INDEX TO VOLUME 57 AUTHORS ORMEROD, N. Quarrels with the Meth- od of Correlation BEGGIANI, S.J. Theology at the Ser- PHAN, P. C. Jesus the Christ with an vice of Mysticism: Method in Asian Face Pseudo-Dionysius PorTER, J. “Direct” and “Indirect” in BRACKEN, J. A., S.J. Response to Grisez’s Moral Theory Elizabeth Johnson’s “Does God Play Power, D. N., O.M.I. Roman Catholic CAHILL, M. Reader-Response Criti- Theologies of Eucharistic Commu- i 587 cism and the Allegorizing Reader Roy, L., O.P., and W. W. MEISSNER, CoORIDEN, J. A., and K. R. HIMEs, S.J. Toward a Psychology of Grace . 322 O.F.M. Pastoral Care of the Di- vorced and Remarried SHANNON, T. A. Delayed Hominiza- tion: A Response to Mark Johnson . 731 DeHaart, P. Eberhard Jiingel on the SHEA, W. Catholic Reaction to Funda- Structure of Theology Doy LE, D. M. Mohler, Schleiermacher, SuHuLts, F. L. A Dubious Christologi- and the Roots of Communion Eccle- cal Formula: From Leontius of Byz- antium to Karl Barth FERRARA, D. M. In Persona Christi: Susser, M. The Ordination of Male Towards a Second Naiveté FIELDS, S., S.J. Balthasar and Rahner THOMPSON, W. M. Viewing Justifica- on the Spiritual Senses tion through Calvin’s Eyes GUARINO, T. Postmodernity and Five Fundamental Theological Issues .. 654 VaceEK, E.C., S.J. Divine-Command, Natural-Law, and Mutual-Love Himes, K. R., O.F.M., and J. A. Co- RIDEN. Pastoral Care of the Divorced WILDEs, K. W., S.J. Ordinary and Ex- and Remarried traordinary Means and the Quality Hinze, B. E. Reclaiming Rhetoric in the Christian Tradition Youne, P. D. Encountering Jesus Hooper, J. L., S.J. Theological through the Earliest Witnesses ... 513 Sources of John Courtney Murray’s ARTICLES JOHNSON, E. A., C.S.J. Does God Play Dice? Divine Providence and Balthasar and Rahner on the Spiri- tual Senses. S. Fields, S.J. ....... 224 KaveEny, M. C. Discrimination and Af- Catholic Reaction to Fundamental- firmative Action KEENAN, J. F., S.J. The Return of Ca- The Common-Sense Argument for Pa- pal Infallibility. S. Y. Mize LevaDA, W. J. Reflections on the Age “Direct” and “Indirect” in Grisez’s of Confirmation Moral Theory. J. Porter Lona, D. S. Bernard Dempsey’s Theo- Divine-Command, Natural-Law, and logical Economics: Usury, Profit, Mutual-Love Ethics. E. C. Vacek, and Human Fulfillment Sale tc ae ocr naon eauccudketeetuaaa 633 MEISSNER, W. W., S.J., and L. Roy, Does God Play Dice? Divine Provi- O.P. Toward a Psychology of Grace 322 dence and Chance. E. A. Johnson, Mizg, S. Y. The Common-Sense Argu- COR nics ca eee etre dae cere 3 ment for Papal Infallibility A Dubious Christological Formula: iv THEOLOGICAL STUDIES From Leontius of Byzantium to Response to Elizabeth Johnson’s Karl Barth. F. L. Shulits “Does God Play Dice?” J. A. Eberhard Jiingel on the Structure of po A | Oe Aaa A 720 Theology. P. DeHart Toward a Psychology of Grace. L. Roy, In Persona Christi: Towards a Second O.P., and W. W. Meissner, S.J. .... 322 Naiveté. D. M. Ferrara Jesus the Christ with an Asian Face. BOOK REVIEWS Mohler, Schleiermacher, and the ALEXANDER, M. R. Church and Minis- Roots of Communion Ecclesiology. try in the Works of G. H. Tavard (A. Cunningham) Postmodernity and Five Fundamental ALISON, J. Raising Abel (P. Casarella) 765 Theological Issues. T. Guarino .... 