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“x, DADI’S RAKHI e MESSAGE — .s& ‘o buloved dune brothors and sisters, who are marching fosward wih zaal asd ertrusiasm to erform tho task of word transfermation and who are ever happy and pence'LI coming te the foundation of complete pus. Heartost wishes, gratings ff love and remembrance on the auspicious occasion of Raksha. Bandhan Flakhi. This lovely period of Confluence Age isa memocanle celatration of botrdless service rencered by all divine brothers and sisters in making ethers ca- foperaive and instromertal in the task of world ‘varstomation. Sapdada is presomly inpiirg us fr unlrited ‘world Serica and encouraging us for sseedy efforts. Baba saye-"ly spiritual chilren, to pass the flnal paper, two precepts should be pald attention to: 1. Stop: The past needs fobs forgctien by applying lu stop fet and 2. Stock: Koop stock ct all powers and divine treasures to ecoe.erate the pace of time. Donate mental powars and vibrations ta the troubled, unhappy souls of the world through sell-focus and stably. ‘On receiving Bata’s beauliul ingpietions, al Ke ara raking sinowre efforts lor verld service. Fuksha Banchan ‘reminds us of our lodges and keeping them i mind tina's In us a fealing tat every soul bo ever pure — in thoughts. words and deeds, 0 our sweet, affectionate brothors and ester, tll ue what ars your good wishes on the eve of Raksha Bandhan? Keoping te paco of time in mind, its necessary that evaryone koep an aim to bring aout a fll top to the past and emarge our ‘complete, pure self and ‘sun of knowledge" stage, render ‘onial solace tothe souls ofthe werd Take a plage to-do Unlimited service through velue-based Wie, 20 that only one CONTENTS > Dads essa rand > Unimaginable Oovenpour ‘inne Haan Spirit Ebel a2 » ABrayer and Atimation 3 » Living Spirituality fora "alueBazed Soclty » The Journey ofa Doub ‘Crowned Kin ind and Madiaton RAR Pledge > Experiences with God inn Student Lite » Facesto-Face at Frlend » Readers Forum > Approaching Cataract -A ‘Simple Wa. r student Colum. » ternal World Drama > virtue of Contentment. 27 » Recognition of Nee ome 0 » oly Service Report. voice be heard svernhor: "God has arrived, Goe has arrved’. When such a wave ‘of awareness flourishes, then the drum of revelation wil be heard May all the souls ‘experience God's love, Tie ech other with. the sacred thread of spiritual love and fection. With divine love and remembrance, Your dvi ster, (8K. Prakashimani BH Editorial UNIMAGINABLE DOWNPOUR AND INVINCIBLE HUMAN SPIRIT je unin of Rajasan have been revived oroe again thanks othe weleame sins. The elds appeat to be rich, green carpess. The Maidharis (shoperds) have felurned to their respective villages with theirlivestockin Gousund The yrazing nds bouxsin with adder snd ood ars rep. "Theagriculursts ae ploughing the folds and sowing paddy erops with dolightod Tacs; they need not take out rallies in ggittion anymore (for canal water) the Rain Gods hive siowered ‘hele metey whole esr However, the incessant downpours for weeks together in Gujarat and Maharshi, swithcloudhustsin Mumbai ard cotherpces, hooded Mumba, Vadodara and several ether areas in Gujarat, Mabareshr, aaypellas Non Easter States of nda. Thousaads of poople Tost tit Lives and there was loss of property in billions. inndreds of schon childs, houses and wn-kersweee subjugated to tremendous hardships and, mental end ‘emotional rama due fo these tragicheavy rans. Mumbai rmega-city famoxs fir being sao 24hnurs nowt, came ‘oasendstil for hours (and days in come ples) without locity am water einen ‘connections of al y3es went deal The aermathofthedelage ‘ns probably beer more tribe ovens 9s wot edging anocherrin-soekodmaterials thaover on te wads and pavements, This caused res refi jem ar made the met lok worse than ‘rete Indian village with ts heaps ofeow-dengaul garbage cn re voadsides, avingswchavexesothunas misery, the Government machinery proved inadequaein every respect, including ‘rangpon (ta, toed an ie), water supply end many more fine he hstinhuman spititemergedo teanstend all harriers. Many stoi ofolletiveoriniidual comopotative spiit are now coming, light from all the fected regions. These stories teas, But al such w Feo passion al revery ane so touching hacey insite youngand aldo sina sms (rejoices, discrimination i.) aswel as tkeconscioumessat Doundaries veto lnyuae nd eeograpluical backgiounds, Adversity teaches us to recoggise and realiethe etal realty within them being ‘and rostentes hoads ofsplttial love