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The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(4):849-876. 2012 Index to Volume 124, 2012 Compiled by Leslie A. Robb This index includes references to genera, species, authors, and key words or terms. References are made to scientific names of all vertebrates mentioned within the volume and ot her taxa mentioned prominently in the t€e xt, in addition to avian species. Nomenclature follows the AOL Check-list of North {merican Birds (Seventh Edition), the Fifty-second Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check list of North American Birds, and F. Gill and M. Wright and supplements through 2012 (Birds of the World, Recommended English Names, Princeton University Press, PF rinceton, New Jersey, USA and Oxford, United Kingdom). Reference is made tt o books reviewed and announcements as they appear in the volume. Amakihi, see Loxops virens abundance “Amaui, see Myadestes woahensis Amazilia amabilis, 111 landscape-level forest cover is a predictor of Setophaga cerulea abundance, 721-727 andida, 109-111, 570 seasonal variation in shorebird abundance in Rio Grande SPpp.. tobaci. do Sul, Brazil, 40-50 temporal and spatial patterns in abundance of (Tae LE ItE 347. 570 Glyphorynchus spirurus in lowland Ecuador, Amazon, Yellow-naped, see Amazona auropalliat 436-445 Amazona albifrons, 570 anthiza apicalis, 348 auropallia ‘cipiter bicolor, 767, // autumnalis] , chilensis, 773 autumnalis diadema, 18 chionogaster, 77| finschi, 393-396 cooperii, 397, 626-628, 631-632, 7 ittata, 762 erythronemius, 636-640, 771 Ammodramus caudacutus, 253 264 gentilis, 764 maritunus. 261 gundlachi, 773 nelsoni, 253, 262 pectoralis, 77\ Savannarum, 24—30. poliogaster, 767-774 Ammotragus lervia, 2 striatus, 626-628, 753, Ampelion rubrocristatus, 57 striatus venattor, 758 Anairetes parulus, 634 Acrocephalus paludicola, 13, 2 tes rubriceps, 348 Aechmophorus clarkii, 159, 7 Anas bahamensis, 184 occidentalis, 159, 713-720 plat rny nchos, 184 Aegolius acadicus, 204 ruotl ipes, 184 funereus, 205, 387 Anciaes, Marina, Thats Maya Aguilar, Lemuel Olivio Leite, Aegotheles cristatus, 796 Renata Dornelas Andrade, and Miguel Angelo Aerodramus spodiopygius, 153, Marini, Nesting biology of the Yellow-olive Flat Aethia cristatella, 146, 148 bill (Tyrannidae, Elaninae) in \tlantic Forest pusilla, 146-151 fragments, 547-557 Agaoéglu, Yildirm, see Onmus, Ortag, . and Orhan Giil Andersen, David E., see Peterson, Sean M., Henry M Agelaius phoeniceus, 188-190 Streby, and Aguilar, Thais Maya, see Ancides, Marina, , Lemuel Andersen, David E. . see Streby, Henry M. and Olivio Leite, Renata Dornelas Andrade, and Miguel Andrade, Renata Dornelas, see Ancides, Marina, Thais Angelo Marini Maya Aguilar, Lemuel Olivio Leite, and Aix sponsa, 184 Miguel Angelo Marini Akepa, see Loxops coccineus Anhinga, see Anhinga anhinga Akodon azarae, 591-592 Anhinga anhinga, 294, 403-405. 636-637 Alca torda, 247 Ani, Smooth-billed, see Crotophaga2a anil ‘Alala, see Corvus hawaiiensis Anisognathus tgniventris, 572—580 Allen, Michael C. and Kimberly A. Peters, Nest survival, lacrymosus, 572-580 phenology, and nest-site characteristics of Common Anolis mariarum, 542 Nighthawks in a New Jersey Pine Barrens grass {nous stolidus, 68 land, 113-118 ant, fire, see Solenopsis invicta Alopex lagopus, 407 Antbird, Black-faced, see Myrmoborus myotherinus arde Alouatta pigra, 294, 296 SLTACUS Aluterus sp., 70 Anthus lutescens, 119-126 849 850 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 124, No. 4, December 2012 pratensis, 121, 123-125 Baker, Myron C., Silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) song rubescens, 120, 123, 125 differentiation in an island-mainland comparison: spragueii, 120, | 23-125, 310-315 analyses of a complex cultural trait, 454-466 Antwren, Marsh, see Stymphalornis acutirostris Balance, Lisa T., see Pitman, Robert L., ——, and aoudad, see Ammotragus lervia Charles A. Bost Apapane (“Apapane), see Himatione sanguinea Ballard, Bart M., see James, J. Dale, Jonathan E. Aphelocoma californica, 283 Thompson, and ———— coerulescens, 93 Bananaquit, see Coereba flaveola Aphrastrura spinicauda, 737-742 Barber, Colleen A., see Smith, Kayley D. and ———— Apodemus spp., 514 Barbraud, Christophe, see Lormée, Herve, Karine Delord, Apus apus, 6, 153 Bruno Letournel, and ———— Aracari, Ivory-billed, see Pteroglossus azara azara Barrantes, Gilbert, see Vargas-Castro, Luis E., Natalie V. Aramides calopterus, 22 Sanchez, and ——— Aranens trifolium, 347, 350 Basileuterus rufifrons, 571 Aratinga nana, 564, 566, 570 Bassariscus astutus, 281, 283 Arbelaez-Cortés, Enrique and Oscar H. Marin-Gomez, The Batchelder, Gigi, see Batchelder, Ned, ————, Dale A. composition of mixed-species bird flocks in Alto Livezey, and Jeffrey S. Marks Quindio, Colombia, 572—580 Batchelder, Ned, Gigi Batchelder, Dale A. Livezey, and Arce, Paulina, see Daigre, Maximiliano, ————, and Jeffrey S. Marks, Simultaneous multiple nests of Alejandro Simeone Calliope Hummingbird and Rufous Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, 641 640-643 colubris, 33, 346-347, 570, 641 Baubéck, Lisa, Abraham J. Miller-Rushing, Richard B. Ardea herodias, 407 Primack, Trevor