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THEMA v1.0.12 Approved - EDItEUR PDF

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Thema  Subject   Classification     Version  1.0 A   The  arts   AB   The  arts:  general  issues   ABA   Theory  of  art     (See  also:  QDTN:  “Philosophy:  aesthetics”)   ABC   Conservation,  restoration  &  care  of  artworks   ABK   Forgery,  falsification  &  theft  of  artworks   ABQ   Art:  financial  aspects     (Class  here:  art  sales  &  auctioneering,  funding,  patronage  &  sponsorship)   AF   Fine  arts:  art  forms     (With  AF*  codes,  assign  also  the  relevant  AG*  code(s)  &  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AFC   Painting  &  paintings   AFCC   Paintings  &  painting  in  watercolours   AFCL   Paintings  &  painting  in  oils   AFF   Drawing  &  drawings   AFH   Prints  &  printmaking   AFJ   Other  graphic  art  forms     (Class  here:  collage;  photomontage;  graffiti  &  street  art;  body  art  &  tattooing)   AFK   Non-­‐graphic  art  forms   AFKB   Sculpture   AFKC   Carvings:  artworks   AFKG   Precious  metal,  precious  stones  &  jewellery:  artworks  &  design     (Class  here:  Gold  &  silversmithing,  Faberge,  etc)     (See  also:  WFJ:  “Jewellery  &  beadcraft”;  WCP:  “Antiques  &  collectables:  jewellery”;  WCR:   “Antiques  &  collectables:  gold,  silver  &  other  metals  (other  than  jewellery)”)   AFKN   Installation  art   AFKP   Performance  art   AFKV   Electronic,  holographic  &  video  art   AFP   Ceramic  &  glass:  artworks     (Class  here:  ceramics,  pottery,  mosaics,  glass,  stained  glass  as  artworks)     (See  also:  WFN:  “Pottery,  ceramics  &  glass  crafts”)   AFT   Decorative  arts     (Use  AFT*  codes  for  ‘art  book’  treatments)     (See  also:  WF:  “Handicrafts,  decorative  arts  &  crafts”  and  following)   AFW   Textile  artworks     (Class  here:  carpets,  tapestries  &  other  textiles  as  artworks)     (See  also:  AKT:  “Fashion  &  textiles”;  WFB:  “Needlework  &  fabric  crafts”  and  following;  WFF:   “Rug  &  carpetmaking”;  WFG:  “Spinning  &  weaving”)   AG   Fine  arts:  treatments  &  subjects     (With  AG*  codes,  assign  also  the  relevant  AF*  code(s)  &  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AGA   History  of  art     (Use  AGA  in  conjunction  with  other  Arts  codes  as  appropriate;  assign  also  STYLE,   GEOGRAPHICAL  &  TIME  PERIOD  Qualifiers  as  appropriate)   AGB   Individual  artists,  art  monographs   AGC   Exhibition  catalogues  &  specific  collections     (See  also:  WTHM:  “Travel  guides:  museums,  historic  sites,  galleries  etc”;  GLZ:  “Museology  &   heritage  studies”)   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   2/134 AGH   Human  figures  depicted  in  art   AGHF   Portraits  in  art   AGHN   Nudes  depicted  in  art   AGHX   Erotic  art     (Use  with  Qualifier  5X  as  appropriate)     (See  also:  AJCX:  “Erotic  &  nude  photography”)   AGK   Small-­‐scale,  secular  &  domestic  scenes  in  art     (Class  here:  ‘genre’  subjects  in  art)   AGN   Animals  &  nature  in  art  (still  life,  landscapes  &  seascapes,  etc)   AGNB   Botanical  art   AGP   Man-­‐made  objects  depicted  in  art  (cityscapes,  machines,  etc)   AGR   Religious  art     (Use  with  relevant  code  from  QR*  where  appropriate)   AGZ   Art  techniques  &  principles     (Class  here:  textbooks  &  advanced  level  works  on  techniques,  colour  theory,  perspective,  etc)     (See  also:  WFA:  “Painting  &  art  manuals”)   AJ   Photography  &  photographs   AJC   Photographs:  collections     (See  also:  WQP:  “Places  in  old  photographs”)   AJCD   Individual  photographers   AJCX   Erotic  &  nude  photography     (Use  with  Qualifier  5X  as  appropriate)     (See  also:  AGHX:  “Erotic  art”)   