and brctherly aff Store sofcoura eingone's own life to save others, bring home the truch abou the invaluable lives we have seoeived to play our individual ‘mnigue coles it this greatest ‘world drama, On one side we see she ‘berry of aman spirit baton ‘heather the stortsightensss of humén eings eennot be ignored. Aasuon asnocmaley rota in lif, all plans and pledges mdeduring hours ar twisery are forgetten conveniently Preset day rulers need to be committed to esigningand following tiaosgh ‘with short and Tong- cer plas for the secmrity of society. Despite thshononrah The Wore Renewal Agu, 2005, voluntary organisations and individ to help vietimsrise from uagedies, their efforts often prove inadequate dus (0 meagre resources and man- power. TheGveraments, both Union and Stace, should tncourage genuine agencies ‘with sfiient amounts of funds and guidelines for future ceventualties, whish can be ‘expected inthe coming years, ‘The pese has taught us wany ical ard pail sons wi the Tsuntmi and olher tragic cartquakes, Ce Vasodaraand Murnbi delves anual odin ‘of Brahmaputra and other ‘buares in Bibarand Bengal te, We see the same kind or worse senes eas year. Why can'twe wake upnowandrise ‘omakeplans forthe fate in advance? May ourellesin the Government and Parliament, ‘noindingthe Ste Leisure, tke these cisastrs seriously and eatrast the Damage or Disaster-Conirol Planing and [Bxcauton te propetly qualified and trained personnel (cubering thousands). Letthe educstion, tusiaing aud ‘experience af agencies in any prt ofthe world be sought. ‘While dealing with damage contol, a special eontingentar army is essential for guiding people inthe subse aspects of facing tragedy, i.e, loss of ‘umaa lie ard property, tndian patilosophy holds a treasue- trove ef ereat wiselom which an alleviate the innumerabie sufferings of ourdear society. this can be channelled end conveyed throngh proper education in values tiraugh educational instinaions, Mass Communieationand the Muli Media T.V.,Radio, Flmsete Film sexipt writers, novelist, Journslists, dramatists and others can play powerful and motivating roles in spreaing value education, Religious leaders spit ud educuona Institutions have a big responsibility im prepacing society for future tragedies of smuss destruction, ‘olive in <enialby thinking ‘notkingbad vl happen isan itusion thas leaves a petson emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually vulnerable, Living ia jgnocuncecan be detrimental; ‘therefore, be forearmed, (On the ground level, those ho plan our townships and silies need tobe actively mace involved in preparing new uilelinssferbelnsed planing, ‘Wehave te ‘kohinoar’ ofboth seiemtific knowledge und spiritual wisdom in the personageof ont President, De APJ. Abial Kalam to guide ‘themation; weluavethebestaf all economists in ov Hon’ble rime Minister, Mr Mion Singh; Shacat is overflowing ‘with wise bumsanitacans and ding lights in every fed Thon whet oss thonsticnlack? ‘The missing pizee scams io bo unity amonest ours he Parliament, sho are responsible for guiding the nation ad fri weve, Tey do got together amicably for bircday celebretions and marriages of theit sous and daughters then why est he same happen for thehencfitof| ‘thepeopleot ais? The Sate Lepislaures again face the sume problem, We, the peopleof dia, should unite at all levels, including the Pasliamentand Lepislares for ‘he people ofTndia, Only then can weealLourselves sincere, patriotic Indisns. The spirit ‘within every heart and soul oad toberekindedin te fon of a Second Freedom Movement, which specifically addresses the vore ianues of| prevailing anomalies, Le corruption, terrorism, iermication, bribery, poverty and) more. Avery dynamic and powecful thrust is needed 23 Dring back the Swadeshi) Movement, with difference, oremostisthe noe to realise ier in The Word Renewol_m August, 2008 That our fenemy" is not the "West or any indivieual or 8 sation, Weare ishing aginst the acack of vies" or subtle negetivites en human lite ‘Wile opening ours u=ult- national companies, this movement shouldaimn octet the avutoness of e-adopting ‘ovals an values and practice mediate, nthe afevery BneatwasiThvalues 9°n0r- violanee, parity, bumliy Ionesty, love, uy, tenth, telerines, compassion, respect, peace und he Tike need wo be <scussed on te naional evel and appreciaed by our elders so tha he nation ebuild its heal inves ond vires, sixvnera ANNIVERSARY OF MTROSHIMA. HOLOCAUST ¥s PARADISE REGAINED, Every year, 6th August remindsthe world otha: ofthe fit nuclear