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Preview The X-ray Emission in Post-Merger Ellipticals

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–8(0000) Printed1February2008 (MNLaTEXstylefilev1.4) The X–ray Emission in Post–Merger Ellipticals Ewan O’Sullivan1, Duncan A. Forbes1,2 and Trevor J. Ponman1 1School of Physicsand Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT (E-mail: [email protected]) 2Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Swinburne University,Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia 1 0 0 2 1February2008 n a J ABSTRACT 6 The evolution in X–ray properties of early–type galaxies is largely unconstrained. In 1 particular, little is known about how, and if, remnants of mergers generate hot gas halos. Here we examine the relationship between X–ray luminosity and galaxy age 1 for a sample of early–type galaxies.Comparing normalizedX–ray luminosity to three v differentageindicatorswefindthatLX/LB increaseswithage,suggestinganincrease 1 in X–ray halo mass with time after a galaxy’s last major star-formationepisode. The 7 long-term nature of this trend, which appears to continue across the full age range of 2 our sample, poses a challenge for many models of hot halo formation. We conclude 1 that models involving a declining rate of type Ia supernovae, and a transition from 0 1 outflow to inflow of the gas originallylost by galactic stars,offers the most promising 0 explanation for the observed evolution in X-ray luminosity. / h Key words: galaxies: interactions – galaxies: elliptical and lenticular – galaxies: p evolution – X-rays: galaxies - o r t s a 1 INTRODUCTION X–rayluminosityactuallydeclines.Forexample,NGC7252 : v (aprimeexamplefortheremnantofamergerthatoccurred i A potential problem with forming ellipticals from merging 0.7Gyrago)showssomeevidenceofahothalo,butonethat X spirals is how to account for the different gas properties in is much smaller than thehalos seen in typical ellipticals. ar the two types of galaxies. In particular, spirals contain rel- Two post–merger ellipticals were studied in the X–ray atively high masses of cold (T ∼ 100 K) gas, whereas el- by Fabbiano & Schweizer (1995). They found that neither lipticals have very little. The opposite situation is true for galaxy had an extensivehothalo. Giventhecorrelation be- the hot (T ∼ 106 K) gas masses – normal spirals contain tween X–ray luminosity and isophotal boxiness (thought to rather little hot gas, while ellipticals may possess exten- be a signature of a past merger) demonstrated by Bender sive hot halos. Since the total gas masses per unit stellar etal.(1989),thiswasasomewhatsurprisingresult.Ifpost– mass are broadly comparable in early and late-type galax- merger ellipticals are to resemble ‘normal’ ellipticals they ies,thisraisesthepossibilitythatinefficientmerger–induced needtoacquireahotgashalo.Possiblemechanismsinclude: starformation mightheatthecoolinterstellargasinspirals 1) The late infall (i.e. after a few Gyr) of HI gas associated to form the hot halo in post–merger ellipticals. Recently, withthetidaltails(Hibbardetal.1994).Thiscoldgasmay Georgakakisetal.(2000)haveshownthatthecoldgasmass be shocked to X–ray emitting temperatures as it falls back indeeddecreasesinan‘evolutionarysequence’frommerging intothe merger remnant. spirals to post–merger ellipticals. 2) A reservoir of hot gas, possibly expelled at the nuclear However, it is not clear that gas heated in an intense merger stage, might infall from large radii, where its low starburstcanberetainedwithinthegalacticpotential.Read density makes it undetectable to current X–ray satellites. & Ponman (1998) examined the X–ray properties of eight 3) After the initial violent starburst, the continued mass on–going mergers placed in a chronological sequence. Their loss from stars and heating from stellar winds recreates a studyrevealed that material is ejected from merging galax- hot ISM. ies soon after thefirst encounter. Massive extensions of hot gas are seen (involving