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REVIEWS in MINERALOGY and GEOchEMIStRY Volume 71 2010 Theoretical and Computational Methods in Mineral Physics: Geophysical Applications EDITORS Renata Wentzcovitch University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. Lars Stixrude University College London London, United Kingdom On The COver: Crystal structure of the post-perovskite phase of MgSiO. 3 This phase discovered in 2004 is likely to be the most abundant silicate phase above the core mantle boundary of the Earth. Series Editor: Jodi J. Rosso MINERALOGIcAL SOcIEtY of AMERIcA GEOchEMIcAL SOcIEtY ShOrT COurSe SerieS DeDiCaTiOn Dr. William C. Luth has had a long and distinguished career in research, education and in the government. He was a leader in experimental petrology and in training graduate students at Stanford University. His efforts at Sandia National Laboratory and at the Department of Energy’s headquarters resulted in the initiation and long-term support of many of the cutting edge research projects whose results form the foundations of these short courses. Bill’s broad interest in understanding fundamental geochemical processes and their applications to national problems is a continuous thread through both his university and government career. He retired in 1996, but his efforts to foster excellent basic research, and to promote the development of advanced analytical capabilities gave a unique focus to the basic research portfolio in Geosciences at the Department of Energy. He has been, and continues to be, a friend and mentor to many of us. It is appropriate to celebrate his career in education and government service with this series of courses. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Volume 71 Theoretical and computational Methods in Mineral Physics: Geophysical Applications ISSN 1529-6466 ISBN 978-0-939950-85-0 Copyright 2010 The MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY of AMERICA 3635 Concorde Parkway, Suite 500 Chantilly, Virginia, 20151-1125, U.S.A. www.minsocam.org The appearance of the code at the bottom of the first page of each chapter in this volume indicates the copyright owner’s consent that copies of the article can be made for personal use or internal use or for the personal use or internal use of specific clients, provided the original publication is cited. The consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other types of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. For permission to reprint entire articles in these cases and the like, consult the Administrator of the Mineralogical Society of America as to the royalty due to the Society. Theoretical and Computational Methods in Mineral Physics: Geophysical Applications 71 Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 71 From the SerieS editor The chapters in this volume represent an extensive review of the material presented by the invited speakers at a short course on Theoretical and Computational Methods in Mineral Physics held prior (December 10-12, 2009) to the Annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, California. The meeting was held at the Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center in Berkeley, California. This meeting was sponsored by the Mineralogical Society of America and the Geochemical Society. Any supplemental material and errata (if any) can be found at the MSA website www.minsocam.org. Jodi J. Rosso, Series Editor West Richland, Washington March 2010 PreFACe Mineral physics is one of the three pillars of geophysics, the other two being geodynamics and seismology. Geophysics advances by close cooperation between these fields. As such, mineral physicists investigate properties of minerals that are needed to interpret seismic data or that are essential for geodynamic simulations. To be useful, mineral properties must be investigated in a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and chemical compositions. The materials and conditions in the interior of Earth and other terrestrial planets present several challenges. The chemical composition of their mantles is complex with at least five major oxide components and tens of solid phases. Today, these challenges are being addressed by a combination of experimental and computational methods, with experiments offering precise information at lower pressures and temperatures, and computations offering more complete and detailed information at conditions more challenging to experiments. While bulk properties of materials are fundamental to understanding a planet’s state, atomistic inspection of these complex materials are fundamental to understanding their properties. A connection is then established between atomic and planetary scale phenomena, which mineral physicists are in a unique position to appreciate. This book presents a set of review articles offering an overview of contemporary research in computational mineral physics. Fundamental methods are discussed and important 1529-6466/10/0071-0000$05.00 DOI: 10.2138/rmg.2010.71.0 Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Preface applications are illustrated. The opening chapter by John Perdew and Adrienn Ruzhinszky discusses the motivation, history, and expressions of Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory (DFT) and approximations for exchange and correlation. This is the established framework for investigation of a condensed matter system’s ground state electronic density and energy. It also discusses the recent trend to design higher-level semi-local functionals, with solid state applications in mind. It presents arguments in favor of semi-local approximations for condensed matter and discusses problematic cases where fully non-local approximations are needed. The following article by Yan Zhao and Donald Truhlar, demonstrates current research in search of appropriate exchange and correlation energy functionals. It reviews the performance of families of local, semi-local, and fully non-local exchange and correlation functionals: the so-called “Minnesota” functionals. These new functionals have been designed to give broad accuracy in chemistry and perform very well in difficult cases where popular functionals