explosion ‘where 140,000 people ware killed instandy and several hundreds of thousands ‘succumbed tothe effects of uation. Thase who survived ‘thetragedy have had olive with sin cence, deformities and much more, They efertoitas 1 ely bora! as loday, with hundreds of times. more desievotive power, there exist more than 10,000 atomic ‘weapons inanycoustres lt ver the glube, The umn beingis sid tobe peaceful by rar bo is ironical that in thenamedt peace and secur, due to fear psychosis, homendeusaetinesare justia inveris waysund he bob" is refined and megnified continaously. Many powerful ering the guise of their space expioration programmes as means of deploying ‘ke utomie bombs, Please jussiackend viscalise the day when this process. oF ‘weapons eachests climax. ‘houghaa excising pein sceneta comprehend, it would be the “bip bel” calling every ‘human soul's atetionowsuds Themosvents rhein recur journey tothe sweet home af silence “he Spee Abode or Payamdhan ofall sls, Tnstreconzas he yogisor ‘thesvse prepare themselves for year before coming tothe day of retum journey. Rejyngini sistors ftom all ever Bharat, ‘ver 300 jn number who have been practising and teaching rinciptes ofa pueand divine life for 2 to 12 years had inerent end use of atomic athorod from 1st-Bth August 2008, in Shantivan, Abu Ren, fora pecia! one-week rotoat programme. These B.K. sister, sorving at different Rajyoge ‘Mediation Centres in ig cal this process “recharging and clectrifying the soul- bavi’ Alter listening to Revered Dadi'sinspisinglscourses and Gauly versions, succinct lariications from Dadi Hiday “Mohini and other senior BK. stor (with experience of over 40 years), the spirits ofthese youn angels soared high to inte powerfl vibsations ut positive peacand rng ‘They found it absolutely worthwhiletotnke o practising diferentespoctsof meditation and exploring the dep: of spiriual wisdom, The feelings finer richness and beafil spi were visible in the glow oftheir eyes and shiseon ee forehoads. In silence, they convey a very powerful message egdingthe Buty ot ‘materiel wealth and extemal secorations, which are short Tived and generally end in pain and unhappiness. They convey to the world how beautiful one ‘becounes by diving deep into the depths of Godly versions and appreciating each version wort millions and Billions ‘These young Brahira Kumars The Wind Renewal m Angus 2008 are practical examples of ealightened minds; heir lives (Gol rich with service unto the otherwise depleted end suffering society will surely become beacons of spiritual ‘wisdom furall. Through che ay 4-day stv, they uly exeaupliy what che Supreme Father, Gd Shiva, anarsusto| *SiwoetChilden, youare all brothers (souls), 1 descend to ro-establish Sasyugi adi Sonoson Devi Desta Dharma aged Original Eton Deity Religion) where theres 100% purity, peace and prosperity Inather wards 00 ‘enjoy Lbetation ine full uf Ith, health and Inappiness for 21 generations (lige after life). The very fwareness of any kind of hs sullering ito L have come to meet you childron who were buming on ‘hepyeul vives. ouietolake abe thre outback your eterral home, ‘and then will seud you to the inslom (Golden ge, Heaven, ‘Bahisht)aonderloozeompish this. deoorace you soul wih spiritual knowledge, You ildren shuuld experience fie happiness thet Goa has ome fore ‘Levuslistente Tia, belong ‘ec Hievwhollyend completely, and regtin our los paracise, — BAK, Nirwair A PRAYER AND AFFIRMATION mh Dear God, Help me keep my sanity When all around are losing theirs Help me keep my strenath and power ‘Amidst the turmoil and chaos Aslong as I keep my faith can conquer all tests With the spiritual strength ‘This is the world drama, the play of nature Know that allthe scenesare meant to be We all playing our parts, acting our roles ‘We are diamond-like stars learning to sparkle again We are Your family, You are our ila Williamson, Fremantle, W, Australia spistual guide ‘You come to change us from thorns to roses, Frotn shells to ciamonds, from iron to gold. We take Your teachings and create our fortune (Onr stage of ascent has begun You give us courage to overcome obstacles Knowledge is a powerful weapon’ It gives us light ané might ‘Through it we claim our inheritance Become wealthy, happy end peaceful You mace mea fearless Lioness Victory is ty birthright ° Te Word Renewel_m-August 2008 LIVING SPIRITUALITY FOR A VALUE-BASED SOCTETY MB. K.Surendian, Bangalore Meet aie ‘memorial hasbeen «endeavouring to ensncead ‘pdatchisknowledgetn eet better comforts ails. He