L. Lloyd Evans, and Fred E. Arenaria interpres, 42-43, 45, 48 Wasserman, Climate change does not affect Areta, Juan Ignacio, Winter songs reveal geographic origin protandry in seven passerines in North America, of three migratory seedeaters (Sporophila spp.) in 208-216 southern neotropical grasslands, 688-697 Baylis, Shane M., Phillip Cassey, and Mark E. Hauber, Argiope aurantia, 349-350 Capsaicin as a deterrent against introduced mam- caphinarium, 347, 350 malian nest predators, 518-524 spp., 347, 351 Beardless-Tyrannulet, Northern, see Camptostoma imberbe Arnett, John E., see Michael L. Avery, Eric A. Tillman, Beason, Jason P., Carolyn Gunn, Kim M. Potter, Robert A. Kandy L. Keacher, ———-, and Kelli J. Lundy Sparks, and James W. Fox, The Northern Black Arremon torquatus, 572-580 Swift: migration path and wintering area revealed, Arremonops chloronotus, 571 1-8 Arriaga-Weiss, Stefan L., see van der Wal, Hans, Beatriz Beason, Jason P., see Gunn, Carolyn, Kim M. Potter, and Pefia-Alvarez, —— and Salvador Hernandez- Daumas Becard, Barred, see Pachyramphus versicolor Asio flammeus, 758 behavior Askins, Robert A., review, The atlas of birds. Diversity, agonistic interactions between foraging Anhinga anhinga behavior, and conservation, by Mike Unwin, 193- females in southeastern Brazil, 403-405 195 Asthenes luizae, 62 asymmetries in mobbing behavior among nuclear flockmates, 626-629 Astié, Andrea and Natalia Luchesi, Reproductive success of the Creamy-bellied Thrush in a southern temperate composition of mixed-species bird flocks in Alto zone, 133-138 Quindio, Colombia, 572-580 Ateles geoffroyi, 294-296 Corvus splendens attempt to cooperatively kleptoparasi- Athene cunicularia, 199 tize Pandion haliaetus, 406-408 Atlapetes pallidinucha, 572-580 diurnal activity of Glaucidium nana in southern Chile, schistaceus, 572-580 633-635 Attila citriniventris, 23 effects of conspecifics on feeder choice by Cardinalis torridus, 23 cardinalis, 808-811 Auklet, Crested, see Aethia cristatella first description of the reproductive biology of Accipiter Least, see Aethia pusilla poliogaster, 767-774 Avicularia spp., 351 fledgling Pelecanus thagus attack and consume younger unrelated conspecifics, 603-607 B foraging over Sargassum by western North Atlantic Babbitt, Kimberly J., see Suomala, Rebecca W., Sara R. seabirds, 66-72 Morris, and ———— foraging tactics by Buteo jamaicensis in an urban Baeolophus bicolor, 33, 267, 626-629, 809 environment, 818-820 inornatus, 387 forced mating and female control in Ammodramus wollweberi, 628 caudacutus, 253-264 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 851 Gavia immer aggressive motivation and lengthening Boal, Clint W., see Behney, Adam C., Blake A. Grisham, territorial yodels, 73-80 ———., Heather A. Whitlaw, and David A. Haukos infanticide by a female Hirundo rustica, 608-611 Boal, Clint W., see Roberts, Anthony J., —., David B. kleptoparasitism of nesting material from a Cranioleuca Wester, Sandra Rideout-Hanzak, and Heather A erythrops nest site, 812-815 Whitlaw lek behavior of Stephanoxis lalandi, 106-112 bobcat, see Lynx rufus multiple male feeders at nests of Catharus fuscescens, Bobwhite, Northern, see Colinus virginianus 396-399 Boesing, Andrea Larissa, see Uejima, Angelica Maria nest building by Stymphalornis acutirostris, 286-291 Kazue, ——, and Luiz dos Anjos of Glaucidium gnoma fledglings in the Rocky Moun- Boesing, Andrea Larissa, Willian Meng, and Luiz dos tains, 199-207 Anjos, First description of the reproductive biology of male Setophaga cerulea in relation to habitat of the Grey-bellied Hawk (Accipiter poliogaster), characteristics, 497-505 767-774 prolonged incubation and early clutch reduction of Bogertohis subocularis, 281 Ciconia ciconia, 362-366 Bolanos, Oscar, see Funes, Carlos, ————, and Oliver relocation movements of Chordeiles minor nestlings in Komar relation to age, 793-797 Bollinger, Eric K., see Ostrand, Susan Linn and — restoration of movement patterns of Branta sandvicensis, Bombycilla cedrorum, 217-229 478-486 Bonasa spp., 335 social organization and daily activity patterns of Crax umbellus, 627 blumenbachii, 321-327 Bond, Alexander, William C. Evans, and Ian L. Jones, territorial fidelity to nectar sources by Eulampis Avian mortality associated with a volcanic gas seep jugularis, 81-86 at Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 146-151 winter microhabitat foraging preferences of sympatric Booby, Blue-footed, see Sula nebouxii Poecile hudsonicus and P. atricapillus, 820-824 Brown, see Sula leucogaster Zugunruhe in migrating Podiceps nigricollis californi- Masked, see Sula dactylatra cus, 158-161 Nazca, see Sula granti Behney, Adam C., Blake A. Grisham, Clint W. Boal, Red-footed, see Sula sula Heather A. Whitlaw, and David A. Haukos, Sexual Borges, Sérgio H. and José M. C. Da Silva, A new area of selection and mating chronology of Lesser Prairie- endemism for Amazonian birds in the Rio Negro Chickens, 96-105 Basin, 15-23 Belinsky, Kara Loeb, Joel Lahman Hogle, and Kenneth A. Bornschein, Marcos R., see Reinert, Bianca L., Ricardo Schmidt, Veeries experience more varied acoustic Belmonte-Lopes, ————, Daiane D. Sobotka, competition at dawn than at dusk, 265-269 