A&A620,A5(2018) Astronomy https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201731606 & ©ESO2018 Astrophysics The XXL Survey: second series Special issue The XXL Survey (cid:63),(cid:63)(cid:63) XX. The 365 cluster catalogue C.Adami1,P.Giles7,E.Koulouridis3,F.Pacaud4,C.A.Caretta1,6,M.Pierre3,D.Eckert9,M.E.Ramos-Ceja4, F.Gastaldello8,S.Fotopoulou46,V.Guglielmo1,2,31,C.Lidman11,T.Sadibekova3,A.Iovino29,B.Maughan7, L.Chiappetti8,S.Alis41,B.Altieri32,I.Baldry20,D.Bottini8,M.Birkinshaw7,M.Bremer7,M.Brown21, O.Cucciati27,34,S.Driver18,19,E.Elmer15,S.Ettori27,42,A.E.Evrard25,26,L.Faccioli3,B.Granett29,33,M.Grootes24, L.Guzzo29,33,A.Hopkins11,C.Horellou28,J.P.Lefèvre3,J.Liske22,K.Malek36,F.Marulli27,34,35, S.Maurogordato12,M.Owers11,17,S.Paltani9,B.Poggianti2,M.Polletta8,37,40,M.Plionis10,45,A.Pollo36,38, E.Pompei5,T.Ponman16,D.Rapetti43,44,M.Ricci12,A.Robotham18,19,R.Tuffs23,L.Tasca1,I.Valtchanov32, D.Vergani39,G.Wagner13,14,J.Willis30,andtheXXLconsortium (Affiliationscanbefoundafterthereferences) Received20July2017/Accepted27November2017 ABSTRACT Context. Inthecurrentlydebatedcontextofusingclustersofgalaxiesascosmologicalprobes,theneedforwell-definedclustersamples iscritical. Aims. The XXL Survey has been specifically designed to provide a well characterised sample of some 500 X-ray detected clusters suitableforcosmologicalstudies.Themaingoalofpresentarticleistomakepublicanddescribethepropertiesoftheclustercatalogue initspresentstate,aswellasofassociatedcataloguesofmorespecificobjectssuchassuper-clustersandfossilgroups. Methods. FollowingfromthepublicationofthehundredbrightestXXLclusters,wenowreleaseasamplecontaining365clustersin total,downtoafluxofafew10−15ergs−1cm−2inthe[0.5–2]keVbandandina1(cid:48)aperture.Thisreleasecontainsthecompletesubset ofclustersforwhichtheselectionfunctioniswelldeterminedplusallX-rayclusterswhichare,todate,spectroscopicallyconfirmed. Inthispaper,wegivethedetailsofthefollow-upobservationsandexplaintheprocedureadoptedtovalidatetheclusterspectroscopic redshifts.ConsideringthewholeXXLclustersample,wehaveprovidedtwotypesofselection,bothcompleteinaparticularsense:one basedonflux-morphologycriteria,andanalternativebasedonthe[0.5–2]keVfluxwithin1arcminoftheclustercentre.Wehavealso providedX-raytemperaturemeasurementsfor80%oftheclustershavingafluxlargerthan9×10−15ergs−1cm−2. Results. Ourclustersampleextendsfromz∼0toz∼1.2,withoneclusteratz∼2.Clusterswereidentifiedthroughameannumber of six spectroscopically confirmed cluster members. The largest number of confirmed spectroscopic members in a cluster is 41. Our updated luminosity function and luminosity–temperature relation are compatible with our previous determinations based on the 100 brightestclusters,butshowsmalleruncertainties.Wealsopresentanenlargedlistofsuper-clustersandasampleof18possiblefossil groups. Conclusions. ThisintermediatepublicationisthelastbeforethefinalreleaseofthecompleteXXLclustercataloguewhentheongoing C2clusterspectroscopicfollow-upiscomplete.Itprovidesauniqueinventoryofmedium-massclustersovera50deg2areaouttoz∼1. Keywords. galaxies:clusters:general–large-scalestructureofUniverse–galaxies:groups:general– galaxies:clusters:intraclustermedium 1.Introduction (cid:63)Based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA sci- Mostgalaxycluster-relatedcosmologicalprobesrelyoncluster ence mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESAMemberStatesandNASA.BasedonobservationsmadewithESO numbercountsandlarge-scalestructureinformation.X-raysur- TelescopesattheLaSillaandParanalObservatoriesunderprogrammes veys have had a key role in this framework since the historical ID 191.A-0268 and 60.A-9302. Based on observations obtained with Einstein observatory Medium Sensitivity Survey (Gioia et al. MegaPrime/MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/IRFU, at 1990). Many other surveys were conducted with the ROSAT theCanada-France-HawaiiTelescope(CFHT)whichisoperatedbythe observatory, and more recently, XMM-Newton and Chandra NationalResearchCouncil(NRC)ofCanada,theInstitutNationaldes Sciences de l’Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scien- CNRS. This research has made use of the VizieR catalogue access tifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. Based on tool,CDS,Strasbourg,France.Thisresearchhasalsomadeuseofthe observations collected at the German-Spanish Astronomical Centre, NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the CalarAlto,jointlyoperatedbytheMax-Planck-InstitutfürAstronomie Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under HeidelbergandtheInstitutodeAstrofísicadeAndalucía(CSIC).This contractwiththeNationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration. work is based in part on data products produced at Terapix available (cid:63)(cid:63)Full Table 5 is only available at the CDS via anony- attheCanadianAstronomyDataCentreaspartoftheCanada-France- mous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, a collaborative project of NRC and http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/620/A5 ArticlepublishedbyEDPSciences A5,page1of28 A&A620,A5(2018) Table1.StatisticsoftheXXL-365-GC,XXL-C1-GC,andXXL-100-GCsamples. Sample Selection N C1+C2+C3 N C1 N C2 N C3 XXL-365-GC AllC1clusters 365(341) 207(183) 119(119) 39(39) +spectros.C2/C3 XXL-100-GC 100brightestclusters 100(99) 96(95) 4(4) 0 Notes.Numberswithinparenthesesarethenumbersofspectroscopicallyconfirmedclustersfortheconsideredselection. produced surveys such as the XMM-LSS, XMM-COSMOS, cluster luminosity function and of the luminosity–temperature XMM-CDFS and Chandra-Ultra-Deep surveys (Pierre et al. relation. The results of spatial analyses performed on the clus- 2004; Hasinger et al. 2007; Comastri et al. 2011; Ranalli et al. ter catalogue (search for super-clusters and fossil groups) are 2013).Followingthispath,itisnowclearthatclustercosmolog- presented in Sect. 6. Notes on the newly detected structures icalstudiescanonlyberigorouslyperformedbysimultaneously and recent redshift measurements are gathered in Appendices. fitting a cosmological model, the cluster selection function and Throughout the paper, for consistency with the first series of the physical modelling of the cluster evolutionary