate in the event instead of being caught up in logistics. We are indebted also to Luc Vinet and Yvan Saint-Aubin, who encouraged us to organize this workshop and applied for grants that made it possible. Yvan Saint-Aubin also gave valuable advice on the philosophy behind these proceedings. Finally, we acknowledge the financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Fonds pour

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