up to 1010 M⊙) at the ultralumi- The first study to attempt an ‘evolutionary sequence’ nous peak of the interaction, as the two nuclei coalesce. for post–merger ellipticals was that of Mackie & Fabbiano There is evidencefor thisin in the Antennae, Arp 220, and (1997).For32galaxiestheyshowedaweaktrendforLX/LB NGC 2623. However, after this phase of peak activity, the to increase with a decreasing Σ parameter. The Σ parame- (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Ewan O’Sullivan et al. ter is defined by Schweizer & Seitzer (1992), and is a mea- 2.1 LX/LB versus Spectroscopic Age sure of a galaxy’s fine structure, i.e. optical disturbance. Fine structure only persists in dynamically young galaxies, TheyshowedthatitcorrelateswithbluecoloursandBalmer soFig.1providesinformation onlyontheearlygalaxy evo- line strength, and is thus a rough indicator of dynamical lution of these objects. A more general measure of age is youth. The Mackie & Fabbiano trend therefore suggested needed to show how X–ray properties evolve over a longer that post–merger ellipticals became more X–ray luminous, timescale. Galaxy spectroscopic ages are now available for foragivenopticalluminosity,asthegalaxyaged.Theyalso alarge numberofearly–typegalaxies from thecatalogue of plotted LX/LB against Hβ absorption line EW, which re- Terlevich & Forbes (2000). These ages are generally based vealedasimilartrend.AmorerecentstudybySansometal. on Hβ absorption line measurements and the stellar popu- (2000) confirms the trend in X–ray overluminosity with Σ lation modelsofWortheyetal.(1994). Thelineindexmea- for 38 galaxies, and suggests that it might be explained by surements come from the galaxies’ central regions, and are the build up of hot gas in post–merger galaxies. However, luminosity weighted. Thus they are dominated by the last bothΣandHβ EWhavetheirdrawbacks–Σisonlysemi– majorburstofstarformation,whichispresumablytriggered quantitative at best and the strength of Hβ is affected by by a major merger event. Although not a reliable absolute both stellar age and metallicity. measure of the age of each galaxy, these spectroscopic ages Here we reexamine the trend seen by Mackie & Fab- doprovideuswithamuchmoreusefulestimateoftheirages biano (1997) for a larger sample, and investigate two new measures of galaxy age: residual from the Fundamental relative to one another. In Fig. 2 we show LX/LB plotted against spectroscopic age (from Terlevich & Forbes 2000). Planeandspectroscopicage.Usingthesethreemeasureswe explore the X–ray luminosity evolution of post–merger el- The plot shows a large degree of scatter, most notably lipticals. in the age range between 4 and 10 Gyrs. This is likely to Throughout the paper we assume H0 = 75 km s−1 be in part caused by the uncertainties in calculating ages, Mpc−1 and normalise LB using the solar luminosity in the which we estimate lead a typical error of ∼20%. We also B band,LB⊙ = 5.2×1032 erg s−1. expectamean1-σ errorinX–rayluminosityof∼15%.Typ- ical error bounds for points at 1, 7 and 15 Gys are shown inFig. 2bythediamondsat thetop oftheplot.Thegraph also contains a relatively large number of upper limits, so wehaveused thesurvivalanalysis packages available under 2 RESULTS IRAFtoassessthestrengthofanycorrelationandfitregres- sionlines.TheCoxproportionalhazard,Spearman’srhoand We first reexamine the trend of normalized X–ray lumi- generalized Kendall’stau testsare usedtodeterminecorre- nosity with Fine Structureparameter Σ, presented initially lationstrength.Linearregression fittingiscarriedoutusing by Mackie & Fabbiano (1997) for 32 galaxies. Here we theexpectation and maximization (EM) algorithm and the use a sample of 47 early–type galaxies with Σ taken from Buckley–James (BJ) algorithm. In all cases we found that Schweizer&Seitzer(1992), andnormalized LX valuesfrom thetwo fittingalgorithms agreed closely. our recent catalogue (O’Sullivan et al. 2000) of X–ray lu- Using thefull sample of 77 early-typegalaxies, we find minosities (mostly based on