fail badly. The prospects for their successful applications are encouraging. Stefano Baroni, Paolo Gianozzi, and Eyvaz Isaev, introduce Density Functional Perturbation Theory, a suitable technique to calculate vibrational properties of extended materials using a combination of density functional theory and linear response techniques. This method gives very accurate phonon frequencies which, in combination with the quasi- harmonic approximation, allow one to study thermal properties of materials. The next chapter by Renata Wentzcovitch, Yonggang Yu, and Zhongqing Wu review the applications of density functional perturbation theory to the investigation thermodynamic properties and phase relations in mantle minerals. The series of studies summarized in this review have explored the accuracy of DFT within its most popular approximations for exchange and correlation energy in combination with the quasiharmonic approximation to offer results with useful accuracy for geophysical studies. The following article by Renata Wentzcovitch, Zhongqing Wu, and Pierre Carrier, summarizes the combination of the quasiharmonic approximation with elasticity theory to investigate thermoelastic properties of minerals at conditions of the Earth interior. Some unfamiliar but essential aspects of the quasiharmonic approximation are discussed. Thermoelastic properties of minerals are essential to interpret seismic observations. Therefore, some examples of interpretation of seismic structures are reviewed. The article by David Ceperley, returns to the fundamental theme of calculations of ground state energy in condensed matter and introduces Quantum Monte Carlo methods. These methods treat exactly the quantum many-body problem presented by a system of electrons and ions. They treat electrons as particles rather than a scalar charge-density field, as done by DFT. These are computationally intensive methods but the only exact ones. The following article by Lubos Mitas and Jindrich Kolorenc, reviews applications of these methods to transition metals oxides, materials that have some aspects in common with mantle minerals. One of the examined systems, FeO, is a most important component of mineral solid solutions. Matteo Cococcioni continues exploring the same theme. He discusses a modified density functional useful for addressing cases like FeO, which are untreatable by standard DFT. The DFT + Hubbard U method (DFT+U) is a practical approximate method that enables investigations of electronically and structurally complex systems, like minerals. The application of this method to a contemporary and central problem in mineral physics, pressure and temperature induced spin- crossovers in mantle minerals, is reviewed in the next chapter by Han Shu, Koichiro Umemoto, and Renata Wentzcovitch. The geophysical implications of the spin-crossover phenomenon, an electronic transition, are still unclear but some possibilities are suggested. Michael Ammann, John Brodholt, and David Dobson discuss simulations of bulk ionic diffusion. This property plays an important role in chemical exchange between and within crystalline and melt phases. It plays an important role in the kinetics of phase transitions, compositional zoning, mineral growth, and other important geochemical processes. It can also iv Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Preface control rheological properties, especially in the diffusion creep regime, and thus the time scale of mantle convection. This is a very difficult property to investigate at combined pressures and temperature conditions of the mantle, therefore, calculations play a very important role in this area. Phillip Carrez and Patrick Cordier discuss modeling of dislocations and plasticity in deep Earth materials. This article focuses on recent developments in dislocation modeling and applications to our understanding of how the direction of mantle flow is recorded in polycrystalline texture. Next, the article by Stephen Stackhouse and Lars Stixrude, discusses theoretical methods for calculating lattice thermal conductivity in minerals, which controls the cooling of Earth’s core. Measurements of thermal conductivity at lower mantle conditions are very challenging to experiments and calculations are a valuable alternative to learning about this property. This article describes the most common methods to calculate this property and presents a review of studies of the lattice thermal conductivity of periclase. Artem Oganov discusses the prediction of high pressure crystal structures. A genetic algorithm for structural prediction is described and numerous applications predicting new phases with novel properties and phases that can explain experimental data so far not understood is presented. This is a most recent development on the subject of structural predictions, a subject that has been pursued by simulations for several decades now. The possibility of predicting structure and composition by this method is also pointed out. Koichiro Umemoto and Renata Wentzcovitch continue on the same theme of structural prediction by a different approach: combination of phonon calculations and variable cell shape molecular dynamics. The former indicates unstable displacement modes in compressed structures; the latter searches for structures resulting from the superposition of these unstable modes to the compressed lattice. This approach is illustrated with the search of mineral structures at multi-Mbar pressures that are still challenging to static or dynamic compression experiments, but have great interest in view of the discovery of terrestrial exoplanets with several Earth masses. The following chapter by Koichiro Umemoto is on simulations of phase transitions on a different class of planet forming material: HO-ice. Ice has a rich phase diagram but many of its phase relations are unknown: 2 large hysteresis precludes their direct measurements in manageable time scales. Therefore, calculations acquire special significance but they are also challenging, the main reasons being the description of hydrogen bond by DFT and hydrogen disorder. Dario Alfè presents a review of first principles calculations of properties of iron at Earth’s core conditions. This chapter