Leandro Corréa, Marco R. Pie, and Marco A. Pizo Belmonte-Lopes, Ricardo, see Reinert, Bianca L., ———, Borowiec, Marta, see Stawarczyk, Tadeusz, ————, Harold Marcos R. Bornschein, Daiane D. Sobotka, Lean- F. Greeney, and Jose T. Simbafia dro Corréa, Marco R. Pie, and Marco A. Pizo Belo, Anabela F., see Pires, Barbara A., ———, and Joao Bost, Charles A., see Pitman, Robert L., Lisa T. Ballance, E. Rabaga and ———— Berjano, Regina, see Carrién-Tacuri, Jorge, oe, Bostwick, Kimberly S., review, Feathers: the evolution of a Giovanny Guerrero, Enrique Figueroa, Alan Tye, natural miracle, by Thor Hanson, 421-422 and Jestis M. Castillo Bowdleria spp., 665 Berlepschia rikeri, 666 Bowen, Liessa T., see Moorman, Christopher E., ————, Bibimys torresi, 592 John C. Kilgo, James L. Hanula, Scott Horn, and bigeye, see Priacanthus sp. Michael D. Ulyshen Bishop, Jennifer Thompson, John A. Gerwin, and Richard Brachygalbula lugubris phaeonota, 18 A. Lancia, Nesting ecology of Swainson’s Warblers Bradypus spp., 295 in a South Carolina bottomland forest, 728-736 Branta canadensis, 483 Blackbird, Common, see Turdus merula canadensis maxima, 600 Melodious, see Dives dives sandvicensis, 478-486 Oriole, see Gymnomystax mexicanus Braun, Clait E., Editorial News, 427 Red-winged, see Agelaius phoeniceus Braun, Clait E., review, Ecology, conservation, and Rusty, see Euphagus carolinus management of grouse, edited by Brett K. Sander- Black-Hawk, Common, see Buteogallus anthracinus cock, Kathy Martin, and Gernot Segelbacher, 196- Blake, John G. and Bette A. Loiselle, Temporal and spatial 197 patterns in abundance of the Wedge-billed Wood- Braun, Clait E. and Nancy J. K. Braun, Editorial, 848 creeper (Glyphorynchus spirurus) in lowland Ecua- Braun, Nancy J. K., see Braun, Clait E. and ———— dor, 436-445 breeding biology Bluebird, Eastern, see Sialia sialis does nest-box size impact clutch size of Passer Western, see Sialia mexicana domesticus? 384-389 Boa constrictor, 743 double brooding by Dendrocygna autumnalis, 183-185 852 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 124, No. 4, December 2012 ecology and habitat selection of Pluvianellus socialis, Burger Jr., L. Wes, see Mitchell, Kristina L, Samuel K. 487-496 Riffell, ————, and Francisco J. Vilella eggs, nest, and parental care of Myiotheretes fumigatus, — burrfish, see Chilomycterus sp. 169-173 Bushtit, see Psaltriparus minimus first description of the reproductive biology of Accipiter | Butcherbird, Hooded, see Cracticus cassicus poliogaster, 767-774 Buteo albicaudatus, 636-640 first nesting information for Chlorochrysa calliparaea jamaicensis, 416, 627-628, 758-766, 783, 786, 818-820 [calliparea}, 380-384 Jamaicensis jamaicensis, 758 forced mating and female control in Ammodramus lineatus, 764, 783-787 caudacutus, 253-264 magnirostris, 93, 570, 768 mating and breeding success decline with elevation for platypterus |platyperus, 624], 631, 783 Troglodytes pacificus in coastal mountain for- platypterus brunnescens, 758, 763 ests, 270-276 solitarius, 669, 761 mating chronology of Tympanuchus pallidicinctus, 96 swainsoni, 636-640 105 Buteogallus anthracinus, 563, 570 multiple male feeders at nests of Catharus fuscescens, meridionalis, 636-640 396-399 urubitinga, 636-640 nesting of Poospiza cinerea in southeastern Brazil, 166-169 Buthraupis eximia, 572-580 nesting performance of Falco peregrinus in Colorado, montana, 572-580 Montana, and Wyoming, 2005-2009, 127-132 wetmorei. 572—580 ' Certhia americana in Central America, 177-179 Buzzard, Paul, see Liu, Qiang, Feng-Shan Li, ——., Fa- of Chordeiles minor in a Pine Barrens grassland, 113 Wen Qian, Fan Zhang, Jian-Lin Zhao, Jun-Xing 118 Yang, and Xiao-Jun Yang of Cyanocorax chrysops in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, — Buzzetti, Dante, see d’ Horta, Fernando Mendonca, Guy M. 87-95 Kirwan, and of Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster of the Colombian Andes, 538-546 ‘invasive Myiopsitta monachus in south Florida, 581 Cacicus chrysonotus, ‘ 588 sclateri, 23 ’ Spiza americana in native warm-season grass field — Caecilius antillanus, 15: buffers, 298-309 Cain Ill, James W., see Smith, Kathryn N.., ’ Sporophila melanogaster, 173-176 Michael L. Morrison, and R. Neal Wilkins ‘the island-endemic Vireo bairdi, 743-749 Calamospiza melanocorys, 261 * Tolmomyias sulphurescens in Atlantic Forest frag- | Calcarius pictus, 261, 396 ments, 547-557 Calidris alba, 42-43, 45-46, 367 Troglodytes aedon chilensis on Chiloé Island, canutus, 42-43, 45-46, 48 southern Chile, 531-537 fuscicollis, 42-43, 45-46, 48 of Turdus amaurochalinus, 133-138 pusilla, 42-43, 47 prolonged incubation and early clutch reduction of spp.. 414 Ciconia ciconia, 362-366 Callipepla squamata, 27 renesting after brood loss by Tympanuchus cupido, 185— — Calocitta formosa, 613 187 Calomys laucha, 591 simultaneous multiple nests of Stellula calliope and musculinus, 591 Selasphorus rufus, 640-643 spp., 591-592 unusually synchronous double brooding attempt by Calonectris diomedea, 68-69 Colaptes auratus, 389-392 Calothorax lucifer, 641 visual assessment of interbreeding by Aechmophorus, Calypte anna, 110, 347, 413, 641 713-720 costae, 347, 641 Brooks, Daniel M., Birds