properties in XXLpapers,weadopttheWMAP9cosmology(Hinshawetal. whichever band the cluster selection has been performed (e.g. 2013, with Ωm = 0.28, ΩΛ = 0.72, and H0=70kms−1Mpc−1), Allen et al. 2011). X-ray cluster cosmology is especially well except if explicitly stated. From the semantic point of view, we suited to such an approach, because the properties of the X-ray also mention that the structures called clusters in the present emitting intra-cluster medium can be ab-initio predicted with paperarenotverymassivestructures,butareintermediate-mass goodaccuracy,eitherusingananalyticalmodelorbymeansof concentrationsinthemassrangebetweengroupsofgalaxiesand hydrodynamicalsimulations. verymassiveclustersofgalaxies. The XMM-XXL project (XXL hereafter) covers two areas of 25 deg2 each with XMM-Newton observations to a sensitiv- 2.SelectionoftheX-rayclustersample ityof∼5×10−15ergs−1cm−2 (forpointsources);thetwoareas are centred at: XXL-N (02h23(cid:48) −04◦30(cid:48)) and XXL-S (23h30(cid:48) TheX-raypipelineandtheclusterselectionprocedurealongwith −55◦00(cid:48)).Inafirststep,XXLaimsatin-depthclusterevolution- the XXL selection function are extensively described in XXL arystudiesoverthe0 < z < 1rangebycombininganextensive PaperII.Werecallherethemainsteps. data set over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In a second Our detection algorithm (the same version of Xamin used andultimate stepwe aimata standalonecosmological analysis in XXL Paper II, cf. also Faccioli et al. 2018, hereafter XXL (Pierreetal.2016,hereafterXXLPaperI)andtheX-raycluster Paper XXIV) enables the creation of an uncontaminated (C1) catalogueconstitutesthecoreofthewholeproject:itsconstruc- clustersamplebyselectingalldetectedsourcesinthe2D[EXT; tionalongwiththedeterminationoftheclustermultiwavelength EXT_STAT] output parameter space. The EXT parameter is a parametersfollowsaniterativeprocessdemandingspecialcare. measure of the cluster apparent size and the EXT_STAT param- Inthisprocess,thespectroscopicconfirmationoftheX-rayclus- eter quantifies the likelihood of a source of being extended. tercandidateshasoccupiedacentralplaceintheprojectoverthe The EXT_STAT likelihood parameter is a function of cluster last5yr.Inafirstpublication(Pacaudetal.2016,hereafterXXL size, shape and flux. This parameter depends on the local Paper II) we presented the hundred brightest galaxy clusters XMM-Newtonsensitivity. (XXL-100-GC) along with a set of preliminary scientific anal- Simulations enable the definition of limits for EXT and yses,includingtheX-rayluminosityfunction,spatialcorrelation EXT_STAT above which contamination from point sources is studiesandacosmologicalinterpretationofthenumbercounts. negligible, providing the C1 sample. Relaxing slightly these The present, and second, release is the last before the publica- limits, we define a second, deeper, sample (C2) to allow for tionofthecompleteclustercatalogue.Thiswilloccurwhenthe 50% contamination by misclassified point sources; these can ongoing C2 cluster spectroscopic follow-up is completed. The easily be cleaned up a posteriori using optical versus X-ray main goal of present article is to make public and describe the comparisons. Initially, the total number of such C2 cluster properties of the second release, as well as of associated cata- candidates was 195 and more than 60% are already spectro- loguesofmorespecificobjectssuchassuper-clustersandfossil scopicallyconfirmed(seebelow).Wedefinedathirdclass,C3, groups.Thepresentsamplecontainsthecompletesubsetofclus- corresponding to (optical) clusters associated with some X-ray tersforwhichtheselectionfunctioniswelldetermined(namely, emission, too weak to be characterised; the selection function theC1selection)plusallX-rayclusterswhichare,todate,spec- of the C3 sample is therefore undefined. Initially, most of the troscopically confirmed. The C1 and C2 classes are defined as C3 objects were not detected in the X-ray waveband and are in XXL Paper II and will be described below. Altogether, this located within the XMM-LSS subregion. We refer the reader amounts to 365 clusters and is referred to as the XXL-365-GC to Pierre et al. (2004) for a more detailed description of these sample (cf. Table 1). Along with the cluster list itself, we pro- classes. videanupdateoftheX-rayclusterpropertiesandoftheirspatial With the present paper, we publish all C1 clusters (XXL- distributionaspresentedinthe2016XXL-100-GCpublications. C1-GC hereafter, cf. Table 1) supplemented by the C2 and C3 Theclusterparametersderivedinthepresentpublicationsuper- clusterswhicharespectroscopicallyconfirmed.C3clusterswere sede the XXL-100-GC ones, even thought the consistency (see not specifically targeted, but were sometimes confirmed as by- below)isverygood. productsofexistinggalaxyspectroscopicsurveys.Table2gives In the next section, we describe the construction of the statisticsoftheXXL-365-GCsampleintermsofC1,C2,andC3 currentsample.Section3givesadetailedaccountofthespectro- clusters.Thisamountsto207C1(amongthem,183spectroscop- scopicvalidationprocedure.Wepresenttheclustercataloguein icallyconfirmedtodate,4withsomespectroscopybutneeding Sect.4.Section5providesupdateddeterminationsoftheX-ray moredata,13withaphotometricredshift,and7withoutredshift A5,page2of28 C.Adamietal.:TheXXLSurvey.XX. Table2.StatisticsoftheXXL-365-GCsampleintermsofC1,C2,and Table3.DetailsofthethreeESOPIruns. C3clusters. ESOId Instrument Duration SemestersNb Classes XXL-365-GC Spect. ≥3redshifts 191.A-0268 FORS2 132h 4 C1 207(114/93) 183(105/78) 160(96/64) 191.A-0268 EFOSC2 15n 4 C2 119(59/60) 119(59/60) 70(42/28) 089.A-0666 FORS2 15h 1 C3 39(38/1) 39(38/1) 31(31/0) 60.A-9302 MUSE 3h 1 All 365(211/154) 341(202/139) 261(169/92) Notes. Col. 1: considered classes. Col. 2: numbers within the total when possible. The targets were chosen in order to favour the XXL-365-GCsample.Col.3:numbersofspectroscopicallyconfirmed cluster confirmation by galaxies within the X-ray contours. We clusterswithintheXXL-365-GCsample.Col.4:numbersofspectro- note that the X-ray contours are created from a wavelet filtered scopicallyconfirmedclusterswithatleastthreespectroscopicredshifts photonimage.Thecontoursarerunineachframefortherange within