includes examples of applications of multiple techniques used in studies of high temperature properties, structure, and melting lines. Results from Quantum Monte Carlo are compared with those from DFT, and results from molecular dynamics simulations are contrasted with predictions of quasiharmonic theory. These comparisons are instructive and illustrate the breadth of research in computational mineral physics. The following chapter by Bijaya Karki turns to DFT based simulations of another type of melt: ionic silicates and oxides. The article discusses the methodology used in these simulations and specially developed methods to analyze the results. The properties of interest are high temperature equations of state, thermodynamics properties, atomic and electronic structure, and self-diffusion and viscosity. Visualization of atomic motion is one of the valuable approaches discussed to gain insight into changes in melt structure with pressure and temperature. These studies are illustrated for 3 melts along the MgO-SiO join. 2 The following three articles are devoted primarily to the introduction of inter-atomic potentials of broad applicability and relatively high accuracy, and applications to large scale simulations. The first article by Julian Gale and Kate Wright describes the current status of the derivation of force-fields and their applications to static and lattice dynamic calculations in mineral physics. This is done in the context of the General Utility Lattice Program (GULP), which has become quite popular. A selection of applications illustrating the possibilities of this v Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Preface code is then presented. Victor Vinograd and Bjoern Winkler illustrate another important type of application of force-field models: an efficient cluster expansion method to investigate binary mineral solid solutions. The article focuses on a rock-salt system but the technique is general. This type of problem is central to mineral physics and ingenious combinations of first principles methods, force-field models, and purely parameterized free energy expressions, combined with molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo techniques are necessary to address this problem. The predictive treatment of properties of ionic solid solutions is a major challenge in mineral physics. Mark Ghiorso and Frank Spera discuss long duration large scale molecular dynamics simulations using empirical pair-potentials. This article illustrates the concrete requirements on the number of atoms and time scales necessary to obtain information on transport properties such as shear viscosity and lattice thermal conductivity using Green-Kubo theory. These more than 1000-atom and pico-second simulations also improve the statistics in the estimation of equilibrium properties. Finally, the article by Lars Stixrude and Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni on the thermodynamics of Earth’s mantle, gives an overview of how the elucidation of materials behavior governs planetary processes. It explains how the complexity of the Earth’s mantle demands methods that are complementary to first principles calculations and experiments. These methods must allow one to interpolate among and extrapolate from results on minerals with limited compositions to the full chemical richness of the silicate mantle. It then illustrates how the derived properties of multi-phase multi-component systems are used to address mantle heterogeneity on multiple length scales, ranging from that of the subducting slab to the possibility of mantle-wide radial variations in bulk composition. We hope this volume will stimulate the interest of materials oriented researchers in geophysics and of geophysicists in computational materials physics. The science that has emerged from this mix in the last two decades has been transformative and was unimaginable at the onset. We thank all the authors for contributing to this volume, sometimes leaving aside other important tasks to fulfill deadlines. Their participation in the Short Course is also greatly appreciated. The Short Course was supported by the special NSF/ EAR grant # 0952600, by the Virtual Laboratory for Earth and Planetary Materials (VLab) through NSF/ATM grant # 0428774, and by DOE through a grant to the Mineralogical Society of America. We specially thank Jodi Rosso, who managed to put together this volume from articles often provided well outside the guidelines to authors. Her patience and dedication were greatly appreciated. Alex Speer has provided effective guidance throughout the entire organization process, to which we are very grateful. Debbie Schutta has our gratitude for her endurance and help with the organization of the Short Course. Finally, we thank Nancy Ross for her encouragement and support in the initial stages of this project. renata Wentzcovitch Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Minnesota Supercomputer Institute University of Minnesota, 421 Washington Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, U.S.A. Lars Stixrude Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom vi Theoretical and Computational Methods in Mineral Physics: Geophysical Applications 71 Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 71 TABLE of CoNTENTS 1 Density Functional Theory of Electronic Structure: A Short Course for Mineralogists and Geophysicists John P. Perdew and Adrienn Ruzsinszky INTRoDUCTIoN AND SUMMARY ......................................................................................1 KoHN-SHAM THEoRY: THE oRBITALS MAKE IT ACCURATE ....................................2 Motivation and history of Kohn-Sham theory ...............................................................2 Summary of Kohn-Sham theory ......................................................................................3 Uniform electron gas .....................................................................................................4 What Kohn-Sham theory promises................................................................................5 Solving the Kohn-Sham equations ................................................................................6 