654 ARENS, E. Christopraxis (P. Lakeland) 369 Reclaiming Rhetoric in the Christian AucusTIN, G. Gott eint—trennt Chris- Tradition. B. E. Hinze tus? (F. X. Clooney) Roman Catholic Theologies of Eucha- BAILIE, G. Violence Unveiled (M. R. ristic Communion. D. N. Power, NOs kisisten is,0 \a re as taint Viale Sieiozy 587 BAKER, W. R. Personal Speech-Ethics Theological Sources of John Courtney in the Epistle of James (V. L. Wim- Murray’s Ethics. J. L. Hooper, S.J.. 19 bush) Theology at the Service of Mysticism: BARBOUR, J. D. Versions of Deconver- Method in Pseudo-Dionysius. S. J. sion (J. M. Powers) BarkETT, C. K. A Critical and Exegeti- Beggiani Viewing Justification through Cal- cal Commentary on the Acts of the vin’s Eyes. W. M. Thompson Apostles 1 (J. A. Fitzmyer) BAUCKHAM, R. The Theology of Jiirgen NOTES Moltmann (M. R. Tripole) BELLOMO, M. The Common Legal Past Discrimination and Affirmative Ac- of Europe, 1000-1800 (Z. Orsy) . tion. M. C. Kaveny BERTHRONG, J. H. All Under Heaven Encountering Jesus through the Ear- (J. W. Witek) liest Witnesses. P. D. Young Betz, H. D. The Sermon on the Mount Ordinary and Extraordinary Means (R. J. Dillon) and the Quality of Life. K. W. BoyaRin, D. A Radical Jew (A. J. Le ee eee 500 Saldarini) The Ordination of Male Infants. M. Boyer, P. The Naturalness of Reli- gious Ideas (E. M. O’Flaherty) ....1 Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Re- BOYLE, J. P. Church Teaching Author- married. K. R. Himes, O.F.M., and ity (J. E. Thiel) BynuM, C. W. The Resurrection of the Quarrels with the Method of Correla- Body in Western Christianity (Z. tion. N. Ormerod Hayes) Reader-Response Criticism and the CHARVET, J. The Idea of an Ethical Allegorizing Reader. M. Cahill .... 89 Community (T. Massaro) Reflections on the Age of Confirma- CHAUVET, L.-M. Symbol and Sacra- ment (R. A. Duffy) The Return of Casuistry. J. F. CLARKE, W.N., S.J. Explorations in POINT NED soos 5 8 hain caves ec 0S >.04% 123 Metaphysics (M. J. Dodds) CLEMENT, O. The Roots of Christian QUAESTIONES DISPUTATAE Mysticism (C. Stewart) Delayed Hominization: A Response to Co.tuins, J.J. The Scepter and the Mark Johnson. 7. A. Shannon .... 731 Star (J. A. Fitzmyer) INDEX TO VOLUME 57 CoNNOLLY, H. The Irish Penitentials seur (G. C. Berthold) and Their Significance for the Sac- KeEE, H. C. Who Are the People of rament of Penance Today (J. God? (F. J. Matera) Dallen) KELLY, J. N. D. Golden Mouth (G. T. CONSTABLE, G. Three Studies in Medi- eval Religious and Social Thought KENT, B. Virtues of the Will (G. Glee- (M. R. Miles) Cox, H. Fire from Heaven (A. F. Deck) 153 Kutna, H. Christianity (J. P. Galvin) 363 DEVETTERE, R. J. Practical Decision LAFONT, G. Imaginer l’église ca- Making in Health Care Ethics tholique (A. Dulles) (T. R. Kopfensteiner) LEHMANN, P. L. The Decalogue and a EviEux, P. Isidore de Péluse (P. J. Human Future (W. C. Spohn) Fedwick) LENNAN, R. The Ecclesiology of Karl FELDHAY, R. Galileo and the Church Rahner (W. C. Dych) (W. A. Wallace) LEvinE, H. J. Sing unto God a New Fopor, J. Christian Hermeneutics (J. Song (F. L. Moriarty) van den Hengel) Leys, A. Ecclesiological Impacts of the FRIEDMAN, R. E. The Disappearance of Principle of Subsidiarity (T. P. God (R. J. Skiba) GoizuETa, R. S. Caminemos con Jestis Lim, R. Public Disputation, Power, and Social Order in Late Antiquity Go.LpinGay, J. Models for Scripture (M. A. Schatkin) (H. T. Fleddermann) LORENZEN, T. Resurrection and Dis- GonnetT, D., S.J. La liberté religieuse cipleship (L. T. Johnson) a