caught in spider webs: a synthesis |C amp, Richard J., see Judge, Seth W., Jacqueline M. of patterns, 345-353 Gaudioso, P. Marcos Gorresen, and Brooks, Daniel M., see Setina, Victor, Diego J. Lizcano, | Campephilus principalis, 728 ——, and Luis Fabio Silveira Camptostoma imberbe, 413 Brown, Mary Bomberger, Editorial News, 643 Campylopterus curvipennis, 111 Bubo virginianus, 627-628, 786 ensipennis, 111 Bubutcus ibis, 237, 570 excellens, 111 Budgerigar, see Melopsittacus undulatus hemileucurus, 111 Bullfinch, Greater Antillean, see Loxigilla violacea largipennis, 111 Lesser Antillean, see Loxigilla noctis rufus, 106, 111 Bunting, Indigo, see Passerina cyanea spp., 106 Lark, see Calamospiza melanocorys villaviscensio, 22 Snow, see Plectrophenax nivalis Campylorhynchus zonatus, 571 INDEX TO VOLUME 124 Canastero, Cipo, see Asthenes luizae melodus, 525 Canis familiaris, 478, 484, 743 modestus, 42 43, 47 capuchin, tufted, see Cebus appela montanus, 390 Caracara [Carcara], Chimango, see Milvago chimango semipalmatus, 42-44, 46-47 Northern Crested, see Caracara cheriway thoracicus, 487 Southern Crested, see Caracara plancus vociferous, 27-28 Yellow-headed, see Milvago chimachima wilsonia, 494 Caracara cheriway, 407, 570 Chartier, Allen T., review, The Crossley {D guide: eastern plancus, 636-640, 768 birds, by Richard Crossley, 422-426 Caranx hippos, 70 Chat, Yellow-breasted, see /cteria virens sp., 70 Chiarello, A. G., see Srbek-Araujo, Ana Carolina, Luis Cardellina canadensis, 217-229, 571 Fabio Silveira, and pusilla, 217-229, 374, 571 Chickadee, Black-capped, see Poecile atricapillus Cardinal, Northern, see Cardinalis cardinalis Boreal, see Poecile hudsonicus Red-crested, see Paroaria coronata Carolina, see Poecile carolinensis Cardinalis cardinalis, 33, 632, 808-811 Chestnut-backed, see Poecile rufescens Carib, Green-throated, see Eulampis holosericeus Chicken, Domestic, see Gallus gallus domesticus {Gallus galius| Purple-throated, see Eulampis jugularis Chilomycterus sp., 70 Carpodacus mexicanus, 349, 413, 632, 779 chipmunk, Eastern, see Tamias striatus purpureus, 217-229 Chlidonias niger, 69, 71 Carri6n-Tacuri, Jorge, Regina Berjano, Giovanny Guerrero, Chloridops kona, 680 Enrique Figueroa, Alan Tye, and Jestis M. Castillo, Spp., 667 Predation on seeds of invasive Lantana camara by Chlorochrysa calliparaea |calliparea\, 380-384 Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands, 338-344 nitidissima, 380 Cassey, Phillip, see Baylis, Shane M., , and Mark E. phoenicotis, 380, 383 Hauber Chlorodrepanis spp., 655 Cassin’s Auklet, see Ptychoramphus aleuticus Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys, 572-580 Castillo, Jestis M., see Carrién-Tacuri, Jorge, Regina Chlorostilbon spp., 106 Berjano, Giovanny Guerrero, Enrique Figueroa, Choloepus Spp., 295 Alan Tye, and ———— Chondestes grammacus, 24-30 cat, domestic, see Felis catus Chondrohierax uncinatus, 636-640 Catbird, Black, see Melanoptila glabrirostris Chordeiles minor, 27-28, 113-118, 793-797 Gray, see Dumetella carolinensis Chroicocephalus philidelphia, 69 Cathartes aura, 570, 636-640, 758 ridibundus, 607 Catharus bicknelli, 396-399 Ciconia ciconia, 354-366 fuscescens, 13, 217-229, 265-269, 396-399, 702 maguari, 636-637 guttatus, 375-379 ‘inclus cinclus, 685 ustulatus, 12, 217-229, 345, 348, 350, 369 mexicanus, 682, 685 Cava, Jenna A., Andrew C. Stewart, and Robert N. innyris dussumieri, 348 Rosenfield, Introduced species dominate the diet ‘ircus buffoni, 636-640 of breeding urban Cooper’s Hawks in British spp., 670 Columbia, 775-782 iridops anna, 651-674 (Frontispiece), 680 Cavia aperea, 591-592 tenax, 655-656, 660, 669 Cebus appela, 91 ‘issopis spp., 380 Celeus spectabilis spectabilis, 22 ‘istothorus palustris, 188—190 Centrocercus urophasianus, 96 platensis, 571 Cepphus grylle, 247 Clethrionomys gapperi, 203 Certhia americana, 177-179, 217-229 climate change americana extima, 177 affect on protandry in seven passerines in North Chaetura brachyura, 807 America, 208-216 cinereiventris, 807 Megascops asio responses to suburban sprawl, warmer meridionalis, 807 climate, and additional avian food in central pelagica, 802-807 Texas, 630-633 spp., 156 Cnemoscopus rubrirostris, 572-580 vauxi, 806 coati [coatimundi], South American, see Nasua nasua Chaffinch, Common, see Fringilla coelebs white-nosed, see Nasua narica Chalcomitra amethystina, 348 Coccyzus americanus, 33, 570 Chalfoun, Anna D., see Kramer, Gunnar R. and Coereba flaveola, 84 Chaoborus crystillinus, 159 Colaptes auratus, 217-229, 389-392, 779 Charadrius collaris, 42-44, 47 rivolii, 572-580 falklandicus, 489, 494 rubiginosus, 570 854 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 124, No. 4, December 2012 Colinus virginianus, 27-28, 186, 299, 364 Croston, Rebecca, Christopher M. Tonra, Sacha K. Heath, Collins, Charles T. and Betsy Trent Thomas, Food habits of and Mark E. Hauber, Flange color differences of two Fork-tailed Swifts in Venezuela, 152-157 brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds from nests Collocalia esculenta, 153 of two host species, 139-145 Columba livia, 391, 570, 593, 759, 779 Crotophaga ani, 342 Columbina inca, 570 sulcirostris, 570 minuta, 570 Crow, American, see Corvus