EXCHANGE-CoRRELATIoN ENERGY: NATURE’S GLUE ..............................................6 SEMILoCAL AND NoNLoCAL APPRoXIMATIoNS: WHEN CAN WE STAY CLoSE To HoME? .........................................................................................8 Local spin density approximation .................................................................................8 Gradient expansion ........................................................................................................8 Generalized gradient approximation .............................................................................8 GGA’s for solids ............................................................................................................9 Ladder of density functional approximations: Meta-GGA and fully nonlocal .............9 Semilocal approximations: What, why, and when? .....................................................10 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE IN DENSITY fUNCTIoNAL THEoRY: PRESSING DoWN AND HEATING UP ........................................................................12 Pressure........................................................................................................................12 Temperature .................................................................................................................14 Pressure and temperature together ..............................................................................15 ACKNoWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................15 REfERENCES .......................................................................................................................15 vii Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Table of Contents 2 The Minnesota Density Functionals and their Applications to Problems in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Yan Zhao, Donald G. Truhlar INTRoDUCTIoN ..................................................................................................................19 DENSITY fUNCTIoNALS ...................................................................................................20 UNIVERSITY of MINNESoTA fUNCTIoNALS .............................................................22 VALIDATIoNS AND APPLICATIoNS ...............................................................................25 Water and aqueous chemistry ......................................................................................25 Atmospheric chemistry ................................................................................................26 Metal oxides ................................................................................................................27 Silicates and siliceous minerals ...................................................................................27 Zeolites ........................................................................................................................28 Mineral nanoparticles ..................................................................................................30 CoNCLUDING REMARKS ..................................................................................................31 ACKNoWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................31 REfERENCES .......................................................................................................................31 3 Density-Functional Perturbation Theory for Quasi-Harmonic Calculations Stefano Baroni, Paolo Giannozzi, Eyvaz Isaev INTRoDUCTIoN ..................................................................................................................39 THERMAL PRoPERTIES AND THE QUASI-HARMoNIC APPRoXIMATIoN ..............40 Ab initio PHoNoNS ...........................................................................................................42 Lattice dynamics from electronic-structure theory......................................................42 Density-functional perturbation theory .......................................................................44 Interatomic force constants and phonon band interpolation........................................45 CoMPUTER CoDES .............................................................................................................47 Quantum ESPRESSo ..................................................................................................47 The QHA code .............................................................................................................47 APPLICATIoNS .....................................................................................................................48 Semiconductors and insulators ....................................................................................48 Simple metals ..............................................................................................................49 Hydrides .....................................................................................................................49 Intermetallics ..............................................................................................................50 Surfaces .......................................................................................................................50 Earth materials .............................................................................................................51 CoNCLUSIoNS .....................................................................................................................52 ACKNoWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................53 REfERENCES .......................................................................................................................53 viii Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Table of Contents 4 Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Relations in Mantle Minerals Investigated by First Principles Quasiharmonic Theory Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Yonggang G. Yu, Zhongqing Wu INTRoDUCTIoN ..................................................................................................................59 