ROSAT data). The LX val- uesareapproximately bolometric. TheLB valuesarebased aancdorargeela.tLioinneofiftasttloeatshte99sa.6m%plseigpnriofidcuanceceslboeptewseoefn0L.0X6/6L±B wherever possible on BT magnitudes taken from Prugniel 0.022(EM)and0.063±0.025(BJ).Theformerisshownas &Simien (1996). Iftheseareunavailable,valuesfrom NED thedashed line in Fig. 2. are used. Fig. 1 shows the sample of 47 early–type galaxies Recent work on the X–ray properties of galaxies in plotted in order of decreasing Σ or increasing age. groups (Helsdon et al. 2000) lead us to suspect that some AsnotedbyMackie&Fabbiano,thescatteratlowval- ofthescatterseen inFig.2mightbecausedbyinclusion of ues of Σ is large, covering around 2 orders of magnitude in group or cluster dominant galaxies (marked as crossed cir- LX/LB,whileathigherΣthescatterappearstobesmaller cles)inoursample.Itisalsoimportanttonotethatthereis and LX/LB limited to low values. A similar trend was seen evidencetosuggestthatthelargestellipticalsmayhavenon– by Sansom et al. (2000) for 38 galaxies. This suggests that solarabundanceratios(e.g. Carollo etal.1993).Thiscould dynamicallyyounggalaxieshavelowX–rayluminositiesand lead totheirages beingunderestimated byasmall amount, thatagingproducesarangeofluminosities,presumablyde- again addingtothescatter.Wethereforeremovedfrom our pendenton other factors. sampleanumberofgalaxieslistedbyGarcia(1993)asgroup In order to test the strength of this relation we apply dominant or known cDs and retested the sample. This im- Kendall’s K test to the X–ray detections from our sample. proves the correlation slightly (to >99.75%) and makes the The test does not assume any distribution in the data, and line fit slightly shallower; 0.063 ± 0.019 (EM) and 0.061 ± the K statistic is unit normal distributed when at least 10 0.022 (BJ). The EM fit is plotted as a solid line in Fig. 2. data points are present. For our data we find K = -2.31054 (using 27 data points), indicating an anti correlation be- ToconfirmthattheincreaseinLX/LBoccursacrossthe tween Log LX/LB and Σ of ∼2-σ significance. For com- range of ages, rather than just the first few Gyrs, we also parison, we also apply the test to the sample of Sansom et binnedthesampleintosubsetsbyage.Theagerangeofeach al. , and find a correlation of very similar significance, K = subset was chosen so as to have roughly equal numbers of -2.28749 for 30 detections. detections in each bin. We then calculated a mean LX/LB foreachbin,usingtheKaplan–Meierestimator.Theresults are shown in Table 1, and as large crosses on Fig. 2. These show the same trend for increasing LX/LB with age, and (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 X–rays from Post–Mergers 3 32 31 30 29 10 8 6 4 2 0 Figure 1. NormalizedX–rayluminosityversusfinestructureparameter Σforearly–typegalaxies.Filledcirclesaredetections, arrows denoteupperlimits.Dynamicallyyounggalaxies(highΣ)havelowLX/LB. Age No.ofdetections No.ofupperlimits LogLX/LB error (Gyrs) (ergs−1 L−B1⊙) A<4 9 12 29.56 ±0.11 4≤A<6 6 11 29.83 ±0.15 6≤A<8 9 4 29.93 ±0.22 8≤A<10 9 6 30.15 ±0.14 A≥10 8 4 30.32 ±0.09 Table 1.MeanLX/LB valuesfor5agebins,calculatedusingtheKaplan–Meierestimator. indicate that the trend is continuous across the age range distributethecorrespondingprobability).Whenthisoccurs, covered by thedata. the Kaplan–Meier estimator treats the limit as a detection TheKaplan–Meierestimator(Feigelson&Nelson1985) and hencemay bebiased. includesupperlimitsbyconstructingaprobabilitydistribu- Of the five bins chosen, two (the youngest and second tion function for the data in which the probability asso- oldest)haveupperlimitsastheirlowestvalues.Forthesec- ciated with each upper limit is redistributed equally over ondoldestbin,theproblemdatavalueisonlyslightlylower detected values which lie below the upper limit. So long as than a detected point, so the bias will be small. However, there is no systematic difference between the detected and the youngest bin has two upper limits as its lowest points, undetected