brachyrhynchos picui, 593 Carrion, see Corvus corone talpacoti, 570, 770 House, see Corvus splendens Conebill, Blue-backed, see Conirostrum sitticolor Large-billed, see Corvus macrorhynchos Conirostrum sitticolor, 572-580 Northwestern, see Corvus caurinus conservation status Cryptonanus chacoensis, 592 historical and current status of Leucophaeus atricilla Crypturellus casiquiare, 22 breeding in New York State, 525-530 duidae, 22 Contopus cinereus, 570 Cuckoo, Common, see Cuculus canorus fumigatus, 172 Guira, see Guira guira nigrescens nigrescens, 23 Yellow-billed, see Coccyzus americanus virens, 217-229 Cuculus canorus, 142-143, 513-514 Conuropsis carolinensis, 728 Cuervo, Andrés M., see Ocampo, David, M. Camila Coracias spp., 336 Estrada-F, Jenny M. Mujfioz, Laura V. Londojo, Coragyps atratus, 570, 636-640 Santiago David, Giovanny Valencia, Paula A. Cormorant, Double-crested, see Phalacrocorax auritus Morales, Jaime A. Garizabal, and ———— Great, see Phalacrocorax carbo Cueto, Gerardo, see Teta, Pablo, Carina Hercolini, and Neotropic, see Phalacrocorax brasilianus Corréa, Leandro, see Reinert, Bianca L., Ricardo Belmonte- Curassow, Great, see Crax rubra Lopes, Marcos R. Bornschein, Daiane D. Sobotka, Helmeted, see Pauxi pauxi ———., Marco R. Pie, and Marco A. Pizo Red-billed, see Crax blumenbachii Corvus brachyrhynchos, 819 Currie, Dave, see Ewert, David N., Kimberly R. Hall, caurinus, 779 Joseph M. Wunderle Jr., ————, Sarah M. Rock- corax, 406 well, Scott B. Johnson, and Jennifer D. White corone, 514-515 Curry, Robert L., see LaPergola, Joshua B., Jestis Gustavo hawaiiensis, 680 Marina Hipolito, Juan E. Martinez-Gémez, and macrorhynchos, 514 ruficollis, 406 Cyanistes caeruleus, 162-165, 265, 387 splendens, 406-408 Cyanocitta cristata, 217-229 spp.., 190 Cyanocorax beecheii, 93 Coryphaspiza melanotis, 60 caeruleus, 93-94 cottontail, Eastern, see Sylvilagus floridanus chrysops, 87-95 Coturnix japonica, 189 cristatellus, 93 Courter, Jason R. and Gary Ritchison, Asynmetries in mobbing dickeyi, 93-94 behavior among nuclear flockmates, 626-629 heilprini [helprini, 18], 23 Cowbird, Bronzed, see Molothrus aeneus yncas, 93, 171 Brown-headed, see Molothrus ater yucatanicus, 571 Shiny, see Molothrus bonariensis Cyanoliseus patagonus, 586 Cracticus cassicus, 351 Cyanolyca armillata, 572-580 Crane, Black-necked, see Grus nigricollis Cyanomitra olivacea, 348 Red-crowned, see Grus japonensis Cynanthus latirostris, 641 White-naped, see Grus vipio Cyphorinus arada salvin, 23 Cranioleuca erythrops, 812-815 Cypseloides niger borealis, \-8 (Frontispiece), 797-802 Crary, Andrea L., see Junda, James H., — , and Peter niger costaricensis, \—2 Pyie Cypsiurus parvus, 153 Crax alector, 325-326 blumenbachii, 321-327 daubentoni, 326 D fasciolata, 325-326 D’ Angelo, Giulia B., see Sazima, Ivan and globulosa, 326 d’Horta, Fernando Mendonca, Guy M. Kirwan, and Dante rubra, 294, 326 Buzzetti, Gaudy juvenile plumages of Cinereous rubra rubra, 326 Mourner (Laniocera hypopyrra) and Brazilian Creeper, Brown, see Certhia americana Laniisoma (Laniisoma elegans), 429-435 Crombec, Red-faced, see Sylvietta whytii Daigre, Maximiliano, Paulina Arce, and Alejandro Simeone, Crossbill, Red, see Loxia curvirostra Fledgling Peruvian Pelicans (Pelecanus thagus) INDEX TO VOLUME 124 attack and consume younger unrelated conspecifics, Dipper, American, see Cinclus mexicanus 603-607 White-throated, see Cinclus cinclus Da Silva, José M. C., see Borges, Sérgio H. and dispersal Davango, Paulo V., Livia M. S. Souza, Leonardo S. de movement and cover-type selection by fledgling Seiurus Oliveira, and Mercival R. Francisco, Intraspecific aurocapilla, 620-625 brood parasitism of the Pale-breasted Thrush distribution (Turdus leucomelas), 611-614 a new location for Hylomanes momotula in Costa Rica, David, Santiago, see Ocampo, David, M. Camila Estrada-F, 815-817 Jenny M. Munoz, Laura V. Londojfio, ; first record of a Harpia harpyja nest in Belize, 292-297 Giovanny Valencia, Paula A. Morales, Jaime A. historical and current status of Leucophaeus atricilla Garizabal, and Andrés M. Cuervo breeding in New York State, 525-530 Davis Jr., William E., review A field guide to the birds of history, structure, evolution, behavior, distribution, and New Zealand, by Julian Fitter and Don Merton, ecology of the extinct Hawaiian genus Ciridops 647-648 (Fringillidae, Carduelini, Drepanidini), 651-674 Davis Jr., William E., review, The complete guide to migration routes and breeding areas of Grus nigricollis, finding the birds of Australia, by Richard Thomas, 704-712 Sarah Thomas, David Andrew, and Alan McBride, winter songs reveal geographic origin of migratory 195 seedeaters (Sporophila spp.) in southern neo- Decapterus sp., 70 tropical grasslands, 688-697 deer, see Odocoileus spp. wintering area of Cypseloides niger borealis, 1-8 Delichon urbicum, 791 Diuca spp., 380 Delord, Karine, see Lormée, Herve, Bruno Dives dives, 562, 564, 571 Letournel, and Christophe Barbraud Dixiphia pipra discolor, 23 Deltamys kempi, 592 dog, feral, see Canis familiaris Dendrobaena octaedra, 376 Dolospingus fringilloides, 23 Dendrocopos spp., 336 dos Anjos, Luiz, see Boesing, Andrea Larissa, Willian Dendrocygna autumnalis, 