.\\ TheW ritinogfst heA postolFiact hers TheW ritinogfst heA postolFiact hers Editebdy PaulF oster " . tI!. tc 1aTk Publibsyh &eTTdC lark A Contiinpmurutim n TheT oweBru ild1i1Ynog r,Rk o adL,o ndSoEnI 7 NX 80M aidLeann Seu,i 7t0e4N ,e wY orNYk , 10038 www.onctinuoukmsb.ocom Alrli ghts rNeosp earrovtfte hdpi.us b licmaatybi eor ne prodourc ed transmiinat ntfyeor dm o rb y amneya nesl,e ctorrom neicch anical, inclupdhiontgo corpeycionrgod,rai nniygn formsattoirooanrrg eet rieval systweimt,h poeurtsm siiionwn r itfiornmgt hpeu blishers. Copyri©g 2h0t0P 7a uFlo staenrdc ontributors Repruocdefdr oEmx piotsoTriym ewsi th persmsiifroonmS AGEP ulbicatLitodn s (©S agPeu bliocnast)i British CLaitbarlaorgyu ing-iDna-tPau blication A catalroegcuoefr odtr h ibso oiksa v ailfaorbmlt ehB er itLiisbhr ary. TypebsyeD ta tSat andLatrdFd,rs o mSeo,m erUsKe.t , EISB9N7 8051660780 3 CONTENTS Preface vii Abbreviations XIV LisotfC ontributors XVll Chapter 1 THEA pOSTOFLAITCH EARNSDT HES TRUGFGOLRE CHRISTIIDAENN TITY HelmKuote ster Chapt2e r THEDI DACHE 13 JontahaAn.D raper Chapter 3 1C LEMENTA:N I NTRODUCTION 21 AndreGwr egory Chapter 4 2 CLEMENTA NDT HEM EANIONFGT HEC HRISTHIOAMNI LY 32 PauPla rvis Chapter 5 THEF RAGMEONFTP SA PIAS 42 CharEl.eH si ll Chapter 6 THEAp OLOGYO FQ UADRATUS 52 PauFlo ster Chapt7e r THESH EPHERODF H ERMAS 63 Joseph Verheyden Chapter 8 THEEP ISTLOEF B ARNABAS 72 JameCsa rlePtaogne t vi TheW ritionftg hsAe p ostFoatlhiecr s Chapt9e r THEE PISTOLFIE GSN ATOIFAU NST IOCH 81 PauFlo ster Chapt1e0r POLYCOARFSP M YRNEAPI,S TLTEO T HEP HILIPPIANS 180 MichaHeomlle s Chapt1e1r THEMA RTYRDOMO FP OLYCARP 162 SarPaa rvis Chapt1e2r THEEP ISTLTEO D JOGNETUS 174 PauFlo ster INDEX 175 PREFACE 1.T heC ollectofiT oexnt s Asi sn otbeydm anoyf t hceo ntritbout otvrhosil su tmhece,o lleocft ion writtihnagitsks n ownt hbteyi tolf'e t Ahep ostFoaltihcei rss f'ica tna n artifciocripaaunlsdi , n i tcsu rrfeonrtam m odecronn stTrhueec lte.v en textthsaa tr ter eahteerde rdeifflfreeecngtte nraensdd ivetrhseeo logical outloTohkers a.n ogfef o rmesm braacC ehsu rrcuhl vea,r ieopuiss atnl es, earClhyr istians thaotnmetimsole fyd ,e fenocfte h eC hrisftiaitahn (apolovgiiseaisro)tyn,e xftarsg,m enctosn cerenairnlgy Chtrriasdtian itioannsda ,na ccooufnt thm ea rtyrodfto hmae u thoofor n oef t htee xts incluidnte hdic so rpTuhsi.ms a yr ightlyt ob seae neo md dj umbolfe texYtestt.h viesr dyi verrseifltetych tcesr eatainvtdih tdeyif rfeenwta yisn whicnha scCehnrti steixapnrietvsyas reidao supse ocfit tsms e ssapgrei or to etnhdeo ft hsee cocnedn tury. tThwoer irteioanfdtg hsAe p ostolic Fathiestr osg aing rae asteenros fes ucphl uorrimfiAtlys.to h etseex ts provaindu en derstoafnt dhbiean tgt tlheawste rfeuo ghatsa ttemwpetrse madteo u nidfiys pagrraotuebp yst ransfotrhmiisn gs ponatnda neous charisrmealtiigcpi hoeunso meinnotnao s truc,ts uursetdaiannadb le stambolvee ment. Althoiutgi hst ruteh atth ce olleocftwi roint iinsig nls a rpgaer t artifibcaisauelpd, o sni milairndi attiiaennsgdt hpee rceptthiasotun c h writiwnegrpesr oto-ortthheowrdaeos x ,a lrteeanddye pnraci yto otr h e moderang et og rouspo moef t hewsrei titnoggse tThheeFr ri.s atn d SecoEnpids tolfCe elsm ecnitr cutloagteetadhs ee