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Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Few-Body Physics, Rome, October 7–11, 1986 PDF

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Preview Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Few-Body Physics, Rome, October 7–11, 1986

Eew .tlodv Systems Suppl.1 c; rvLII SOLI NI Meriaier. Stptentrio. , PariaL4UTt1t/ill4 10 ParidAtilU 18 Porl4Minuti4 :18 Por/JRbolll41llll4 a PortaOflirnfis n portaubi'1III4 19 PortaExquilin4 :19 PortaRhutumrna; J PortllTrigrnrilu 11 PortllGabina :10 PortJsa1utIIris {UICVcicnt;lf/ll 4 PortllTrigolli4 IJ PortaQ!mjue/,u- :It Portapiaeu1llrn 30 PortllFlumm~ f Pari"NtUUlis n.t,{1IICC.climollt41lll n P0r/4Lt.umJalis {IUCFlamillt4 6 PortaSIIIIClIIIlis t.+ PortaTriumplulis. :IJ Porl4viminalH 3' PortaV.uma '1 PortllN.ruill {1UC{.lCTJ :1+ PariaQ!irill4iis 3:1 PortaScptimilllU • PortaR.tdu{eul41U IJ Portaprcncflill4 :11 PortllCatu!lari4 JJ PortaAurelia , POrlJCamC1III,!iue 16PoruT,hNrtiM :16 poruCo1luIII 3+Port4PorCIInI{.s. AJ>piJ,fiutCllpclI4 17 Porf;lMMlill :17 P0rt4collIItiJw Q!41l101' 1538 - Roma antica edita da SUAITIANO MiiNsTBJl F-rew .tlodv Systems Editor-in-Chief: H.Mitter, Graz Associate Editor: W.Plessas, Graz Supplementum 1 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems Proceedings ofthe European Workshop on Few-Body Physics, Rome, October 7-11,1986 Edited by C. Ciofi degli Atti, O. Benhar, E. Pace, and G. Salme Springer-Verlag Wien NewYork Prof. Dr. Claudio Ciofi degliAtti Dr. OmarBenhar Dr. Emanuele Pace Dr. Giovanni Salme Istituto Nazionale di FisicaNucleare Sezione Sanita Roma, Italy This workissubjectto copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole orpart ofthe material isconcerned, specifically thoseoftranslation, reprinting, re-use ofillustrations,broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1986 by Springer-VerlagjWien Softcoverreprintof the hardcover 1st edition 1986 Special Regulationsfor the U.S.A.: Photocopiesmay bemade forpersonal or internal use beyond that permitted by Section 107or 108ofthe U.S. Copyright Law,provided afee is paid. This fee is $0.20per pageoraminimum of$ 1.00if an articleconsistsofless thanfive pages. Pleasepay this fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA01970, U.S.A.,statingthe ISSN0177-8811,volume, and first andlast pagenumbersofeach article copied. Thecopyright owner'sconsent doesnot extend to copyingfor general distribution, for promotion, for creatingnew works, orfor resale. Specific written permission must be obtained from the publisher for suchcopying. ISSN0177-8811 ISBN-13:978-3-7091-8899-6 e-ISBN-13:978-3-7091-8897-2 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-7091-8897-2 Local Organizing Committee C. Ciofi degli Atti (Workshop Chainnan) O. Benhar E. Pace G. Salme InternationalAdvisory Committee V. Belyaev B. L. Bennan Dubna Washington C. de Vries M. M. Giannini NIKHEF Genova B. F. Gibson F. Gross Los Alamos CEBAF J. Morgenstern G. Pisent Saclay Padova W. Plessas D. Prosperi Graz Roma S. Rosati W. Sandhas Pisa Bonn T. Sasakawa P. U. Sauer Sendai Hannover C. Schaerf E. Schmid Roma Tiibingen Yu. A. Simonov H. Tanaka Moscow Sapporo W. T. H. van Oers TRIUMF Sponsored by Istituto Nazionale di FisicaNucleare (INFN) Organized by INFN-Sezione Sanita withsupportofPhysics Laboratory, Istituto Superiore di Sanita Site Istituto Superiore di Sanita Roma-Viale Regina Elena, 299 Editorial By the beginning of 1986 the formerjournal "Acta PhysicaAustriaca" was transformed to its new format "Few-Body Systems". One of the principal motives was to provide an active forum for research on few-body problems in the various domains of physics and neighbouring fields. Few body systems, understood as consisting of a small number ofconstituent structures, play an important role in such areas like particle, nuclear, atomic, molecular, and condensed-matter physics as well as statistical and mathematical physics, astrophysics, chemical and biological physics. The new journal should above all serve the purpose ofbringing together at one place relevant work hitherto dispersed in the literature, thereby fostering research done on related problems in different areas ofnatural science. Since its first appearance "Few-Body Systems" has obtained welcom ing approval and it has been obvious from the very beginning that it is meeting the actual needs offew-body systems research. The publication of the original papers in the first few issues already received considerable attention; also the journal's regular News Section containing information, both of scientific and practical nature, about latest developments in the field of few-body physics has been much appreciated. Thus the journal "Few-Body Systems" is on thebestwaytowardsprovidingalivelyplatform for the communication offew-body systems research. It is in the same spirit that we are now initiating the publication of relevant conferences in connection with the new journal. We hope that with the help of "Few-Body Systems Supplementa" we will be able to contribute to a fruitful exchange of the most recent results as typically presented at conferences on the subject of few-body physics and at cor responding topical meetings. This will constitute the appropriate adden dum to the publication of original research work in the form of usual articles, letter-type notes, rapid communications etc. in