THE QUASIHARMoNIC APPRoXIMATIoN (QHA).........................................................62 THERMoDYNAMIC PRoPERTIES of MANTLE PHASES .............................................63 Mgo .............................................................................................................................64 MgSio-perovskite ......................................................................................................68 3 MgSio post-perovskite...............................................................................................71 3 Sio stishovite .............................................................................................................71 2 MgSio forsterite (α-phase) .......................................................................................72 2 4 MgSio wadsleyite (β-phase) .....................................................................................72 2 4 MgSio ringwoodite (γ-phase) ...................................................................................73 2 4 Low- and high-pressure MgSio clinoenstatite ...........................................................73 3 MgSio ilmenite ..........................................................................................................73 3 MgSio majorite ..........................................................................................................74 3 Cao ..............................................................................................................................75 CaSio perovskite ........................................................................................................75 3 PHASE RELATIoNS IN SILICATES AND oXIDES ..........................................................75 Phase transitions in MgSio .......................................................................................75 2 4 Mantle density discontinuities caused by phase transitions in MgSio ....................78 2 4 Low-pressure to high-pressure MgSio clinoenstatite transition ................................82 3 Post-perovskite transition in MgSio ..........................................................................82 3 ANHARMoNIC fREE ENERGY .........................................................................................84 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................89 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................90 ACKNoWLEDGMENT .........................................................................................................91 REfERENCES .......................................................................................................................91 ix Theoretical & Computational Mineral Physics ‒ Table of Contents 5 First Principles Quasiharmonic Thermoelasticity of Mantle Minerals Renata M. Wentzcovitch, Zhongqing Wu, Pierre Carrier INTRoDUCTIoN ..................................................................................................................99 THEoRETICAL BACKGRoUND ......................................................................................100 ELASTICITY of LoWER MANTLE PHASES .................................................................104 Mgo ...........................................................................................................................105 MgSio-perovskite ....................................................................................................109 3 MgSio-post-perovskite ............................................................................................113 3 SELf-CoNSISTENT QHA ..................................................................................................118 SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................122 ACKNoWLEDGMENTS .....................................................................................................124 REfERENCES .....................................................................................................................124 6 An Overview of Quantum Monte Carlo Methods David M. Ceperley MoTIVATIoN ......................................................................................................................129 RANDoM WALK AND MARKoV CHAINS .....................................................................129 VARIATIoNAL MoNTE CARLo ......................................................................................130 DIffUSIoN MoNTE CARLo ...........................................................................................131 PATH INTEGRAL MC .........................................................................................................132 CoUPLED ELECTRoN IoN MC .......................................................................................133 AUXILLARY fIELD MC ....................................................................................................134 PRoSPECTIVES ..................................................................................................................134 REfERENCES .....................................................................................................................134 7 Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Transition Metal Oxides Lubos Mitas, Jindřich Kolorenč ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................................137 INTRoDUCTIoN ................................................................................................................137 Mno CALCULATIoNS .......................................................................................................140 feo CALCULATIoNS ........................................................................................................141 CoNCLUSIoN .....................................................................................................................144 ACKNoWLEDGMENTS .....................................................................................................144 REfERENCES .....................................................................................................................144 x

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