THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO SOCIAL SCIENCES AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Edited by Asunción López-Varela THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO SOCIAL SCIENCES AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Edited by Asunción López-Varela Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management Edited by Asunción López-Varela Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Dejan Grgur Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published August, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from [email protected] Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management, Edited by Asunción López-Varela p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0687-6 Contents Preface IX Section 1 Social Research Methods 1 Chapter 1 Social Research Methods in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Methodological Issues and Emerging Trends at the Zimbabwe Open University 3 Caleb Kangai Chapter 2 Methodology Transfers Between Social Sciences and Humanities in Relation to Natural Sciences, Technology and Government Policy 33 Hajime Eto and Shinichi Yamamoto Section 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches 53 Chapter 3 Causality in Social Studies Education 55 Bayram Tay Chapter 4 The Assumption of Non-Gaussianity in Natural and Social Sciences and Its Influence on Detection of Causal Relationships 77 Kateřina Hlaváčková-Schindler Chapter 5 Karl Popper and the Social Sciences 95 Sylvain K. Cibangu Section 3 Coding and Cartographic Models 115 Chapter 6 A Simulation Approach to Validate Models Derived from Observational Studies 117 Pierre N. Robillard and Simon Labelle Chapter 7 Cartographic Generalization Applied to Social Networks Maps in the City of Curitiba in Brazil 135 Renan M. Pombo, Luciene S. Delazari and Claudia R. Sluter VI Contents Chapter 8 Open-Source Tools for Data Mining in Social Science 151 Paško Konjevoda and Nikola Štambuk Section 4 Knowledge Management 165 Chapter 9 Applying Social Sciences Research for Public Benefit Using Knowledge Mobilization and Social Media 167 David J. Phipps, Krista E. Jensen and J. Gary Myers Chapter 10 Re-Visiting Ethnographic and Orthodox Research Methodologies: Field Research Experiences from an African Perspective 197 Oliver Mtapuri Section 5 Public Opinion and Citizenship 213 Chapter 11 Social Physics: An Interdisciplinary Way to Explore the Mechanism of Public Opinion 215 Yijun Liu and Wenyuan Niu Section 6 Enterpreneurship, Employment and Industrial Relations 233 Chapter 12 The Methodology of Formulating Iranian National Policy of Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Framework 235 Hassan Danaeefard and Mohammad Reza Noruzi Chapter 13 Theoretical Approaches to Employment and Industrial Relations: A Comparison of Subsisting Orthodoxies 251 Christopher Odogwu Chidi and Okwy Peter Okpala Chapter 14 Human Capital Resourcing Practices and Organisational Performance: A Study of Selected Organisations in Lagos State, Nigeria 267 Christopher Odogwu Chidi and Okwy Peter Okpala Section 7 Lean Behaviour and Sustainability 281 Chapter 15 Enhancing Productivity Through Lean Behavior 283 A. Perumal Puvanasvaran Chapter 16 Organizational Sustainability: The Case of Handcrafts Micro-Business in Southern San Sebastian, Jalisco, México 307 José G. Vargas-Hernández Chapter 17 Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Science, Technology and Innovation in Uganda 319 Muriisa R. Kabeba Contents VII Chapter 18 A Didactic and Methodological Lesson of the Study of Economics and the Skill Development of Students 329 Maria Covadonga De la Iglesia Villasol Section 8 Reforms and Responses to the Global Crisis 353 Chapter 19 New Public Management and Reforms in Iran: Analysis of Government Downsizing 355 Hassan Danaee fard, Tayebeh Abbasi and Mohammad Reza Noruzi Chapter 20 Media of Exchange and Liquid Assets of Political and Market Enterprises: A New Monetary Perspective on Medieval French Monetary Mutations 375 Thomas Marmefelt Preface The umbrella term Social Sciences and Humanities refers to a plurality of fields outside the Natural or Physical Sciences. Disciplines as different as anthropology, archeology, architecture, art, cultural studies, economics, education, geography and environmental studies, history, law, languages and linguistics, political science, philosophy, psychology, sociology or translation studies, all share the concern for human relations and socio-cultural practices. In the ancient world, the alliance between political and religious power had guaranteed the interdisciplinary dialogue between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences and the Humanities, all closely associated to institutional control. The move towards anthropocentric approaches took place at different times in different regions of the world, alongside the socio-cultural, political, economical and technological forces that shaped each territory, from the establishment of the first learning centers and universities, to the discovery of new ways of looking at worlds beyond our own by means of the telescope. But our world not only changed at the pace humans marked through their changing practices and innovations. Environmental issues, such as the fact that papyrus could not be used in the wet climates of Northern Europe, shaped the way human technologies were used and where. From Chinese paper and the printing press, to contemporary digital communication and networked society, the complexity of human life is such that knowledge divisions are there to set the foundations for groundbreaking innovations across all fields. To say that the growth of the Social Sciences took place mostly in the 18th-century, coinciding with political and economic reforms, sometimes in the form of violent revolutions, that sought national and territorial cohesion in Europe, would be to cast aside similar changes in other parts of the world. There are many difficulties involved in writing an introduction to a series of volumes that seek to provide an overall picture of human society and cultural habits across differing disciplines, various nations, distinct methodologies and, in some cases, diverse time spans. The volumes oscillate between ‘positive’ approaches to knowledge, based sense experience and statistical analysis, focused on deduction and description, and interpretative positions, more inductive and prescriptive. Specialization and interdisciplinarity walk hand in hand in a dialogue that seeks to speak across the bio-physical, the socio-cultural and the artistic, under the common X Preface desire to understand humanity more clearly and direct our actions in more effective ways by means of theoretical discussions, innovative ideas, the encouragement of public debates, and interaction across societal structures. InTech collection on Social Sciences and Humanities is unique and groundbreaking in its combination of questions and answers from very diverse fields and disciplines. It is also a point of connection between East and West, North and South, developed and less developed countries. It includes chapters compiled by institutional research agencies, established scholars, alongside work by younger researches, all of which point to fruitful alternative routes for further exploration and good practice, seeking to identify current impasses in times of crisis, and to create opportunities and avenues for future change. Key underlying principles are the support innovation and sustainability across the world, the fostering of collaboration amidst the Sciences (both Natural and Social) and the Humanities, and the private and the public sectors of society. The chapters collected address societal challenges across diverse cultures and environments. Oftentimes the pathways to discovery are laid on shaky ground in order to open up possibilities despite the risks involved. InTech collection Social Sciences and Humanities: Theories and Application is doing just that. The first volume of InTech collection is entitled Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management and includes chapters that move from theoretical and methodological issues and the analysis of quantitative and qualitative tools, to more concrete applications of these. Prof. Caleb Kangai’s (Zimbabwe Open University) contribution “Social Research Methods: a critical analysis of methodological issues and emerging trends” opens the volume because it offers an excellent introduction which helps identify current issues and trends in the application of methods for social science research. His discussion provides a forum for social scientists to reflect on the contemporary issues affecting the Social Sciences. This is followed by a review of the three most widely used theoretical approaches in the Social Sciences. Prof. Hajime Eto (Professor emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Japan) and Prof. Shinichi Yamamoto (Director Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University) draw the connection between “Methodology transfers between Social Sciences and Humanities in relation to Natural Sciences, Technology and Government policy”. Their chapter describes the paradigms that disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences have followed in the West, and their influence on Eastern countries, particularly in the case of Japan. The authors make a claim for the need to incorporate knowledge from the East in the collective memory of a global world. Japanese cultural input in this article remains relatively low, almost a symptom of the need for greater participation of Eastern and Southern cultures in the construction of global paradigms.