183-185 Menq, and ———— spp.. 240 dos Anjos, Luiz, see Uejima, Angelica Maria Kazue, de Oliveira, Leonardo S., see Davango, Paulo V., Livia M. Andrea Larissa Boesing, and S. Souza, , and Mercival R. Francisco Dove, Laughing, see Streptopelia senegalensis Deutschlander, Mark E., John B. Phillips, and Ursula Mourning, see Zenaida macroura Munro, Age-dependent orientation to magnetically- Ruddy Ground, see Columbina talpacoti simulated geographic displacements in migratory White-winged, see Zenaida asiatica Australian Silvereyes (Zosterops |. lateralis), 467— Drepanis pacifica, 659 477 sensu lato, 655 Dickcissel, see Spiza americana spp., 655, 661 Dicrurus adsimilis, 348 driftfish, see Psenes sp. Didelphis albiventris, 507, 591-592 Drongo, Fork-tailed, see Dicrurus adsimilis marsupialis, 294, 296 Drosophila spp., 667 spp.. 93 Dryocopus lineatus, 178-179, 570 diet Dubusia taeniata, 572-580 food habits of Tachornis squamata in Venezuela, 152 Duck, American Black, see Anas rubripes 157 Whistling, see Dendrocygna spp. introduced species dominate the diet of breeding urban Wood, see Aix sponsa Accipiter cooperii in British Columbia, 775-782 Dumetella carolinensis, 33, 267-268, 571, 702 items of Harpia harpyja in Belize, 292-297 Dykstra, Cheryl R., Jeffrey L. Hays, Melinda M. Simon, nestling diet of Sturnella magna in east-central Illinois, and Ann R. Wegman, Protocalliphora (Diptera: 399-402 Calliphoridae) infestations of nestling Red-shoul- of Spiza americana nestlings in native warm-season dered Hawks in southern Ohio, 783-787 grass field buffers, 298-309 E of western North Atlantic seabirds foraging over Sargassum, 66-72 Eagle, Bald, see Haliaeetus |Haliwetus| leucocephalus predation on seeds of invasive Lantana camara by Harpy, see Harpia harpyja Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands, 338- earthworm, European, see Lumbricus spp. 344 Eclectus roratus, 393 variation in the diet of Tyto alba along an urban-rural ecology gradient, 589-596 aromatic plants in Cyanistes caeruleus nests: the ‘Nest Diglossa albilatera, 572-580 Protection Hypothesis’ revisited, 162—165 cyanea, 572-580 arthropod abundance and bird use of bottomland forest lafresnayii, 572-580 gaps, 31-39 spp., 177 brood sex ratio of Amazona finschi, 393-396 856 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 124, No. 4, December 2012 composition of mixed-species bird flocks in Alto Egret, Western Cattle, see Bubulcus ibis Quindio, Colombia, 572—580 Egretta caerulea, 570 ecology and habitat selection of Pluvianellus socialis, thula, 570 487-496 Elaenia, White-crested, see Elaenia albiceps environmental factors affecting nest-site selection and Elaenia albiceps, 633 breeding success of Ciconia ciconia in Western chiriquensis albivertex, 554 Turkey, 354-361 cristata, 554 grassland bird community response to wildfire, 24-30 Elanoides forficatus, 768 history, structure, evolution, behavior, distribution, and Elanus leucurus, 570 ecology of the extinct Hawalian genus Ciridops Elaphe bairdi, 281 (Fringillidae, Carduelini, Drepanidini), 651-674 climacophora, 514 landscape-level forest cover is a predictor of Setophaga obsoleta, 732-733 cerulea abundance, 721-727 Ellis-Felege, Susan N., review, Trophic interactions: mating and breeding success decline with elevation for predators, prey and the changing dynamics of Troglodytes pacificus in coastal mountain for- nature, edited by John Terborgh and James A. ests, 270-276 Estes, 646-647 Megascops asio responses to suburban sprawl, warmer Emberiza ciris, 655 climate, and additional avian food in central Emberizoides herbicola, 60 Texas, 630-633 Embernagra longicauda, 57-65 nesting density of Catharus guttatus in a remnant Emerald, White-bellied, see Amazilia candida invasive earthworm-free portion of a Wisconsin Empidonax albigularis, 570 hardwood forest, 375-379 alnorum, 217-229 post-fledging ecology of Glaucidium gnoma in the flaviventris, 217-229, 347, 570 Rocky Mountains, 199-207 minimus, 217-229, 268, 570 predation on seeds of invasive Lantana camara by oberholseri, 554 Darwin's finches in the Galapagos Islands, 338— traillii, 217-229, 570 344 virescens, 347 sexual selection and mating chronology of Tympanuchus endemism pallidicinctus, 96-105 new area for Amazonian birds in the Rio Negro Basin, species, functional groups, and habitat preferences of 15-23 birds in five agroforestry classes in Tabasco, Enderson, James H., Robert J. Oakleaf, Ralph R. Rogers, Mexico, 558-571 and Jay S. Sumner, Nesting performance of temporal and spatial patterns in abundance of Glypho- Peregrine Falcons in Colorado, Montana, and rynchus spirurus in lowland Ecuador, 436-445 Wyoming, 2005-2009, 127-132 variation in the diet of Tyto alba along an urban-rural Endo, Sachiko, Nest-site characteristics affect probability gradient, 589-596 of nest predation of Bull-headed Shrikes, 513-517 winter microhabitat foraging preferences of sympatric Eremophila alpestris, 24-30, 413 Poecile hudsonicus and P. atricapillus in alpestris articola, 274-275 Michigan's Upper Peninsula, 820-824 Eriophora biapicata, 347, 350 Zosterops lateralis song differentiation in an island- spp., 351 mainland comparison, 454-466 Erithacus rubecula, 364 editorial, 848 ermine, see