has been trying to gain supremacy over the aalur, over tie calamities over thei health,ove the glaves, over the forces of nature aad elements, and sein. While st his home fron, covertly or covertly hes beena party 10 ll atosos and actions, ‘alprctices, manipulations, rmuteness; proxies, wars ~ declared and undeclared, religious fundamentalism unlecshinggnerecineterror— local ant global, The leaers fell counties are making a hue end ery over ell these happenings and pretend to solve thet, Thexnodem werd bas the dubious distinetion of ivingthoizhestuiide rates, divorce rates, broken homes, snd wide gaps in haves and have-nots, Weave high ech with na high toueb. We have made grt strides in science snd echnology urereating a beter world with mare cerfirs and coavenioness, providing boner housing felis, heer csunmunication ilies, better teansper, better nourishment base and so on. ‘The search ‘ouside ofmanisia progress finds expresion in ll his day- shy activi Thesearch outside is emus, ‘Theor to exploit the natural resources for Ue hetero Thumerruce is zen Bite midst ofall ese advancements in dhe ouside world, with a rtoney boom in many of the ‘counties ofthe word, here is decey uf the real man. There ‘man isin ehos and soferings ‘fot, Inthe veses of Olver Golds: Hit fares the land, to hastening is «preys Where wealth accumulates, ‘and men decay When money isoversvalie, san isdevalued.Allvaluce sre eroded when money becomes ‘eon consideration fedoessot ‘near that money is bad, Bute -musthnow how tohendle mney and wealth fr the wellbeing of oneself and otters. This is ‘wb tue avestgstion iat he inner world and its orderly nous keepine becomteal me indispensible empower the self to take on the erserging pressures in tho outside wet Practising spiral indy ta ‘ay life becomes oppriorty rte ail.ng mankind cope ap with the unprecedented ‘emergence of information tecluology, communicates work, and a ast of other technical know-how and cousequeutial Prosperity Spirituality Some people thiak that sprimaliry”isassnciated wih tak, religious bigotry, blind faith ‘and fundamentalist _atinses. Some people believe ‘that spirituality isreligion and religion is spriwlity. Some people are scarf ofthe very ‘oference of spirituality. They blame spiciwality forall the religious fundamentalism, associated atrocities, caste val eigioussoprgain, rad meaningless traditional and castornry practices. Religions are nothing but the different choices of faith available to humankind, 1c the right of ‘hice ofan individual ta adopt set fit and principles in ‘one’s lf. There is freedom of choice. Respecting hefeedom ‘afchoice is thebest choice for atetial The Wore Renewal m Augu, 2005 thers odiredy or indinetly slp peacefienexistence, Spheituality is universal. Spirituality goes beyond the boundary of religious ructices and covers the entire human — Kind. Spirituality isthe spiritual dimension of an individual (One saspiritual being andnot ‘a physical aeing whether ane avceprsitor nat ‘gain, hespitial dimension, fromthe core, a cornuenpia of knolevgeswisdom, pty, pssee ve bls happiness an povver, These ae the vies of the spit the soul, One is a soul. Tse body isthe vehicleot lkesou, Sou-sonssiousness ie the real and natural eonscieusnessefan iva Insaul conseiousmess, he core virtues/qvalities/ateributes individally and eotlestvely ‘operate inthe form of diferent ‘values if when onenteac's with thersand warldsietions, Spirituality or soul ‘sorsciuses ein mation manifestation of the core vieuesiteibues inthe form of vane in ie Knowledge/wisdom manifosts in the form of unéerstanding, maturity adaptability, balance, discernment, freedom, Mth realness, humility, manners, punsmality, readiness, sot respect, self sovernity, slf ceantdenes, faimoss, jnstice, maturity. discipline, ‘as ghlednss,itrospector, detachmest and soon. Purity ‘anit he frm of non volar, mth, hanes ngrity, sinosity openness csanliness, transparency, realy, royalty soumesy, aeeurey, orderliness and so.on. Peace manifests in the fomof enone calmness, tolerance, ett patience, gentleness, introversion, Highness, positivity silenceand simplicity. Love tnanifests in the form of respect, regard, sare, care, soerifice, service, compassion, — kindness, ‘cnoperaon, venerency, mercy, forgiveness abeience, ery, appreciation, benevolence, good, poteness and 0 on, Wes mais inthe form af centhusiar, ze plenseiness, unity, cheerfelness, ‘cnentment eetnest ands fn, Happiness projects in the form cf —slevation, cencouragersent, worthiness, lightness, jay, eeativity, sof «confidence, enenpisir nett, venturesomenamirearsn on Power projects inthe form ot ccnreg, stability, detention, bravery," constancy, Aecisivenes, faith, perseverance, fearlessness, tirelessnessanso on. These are the natural quoifisbutes which ete very brie of the spit the sl, Theze ate basicaly the fundarectal principles goventnguniversal eles Duman. Therein, psa means having lot of spirit io ‘e's fe, But wharwe find is thateven thonghan individual ‘sa spi, there is no spit in the Spirie wich mezns there is po eninsesm, zea, eeativigy, s0lPennidence enuraye, stn arssa forth, Deop within each and every individual, there {san inner longing tHe a Ife of greatness and contribore to really make Aifterence. Self awarenesse the ability to reflect on one's wn Site, grow In. self knowledge that one is spiritual belng ~ soul, and become aware of one's om original attributes emposrer ‘one to selfregulate oneself based on the natural aterthurestqualities and develop social skills- Interact with others with satisfaction on the strength of the innate qualities. When weuse values i ie, these values mature into <diferencpoverssuchaspower to discriminate, judge, accoramadite, face aad soon arco fot, which arerequied for fostering beter infertuman relationsdips and also for suecesstu! vonflict The Wend Renewal mAGgue 2005 management, Values eamnathe tought fom outs of onesl= Values are the natural culmination of one's epiritusl ‘ature in fect costumes an olours Goodness is the vietues? package in ones Values are seeded dito that goodness, Modern aman rceds @ goadness prone rmun-ward and god-ward roindset, refined skill-sot and sharpened toolset. All there sets are thought 2, catared and geared by commonsense mores ur and wisdom, Maceriatism and true spirituality should combine s0 as t0 strike a Daance tn personal, family, professional, social and public areas of fe ‘Meditation — the energizer Spirituality bevomes cmpeteunly when Ged ands relationship withthe inca spirits is clearly understood, ‘beeaus both hes ext ace lights~energy. The body gets energy from the food one eats God, wh istheSupreme Spin, isthe source of energy fo the spirit, The spivis grows in sprimal energy throug the processofmeditation as Gods the ean ofall exe ati, Loveful remembrance 0° the Supreme Spirit in soul consciousness i meditation, “Meditacion nactens the process it gvithof thestrhutes and itsdierecrsmtisions inthe form af vals, ‘Man isa spisiatbeing and ‘o dory that rats antamouns to danyingune'sownexsteno>, According te Mundakoparishad, thesctsace and technology of spiral {growth is characterized as "Sana Vidue Provsha’ a package fall knowledge. As ‘ye are the children of Gol, ‘ur real matareistobebappy. We will never be satisfied sigh anything Kesha tr vappiness. And i will not depend on anything outside ourselves, Like a >ee, our rind shon'd seek out the ‘ossoms of good qualis, The be secs only tase flowers shat yield paehones. Weta become a divine bee tasting, nothing bu: tes wewtnes, he ‘goods, Let cu eye bebo nly that which beautiful, 0 thatthe ugliness of evil will isappear from our consciousness, By sooking sgonrness, by being good and atliming good, we see his ‘world as a garden of flowers with fragrance end beauty. Spirituality isa ‘schoo? foe ‘wiom and character thereby peice, Its also a “hospital” for self control and self improvement thereby happiness. It teaches vs ta conserve energy by entoling lust, peed and aage Thus ‘makes us healthy in bad and sol, so tatwe an serie our energies on constructive sve Spirals she tool for transforming out ‘weaknesses into strength, our folly into wisdom and out failures into auscess, The secret of spisculiy i “ove tnd care’, One who thinks negatively ard beEods evil in the worid iy the enemy of | himselfand the selfucts asthe ceremy, ard he wo hoholds ‘only goodness isa friend af himselfand heselfactsashis Triend ~ the Gita says ‘Thecefone, in this word, sek ‘only that whichis pod, do that which is good, No mater how much we have been entrenched in negative thinking and negative behaviour, those wrong habits can be got rid of when we startpicking up good qualities and doing good athors. God is our tene father, motber, tac and guide, Ne mater ‘Fone sing, ard one negatives tre as deep as the ocean and ship es the mountains, stil swe are uncong ered because ‘we are spirit itselE.-Therefore, living spiritaality is the panacea for all ills in the society. @ “he Wota Renewal _w AsguH, 25S

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