the XXL-365-GC sample. Numbers within parentheses are for thenorthernandsouthernareas. between0.1cts/pxcorrespondingtothetypicalbackgroundlevel forexpositiontimeof10ks(∼10−5cts/s/px)andamaximalvalue intheframespacedby15logarithmiclevels. estimation),119C2and39C3.TheC1selectionprovidesacom- (a) We made extensive use of the ESO optical facilities pletesampleinthetwo-parameterspaceoutlinedabove.Inorder (NTT/EFOSC2andVLT/FORS2).WeweregrantedthreePI to allow straightforward comparisons with different X-ray pro- allocations,includingaLargeProgramme(191-0268)anda cessingmethods,wegive,forinformationonly,theapproximate pilotprogramme(089.A-0666).Wegivethedetailsofthese completeness flux limit of the XXL-365-GC sample computed newPIESOprogrammesinTable3. from simulated detections. We performed the measurements FORS2 and EFOSC2 galaxy targets were first choosen within a radius of 1arcmin around the cluster centre (defined accordingtotheirstrategicalplaceinsidetheclusters,taking from the X-ray data). We assume, as in XXL Paper II, that intoaccountthealreadyknownredshiftsfromothersurveys, the XMM-Newton count-rates are computed in the [0.5–2]keV and their location regarding the X-ray contours. Then, we bandandconvertedintofluxesassuminganEnergyConversion putasmanyslitsaspossibleonotherobjects.Wemeasured Factor(ECF)of9.04×10−13ergs−1cm−2/(cts/s).Thecomplete- thespectroscopicredshiftsbymeansoftheEZcode(Garilli nessfluxlimit(the100%completenessfluxlimitaveragedacross et al. 2008) that was already used for the VIPERS sur- the entire survey area) is then ∼1.3×10−14ergs−1cm−2. We vey (Guzzo et al.2014; Scodeggio et al. 2017). We adopted emphasisethatsinceafluxof10−14correspondsto∼100photons the same approach: the only operation that required human on-axisfor10ksexposures(MOS1+MOS2+PN),uncertainties interventionistheverificationandvalidationoftheEZmea- are large, which may affect the cluster ranking as a function of suredredshift.Eachspectrumisindependentlymeasuredby thefluxby10%ormore. two team members. At the end of the process, discrepant redshifts are discussed and homogenised. The quality of the redshift measurements is defined as in the VVDS and 3.Spectroscopicredshifts VIPERSsurveys: 3.1.Collectingthespectroscopicinformation – Flag0:noreliablespectroscopicredshiftmeasurement; – Flag 1: tentative redshift measurement with a ∼50% The spectroscopic surveys conducted on the XXL fields are chancethattheredshiftiswrong.Theseredshiftsarenot listed in XXL Paper I (Table 3). We provide below a short used; descriptionofthisratherheterogeneousdataset.Inordertoper- – Flag2:confidenceestimatedtobe>95%; formthespectroscopicvalidationandfurtherdynamicalstudies – Flag 3 and 4: highly secure redshift. The confidence is of the XXL clusters, all available spectroscopic information on estimatedtobehigherthan99%; galaxieslocatedintheXXLfieldshasbeenstoredintheCEntre – Flag9:redshiftbasedonasingleclearfeature,giventhe dedonnéeSAstrophysiquesdeMarseille1.Theirastrometrywas absence of other features. These redshifts are generally matched with the CFHTLS T0007 catalogue2 for XXL-N and reliable. withtheBCScatalogue(Desaietal.2012)forXXL-S.Thepub- (b) We also made use of the AAOmega instrument on the lic and private surveys stored in CESAM and relevant to XXL AAT. A first observing campaign was published in Lidman aredescribedinthefollowing.Allinall,thetotalnumberofred- et al. (2016, hereafter XXL Paper XIV), while supplemen- shiftspresentintheCESAMdatabaseare∼145000and∼8500 taryobservationsdonein2016willbeincludedinChiappetti fortheXXL-NandXXL-Sfieldsrespectively(asofDecember etal.(2018,hereafterXXLPaperXXVII).Forthefirstrun, 2016,includingmultiplemeasurements). cluster galaxies were the prime targets and we used Runz (Hintonetal.2016)tomeasureredshifts.X-rayAGNinthe 3.1.1.XXLextendedsourcesspectroscopicfollow-up XXL-S field were the prime targets for the second run and campaigns onlysparefibreswereputonclustergalaxies.WeusedMarz (Hintonetal.2016)tomeasureredshifts.Foreachspectrum, We conducted our own spectroscopic follow-up to complement weassignaqualityflagthatvariesfrom1to6.Theflagsare the already available public spectroscopic data sets. C1 clus- identicaltothoseusedintheOzDESredshiftsurvey(Yuan ters were the primary targets, but we also targeted C2 clusters et al. 2015). We used AAT quality flags 3 or 4 which are equivalenttotheESOflags2,3,or4. (c) We also obtained Magellan spectroscopy at Las Campanas 1 http://www.lam.fr/cesam/ observatory from an associated survey (A. Kremin, priv. 2 http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Science/CFHTLS/T0007/ comm.).Weonlyusedthe262mostreliableredshifts. A5,page3of28 A&A620,A5(2018) (d) We collected redshifts at the William Herschel Telescope representingagoodcompromisebetweenthespectrographs (WHThereafter, cf.Koulouridiset al.2016,hereafter XXL resolutionandthepossiblerealdifferencebetweenredshifts, PaperXII).Redshiftsweremeasuredandqualityflagswere atthe3-σlevel).Thispointstostronglydiscrepantredshifts assignedinthesamewayasfortheESOdata. for5%ofthesample.Acomparablepercentageisexpected inGuzzoetal.(2014)fortheVIPERSsurvey.Wetherefore concludethatoursampleissimilartotheVIPERSsurveyin 3.1.2.RedshiftsfromtheXMM-LSSsurvey termsofincompatibleredshifts(cf.Scodeggioetal.2017). WeincludedallredshiftsobtainedfortheXMM-LSSpilotsur- (b) Formeasurementswithin±3×600kms−1,thestatistical1-σ vey (11 deg2 precursor and subarea of XXL-N, Pierre et al. redshiftscatteris∼0.00049×(1+z).Thisrepresentsalmost 2004).ThesampleisdescribedinAdamietal.(2011). 150kms−1.WenotethatFig.1maygivethefeelingthatthe dispersion is much larger at low redshifts. However, this is mainly due to the fact that many objects are concentrated 3.1.3.Literaturedata along the zero difference level. The statistical 1-σ uncer- The XXL-N area was defined to overlap with the VIPERS sur- tainty is for example ∼0.00049 at z ≤ 1 and ∼0.00057 at vey(VIMOSPublicExtragalacticRedshiftsurvey:Guzzoetal. z≤0.5. 