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OTHERW ORKSB Y FRANTZ FANON PUBLISHEDB Y GROVE PRESS: BlaSckkiW nh,iM taes ks A DyiCnogl onialism TowtahrAedfr icRaenv olution THEW RETCHED OF THEE ARTH FrantFza non Translfraotmte hdFe r ench byR ichaPrhdi /cox witcho mmentabryy Jean-Paul Sartre and HomiK Bhabha �· • GROVE PRESS New York Copyrighlt%©3 b yP resenAfrciec aine Englitsrha nslactoipoynr i©g 2h0t0 4b yR ichaPrhdi lcox Foreword copyrigbhyHt o©m i2K 0.B0 h4a bha Prefaccoep yright©b y1J 9e6a1n -PSaaurtlr e Originaplulbyl isihnet dh eF renclha nguabgyeF ran�oMiass pereod itePuarr,i s, Franceu,n detrh tei tLelse d amnf!des I at errceo,p yrig1h9t6©b1 y F ram,:oMiass pero editeSu.rA .R.L. Publisshiemdu ltan€ionCu asnlayd a Printientd h eU nitSetda toefAs m erica FIRST EDITION LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation �'anoFnr,a ntz1,9 25-1961. [DamnedseI at errEen.g lish; Thewr etcheodft hee artIFh r anFtza n on; t ranslfraotmet dh eF rencbhyR ichard Philc;oi xn trotdiuocbnysJ ean-PSaaurlt arnedH omiK .B habha. p.e m. Originpaulbllyi sDhaemdn: edse I at erreP.a r:i Fs.M asper1o9,6 1. ISBN0 -80-241132-3 I.F rance-Cnoileos-Afric2a..Al geria-History-1945[-.P1 h9i6l2c.o x, RicharHd..T itle. DT33.F321030 4 960'.019274 4-dc22 2004042476 GrovPer ess ani mproifGn rtov e/AtlIannct.i c, 841B roadway NewY orkNY, 10003 05 06 07 080 9 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Contents ForewForradmF:ia nngbo ynH ,o mKi.B habha Vll PraecfbeyJ, e anS-rPatarue] x1iii I.O nV iolence I OnV iolientn hcIeen ternaCtoinotneaxlt 52 II.G randaenWuder a knoefSs pso ntya neit 63 IIIT.h e TarniTdar lisb ulations of NaCtoinosncailo usness 97 IV.O nN atiCounlatlu re 145 MutuFaolu ndaftroNi aotnisCo unlatlu re and LibSetrruaggtlieosn 170 v. ColoWnaiaran lMd e ntDails orders 181 SerAi es 185 SerBi es 199 SerCi es 207 SerDi es 216 Fromt hNeor tAhfri caCnr'ism inal Impsuilvetnote hsWeasr o fN atiLoinbaaeltr ion2 91 Conclusion 235 OnR etnrsalaFtainnoRgne et,vr iianL goV soti ce 241 ForewoFrrda:m iFnagn on byH omiK .B habha Thec oloniuznedde,r devemlaonip asep do litcirceaalti untr hee mosgtl obsaeln osfet htee rm. FranFtazn oTn;h Wer etcohfte hEdea rth And once,S awrhtrheean dm ades omec ommenhte,[ Fanon) gavaene xplanoatfhi ieosgn o centrami ecmibteyor:fa c olonised peopmlues bte c onstanatwlayro efh ipso sithiioisnm ,a ghee;i s beintgh reatfeornmea dls li diemsp;o sstiofb orlgeef tora ni nstant thnee etdok eeupp o ned'esef nces. SimondeeB eauvoTihrFe,o rocfCe i rcumstance FraFnatnzol ne'giseA nnm de ricwai ttshhste ta oorrftyhdsie sath iWna snhgitoonn Dec6e,1m 69b1De.er s phiitsec traetnlocu e bet re"aittneh dca otu notrfyl yncFhaenrwosana"s d, v itsheadt 1 hiosn clhya onsfcu er vliaivysna e le ktihlneeg u ktermeiaat ment avaialttah Nbeal tei Ionnsatloi Hfte uahtil enBts e thMeasrdya­, lanAdc.c ompbayanC iIAec dao sffiec perro vbiytd heAedm eri­ caEnm baisnTs uyn Fiasn,flo went oW ashincghntagoinn,g plainnRe osm weh,e hreem eJte an-SPaarbutulrwt ea tso o Forffi }' brother Soraobfm: }' s doouchlte;oa rl oefrm }'m ind.H-KB 1 Simondee B eauvoTihrFe,o rocfCe i rcumsVtoalIIn:.T c heAe,u tioobg­ rapohfSy i modneBe e avoui trr,an Pse.t eGrr ee(nN ewY orkP:a ragHoonu se, 1992)3,1 7. vii viii FOREWORD enefebtluoe tdta se irn wgolr.ed f wAed alyast oenr ,O c3t,o ber Fanwoanas d mtiettdto h heo spaisItb arlaF hnaio mans ,pu pos­ ed"lLyi bnyoamdn e" ghueeh raardse s utmoee ndta he ors pital inR ome baeftiwenorgu nidnMe odr odcucirona gm issfrio on thAel geNraitainLo inbaelr Fartoinotn. Hibso dwyas st kreibncu,ht ifi sg htdiawnyegsnr oeqt u iotvee r; her esihsidtsehe a" dtm uitnbeym inuatf iere,rn"ed p ofrortm ed hibse dsaishdi peso, l iotpiicnailob neislse t faunridnn ettdho e delifrnaitoaousafsim eisnr da gaignagti hndesy tio ntfgh l ei ght. Hihsar teodfr