systems, this should be a reasonable procedure. oneofwhichisconsiderablybelowthenearestdetection.To A problem arises when the lowest point in a given bin isan check for bias, we recalculated a mean log LX/LB of 29.66 upperlimit(sincetherearenolowerpointsoverwhichtore- for this bin excluding these points, compared to 29.56 pre- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 4 Ewan O’Sullivan et al. Figure2. Log(LX/LB)plottedagainstspectroscopicage.Crossedcirclesrepresentgrouporclusterdominantgalaxies,filledcirclesall otherdetections. ArrowsdenoteupperlimitsandthefilledtrianglerepresentsNGC7252,ayoungpost–merger.Thethreediamondsat thetopofthegraphshowtypicalageandLX/LB errorsforgalaxiesofage1,7and15Gys.Thetwolinesarefitstothedata,including (dashedline)orexcluding(solidline)thegroupandclusterdominantgalaxies.ThelargecrossesrepresentmeanLX/LB forthefiveage binsdescribedinthetext.ThedottedlineshowstheexpectedincreaseinLX/LB causedbythedecreaseofLB withage.Normalisation ofthislineisarbitrary,andthepositionshowncanbeconsideredtorepresenta“worstcase”scenario. viously. This indicates that although the youngest bin may tion,andthatthenewstarscreatedinthemergeralsohave beslightly biased, it still supportsthe trend observed. solar metallicity. The relative mass ratios are 90% progeni- tor stars and 10% new stars. The total B band luminosity Asafurthercheckoftherobustnessofourconclusions, fading of this composite stellar population is shown in Fig. weexaminedtheLX/LB:Agerelation usingdetectedpoints only,andfindacorrelationsignificantat∼2.1-σ.Theupper 2 (we assumed that the fading of the progenitor stars after limits also show a correlation with age (at ∼2.3-σ). These reaching18Gyrsoldisinsignificant).Itcanbeseenthatthe starburstfadesrapidlyinthefirstfewGyrs,roughlymatch- trends cannot be selection effects in the data, since neither sourcedistance,norX-rayexposuretimearecorrelatedwith ing the trend seen in LX/LB, but at later times there is age. They therefore point to a genuine trend in the data. verylittlechange,whereastheobservedmeanLX/LB value Galaxieswithlargerspectroscopicagestypicallyhavehigher continuestorise.SoalthoughtheLX/LB evolutionatearly times could be simply driven by the fading starburst, this LX/LB than youngerones. cannot account for theevolution at late times. Asthemerger–inducedstarburstfades,wewouldexpect theblueluminosity todeclinewith time. Thiswill causean A further possibility to be checked is that our sample increase in LX/LB, even for constant LX, which will com- might contain a trend in mean optical luminosity with age. bine with any trends in LX which are present. With this Since LX/LB has been widely reported (see however Hels- is mind, we show in Fig. 2 the expected change due to a don et al. (2000)) to rise with LB, this could lead to a con- fading starburst from stellar population models (Worthey sequent correlation between age and LX/LB. To test this, 1994). Here we have crudely assumed that the progenitor we show in Fig. 3 a plot of log LB with measured age. An galaxies consisted of a solar metallicity, 15 Gyr old popula- anti–correlationbetweenLB withagecouldproducetheob- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 X–rays from Post–Mergers 5 servedtrendinLX/LB.Fig. 3doesnotappeartoshowany a merger by the shock heating or photoionization of cool such trend, and in order to test for a correlation, we apply gas from the progenitor galaxies. In some ongoing mergers Kendall’sKtesttothedata.WefindaKstatistic(whichis the tidal tails are thought to contain up to half the Hi gas unit normal distributed) of ∼0.44 (for 77 galaxies), and ex- originally present in the progenitor galaxies (Hibbard et al. cluding group dominant galaxies reduces this to ∼0.33 (for 1994).Whenthisgasfalls backintothebodyofthegalaxy, 65 galaxies). This result indicates that there is no trend in shockheatingshouldbecapableofheatingittoX–raytem- the data, even at the 1σ level. We therefore conclude that peratures.Analternativeisthatthetemperatureofthegas our