2014;Scodeggioetal.2017)andtoencompasstheVVDSsurvey (c) The previous estimates pertain to the full galaxy sample. (LeFèvreetal.2013).Wethereforeincludedtheredshiftsfrom Wealsoperformedasimilaranalysisontheclustergalaxies theseVIMOS-basedredshiftsurveys.Theredshiftsaremeasured alone. These galaxies have different types and luminosities inourownESOspectroscopicfollow-upexactlyinthesameway and are therefore potentially subject to different selections. asVIPERSandVVDSdid,withthesamequalityflags.Wealso To select these galaxies, we limited the sample to galax- notethatallredshiftsfromVIPERS,coveringtheredshiftrange ies within one Virial radius and with a velocity within 0.4 ≤ z ≤ 1.2,weremadeavailableforthisanalysispriortothe ±3 × σ , the equivalent galaxy velocity dispersion v,200 recentpublicrelease(Scodeggioetal.2017). inferredfromscalinglawswithintheVirialradius,fromthe GAMA, 2dF, 6dF, SDSS: These four catalogues were clustercentre.Wecouldhavetriedtouseinsteadthegalaxy ingestedandusedwithoutremeasuringtheredshiftofthegalax- velocitydispersioncomputedwithgalaxyredshifts,butour ies.Theyproviderobustspectroscopicqualityflags.Weconsid- samplingistoosparsetohavepreciseestimations.Thiswill eredasreliabletheGAMA,2dF,and6dFredshiftswithquality betreatedinafuturepaper.Virialradiusandσ wereesti- v,200 flags 3 and 4 (e.g. Liske et al. 2015 and Baldry et al. 2014 for mated from X-ray data given in Table F.1 and described in GAMA, and Folkes et al. 1999 for 2dF), equivalent to the ESO the following. Applying the same method as with the com- flags 2, 3 or 4. SDSS spectra with “zWarning” between 0 and plete sample, we find an incompatible redshift percentage 16werealsoused.WenotethattheGAMAspectroscopyinside of ∼4% (cf. Fig. 2), even better than for the total sample. theXXLareaisissuedfromtheGAMAG02fieldwherefibres The1-σredshiftscatteris∼0.00041×(1+z),or120kms−1 werealsointentionallyputonpreliminaryproposedXXLgalaxy in terms of radial velocity uncertainty, also similar to the targets.G02willbepublicwithintheGAMADR3datarelease estimateforthetotalsample.Finally,wedonotseeanysig- (Baldryetal.,inprep.). nificantvariationofthe1-σuncertaintybetweenredshifts0 Inaddition,weconsideredothersmallerpublicredshiftcata- and0.9. logues:Akiyamaetal.(2015)fromSubaru,Simpsonetal.(2006, Thelastissueistoestimatetherelativeweightofthevar- 2012), Stalin et al. (2010), SNLS survey (e.g. Balland et al. ioustelescopesintheclusterredshiftcompilation.Consider- 2009).Weremeasuredandcheckedtheredshiftvaluesforthese ing the sample of cluster galaxies only, we find that ∼45% surveys, when spectra were available, using the methods devel- are coming from ESO (VIMOS and FORS2 instruments), oped for our own spectroscopic follow-up. We finally collected ∼45% from AAT (AAOmega instrument), and ∼7% from and assumed as correct all other redshifts on the XXL areas, SDSS. The remaining ∼3% have various origins (Subaru, currentlyavailableintheNEDdatabase. WHT,LasCampanas,etc.). As a remark, for a given object with multiple redshift measurements,weusedthemeasurementcomingfromthehigh- 3.2.Redshiftreliabilityandprecision est quality spectrum. We did not notice systematic redshift Our spectroscopic redshift catalogues come from various tele- differencesintheconsideredsurveys. scopes, with different instruments, different setups and were obtained under different observing conditions. We thus needed 3.3.Clusterspectroscopicconfirmation toevaluateonanobjectivebasistheoverallreliabilityofthedata set.Althoughwetriedtolimitmultipleobservations,weended StartingfromthelistofextendedX-raysources(C1orC2),the up with a non-negligible number of galaxies present in differ- clusterspectroscopicconfirmationisaniterativeprocess. entsurveys.Weusedtheseredundantmeasurementstoevaluate (1) Wefirstcollectedallavailablespectroscopicredshiftsalong thestatisticalreliabilityofourredshifts.Thesimplestapproach agivenlineofsighttowardsaclustercandidate.Weselected consists in plotting the redshift difference versus redshift (cf. the spectroscopic redshifts within the X-ray contours and Fig. 1) for the ∼12000 objects measured twice in the whole searched for gaps larger than 900kms−1 in the resulting spectroscopic sample. Out of these, 15% had a spectroscopic redshift histogram. This is intended to separate different quality flag of 4, 61% a quality flag of 3, 24% a quality flag concentrations in the redshift space. We searched for con- of2,and<1%aqualityflagof9.Weonlyconsiderflags>2in centrations of three or more redshifts between two gaps thefollowing. and preliminarily assigned the largest concentration to the (a) To estimate the fraction of incompatible redshifts, we extended source in question. This allows us to estimate the selectedinFig.1alldoublemeasurementsdifferingbymore angulardistanceofthesourceinquestion. than±3×600kms−1(600kms−1isatypicalvaluebasedon (2) We then repeated the process, this time within a 500kpc theVVDSandVIPERSsurveys:cf.LeFèvreetal.2013and radius.Thishassometimesledustoconsiderlargerregions A5,page4of28 C.Adamietal.:TheXXLSurvey.XX. Fig.1.Redshiftdifferenceversusredshiftforthe∼12000objectsmea- sured twice within the spectroscopic survey. The two red dotted lines represent the ±3×600kms−1 level (cf. Sect. 3.2). We also give the histogramoftheredshiftdifferencewithinthe[−0.005,0.005]interval. Fig. 3. Upper panel: y-axis, number of confirmed clusters; x-axis, number of galaxy redshifts sampling the confirmed clusters. Differ- ent colours and line styles are from different spectroscopic surveys. Bottom panel: percentage of galaxy redshifts inside the confirmed Fig. 2. Redshift difference versus redshift for the galaxies (at <±3× clusters coming from a given survey and for a given redshift σ fromtheclustermeanredshiftandwithinoneVirialradius)mea- v,200 bin. Because of multiple galaxy spectroscopic measurements, the sured two times within the spectroscopic survey. The two red dotted sum of the percentages for a given redshift bin is larger than linesrepresentthe±3×600kms−1level.Wealsogivethehistogramof 100%. theredshiftdifferencewithinthe[−0.005,0.005]interval. The C3 clusters – X-ray sources too faint to be charac- than the ones defined by the X-ray contours. We checked terisedasC1orC2–thatwepresentinthispaperareonly whethertheinferredredshiftwascompatiblewiththeprevi- those resulting from the spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray ousone.Ifyes,weconsideredtheclustertobeconfirmedat sources in the XMM-LSS pilot survey. We