Mustela erminea editorial news, 427, 643 Escalante, Patricia, see Pease, Shannon M., Alejandro Edwards, Ernest P., Award, 1970-2011, 877 Salinas-Meigoza, Katherine Renton, ————, and ges Timothy F. Wright description for Anthus lutescens, 119-126 Estades, Cristian F., see Quilodran, Claudio, S., Rodrigo A. description for Chlorochrysa calliparaea |calliparea}, Vasquez, and — 380-384 Estrada-F, M. Camila, see Ocampo, David, ————, Jenny description for Cyanocorax chrysops, 87-95 M. Munoz, Laura V. Londofio, Santiago David, description for Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster of the Giovanny Valencia, Pauia A. Morales, Jaime A. Colombian Andes, 538-546 Garizabal, and Andrés M. Cuervo description for Myiotheretes fumigatus from Ecuador, Eudocimus albus, 606 169-173 Eugenia sp., 744 description for Poospiza cinerea in southeastern Brazil, Eulampis holosericeus, 84 166-169 jugularis, 81-86 description for Sporophila melanogaster, 173-176 Eumops bonariensis, 592 description for Stymphalornis acutirostris, 286-291 Eupetomena macroura, 106, 111 first description of the nest and eggs of the island- Euphagus carolinus, 698-703 endemic Vireo bairdi, 743-749 Euphonia hirundinacea, 57\ measurements for Troglodytes aedon chilensis on Chiloé laniirostris, 812-815 Island, southern Chile, 531-537 Euphonias, Thick-billed, see Euphonia laniirostris INDEX TO VOLUME 124 Evans, William C., see Bond, Alexander, . and lan Least, see Empidonax minimus L. Jones Pale-edged, see Myiarchus cephalotes Ewert, David N., Kimberly R. Hall, Joseph M. Wunderle Scissor-tailed, see Tyrannus forficatus Jr., Dave Currie, Sarah M. Rockwell, Scott B Spotted, see Muscicapa striata Johnson, and Jennifer D. White, Duration and rate Suiriri, see Suiriri suiriri of spring migration of Kirkland’s Warblers, 9-14 Vermilion, see Pyrocephalus rubinus Excalfactoria chinensis, 519 Willow, see Empidonax traillii F Yellow-bellied, see Empidonax flaviventris Foliage-gleaner, Henna-capped, see Hylocryptus rectirostris Fairywren, Red-backed, see Malurus melanocephalus Fontana, Carla Suertegaray, see Rovedder, Cristiano Eidt Superb, see Malurus cyaneus and Falco columbarius, 416 Forbes, Scott, see Grieves, Leanne A. and mexicanus, 783 fox, arctic, see Alopex lagopus peregrinus, [perigrinus, 127| 127-132, 148 gray, see Urocyon cinereoargenteus sparverius, 753, 758, 791 Fox, James W., see Beason, Jason P., Carolyn Gunn, Kim spp., 336 M. Potter, Robert A. Sparks, and tinnunculus, 395 Fox, James W., see Johnson, James A., Steven M Falcon, Peregrine, see Falco peregrinus Matsuoka, David F. Tessler, Russell Greenberg, Prairie, see Falco mexicanus and Slaty-backed Forest, see Micrastur mirandollei Francisco, Mercival R., see Davango, Paulo V., Livia M. S Fantail, Rufous, see Rhipidura rufifrons Souza, Leonardo S. de Oliveira, and Felis catus, 385, 478, 514, 610, 675, 679, 743 Francisco, Mercival R., see Freitas, Maikon S. and Ferrer-Paris, José Rafael, see Rodriguez, Gustavo A., Jon Fratercula arctica, 246, 250-251 Paul Rodriguez, ———, and Ada Sénchez-Mercado Freeman-Gallant, Corey R., see Taff, Conor C., Katherine Ficedula albicollis, 387 A. Littrell, and ——— hypoleuca, 387, 467, 613 Fregata minor, 600 Figueroa, Enrique, see Carridn-Tacuri, Jorge, Regina Freitas, Guilherme H. S. and Marcos Rodrigues, Territory Berjano, Giovanny Guerrero, — Alan Tye, distribution and habitat selection of the Serra Finch and Jestis M. Castillo (Embernagra longicauda) in Serra do Cip6, Brazil, filefish, see Aluterus sp., Monacanthus sp. 57-65 fringed, see Monacanthus ciliatus Freitas, Maikon S. and Mercival R. Francisco, Reproduc- planehead, see Stephanolepis hispidus tive life history traits of the Yellowish Pipit (Anthus Finch, Black-capped Warbling, see Poospiza melanoleuca lutescens), 119-126 Black-masked, see Coryphaspiza melanotis Frigatebird Great, see Fregata minor Cinereous Warbling, see Poospiza cinerea Fringilla anna, 653-656 House, see Carpodacus mexicanus coelebs, 265 Large Ground, see Geospiza magnirostris spp., 653-655 Medium Ground, see Geospiza fortis Frye, Graham G. and Harry R. Jageman, Post-fledging Plain-tailed Warbling, see Poospiza alticola ecology of Northern Pygmy-Owls in the Rocky Purple, see Carpodacus purpureus Mountains, 199-207 Ringed Warbling, see Poospiza torquata Fulmar, Northern, see Fulmarus glacialis Rusty-browed Warbling, see Poospiza erythrophrys Fulmarus glacialis, 69, 416 Serra, see Embernagra longicauda Funes, Carlos, Oscar Bolanos, and Oliver Komar, Breeding Slaty Brush, see Atlapetes schistaceus of the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) in Wedge-tailed Grass, see Emberizoides herbicola Central America, 177-179 Zebra, see Taeniopygia guttata Furnarius rufus, 593 Firefinch, Jameson’s, see Lagonosticta rhodopareia G Red-billed, see Lagonosticta senegala Fitzgerald, Jane A., see Thompson III, Frank R., Mark B Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis, 22 Robbins, and ———— Galbula chalcothorax, 22 Flatbill, Yellow-olive, see Tolmomyias sulphurescens pastazae, 22 Flicker, Northern, see Colaptes auratus tombacea tombacea, 22 Flowerpiercer, Masked, see Diglossa cyanea Galictis cuja, 507 Flycatcher, Acadian, see Empidonax