the regular issues ofthejournal "Few-Body Systems". The Rome Workshop, to the proceedings of which the first Supple mentum is devoted, provided agood starting point for this new series. The meeting was excelling for its well-balanced program, its high scientific standard, and an informative and stimulating atmosphere, what is also VIII reflected in the contributions collected in the present volume. These are, of course, just the features we will have to observe as essential require ments also for future publications in the series of "Few-Body Systems Supplementa". Graz,Jiilich H. Mitter December 1986 w. Plessas Preface This volume collects the papers given at the European Workshop "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems" which, adhering to an invitation of the European Few-Body Physics Research Committee, was organized in Rome on October 7-11, 1986. All papers presented at the workshop appear in the volume, plus two papers which could not be presented orally because their authors were at the last moment unable to attend. The list of contents closely follows the programme ofthe workshop. The workshop, attended by 128 American, European, and Japanese physicists from 60 different institutions and universities, was sponsored by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (lNFN) and was organized by the INFN Section located at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS), which kindly provided the venue for the meeting and many related facilities. The goal of the workshop was to summarize the present situa tion and the future perspectives concerning the theoretical descriptions of strongly interacting few-body systems and their experimentalinvestigation by electromagnetic and hadronic probes, mainly at intermediate energies. To this end, representatives from most internationalgroupsworkingwithin different theoretical methods and with different experimental facilities, were invited and asked to illustrate their latest results and future research programs; the intention was to provide, by thisway,animpartialandbroad information which could be useful to whom is actively working in few body physics, as well as to young students entering this field ofresearch. The workshop, entirely based upon plenary sessions and invited papers, started with a self-contained introductory session, aimed at apresentation of the main features and open problems in theoretical methods and com putational techniques, and went over to the discussion of more specific subjects. Special emphasis was devoted to such topics as realistic descrip tions ofnucleon-deuteron scattering, polarization experiments, three-body forces, quark and relativistic effects, nucleon and nuclear form factors at high momentum transfer, momentum distributions, spectral functions, final-state interactions, exclusive and inclusive electrodisintegration,y-scal ing. Particular attention was also paid to a wide presentation ofthe most x relevant projects of new particle accelerators, whose construction is ex pected to have a strong impact on research activity in few-body physics. A short session was also devoted to the highlights of the Sendai XI Interna tional IUPAP Conference on "Few-Body Systems in Particle and Nuclear Physics" (August, 1986) and the Washington Symposium on "The Three Body Force intheThree-NucleonSystem"(April, 1986);theaimofthisses sion was to inform that part ofthe audience (youngstudentsandmanyEu ropean physicists) which was unable to attend these two important events. The workshop was opened by Professor Nicola Cabibbo, President of INFN, and the closing remarks were given by Professor Franz Gross; to both ofthem I would like to express my sincere appreciation. The participation of the leading international experts together with many young students, the large amount of information that circulated during the workshop, the presentation of many yet unpublished experi mental and theoretical results and, finally, the highly qualified and live discussions, make me confident that the workshop has fully reached its goal. Much of the success ofthe workshop was due to the considerable help of our sponsor and the extensive efforts of many people. I would like to express my hearthfelt thanks to Professor Francesco Pocchiari, Director of ISS, for his kind hospitality and support; to the members ofthe Inter national Advisory Committee, for their advice on the programme; to all session chairmen and discussion leaders, for their expertise and skillness; to Mrs. Bruna Ceccarelli, who acted as administrative secretary of the workshop; to the staff of the Physics Laboratory of ISS, particularly to Mr. A. Grisanti and Mr. G. Monteleone, for their continuous assistance in smoothing out many logistical difficulties; to the Service for Cultural Activities and to the Editorial Section of ISS, for their constant support; to Mrs. Paola De Castro-Pietrangeli, Ms. Alessandra Raponi, Mrs. Paola Tacchi-Venturi and Ms. Giovanna Vacri, for running the secretarial work during the workshop. Finally, it is my pleasant duty to record the extraordinary energy, efforts and skillness of my co-organizers and collaborators Omar Benhar, Emanuele Pace and Giovanni Salme without whom the workshop would not have been possible;to them I am deeply indebted. Roma, December 1986 Claudio Ciofi degli Atti

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