did not perform the considered redshift. If not, we restarted the full process anysystematicclustersearchorfollow-upforthefulllistof withanotherredshiftconcentration.Inpractice,thisprocess X-raysources. wasconvergentatthefirstpassforthelargemajorityofthe In Fig. 3, we give the contribution of the major spectroscopic cases. surveysusedinthepresentpaper.Thisisshowedbothinterms We kept open the possibility of manually assigning a of the number of clusters with a given number of galaxy red- redshift to a cluster when the two previous criteria did shifts coming from a given spectroscopic survey, and in terms not agree (cf. below the peculiar case of XLSSC 035). of number of galaxy redshifts coming from a given survey for This mainly occurred when dealing with projection effects agivenredshiftbin.ThisforexampleshowsthattheXXLESO along the line of sight (cf. the eight cases in Appendix B). andXMM-LSSPIallocationswereefficienttoconfirmclusters Some of the lines of sight were however poorly sampled, in the z∼[0.2–1] range while other major surveys were more with typically fewer than three redshifts. In this case, we specialised in terms of redshift coverage: VIPERS at z ≥ 0.45, attempted to confirm the cluster nature of the X-ray source and AAT PI and GAMA at z ≤ 0.7 and z ≤ 0.4 respectively. by identifying the cluster dominant galaxy (BCG here- In terms of cluster spectroscopic sampling, XXL ESO PI allo- after) in the i(cid:48) band and close to the X-ray centroid. If the cations enabled us to measure the largest number of galaxy choice of such a galaxy was obvious and this galaxy had redshifts per cluster (∼5); other surveys yielded various sam- a spectroscopic redshift, we confirmed the cluster as well. plings. The largest samplings are achieved by the XMM-LSS This was the case for 30 clusters (with only the BCG), spectroscopicsurvey(mostofthetimeforwellidentifiedpecu- and for another 50 clusters (with the BCG plus another liarordistantclusters)andbytheGAMAspectroscopicsurvey concordantgalaxy). fornearbyclusters. A5,page5of28 A&A620,A5(2018) Table 4. Mean number of redshifts per cluster line of sight from the 4.2.X-raydirectmeasurements differentsurveysconsideredinFig.3forthetotalXXLSurvey,north, andsouthfields. 4.2.1.Luminosityandtemperature Full details of the analysis of the cluster X-ray properties will Survey XXL XXL-N XXL-S be found (Giles et al., in prep.), and we outline the main steps ofthespectralanalysishere.First,weonlyusedthesinglebest XMM-LSS 9 15 1 pointings for spectral analyses when sources fell on multiple AATPI / 0 5 pointings. As a conservative approach, the extent of the cluster VIPERS / 16 0 emissionwasdefinedastheradiusbeyondwhichnosignificant GAMA / 10 0 clusteremissionisdetectedusingathresholdof0.5σabovethe ESOPI 2 2 3 background level. Due to the low number of counts and low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of many of the clusters below the XXL-100-GC threshold, we performed a detailed modelling of Major surveys such as VIPERS or GAMA have science thebackground,insteadofasimplebackgroundsubtraction.We objectives related to field studies, and are therefore under- followed the method outlined in Eckert et al. (2011), who per- represented in Fig. 3 because only a small fraction of these formedthisdetailedmodellingtostudyasourcewhoseemission redshiftsfallswithinagivencluster.WethereforegiveinTable4 barely exceeded the background. We modelled the non X-ray the mean numbers of redshifts per line of sight (over the full background(NXB)usingclosedfilterobservations,followinga redshiftrangeoftheXXLSurvey,andwithinangularradiicorre- phenomenologicalmodel.Forobservationscontaminatedbysoft spondingto500kpcattheredshiftsoftheclusters).Thisallows protons(wherethecountrateratiobetweenthein-FOV,beyond us to appreciate the respective contribution of these surveys to 10arcmin, and out-of-FOV regions of the detector was >1.15), the characterisation of both clusters and projection effects. In we included an additional broken power-law component, with suchatable,intensivefieldsurveysasVIPERSorGAMAshow the slopes fixed at 0.4 and 0.8 below and above 5keV respec- theirgreatimportance. tively. The sky background was modelled using data extracted from an offset region (outside the cluster emission determined above), using a three-component model as detailed in Eckert 4.Theclustercatalogue et al. (2011). Within the XSPEC environment, cluster source Inthissection,wefirstprovideaglobaldescriptionofthesam- spectrawereextractedforeachoftheXMM-Newtoncamerasand ple.Wethenpresentthedirect(spectral)measurementswemade fitswereperformedinthe[0.4–11.0]keVbandwithanabsorbed of luminosity, temperature, gas mass, and flux. These measure- APEC(AstrophysicalPlasmaEmissionCode,Smithetal.2001) mentsareobviouslymorerobustthanusingscalingrelations,but model(v2.0.2),withafixedmetalabundanceofZ =0.3Z . (cid:12) they require higher quality data and therefore cannot be com- Wedenotetheluminositywithinr 4 as LXXL ,within 500,MT 500,MT puted for the whole sample of clusters. Scaling relations were the[0.5–2.0]keVband(clusterrestframe).Luminositiesquoted therefore used in order to complete the sample for some of the within r are extrapolated from 300kpc (see below) out to 500,MT followingstudies. r by integrating under a β-profile assuming a core radius 500,MT r = 0.15r and an external slope β = 0.667 (cf. XXL c 500,MT 4.1.Sampledescription Paper II). Values for cluster r500,MT are calculated using the mass–temperature relation of Lieu et al. (2016, hereafter XXL The C1+C2 clusters are listed in Table 5 which is sorted PaperIV). according to increasing RA and only the first twenty entries Giventhatwearedealingwithmuchfaintersourcesthanin are displayed. Blank places in the table are undetermined val- XXLPaperII,itwasnotpossibletomeasureX-raytemperatures ues. We note that the XLSSC 634 cluster was confirmed by forallclusters.Inparticular,severalC1clusterswerelocatedin Ruel et al. (2014) with Gemini/GMOS data. The spectroscopi- pointingsaffectedbyflaring,hadverylowcounts,werecontam- cally confirmed C3 objects are listed in Table G.1. Both tables inated by point sources, or were at very low redshift so with a are also available in the