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BY THE WINNER OF THE 2009 RACHEL CARSON PRIZE SCIENCE $26.95 U.S. T “As this powerful book makes clear, Monsanto’s innovations create more he result of a remarkable three-year investigation M T problems than they solve—above all by helping to concentrate the food system in H that took award-winning journalist and documen- E tary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin across four ever fewer hands, with baleful consequences for the world’s small-scale farmers. O W continents (North and South America, Europe, It’s the kind of reporting we need more of, and one hopes it will be at least a O NR and Asia), The World According to Monsanto tells MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN partial antidote to all the slick commercials with smiling peasants.” L French journalist and filmmak eirs. aSnh ea wreacredi-vweidn ntihneg —BILL McKIBBEN, author of Deep Economy SD A the little-known yet shocking story of this agribusi- C ness giant—the world’s leading producer of GMOs A 1995 Albert-Londres Prize, awarded to investigative C “We are what we eat, and what we eat is rapidly being determined by O (genetically modified organisms)—and how its new journalists in France. She is the director and NR “green” face is no less troubling than its PCB- and one company, Monsanto. Monsanto’s seed and food dictatorship is based on D producer of over thirty documentaries and inves- corrupting regulatory processes, corrupting science, and destroying democracy. TIN Agent Orange–soaked past. tigative reports filmed in Latin America, Africa, G Europe, and Asia. We needed a book that told us the story in detail, with courage—The World O T Robin reports that, following its long history of O According to Monsanto does just that.” manufacturing hazardous chemicals and lethal GEORGE HOLOCH THE WORLD ACCORDING TO has translated more than —VANDANA SHIVA, author of Earth Democracy and Stolen Harvest herbicides, Monsanto is now marketing itself as a twenty books, including Eric Hazan’s Notes on the MONSANTO “life sciences” company, seemingly convinced about Occupation (The New Press). “An alarming and uncompromising investigation.” the virtues of sustainable development. However, —Le Monde Monsanto now controls the majority of the yield M of the world’s genetically modified corn and soy— “Sends chills down the spine. . . . After reading this, we can no longer a r i ingredients found in more than 95 percent of afford to turn a blind eye.” e - American households—and its alarming legal and —Le Point M POLLUTION CORRUPTION o , , political tactics to maintain this monopoly are the n iq subject of worldwide concern. u AND THE CONTROL OF OUR FOOD SUPPLY THE NEW PRESS e Released to great acclaim and controversy in France, www.thenewpress.com R o AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE WORLD’S throughout Europe, and in Latin America, The World b Jacket photograph by DAJ/GETTY in MOST CONTROVERSIAL COMPANY According to Monsanto is sure to change the way we Author photograph by Guillaume de Crop think about food safety and the corporate control of Jacket design by Ann Weinstock our food supply. THE NEW PRESS Marie-Monique Robin 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page i The World According to Monsanto h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page ii Also by Marie-Monique Robin Voleurs d’organes: Enquête sur un trafic Les Cent Photos du siècle Le Sixième Sens: Science et paranormal (with Mario Varvoglis) Escadrons de la mort, l’école française L’École du soupçon: Les dérives de la lutte contre la pédophilie h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page iii The World According to Monsanto Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World’s Food Supply MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN Translated from the French by George Holoch h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page iv The New Press gratefully acknowledges the Florence Gould Foundation for supporting the publication of this book. © 2008 by Éditions La Découverte / Arte Editions English translation © 2010 by The New Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission from the publisher. Requests for permission to reproduce selections from this book should be mailed to: Permissions Department, The New Press, 38 Greene Street, New York, NY 10013. First published as Le monde selon Monsantoby Éditions La Découverte, Paris, 2008 Published in the United States by The New Press, New York, 2010 Distributed by Perseus Distribution LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATIONDATA Robin, Marie-Monique. [Monde selon Monsanto. English] The world according to Monsanto : pollution, corruption, and the control of the world’s food supply / Marie-Monique Robin ; translated by George Holoch. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-59558-426-7 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Monsanto Company. 2. Agricultural innovations—United States—Social aspects. 3. Agricultural chemicals industry—Social aspects. 4. Agricultural chemicals—Environmental aspects. 5. Agricultural chemicals industry—Corrupt practices. 6. Social responsibility of business. 7. Food supply. 8. Human rights and globalization. I. Title. HD9482.U64M6613 2009 338.7'6600973—dc22 2009008621 The New Press was established in 1990 as a not-for-profit alternative to the large, commercial publishing houses currently dominating the book publishing industry. The New Press operates in the public interest rather than for private gain, and is committed to publishing, in innovative ways, works of educational, cultural, and community value that are often deemed insufficiently profitable. www.thenewpress.com Composition by NK Graphics This book was set in Fairfield Printed in the United States of America 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page v To my parents, Joël and Jeannette, farmers who taught me to love the good things of the earth, and so to love life. h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page vi h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page vii Contents Preface: A Book for Public Health by Nicolas Hulot ix Introduction: The Monsanto Question 1 PART I: ONE OF THE GREAT POLLUTERS OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY 1. PCBs: White-Collar Crime 9 2. Dioxin: A Polluter Working with the Pentagon 30 3. Dioxin:Manipulation and Corruption 48 4. Roundup: AMassive Brainwashing Operation 69 5. The Bovine Growth Hormone Affair, Part One 89 6. The Bovine Growth Hormone Affair, Part Two 108 h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page viii PART II: GMOs: THE GREAT CONSPIRACY 7. The Invention of GMOs 131 8. Scientists Suppressed 153 9. Monsanto Weaves Its Web, 1995–1999 178 10. The Iron Law of the Patenting of Life 201 11. Transgenic Wheat: Monsanto’s Lost Battle in North America 225 PART III: MONSANTO’S GMOsSTORM THE SOUTH 12. Mexico: Seizing Control of Biodiversity 243 13. In Argentina: The Soybeans of Hunger 256 14. Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina: The “United Soy Republic” 273 15. India: The Seeds of Suicide 290 16. How Multinational Corporations Control the World’s Food 307 Conclusion: A Colossus with Feet of Clay 318 Notes 331 Index 359 h 23472_00_i-xii_1-358_r7ln.qxp 2/19/10 1:26 PM Page ix Preface A Book for Public Health Nicolas Hulot As I progressed in my reading of Marie-Monique Robin’s book, a flood of weighty questions overwhelmed me, filling me with anxiety that I might sum up in a single question: how is this possible? How can Monsanto, that em- blematic firm of global agrochemistry, have made so many fatal mistakes, and how can it have marketed products so harmful to human health and to the environment? How has the company succeeded in conducting its busi- ness as though nothing had happened, constantly extending its influence (and its wealth), despite the tragedies its products have caused? How has it so quietly managed to continue its activities unconcerned and fool everyone? Why has it been able to carry on despite the heavy legal penalties it suffered and despite the bans imposed on some of its products (unfortunately, after they had already caused a good deal of irreparable harm)? This book discloses a reality that hurts the eyes and grips the heart: that of a calmly arrogant company heedlessly profiting from the suffering of vic- tims and the destruction of ecosystems. As the pages go by, the mystery is re- vealed. They show the prospering of a company whose history “constitutes a paradigm of the aberrations in which industrial society has become mired.” You may often shake your head in disbelief, but the demonstration is limpid, and we understand where Monsanto gets its power, how its lies have won out over the truth, and why many of its allegedly miraculous products in the end turned out to be nightmares. In other words, at a time when the North American company has taken on an even more totalizing ambition than h

Robin, Marie-Monique. [Monde selon Monsanto. English]. The world according to Monsanto : pollution, corruption, and the control of the world's food supply / Marie-Monique Robin ; translated by George Holoch. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-59558-426-7 (hardcover
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