AJF   Photojournalism   AJT   Photographic  equipment  &  techniques:  general     (See  also:  UGP:  “Photo  &  image  editing”)   AJTA   Camera-­‐specific  manuals   AJTF   Photography:  specific  techniques     (Class  here:  aerial  photography)   AJTV   Video  photography     (See  also:  AFKV:  “Electronic,  holographic  &  video  art”;  ATFX:  “Film  production:  technical  &   background  skills”;  ATJX:  “Television  production:  technical  &  background  skills”)   AK   Industrial  /  commercial  art  &  design     (With  AK*  codes,  assign  also  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AKB   Individual  designers   AKC   Graphic  design   AKD   Typography  &  lettering     (See  also:  WFU:  “Calligraphy  &  hand-­‐lettering”)   AKH   Book  design     (See  also:  WFT:  “Book  &  paper  crafts”)   AKL   Illustration  &  commercial  art   AKLB   Illustration   AKLC   Comic  book  &  cartoon  art   AKLC1   Graphic  novel  &  Manga  artwork     (See  also:  XA:  “Graphic  novel  &  Comic  book:  types”  and  following;  XR:  “Graphic  novel  &   comic  books:  guides  &  reviews”  and  following)   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   3/134 AKLP   Poster  art   AKP   Product  design     (See  also:  TBD:  “Technical  design”;  UGC:  “Computer-­‐aided  design  (CAD)”)   AKR   Furniture  design   AKT   Fashion  &  textiles     (See  also:  AFW:  “Textile  artworks”;  WFB:  “Needlework  &  fabric  crafts”;  WFF:  “Rug  &   carpetmaking”;  WFG:  “Spinning  &  weaving”)   AM   Architecture     (With  AM*  codes,  assign  also  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AMA   Theory  of  architecture   AMB   Individual  architects  &  architectural  firms   AMC   Architectural  structure  &  design   AMCR   Environmentally-­‐friendly  (‘green’)  architecture  &  design   AMD   Architecture:  professional  practice   AMG   Architecture:  public  buildings     (Class  here:  civic,  commercial,  &  industrial  buildings;  also  concert  halls,  arenas,  stadia,   memorials,  monument,  etc)     (See  also:  JWT:  “Military  institutions,  memorials”)   AMK   Architecture:  residential  buildings,  domestic  buildings   AMKL   Architecture:  castles  &  fortifications   AMN   Architecture:  religious  buildings   AMR   Architecture:  interior  design     (Class  here:  professional  works)     (See  also:  WJK:  “Interior  design,  decor  &  style  guides”)   AMV   Landscape  art  &  architecture   AMVD   City  &  town  planning:  architectural  aspects     (See  also:  RPC:  “Urban  &  municipal  planning”)   AMX   History  of  architecture     (Assign  also  STYLE,  GEOGRAPHICAL  &  TIME  PERIOD  Qualifiers  as  appropriate)   AT   Performing  arts   ATC   Individual  actors  &  performers     (Use  with  relevant  AT*  code  to  indicate  whether  specifically  theatre,  film,  TV,  radio  etc)     (See  also:  DNBF:  “Biography:  arts  &  entertainment”  and  following)   ATD   Theatre  studies     (See  also:  DD:  “Plays,  playscripts”  and  following)   ATDC   Acting  techniques     (Class  here:  monologues,  audition  material,  etc)   ATDF   Theatre  direction  &  production   ATDH   Theatre:  technical  &  background  skills     (Class  here:  stagecraft,  wardrobe  &  makeup,  lighting,  scenery,  etc)   ATDS   Theatre  management   ATF   Films,  cinema     (Use  ATF*  codes  for  performing  arts  aspects  only)     (See  also:  KNT:  “Media,  entertainment,  information  &  communication  industries”)   ATFA   Film  history,  theory  &  criticism   ATFB   Individual  film  directors,  film-­‐makers   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   4/134 ATFD   Film  scripts  &  screenplays   ATFG   Film  guides  &  reviews   ATFN   Film:  styles  &  genres     (Class  here:  works  on  specific  genres,  eg  Film  Noir,  Westerns,  Horror  films,  etc)   ATFR   Documentary  films   ATFV   Animated  films   ATFX   Film  production:  technical  &  background  skills     (Class  here:  cinematography)   ATJ   Television     (Use  ATJ*  codes  for  performing  arts  aspects  only)     (See  also:  KNT:  “Media,  entertainment,  information  &  communication  industries”)   ATJD   Television  scripts  &  screenplays     (See  also:  WHG:  “TV  tie-­‐in  humour”)   ATJS   Television  drama     (Class  here:  works  on  drama  series,  soap  operas,  plays  for  TV,  etc)   ATJX   Television  production:  technical  &  background  skills     (Class  here:  television  camerawork)   ATL   Radio     (Use  ATL*  codes  for  performing  arts  aspects  only)     (See  also:  KNT:  “Media,  entertainment,  information  &  communication  industries”)   ATLD   Radio  scripts   ATQ   Dance     (With  ATQ*  codes,  assign  also  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   ATQC   Choreography   ATQL   Ballet   ATQR   Ballroom  dancing   ATQT   Contemporary  dance   ATQZ   Folk  dancing   ATX   Other  performing  arts     (Class  here:  mime,  street  theatre,  stand-­‐up  comedy,  conjuring,  variety  shows,  music  hall,   cabaret,  juggling,  circus  &  circus  skills,  etc)   ATXM   Puppetry,  miniature  &  toy  theatre   ATXP   Pageants,  parades,  festivals   ATXZ   Animal  spectacles,  performing  animals   ATXZ1   Bullfighting   AV   Music     (With  AV*  codes,  assign  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AVA   Theory  of  music  &  musicology   AVC   Music  reviews  &  criticism   AVD   Discographies  &  buyer’s  guides   AVL   Music:  styles  &  genres     (With  AVL*  codes,  ALWAYS  assign  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   AVLA   Art  music,  orchestral  &  formal  music   AVLC   Choral  music   AVLF   Opera   AVLK   Sacred  &  religious  music   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   5/134 AVLP   Popular  music     (Use  for  all  forms  of  popular  music,  as  distinct  from  art  music  and  traditional  music,  such  as   light  orchestral,  Tin  Pan  Alley,  all  forms  of  Jazz,  Rock  and  Pop  music,  Soul,  Rap  etc.  ALWAYS   assign  STYLE  Qualifier(s)  to  indicate  the  specific  style  or  genre  of  music)   AVLT   Traditional  &  folk  music   AVLW   ‘World  music’  &  regional  styles   AVLX   Electronic  music     (See  also:  AVRS:  “Electronic  musical  instruments”)   AVM   History  of  music   AVN   Composers  &  songwriters   AVP   Musicians,  singers,  bands  &  groups   AVQ   Musical  scores,  lyrics  &  libretti   AVQS   Songbooks     (Class  here:  songs  for  easy  piano,  guitar,  etc)   AVR   Musical  instruments   AVRG   Keyboard  instruments   AVRJ   Percussion  instruments   AVRL   String  instruments   AVRL1   Guitar   AVRL2   Plucked  instruments   AVRN   Wind  instruments   AVRQ   Mechanical  musical  instruments   AVRS   Electronic  musical  instruments     (See  also:  AVLX:  “Electronic  music”)   AVS   Techniques  of  music  /  music  tutorials     (Class  here:  learning  an  instrument)   AVSA   Singing:  techniques   AVX   Music  recording  &  reproduction     (See  also:  UDM:  “Digital  music:  consumer  /  user  guides”;  TTA:  “Acoustic  &  sound  engineering”;   KNT:  “Media,  entertainment,  information  &  communication  industries”)   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   6/134 C   Language  &  Linguistics   CB   Language:  reference  &  general     (With  CB*  codes,  assign  also  LANGUAGE  Qualifier(s),  as  appropriate)   CBD   Dictionaries   CBDX   Bilingual  &  multilingual  dictionaries   CBF   Thesauri   CBG   Usage  &  grammar  guides   CBP   Public  speaking  guides   CBV   Creative  writing  &  creative  writing  guides   CBVS   Screenwriting  techniques   CBW   Writing  &  editing  guides     (Class  here;  general  guides  as  well  as  journalist  style  guides,  technical  writing,  etc)   CBX   Language:  history  &  general  works   CF   Linguistics     (With  CF*  codes,  assign  also  LANGUAGE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate;  reserve  CF*  codes  for  use   with  academic  &  specialist  works  only)   CFA   Philosophy  of  language     (See  also:  GTD:  “Semiotics  /  semiology”)   CFB   Sociolinguistics   CFC   Literacy     (See  also:  JNF:  “Educational  strategies  &  policy”;  VSL:  “Adult  literacy  guides  &  handbooks”)   CFD   Psycholinguistics   CFDC   Language  acquisition   CFDM   Bilingualism  &  multilingualism   CFF   Historical  &  comparative  linguistics     (Class  here:  etymology,  language  family  studies)     (See  also:  CBX:  “Language:  history  &  general  works”)   CFFD   Dialect,  slang  &  jargon     (See  also:  WHL:  “Slang  &  dialect  humour”)   CFG   Semantics,  discourse  analysis,  stylistics     (Class  here:  pragmatics,  lexicology,  rhetoric)   CFH   Phonetics,  phonology   CFK   Grammar,  syntax  &  morphology   CFL   Palaeography  (study  &  history  of  writing)     (See  also:  NHAP:  “Historical  research:  source  documents”)   CFLA   Writing  systems,  alphabets   CFM   Lexicography   CFP   Translation  &  interpretation     (Class  here:  hermeneutics)   CFX   Computational  linguistics   CFZ   Sign  languages,  Braille  &  other  linguistic  communication   CJ   Language  teaching  &  learning     (Use  CJ*  codes  for  all  material  for  teaching  or  learning  a  second  language  for  adults,  including   ELT  material;  assign  also  LANGUAGE  &  EDUCATIONAL  PURPOSE  Qualifier(s)  as  appropriate)   CJA   Language  teaching  theory  &  methods   CJB   Language  teaching  &  learning  material  &  coursework   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   7/134 CJBG   Language  learning:  grammar,  vocabulary  &  pronunciation   CJBR   Language  readers   CJBT   Language  self-­‐study  texts     (See  also:  WTK:  “Language  phrasebooks”)   CJC   Language  learning:  specific  skills   CJCK   Language  learning:  speaking  skills   CJCL   Language  learning:  listening  skills   CJCR   Language  learning:  reading  skills   CJCW   Language  learning:  writing  skills   CJP   Language  learning  for  specific  purposes   CJPD   Language  learning  for  business   CJPG   Language  learning  for  technical  &  scientific  purposes   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   8/134 D   Biography,  Literature  &  Literary  Studies   DB   Classical  texts     (Use  for  all  texts  in  any  ancient  or  classical  language,  ideally  with  other  D*  code  indicating   literary  form)   DC   Poetry     (With  DC*  codes,  assign  STYLE  Qualifier  where  appropriate)   DCA   Classic  &  pre-­‐20th  century  poetry   DCC   Modern  &  contemporary  poetry  (c  1900  onwards)   DCF   Poetry  by  individual  poets   DCQ   Poetry  anthologies  (various  poets)     (See  also:  DNT:  “Anthologies:  general”)   DD   Plays,  playscripts     (With  DD*  codes,  assign  STYLE  Qualifier  where  appropriate)     (See  also:  ATFD:  “Film  scripts  &  screenplays”;  ATJD:  “Television  scripts  &  screenplays”;  ATLD:   “Radio  scripts”)   DDA   Classic  &  pre-­‐20th  century  plays   DDC   Modern  &  contemporary  plays  (c  1900  onwards)   DN   Biography  &  non-­‐fiction  prose     (Note:  with  DN*  codes,  assign  also  a  specific  subject  code  where  possible,  eg  SFH  “Golf”  with   DNBS)   DNB   Biography:  general   DNBA   Autobiography:  general   DNBB   Biography:  business  &  industry   DNBB1   Autobiography:  business  &  industry   DNBF   Biography:  arts  &  entertainment     (Class  here:  ‘celebrity  biographies’)   DNBF1   Autobiography:  arts  &  entertainment     (Class  here:  ‘celebrity  autobiographies’)   DNBH   Biography:  historical,  political  &  military   DNBH1   Autobiography:  historical,  political  &  military   DNBL   Biography:  literary   DNBL1   Autobiography:  literary   DNBR   Biography:  royalty   DNBR1   Autobiography:  royalty   DNBS   Biography:  sport   DNBS1   Autobiography:  sport   DNBT   Biography:  science,  technology  &  medicine   DNBT1   Autobiography:  science,  technology  &  medicine   DNBX   Biography:  religious  &  spiritual   DNBX1   Autobiography:  religious  &  spiritual   DNBZ   Collected  biographies     (Use  for  biographies  of  several  people  in  single  volume;  use  after  appropriate  DNB*  code   indicating  area  where  possible)     (See  also:  GBCB:  “Dictionaries  of  biography  (Who’s  Who)”)   DNC   Memoirs     (Memoirs  are  typically  less  structured  &  less  encompassing  than  entire  autobiographies,  &  are   often  about  part  of  a  life  (eg  childhood,  a  politician’s  time  in  office)  rather  than  one’s  whole   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   9/134 life;  use  with  an  autobiography  code  from  the  DNB*  sequence  above  to  indicate  area  where   possible)   DND   Diaries,  letters  &  journals     (Use  where  diary  or  journal  entries,  or  letters,  are  collected,  rather  than  the  work  being  written   specifically  as  an  autobiography.  Use  with  an  autobiography  code  from  the  DNB*  sequence   above  to  indicate  area  where  possible)   DNG   Animal  life  stories     (Use  for  biographies  of  animals,  such  as  performing  animals,  race-­‐horses,  rescue  animals  etc)   DNL   Literary  essays     (Use  only  for  essays,  typically  on  various  subjects,  by  notable  writers;  class  essays  on  a  subject,   eg  philosophy,  economics,  within  the  subject)   DNP   Reportage  &  collected  journalism     (See  also:  WTL:  “Travel  writing”  and  following)   DNS   Speeches     (Use  for  collections  of  transcribed  speeches  ;  use  with  other  code  indicating  subject  where   possible)     (See  also:  QRVH:  “Sermons”)   DNT   Anthologies:  general     (Use  for  all  anthologies  except  poetry  anthologies;  use  with  other  code  indicating  subject  or   literary  form  where  possible)     (See  also:  DCQ:  “Poetry  anthologies  (various  poets)”)   DNX   True  stories:  general     (Use  DNX*  codes  for  popular  accounts  of  actual  events  written  in  a  novelistic  style)   DNXC   True  crime   DNXH   True  stories:  discovery  /  historical  /  scientific   DNXM   True  war  &  combat  stories   DNXP   True  stories  of  heroism,  endurance  &  survival   DNXZ   Erotic  confessions  &  true  stories   DS   Literature:  history  &  criticism     (With  DS*  codes,  assign  also  STYLE  &  LANGUAGE  Qualifier(s),  as  appropriate)   DSA   Literary  theory   DSB   Literary  studies:  general   DSBB   Literary  studies:  ancient  &  classical   DSBC   Literary  studies:  c  1400  to  c  1600   DSBD   Literary  studies:  c  1600  to  c  1800   DSBF   Literary  studies:  c  1800  to  c  1900   DSBH   Literary  studies:  c  1900  to  c  2000   DSBH5   Literary  studies:  post-­‐colonial  literature   DSBJ   Literary  studies:  from  c  2000   DSC   Literary  studies:  poetry  &  poets   DSG   Literary  studies:  plays  &  playwrights   DSK   Literary  studies:  fiction,  novelists  &  prose  writers   DSR   Literary  reference  works   DSRC   Literary  companions,  book  reviews  &  guides     (See  also:  FZ:  “Fiction  companions”;  XR:  “Graphic  novel  &  comic  books:  guides  &  reviews”   and  following)   DSY   Children’s  &  teenage  literature  studies:  general   Thema  version  1.0  ©  EDItEUR  2013   10/134

(See$also:$AJCX:“Erotic$&$nude$photography”)$ Photography!&!photographs! AJC! Erotic!confessions!&!true!stories! DS!
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