acAimsetr incoatwnu sr inneatdd o i storufts hte nusrisntg,aa ffnhdea wooknhe i lsam sotr nhianvgpi,rn ogb ably haad bltoroadn stfuhsriothouenng ihg ohbts,ew sisttehhide d ea th"atthp eumyte t hrotuhwgeah s hmiancghl iannseit g hHti.s" 2 deawtahis n evi"tWaedb ieldve ye.tr hwienc go ulhdid,so "c tor repolrtaet"deb riu,nt1 96t1h erem uwcayhso ncu'o tud lod . . . espewchieahnle l yct aoum se l seao.t�P "ershi awtpa tsh e writ­ inogTf h Were tchfte hde iEaanf rt ehrv iessphub rett wAeperni l o anJdu olf1y 9 6t1h caotn tribufttaeaddlea lytw;oh etnh ihsi s wifJeo,sF iane o nr,eh aidtm h een thuesairralesyvti iocetf wh se boohkec, o uolndls ya" yT,h waotn g'itmv eeb acmkyh one rnarroOwnt. h"e4o hfdi adsye atthhe, Fproelsnicechiec z oepd­ ieosfh TeW rtechfe dtE haerf torhmt hPea rbioso ksAftheorp s. o 5 hidse aStihm,o dnee uBveoarierm embseereeFidan ngo n's photoaglorlva Peparhrf rio sca o uopfwle ee "kosn, c tohvoeef r feuAfrinqeu ei,nth e wiontfdh oMewa spbeoroo ksytoourneg,e r, caltmheaIrhn a edv seereh ni ma,nv de hrayn dsome."6 • • • 2C laudLea nzmanansc, i tbeydD aviMda ceiynF ranFtazn oAnL :i f(eL on­ donG:r anBtoao k2s0,0 04)8,9 -9M0u.c ho ft hebi ograpdheitaciaalnl d p er­ sonianlc idceonmtefr so mS imondeeB eauvoaicrc'osuo nfFt an oni nT heF orce ofC ircumstaanndfrc oem,D aviMda ceyr'esm arkianboflrym ebdi ography. 3J oseAplhs o"pP,a ssoifNn egw L eft'Hse raon O ddF aceotfU .S. History," inW ashingPtoosnFt e,b rua2ry1 1,9 69AZ,I . 4M acey4,8 9. 5 Ibid. 6 deB eauvo3i2r9,. FOREWORD ix A colonpiezresmdou nsc to nstbaean wtaloryfhe i isma gjea,el ­ ousplryo theipcsot s iFtainoosnna,t i odS artred.e efTnhsee s of thceo lonairzteeu ndle idak nex iaonutse nwnaaiett iopn igc k upt hheo stsiilgeno afr laasc idailvliwydo erdIl ndt .hp er ocess, thceo lonaiczqeuadip reuecl ivairsa clie nrtelldiegdaeitncecde tot hseru viovfba old ayn sdp iFrainto.tn w'moso sitn flnuteial te,xB tlsaSckkiW nh,i Mtaes aknsTd h Wer techoeftd h Eea rth, evotkhece o nectaren cdno trawsotrilondfgcs o lornaicaialss m experiienmn ecterdo pForlainitcntaeh n1 e 59 0asn ddu rtihneg anticolAolngiewaralior af inlb eraad teicoalnda etI ehsri w.so rk loisnatt imwea rph?ii smI psa sspilotenhae"a dttT h hei rd World musstt aortv eanr e hwsi toorfmy a nm"e7er layv aihno pe? Does sucalh o ftyi deraelp reasneytnhtmi onergt hatnhl eo rshte tori­ cabla ggaogfte h daatu nqtuienfsgrot n ao nalpiogsntecdo lonial worilnda uagtuearttdh Bea ndCuonngef reincn1e 95 5W. h oc an claimd rtehanamot w W?h os tilli ntw haaein ttse choafm ber hsiotryD?i Fda noind'edsai wsei tthhd ee clainnddei ssolution ofth eb lapcokw meorv emieAnnm te rbiucrawi,ie tSdht eBviek o inS ouAtfhr iocrwa e,r e btohraengy a wihne tnh e BWearllli n wadsi smemabneadr endSe owu Atfrhi tcoaoi ktp sl aocnte h e worlsdt'asQg uee?s tqiuosentsi.,o. .n.s As wec atchr etlhiegi inFo asnioltyna g'nusa ogfre e volution­ arwyr a-t"htlhaess htab letl hfi esr t",t"ah el mhitbgyo doyfv i o­ lenrceea ruip.n ".g-8 .a nrdu intt o getherd ewsictrhi phtiiso n oft hwei denciinrogcfn l aet iuonntiayal sr eacthhi"enb go iling poi"in natw ay "tihrsae tm iniosfrc eael nitbg riootuhse ar hood, chcuhro ra m ystdioccatlr wienf eni,do" us9re lbvoetsfhr o e­ warnedw aaronyfthd ee thnonarteiloincgaoilnoiflsusi stoco utfr own timewse.h eWaFhrae nnos naty h "aoftrt hpee opolnel y flelow naatreievo eonrwa eltdsh t er utwhe,f "ru1i0o uosbljye ct 7 FranFtza nonT,h eW retchoeftd h Eea rt(hWE ),2 38. 8W E,2 ,5 0. 9WE , 84. 10W E,1 4.

A distinguished psychiatrist from Martinique who took part in the Algerian Nationalist Movement, Frantz Fanon was one of the most important theorists of revolutionary struggle, colonialism, and racial difference in history. Fanon’s masterwork is a classic alongside Edward Said’s Orientalism or T
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