arra lsty h fief tche ntury asp arotft hbei blCiocdaeAlxl exandTrhiinssue set.m oss uggtehsaattt leaisnst o mcei rctlheewssr ei twienrgceso nsidsecrreidp Ittmui rgabhlet. argutehda itti su nsurprtihsatithn egs e wrtiwtoi wnegrgser ouped togetshienrc ea rttehh efeyi rasntds ecoenpdi sotfal c eosm moanu thor. Butc loseexra minatiotnh atrthe seve ecaolinssnd o atn e pisattal lel (unltihkfieer sotft hewsrei tianngdis nf) ca,tn either tenxatm eb ears the Cleme-ntth aitsa lataedrd itSioot nh.em ystery tihsne a hmoew Clemebnetc aamtet acthobe odt h wtrhiets-ieon ngaesn e pistthloeet ,h er ah omihloywt, h ebye cagmreo upteodg etahnedr ,wt hhyew ye rpeu otn an eqfuooatlib nygs omeea rClhyr istwiiatnhs bitbelxSiticsma.il l arly, twov erdyif rfeentte xtthsEe,p istolfB ea rnabaansdt hSe hephoefr d Hermaasr,eb otihn cludetdh ee nadot ft hef ourth-ceCnotduerxy Vlll TheW ritionftg hsAe p ostFoatlhiecr s Sinauisat,ni octghreerba itb lmiacnauls cHreirpeta .f iur st heexra mpolfe thset aatfuofsr deds otmooef t hewsrei tings. Then exmtaj opri eocfee videinntc hefe or matiooftn h iesv olving corpus tdo1a 50t6Ce Esw ,h etnh seo -caJlelreuds alewma swc roidtetxe n (alksnoo wnt hbLeya ttiint Cloed,eH xi erosolyamnidrt eapnruess,e nted byt hlee tHt)eTr.h is manuscritphtpe r ecvoinotuuansiilndyse ntified documkennotw anst hDei adchael,ow nigt thhE epi sotflB ea rnab1aa sn,d 2 Celmenatn,dt hel ongreeercn sioofnt heI gnatlieatnt Ietrw sa.s discovien1r 78e3id nt hlei broaftr hyJe e rusMaolneams teorfty h Heo ly SepulacthC roen stantbiyPn hoiplloet heos BrMyeetnrnoipoolsi,t atnh e ofN icomedia. Int hmeo deerrna fitrhset perdiintotieftod en xt thsac to ubledl abelled ast hAep ostFoaltihcwe arsps r odubcyeJ d. BCo.t eilni1 e76r2T .h e two volumheeps u bliwsehreeedn tiStSlP.ea dt rquumti ep moriabpoussit coils florue.ru.onp.te .ra.v e.r as pupeots t.Ti hciicsao lleicntcilountd heed l writionfBg asr nabCalse,m eHnetr,m aIsg,n atainudPs o lycaOrvpe.r subsequent tgheceno elrlaetwciatosein xospn a ntdoie ndc ltuhdEeepi stle toD iongettuhsfe,r g amenotfsP apitahsfe,ar gmeonftt hAep loogoyf Quadtruaasn dfi naltlhDyei dcahe. 2.T heD iscusosfit ohnTeesx tisn t hiVso lume Thehraebs e en a grreocwoignnogift t hiseoi ng nifiocfta hncicosel lection oft exitnrs e ceyneta rassi, s evibdyet nhceeev de r-incbroedaoysf i ng reseaTrhcihis.n teirsei snpt a rstt imulbayat deeds itroke n owwh at happeinmemde diaatfteetlrhy ce l oosfet hNee wT estampeenrtiI otd . shoublend o tehdo,w evtehra,t osfto hmteee xitnts h Aep ostFoaltihce rs arpee rhcaopnst empwoirtaohrre,y v eena rltiheatrnh ,le a wsrti tings of the NTeews tamAelnstmo.a, n syc hohlaavriesn vesttihgeawstreei dt ings int heoiwrnr igshitn,tc heep yr ovaiw dien dionwte oa rsleyc ond-century Christainadtn hirete yl igiof-orscoetcshi asathl a ptehdve a rieoxupsr es sionosft himso vemednutr itnhgi pse rioofdr apicdh angaen d traonrsmfation. Thei ntroduecstsioaasryc y o ntribbyuP trieoosfnsH oerl mut Koester, whoh abse ewnr itoinn gtt hoipsi cm ofrtoehr a n fiftHyi isyn ecairssi.v e survheeyr e tmaucckbhlr eosa qdueers tiohnisds o tchtaodnri asls ertation, whicihn vestitghaeut seeod ft he NTeews tamientn hte A postolic 2 Fatrh.seThaitn irtieasle awracsch a rroiueutdn detrhs eu pveirsioofn PreosfsRourd oBlufl tmaanc no,l osisntu hste w entcieentthiu nrt yh e I.S eeM .W.Ho lmeTsh,eA postFoatlihce Grrse:e Tkex twsi tEhn glTirasnh slations (Grand RapiAdcsa:d eBm1ai99kc9e,)3r ,. 