XXL Master Catalogue browser3 and badspatialcoverage. Table 5 is available at the CDS. For each source, we provide (whenavailable): 4.2.2.Gasmass – the XLSSC identifier (between 1 and 499, or 500 and 999 forXXL-NorXXL-Srespectively; Weanalyticallycomputedgasmassesforclusterswithredshifts – RAandDec; following closely the method outlined in Eckert et al. (2014, – theredshiftandthenumberofgalaxiesusedfortheredshift hereafter XXL Paper XIII). Here we briefly recall the vari- determination; ous steps of the analysis. First, we extract surface-brightness – theclass,C1,C2(Table5only)orC3(TableG.1only); profiles in the [0.5–2]keV band starting from the X-ray peak – basic X-ray and X-ray related quantities for the clusters of using the PROFFIT package (Desai et al. 2012). We compute thepresentrelease(X-rayfluxes,Mgas,500kpc,r500,MT,T300kpc, thesurface-brightnessprofilesfrommosaicimagesoftheXXL and LXXL ). We note that we give in the present paper the fieldsinsteadofindividualpointings,whichallowsustoimprove 500,MT value of M , contrary to what was given in XXL the S/N and measure the local background level more robustly gas,500kpc PaperXIII; compared to the analysis presented in XXL Paper XIII. The – a flag indicating whether there is a note on the cluster in surface-brightnessprofilesarethendeprojectedbydecomposing Appendix G, whether the cluster was already published in the profile onto a basis of multiscale parametric forms. XXLPaperIIorinformerXMM-LSSreleases,andwhether theclusterisamemberofthefluxlimitedsample. 4 r500,MT isdefinedastheradiusofthesphereinsidewhichthemean densityis500timesthecriticaldensityρ oftheUniverseatthecluster’s c 3 http://cosmosdb.iasf-milano.inaf.it/XXL/ redshift,M isthenbydefinitionequalto4/3π500ρ r3 . 500,MT c 500,MT A5,page6of28 C.Adamietal.:TheXXLSurvey.XX. Table5.ListofspectroscopicallyconfirmedC1andC2clustersofgalaxies. XLSSC α δ z N Class M r T LXXL F Flag gal gas,500kpc 500,MT 300kpc 500,MT 60 1011 1042 10−15 deg deg M kpc keV ergs−1 ergs−1cm−2 (cid:12) 199 30.192 −6.708 0.339 2 1 73+4 644 2.1+0.2 32±3 67±5 l −6 −0.3 200 30.331 −6.830 0.333 2 1 48+3 653 2.1+0.3 16±2 31±3 l −3 −0.4 114 30.425 −5.031 0.233 6 2 40+3 35±8 l −3 179 30.482 −6.574 0.608 5 1 43+11 14±4 l −12 113 30.561 −7.009 0.050 9 1 8+1 115±8 l −1 174 30.592 −5.899 0.235 8 1 41+3 570 1.5+0.1 8±1 25±4 l −4 −0.1 094 30.648 −6.732 0.886 3 1 106+12 581 3.0+0.5 224±32 48±5 +l −12 −0.6 196 30.728 −7.652 0.136 8 1 26+2 563 1.3+0.1 4±1 32±4 l −3 −0.2 178 30.753 −6.285 0.194 2 2 29+3 655 0.8+0.1 3±1 17±3 l −5 −0.1 156 30.766 −7.101 0.336 4 2 33+3 28±4 l −3 157 30.865 −6.929 0.585 5 1 70+7 721 3.2+0.8 42±7 19±3 l −7 −0.7 197 30.923 −7.785 0.439 2 1 107+5 755 3.0+0.4 76±9 97±7 l −5 −0.5 096 30.973 −5.027 0.520 6 1 89+5 951 5.0+0.9 63±8 36±4 *+l −5 −0.5 155 31.134 −6.748 0.433 2 1 36+4 576 1.8+0.3 16±3 23±3 l −5 −0.3 173 31.251 −5.931 0.413 3 1 47+4 930 4.3+0.3 17±2 24±3 l −4 −0.3 177 31.290 −4.918 0.211 7 2 37+3 22±4 l −3 102 31.322 −4.652 0.969 3 1 138+7 638 3.9+0.8 167±25 42±4 +l −7 −0.9 106 31.351 −5.732 0.300 14 1 83+3 777 2.8+0.2 43±3 91±4 +l −3 −0.3 107 31.354 −7.594 0.436 3 1 67+4 672 2.4+0.4 49±6 56±5 +l −5 −0.4 160 31.521 −5.194 0.817 4 2 6±4 Notes.Col.1:officialXLSSCname.Cols.2and3:X-rayclustercoordinates.Col.4:clustermeanredshift.Col.5:numberofmeasuredspectro- scopicredshifts(X:meansredshiftiscomputedfromX-rayspectroscopydirectly).Col.6:XXLclass.Col.7:gasmassinsideaphysicalradiusof 500kpcalongwithlowerandupperuncertainties.Col.8:r .Col.9:X-raytemperaturewithlowerandupperuncertainties.Col.10:LXXL 500,MT 500,MT X-rayluminosityanduncertaintyinthe[0.5–2]keVrest-frameenergyrange.Col.11:X-rayfluxanduncertaintyasinXXLPaperIIandinthe [0.5–2]keVband.Col.12:flags:“+”meanstheclusterwasalreadypublishedintheXMM-LSSreleases,*meansthatwehaveanoteonthis clusterinAppendixG,lmeansthattheconsideredclusterisbrighterthanthefluxcompletenesslimit(∼1.3×10−14ergs−1cm−2),Fmeansthatthe structureisacandidatefossilgroup.CompletetableisavailableattheCDS.Blankplacesareundeterminedvalues(toolowsignal-to-noiseratio). Cash (1979) statistics are used to adjust the model to the the shape estimate. Whenever a cluster was detected in several data,andtheMarkovchainMonteCarlo(MCMC)tool EMCEE pointingswiththesameclassification,wethereforeretainedthe (Foreman-Mackeyetal.2013)isusedtosamplethelargeparam- onewheretheclusterwasclosesttotheopticalaxis.Theanaly- eter space. The deprojected profiles are then converted into gas sisthenreliesonasemi-interactiveprocedureinitiallydeveloped density profiles using X-ray cooling functions calculated using forClercetal.(2012).Itfirstdefinesapreliminarysourcemask the APEC plasma emission code (Smith et al. 2001). Finally, based on the output of the XXL detection pipeline and allows the recovered gas density profiles are integrated over the vol- the user to manually correct the mask. Then the signal in a ume within a fixed physical scale of 500kpc. The gas masses user-definedbackgroundannulusaroundthesourceismodelled measured for XXL-100-GC clusters using this procedure are with a linear fit to the local exposure map (thus allowing for consistent with the values published in XXL Paper XIII, with both a vignetted and an unvignetted background component). ameanvalueM /M =0.984.Formoredetailsontheanaly- Finally, count-rates in each detector are estimated, propagating new old sisprocedurewereferthereadertoXXLPaperXIII.InTable5, the errors in the background determination, and turned into a wegiveonlythegasmassesforclusterswithanuncertaintyon global flux using average energy conversion factors relevant to thefluxF (seebelow)lowerthanthethirdofthefluxitself.We each field5. Of course the final estimated flux depends some- 60 alsosimilarlydonotprovidegasmassestimatesforC3clusters. what on the chosen background sample. In our case, the sizes oftheadoptedbackgroundannulivariedsignificantly,reflecting the large spread in cluster size and flux in the catalogue. They 4.2.3.X-rayflux ranged from 90 to 300(cid:48)(cid:48) for the inner radius and 180 to 500(cid:48)(cid:48) TobeabletodirectlycompareourestimateoftheX-rayluminos- for the outer bound. The shifts in the measured fluxes recorded ityfunction(seenextsection)withtheresultsofXXLPaperII, whenchangingthebackgroundaperturewerealwayswellwithin weadoptedfortheX-rayphotometrythesameproceduretoesti- the statistical errors, provided that the background annulus was mateaperturefluxesinaradiusof60(cid:48)(cid:48) (F ).Weperformedthe freefromapparentclusteremission. 