Vatican II (T. Hughson) LUEDEMANN, G. The Resurrection of GOSLEE, D. Romanticism and the An- Jesus (G. O’Collins) glican Newman (G. Magill) Mackey, J. P. Power and Christian GouwEns, D. J. Kierkegaard as Reli- Ethics (J. H. McKenna) gious Thinker (M. Westphal) MARSHALL, J. John Locke (P. E. Sig- GUENTHER, T. F. Rahner and Metz (G. E. Griener) Martin, D. B. The Corinthian Body Handbook of Catholic Theology (ed. (T. H. Tobin) W. Beinert and F. S. Fiorenza) (R. Mazza, E. The Origins of the Eucha- ristic Prayer (J. F. Baldovin) HEBBLETHWAITE, P. The Next Pope McCormack, B. L. Karl Barth’s Criti- (F. X. Murphy) cally Realistic Dialectical Theology HENN, W., O.F.M.Cap. One Faith (R. W. Palmer) McG, B. Antichrist (M. D. Guinan) 140 History of Vatican II, 1 (ed. G. Al- McGInngss, F. J. Right Thinking and berigo and J. A. Komonchak) (G. H. Sacred Oratory in Counter-Refor- mation Rome (J. J. Murphy) Ho. ar, B. P. On Being the Church in MEYER, B. F. Reality and Illusion in the United States (J. A. Coleman) 561 New Testament Scholarship (R. J. Hy.son-SmiTH, K. High Churchman- ship in the Church of England MILLER, M. M. Sexuality and Author- (R. W. Franklin) ity in the Catholic Church (S. A. JANTZEN, G. M. Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism (Z. A. Dreyer) 751 Mont, J. Arguing about Sex (P. B. Jones, P. H. Christ’s Eucharistic Jung) Presence (J. L. Empereur) Morrison, R. D. Science, Theology KARAYIANNIS, V. Maxime le Confes- and the Transcendental Horizon vi THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (J. H. Wright) Theology’s Soul (R. A. Krieg) Murpny, C. F., JR. Beyond Feminism TORRANCE, T. F. Divine Meaning (M. A. Mayeski) (R. L. Wilken) O’CoLLINS, G., S.J. Christology (J. L. TURNER, D. The Darkness of God (D. D. Martin) Opozor, P. I., C.S.Sp. Richard A. Mc- TURNER, D. Eros and Allegory (E. A. Cormick and the Renewal of Moral Theology (W. P. George) Watson, F. Text, Church and World PINCKAERS, S., O.P. The Sources of (J. Topel) Christian Ethics (J. 7. Bretzke) ... 371 WEAVER, R. H. Divine Grace and Hu- Rasmusson, A. The Church as Polis man Agency (R. B. Eno) (J. J. Kotva) WEIGHTMAN, C. Theology in a Polany- RICHARD, Y. Shiite Islam (D. A. Madi- ian Universe (M. X. Moleski) gan) WETSEL, D. Pascal and Disbelief (C. B. RICHARDSON, R. D., JR. Emerson (D. L. WITTBERG, P. The Rise and Fall of Catholic Religious Orders (J. R. RICOEUR, P. Figuring the Sacred (P. E. Kelly) Wo trson, E. R. Through a Speculum RoussEau, P. Basil of Caesarea (P. J. That Shines (E. Gendler) Fedwick) WORTHING, M. W. God, Creation, and SCHILLEBEECKX, E. The Language of Contemporary Physics (M. Doughty) 762 Faith (M. C. Hilkert) SCHLABACH, G. W. Three Messengers SHORTER NOTICES for One God (J. Renard) ALLEN, R. J., and J. C. HOLBERT. Holy Scuorttrorr, L. Lydia’s Impatient Sis- Root, Holy Branches (R. P. Waznak) 181 ters (C. Osiek) AuksI, P. Christian Plain Style (B. E. SCHUSSLER FIORENZA, E. Jesus, Miri- Hinze) am’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet (M. A. Baron, M. W. Kantian Ethics Almost Mayeski) without Apology (P. J. Rossi) SCHWEIKER, W. Responsibility and BARRON, R. Thomas Aquinas (G. P. Christian Ethics (S. J. Pope) Suan, B. A. The Myth of American BIRD, D., et al. Receiving the Vision (J. Individualism (M. S. Massa) SIEBEN, H. J., S.J. Katholische Konzil- BRACKEN, J. A. The Divine Matrix sidee im 19. und 20. Jh. (R. F. Co- (J. L. Fredericks) BROWNING, R. L., and R. A. REED. SMITH, H. W. German Nationalism Models of Confirmation and Baptis- and Religious Conflict (R. W. Rolfs) 357 mal Affirmation (D. E. Saliers) .... 