sample does not show an anti–correlation of LB with iscausedbyheatinginthestarburstphaseofthemerger.In age,andthattheLX/LB trendwithagereflectsanincreas- thiscase thehot gas would beblown out tolarge radii, but ing X–ray luminosity. might be contained by the dark matter halo of the galaxy (Mathews & Brighenti 1998). At these large radii it would betoodiffusetobedetected,butwouldeventuallyfallback 2.2 LX/LB versus Fundamental Plane Residual intothe galaxy, forming theobserved X–ray halo. As further evidence of X–ray evolution with age we have In terms of available masses of gas, both these mod- compared LX/LB to residual from the Fundamental Plane els appear to be viable formation processes. Bregman et al. (FP). Work by Forbes et al. (1998) has shown that galaxy (1992)derivedX–rayandcoldgasmassesforalargesample ageappearstobea“fourthparameter”affectingtheposition of early–type galaxies, finding MX of between ∼ 106 and of a galaxy relative to the FP plane. Galaxies below the 1011 M⊙. The mean X–ray gas mass was a few 109 M⊙. plane (negative residual) are generally young, while older On the other hand, very few detections of Hi were made objects lie on or above the plane (positive residual). Fig. 4 in early–type galaxies, although Sa galaxies were found to shows212galaxies withFundamentalPlaneresidualstaken containbetween107and∼5×1010 M⊙ ofHi .StudiesofHi from Prugniel & Simien (1996). masses in later–type galaxies (Huchtmeier & Richter 1989; Aswith Figs. 1and 2,thisshowsatrendofincreasing Huchtmeier & Richter 1988) give an average of a few 109 LX/LB with age. For the complete data set, the correla- M⊙,dependingon therangeofmorphologies chosen.Given tion strength is >99.98%. However, only a small numberof thatlargeellipticalgalaxiesarelikelytohavebeenformedby pointslieoutsidetherange–0.5<FPresidual<0.5.Theseare themergerofmanysmallerspiralgalaxies,theseresultssug- unlikely to be representative of the general population, but gestthatfairlymodestconversionefficienciescouldproduce will havea strong influenceon thestatistical tests. Exclud- theexpectedX–rayhalogasmasses eitherfrominfalling Hi ing them lowers the correlation strength to ∼99.95%, with or via starburst heating and later infall. a slope of 1.39 ± 0.40 (EM). This line is shown in Fig. 4. However, the infalling Hi model fails to explain the Again the trend shown in Fig. 4 is one of increasing X–ray timescale over which we observe the LX/LB trend. In the luminosity, relative to theoptical, as a galaxy evolves. well known merging galaxy NGC 7252, 50% of thecold gas currently in the tidal tails is expected to fall back into the main body of thegalaxy within thenext2–3 Gyr(Hibbard & van Gorkom 1996). This suggests that we should expect 3 DISCUSSION to see a rapid build up of X–ray emission in the first few Intheprevioussectionwehaveusedthreeageestimatorsto gigayears after merger. This increase should be made even show a strong correlation between normalized X–ray lumi- more noticeable by the fading of the stellar population, as nosityandgalaxy age. TheX–rayemission from early–type thisistheperiodduringwhichLB isdroppingmostquickly. galaxies is known to be produced by sources of two main Rapidgeneration oftheX–ray haloisinconsistent with our types; discrete sources such as X–ray binaries, and hot gas. results. The contribution of discrete sources has been shown to be Amodelinvolvinginfallofhotgasislikelytohavesim- important in low luminosity early-type galaxies (Fabbiano ilar problems. It is difficult to see how gas falling back into et al. 1994; Irwin & Sarazin 1998; Sarazin et al. 2000) and thebodyofthegalaxycandosoatthesteadyrateneededto inlate-typegalaxies,wheretheyaregenerallythedominant produceasmoothincreaseinLX/LB.Infallmaybedelayed, source of X–ray emission. On the other hand, most early– as thehot gas reaches larger radii than the cold, but it will typegalaxieshaveastronghotgascomponent,andmassive still occur on a galaxy dynamical timescale. Models involv- ellipticalsarecertainlydominatedbyhotgasemission(Mat- ing