virescens Gallus gallus domesticus |Gallus gallus, 294, 521] Alder, see Empidonax alnorum Gannet, Northern, see Morus bassanus Ash-throated, see Myiarchus cinerascens Gantchoff, Mariela G., see Segura, Luciano N., Diego A Chapada, see Suiriri islerorum Masson, and ———— Cinnamon, see Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus Garcia, William, see Rotenberg, James A., Jacob A. Marlin, Cliff, see Hirundinea ferruginea Liberato Pop, and —— Collared, see Ficedula albicollis Garizabal, Jaime A.., see Ocampo, David, M. Camila European Pied, see Ficedula hypoleuca Estrada-F, Jenny M. Mufioz, Laura V Londono, 858 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 124, No. 4, December 2012 Santiago David, Giovanny Valencia, Paula A. Eared, see Podiceps nigricollis Morales, —— —, and Andrés M. Cuervo North American Eared, see Podiceps nigricollis califor- Gaudioso, Jacqueline M., see Judge, Seth W., ———, P. nicus Marcos Gorresen, and Richard J. Camp Pied-billed, see Podilymbus podiceps Gavia immer, 73-80 Red-necked, see Podiceps grisegena Gayk, Zach G. and Alec R. Lindsay, Winter microhabitat Silvery, see Podiceps occipitalis foraging preferences of sympatric Boreal and Western, see Aechmophorus occidentalis Black-capped chickadees in Michigan’s Upper Greenberg, Russell, see Johnson, James A., Steven M. Peninsula, 820-824 Matsuoka, David F. Tessler, ————, and James W. Gehlbach, Frederick R., Eastern Screech-Owl responses to Fox suburban sprawl, warmer climate, and additional Greeney, Harold F., see Stawarczyk, Tadeusz, Marta avian food in central Texas, 630-633 Borowiec, ————, and Jose T. Simbajia Gelochelidon nilotica, 68 Greenlaw, Jon S. and William Post, Apparent forced Geococcyx californianus, 283 mating and female control in Saltmarsh Sparrows, Geospiza fortis, 338-344 253-264 magnirostris, 338-344 Grieves, Leanne A. and Scott Forbes, Do Sora nests protect spp., 139 Red-winged Blackbirds from Marsh Wren preda- Geothlypis formosa, 33 tion? 188-190 philadelphia |philadephia, 229], 208-216 Grisham, Blake A., see Behney, Adam C., ———, Clint trichas 208-216, 267, 349, 370-374, 571 W. Boal, Heather A. Whitlaw, and David A. Geotrygon costaricensis, 815 Haukos Gerwin, John A., see Bishop, Jennifer Thompson, ———, grison, lesser, see Galictis cuja and Richard A. Lancia Grosbeak, Blue, see Passerina caerulea glasseye, see Heteropriacanthus cruentatus Kona, see Chloridops kona Glaucidium brasilianum, 200, 204-205, 239, 570 Rose-breasted, see Pheucticus ludovicianus gnoma, 199-207 (Frontispiece), 628 Grouse, Chinese, see Tetrastes sewerzowi griseiceps, 815 Red, see Lagopus lagopus scotica [scoticus} nana, 633-635 Ruffed, see Bonasa umbellus passerinum, 204-205 Sharp-tailed, see Tympanuchus phasianellus Glyphorynchus spirurus, 436-445 Grus japonensis, 709 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, see Polioptila caerulea nigricollis, 704-712 California, see Polioptila californica spp., 335 Godwit, Hudsonian, see Limosa haemastica vipio, 709 Goldcrest, see Regulus regulus Gil, Orhan, see Onmus, Ortag, Yildirm Agaoglu, and Golden-Plover (Golden Plover), American, see Piuvialis dominica Guerrero, Giovanny, see Carrién-Tacuri, Jorge, Regina Goldfinch, American, see Spinus tristis Berjano, —, Enrique Figueroa, Alan Tye, and Lesser, see Spinus psaltria Jestis M. Castillo Goose, Canada, see Branta canadensis Guillemot, Black, see Cepphus grylle Giant Canada, see Branta canadensis maxima Guineafow!, Helmeted, see Numida meleagris Hawaiian (Néné), see Branta sandvicensis Guira guira, 507, 509 Gorresen, P. Marcos, see Judge, Seth W., Jacqueline M. Gull, Audouin’s, see Ichthyaetus audouinii Gaudioso, ————, and Richard J. Camp Goshawk, Northern, see Accipiter gentilis Black-headed, see Chroicocephalus ridibundus Gosser, Allen L., see Washburn, Brian E., Martin S. Bonaparte’s, see Chroicocephaius philidelphia Lowney, and ———— Glaucous-winged, see Larus glaucescens Gow, Elizabeth A. and Karen L. Wiebe, An unusually Great Black-backed, see Larus marinus synchronous double brooding attempt by a North- Herring, see Larus argentatus ern Flicker pair, 389-392 Kelp, see Larus dominicanus Gowda, Vinita, Ethan J. Temeles. and W. John Kress, Laughing, see Leucophaeus atricilla Territorial fidelity to nectar sources by Purple- Ring-billed, see Larus delawarensis throated Caribs, Eulampis jugularis, 81-86 Sabine’s, see Xema sabini Grackle, Common, see Quiscalus quiscula Gunn, Carolyn, Kim M. Potter, and Jason P. Beason, Nest Great-tailed, see Quiscalus mexicanus microclimate at Northern Black Swift colonies in Red-bellied, see Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster Colorado, New Mexico, and California: tempera- Velvet-fronted, see Lampropscr tanagrinus ture and relative humidity, 797-802 Grallaria dignissima [dignissima, 23} Gunn, Carolyn, see Beason, Jason P., ————, Kim M. Grallistrix spp., 669 Potter, Robert A. Sparks, and James W. Fox Grassquit, Blue-black, see Volatinia jacarina Gymnomystax mexicanus, 544 Grebe, Black-necked, see Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis Gymnopithys leucaspis castaneus, 23 Clark’s, see Aechmophorus ciarkii leucaspis lateralis, 23

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