193 SOUTHERN, R. W. Scholastic Human- BowDeEN, J. A Concise History of the ism and the Unification of Europe 1 Early Church (M. J. Hollerich) .... 564 (J. K. Farge) BowERSOCK, G. W. Martyrdom and STEBBINS, J. M. The Divine Initiative Rome (J. A. O’Doriohoe) (B. J. Tyrrell) BretT, S. F. Slavery and the Catholic Stock, B. Augustine the Reader (R. J. Tradition (T. Massaro) BRINKMAN, M. E. Progress in Unity? SWANsoNn, R. N. Religion and Devotion (J. Nilson) in Europe, c.1215-c.1515 (P. J. BUELL, J. Democracy by Other Means (W. J. Byron) SWINBURNE, R. The Christian God BuTIN, P. W. Revelation, Redemption, (D. J. Casey) and Response (D. K. McKim) THOMPSON, W.M. The Struggle for The Canon Law, Letter and Spirit (ed. INDEX TO VOLUME 57 Vii G. Sheehy et al.) (J. P. McIntyre) . . 780 GaZIAUX, E. Morale de la foi et morale CHALASSERY, J. The Holy Spirit and autonome (J. F. Keenan) Christian Initiation in the East Syr- GELPI, D. L. The Turn to Experience ian Tradition (K. McDonnell) in Contemporary Theology (G. P. CHARLESWORTH, J. H. The Beloved Disciple (J. F. O’Grady) GiLson, A. B. Eros Breaking Free CuiLps, J. M., JR. Ethics in Business (J. P. Hanigan) (R. C. Bayer) GOERGEN, D.J., O.P. Jesus, Son of Cuoper, J. H. Securing Religious Lib- God, Son of Mary, Immanuel (P. E. erty (R. F. Drinan) CLEMENTS, K. Learning to Speak (J. JJ. Gunton, C. E. A Brief Theology of Barrett) Revelation (P. L. Langsfeld) COLEMAN, G. D., S.S. Homosexuality Haverwas, S. In Good Company (d. (J. P. Hanigan) Craic, K. M., JR. Reading Esther (C. HEATON, E. W. The School Tradition of the Old Testament (J. C. Endres) 180 CRENSHAW, J. L. Joel (F. L. Moriarty) 563 Hoop, J. Y. B. Aquinas and the Jews Davigs, S. L. Jesus the Healer (J. J. (J. T. Pawlikowski) Hoop, R. E. Begrimed and Black DEBLOIs, J., C.S.J., et al. A Primer for (D. L. Hayes) Health Care Ethics (M. N. Sheehan) 192 HooseE, B. Received Wisdom? (W. DESHMAN, R. The Benedictional of Ae- O’Neill) thelwold (M. Morris) HoweE, L. T. The Image of God (R. L. Dosss-WEINSTEIN, I. Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Limits of Reason Indian Freedom (ed. F. P. Sullivan, (D. B. Burrell) S.J.) (T. L. Schubeck) Doran, R. Birth of a Worldview (J. 2. INGEBRETSEN, E., S.J. Robert Frost’s “Star in a Stone Boat” (R. Bieg- Drey, J. S. Brief Introduction to the anowski) Study of Theology with Reference to Jacoss, J. A. Practical Realism and the Scientific Standpoint and the Moral Psychology (J. Keating) .... 385 Catholic System (B. E. Hinze) JOHNSON, L. T. The Real Jesus (A. C. DuBosg, E. R. The Illusion of Trust (K. W. Wildes) Jones, L. G. Embodying Forgiveness Durry, R. A., 0.F.M. An American (S. D. Miles) Emmaus (J. Gallen) Kas.yn, R. J. “Communion with the ELkIns, D. J. Beyond Sovereignty Church” and the Code of Canon (K. R. Himes) Law (R. McDermott) FENWICK, J. R. K., and B. D. SPINKs. KELLENBACH, K. von. Anti-Judaism in Worship in Transition (M. B. Aune) 787 Feminist Religious Writings (A. FouILLoux, E. La Collection “Sources Anderson) Chrétiennes” (J. A. Komonchak) .. 