cooling and infall of gas onto central dominant galaxies sushita et al. 2000; Matsushita 2000). As the contribution in groups or clusters (Brighenti & Mathews 1999) may be of hot gas is known to vary a great deal, while the contri- abletoproduceaninflowoveralongerperiod,buttheseare bution from discrete sources is generally believed to scale unlikely to be generally applicable. Group dominant galax- with LB (Matsushita et al. 2000; Fabbiano et al. 1992) , it ies have exceptionally large dark halos, making them more seems likely that the trend we observe in LX/LB is caused abletoretain (oraccrete) hot gas. Theyalso lieat thebot- bychangesinthehotgascontentoftheseobjects withage. tom of a group potential well, and may be at the centre of Wenowgoontodiscusspossiblehothaloformationmecha- agroupX–rayhalo, providingthem withan extrareservoir nisms which may beresponsible for this trend of increasing ofhotgas.Theseconditionsdonotapplytothemajorityof X–ray gas content with age. early-typegalaxies.Thereforewesuggestthatinfallof(cold or hot) gas is unlikely to be the dominant process in the generation of X–ray halos in typicalellipticals. 3.1 Gas infall It has been suggested (Hibbard & van Gorkom 1996) that the hot gas in elliptical galaxies may be produced during (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 6 Ewan O’Sullivan et al. 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 0 5 10 15 Figure 3. Optical luminosity versus spectroscopic age. Crossed circles represent cluster or group dominant galaxies and filled circles all other detections. The triangle is the recent merger remnant NGC 7252. The cE galaxy, M32, has been excluded from the plot and associatedstatisticaltests. 3.2 Ongoing stellar mass–loss and galaxy winds ulations(e.g.Cappellaroetal.1999)haverevisedtheclassic Tammann(1982)valueoftherateinoldstellarpopulations Sinceinfallofeitherhotorcoldgasseemsunabletoprovide down by a factor 3-4, and the evolution of this rate with thesortoflongtermtrendinLX/LB seeninFig.2,wenow population age is very model-dependent. Given our contin- looktomodelsinvolvinggasgeneratedbymasslossfromthe uing ignorance about the precise nature of SNIa, it must galactic stars. This source of gas is fairly well understood, therefore be regarded as largely unknown. and can provide the sort of gas masses required to account for the halos of many early-type galaxies (though proba- The specific energy of the injected gas determines bly not the very brightest – Brighenti & Mathews 1998), whethergasisretainedinahydrostatichothalo,orescapes provided that the gas is retained within thegalactic poten- the galaxy as a wind. The way in which the specific energy tial.Twomaintimescalesareinvolved.Oneisthemassloss evolves, depends upon the evolution of the SNIa rate rela- ratefromstars,primarilygiantstars.Thesecondistherate tive to the stellar wind loss rate. There are therefore two of type Ia supernovae (SNIa) which provide the main heat fundamentally different classes of models: those in which source (after the brief SNII phase). These two factors, and the SNIa rate is constant, or declines more slowly than the theinterplaybetweenthem,canpotentiallyleadtochanges stellar mass loss rate (e.g. Loewenstein & Mathews 1987; in the hot gas content of elliptical galaxies on timescales David et al. 1991) and those in which the supernova rate muchlongerthanadynamicaltime,andsohavethepoten- dropsmorequicklythanthegasinjection rate(Ciotti etal. tial to explain the slow trend we observe. The stellar mass 1991; Pelegrini & Ciotti 1998). Broadly speaking, when the lossrateisfairlywellunderstood(e.g.Ciottietal.1991),and specific energy of the injected gas is smaller than its grav- forasingle-agedstellarpopulationitdeclinesapproximately itational binding energy it will be retained in a hot halo. as t−1.3. However, the SNIa heating rate, which dominates It may subsequently cool in a luminous cooling flow. How- theeffectivespecificenergyoftheinjectedgas,ishighlyun- ever, if the specific