60 measurements on the pointing within which each cluster was mostsignificantlydetected–asindicatedbytheC1/C2/C3clas- 5 Those assume an APEC v2.0.2 thermal spectrum with T = 2keV sification. This approach was preferred compared to the other andZ=0.3Z .Thedifferencebetweenthetwofieldscomesfromtheir (cid:12) approach consisting of combining all available pointings for a averageabsorbingcolumndensityofn =2.3×1020cm−2 forXXL-N H givenclusterasitallowedustokeepgoodspatialresolutionfor and1.25×1020cm−2forXXL-S. A5,page7of28 A&A620,A5(2018) 4.3.Clusterparametersfromscalingrelations In order to allow studies of the global properties of the full sample,wealsoprovidemeanparameterestimatesderivedfrom scalingrelations(TableF.1). To estimate luminosity and temperature from scaling rela- tions(withoutaspectralfit),wefirstextractedtheXMM-Newton pninthe[0.5–2]keVbandwithin300kpcfromtheclustercen- tre.Countrateswerecomputedstartingfromvaluesandbounds fortheintensityS ofthesourceusingcountsandexposuredata obtained in source and background apertures. The background- marginalised posterior probability distribution function (PDF) ofthesourcewasthencalculated,assumingPoissonlikelihoods forthedetectednumberofsourcecountsandbackgroundcounts in the given exposure time. The mode of this PDF was deter- mined,andthelowerandupperboundsoftheconfidenceregion Fig.4.Comparisonbetweenthetruetemperaturemeasurements(from were determined by summing values of the PDF alternately Table5)andestimatesfromthescalingrelations(fromTableF.1).The above and below the mode until the desired confidence level dottedandsolidlinesshowthe1:1relationandtheactualregressionto was attained. When the mode was at S = 0 or the calculation thedatarespectively. for the lower bound reached the value S = 0, only the upper confidenceboundwasevaluated,andwasconsideredasanupper limit. Regarding the 207 C1 clusters of XXL-C1-GC, only 191 We converted this count rate to the corresponding X-ray are in pointings not affected by flares. All results involving the luminosity by adopting an initial gas temperature, a metallic- clusterselectionfunctionarethereforebasedonthissubsample ity set to 0.3 times the solar value (as tabulated in Anders & of191objects. Grevesse 1989) and the cluster’s redshift (without propagating Fiveamongthese191clustersdonothavearedshiftdetermi- theredshiftuncertainties).Thesamevalueofthetemperatureis nationandarethereforemodelledusinganincompletenessfactor usedtoestimater500,MT,usingthemass–temperaturerelationfor in the selection function. Excluding these five, the remaining thesampleXXL+COSMOS+CCCPinTable2ofXXLPaperIV. sampleof186clustersisusedtocomputetheclusterluminosity Theluminosityisthenextrapolatedfrom300kpcouttor500,scal function. (similarasr500,MTbutcomputedduringtheprocessofthecluster Eightoutofthese186clustershavenotemperaturemeasure- parameters estimate from scaling relations) by integrating over ment and their X-ray luminosity was estimated through scaling the cluster’s emissivity represented by a β-model with param- relations. This sample of 176 clusters is used to constrain the eters (rc,β) = (0.15r500,scal,2/3). Hence, a new temperature is luminosity–temperaturerelation. evaluatedfromthebest-fitresultsfortheluminosity–temperature relation quoted in Table 2 of Giles et al. (2016, hereafter XXL Paper III). The iteration on the gas temperature is stopped 5.1.Redshiftdistributionandspectroscopicredshiftsampling whentheinputandoutputvaluesagreewithinatolerancevalue Thegalaxyredshiftsamplingofclustersandtheclusterredshift of5%. distributions are displayed in Figs. 5 and 6 for various cluster Usually,thisprocessconvergesinfewsteps(2–3iterations). selections. Our total sample is the full list of clusters quoted WeprovideestimatesoftheX-raytemperature,T ,ofthe 300kpc,scal inthepresentpaper,includingthefewnotyetspectroscopically bolometric luminosity in the [0.5–2]keV range within r , 500,scal confirmedclustersinTableG.2. Lbol , of the mass M within r , and of relative 500,scal 500,scal 500,scal We see that the full list is very similar to the list of spec- errors propagated from the best-fit results of the X-ray tem- troscopically confirmed clusters, cf. top panel of Fig. 5. A perature, r500,scal, and the bolometric luminosity. A comparison Kolmogorov–Smirnov test shows no difference (at better than between the measured cluster temperatures and those obtained the 99.9% level) both for the redshift and the redshift sam- from the scaling relations is displayed in Fig. 4; the observed plingdistributions.Thisfigurealsoshowsthat,amongthenon- scatter around the 1:1 line simply reflects the intrinsic scatter spectroscopically confirmed clusters, thirteen do not have any of the luminosity–temperature relation. In some cases (mainly spectroscopicredshift,threeofthemhaveasinglespectroscopic for C2 clusters), this procedure converges to an M500,scal value redshift(nottheBCG),andonehastwospectroscopicredshifts thatfallsbelowthemassrangeoftheXXL-100-GCsample(cf. (theBCGbeingnotavailable,spectroscopicconfirmationisnot XXL Paper IV), used for derivation of the scaling relations. In validatedeither). thiscase,novaluesaregiven. The XXL-N and XXL-S cluster samples are also similar in terms of redshift distribution (99.9% level for a Kolmogorov– Smirnovtest).Wehoweverhaveonaveragemorespectroscopi- 5.Updatedclusterstatistics callyconfirmedmembers(typicallymorethansixspectroscopic With the current sample having twice as many C1 clusters redshifts) in the northern field compared to the southern field as in XXL-100-GC (and 341 spectroscopically confirmed clus- (see below for a more quantitative analysis of the cluster sam- ters in total), we are in a position to update a number of pling). The probability of having similar samples is only at the statistical results presented in the 2016 XXL release (a.k.a. 28%levelwithaKolmogorov–Smirnovtest. DR1). Detailed analyses of these quantities in the current C1, C2, and C3 cluster