2.H .K oestSeyrn,to ipscObheer liebfeedire unAn pgo sitsoclhVeiinrnt e,T extuen d Untersuc6h5u( nBgeerAnlk iand:e mie-1V59e7r)l.a g, Prfeace ix stuodfty h e NTeews tamaennCdt h riasno triigTihnipsse. gd rieper oduces ac haoifnt radiftoitroh niv so lutmheac th aracltiekQreus a draatnuds Papiwaosu lbdeh appyb otaos t Kaobeosuttee!sr s'iasasyb reaotffhe r sh aiwre,a vitnogg etthheiern sihgeh tshg aasi nfeordm h ifisf tyye aorfs reseaIrnmc ahn.wy a ytsh iiss ant orta ditiinotnraold tuoct thcieoo rnp us -enougohft hosaer e avaeillsaebwlhIeen reseat.di ti sa creative apprecioaftt hiweor ni tionftg hsAe p osctF oaltihaesrr se flectitohnes of forctehsaw te raetw oriknt hsee cocnedn truersyh aCphirnigs tTioa nity. reatdh eisss iatsy oe ntienrtt ohv ei braannpdt o lecmaslit rugagtwl oersk int heem ergmeonvte ment. PreosfsJoorn atDhraanp iesar n a cknowlweodrgleeddx peorntt h e 3 DiadchAeg.aihni s contirsai r biuctshio ounro cffe ca ta ndr eflieocnt upotnh tee xt. Rmeaaybd ese urrsp rtiols eeadrn tthhtiaestcx otn ntsat ihe earlkineoswCtnh riasnpt riohibaigtaiiopnnessdt e raansdat byo rtbiuotn , morsei gnificiatgn itvlaey gs l impisnett oh lef ieo fa ne arJleyw ish Chriasnct oimmunity, describainndEg u cihtasrl iibstatupirtcgi ys.m al Draper argtuhDeeis ad cthihesna otdt e pendoenMn att theGwo'ssp el; rathtehrde,e pendiesrne cvee rasnedd ,i t isw hMiacithdst e hpeewn dent ont hDei adchTeh.ec onsequoeftn hciaesc ,c ortdoiD nrga piestr h,a tth e Diadchceo ubleda ne xtreemaerlJlyey w ish-aCnth erxditas ttiibnagca ks faars t hmei d-ficresntt ury. Int hees soany1 C lemDernA tn,d rGerwe godsriyc ustshepesu rpoofs e thoicsc asli olnewathtieacrht, t emtpotr eeds oalc voen fliinCc otr inHteh . highltihgfehca ttts h atth earler eeaxdiys atc eodm municnaettiwoonr k betweseonm oef t heea rclhyu rcahnedsa ,l thotuhgaehu thoofrt his episdtoleens o tc laiamn yi ntrianustihtcoy or vietrh eC orntihian congreghaeti iseo xnt,r ekmeeelfnyo hra rmotnory e tutrotn h igsr oup. Gregoarryg utehsa1 tC elmeinsvt e rmyu cahp rodoufctt h Hee llecn isti worlandd u tiltihzreeh se tocroincvaeln tthiaeotxn iss itnte hdac to ntext. Thed isciuoosnfs t he oufts heNe e wT estamien1n C tel mernetf lheicst s previroeusse airnctthoh ties4x t. Thea rtiwsittrwhyh icDhrP auPla rvwirsi theiesss soany2 C elment makerse adtihnpigis e acs eh epelre asIunfr caetw.,i tdhu ree spteotc hte authoof2r C elmewnitt,h tohusitys mpatahnedit nisci gihnttfruold uction onec ould ulpoootnkh itse xitnt hAe postFoaltihcea rsds u laln d uninspiYreitn gtt.eh xeit sr escubyeP da rvwihso,a gaiann da gain produpceersc eppteiavroelfw s i sdaobmo utthn ea tuarnedp urpoosfe theiasr leixetsaCtnh tr ishtoimainPl ayr.v fiorst'hsc omwionrogkn J usnt i 3. Sefeo irn staJn.cADe.r ap(eerd T.h)eD, i dachienM oderRne sea(rLcehi dBerni:l l, 1996). 4. A.G rego'r]Cy l,e maenndt Wtrhiet itnhgaBste catmheNe e wT estnatmi'en,A . Gregoarnyd CTMu.c ke(tetd sTh)e,R epcteioofnt hNee wT etsameinnt Atphoes tolic Fathe(rOsx foOrxdf:oU rndi verPsrier2sy0s ,0 51)92,- 57.