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Theoforum, 40 (2009), p.333-338 Tables des matieres — Index Theoforum, 40 (2009) Articles - Authors AUFFRET, Pierre, Nouvelle étude structurelle du psaume 19 CLEMENT, Michel, Sagesse, vertu ou grace Concepts et paradoxes dans la théologie de Jean Calvin ................ 225-244 DiAZ MUNOZ, Guillerma, The Theology of Xavier Zubiri Sources, Perspective, and Ecumenical Contribution FOWLER, Thomas B., Zubiri and Science FOWLER, Thomas B. — Ramon MARTINEZ DE PISON Editors’ Foreword GARCIA, Juan José, Reality and Realization Human-being, Moral Reality, and the Ethical Theory of Xavier Zubiri HILLIS, Gregory K.., The Holy Spirit and Episcopal Teaching Authority according to Cyril of Alexandria LAVOIE, Jean-Jacques, De l’exégese historico-critique a | 'herméneutique Analyse de Qohélet 4,9-12 ......... LAWRENCE, Frederick G., Hans-Georg Gadamer Philosopher of Practical Wisdom MARTINEZ DE PISON, Ramon — FOWLER, Thomas B., Editors’ Foreword ..............0.0000+- p 334 THEOFORUM / 40, 2009 MILLER II, Robert D., Handmaid of the Lord; Slave of YAWeRh ...ccccccccssssseseesesesseseteeseteceenes 209-220 MPEVO MPOLO, Aimé, Unité littéraire de Marc 4,1-41 selon l'analyse structurelle ........... 161-186 OGILVIE, MARGARET H., Reconsidering Karl Barth on Church and State PUTAS ECSD TCOU ccccassecracdtscaseaaicsacasnesasestencatiicnan haastqandiereseia ee LO ROMERO CUEVAS, José Manuel, The Historicity of Social Criticism in Xavier ZUDIVi oc. eeeese eee 123-139 STONE, Brad Elliott, Xavier Zubiri PRC TESARTE RACH A NS ac 2 Sette zine sien atla nes aenacns tol tle nant nh sameness ote 9-26 STONE, Brad Elliott, Zubiri and the Very Problem of the Problem of Evil ..ccccsscccssesesee 73-93 VILLA, Alfonso, Xavier Zubiri EUSP A NOSOPUY OF UIC AR CAN sa5059 sis Coss cio anaes cbicsagae0us seas easeasussersesss sees 27-42 VOGELS, Walter, Cain batit Hénok-ville (Gn 4,17) Beau ERR eAS UI EERO LONE 3, cous caso ceeoxs os sassy vaca ddcsdu vu ctsaavociereaiovstecssueentn e 161-183 Recensions — Book Reviews BALLA, Peter, The Child-Parent Relationship in the New Testament and Its Environment PLEO MEHRO S MOE cso. 5as scares saecaassscideassaasenepigeacvucersbessestseasnastes 298-299 BANON, David, Entrelacs. La lettre et le sens dans l’exégése juive (La nuit surveillée) PCOUSA BERGE. O10 )ii eid iit iccsirast biases 296-298 CHAPMAN, Mark D. (ed.), Living the Magnificat: Affirming Catholicism in a Broken World Ge EEN Sores oot vscivsanyaadassdtcaea Aecae veeerested euesets dianste s 319-320 COLLIN, Matthieu, «Comme un murmure de cithare». Introduction aux Psaumes PASCO MOABG E ATED.) sc cese sey eauntasdkcecas laa sianssadiane GaaGiaes sn aapecertr ee OREO DAVIDSON, Richard M.., Flame of Yahweh: Sexuality in the Old Testament i S'S1 ) A De OPT ee OLT OPS SP ORIEN DROBNER, Hubertus R., The Fathers of the Church: A Comprehensive Introduction. Translated by Siegfried S. SCHATZMANN. With bibliographies updated and expanded for the English edition by William HARMLESS, S.J. and Hubertus R. DROBNER (Francois E. BEYROUTI)............0... jdetiatieas eat 267-269 DUNN, Geoffrey D., Tertullian ’s Aduersus Iudaeos: A Rhetorical Analysis (coll. North American Patristics Society Patristic Monograph Series, \9) C0. ES Vill C OVEE Yc cccess seccseastansns ; DUNZL, Franz, A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church CLEP PERRY csccfiice cstasyncscscee as salscligstadstatsaustnaee canateapeneee seaeye 302-303 FERGUSON, Everett, Inheriting Wisdom: Readings for Today from Ancient Christian Writers CETANGOIS By ES UROU DDD cece ciarcevesdieyetssenxdcaisrcislaataercoehneie 269-270 FERRY, Joélle, Isaie. «Comme les mots d’un livre scellé...» (Is 29,11) (coll. Lectio divina, 221) (Léo LABERGE, 0.m.i).............00. send sSaeadbans edaueunsal Aidatsnaeeee 247-249 FORGET, Mario, Aujourd’hui, se convertir (Léo LABERGE, 0.m.i.)..............:. 323-326 HARVILL-BURTON, Kathleen, Le nazisme comme religion. Quatre théologiens déchiffrent le code religieux nazi (1932-1945) CE COE ABEIRGB y OPI) ciesizcecessnccunexcansossstcenssatsigusacetesasantantenteucedeste oeR ae HEDDA, Jennifer, His Kingdom Come: Orthodox Pastorship and Social Activism in Revolutionary Russia (l-Gity EABANDE): ccccseseesc.sccessee: 307-309 HOUSE, Mark A. (ed.), Compact Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Alexandra GRUCA=MACAULAY ))es<.sscssasecssssscncdsevecsdsdussesioseesaesowacs DOOSEOM KAMN, Jacques: voir POUPARD, Berniard...........0..ccscecssesisescasssasecocnsdeesscecded SLO9SEO LAND, Uwe Michael, (ed.), ; Ever Directed towards the Lord: The Love of God in the Liturgy of the Eucharist Past, Present and Hoped For. Proceedings of the Society of St Catherine of Siena Conference held in Oxford on 29 October 2005 Speen Bie RE cos ceat ca sacaennsivasvalnssvasdarinaceixctanTnetarliec cteectrtrate 271-273 336 THEOFORUM / 40, 2009 LAWLER, Michael G., What Is and What Ought to Be: The Dialectic of Experience, Theology, and Church (Léo LABERGE, O.M.1.) 273-275 MASON, Steve, Josephus, Judea, and Christian Origins: Methods and Categories. With the editorial assistance of Michael W. HELFIELD. CSUR IBN joi C2) Re0 0S l SR 300-302 MILBANK, Alison, Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real CALRRT IAP RR oh SiS it be ot octets nees ce sbanicavatutunebadoesantsaemteet 318-319 NEYREY, Jerome H. — Eric C. STEWART (eds.), The Social Worid of the New Testament: Insights and Models. (Alexandra GRUCA-DAACAULAY ) ccissccdiccscecsccassesedsceeesctsscasstesastecdestcs 261-263 NICHOLS, O.P., Aidan, Divine Fruitfulness: A Guide through Balthasar’s Theology beyond the Trilogy ARCTGI CE CE NNAON, AOD 5 tres, oy, cece sesesebpaerecne atdeeeres 313-314 PAPON, Louis-Georges, L’incidence de la vérité chez Thérése de Lisieux. L’épreuve spirituelle du savoir et son enseignement pour la psychanalyse. Préface par René LEW (Léo LABERGE, O.M.I.) 322-323 PAUL, André, La Bible et l|’Occident. De la bibliotheque d’ Alexandrie a la culture euro- péenne COE ASG Ey OUI.) cscteccauss iascetsuancaeddascdeacteninevesteaertisnte rs aes 291-293 PAYNE, O.C.D., Steven, Saint Thérése of Lisieux: Doctor of the Universal Church (TCO ABE RGE UM AE) 5s vscccsscsscesceessscdvssansoviersevescesesdeerteessedceeavecss SOLFOO L PELLETIER, Anne-Marie, Le livre d'Isaie ou L’histoire au prisme de la prophétie (coll. Lire la Bible, 151) TESORO ANE.) 55 sctscccdesasescesscvssscacseansacesssididis eiteesoeerierees 249-250 PIERRI, 0.f.m., Rosario, (a cura di), Grammatica Intellectio Scripture. Saggi filologici di Greco biblico, in onore di Lino Cignelli OFM (coll. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Analecta, 68) (USCOMMABERGE OTS) sacs csiiieid(osnnad esesoausssgnsssaastteceeetsaneetese mcateee aeuer o 3 RECENSIONS — BOOK REVIEWS 337 PITSTICK, Alyssa Lyra, Light in Darkness: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ’s Descent into Hell (Achiel PEELMAN, O.M.I.)........ ss itdenatnsstodstetaceeeceeeee 310-312 POUPARD, Bernard — Jacques KAHN (sous la dir. de), Lire et prier les Ecritures. La tradition monastique de la lectio divina (coll. Ecritures, 15) (WEEE VOGEES )inc.5s.cs.sscticcsasssecss. sabidldugida bexGatiat voces decadesc ecal ceaeeseeegt en eee PUIG I TARRECH, Armand, (a cura de), El matrimoni i l'us dels béns en la Biblia (coll. Scripta Biblica, 8) (Léo LABERGE, 0.91.1.) .:.......20.. x seals spu nnspastigaCsadanuac aeitc oeuaise ee e eee QUASH, Ben — Michael WARD (eds.), Heresies and How to Avoid Them: Why it matters what Christians believe PER COVE Pics sation fost a deh tscccavacRmac mscdasoaec aAqcc aa 316-318 REMAUD, Michel, L’Eglise au pied du Mur. Juifs et chrétiens, du mépris a la reconnaissance (Léo LABERGE, 0.m..1.) ..........00...- 276 ROBINSON, Thomas A., Mastering New Testament Greek: Essential Tools for Students CEC ABBE CP TURD occ <casicnossacaoaeasdecee accaorsacetded 264-265 SCHINDLER, David L., (ed.), Love Alone is Credible: Hans Urs von Balthasar as Interpreter of the Catholic Tradition. Volume | (rehire PsP ERE NANG OO IVEB o) sovsccesedsccesssvctchesc(sectiuedseelScotcenc iiceaese 3] 16 oa) Ww SHEHADED, Haseeb — Habib Tawa (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines. Helsinki, August 1-4, 2000. Studies in Memory of Ferdinand Dexinger, with the collaboration of Reinhard PUMMER, ECE AEROS Ch ELDON Poco 0s 25 ce bcs catteucocnddkiccecdecanmeetaseavnataacetasseeee n 294-296 STEWART, Eric C, : vei NEVREY, Jerome: EL. «.iscc.s..seciccicsaccdnaeaieliclemaeeneeenne STROUMSA, Guy, Le rire du Christ. Essais sur le christianisme antique. Traductions de l’anglais par Jacqueline CARNAUD Ree We EE GRE TINE is cede os Sas dccdcavaasvaacccesusddacweuvcdeactadewadoteieeaceie 305-307 SUMNEY, Jerry L., Philippians: A Greek Student’s Intermediate Reader GOP RAPIER GRE OP YEEU SJ cd s ies ws hs ectan sans cass tvaaCeopissasceeslg eneaosmeeentee n 260-261 "TAWA, Habib: Vor Shhehadeli, Haseei oa. i...cicccccseicicsscccdessccecccesonsstesssases 294-296 THEOFORUM / 40, 2009 TERIAN, Abraham, Macarius of Jerusalem, Letter to the Armenians, A.D. 335: Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary (coll. AVANT — Treasures of the Armenian Christian Tradition, 4) HP a EET OS TUES isp coe ca das eo laniccdosicees ndaadteeeera ideazesct 266 THEOBALD, Christoph, Le christianisme comme style. Une maniere de faire de la théologie en post- modernité, 2 volumes (coll. Cogitatio Fidei, 260 et 261) CNORMENE EP ROVENCHER Odiiids) \osisiocsasezisdtiarsenslarseipeiavenerteeeonen 276-278 WARD, Michael: Voir QUASH, Ben WILKEN (ed.), Robert Louis, Isaiah: Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators. Transla- ted and edited by [...] with Angela Russell Christman and Michael J. Holle- rich (coll. The Church's Bible) CISCO TSA BERGE ON) os csiscccss s neecheavaneosesvaneasavestoegupes exeteseear nece ane

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