energy of the gas substantially exceeds certain.RecentestimatesoftheSNIarateinoldstellarpop- its binding energy it will escape from the galaxy in a fast (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 X–rays from Post–Mergers 7 32 31 30 29 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Figure 4. X–ray luminosity versus Fundamental Plane residual for early–type galaxies. Filledcircles represent detections and arrows upperlimits.Thesolidlineisafittoallpointswith–0.5<FPresidual<0.5 wind, which results in a much lower X–ray luminosity. The contrast, thespectroscopic age of ourgalaxies probably de- first class of models, in which the specific energy rises with notes the time since a merger-induced starburst involving time, therefore produces an evolution from an early inflow onlyafewpercentofthestellarmass.Inthiscase,theearly phase to a later wind phase, predicting a declining X-ray stellar mass loss rate will be much lower than in the Ciotti luminosity with time. Such models are clearly inconsistent etal models, andtheX-rayluminosity correspondingly less with our results. (scaling approximately as thesquare of themass loss rate). The main change in LX will be a rise associated with the ModelsinwhichtheSNIaratedropsmorequicklythan t−1.3 evolve, in broad terms, from a low luminosity wind slowingwindandtransformation intoahydrostatichalo.In addition, as shown in Fig. 2, the decrease in optical lumi- phase, towards a more luminous halo/cooling flow phase. nosity as the starburst population fades will produce a rise The timescale for this evolution depends upon a variety of in LX/LB overthe first 1-2 Gyr. factors, suchasthedepthandshapeofthepotential,butit is typically ∼ 10 Gyr (Ciotti et al. 1991). In fact, none of the models studied to date shows the rather simple mono- tonic rise in LX with age which we observe. The models of 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS Ciotti et al. (1991) predict an initial luminous phase, when thegaslossratefromstarsisveryhigh.TheX–rayluminos- We have examined the evolution of the X–ray properties ity thendeclines as thewind loss rate drops, and thenrises ofearly–typegalaxies. Forthreegalaxyageestimators(fine again during the transition to a bound hydrostatic halo, at structureparameter,FundamentalPlaneresidualsandspec- which point the X-rayluminosity is essentially equal to the troscopic ages) we findthat thenormalized X–ray luminos- SNIa luminosity. This whole development describes a fairly ity evolves with time. In particular, the X–ray luminosity, symmetrical dip and rise, lasting ∼ 5−15 Gyr, which is which reflects the mass of hot halo gas, appears to increase again not what we seein thedata.However,thismodel de- at a steady rate over ∼ 10 Gyrs. scribes a galaxy in which all stars are formed at t = 0. In Comparing the long term trend in LX/LB which we (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 8 Ewan O’Sullivan et al. observewithexpectationsfrompossiblemechanismsforhot Hibbard J. E., Guhathakurta P., van Gorkom J. H., haloformation,weconcludethattheonlyviablemechanism Schweizer F., 1994, AJ, 107, 67 appears to be the slow evolution from an outflowing wind to hydrostatic halo phase driven by a declining SNIa rate. HuchtmeierW.K., Richter O.-G., 1988, A&A,203, 237 Infalling gas seems unlikely to be the main cause of such HuchtmeierW.K., Richter O.-G., 1989, A&A,210, 1 a long term trend. Our results suggest that some of the scatter seen in the global LX versus LB relation is due to Irwin J., Sarazin C., 1998, ApJ,494, L33 the evolutionary state, and past merger history, of early– typegalaxies. Loewenstein M., Mathews W. G., 1987, ApJ,319, 614 Mackie G., Fabbiano G., 1997, in Arnaboldi M., Acknowledgements Da Costa G. S., Saha P., eds, ASP Conf. Ser. 116: We would like to thank R. Brown for early work on this TheNatureofEllipticalGalaxies;2ndStromloSym- project and S. Helsdon, W. Mathews and A. Renzini for posium. p.401 useful discussions. 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