382 Kass, M. Ordered Universes (E. M. FowLER, R. B., and A. D. HERTZKE. Re- O'Flaherty) ligion and Politics in America (T. KRoOEKER, P. T. Christian Ethics and Massaro) Political Economy in North America Fox, T. C. Sexuality and Catholicism (L. Cormie) (E. C. Vacek) LADNER, G. B. God, Cosmos, and Hu- GAMBLE, H. Y. Books and Readers in mankind (B. Ramsey) the Early Church WJ. F. Kelly) .... 183 LaporTE, J. Théologie liturgique de GaVENTA, B. R. Mary (P. M. McDon- Philon d’Alexandrie et d’Origéne (M. E. Johnson) viii THEOLOGICAL STUDIES The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen 1 lupe (E. S. Sweeney) (tr. J. L. Baird and R. K. Ehrman) PorTER, J. Moral Action and Christian (H. D. Egan) Ethics (E. C. Vacek) MacDonaLbD, S. K., C.P. Moral Theol- PuckETT, D. L. John Calvin’s Exegesis ogy and Suffering (B. F. Linnane) 574 of the Old Testament (D. K. McKim) 568 MA tina, B. J. On the Genre and Mes- Ras, A. R. V. The Hindu Connection sage of Revelation (M. D. Guinan) 775 (J. A. Bracken) MarimorTo, A. Jonathan Edwards and RANKIN, D. Tertullian and the Church the Catholic Vision of Salvation (D. P. Efroymson) (C. V. Viscardi) Riess, J. B. The Renaissance Anti- MARTHALER, B. L. The Catechism Yes- christ (M. Morris) terday and Today (J. S. Nelson) ... 570 RILEY, G. J. Resurrection Reconsid- McCracKEN, D. The Scandal of the ered (P. Perkins) Gospels (E. J. Ingebretsen) SALZMAN, T. D. Deontology and Tele- MEILAENDER, G. C. Body, Soul, and ology (J. F. Keenan) Bioethics (D. P. Sulmasy) SCHONBORN, C., O.P. God’s Human MEISSNER, W. W., S.J. Thy Kingdom Face (M. Tataryn) Come (R. Wadeson) SCHRECKENBERG, H. Die christlichen MILWaRD, P., S.J. A Challenge to C. S. Adversus Judaeos-Texte und ihr lit- Lewis (G. Rocca) erarisches und historisches Umfeld MOLTMANN-WENDEL, E. I Am My Body (13.—20. Jh.) (J. T. Pawlikowski) .. 186 (J. F. Keenan) SHRIVER, D. W., Jr. An Ethic for En- Morrem, E. H. Balancing Act (T. R. emies (J. J. Kotva, Jr.) Kopfensteiner) SILK, M. Unsecular Media (R. A. Murr, L. R. The Biblical Drama of Me- Schroth) dieval Europe (S. R. O’Neal) Simons, R. G. Competing Gospels (M. MULLER-FAHRENHOLZ, G. God’s Spirit Elsbernd) (N. A. Dallavalle) SLADE, C. St. Teresa of Avila (J. M. NILson, J. Nothing Beyond the Neces- sary (W. P. McShea) SMITH, H. L. Where Two or Three Are O’KEEFE, M. Becoming Good, Becom- Gathered (M. O’Keefe) ing Holy (J. Keating) TAYLOR, M.S. Anti-Judaism and PaGELs, E. The Origin of Satan (P. Early Christian Identity (D. P. Perkins) Efroymson) Paris, P. J. The Spirituality of African Torrs, R. A Healthy Rivalry (J. A. Co- Peoples (S. Owoahene-Acheam- riden) pong) TORRANCE, T. F. Trinitarian Perspec- Parsons, P., and A. Parsons, M.D. tives (P. G. Crowley) Hippocrates Now! (M. N. Sheehan) 388 WEINANDY, T. G., O.F.M. Cap. The Fa- PAVLISCHEK, K. J. John Courtney ther’s Spirit of Sonship (J. A. Murray and the Dilemma of Reli- gious Toleration (7. D. Whitmore) 569 Winauist, C. E. Desiring Theology POLKINGHORNE, J. Serious Talk (C. L. (M. J. Kerlin) ZIMANY, R. D. Vehicle for God (J. M. Poo.e, S., C.M. Our Lady of Guada- Dittberner) PhD PROGRAM IN HEALTH CARE ETHICS IN THE CATHOLIC TRADITION AT SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Law, Social —— — Theology | fae, For information contact: Serard Magill, PhD, Departmental Chair ~~ "a= 1402S .G rand Blvd. Bia, ie ay St. Louis, MO 63104 p> Tel: (314) 577-8195 Fax: (314) 268-5150 E-Mail: [email protected] SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY wien HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER