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The XXX Filmography, 1968–1988 This page intentionally left blank The XXX Filmography, 1968–1988 J S. M ASON ARTINKO McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Jefferson, North Carolina, and London To my friend Jamie Gillis LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGUING-IN-PUBLICATIONDATA Martinko, Jason S., 1979– The XXX filmography, 1968–1988 / Jason S. Martinko. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7864-4184-6 softcover : acid free paper 1. Pornographic films—Encyclopedias. I. Title. PN1995.9.S45M37 2013 791.43'6538—dc23 2013020625 BRITISHLIBRARYCATALOGUINGDATAAREAVAILABLE © 2013 Jason S. Martinko. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cover art © 2013 iStockphoto/Thinkstock Manufactured in the United States of America McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640 www.mcfarlandpub.com Contents Acknowledgments vi Introduction 1 The Filmography 7 Appendix 1. 8mm Loop-ography 319 Appendix 2. DVD Releases by Company 342 Bibliography 348 Cast Index 349 Director Index 379 v Acknowledgments I would like to thank Dad, Mom, Lauren Martinko, Jordan McMil - len, Nick Scuglia, Jamie Gillis, Ed Demko, Shauna Kelley, Russ Rutter, Nicki Taglieri, Jennifer Baron, Art Ettinger, Allana Sleeth, 42nd Street Pete, Gary Giehler, Dave Thompson, Michael Raso, Paige Kay Davis, After Hours Cinema, Shaun Costello, Georgina Spelvin, Annie Sprinkle, Carter Stevens, Bill Lustig, David Jennings, Legs McNeil, Jill C. Nelson, Dave Kosanke, Penny Antine, Jeanne Silver, Annette Heinz, Josey Duval, David Sutton at VCX, Tim Lewis and Lisa at Something Weird Video, Gregory Oliver, Marion W. Blocker Jr. at B.S.C. Video, Donnie Marhefka, Cass Paley, Bill Margold, Gerry Chandler at Synapse, Bill McMillen, Brian Bor- rasso, Mandy Jumper, Jason Cioppa, Ian Bennett, Jody Zilko, Tim Kearns, Jim McCabe, Wild Bill, Pete Forte, Uncle Bob and Aunt Evie, Brett Schutz- man, Melinda Mercer, Aunt Mimi, Scott Vogel, Jeff Pollock, Chris Steele (not the gay porn star), Carmine Trunzo, Steve Appleby, Lloyd Kaufman, Ron Jeremy, Robin Bougie, Nate Fitzgerald, Jesse Fitzgerald, Jimmy Haynes, Jay Snyder, Derrick Carson, Ashley Spicer, Walt Mollard, Max Almeida, J.R. Bookwalter and Tempe Entertainment. Special thanks to Steve Jacobs, whose help allowed me to finish this book without spending another decade writing it. Also, special thanks to Joe Rubin, film archivist, whose knowledge and expertise were invaluable to the completion of this book. Extra special thanks to April Johnson, the love of my life, who put up with me writing this book and watching countless hours of adult films. vi Introduction Why Pornography Matters A Short Introduction to Adult Cinema Currently in the United States, pornography is accepted in mainstream culture. What once was the country’s biggest taboo is now an integral part of everyday life. There are hints Pornography has been created by nearly every civilization of porno everywhere from prime-time television to the mag- since the dawn of mankind. Archeological discoveries have azine rack at the grocery store to the internet. The internet is included sexually explicit drawings on European cave walls possibly the most important ally pornography has ever known, dating from 30,000 B.C.to 10,000 B.C., and pornographic clay and it has never been easier to discover new kinks, fetishes figurines from the Neolithic period, 9,000 B.C. to 7,000 B.C. and perversions without even leaving your own home. The earliest cultures associated sexual acts with supernatural Yet the average person knows little or nothing about the religious forces. Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Shintoism history of adult films. Most people pay no attention to the all include erotic art as spiritually meaningful parts of their technical aspect of porno films, generally seeing them as wall- religions. The Greeks and Romans included sexually explicit to-wall sex scenes that serve only to satisfy an urge that doesn’t art in their culture and religious beliefs. Advances in technol- last the duration of a feature film. This may be true of numer- ogy would be a boon to pornography and lead to its eventual ous porno movies of the present and past, but during the blossoming. In 1727, German professor Johann Heinrich Golden Age of adult cinema (which is the focus of this book), Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkens when exposed to there were certainly many great productions. sunlight. This discovery would eventually lead to the produc- The fact that adult films are commonly thought of as less tion of motion pictures. significant than “real movies” simply because they contain The first person to produce a permanent photographic scenes of explicit sex is surprising. Many adult films released image was French aristocrat Joseph Nicephore Niepcein in during the Golden Age were shot on 35mm film, had high 1827. Following his death in 1833, his partner Louis Daguerre production values, good stories (often adapted from classic lit- claimed all credit and re-named the process the “daguerreo- erature), decent acting, and were sometimes even produced type.” The first known daguerreotype taken in the United and directed by the same people that made “real movies.” Not States is a self-portrait of photographer Robert Cornelius, to mention some exceptional soundtracks. dated 1839. By 1850, at least seventy daguerreotype studios Of course, not all the films from this period were so glam- operated in New York City, providing portraits to wealthy orous. Some movies were financed by the mob, shot on 16mm patrons. film in one weekend, starred unknown girls with dirty feet, From 1884 to 1887 Eadweard Muybridge conducted and were made to be screened in sweaty storefront spaces that experi ments using a series of still cameras which photo graphed could hold fifty or fewer people. However, the 16mm store- moving subjects, thus creating the illusion of mo tion. His ear- front feature adult films are time capsules of a lifestyle and an liest tests included nude men and women doing things like era. They are as historically significant as any film, and should walking up stairs or swinging a baseball bat. be documented. Thomas Edison perfected his “kinetoscope,” the first Bill Margold told me, “There is no future if in the present device to record actual motion pictures, in 1889. Eastman we fail to pay homage to the past.” The Golden Age of adult Kodak founder George Eastman soon introduced flexible film films may be long gone, but shall not be forgotten. There is that could be used in motion picture cameras. Edison began no telling what the future may hold for pornography, as tech- shooting his own short films by 1894, many of which had sug- nology advances from day to day in the digital age. I only gestive titles, such as What Happened inthe Tunnel, Seminary know it’s time to give credit where credit is due. Girls and Aunt Sallie’s Wonderful Bustle. During the last decade of the nineteenth century, the 1 Introduction 2 invention of half-tone printing would make it inexpensive to The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Associ- mass-produce photographs in magazine form, making pornog- ation adopted the Hays Code in 1930. The Code was a set of raphy available to the working class once and for all. By 1902, regulations stating what motion pictures were allowed to men’s nudie magazines began appearing in many countries. A depict. It was ineffective until 1934, when enforcement was new interest in nude French postcards that were sold out of stepped up. All films would have to be approved by the Pro- the backs of magazines, through mail-order catalogs, and duction Code Administration in order to receive national dis- under the counter at newsstands was soon to follow. France tribution. and Germany were the most active producers of pornography In 1932, Kodak introduced the Cine-Kodak 8 camera, through the early 1900s. which ran a single strip of 16mm film through the camera The first coin-operated nickelodeons appeared in 1905. twice, to be exposed one half (8mm) at a time. During pro- Within the next two years, more than 5,000 nickelodeons were cessing, the film was split down the middle and spliced operating in the U.S. alone, making shorts such as What the together. Bell and Howell introduced the Filmo Straight 8 in Butler Sawand How Bridget Served the Salad Undressed, widely 1935. It was the first camera to use 8mm film stock, and it was available to the public. expensive. A les Culs d’Or (At the Golden Bottoms) is generally ack- In December 1941, the United States entered World nowledged as the oldest existing hardcore film, shot in France War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The produc- in 1908. Like many hardcore films, it has been re-titled over tion of stag films in America did not cease completely, but it the years and is listed in many filmographies as Mousquetaire did become more difficult. Raw film stock was scarce and au Restaurante(Musketeer at the Restaurant), and is often dated America’s attitude toward sexuality shifted, as girlie magazines to the 1920s. Several historians believe El Satario to be the and pin-ups became less racy. Many road show projectionists oldest hardcore film in existence, dating it to 1907 and being relied on splicing together reels of existing films rather than made in Argentina. Others date it to 1912, while still others making new movies. believe it was made in Cuba as late as the 1930s. El Satario When World War II ended, several hundred thousand contains scenes of a young girl enjoying various sex acts with young men returned to America with a European sense of sex- a Devil-like satyr in the woods, which many viewers have uality as well as filmmaking equipment. The military had been interpreted as a religious statement. Whether or not it is actu- using film since 1894, establishing a special department in the ally the oldest existing hardcore film, people considered it Signal Corps and several film processing and motion picture extremely political. Filmmakers in the United States, France, production facilities throughout the United States. By 1945, Germany, and Latin American countries produced thousands soldiers in the Signal Corps had produced at least 1,388 films, of stag films at this time. training many men to be filmmakers. Upon returning to the The outbreak of the Great War in 1914 marked the end United States, many veterans continued working in the film of the golden age of European stag films. America continued business. Affordable cameras and projectors began turning up producing stags as other countries were drawn into battle. In in Army surplus stores, causing a boom in home-movie pro- 1917, the U.S. entered the war, which is probably the reason duction. The emergence of private photo labs all over the the Kinsey Institute dates the best known American stag film, country solved the problem of many would-be pornographers A Free Ride,to 1915. It may have actually been made as late as who otherwise couldn’t get their explicit film reels developed 1923. legally. Until the 1920s, stag films mostly went unnoticed by During the 1950s, with home-movie technology becom- authorities. Stags were shown openly wherever groups of men ing more common, the traveling road shows began to die out. gathered: bars, bordellos, college fraternities and the like. Dur- Movie rental services had existed since the 1920s, with the ing Prohibition in America, stag films fell under surveillance invention of 16mm film stock. Companies like Castle Films alongwith alcohol and prostitution. Stag films began to appear offered cartoons, comedies, dramas and newsreels. Other com- in private settings or in secret theaters after regular hours. panies, like Cine-Art Productions in San Francisco, offered As the popularity of automobiles grew in America in the nude modeling reels. Reels were advertised for sale or rent out 1920s, traveling salesmen no longer had to rely on the railroad of the backs of magazines and through catalogs. Some com- system to get from town to town, which resulted in the rise panies went a little further than nude modeling reels, selling of the “traveling road show” where “smut peddlers” could travel hardcore stag films. The first issue of Hugh Hefner’s Playboy the country in a Model T with a projector and a collection of appeared in 1953. Men’s adventure magazines and pulp mag- ten-minute reels of stag films. Roadshowing soon took over azines were also very popular. brothels and secret theaters as the major means of stag film In 1957, the Supreme Court decided that although distri bution. Traveling projectionists were often the filmmakers obscene material was not protected by the First Amendment, and would make their films while on the road, using connec- anything that could be considered art, literature or scientific tions they made at screenings to find actors and actresses. research was acceptable. This decision paved the way for “edu- 3 Introduction cational” films, otherwise known as “white-coaters” such as In 1968, as the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam Kroger Babbs’ 1944 groundbreaker Mom and Dad, which War came to a peak, the Motion Picture Association of Amer- showed actual childbirth footage (the only lawful way to show ica (MPAA) created a new ratings system that would replace female genitalia). the Hays Code of 1930. Theaters in Los Angeles and San Fran- In 1959, a veteran of the 166th Signal Photographic Com- cisco began showing “beaver films.” Although they didn’t pany, Russ Meyer, made The Immoral Mr. Teas, considered include any explicit sex, they did show close-ups of women the first film of what would come to be known as the nudie crudely spreading their legs for the camera. The “X” rating cutie genre. It was one of the first films to show a woman nude originally stood for any film that hadn’t been approved by the from the waist up in the context of an actual story. Although MPAA. The X-rated Midnight Cowboywon an Oscar in 1969. Meyer never filmed hardcore, his films Mondo Topless, Beyond Many pornographers began releasing their films with an X rat- the Valley of the Dollsand Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens ing, although it was not required. Soon Hollywood began will be forever associated with adult cinema because of their releasing films as “unrated,” eventually using “NC-17,” leaving blatant sexuality and large-breasted actresses. the X rating to pornography. The invented “XXX” rating is a The first nudie cutie shot in 35mm with color was The gimmick that is still a standard for porn today. X-rated films Adventures of Lucky Pierre by Herschell Gordon Lewis and began getting weekly reviews when the first issue of Al Gold- David F. Friedman. Doris Wishman filmed several nudie cuties stein’s Screw magazine appeared in New York in 1968. in Florida during this period, such as 1962’s Nude on the Moon. Denmark legalized all pornography in 1969, the same These films brought about the end of the live burlesque shows year pubic hair first appeared on U.S. newsstands with the and carnival stripper acts, thus leading to the softcore sex- publication of Bob Guccione’s Penthouse, which had been pop- ploitation movie genre soon thriving with filmmakers such as ular in England since 1965. Reports from Denmark the fol- Harry Novak (Sassy Sue, The Pigkeeper’s Daughter and Please lowing year show a large decrease in the number of reported Don’t Eat My Mother),Michael and Roberta Findlay (Touch of sex crimes. In America, over 500 “art” theaters and downtown Her Flesh, Curse of Her Flesh, Kiss of Her Flesh and Satan’s Bed), grindhouses exclusively showcased softcore sexploitation films Bob Creese (Love Camp 7), and Bill Osco (Flesh Gordon).Ed by mid–1969. Sam Chernoff of Astro Jemco Filmco in Dallas Wood eventually turned to softcore with Orgy of the Dead, invited 110 producers, distributors and exhibitors of sexploita- and Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey made Blue Movie a.k.a. tion movies to meet in Kansas City to form the Adult Motion Fuck, Trash, Bloodfor Dracula andFlesh for Frankenstein. When Picture Association of America, soon to be called the Adult the nudie cutie genre became over-saturated around 1963, Film Association of America (AFAA). David F. Friedman Lewis and Friedman broke barriers in the horror genre by would be elected as chairman of the board in 1971, after serving showcasing explicit gore and dismemberment for the first time as president several times. The AFAA’s main goal was to pro- in film history with films such as Blood Feast, Two Thousand tect the rights of the exhibitors from authorities. Maniacs and Color Me Blood Red. Doris Wishman turned to One of the earliest films to show explicit sex theatrically the “roughie” genre with such films as Bad Girls Go to Hell in the United States was Alex De Renzy’s Pornography in Den- and Another Day, Another Man. mark: A New Approach (1970). Filmed in the white-coater In 1964, a former Ohio magazine salesman named style, during the First Pornography Fair in Copenhagen in Reuben Sturman saw the potential of selling nudie magazines. 1969, Pornography in Denmark shows extensive footage of a He began building what would become by the 1970s the hardcore loop being projected on a screen during the festival. biggest smut empire in America. When the FBI raided his If prosecuted, De Renzy could argue that the footage was warehouse and indicted him on federal obscenity charges, justified within the context of a documentary about censorship Sturman gained attention by suing FBI director J. Edgar and pornography. Hoover for violating his civil rights. Charges against him were Bill Osco’s 1970 Mona: The Virgin Nymphis widely cited dropped, although the FBI eventually convicted Sturman of as the first hardcore film to have an open theatrical release. tax evasion in 1995, two years before his death. Some sources claim Electrosex 1975, also made in 1970, played In Europe, between 1964 and 1967, Lasse Braun became in theaters first. Both films passed without much notice from a famous producer and distributor of 8mm “loops.” Because the mainstream. of his father’s diplomatic license plates, Braun could freely Some exhibitors began converting old storefront spaces drive from country to country unobstructed and unsearched into “pocket theaters” that specialized in 16mm hardcore films. by authorities, with a trunk full of illegal single-reel hardcore In most cities, zoning regulations did not apply to these theaters films. Braun not only distributed loops to most of the world, because many had fewer than 200 seats, some only 50 seats. but would offer advice to other filmmakers on how to improve Storefront theaters became a great threat to the sexploitation their products and even helped them with legal battles. His theaters because they operated more cheaply and had more own films such as Penetrationand Body Loveare still considered daring features. By mid–June 1970, New York had around some of the finest European hardcore ever made. forty storefront theaters, San Francisco about thirty and,

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