distributions are obviously differ- XXL-C1-GCsamplewillhoweverbethesubjectofforthcoming ent,asdemonstratedbyaKolmogorov–Smirnovtest.C2andC3 papers.Inthispaper,weconcentrateonafewbasicpropertiesof clustershavelowerspectroscopicsamplingthanC1asthesewere theXXL-C1-GC. not our primary spectroscopic targets. C3 mainly appears as a A5,page8of28 C.Adamietal.:TheXXLSurvey.XX. Fig. 5. Distribution of the number of spectroscopic redshifts inside Fig.6.Distributionofthenumberofspectroscopicredshiftsinsideclus- clusters with a redshift measurement. The insets show the redshift terswitharedshiftestimate.Theinsetsshowtheredshifthistogramsof histograms of these samples. Top panel: spectroscopic+photometric these samples. Top panel: C1 (red histograms), C2 (blue histograms), redshift sample (black histograms), and spectroscopic redshift sample andC3(greenhistograms)clusters.Bottompanel:clusterswithalsoa (redhistograms)clusters.Bottompanel:XXL-N(redhistograms)and flux estimate fainter (black histograms) and brighter (red histograms) XXL-S (blue histograms) clusters. Photometric redshifts are used in thanthereferencefluxcompletenesslimitof1.3×10−14ergs−1cm−2. replacement of spectroscopic redshifts in these two histograms when spectroscopicredshiftsarenotavailable. subpopulation of intermediate redshift clusters, with also a few distant(z≥1)structures. Finally, clusters brighter and fainter than the reference flux completeness limit of 1.3×10−14ergs−1cm−2 cover almost the same redshift range. Their redshift distribution is however dif- ferent (probability of having similar samples only at the 53% level) with, not surprisingly, a lot more bright clusters at red- shiftsbelow0.5.Theyalsoareverydifferent(atthe98%level) in termsof spectroscopicsampling, thebrightest clusters being betterspectroscopicallysampled. 5.2.X-rayluminositiesandfluxes Fig.7.X-rayluminosity(LXXL inlogunitofergs−1inthe[0.5–2]keV We display in Fig. 7 the distribution of cluster luminosities 500,MT band)distributionofclustershavingaspectroscopicredshiftandalumi- LXXL (only when available through spectral fit, so C3 clus- nosity determination. Red histogram: the C1 sample; blue histogram: 500,MT ters are excluded) for the C1 and the C2 samples. In addition, theC2sample. Fig.8showstheclustermassM (derivedfromscalingrela- 500,scal tions) distribution for the same subsamples. We note that the lensingmasseswereoverestimated.DeepSubaru-HSCobserva- cluster masses do not pertain here to direct spectral measure- tionswillprovidehighersignaltonoiseinformationandhelpus ments (since temperatures are not available for the full sample) understandthecontributionofnon-thermalpressureinthetotal but were derived using scaling relations; we show these graphs massbudget(Umetsuetal.,inprep.). toallowglobalcomparisonswithotherclustersamples.InXXL Finally,inordertocomparetheC1andC2subsampleswith PaperXIII,wementionedthepossibilitythatourtotalCFHTLS theC3subsample,weshowinFig.9the F (fluxwithina60(cid:48)(cid:48) 60 A5,page9of28 A&A620,A5(2018) Fig. 8. Mass (in log units of M ) distribution of the clusters with a (cid:12) spectroscopicredshiftestimate.Redhistogram:theC1sample;bluehis- togram:theC2sample.Themassdatapointshavebeenderivedfrom scaling relations based on the cluster luminosities (cf. Sect. 4.3 and AppendixF). Fig.9. X-rayflux(F inlogunitofergs−1cm−2,withina60(cid:48)(cid:48) radius Fig. 10. Upper panel: luminosity–temperature relation with the best- 60 fitting models. The light blue circles show the XXL-C1-GC clusters; inthe[0.5–2]keVband)distributionfortheclustershavingaspectro- thebest-fittingmodel(includingselectioneffects)isshownbythesolid scopicredshift.Redhistogram:theC1sample;bluehistogram:theC2 black line, the 1σ uncertainty represented by the grey shaded region. sample;greenhistogram:theC3sample.Theblackverticallineisthe estimatedreferencefluxcompletenesslimitof1.3×10−14ergs−1cm−2. Thebest-fittingmodelfittedtothedatausingtheBCESregressionis shown as the dashed line. Bottom panel: evolution of the luminosity– temperature relation for XXL-C1-GC. The XXL-C1-GC clusters are radiusinthe[0.5–2]keVband)distributionofthethreesubsam- representedbythelightbluecirclesandthebest-fittingmodelisgiven ples.Asexpected,C1clustersarebrighterthantheC2clusters. bytheblacksolidline;thegreyshadedregionhighlightsthe1σuncer- C3clusterspertaintotwodistinctpopulationsasalreadystated tainty.The“strong”and“weak”self-similarexpectationsaregivenby intheprevioussectionandshowedinAdamietal.(2011).Alarge thereddashedandbluedashedlines,respectively. part of them are structures slightly fainter than the C2 clusters, andafewarebrightanddistantstructures. totheXXL-100-GCfit,wefindthattheslopeandnormalisation areconsistent. 5.3.Luminosity–temperaturerelationoftheC1sample We next fit the XXL-C1-GC scaling relation using the procedure outlined in XXL Paper III, taking fully into account Figure 10 shows the XXL luminosity–temperature relation for the selection effects (we refer to Sects. 4.3 and 5.1 in XXL theXXL-C1-GCsample(bothparametersderivedfromspectral Paper III for specific details). However, the selection func- measurements).Afittothedatausingapowerlawoftheform tion was updated to match the current sample, instead of the XXL-100-GC selection function previously used. Figure 10 (cid:32) L (cid:33)= E(z)γLTA (cid:32)T (cid:33)BLT (1) (upper panel) shows the XXL luminosity–temperature relation, L LT T with the best-fitting (bias-corrected) model given by the black 0 0 solid line and the corresponding 1σ uncertainty shown by wasperformed,where A , B ,andγ representthenormali- the grey shaded region. The best-fitting parameter values and LT LT LT sation,slope,andpoweroftheevolutioncorrectionrespectively. their uncertainties are summarised by the mean and standard Thepowerlawwasfittothedata,firstusingtheBCESorthogo- deviation of the posterior chains for each parameter from a nalregressioninbasetenlogspace(Akritas&Bershady1996) Markov Chain Monte Carlo output. We used four parallel assuming self-similar evolution (γ =1). The best fit parame- chains of 50000 iterations each. To test for convergence, LT tersaregiveninTable6.ComparingtheXXL-C1-GCBCESfit the stationary parts of the chains were compared using the A5,page10of28